(2019) (Betz) Is The Force Awakening

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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Is the force awakening? T

Ulrich A.K. Betz

Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Straße 250, Postcode F127/003, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany


Keywords: Scientific and technological progress over the centuries was very strong in some fields, much weaker in others
Science and even virtually absent in a few so far. For the future, there are a series of areas where new breakthroughs can
Technology be expected to occur. However, there is some evidence that such breakthroughs seem to be increasingly difficult
Future foresight to achieve. The paper reviews these discussions, maps scientific and technological progress over the centuries
and presents new ideas on how to foster and accelerate scientific and technological advancement.

Since Johannes Kepler with “Somnium” (Kepler, 1634) wrote the (1993), Kurzweil (2006) and Erik Brynjolfsson/Andrew McAfee
world's first science fiction novel (encompassing a travel to the moon), (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2011, 2014), mostly based on already
science fiction has remained a source of inspiration for scientists and achieved and projected future breakthroughs in IT and communication
the public, as convincingly demonstrated for example with the Star technologies - enabling cognitive computing, big data analysis and ar-
Wars movie “The Force Awakens” which broke box-office records all tificial intelligence which are supposed to catalyze progress in diverse
over the world (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/). Experien- areas (Chen and Butte, 2015). In fact, the rise of computers has become
cing the impressive visualization of advanced technologies leaves us publicly apparent with key events such as the victory of Deep Blue over
wondering whether mankind will ever be able to achieve such tech- the chess world champion Gary Kasparov (Weber, 1997) under official
nological progress. Beyond science fiction, there are predictions made tournament conditions in 1997 or the winning of the quiz jeopardy! by
in the frame of serious future foresight activities. Throughout the entire the IBM Watson system in 2011 (Markoff, 2011). Machine learning
20th century, the year 2000 often served as a time on which such algorithms have already reached an impressive level of sophistication
predictions for advancement were projected, as for example nicely and Google's Deep Q-Network (DQN) has been able to master a diverse
summarized by Davis (2012). Retrospectively, these predictions now range of Atari 2600 games superior to a professional human game tester
seem over-optimistic and have largely not been fulfilled, progress un- (Mnih et al., 2015). The fact that Google Deep Mind was able to beat
fortunately having been much slower than initially anticipated Lee Sedol, one of the world's top players in 2016, was another key
(Humphrey, 1967; Kahn and Wiener, 1967). Predictions for example milestone, as this game due to its high number of variations is ex-
included: Elimination of bacterial and viral diseases, large-scale ocean ponentially more complex than chess and requires a certain degree of
farming, weather control, establishment of space colonies (e.g. the ring- intuition (Gibney, 2016). The list of achievements was just recently
shaped “Taurus” was envisioned as a colony that could house 10,000 topped by Deep Stack, an algorithm for imperfect-information settings,
people for the purpose of mining ore from the moon) etc. If you would which was able to defeat with statistical significance professional poker
transfer someone from 1967 to 2017 and tell him this is the future, most players (Moravcik et al., 2017). Even the occurrence of an event called
likely he would be very disappointed. Looking out of the window, the technological singularity is projected, the generation of artificial in-
world today looks quite similar to how it looked in the 60s. At first telligence capable of recursive self-improvement whereby smart ma-
sight, it seems that not much has changed except the design of cars and chines would design successive generations of increasingly powerful
the smartphones in our hands. How can it be that technological pro- machines, creating intelligence far exceeding human intellectual cap-
gress overall was much slower than predicted? In fact, efforts to look ability (Kurzweil, 2006; Vinge, 1993), basically the last invention
back on what has been achieved so far and what can be expected from humanity would ever have to make. Kurzweil has more generally
the future have triggered an intense debate on whether technological summarized this as the law of accelerating returns and predicted that
progress is overall accelerating as usually claimed or whether it might paradigm shifts have and will continue to become increasingly
even have decelerated in recent decades. common, leading to “technological change so rapid and profound it
Key examples of proponents for the optimistic position are Vinge represents a rupture in the fabric of human history” (Kurzweil, 2011).

E-mail address: ulrich.betz@merckgroup.com.

Received 24 July 2017; Accepted 15 August 2017
Available online 31 August 2017
0040-1625/ © 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/).
U.A.K. Betz Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

He even arrived at the prediction that already the generation of humans children entering the labor market today (Chetty et al., 2017), largely
living today will live forever (Goldman, 2013). Amazingly, just recently due to lower GDP growth rates and greater inequality in the distribu-
a series of discoveries have brought a breakthrough in anti-aging re- tion of growth (Goldin and Katz, 2008). It has been argued that this
search (Castellano et al., 2017). slowdown would be the best available evidence that the third industrial
On the other end of the spectrum, however, several proponents have revolution (mainly digital, post 1972) was a mere shadow of the second
argued that technological progress in the past decades has decelerated. industrial revolution (1875–1972) (Gordon, 2012). Another interesting
This is, for example, claimed by Michael Mandel (Mandell, 2000), Peter phenomenon signaling a decrease in dynamism is that the share of start-
Thiel with Gary Kasparow (Thiel and Kasparow, 2011), David Graeber up firms declined from 2001 to 2011, a trend which has continued in
(Thiel and Graeber, 2014), Cowen, 2011a, b, 2016, Gordon, 2012, recent years (OECD, 2015). The aging of firms at the global frontier was
2016, Hanlon, 2014, Fredrick Erixon with Bjorn Weigel (Erixon and suggested by the OECD to foreshadow a slowdown in the arrival of
Weigel, 2016a, b) and summarized by Rotman (2016), Graeber (2012), radical innovations and productivity growth (Andrews et al., 2015).
Karlgaard (2012), Pfeiffer (2016), several articles in The Economist Most indices agree that in most of the world's regions an excess of funds
(Economist, 2013a, 2013b; The Economist, 2015), Buchanan, 2015 and is chasing too few growth investment opportunities and even compa-
Fry, 2016 but heavily contradicted by others such as Gates (2014) or nies considered to be innovation pioneers are sitting on huge cash piles
Mokyr (2014) just to mention a few. rather than investing them (Riley, 2015).
And the argument for a slowdown at first sight really seems ridi- Against this view it was convincingly argued that the digitalization
culous, as conventional wisdom is that the world is moving faster and and IT revolution produces great benefits that are not reflected in an
faster and that the pace of innovation is constantly accelerating. Since immediate GDP increase (e.g. free access to knowledge and digital as-
2007, when the first i-phone was released, we experience a digital surge sets) such that the GDP may no longer be the right measure of progress
that has had a visible impact on the way we live our lives. Driverless (The Economist, 2016). In addition, rather than indicating a slow-down
cars are arriving on our roads, drones will soon fly over our heads of science and technology, the lack of GDP growth could originate from
delivering goods, advanced surgery can be done by robots and modern the fact that humanity on earth is inevitably facing the limits of growth,
medicine will soon have made significant impact on cancer (Erixon and as first published in the famous Club of Rome report in 1972 (Meadows
Weigel, 2016a, b). For the first time in history, more people die today et al., 1972). Despite a lot of criticism that the first book has received,
from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from recent analysis has demonstrated that the essential points of the report
old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide are correct (Meadows and Randers, 2004). It could be shown that the
than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals combined (Harari, “business-as-usual scenario” described in the Limits to Growth report in
2015). The argument of an innovation slowdown is mainly based on the 1972 unfortunately aligns well with historical data so far. Going on
thought that the 1870 to 1970 period had experienced a technological unchanged, this would finally result in collapse of the global economy
revolution - unique in human history in its tremendous impact on daily and environment around 2020 with signs of decline becoming visible
lives (e.g. electricity, cars, antibiotics, telephone etc.). According to the earlier (Turner, 2014, Turner and Alexander, 2014).
proponents, such an impact on our lives has not been achieved by the Beyond GDP, looking at the healthcare sector as an example to
digital technologies since then. Gordon describes in his book, “The rise determine whether technological progress is accelerating or deceler-
and fall of American growth” (Gordon, 2016), the century between ating, it is evident that the most important sources of higher life ex-
1870 and 1970 as a special century, a period of unprecedented eco- pectancy in the 20th century were achieved in the first half of that
nomic growth and improvements in health and standard of living. He century, when life expectancy rose at twice the rate of the last half
stated that this economic revolution was unique in human history and (Cutler and Miller, 2005). Just recently, for the first time since 1993,
by 1970 lives had totally changed in the developed world. The in- Americans' life expectancy has even decreased (Xu et al., 2016). The
troduction of fundamentally new classes of technology seems rarer now fact that life expectancy in developing countries is increasing to levels
than it was in the past. Information technology has certainly trans- seen in the Western countries is an argument of improved development
formed the present day, but railways, telephony, automobiles and the and technology distribution but not of top technology advancement.
chemical and steel industries each brought transformations as big as Looking specifically at achieved breakthroughs in science and tech-
anything IT has wrought so far (The Economist, 2015). Indeed, it seems nology, Dong et al. have found that the last science and technology
that the genuine progress in IT from the 1970s up to the 2000s has productivity surge begins around the middle of the 16th century, peaks
masked the relative stagnation of energy, transportation, space, mate- at the early 20th century but declines since then (Dong et al., 2016).
rials, agriculture and medicine, at least when the advancement factors Likewise, the Pentagon physicist Jonathan Huebner (Hübner, 2005)
described above are taken as key performance indicators. Our ability to using a list of important technological discovery landmarks, has calcu-
do basic things such as protect ourselves from earthquakes and hurri- lated the global rate of innovation vs. population and has found that the
canes, to travel and to extend our lifespans is barely increasing. Many curve peaked around 1870 and has decreased since then. Interestingly,
technologies that are considered modern are actually already quite old, Ray Kurzweil using a similar methodology has reached the opposite
Augustin Mouchot wrote the first book on solar energy in 1869, John conclusion of Huebner: namely that technological progress has been
Ericson designed an engine powered by the sun a few years later, Ro- accelerating throughout all of Earth's history, and he predicted that it
bert Anderson designed the first electric car in 1831. will continue to do so (Kurzweil, 2006). It is important to note that in
Looking at the pure numbers in a non-biased way it has to be noted such assessments, the level of technology that was already reached in the
that the GDP growth has in fact slowed down in western countries (e.g. past and lost later should not be underestimated, such as e.g. indicated in
2.82% 1920–1970 and 1.62% 1970–2014 for the U.S.) (Rotman, 2016). recent discoveries around the ancient Greek Antikythera mechanism
Productivity growth actually had slowed down in many OECD countries which is an analog computer designed by Greek scientists in 205 BCE
already before the financial crisis, which only amplified the phenom- (Marchant, 2006). A similar Archimedes sphere has been described by
enon (OECD, 2015). Since the start of the financial crisis none of the Cicero (Marchant, 2015). Another striking example is nanotechnology
Western economies have so far returned to the pre-crises trend of GDP operated already by the ancient Romans. A historic glass chalice, known
growth (Erixon and Weigel, 2016a, b). The real median wage earned by as the Lycurgus Cup, appears green when lit from the front and red when
men in the United States is lower today than it was in 1969 and median lit from behind, a characteristic that puzzled scientists for decades. The
household income adjusted for inflation is now lower than it was in mystery wasn't solved until 1990 when researchers discovered that the
1999 (Cowen, 2016). Rates of absolute upward income mobility, chil- Roman artisans were nanotechnology pioneers that had impregnated the
dren's prospects of earning more than their parents in the U.S. have glass with particles of silver and gold, ground down until they were as
fallen sharply from ~90% for children born in 1940 to ~50% for small as 50 nm in diameter (Merali, 2013).

U.A.K. Betz Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

Let's look deeper in digitalization and IT as the poster child that to the period between the two world wars and 8 to 9% up to 2012
undoubtedly has progressed tremendously. Indeed, your cell phone has (Bornmann and Mutz, 2014). Not just in relation to scientific papers but
more computing power than all of NASA did when it sent a man to the also with patents, the past three decades have seen dramatic growth
moon (Kaku, 2011). Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder of Intel and and filings almost tripled between 1985 and 2014. Around 2.68 million
Fairchild Semiconductor, described in a seminal paper in 1965 (Moore, patent applications were filed worldwide in 2014 (http://www.wipo.
1965) a doubling every year in the number of components per in- int/pressroom/en/articles/2015/article_0016.html). In addition, the
tegrated circuit (with a revised forecast to doubling every two years world is producing more PhDs than ever before, China has now over-
(Moore, 1975)). This is called Moore's law, which in fact has guaranteed taken the U.S. to become the world's biggest producer of PhDs
an ever-increasing computation power over the years and has enabled (Cyranoski et al., 2011) and it is now estimated there are 7.8 million
the IT revolution. Even in this textbook example of accelerating in- researchers worldwide (UNESCO, 2015).
novation, it seems that the speed of advancement is decreasing and Last but not least, R & D funding seems not to be the problem either.
Moore's law seems to come to an end (Waltrop, 2016). In addition, the Worldwide R & D expenditures totaled an estimated $1.4 trillion (cur-
annual reduction in the price of ICT equipment relative to its perfor- rent PPP dollars) in 2011. The corresponding estimate for 5 years ear-
mance has peaked at minus 15% in 1998, but its rate of decline has lier in 2006 is $1.1 trillion. Ten years earlier, in 2001, it was $750
steadily diminished until then (Gordon, 2014). billion. By these figures, growth in total global R & D has been rapid,
If the viewpoint that the speed of innovation is decelerating in the averaging 6.4% annually over the 5-year period and 6.7% annually
past decades is true, then the question, of course, comes up “how could over the 10-year period. Adjusted for inflation in the US total spending
this be”? In their recent book “The innovation Illusion: Why so little is on R & D has almost tripled since 1965. Strikingly, however, also here it
created by so many working so hard” Erixon and Weigel (2016a, b) seems that recently we have moved into a decline. The OECD report
exhibit the view that a crisis of capitalism is the underlying reason for a published December 2016 (OECD Science, 2016) stated that govern-
decline in the speed of progress, listing as the four apocalyptic ment-financed R & D has declined (in real purchasing power parity
horsemen of decline: gray capitalism (aging populations with a lack of terms) by 2.4% since 2010, when it accounted for 31% of total OECD
willingness to invest in risky long-term innovation), excessive corporate R & D expenditures, falling to 27% by 2014. In its December report the
managerialism (play it safe and avoid all risks attitude), second-gen- OECD raised serious concerns about declining public funding for R & D
eration globalization (ability to expand markets via globalization and innovation raising concerns that the situation could deteriorate
without the need to innovate) and complex government regulations further with aging societies. In many OECD countries public research
that have rendered companies moribund and risk-averse. Their con- funding in 2015 was below the level determined for 2000 (e.g. Aus-
clusion is that R & D basically is still doing well, but that the generated tralia, Finland, France, UK, Italy, Spain and the U.S.). The report also
discoveries are not appropriately leveraged towards economic growth criticizes a shift from funding of basic research to R & D tax incentives
via risk-embracing entrepreneurs investing to channel the invention to for corporations, leading to less breakthrough and more incremental
the market to reach an audience. innovation. For the U.S., the situation has been described in a recent
Along the same line, Jan Vijg has argued that responsible govern- MIT analysis (MIT, 2016).
ment and industry leaders have begun to refrain from risky bets on In summary, the question of whether there is an acceleration or a
exciting new exploits and the time of grand projects, such as the decline in the speed of science and technology advancement depends
Eisenhower Interstate System, the Moon Landing Program or the de- very much on the specific area under investigation. While there is
velopment of the internet is behind us. Instead, we mainly pursue in- certainly room for optimism on some breakthrough technology areas
cremental improvements of existing technologies, embark in catch-up such as digitalization and robotics, there are also some signs of a decline
programs for developing countries and spend huge resources on social in GDP growth and generation of completely new breakthroughs. While
programs and military. The consequences are slowing advancement and the reasons for this are not entirely clear, it is safe to state that some
a decrease of the dramatic progress society has undergone since the technology areas are progressing much faster than others. If an extra-
industrial revolution now > 200 years ago (Vijg, 2011). It might even terrestrial civilization would look at us humans from outer space, they
be, that the digitalization revolution which often allows for very rapid would probably be surprised on our progress in some areas and dis-
pay-backs on investments has spoiled investors' appetite for more risky appointed about our progress in others. Similarly, it could be shown
long-term endeavors. that for the past 100 years information technology has outpaced energy
Other analysts have looked at the nature of discovery research itself technology in progress rates by a factor of 1.5 to 7 with neither type of
and came to interesting conclusions. Youn et al. (2015), via analyzing technology showing strong saturation effects (Koh and Magee, 2006).
the US patent records and associated technology codes since 1790, Nevertheless, 80-year exponential improvement in information storage
could demonstrate that the creation of completely new technological by mechanical and electronic means had only recently (~ 1990) sur-
capabilities has significantly decelerated and that combinatorial in- passed printing on paper as to information storage per unit cost (Koh
novation (Kodama, 1992) has become the norm. Things already and Magee, 2008).
changed around 1870 when growth in the number of new distinct Let's have a look at what humanity achieved so far in the various
technology patent codes slowed down. This suggests that invention now technology areas in boosting its natural capabilities.
proceeds mainly by recombining existing technologies and chimes with
the idea that inventions were, in some sense, more fundamental in the 1. Population
past than they are today (The Economist, 2015). It seems that humanity
desperately awaits the moment when we break through into some new Growth in human population size can be used as a baseline of our
domain of science, radically different from anything we currently em- advancement and has certainly seen a tremendous increase. Starting
brace, which opens a new door making a new innovation explosion from a bottleneck of only 2000–20,000 humans (Ambrose, 1998; Behar
again possible (Buchanan, 2015). et al., 2008) we have now expanded to 7.3 billion (http://www.
It is clear though that if there is a problem it is a problem of quality worldometers.info/world-population/). This would result in a popula-
but not quantity and these days ~2 million scientific papers are pub- tion advancement factor of 4 ∗ 10E5.
lished each year, more than ever before in human history (Ioannidis
et al., 2014). Lutz Bornmann and Rüdiger Mutz have identified three 2. Transport speed
growth phases in the development of science, which each led to growth
rates tripling in comparison with the previous phase: from < 1% The fastest human footspeed on record is 45.7 km/h seen during a
starting in the 17th up to the middle of the 18th century, to 2 to 3% up 100 m sprint (average speed between the 60th and the 80th meter) by

U.A.K. Betz Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

Usain Bolt (IAAF, 2009). While the fastest transportation speed 6. Energy generation
achieved up to date is 39,897 km/h reached by Apollo 10 CSM upon re-
entry into earth orbit (Furniss, 2003). This results in a transport ad- Historically humans were mainly generating energy from burning
vancement factor or 1 ∗ 10E3. wood. A typical wood fire generates 16.2 MJ/kg (http://www.world-
3. Calculation speed World—Why-Uranium-/), while a modern nuclear power plant is able
to generate 80,620,000 MJ/kg from U-238/Pu-239 (https://
In general, the speed of supercomputers is measured and bench- whatisnuclear.com/physics/energy_density_of_nuclear.html).
marked in FLOPS (Floating point Operations Per Second), currently the This results in an advancement factor of 5 ∗ 10E6.
Sunway TaihuLight at Wuxi in China is considered the world's fastest
computer with 93 PetaFLOPs (93 ∗ 10E15FLOPS) (https://www. 7. Information storage density
top500.org/lists/2016/11/) while the human brain can only make
about two conscious calculations per second. This results in an ad- Areal density is a measure of the quantity of information bits that
vancement factor of 5 ∗ 10E16. can be stored on a given length of track, area of surface, or in a given
volume of a computer storage medium. In 2016 Sony has announced
4. Communication a new tape that holds 148 gigabits (Gb) per square inch beating a
record set in 2010 more than five times over (http://www.bbc.com/
Naturally humans are able to communicate with ~300 other hu- news/technology-27282732). Interestingly, the data storage capa-
mans as determined via analysis of hunter-gatherer social networks city, speed and duration of DNA goes far beyond (Extance, 2016).
(Hamilton et al., 2007). With the mobile communication technologies Naturally it can be calculated that on stone or paper 10 bits per
today one person is basically able to reach every other human on the square inch can be engraved. (http://www.tecchannel.de/storage/
planet. This results in an advancement factor of 2 ∗ 10E7. extra/401897/nanotechnik_ibm_speichert_1_tbit_in/).
5. Life expectancy 137.pdf).
This results in an advancement factor of 1 ∗ 10E10.
What is commonly known as ‘average life expectancy’ is technically
‘life expectancy at birth’ (LEB), in other words, it is the average number 8. Food production/acres needed to feed 1 person
of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a
given time. A major determinant of life expectancy at birth is the child The 25 top calorie staple crops worldwide according to 2008
mortality rate which, in our ancient past, was extremely high skewing FAOSTAT data, required 1 ∗ 10E9 ha to grow. In terms of calories, then,
the life expectancy rate dramatically downward. The life expectancy at approximately 1 billion ha can feed 10 billion persons, and 1 ha can feed
birth of hunter gatherers is around 30 years (Gurven and Kaplan, 2007), about 10 persons these days (http://www.gardeningplaces.com/
in Japan currently it is about 84 years (http://data.worldbank.org/ articles/global-food-crisis.htm). In contrast it takes one to ten square
indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN). The combination of high infant mortality miles of land per person to support a hunter gatherer lifestyle (http://
and deaths in young adulthood from accidents, epidemics, plagues, www.trunity.net/sam2/view/article/51cbf44b7896bb431f6af515/).
wars, and childbirth, particularly before modern medicine was widely With 1 mile2 = 259 ha this results in an advancement factor of 3 ∗ 10E4.
available, has significantly lowered LEB in the past, but for those who
survived early hazards, a life expectancy of sixty or seventy would not 9. Construction (buildings height)
be uncommon even in ancient times. Taking LEB as a measure we
calculate an advancement factor of only 3, if we would look at life Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site at the top of a mountain ridge
expectancy of adults it would be basically zero! Human lifespans have in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey with a height of ~15 m.
remained constant for almost 2000 years, when Socrates died at the age The tell includes two phases of ritual use dating back to the 10th –
of 70 around 399 BCE, he did not die of old age but instead by ex- 8th millennium BCE and is considered the oldest building on earth
ecution. It is ironic that ancient Greeks lived into their 70s and older, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe). The Jeddah
while > 2000 years later modern humans aren't living much longer Tower is a skyscraper under construction in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, if
(Radford, 2009). Contrary to common notions, seventy-year-olds wer- completed in 2020 as planned, the Jeddah Tower will reach un-
en't considered rare freaks of nature in previous centuries. Galileo Ga- precedented heights becoming the tallest building in the world, as well
lilei died at seventy-seven, Isaac Newton at eighty-four, Michelangelo at as the first structure to reach the one-kilometre-high mark (https://en.
eighty-eight (Harari, 2015). The war against death is likely to be one of wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeddah_Tower). This results in an advancement
the flagship projects in the coming centuries. factor of 70 only. All advancement factors are visualized here (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Advancement factors of various technology areas as

calculated from the most advanced technological status
achieved by humanity today vs. capabilities of a hunter
gatherer human in pre-historic times.

U.A.K. Betz Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

This method brings us to the following rankings of most advanced the generation of artificial intelligence with the consequence of the
vs. less advanced technologies: emerging so called technological singularity, a computer capable of
designing computers better than itself with the expectation that re-
1) calculation petitions of this cycle would result in a runaway effect and create in-
2) information storage telligence far exceeding human intellectual capacity. The median ex-
3) communication pectance date for the singularity is 2040. The first use of the term
4) energy generation “singularity” in this context was made by Stanislaw Ulam in his 1958
5) population obituary for John von Neumann. The term was later popularized by
6) food production Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil. Areas closely connected to this field
7) transportation are voice-based computing, augmented reality or brain-electronic-in-
8) construction terfaces connecting the artificial with our biological brains. Elon Musk
9) medicine (life expectancy) has recently announced that in his opinion meaningful interfaces be-
tween the brain and computers were five years away and has heavily
Interestingly this list intuitively makes a lot of sense. Highest pro- invested in the field with the founding of his new company “Neuralink”
gress has been achieved in the poster child of technological progress, IT that starts making invasive devices for treating neurological ailments
and communication/mobile phones/internet. The technology fields of but finally targets an implant that would let the wearer tap directly into
energy generation and food production show an average advancement the internet and all of the computational power available there (The
(without progress in food production the population growth would not Economist, 2017). In the area of computer-brain-interfaces already
have been possible so the two are certainly interlinked). Interestingly, amazing breakthroughs have been achieved today such as for example
construction and particularly medicine are apparently dramatically the electronic transfer of sensorimotor information between two brains
under-developed technologies. Looking at the materials we build our (Pais-Vieira et al., 2013) or the direct thinking of letters into a computer
buildings with (often still brick and mortar as in the classic antique or (Herff and Schulz, 2016).
even prehistoric ages) this is pathetic. Also when it comes to life ex- Also synthetic biology carries a lot of hope to become the next
pectancy progress has been close to zero, so despite all the hype about super-enabling technology (Church, 2014; Waltz, 2015). Via advanced
new medicines, progress here, when measured against life expectancy, synthetic biology all organisms could become the subject of complete
indeed seems to be very slow. Hopefully the new gene editing and stem manipulation and engineering, including humans. Imagine a future in
cell technologies will bring some progress in this apparently under- which human beings have become immune to all viruses or no longer
developed area. Also the fact that transportation is below average develop diseases like Alzheimer or back-pain. Bacteria or other artificial
seems to correlate well with the poster-child of technological under- organisms could custom-produce all materials, even items, or generate
achievement: space travel and the inability of humanity to colonize enough electricity or biofuel. Pioneering geneticist George Church and
space and the dramatically slower progress vs. what was anticipated science writer Ed Regis have intriguingly described the potential of this
fifty years ago. technology (Specter, 2015).
Looking into the future of science and technology is always difficult, Nanotechnology in all its aspects, especially in the most sophisti-
especially when it comes to the emergence of completely new break- cated form as nano-robotics certainly holds tremendous game changer
through discoveries and technologies. Yet it is exactly these discoveries potential. Intriguing options are described for medicine, such as robots
that, for decades or even centuries, power global progress, triggering so patrolling our bodies (Saadeh and Vyas, 2014), a technology that
called Kondratieff waves (Kondratieff, 1935) of high sectoral growth, amazingly has already been partly realized (Hoffman, 2015). The
separated by intervals of relatively slow growth until the next break- generation of so called smart dust networks of programmable matter,
through technology emerges (Devezas et al., 2005; Korotayev et al., matter that can take each form via programmable re-assembly of the
2011). Examples for such past breakthrough discoveries are: The de- nano-devices, is another striking example. Smart dust entered the
velopment of the steam engine, emergence of railways, steel and heavy Gartner's hype cycle in 2013 as the most speculative entrant (http://
engineering, electricity, the automobile and finally the emergence of www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2575515). Interestingly self-assem-
telecommunication and IT. At this point in time it is hard to predict bling matter has already been realized in the macro-format (Hardesty,
what could be the breakthrough that will trigger the next Kondratieff 2013).
cycle. The question is of outstanding importance, the Obama adminis- Another area with potential to deliver a significant game changing
tration's policy also emphasized a search for the “next trillion dollar breakthrough is nuclear and quantum physics with new ground-
trigger”, as IT and the internet were for the Clinton years (Glenn and breaking insights on matter and the universe such as e.g. dark matter,
Gordon, 2007). Past forecasts have never been accurate and while the dark energy or the universal theory combining Einstein's theory of re-
advent of automobiles, spaceships and robots was widely anticipated, lativity with quantum theory (theory of everything) (Weinberg, 1994).
the arrival of x-rays, radio, transistors, lasers, superconductors, nuclear There is the hope that nuclear physics will solve the energy problem
energy, quantum mechanics, communication satellites, fiber-optic once and for all with the technology of nuclear fusion becoming reality.
technology, gene editing and the entire electronics and digital revolu- There are some encouraging signs that this might actually happen ra-
tion were all surprises. When Bill Clinton assembled the top minds of ther sooner than later (Carrington, 2016). Needless to say, solving the
the nation to discuss the economy in 1992, “no one mentioned the in- energy problem would simultaneously solve many other problems
ternet” (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2011). Interestingly, and coming (water, food etc.). Quantum physics could result in further major
back to the area of science fiction, Jules Verne however had correctly breakthroughs. Apparently quantum communication has already been
predicted many technological advances in his writings, long before they achieved just recently (http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/
were invented, such as e.g.: electric submarines, helicopters, newscasts, 2017/may/18/particle-free-quantum-communication-is-achieved-in-
solar sails, lunar modules, videoconferencing, sky-writing or tasers the-lab and https://phys.org/news/2017-06-atomic-imperfections-
(Kerr, 2015). Likewise, the concept of nanotechnology was envisioned quantum-network-closer.html). Recently it could also be shown that
by Richard Feynman during a lecture called “There's plenty of room at quantum effects are actually affecting living organisms (Ball, 2011).
the bottom”, delivered to the American Physical Society in Pasadena Effects like photosynthesis, some forms of enzymatic catalysis as well as
December 1959 (Feynman, 1959). the birds' compass are apparently working with quantum phenomena.
Looking at the situation today, which areas have the potential to Going even further than that, quantum physics has the potential to
deliver the future breakthroughs? As already mentioned at the begin- shatter our entire understanding of reality. This is visible in the so
ning of this article, the most frequently cited expected breakthrough is called “Bells Theorem”. In 1935 Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen

U.A.K. Betz Technological Forecasting & Social Change 128 (2018) 296–303

published a paper which showed that under certain circumstances innovation and pre-competitive consortia, promoting free societies or
quantum mechanics predicted a breakdown of locality “spooky action keeping R & D funding up, as important as they are, in the frame of this
at a distance”, but doubted this could really happen and thus viewed it article five new proposals are developed and recommended for im-
as evidence that quantum mechanics was incomplete. Correlations of plementation. The list is by no means meant to be exhaustive but should
this sort, however, later were observed experimentally. As Bell proved constitute a contribution of a few stimulating thoughts to an ongoing
in 1964, this leaves two options for the nature of reality: The first is that discussion:
reality is irreducibly random, meaning that there are no hidden vari-
ables that “determine the results of individual measurements”. The 1) The new superstars:
second option is that reality is ‘non-local’, meaning that “the setting of Scientists and entrepreneurs need to be celebrated as the new global
one measuring device can influence the reading of another instrument, superstars. This needs to be reflected in global competitions, prizes,
however remote”. In other words, the world is either non-causal or non- awards and last but not least salaries. Why should a super star sci-
local, meaning that either causal influences propagate faster than light, entist be celebrated less than a super star football player? A series of
or a common-sense notion about what the word “cause” signifies is high impact prizes has recently emerged with cash volumes sur-
wrong (Wiseman, 2014; Wiseman, 2015). passing the Nobel prize, although their impact is a matter of ongoing
Then there is the area of parapsychology that has for millennia been debate (Bays et al., 2009; Krauss, 2016).
part of human mythology but has so far not really come into the reach 2) Moonshot academies:
of science, although amazing scientific literature exists on the apparent Special research investments should be taken in areas with potential
reality of psi phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance or precogni- to deliver new breakthroughs and enable new moonshots. The list
tion. For example physiologic reactions to a positive or negative picture provided above could be used as a first starting point. In the Stokes's
can apparently already be detected before the subject has seen the scheme this would relate to working primarily in the Pasteur's
picture, even before the computer has randomly selected the picture to quadrant (Stokes, 1997), i.e. seeking fundamental understanding of
display, a variant of the phenomenon termed precognition, confirmed scientific problems which have immediate use for society. This
in a meta-analysis of 90 experiments (Bem et al., 2016). Also a meta- needs to be achieved by special research funding schemes providing
analysis on telepathy apparently came to a positive result (Storm et al., long term stable support, as work in the anticipated breakthrough
2010). Then there is an ancient Indian literature that mysteriously ac- areas will not deliver the constant stream of publications required
curately predicts the speed of light, which must have been arrived at for current scientific careers. Recently philanthropists have started
intuitively, and which seems an extreme coincidence even to those to provide such funding with key examples such as the $3 bio Chan
well-versed in modern measurement and probability theory (Kak, 1998) Zuckerberg Science initiative (Cha, 2016) or the Breakthrough Prize
(http://www.science20.com/machines_organizations_and_us_ in life sciences, fundamental physics and mathematics with laure-
sociotechnical_systems/fringe_editor%E2%80%99s_dilemma_raises_ ates receiving each $3 million, three times the size of the Nobel prize
questions_about_future_science). (https://breakthroughprize.org/News/12).
Needless to say that these results were heavily challenged by other 3) Information tsunami floodgates:
members of the scientific community. Should it one day be possible to In terms of information and communication overflow, it seems we
reproducibly and convincingly demonstrate such effects, for example have reached the limits of what the human brain can reasonably
with a particularly gifted individual, we would certainly see a sig- digest. For the first time in history people are bombarded with far
nificant paradigm shift in science as the astronomer and author of many more information than they can process, so exposing them to in-
popular science books Carl Sagan pointed out: “There are three claims creasing amounts of random pieces of information will not increase
in the extra-sensory-perception field which, in my opinion, deserve their rate of innovation. At the same time the new social media are
serious study: (1) that by thought alone humans can (barely) affect amplifying our communication frequencies leading to constant dis-
random number generators in computers; (2) that people under mild ruptions, all resulting in an information overflow (Levitin, 2015).
sensory deprivation can receive thoughts or images “projected” at Key inventions which increase the rate of innovation in the future
them; and (3) that young children sometimes report the details of a may include technologies that filter and prioritize information ap-
previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which propriately in a personalized manner (intelligent assistants). In the
they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation. I end what we need is a shift from opportunity/information seeking
pick these claims not because I think they're likely to be valid (I don't), focus to a prioritization focus.
but as examples of contentions that might be true. They have at least 4) Dr. All:
some, although still dubious, experimental support” (Sagan, 1997). In the previous centuries breakthrough innovations have often been
Overall, it is most amazing to see the progress humanity has made produced by so-called gentlemen scientist, individuals freed from
over the millennia to understand the world we are living in and to be the necessities to earn themselves a living, broadly interested in
able to manipulate it to our advantage. On the other hand there are multiple areas of science, combining fields and working inter-dis-
areas where we are as ignorant as we have ever been and no progress ciplinary. With time passing, this way of working has become vir-
what so ever has been achieved. A strikingly visible example is looking tually impossible due to the explosion of knowledge and an in-
at the quote from Seneca written 2000 years ago: “…whether all matter creased need for specialization to be able to compete. Larger and
from which the universe is formed is continuous, without intervals of larger teams were required for meaningful discoveries and author
space, or dispersed as emptiness mixed with solid matter; what kind of lists of publications are growing longer and longer (Aboukhalil,
abode a god has, looking upon his work in detachment or actively 2016). The IT revolution might allow us to reverse this trend and to
controlling it, whether he encompasses it from without or is implanted re-establish the gentleman scientist. Relevant information is broadly
in the whole; whether the world is immortal or to be reckoned among available and can be easily and quickly obtained on an as need basis.
perishable things and things born at a certain time” (Seneca, n.d.). Furthermore, robotics might soon allow us to automate and conduct
In this article we have seen that although technological progress has experiments in a speedy manner. Maybe the technology-empowered
overall been slower than expected, there are numerous fields that hold gentlemen scientist can be revived in the future? (Casserly, 2012).
extraordinary promise for the future. How can we awaken the “force”? 5) Innovation isolators:
What can be done to boost progress in science, technology and in- In the history of humanity increased spreading of information and
novation? more intense communication has always led to a jump in innovation
In terms of new thinking, rather than repeating proposals already output, starting with the formation of cities, the development of
extensively made in the past such as increased collaboration, open writing and the tremendous progress triggered by the development

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