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Career Skills – Verbal Reasoning - Antonyms and Synonyms – Worksheet – 01

Question 1
I. Write one antonym for A-M

A. Defray
B. Lucid
C. Immaculate
D. Oracular
E. Temperate
F. Vicious
G. Efface
H. Tyro
I. Axiom
J. Heretic
K. Callous
L. Sublime
M. Zenith

II. Write a synonym for N-Z:

N. Mollify
O. Jejune
P. Boisterous
Q. Insipid
R. Ratify
S. Lax
T. Frugality
U. Umbrage
V. Quibble
W. Encumbrance
X. Rescind
Y. Knave
Z. Arraign


A. Synonym of "Authentic" is:

A. Accute
B. Credible
C. Fictitious
D. Unreal

B. Synonym of "Abject" is:

A. Despicable
B. Commencing
C. Servile
D. Praiseworthy

C. Synonym of "Concede" is:

A. Yield
B. Persuasive
C. Deny
D. Reject

D. Antonym of "Clandestine" is:

A. Covert
B. Furtive
C. Open
D. Close

E. Synonym of "Calumny" is:

A. Defamation
B. Assertion
C. Commendation
D. Praise

F. Antonym of "Imminent" is:

A. Impending
B. Boiling
C. Distant
D. Reminiscing

Write the antonyms of the following:
1. Deride
2. Guile
3. Languid
4. Morbid
5. Noxious
6. Remonstrate
7. Insolvent
8. Obscure
9. Stupor
10. Trenchant

Write the synonyms of the following:

1. Vilify
2. Squalid
3. Quell
4. Novice
5. Hapless
6. Baroque
7. Concord
8. Hamstrung
9. Noxious
10. Subterfuge

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