Sapblended 1 - 08 04 2024

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NAME: TIME DURATION: 9:30 am – 3:45 pm


DIRECTIONS: Complete your task in accordance with the format, keeping in mind the steps involved in
solving problems. Fill out a blank sheet of 8.5" by 13" bond paper, save it as a PDF, and then save it with
the file name SAPBLENDED-1_08-04-2024_FIRSTNAME LASTNAME.
Sampling Distribution Using the Central Limit Theorem

1. Kala is a volunteer at her job. She discovered that a person's blood donation capacity has a mean
of 470 mL and a standard deviation of 30 mL, which corresponds to a normal distribution. What
is the likelihood that 16 blood donors will donate between 460 and 475 milliliters on average?
2. In a village of 900 households, the average daily water consumption is 120 liters, with a standard
deviation of 15 liters. What is the likelihood that each of the 75 households in the village uses 115
liters or more of water on a daily average?

The Central Limit Theorem

3. A data set has the following values: 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. Show that the sample mean's sampling
distribution histogram has a bell-like shape to demonstrate the Central Limit Theorem using a
sample size of three without replacement.
4. Mrs. Dela Cruz tested her 115 Grade 12 students with 50 items. The exam's results indicate an
average score of 36 with a 2.7 standard deviation. Assume Mrs. Dela Cruz collected 33 samples
on multiple occasions and determined the sample mean for each.
a) Calculate the sample mean's mean.
b) Determine the sample mean's standard error.
c) Ascertain the sample mean's sampling distribution's shape.

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