Time Travel

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For starters imagine you are a small insect on the surface of

an apple and you cannot easily move around to the other side
of the apple nor anywhere else so basically the surface of the
apple is your whole universe. Now imagine that a worm has
eaten a whole through the apple. so now you have two ways
to go to the other side of the apple one around the apple and
the second one the shorter way trough the wormhole
Wormholes. They may or may not exist. There’s also no proof
of them And they take you from place to some other place.
To some further explanation, let’s say two places on Earth.
Let’s say London and Tennessee. So you’re from London and
want to go to Tennessee, and the shortest way would be
through a warm hole in the middle of a London. You just go
through it and it will take you from our universe And we have
3 dimensions. Trough Some other universe with 4 or more
dimensions. To Tennessee again in our universe.
So wormhole has two end or we can say 2 mouths. And it is
extremely unstable. Because of the gravity. And it has another
universe and dimensions 4 or more to be specific. Through its
There are no wormholes in our Galaxy, but scientists believe
that in other galaxies may be wormholes. But scientists thinks
that it would wouldn’t be Possible Owning an account as a
result, due to gravity and for a fact, it would tear itself. Due to
the law of gravity which states that every object is pulling
every other object. Due to this law, both ends of the warm
hole would pull each other.
The Inside which is very unstable and nothing or no one could
pass through it and we would need some kind of anti gravity
device so we could stabilize the wormhole. Even though we
don’t have antigravity device now. Doesn’t mean we won’t
have it in the future. But the antigravity device would need so
much power to stabilize something like a worm hole, just to
the mass of a warm hole, which is extreme big.
Back to the traveling, you could take journey that would
normally take several years in just a few days. And you could.
Go back in time to talk to your past self. Or maybe not.
Stephen Hawking said that the loss of physique made it
impossible for anybody to make a time machine and go back
in time. And change history. But this tool is also a theory for
Now let’s talk about something called time dilation. This
means that when we are together in A room. The tick tock
sound we hear and the time is the same for both of us. But
let’s say I was on vacation somewhere far away. The tick tock
sound would Be the same, but the time would be different.
This is the same as when someone is in spaceship and is going
extremely fast. This is how when someone’s in space it’s only
days for him, but on earth it’s years. So that’s why when I
would come back from a spaceship. I would be still young. But
all people on earth would be years older.

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