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Please read this notice carefully before your exam

Remember to bring with you:

• All the material printed out and in English (logbook with investigation and the book and
newspaper articles you have read)
• Your Candidate Application Form completely filled in with all your details
• Original ID - Passport, GNIB Card,... (Photocopies or pictures will NOT be accepted)
• The pens, pencils and erasers which you need for the test
• A Paper dictionary for the written test

Before the test:

• Know the date, time and place of your test and ensure to be on time*
• Have all your material ready and printed out. You will NOT allowed to sit the exam if you do not
have a hard copy of your material on arrival. Your material MUST be in English *
• Have your Application Form filled in and ready to be handed to the Examiner
• Please queue outside until you are told to enter the building.
• You will be met by an examiner who will check your material and collect your application form
• Mobile phones, laptops and any other electronic device must be switched off and placed in the area
designated by the Examiner

*Candidates arriving late and/or without ALL the material will not be allowed to sit the exam. No refund
and no new date will be given and they will be marked as no-shows.

During the writing test you must not:

• Attempt to cheat, copy the work of another candidate or disrupt the test
• Use or attempt to use any electronic device for the duration of the test
• Lend anything to, or borrow anything from, another candidate
• Leave the classroom for the entire duration of the writing exam.

After the writing test:

• Collect your electronic device/s and ensure you read the timetable displayed and know the time and
the classroom of your oral exam.
• Be outside the classroom designated for your Oral Interview five minutes before the scheduled time.

After the oral test:

• Take all your belongings before leaving the building. Results are issued in 15 working days and sent
by email to schools. Please contact them for any query regarding Results and Certification.

If you are caught infringing any of the candidate rules, your test result will be disqualified and a
notification will be sent to your school. No refund and no new date will be given.

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