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Coer university, ROORKEE U

Introduction to
Pepsi is a globally renowned c arbonated soft drink brand that has
aptivated onsumers for generations. With its i oni blue and red logo,
Pepsi has be ome a symbol of refreshment, youthfulness, and timeless
Company History

Founding (1898) 1
Pepsi was founded in 1898 by Caleb
Bradham, a pharma ist in New Bern,
North Carolina. He reated the original 2 Early Growth (1920s-1930s)
Pepsi-Cola formula and began selling it Pepsi experien ed rapid growth in the
in his drug store. 1920s and 1930s, introdu ing new
flavors and expanding distribution
a ross the United States. The ompany
Brand Expansion (1940s- 3 introdu ed the i oni Pepsi bottle
1960s) design in 1940.
Pepsi diversified its produ t lineup in
the 1940s and 1950s, a quiring the
Mountain Dew brand and laun hing
Diet Pepsi. The ompany also began
sponsoring major events and sports
teams during this period.
Pepsi's Brand Identity
Pepsi's i oni brand identity is built around its instantly re ognizable red,
white, and blue logo. The bold, swirling design evokes a sense of energy,
refreshment, and modern sophisti ation.

Pepsi's brand personality is youthful, playful, and innovative, appealing to

a wide range of onsumers. The ompany's branding onveys a spirit of
adventure and optimism.
Product Portfolio
Iconic Diverse Snack Healthier International
Beverages Options Alternatives Reach

Pepsi's flagship ola In addition to its Re ognizing the Pepsi's produ ts are
is the ornerstone of beverages, Pepsi has growing demand for available in over 200
its produ t line, an extensive portfolio healthier options, ountries, allowing
offering a refreshing, of popular sna k Pepsi has expanded the brand to ater to
slightly sweet taste. brands, in luding its produ t line to diverse global
The ompany also Lay's potato hips, in lude more palates and ultural
produ es a wide Doritos tortilla hips, nutritious hoi es, preferen es, from
range of other Cheetos heese su h as Aquafina traditional sodas to
arbonated soft sna ks, and Ruffles water, Tropi ana region-spe ifi
drinks, in luding Diet potato hips, atering jui es, and Quaker flavors and lo al
Pepsi, Pepsi Wild to a variety of tastes Oats oatmeal, sna k spe ialties.
Cherry, and Pepsi and dietary appealing to health-
Zero Sugar. preferen es. ons ious
Marketing Strategies

Targeted Advertising Experiential Marketing

Pepsi leverages data analyti s to reate Pepsi a tively engages onsumers through
personalized advertising ampaigns that immersive brand experien es, su h as
resonate with spe ifi onsumer sponsoring musi festivals and sporting
demographi s and psy hographi s. events.

Digital Transformation Strategic Partnerships

Pepsi has embra ed digital marketing Pepsi forms strategi partnerships with
strategies, in luding so ial media influential elebrities, artists, and
ampaigns and e- ommer e initiatives, to organizations to amplify its brand presen e
onne t with younger audien es. and redibility.
Advertising Campaigns

The Pepsi Pepsi Taste The Pepsi Globe Celebrity

Generation Challenge Pepsi's "Pepsi Globe"
Pepsi's long-running The "Pepsi Taste ampaign show ased Pepsi has a long
"The Pepsi Generation" Challenge" ampaign the brand's global history of partnering
ampaign has been a invited onsumers to rea h and aspirational with influential
ultural tou hstone for blind taste Pepsi positioning, onne ting elebrities, from musi
de ades, featuring against Co a-Cola, with onsumers i ons to sports
upbeat, youthful highlighting Pepsi's through a sense of legends, to amplify its
imagery that resonates superior taste and world- lass innovation brand message and
with onsumers a ross driving brand loyalty. and exploration. appeal to diverse
age groups. onsumer segments.
Sponsorships and Partnerships

Major Sports Music Partnerships Corporate Alliances

Sponsorships Pepsi ollaborates with popular Pepsi forms strategi
Pepsi has a long history of musi artists and musi partnerships with other leading
sponsoring major sporting festivals, leveraging the ultural brands, su h as retail hains
events and leagues, in luding influen e of musi to onne t and te hnology ompanies, to
the NFL, NBA, and FIFA World with younger demographi s expand its rea h, share
Cup, strengthening its brand and position the brand as onsumer insights, and reate
asso iation with athleti innovative and ulturally unique o-branded
prowess and ompetition. relevant. experien es.
Sustainability Initiatives

Waste Reduction
Implementing re y ling programs and minimizing single-use plasti

Water Conservation
Optimizing manufa turing pro esses to redu e water usage

Renewable Energy
3 Investing in solar and wind power to power
Pepsi fa ilities

Pepsi has made sustainability a ore part of its business strategy, fo using on redu ing waste,
onserving water, and shifting towards renewable energy sour es. The ompany has implemented
omprehensive re y ling programs, optimized manufa turing pro esses to minimize water usage, and
invested heavily in solar and wind power proje ts to power its fa ilities worldwide.
Competitive Landscape
Pepsi operates in a highly ompetitive market against industry giants like Co a-Cola. The two brands
have long been embroiled in the "Cola Wars", vying for market share and onsumer loyalty through
innovative produ ts, aggressive marketing, and strategi partnerships.

Brand Value Co a-Cola: $77.8 billion

Pepsi: $20.8 billion

Global Market Share Co a-Cola: 42%

Pepsi: 29%

Produ t Portfolio Co a-Cola: 500+ brands

Pepsi: 300+ brands

Advertising Spend Co a-Cola: $4.2 billion

Pepsi: $2.6 billion

The fier e ompetition between Pepsi and Co a-Cola is refle ted in their onstant innovation,
aggressive marketing ta ti s, and high-profile sponsorships. Both brands are ontinuously striving to
stay ahead of the urve and maintain their stronghold in the global beverage market.
Future Outlook and Challenges
As Pepsi looks to the future, the ompany fa es both ex iting opportunities and formidable hallenges.
With growing onsumer demand for healthier, more sustainable beverage options, Pepsi must adapt its
produ t portfolio and innovate to stay ompetitive.

A key hallenge will be

addressing on erns around sugar ontent and environmental. impa
Pepsi t
will need tofurther redu e its
plasti foot
print andimprove water stewardshi
p to meet evolving
onsumer preferen es.

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