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Naz Olgaç

CULA 456

Take a position and prove your opinion up to half page. You can use references to support
your idea.

A) TV advertising has faded in importance.


B) TV advertising is still the most powerful advertising medium.

TV advertising has long been regarded as one of the most powerful advertising channels, and
its effectiveness continues to be influential in the modern advertising scene. While digital
channels have grown in popularity and provide arranged advertising possibilities, TV
advertising remains dominant due to several variables.

For starters, television advertising has unequaled reach. Despite the rise of streaming services
and alternative media platforms, television continues to play an important role in many
households globally. According to the Nielsen Total Audience Report: April 2020 the
difference in media usage across age groups and household types. Adults ages 50-64 are the
most avid media consumers, spending 13 hours and 50 minutes connected to media, which is
over twice as much time as adults ages 35-49. This large audience size allows advertisers to
engage with a diverse demographic. Viewers, mostly the elders of the population, frequently
regard television programming, whether news broadcasts, popular shows, or documentaries,
as reliable sources of information. As a result, advertising shown during these programs gets
credibility and trust. This relationship with trusted programming boosts the legitimacy of
television commercials, making viewers more open to the messages expressed by businesses.

While digital advertising offers a selection for target markets and real-time analytics,
television advertising remains unmatched in its ability to reach mass audiences as mentioned
before, evoke emotional responses, and convey continuous narratives. It offers advertisers
the advantage of a longer format for commercials. This extended time allows for developing
narratives that captivate viewers and evoke emotional responses. Its influence on consumer
behavior and brand perception solidifies television as the most powerful advertising medium
in today's competitive market.

The most significant characteristic of television commercials which are strong in narrative
and increase the viewers’ emotional impact is its combination of sight and sound. The visual
elements in TV ads, with powerful audio cues and music, create a multisensory experience
that engages viewers on a deeper level. The integration of audio and visual elements in
advertising enhances message recall and emotional engagement, making television
advertising uniquely effective in conveying narratives. Still, there are many commercial
jingles from the past that we still know worldwide.

To summarize, TV advertising's long-term efficacy originates from its capacity to reach a

large audience, captivate attention, increase brand credibility, and convey engaging themes.
While digital advertising evolves, television advertising remains a cornerstone of efficient
marketing tactics, making it the most powerful advertising medium in today's market.

“The Nielsen Total Audience Report: April 2020.” Nielsen, 21 July 2022, Accessed 10
Mar. 2024.

Intertextual Voices and Engagement in TV Advertisements - Dezheng ..., Accessed 10 Mar. 2024.

Baker, Maren, et al. Does It Pay to Be Real? Understanding Authenticity in TV

Advertising, Accessed 10 Mar.

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