Writing Task 1 +2

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The chart gives information about how the weekly income spending by families in one country during

the period of 1968 and 2018.

From the chart, it is clear that the average weekly spending on Food is the highest and the lowest are
Fuel and power. With Food , in 1968 the families weekly spend on Food was 35% but it went down
sharply in 2018 with 17%. Fuel and power took a small amount of weekly income, which was 6% in 1968
and fall slightly to 4% in 2018.
With housing, transport and leisure, the percentage of weekly income spending on these was from 7% to
10% in 1986. In contrast, in 2018, the leisure increased dramatically to 22%, both transport and housing
were also grow. The remaining spend on clothing and footware, household goods and personal goods
was 7% to 10% in 1986. While the household goods stayed at the same in 2018, the personal goods and
clothing and footware had declined by half.

(word 165)

People have different views about professionals. First of all, professionals who did their training in the
country that provided it should stay there and continue to work. Otherwise, some people allege that
they can work in any country as their wish.

On the one hand, professionals such as doctors and engineers should benefit to the country after they
finished their practical study because the country has created an opportunity for professionals to train.
That means, when professionals come to another country, they will get a huge amount of knowledge
from that country, which benefits to their studies. On top of that, the country also provides a good
environment so after they did their trainning, they should work in here to help the country. For example,
a doctors from Vietnam going to USA to study medicine and after that, the doctors should work in
america to use the knowledge that school in this country gave him to benefit this country.

On the other hand, it is believed that professionals can work in another country if they want to because
they paid the tuition fees like an indigenous people . To be specific, when a professional go abroad to
study, they all have to pay the same amount of money to their school as a normal citizen who lives in
there, so after they finished their study there, they have a right to choose the environment they wish to
work without any constraint. For instance, when a professionals from another country come to Vietnam
to study, they have to paid the fees to access our knowledge, so they can take it for their own to do
whatever they want.
In conclusion, it is clear that the professionals have their right to study in another country and work in
anywhere they want.

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