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DAY-9 (22-01-2018)


INSTRUCTIONS Total marks: 30

1. Attempt all the problems.
2. Maximum time allotted is strictly 60 minutes.
3. There is no negative marking.

1. Find the Angular frequency of a simple pendulum having length L comparable to

radius of earth (R). Assume that the mass is oscillating close to earth surface.
Neglect air friction . [ 3 marks]

2. A small particle is placed inside a fixed circular surface, which is incomplete at the
top, a shown. What should be the velocity of the particle at the lowest point so
that it can join the circular surface after leaving it? [ 3 marks]


 
3. A uniform rod of mass M and length L is connected to another point mass M with
the help of an inextensible thread of length L, particle is given a velocity V0 at t = 0
as shown in the figure. Entire system is kept on smooth horizontal surface. Find
M, L

M V0
Smooth Surface Horizontal
(i) Tension T in the string just after velocity V0 was imparted to point mass
(ii) Acceleration a cm of rod and angular acceleration  of the rod
(iii) Initial radius of curvature of the point mass [ 2+2+1 marks]
4. Solid non-conducting sphere of radius R and having a uniformly distributed
charge of Q1 is rotating about Y-axis with angular velocity of 1 , and a ring of
radius r having a uniformly distributed charge of Q2 is rotating with angular
velocity 2 about X-axis as shown in the figure. Find the magnetic force applied by
ring on the solid sphere.
It is given that L>> R and R>> r . [ 3 marks]

Q 2 , r
+ + +
+ + + ++ + +
+ + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + x
++ + +
+ + +
+ 2
+ + R ++ +
+ + +

z L
5. Two infinitely long skew lines charges are shown in the figure. Linear mass
densities of wires is 1 and  2 and their masses are M1 and M 2 . Initial separation
between the two wires is L 0 , insulated spring has spring constant of k. System is
released from rest, find the time period of oscillations. Assume displacement of
wires occur only along the length of spring. Assume gravity free space .
[ 3 marks]

+ 2
+ 90 + 2
+ +
+ m1 m2
+ + +
+ L0 k
+ Skew Line Charges +
+ + L0
+ Insulated spring

(2-D view)
(3-D view)
6. Find the velocity of image of object O at this instant as seen by the observer in
medium of R.I. 3 . Observer is moving with velocity V0 towards right.
[ 3 marks]
3 y
 2
V0 2V0
O V0 Observer

7. Annular Disc  R1  t, R2  t 

R2  
R1 R1

A t

 is polar angle

Find the current flowing through the Disc when a voltage of V0 is applied across AB.

Resistivity of Disc changes with polar angle  according to   0 sec  .

[ 3 marks]
8. A monochromatic light of wavelength  is incident on an isolated metallic sphere
of radius R. The threshold wavelength is 0  0    . If the number of
photoelectrons emitted before the photoelectric emission stops is of the form
A0 RhC  1 1 
   where A, B, D are positive integers. h  plank’s constant; C 
BeD   0 
speed of light; e  charge of an electron. All units are in SI system. Then find the
value of [A+B+D]? [ 3 marks]

9. Electric field strength depends only on x and y co-ordinates as given by

E 2
 
a xiˆ  yjˆ
, where a is a constant. Then find the flux of E through a closed
x  y2
surface given by x 4  y4  z4  81 , if flux is of the form Ka , then the value of [100K]
will be? Where [ . ] represent greatest integer function. [ 4 marks]
DAY-9 (22-01-2018)_KEY

g g
1. Ans:   

Ans:  gR  2  2cos   sec   


MV02 V02 6V 2
3. Ans: (i ) T  ; (ii) aCM  ,  0 ; (iii) RC  5L
5L 5L 5L

3 0Q1Q212 R 2 r 2
4. Ans: F 
40 L4

m1m 2
5. Ans: T  2
k  m1  m 2 

6. Ans: VI O  V0iˆ
7. Ans: I DISC 
0 ln 2
8. Ans: 7

9. Ans: 1200 [K=12]

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