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Name: Allexa Maongat

Grade/Section: 9/St.lucy

An oracle of delphi told Oedipus that he will marry his mother and will
kill his father, so he went away from his non biological parents without
him knowing the truth. Upon going to his destination he met his real
father with his servants. Out of rage Oedipus killed his servant and
father because the servant threw him away so they can pass through. He
then feel strong and then when he heard there was a monster he killed it.
Then Oedipus became the king of thebes and married his real mother
and then they had four children . Years later a mess came up and the the
truth was out that Oedipus is not the real son of the corinth king and
queen,and the oracle who said that he will kill his father, and marry his
mother. Due to shock his mother hangs herself and Oedipus blinds

King and queen of corinth
The unknown shepherd and the servant
The biological father and mother of oedipus/king and queen of thebes

Delivers the chorus in a recital way and shows how it speaks as one
voice. There are many ways how it represents in Oedipus rex. It damns,
praises, cower in fear, ask or offer advice, and generally helps the
audience interpret the play.

The costumes are colorful
Matches the average life of characters


Oedipus rex
Oedipus rex written by sophocles that became famous as ancient greek
tragedy. The theatre play of oedipus shows an unbelievable plot, the
misunderstandings and the outcome of doing unfortunate decisions that
leads to an sad ending. Oedipus rex written by sophocles that became
famous that is an ancient greek tragedy.

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