Sga Campaign Election Handbook - Spring 2023 1

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Campaign & Election Handbook:

A Guide to Student Government Association
Campaigns and Elections

For the offices of:

2023-24 President & Vice President
2023-24 Sophomore, Junior & Senior Class Representatives

Table of Contents

Introduction to Campaigns & Elections at Concordia College 3

SGA Mission Statement 3

Position Descriptions 4-9

How to Run for Office 10-12

Concordia College Postings and Display Policy 13-14

Concordia College Promotions Policy 15

Voting 16

Election Rules (Per SGA Constitution/Bylaws) 17-19

Spring 2021 Election Timeline 20

Resources and Contacts 21

Introduction to Campaigns and Elections at Concordia College

Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing body of the students of Concordia College. SGA
consists of a single branch headed by a President, Vice President, Chief of Staff, and Executive Assistant.

Class Representatives are elected positions in SGA, with two students being elected to serve as Class
Representative from each class. The Chief of Staff and Chief of Operations are appointed by the Elections
and Credentials Council with recommendations by the President and Vice President.

SGA holds elections both in the fall and spring. The fall election is for First-Year Class Representatives and
any other vacant Class Representative seat. Any member of the first-year class may run for the Office of
Class Representatives.

The spring elections decide who the SGA Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Class Representatives will be for
the term beginning April 1 of that year.

Spring elections also determine the President and Vice President for the upcoming academic year.

Any student with a GPA of 2.5 or higher who has been at Concordia for a full semester prior to elections
may run for an elected position: President/Vice President or Class Representative.

All candidates are expected to read the campaign and election handbook and to abide by all
election rules.

SGA Mission Statement

The Mission of Concordia College Student Government Association is to develop strong, viable relations
between the faculty, administration, and the student of the college community; to further enhance the
quality of life and education of the college; and to act as the official representatives of the student body
subject only to the will of the students at large.

Job Title: President

Length of Term:
- April 4, 2023 – April 1, 2024
SGA Bylaws 3.2.1: Starting the first Tuesday in April of the spring semester in which they were
elected and ending on the first Monday in April of the following spring semester.

Compensation: Campus hourly wage* up to 20 hours/week during the ‘23-‘24 academic year term.
*exact $/hour to be determined by Student Employment Committee

Important Information
Availability: SGA Senate meets on Thursday evenings. The SGA President typically serves on Faculty Senate
which typically meets on Mondays from 4pm-5pm.

Due to time commitment and/or scheduling conflicts, the SGA President position cannot be combined with any
of the following roles:
- Orientation Chair
- Orientation Committee
- Orientation Leader/FYT Mentor
- Orientation Assistant
- All CEC and DEIC Commissioner positions

Please take this information into consideration as you plan out your co-curricular involvements for the
upcoming academic year and please communicate to the SGA advisors any potential conflicts you may have.

Time Commitment: Approximately up to 20 hours/week broken down as follows:

Weekly Core Hours (4)

- 1 hour/weekly meeting with SGA advisor and SGA Vice President
- 1 hour/weekly meeting with SGA Executive Team
- 2 hours/bi-weekly Senate meetings (Thursdays from 7:30-9:30pm)
- 2 hours/bi-weekly attending Faculty Senate meeting and other institutional committee meeting

Weekly Flexible Hours (6)

- 6 hours/weekly scheduled office hours in the SGA office. These can be scheduled around your
other time commitments and can change each semester. The purpose of scheduled office hours is
to create structure and balance for attending to other work tasks such as email communication,
preparing agendas, advancing project ideas

Weekly As Needed Hours (up to 10)

The nature of this leadership role is that the SGA President’s work may ebb and flow depending on the time of the
academic school year. Up to 10 hours/week are available to fulfill the following examples of work (not intended to be
all inclusive):
- Attend Board of Regents meetings 3 times/year; prepare reports for Board meetings; serve on
Student Learning Committee
- As requested, the President will participate in campus events such as: Symposium, panel
discussions, MLK Day, National Alumni Board meetings, etc.
- Serve on other SGA and campus-wide committees as needed
- Actively working to achieve the responsibilities and goals of this position

Minimum Qualifications:
- Minimum GPA of 2.5 before application and during term
- Being a role model among peers and as a positive representative of Concordia College and SGA
- Effective and professional communication skills
- Experience leading a team and delegating work to your peers
- Respect for and an interest in the culture of Concordia and the role SGA plays in institutional
- Strong work ethic and ability to be self-motivated and self-directed

Preferred Qualifications:
- Interest in formal government processes
- Ability to maintain both a long and short-term focus when making decisions
- Experience with public speaking or desire to improve in this area

Job Responsibilities:
1. Serve as the ultimate student representative as requested by administration, faculty, staff or
alumni. When necessary, secure other student representatives for events, projects or initiatives,
with attention to the diverse needs of students.
2. Lead and support the Executive Team in their roles, and ultimately, all Senators and
Commissioners (a total SGA staff of approximately 35 students)
3. Actively seek out concerns from the student body and represent your constituents
4. Oversee the internal processes of SGA (hiring, training, communication, follow through on
5. Assign Senate members to internal SGA committees/councils and to campus-wide committees as
6. Attend Board of Regents meetings and present an SGA update. Actively participate as requested by
the Board on various committees.
7. Attend and speak as requested at Opening Convocation, Alumni Board, and other campus events
(i.e., Orientation Beanie Toss)
8. Participate as a partner with the Office of Student Engagement in planning the May and/or August
Leadership Internship
9. Coordinate efforts between Senators and commissioners to advance Executive Team platform
10. Co-responsible for SGA’s image (with Director of Communications) among students, faculty, staff
and general public
11. Maintain an appropriate relationship with MAPCS (Minnesota Association of Private College
Students); each President may discern the level of involvement needed.
12. Attend SGA sponsored events and participate in SGA promotional activities
13. Attend/lead necessary SGA trainings (i.e. retreats, meetings and leadership development
14. Attend the May Leadership Internship and the August Internship, if available (strongly
15. Serve 2 of your 6 SGA office hours at the Parke Student Leadership Center desk while responding
to customer needs (photocopying, paint room questions, publicity assistance, etc.)

Job Title: Vice President

● Length of Term:
● April 4, 2023 – April 1, 2024
SGA Bylaws 3.2.1: Starting the first Tuesday in April of the spring semester in which they were
elected and ending on the first Monday in April of the following spring semester.

Compensation: Campus hourly wage* up to 20 hours/week during the ‘23-‘24 academic year term.
*exact $/hour to be determined by Student Employment Committee

Important Information
Availability: SGA Senate typically meets on Thursday evenings. The SGA Vice President typically serves on
Faculty Senate which meets on Mondays from 4pm-5pm.

Due to time commitment and/or scheduling conflicts, the SGA Vice President position cannot be combined with
any of the following roles:
• Orientation Chair
• Orientation Committee
• Orientation Leader/FYT Mentor
• Orientation Assistant
• All CEC and DEIC Commissioner positions

Please take this information into consideration as you plan out your co-curricular involvements for the
upcoming academic year and please communicate to the SGA advisers any potential conflicts you may have.

Time Commitment: Approximately up to 20 hours/week broken down as follows:

Weekly Core Hours (4)

− 1 hour/weekly meeting with SGA advisor and SGA President
− 1 hour/weekly meeting with SGA Executive Team
− 2 hours/bi-weekly Senate meetings (Thursdays from 7:30-9:30pm)

Weekly Flexible Hours (6)

− 6 hours/weekly scheduled office hours in the SGA office. These can be scheduled around your
other time commitments and can change each semester. The purpose of scheduled office hours is
to create structure and balance for attending to other work tasks such as email communication,
preparing agendas, advancing project ideas

Weekly As Needed Hours (up to 10)

− As requested, the Vice President will participate in campus events such as: President’s Seminars,
holiday dinners in Anderson Dining, National Alumni Board meetings, etc.
− TBD: Serve on other SGA and campus-wide committees as needed (potentially up to 2-3 hours/bi-
weekly depending on committee assignments)
− Other: actively working to achieve the responsibilities and goals of this position outside of the
designated office hours as necessary
Minimum Qualifications:
− Minimum GPA of 2.5 before application and during term
− Being a role model among peers and as a positive representative of Concordia College and SGA
− Effective and professional communication skills
− Experience leading a team and delegating work to your peers
− Respect for and an interest in the culture of Concordia and the role SGA plays in institutional
− Strong work ethic and ability to be self-motivated and self-directed
Preferred Qualifications:
− Interest in formal government processes
− Ability to maintain both a long and short-term focus when making decisions
− Experience using Robert’s Rules in formal meeting procedures

Job Responsibilities:
1. Lead bi-weekly SGA Senate meetings - compile agenda and necessary documents, arrange for
guest speakers, ensure Robert’s Rules are upheld, and follow up on action items as necessary.
2. Send (bi)-weekly Senate Updates to facilitate good internal communication
3. Plan Executive Team Retreat at the start of the fall semester
4. Assume the responsibilities of the President when needed, including speaking responsibilities
5. Actively seek out concerns from the student body and represent your constituents
6. Assist the President with directing the internal processes of SGA (hiring, training, communication,
follow through on commitments)
7. Participate as a partner with the Office of Student Engagement in planning the May and/or August
Leadership Internships
8. Advance Executive Team platform initiatives
9. Oversee other responsibilities that come up throughout the term
10. Maintain an appropriate relationship with MAPCS (Minnesota Association of Private College
Students); each SGA President may discern the level of involvement needed.
11. Attend SGA sponsored events and participate in SGA promotional activities
12. Strongly encouraged to attend the May Leadership Internship and August SGA Internship
13. Attend all necessary SGA trainings (i.e. retreats, meetings and leadership development
14. Serve 2 of your 6 SGA office hours at the Parke Student Leadership Center desk while responding
to customer needs (photocopying, paint room questions, publicity assistance, etc.)

Job Title: Class Representative (2 per class)

Length of Term:
● Sophomore, Junior and Senior Class Representatives: April 4, 2023 – March 31, 2024
SGA Constitution: 3.2.5: Representatives shall serve a 12-month term from April 1st until March 31st
of the following year.
● First-Year Class Representatives: the Sunday immediately following fall elections
SGA Constitution: 3.2.5: Representatives shall serve from the Sunday following their election until
March 31st of the following year.

Compensation: Campus hourly wage* up to 5 hours/week during the ‘23-‘24 academic year term.
*exact $/hour to be determined by Student Employment Committee

Important Information
Availability: SGA Senate typically meets on Thursday evenings.

Due to time commitment and/or scheduling conflicts, the SGA Class Representative position cannot be
combined with any of the following roles:
● FYT Leader

Please take this information into consideration as you plan out your co-curricular involvements for the
upcoming academic year and please communicate to the SGA advisers any potential conflicts you may

Time Commitment: Approximately 3-5 hours/week broken down as follows:

● 2 hours/bi-weekly attending SGA Senate meetings
● 2 hours/weekly attending Student Involvement Council* (SIC) meetings or 2-3 hours/weekly as
needed attending Elections and Credentials Council** (ECC) meetings
● TBD: serve on an Internal SGA committee (approx. 1 hour/ bi-weekly)
● TBD: serving on campus institutional committees as assigned by SGA President
● Other: actively working to achieve the responsibilities and goals of this position outside of the
designated office hours as necessary

Minimum Qualifications:
● Minimum GPA of 2.5 before application and during term
● Being a role model among peers and as a positive representative of Concordia College and SGA
● Respect for and an interest in the culture of Concordia and the role SGA plays in institutional

Preferred Qualifications:
● Interest in promoting involvement of the student body, specifically among your class

Job Responsibilities:
1. Solicit input on issues of concern from members of your class and represent those issues
2. Act as a resource to your classmates on issues regarding SGA
3. Actively pursue campus initiatives on behalf of SGA
Job Responsibilities: (continued)
4. Represent your respective class as requested
5. Encourage your class to get involved in SGA, Concordia College, and the Fargo-Moorhead
6. Attend SGA sponsored events and participate in SGA promotional activities
7. Attend all necessary SGA trainings (i.e. retreats, meetings and leadership development

*The SGA Student Involvement Council (SIC) is responsible for coordinating the annual Cobber Expo, the
allocation of funds to student organizations, reviewing the budgets for major campus programs (SGA, CMC,
DEIC, CEC, Orientation, Homecoming), engaging student organizations in on-going training, and developing
strategies for identifying uninvolved students and getting them involved.
**The SGA Elections and Credentials Council (ECC) is responsible for overseeing campus elections,
appointing chairs for critical committees such as Orientation, Homecoming, and Family Weekend, and
finally, annually reviewing the SGA Constitution, as well as giving recommendations regarding bylaw
changes to the Senate.

How to Run for Office

Role of the Elections and Credentials Council and Election Marshal

The Elections and Credentials Council (ECC) will be responsible for coordinating Student Government
Elections. Before the election season begins, the Elections and Credentials Council (ECC) will hold an
informational meeting to explain the rules and procedures of the upcoming election. During that time,
petitions will be handed out and the due date for petitions will be announced. Candidates and Executive
Team recommendations are responsible for reading the Campaign and Election Handbook. All must also
read and sign the “Intent-to-Run” form as well as the “Campaign and Election Handbook Terms
Agreement.” These forms will be available via email after at the informational meeting.

The Election Marshal (ECC Commissioner) is the final arbiter of rules during the election season. His or
her decisions are final and binding subject to appeal to the ECC. Any questions about the election process
should be directed towards this person. Procedures for appealing decisions to the ECC are listed in the
SGA Constitution.

Candidates running for office must petition for signatures from their constituents. As candidates seek to
have students sign their petitions, students should be aware that signing a candidate’s petition
represents support for a candidate’s right to run for office, and does not, in any way, represent a
vote or support for the individual candidate. Candidates should strive to communicate this to their
constituents. Petitions will be emailed out after the interest meeting and will be due within one week.

Petitioning may begin immediately following the SGA Interest Meeting. No petitioning may be
done before the SGA Interest Meeting.
● President/Vice President-
In order to be placed on the ballot, candidates for the Office of President/Vice President must
collect a total of 300 signatures from current, full-time members of the Student Association.
● Class Representatives-
In order to be placed on the ballot, candidates for the Office of Class Representative must collect a
total of 75 signatures from the class which they choose to represent (Example: if the
candidate is running for sophomore class representative, they shall have signatures from current

It is recommended that you get more than the required amount of signatures to ensure that you have a
valid amount. Deadlines are set by the ECC prior to election season. Forgeries of signatures, tampering
with petitions, or otherwise obstructing the election process are all reasons for immediate

There is absolutely no campaigning allowed during the time of petitioning. Candidates are expected
to conduct themselves in an ethical, respectful and honest manner.

Petitions must be handed in at the Office of Student Engagement (Knutson Campus Center, 2 nd
Floor, above Anderson Commons) by 4 p.m. February 13th. Please do not leave these documents
at the Office of Student Engagement Desk. Petitions handed in after 4 p.m. will not be accepted. Photos
of candidates will be taken when petitions are received. An online “Bio Form” must be completed by 8:00
am the day after petitions are due. Petitions will be verified and kept by the Office of Student
Engagement. Campaign season will begin at 5:00 p.m. that same day petitions are due. Any questions
regarding campaign rules can be directed to the Election Marshal (

Campaign season should be a fun time. Reaching your constituency can be done in a variety of ways. Use
your imagination! Feel free to contact the Election Marshal if you have any questions or concerns; their
job is to help answer questions regarding campaigning and the elections.

● President/Vice President-
Candidates for President/Vice President are limited to no more than $400.00 for formal
campaign expenses.

● Class Representatives-
Candidates for Class Representative are limited to no more than $100.00 each in formal
campaign expenses.

For questions about formal campaign expenses, contact the Election Marshal at A
request will be made to provide $400 to be distributed evenly between all Exec Teams running and $100
for each class, again to be distributed evenly. You will receive an email in the coming days confirming
whether or not these funds are available for your campaign. You must turn in all receipts to the Election
Marshal in order to be reimbursed. Additionally, in order to ensure that all parties stay within the
spending parameter, candidates must save all receipts and a list of campaign expenditures for the
Election Marshal. Failure to furnish receipts and campaign expenditures upon request by the Election
Marshal, can result in a sanction as determined by the Elections and Credentials Council.

Campaigning must be done in accordance with the Concordia College Display and Promotions
Policies. In addition, all posters on public bulletin boards must be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 inches.

All public campaign materials must be taken down, deleted and/or inactive by midnight before
the general election. See below for a listing of public vs. non-public campaign materials. On the day of
the election, campaigning must be limited to casual conversation. Only campaign paraphernalia worn on
people, posted in personal dorm rooms or on dorm room doors is permitted. In the SGA offices,
campaigning shall be limited to articles worn on the person. The use of SGA materials for campaign
publicity or campaign materials is strictly prohibited. These rules are strictly enforced. If there is any
doubt, err on the side of caution.
All campaigning must be conducted in an ethical fashion, violations of which, such as misinformation,
lies, deceit, or an attempt to sabotage opponents will be considered a breach of campaign regulations.
Please share this information with your supporters and anyone tied to your campaign.

Public Campaign Materials: Personal Campaign Materials:
Not allowed beginning at midnight on Permitted during campaigning AND on
election day, permitted during regular election day.

✔ Posters hung up (must follow Postings ✔ Information on your person (e.g. a

and Display Policy) button, t-shirt, sticker, etc) or on your
✔ Facebook events, groups and pages personal property (e.g. backpack,
(must be inactive, not deleted) residence hall door, etc)
✔ Emails addressed to more than one ✔ An email to one person
individual ✔ A Facebook message to only one person
✔ Facebook messages sent to a group ✔ Casual conversation
people/addressed to more than one
person, even if sent from your personal
Facebook page
✔ Writing a message on someone’s
Facebook wall regarding the election or
✔ Updating your Facebook status
regarding elections or voting
✔ A tweet
✔ Post Office mailing to more than one
✔ Any public announcement or anything
that could be seen as a public
✔ Anything intended to reach a mass

Concordia College Postings and Display Policy
The Postings and Displays Policy is intended to establish guidelines for the use of all materials displayed on
campus including, but not limited to, publicity notices and decorations. The policy is written with an eye toward
informative and pertinent postings and displays, aesthetic appeal, and with concern and respect for property. Out
of consideration for the right of free expression, the rights of viewers, civility, tolerance, and respect, the following
guidelines are to be followed when posting flyers, banners, notices, and displays.

Requirements for ALL Postings and Displays

● The following information must be visible:

○ Name of group or individual sponsoring the content
○ Contact information including an email address, phone number, or web address of the sponsoring
group or individual
○ A date of removal. If advertising an event or time bound opportunity, the date should be the day
after. If advertising more general services or opportunities, the date should be at maximum 2 weeks
after first posted.
○ If the type of posting or display does not easily lend itself to including this information, it must be
recorded with the office responsible for the display
● Postings are further limited by life safety code and may be removed at the discretion of the college.
● No direct or indirect promotion of or reference to the sale, use, or distribution of alcohol or drugs is
● No obscene materials are permitted. Persons wishing to challenge postings that otherwise comply with
these requirements as obscene or similarly inappropriate should bring the matter to their Vice President
who can determine a posting has cause for removal. Students may bring a concern to Student Development
and Campus Life.
● Postings or displays that are believed to be bias related should be reported to the Bias Incident Response
● No materials that violate applicable law or College policy are permitted.

Posting and Displays Area Guidelines

● Reserved Publicity Spaces: including glass bulletin boards, table tents, and windmasters are available in
the Knutson Campus Center. Follow the publicity reservation process at
Reservations can be made by on-campus student organizations, departments, or offices.
● Public Bulletin Boards: available in most buildings included but not limited to residence halls, academic
buildings, and multi-purpose buildings. Postings may be attached by the individual with a push pin, staple,
or painter’s tape. Postings may be attached by students, student organizations, departments, offices, or off-
campus groups or individuals.
● Electronic Display Spaces: owners of electronic display spaces have the responsibility for communicating
the process by which individuals can display announcements or other content.
● Department/Office Bulletin Boards: these are not considered public bulletin boards. Academic
departments and college offices have responsibility for indicating which bulletin boards and display areas
are reserved for particular purposes, and for approving, monitoring, and enforcing usage of those reserved
spaces which are not available for public posting.
● Classrooms: some classroom bulletin boards are designated for specific class, department, or program use.
Academic departments and college offices have responsibility for indicating which bulletin boards and
display areas are reserved for particular purposes, and for approving, monitoring, and enforcing their
policies and practices for those reserved spaces which are not available for public posting.

● Event Signage: defined as postings that pertain to an event in a reserved event space. Event organizers
should use their best judgement for the placement of event specific signs and remove them at the end of the
● Residence Hall Rooms/Apartments: see the Residence Hall Handbook for posting rules.
● Campus Grounds: defined as lawn, trees, poles, sidewalk, and pavement (including chalking). A request to
post on one of these areas must be submitted to the Campus Events Scheduling Coordinator and
approved by the appropriate College staff.
● Other: defined as building exteriors; ceilings; floors; mirrors; artwork; statues; brick, painted or
wallpapered surfaces; windows; doors, or glass. A request to post on one of these areas must be
submitted to the Campus Events Scheduling Coordinator and approved by the appropriate College

Approval and Removal

● Postings and displays that conform to this policy do not require prior approval, except for those covered by
the “Other” and “Campus Grounds” category in “Posting Area Guidelines”. Any poster or display not
meeting the standards for required information needs to be approved as specified above.
● Those who post displays should remove them when they have passed their “date of removal.”
● Any member of the college community is allowed to take down postings that have passed their written
“date of removal. “
● Any member of the college community who wishes guidance on the question of whether a posting or
display does or does not conform with the policy may bring their questions to the appropriate Vice
President. Students may seek guidance from Student Development and Campus Life.
● Any member of the college community who believes postings or displays have been removed
inappropriately may bring the matter to the appropriate Vice President. Students may bring the matter to
Student Development and Campus Life.

During student government elections, all SGA election regulations will be in effect.

Concordia College Promotions Policy
The Joint Statement on Student Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities expectations related to the freedom of inquiry
and expression in and out of the classroom. Within the provisions of that document and related policy statements,
members of the college community are free to examine and express opinions about any matter. A distinction needs
to be made, however, between the freedom of inquiry and expression and the privilege of promoting. By definition
promotions include such things as: displaying, selling, distributing, or advertising products, services, activities, or
substances; or soliciting - including fund drives.
As a private college Concordia has the right to restrict on-campus promotions that may run contrary to the
standards and policies of the institution. Examples of products, services, activities or substances that may not be
promoted on campus include, but are not limited to: tobacco; alcohol; illegal chemicals; gambling; contraceptives;
dietary aids or supplements; pregnancy-related counseling and services not provided by the college; and anything
that degrades or objectifies women or men or their race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, physical
appearance, disability or sexual orientation.
Generally, promotions may occur on campus if one or more of the following conditions exist:
1. The person(s) promoting is (are) being invited to the campus by an individual student, faculty member or staff
member to meet solely with that person.
2. The promotion is being sponsored or co-sponsored and conducted by a recognized student organization or
college department with significant benefit being derived by that organization or department.
3. The promotion has been approved by a student affairs dean or their designee.

If one of the above conditions is met, an individual or group may promote on campus within the following
1. Door-to-door promotions are not allowed, except for candidates for political office or their representatives -
provided that prior arrangements are made with a student affairs dean or his/her designee.
2. For-profit promotions are not allowed except for individuals who are expressly invited to the campus by a
student, faculty or staff member, (e.g., an insurance salesperson meeting with an individual upon invitation) or
paid advertisements being published in college-sponsored publications.
3. Promotions must be confined to designated times and public areas (such as) on appropriate bulletin boards
around the campus and the Knutson Campus Center. Promotions are not allowed in the public areas of the
residence halls unless they have been approved by the director of residence life or his/her
designee. Promotions are not allowed in parking areas.
4. Promotions may not run contrary to the purposes, standards and policies of Concordia College, nor can normal
operations of the college be disrupted in any way.
5. When conducting promotions, members of the college community may not be harassed in any way.

If the above guidelines are not met, the college may terminate a promotion or revoke permission already granted
as well as prohibit similar promotions in the future.


Whether you are running for office, or just following campaign action, a student’s most important role is
voting. All currently enrolled, full-time Concordia students are eligible to vote in the election. Voting will
take place online the day of the election using a verified online voting system.

Students studying abroad may vote online. In the event online voting is not available, absentee balloting
will be made available to students studying abroad. In all absentee balloting situations, students must
contact the Election Marshal ( individually. Additionally, should a student be off-
campus and unable to reach a computer, so long as the Election Marshal is contacted prior to the election,
voting will be possible.

Student body members will vote for two candidates for Class Representative from their respective classes
and will be allowed to place one vote for the Office of President/Vice President.

Verification of Votes
After the polls close, the Election Marshal, an SGA member, a Student Affairs staff member, and an official
observer appointed by the ECC will certify the votes. The candidates will be notified as quickly as possible
when the votes are certified. Results will be made public to the students thereafter.

Candidates have 48 hours to request a recount. In the case of a tie, a runoff election will be held within a
week of the general election. For clarification on the runoff election procedures please refer to Article II
of the Bylaws.

Election Rules
According to the SGA Constitution & Bylaws

For General Election Rules please refer to Article V of the SGA Constitution and Article II of the SGA
Bylaws available online or by contacting the Election Marshal.

1. The Elections and Credentials Council

● Shall serve as the council responsible for coordinating and publicizing all Student Government
Association elections.
● The Election Marshal shall in consultation with the appointed student liaison and the Elections
and Credentials Council, interpret and enforce the election rules and regulations. All of the
Election Marshal’s decisions regarding election rules and regulations are final and binding,
subject to the filing of a written appeal to the Elections and Credentials Council ASAP or within
48 hours following the declaration of the results.
● The Election Marshal shall announce general election dates at the Interest Meeting regarding
those who wish to run for office.
● The Election Marshal shall be responsible for setting petition due dates.
● Once dates associated with the election (interest meeting date, petition due date, campaign and
election dates, etc.) have been publicly announced, they may not be changed, unless approved
by a majority vote of the ECC.

2. Election Procedures
● Prior to the opening of petitioning for the general election, the Election Marshal shall schedule a
meeting with prospective candidates to explain and answer questions concerning eligibility
requirements for running (academic and disciplinary standing), election rules, and shall
personally provide each candidate with a copy of the election rules. All candidates not attending
the meeting shall be responsible for obtaining copies of the rules and abiding by them.
● The petitions will be due within a minimum of one week of the interest meeting; both dates will
be set by the Election Marshal.
● All approved petitions shall be kept by the Election Marshal or an appointed proxy.
● All candidates must be members of Student Association, as defined by the Constitution and
meet eligibility requirements also defined by the Student Government Association Constitution
and Bylaws.
● The ballot shall include voting instructions, titles of positions to be filled, and eligible
● Ballot counts shall be done by the Election Marshal, an official observer as appointed by the
Election Marshal, the appointed student liaison, and a Student Affairs staff member. Upon
certification, all candidates will be notified immediately. Results will be made public to the
students thereafter.
● A recount may be requested by any candidate in the election within 48 hours of the announced
results. Requests should be directed to the Election Marshal. All parties involved shall be
notified via email and the recount shall be completed within 24 hours of the request.

● In the event of a tie, within 24 hours of the official results being released, the Election Marshal
shall set a date for a run-off election between the tied candidates for the contested slot. This
election will be held within 1 week if possible.
● Upon completion of the election, candidates have 48 hours to file a formal, written appeal with
the Elections and Credentials Council.
● Upon receiving a written appeal, the Elections and Credentials Council along with the appointed
student advocate liaison will convene to discuss and determine the next steps in the appeal

3. President/Vice President
● Candidates for President/Vice President are expected to run as a team and shall be elected as a
team in February. Votes will be placed for the team, not the individuals.
● Recommendations for the Executive Team are to be held subject to the same campaigning rules
as candidates, and must be cleared for eligibility by a Student Affairs staff member before
campaigning begins.
● Candidates must present 300 signatures from members of Student Association to the Election
Marshal in order to have their names included on the ballot, so long as other specified rules are
● Candidates will be introduced to the Student Body in some manner as determined by the ECC
prior to the general election.
● All candidates will be notified within 12 hours, via e-mail, of any date changes that may occur
within the petitioning period and in the time before the elections.
● Presidential/Vice Presidential elections shall be held no earlier than one week after petitions
are due.
● In the general election, no more than one vote shall be cast for this office.
● President/Vice President shall be elected on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in
February, and will be considered President/Vice President Elect until the first Tuesday in April.

4. Class Representatives
● The Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Class Representatives shall be elected on the same day as
the President/Vice President and the First-Year Class Representative will be elected in
September, if possible.
● Each of the candidates must present 75 signatures to the Election Marshal in order to have that
person’s name on the ballot. These must be submitted to the location indicated on the petition
form (Office of Student Engagement located on the 2nd Floor of the Knutson Campus Center
above Anderson Commons).
● Signatures must be Student Association members and from the respective candidate’s
constituency. (Example: if the candidate is running for sophomore class representative, he/she
shall have signatures from current first-years.)
● Candidates will be introduced to the Student Body in some manner as determined by the ECC
prior to the general election.
● Class Representative Elections shall be held no earlier than one week after petitions are due.
● All candidates will be notified within 12 hours, by e-mail, of any date changes that may occur
within the petitioning period and time before the elections.
● In the general election, no more than two votes shall be cast within your respective class.

5. Campaign Regulations

● All campaigning shall be conducted in an ethical fashion; violations of which, such as
misinformation, lies, deceit, or an attempt to sabotage opponents will be considered a breach
of campaign regulations.
● Candidates for President/Vice-President are limited to no more than $400.00 for formal
campaign expenses.
● Candidates for Class Representative are limited to no more than $100.00 for formal campaign
● Each campaign will be expected to keep records of its expenses and turn them in, along with
receipts, to the Election Marshal at his/her request:
o Failure to file records in a timely manner may result in a sanction as determined by the
Elections and Credentials Council
● The campaign will begin at 5:00 p.m. on the day the petitions are due, or at the conclusion of the
meeting on the day when petitions are due.
● All campaign materials must be posted in accordance with the Concordia Posting and Display,
and Promotions policies.
● Formal campus publicity reservations are available to all candidates. The Student Government
Association will reserve publicity spots through the Parke Student Leadership Center in
advance. These spots will be assigned on a first-come, first serve basis, beginning at 4:00 pm on
the day petitions are due.
● All campaign materials in the general election shall be removed by midnight preceding the
● Campaigning on Election Day shall be limited to casual conversation, articles worn on the
person, articles displayed within dormitory rooms, or on personal door room doors unless
otherwise stipulated by the Election Marshal.
● Penalties will be imposed for violations of election rules, by the Election Marshal and the
Elections and Credentials Council.
o Any action taken may be appealed to the Elections and Credentials Council.
● Any additional campaign regulations shall be in accordance with Concordia’s Display and
Promotions Policies.
● Any campaign materials submitted to the general student body through the campus post office
must be pre-approved by Paulette Dixon, Manager of the Post Office. All campaign related mail
must be submitted to the campus post office no later than 2 business days prior to the election
● In the Student Government Association offices, campaigning shall be limited to casual
conversation and articles worn on people. The use of the Student Government Association
materials and offices for campaigning purposes is prohibited.
● Anderson Commons will remain off limits to candidates both for campaigning and petition
signing. Violations of this may result in sanctions as determined by the Elections and
Credentials Council
● Candidates must request approval for campaigning within the residence hall from Mikal
Kenfield, Director of Residence Life, at least 24 hours in advance.
o Signs posted within residence halls may only be posted in the designated areas.

Spring 2023 Election Timeline

Monday, January 30th, 2023 - Interest Meeting at 7:00 pm

- SGA Interest Meeting- information and petitions are distributed. Remember, petitioning does not
guarantee support from those signing; it only allows you to be placed on the ballot.
- Begin petitioning to have your name(s) placed on the election ballot- petitioning may begin
immediately following the SGA Interest Meeting. No petitioning may be done before the SGA
Interest Meeting.

Monday, February 13th, 2023 - 4:00 pm, Office of Student Engagement

- Petitions due by 4:00 pm to the Office of Student Engagement located on the 2nd Floor of the
Knutson Campus Center above Anderson Commons. Signatures and candidate eligibility will be
verified by a Student Affairs staff member and the Elections and Credentials Commissioner. You
will turn in:
1. Petition
2. A signed “Intent to Run” form
3. A signed “Campaign & Election Handbook Terms Agreement”.
You will also have your picture taken when you hand in your petition.

Monday, February 13th at 5:00 pm - Monday, February 20th at 11:59 pm

- Campaigning begins at 5:00 pm on Monday, February 15th
- Public campaigning (as described on page 7) ends at 11:59 pm on Monday, February 20th. All
public campaign materials must be taken down, excluding those materials located on persons,
personal dorm rooms, or personal dorm room doors.

Friday, February 17th at 7:30 pm in Maize (TBA)

- SGA candidate Open Forum: Candidates for President/Vice-President will share their platforms,
engage in thoughtful and respectful communication, and take questions from the audience.
- The purpose of this forum is to inform students, answer questions, and provide an opportunity
for platform comparison.

Tuesday, February 21st , 2023

- Election Day: Voting will be available via emailed ballot.

Resources and Contacts

There are a variety of places candidates may go for assistance in running their campaigns. Below are
places to find supplies, advice, answers, and assistance.

The Parke Student Leadership Center

The Parke SLC is located on the second floor of the Campus Center above Anderson Commons and
provides supplies to students at low cost. Supplies include poster board, buttons, paper, glue, markers,

Election Marshal
Christian Elmer -

Staff Contact (office located in Office of Student Engagement, above Anderson Commons).
Elijah Amelse, Assistant Director of Student Engagement,


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