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A paper presentation
Submitted to
Sir. Dr. Nungsang Jamir

In partial Fulfilment
Of the requirement of course
Pastoral counselling and psychology

Miss. Moachila
M.Div. III
Reg. No # 338/20
Calcutta bible College

10th February, 2023

1. Root cause of depression...............................................................................................................1
1.1. Genetic factors.......................................................................................................................1
1.2. Physical illness........................................................................................................................1
1.3. Personality..............................................................................................................................1
2. Type of depression people faced...................................................................................................2
2.1. Major Depression...................................................................................................................2
2.2. Anxious distress.....................................................................................................................2
2.3. Melancholy.............................................................................................................................2
2.4. Persistent Depressive.............................................................................................................2
2.5. Bipolar Disorder....................................................................................................................3
2.6. Psychotic Depression.............................................................................................................3
3. Struggles against depression.........................................................................................................3
4. Counseling for depression.............................................................................................................3
Depression is a strong emotion that have the power to completely crumble a healthy person. It is
a condition that burns the man from inside and makes it unable to perform any task. Depression
has become a universal issue when people began to attempt suicide. It is only been last few
decades that depression is considered as a real issue and given major attention to its problems. In
this presentation, the presenter would like to investigate the major subject matter of its root
cause, its struggles, and ways to win over depression.

1. Root cause of depression

There are different roots cause of depression that different researchers have found out. Some of
the few genuine reasons will be discussed below.

1.1. Genetic factors

There is strong evidence that genetic factors play a significant role in a person’s predisposition
towards developing depression, especially melancholic depression, psychotic depression, and
bipolar disorder. No single gene is likely to be responsible, but rather a combination of genes.
The predisposition to develop depression can be inherited. The genetic risk of developing clinical
depression is about 40% if a biological parent has been diagnosed with the illness, with the
remaining 60% being due to factors within the individual’s own environment. Depression is
unlikely to occur without stressful life events, but the risk of developing depression as a result of
such an event is strongly genetically determined.

1.2. Physical illness

In a sense, physical illness can lead to depression through the lowered mood that we can all
experience when we are unwell, in pain or discomfort, confined and less able to do the things we
enjoy, even if the illness itself is not making us feel down. Illness can also change the body’s
functioning which leading to depression. Even if the illness is not making us feel down, we can
still suffer from depression.

1.3. Personality
Researchers has shown that people with the following personality types are more at risk of
developing depression than others. Those who are high on the first four factors are at distinctly
greater risk to depression: 1. High levels of anxiety, which can be experienced as an internalized
‘anxious worrying’ style or as a more externalized ‘irritability’. 2. Shyness expressed as ‘social

avoidance’ and/ or ‘personal reserve’. 3. Self-criticism or low self-worth. 4. High interpersonal
sensitivity. 5. Perfectionism is somewhat protective against the onset of depression but if
depression occurs, it can result in longer episodes. 6. A ‘self-focused’ style is likely to be at
greater risk for brief depressive episodes only

2. Type of depression people faced

There are different types of depression that has been classified depending upon the symptoms the
person is showing. Some of it are explained below:

2.1. Major Depression

Major depression looks differently in different people. There are different signs of depression
depending upon these signs the doctors classify the severity of sickness. Some of those lists
through which the doctors determined the type of depression are loss of interest or pleasure in your
activities, weight loss or gain, trouble getting to sleep or feeling sleepy during the day,
feeling restless and agitated, or else very sluggish and slowed down physically or mentally, being
tired and without energy, feeling worthless or guilty, trouble concentrating or making decisions and
thoughts of suicide. If anyone has five or more signs which is mention above then it is declared to be
major depression.

2.2. Anxious distress.

The feeling of tense and restless in most of the days and have trouble concentrating in any task.
Extreme worrying thinking that something awful could happen, and also feeling of lose control of
oneself are some of the signs that the client has anxious distress.

2.3. Melancholy.
The feeling of intensely sad and lose interest in the activities which the client used to enjoy, and
feeling bad even when good things happen. Feel particularly down in the mornings, lose weight,
sleep poorly, have suicidal thoughts are signs of melancholy depression. If a person has melancholic
depression, then the symptoms might be worst in the mornings it is better to have someone’s help in
completing the first tasks of the day.

2.4. Persistent Depressive

If depression that lasts for 2 years or longer, it is called persistent depressive disorder. This term is
used to describe two conditions the first one is known as Dysthymia (low-grade persistent

depression) and chronic major depression. Some of its symptoms are Change in your appetite (not
eating enough or overeating) sleeping too much or too little, lack of energy, or fatigue, low self-
esteem, trouble concentrating or making decisions, feeling hopeless. It can be treated with
psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two.
2.5. Bipolar Disorder
Someone with bipolar disorder, which is also sometimes called “Manic depression,” has mood
episodes that range from extremes of high energy with an "up" mood to low "depressive" periods. In
the low phase it will be accompanied by the symptoms of major depression.Medication can help in
bringing mood swings under control. Whether it is in a high or a low period, doctor may suggest a
mood stabilizer, such as lithium.

2.6. Psychotic Depression

People with psychotic depression have the symptoms of major depression along with "psychotic"
symptoms, such as Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there), Delusions (false
beliefs) and Paranoia (wrongly believing that others are trying to harm them). A combination of
antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs can treat psychotic depression. ECT (Electroconvulsive
therapy) may also be an option.

3. Struggles against depression

The first thing one must do to get over depression is to realized and acknowledge the wounds.
Avoiding will cause more problems and ignorance will results to more damage. Therefore, early
acceptance and willingness to work out is the key towards to get over depression. One of the
main struggles people face in getting over from depression is ignorance. The attitude toward
circumstances may become regressive or narcissistic and, if protracted, will ultimately result in
escape from reality it is like "losing contact with reality." Such a person may be able to hear but
seems incapable of movement or speech. It is not uncommon for suicide to be the final attempt to
rid oneself of the awful drama of depression

4. Counseling for depression

The length and severity of the symptoms and episodes of depression often determine the type of
therapy. If the client is depressed for a length of time and the symptoms are severe then working
with a psychiatrist or psychologist may be necessary, since they deal more with issues from the
past that may be deeply rooted in with the present feelings. But if the symptoms of depression
are more recent or not as severe, working with a therapist in a counseling relationship may be

helpful. During counseling the therapist will use “talk therapy” to help the client understand and
work through the issues that are impacting their life in negative ways. Their role is to listen,
provide feedback, and work with to develop strategies to cope. They will also evaluate the
progress and adjust the sessions accordingly. The counsellor also may ask to do some homework
that extends the learning from the counseling sessions. Often, this is in the form of tracking
moods and feelings. Counseling for depression focuses more on present thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors and how these things are affecting one’s life currently

It is hard to recognized a depressed person in the social circle, people might assume that
everyone might be alright but there is always a time where everyone at one point of time people
goes through such circumstances. As a Christian we can include counseling and the word of God
together to counsel the depressed person which will be more effective in bringing out the client
from that particular situation. The word of God is powerful and it can fight against any situation.
The churches and different organization must be aware and should provide help to the needy.
Depression is also one of the spiritual, physical, and mental issues. It touches the overall
spectrum of a person lifestyle. Therefore, everyone should come together and maintain a healthy
environment so that depression can be prevented at the same time it will be easier for those
people to over come it.

Wittman. E. C, C.R. Bollman. Bible Therapy. U.S.A: ISPN, 1979.

White, John. The Mask of Melancholy. U.S.A: ISPN, 1982.

Seamands, David. Healing for Damaged Emotions. U.S.A: SP, 1981.

Lahaye, Tim. How to win over Depression. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1974.


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