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Basuel, Jonathan B.



“Media and Globalization”

Artist: BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan / Bulletproof Boy Scouts)
1. Origin:

- BTS originated in South Korea.

2. Countries of Fame:

- BTS gained international fame, with a massive following in countries like the United States, United
Kingdom, Brazil, Japan, and many more.

3. Path to Fame:

- The group became famous through a combination of factors, including their captivating music,
powerful performances, engaging social media presence, and strategic collaborations. Their journey to
fame began in the competitive K-pop industry, where their unique blend of hip-hop, pop, and socially
conscious lyrics set them apart.

4. Reasons for Fame:

- BTS's fame can be attributed to their exceptional talent, hard work, and the global appeal of their
music. They consistently address universal themes in their songs, connecting with a diverse audience.
Additionally, their active engagement on social media platforms allowed them to build a strong and loyal
fanbase (ARMY) worldwide. The group's authenticity, meaningful storytelling, and dedication to self-
expression contribute to their widespread acclaim and success.
1. Impact on Communities:

- Global migration has transformed our communities into vibrant tapestries of diversity, introducing a
rich blend of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. The once familiar landscapes now echo with the
languages and traditions of those who have brought their stories and experiences from afar.

2. Coping with Immigration:

- Communities have responded with a resilience that mirrors the adaptability of the human spirit.
There's a collaborative effort to create inclusive spaces, fostering understanding and appreciation for the
backgrounds of the newcomers. Local initiatives, cultural exchanges, and support networks have
emerged, bridging the gaps and embracing the strength that lies in our differences.

3. Transformation Among Immigrants:

- The return or visit of immigrants often sparks a profound transformation within them. They carry back
not only the skills and experiences gained abroad but also a renewed perspective on their roots. This
return becomes a catalyst for cultural exchange, as they infuse their communities with a global mindset,
fostering connections that reach beyond geographical borders. The journey home becomes a tapestry
where the threads of their experiences weave seamlessly into the fabric of their origin.


1. Homes and Residences:

- Downtown Hub: Skyscrapers and chic apartments paint the skyline, mirroring the pulse of urban

- Suburban Enclave: Houses with manicured lawns dominate, reminiscent of a tranquil haven.

- Artistic Quarter: Quaint townhouses, adorned with murals, embrace a bohemian charm.

2. Neighborhood Organization:

- Downtown Hub: Open residences abound, creating an energetic vibe of interconnected urban living.

- Suburban Enclave: Gated houses foster a sense of privacy, defining a close-knit suburban community.

- Artistic Quarter: Gated residences blend with open spaces, embodying a fusion of artistic expression
and communal warmth.
3. Community Characteristics:

- Downtown Hub: Diverse professionals, dressed in contemporary attire, engage in cosmopolitan

conversations. Languages spoken echo the city's international flair, and food options span global

- Suburban Enclave: Families in casual wear convene for neighborhood barbecues, exuding a
neighborly spirit. The spoken language is a mix of local dialects, and traditional homemade meals waft
through the air.

- Artistic Quarter: Ceatives and free spirits, adorned with eclectic fashion, foster an atmosphere of
collaboration. Multilingual conversations echo, and food trucks offer a delightful array of global street

District Comparison:
1. Similarities:

- Community Pride: Each district showcases a distinct pride in its identity, whether rooted in urban
sophistication, suburban tranquility, or artistic vibrancy.

- Cultural Fusion:Despite unique characteristics, all districts embrace cultural diversity, creating a
mosaic that reflects the city's cosmopolitan nature.

2. Complement or Competition:

- Complement: The Downtown Hub's energy complements the Suburban Enclave's serenity, offering a
dynamic urban-suburban synergy. The Artistic Quarter, with its creativity, enhances the city's cultural

- Competition: While districts may compete for resources, their distinctiveness contributes to the city's
overall allure. The competition is more of a friendly rivalry, adding layers to the urban experience.


As I embarked on a neighborhood expedition to scrutinize our environmental landscape, a tapestry of
pollutants unfolded before my eyes. Discarded plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper waste cluttered
the surroundings, echoing the urgent call for sustainable practices.

In the realm of recycling, I discerned a spectrum of possibilities. Plastic bottles, once destined for the
landfill, have the potential for reincarnation as eco-friendly plant containers or imaginative art
installations. Aluminum cans, often treated as mere refuse, can find new life as stylish containers or even
sculptural elements. The paper, a silent victim of our wasteful habits, can metamorphose into recycled
stationery or artistic creations.

However, the transformation doesn't end with repurposing. Embracing the ethos of upcycling, I
envisioned crafting unique, functional items from these materials. A plastic bottle might become a self-
watering plant pot, merging sustainability with urban gardening. Aluminum cans could undergo a
metamorphosis into aesthetically pleasing lanterns or wind chimes, infusing art into daily life. The
discarded paper, a canvas waiting to be reborn, could be transformed into handmade paper, each sheet
narrating a tale of renewal.

Beyond crafting, community engagement emerged as a pivotal facet of this eco-journey. Establishing a
neighborhood recycling initiative could serve as a nucleus for collective action. Workshops on upcycling
could become vibrant community events, fostering awareness and camaraderie. Collaborative art
projects, utilizing recycled materials, would not only beautify our surroundings but also broadcast a
message of environmental consciousness.

In essence, the journey from pollutant to possibility involves a paradigm shift. It's about viewing
discarded items not as mere waste but as untapped reservoirs of potential. By infusing creativity and
community engagement into the recycling narrative, we can sculpt a future where every recyclable item
becomes a stepping stone toward sustainable living. Our neighborhoods, once marred by pollutants, can
evolve into vibrant hubs of innovation and environmental stewardship.

Journey through Roots:

Embarking on the exploration of my family's history is akin to unfolding a tapestry woven across
generations. From the interviews with my parents, two family trees emerge, intricately branching
through time and connections.

Family of Migrants:

Both my maternal and paternal sides bear the legacy of migration, tracing a path from the provinces to
the bustling embrace of big cities. This journey, etched with stories, sheds light on the reasons behind
the transitions.

Maternal Tree:

Originating in the provincial landscapes, my maternal ancestors made a pivotal move to urban centers
seeking broader opportunities. This migration, spanning several decades, was propelled by economic
aspirations, educational pursuits, and the allure of city life's dynamism.

Paternal Tree:

On the paternal side, a similar narrative unfolds. The family roots, firmly embedded in provincial soil,
extended towards the cities. The migration, though influenced by economic prospects, was also driven
by a quest for cultural exposure and a desire to partake in the evolving urban narrative.

Global Connections:

Lateral connections intertwine the narrative, revealing a network that spans regions and cultures.
Through the years, family members have ventured beyond borders, forging connections that transcend
geographical boundaries.
Narrative Threads:

The familial migration stories are not merely chronological events but represent chapters in a larger
narrative. Economic aspirations, educational pursuits, and a thirst for cultural experiences emerge as
recurring motifs, weaving a tapestry that mirrors the broader trends in global demography.


In tracing the roots of my family's migration, I discover a narrative that mirrors the ebb and flow of global
demographics. The provincial-to-urban shift is not just a physical movement but a manifestation of
aspirations, opportunities, and a dynamic response to changing landscapes. Each familial thread, though
seemingly individual, converges to form a collective story of resilience, adaptability, and the pursuit of a
better future. This exploration underscores the interconnectedness of family histories with broader
global trends, painting a vivid portrait of the journey through time and space.

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