Gr. 4 Summative - #2 Q1

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I. Direction: Read the selection below and answer the ff. questions that follows.

Long before, the only inhabitants of the earth were the Sky and the Sea. Suddenly,
out of nowhere, a great colorful bird appeared that flew between the vast sky and the
boundless sea.
The bird kept on flying and soon got tired. It searched for a place to land on but
there was none. The bird had a plan. The bird created a word of war between the Sea and
Sky of which of the two was the strongest.
The Sky got angry and proved his strength. It threw thunderbolts at the Sea. In an
instant, the Sea sent huge waves against the Sky. The war lasted for a long time.
However, the Sky felt that it was losing in the war and asked help from the great bird. So,
the bird dove into the deep water of the sea and got big pieces of rocks from the ocean
The bird gave these pieces of earth up to the sky, and then flung it down on the
raging Sea. The Sea quieted.
And thus, the Philippine archipelago was born. At last, the great bird was able to find
place to rest in one of these islands.
Tiongson, E.L.(2008).Journeys 4.Sta.
Ana, Manila. Vicarish Publication & Trading. Inc

A. Direction: Choose the letter of your answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank before the number.

___1. What appeared before the sea and sky?

a. a comet b. a great bird c. a fire d. a storm
___2. Why did the bird make the Sea and the Sky fight?
a. To find a place to land on b. To find food and shelter
c. To find out which is stronger d. To find the lost treasure
___3. Who won the war?
a. the Sky b. the bird c. the Sea d. the sun
___4. What appeared after the war?
a. The islands of Luzon b. The islands of Visayas
c. The islands of Mindanao d. The islands of Philippines

___5. After the war, was the bird able to find place to rest?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Does not say
B. Read the poem and answer the given questions below. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the blank provided.


See our nipa hut,
It‟s home to all of us;
It‟s here where we all live,
Father, Mother and I.

Inside our nipa hut,

There‟s not much to see;
A chair, a table, and a bed,
Which to visitors we give.

Behind our nipa hut,

Are fruit trees big and small;
Duhat, santol,balimbing,
Guava,chico and atis too.
___6. What is the title of the poem?
A. Our Home B. Our Nipa Hut C. Our Toyland D. Our Nipa House

___7. What can be seen inside the nipa hut?

A. guava,chico and atis
B. chair, a table and a bed
C. duhat, santol and balimbing
D. visitors,friends and neighbors

____8. What can be seen behind the nipa hut?

A. Zoo B. Lagoon C. Flowers D. Fruit trees

____9. How did the author feel about the nipa hut?
A. sad B. angry C. pleased D. displeased.

___10. Which of the statements below tells best about the nipa hut?
A. Nipa hut is a home for them.
B. There is not much to see inside the nipa hut.
C. The poem does not tell who lives in a nipa hut.
D. Visitors are not welcome inside the nipa hut.

II. Read the short selections then answer the given questions. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the blank.
11. Unity is important in a group activity. It makes the members of a group work
harmoniously. The members can attain the group’s objective through unity. How important
is unity?

A. Doing the task alone.

B. Late submission of projects
C. Members work harmoniously.
D. It brings bad luck to the group.

12. The family of Bennett was all set. They are going to the beach that Sunday morning.
Bennett packed his extra clothing and loaded his bag with snacks, towel and brought
sunscreen to protect his skin. What text-type is shown in this activity?
A. Informational text B. Narrative Text C. Procedural text D. Text that enumerates.

13. Nature is God‟s gift to mankind. Every citizen must help in their simple way to preserve
nature. If people continue to cut trees, landslides may occur. What text-type is shown in this
A. Informational text B. Literary text C. Procedural text D. Text that enumerate.

14. The class of Mrs. De Leon visited the Nayong Pilipino. Instructions were given by their
tour guide. They were informed that they can ask questions about the tour. Everybody
ended the tour with a smile. Who gave the instructions to the pupils?
A. The parents B. The principal C. The teacher D. The tour

15. Edgar and Ramon went to market. Soon they were able to get near the vegetable stall.
They began giving bad remarks about the freshness of the vegetables on the stall. The seller
was so displeased. What can you say about Edgar and Ramon?
A. They were nasty. B. They were obedient. C. They were generous. D. They were

16. Which among the given selections is NOT a procedure text.

A. Recipe B. Novel C. Instruction manuals D. Direction

17. Which among the given text type provide instruction or direction?

A. Narrative text B. Procedural text C. Argumentative text D. Information report

18. One time I went to Mexico. It was a blast! I met people there. I went horseback riding. I
saw a box holding an armadillo. I went to a waterfall. I tried to catch a frog with one leg. I
couldn't catch it. It was fun in Mexico.What type of text is this?

A. Narrative text B. Procedural text C. Argumentative text D. Information report

19. Plastic, Paper, or Cloth? We have a big decision to make. We can use cloth, paper, or
plastic bags. I choose cloth because paper uses trees, and plastic uses petroleum, so we
should use cloth. Cloth bags are easy to take with you and use again and again. We need to
keep our earth clean, so let‟s use cloth. Remember, recycle and reuse. What type of text is
A. Narrative text B. Procedural text C. Persuasive text D. Information report

20. Novels and biographies are __________ text.

A. Narrative B. Procedural C. Persuasive D. Information report

21. How to reduce the risk of heart attack? Firstly, be a non-smoker. Secondly, see your
doctor regularly for tests to check your cholesterol levels. Thirdly, eat a low-fat diet and
keep to a healthy weight. Finally, exercise regularly.What type of text is this?

A. Narrative text B. Procedural text C. Persuasive text D. Information report

III. Direction: Sort out the text below into narrative, information report, procedural
or argumentative. Write the number in the table chart.
Narrative text Information report Procedural Argumentative

22.Let‟s see how good you are in the following directions: Draw a rectangle. Divide it
into three equal parts. Write letter “A” in the first part, letter “B” in the second part and
letter “C” in the third part.

23. Ludy was playing with her friends in their front yard when she saw her mother
coming from the market. She excused herself politely from her playmates and ran to
meet her mother. She took the basket and carried it to the house.

24. What’s the point in wearing school uniform? Wearing school uniform is a symbol
of pride, create an identity and shows that you are a part of the school. Most importantly,
uniforms mean students don’t have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their
clothes. School uniform isn’t fashionable, but that’s exactly why I think it should be here
to stay.

25. Do you know how to tell the difference between a frog and a toad? A toad is a frog.
Toads are members of the frog family but are not what we consider “true frogs”.
Bullfrogs, green frogs, leopard frogs, and common frogs are “true frogs”.

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