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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,351,692 B1

Eaton et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 26, 2002

(54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 4,403,292 A 9/1983 EjZak et al. .............. .. 700/292
CONFIGURING A GENSET CONTROLLER 4,403,293 A 9/1983 Bradt et al. ............... .. 700/287
FOR OPERATION WITH PARTICULAR 4,438,385 A 3/1984 Sato et al. 322/28
4,438,498 A 3/1984 Sekel 618.1. ...... . . . . . .. 702/60

4,443,828 A 4/1984 Legrand et a1. 361/936

(75) Inventors: Zane C- Eaton, Plymouth; Jonathan 4,477,765 A 10/1984 Glennon et al. ............ .. 322/20
D- Churchill, Sheboygan, bOth Of Continued on next page)
(73) Assignee: Kohler C0., Kohler, WI (US) _ _ _ _ _ _
Protective Relaymg Principles and Applications, 2d ed., J.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this LeWis Blackburn, pp. 248—249, 312—315, and 370—371,
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 1998.
U.S.C. 154(b) by0 days. BE1—50/51B Time Overcurrent Relay, Basler Electric, 5
pages, 6—92 and 7—96.
(21) Appl. No.: 09/695,167 Generator Protection, Ch. 11,ANSI/IEEE Std 242—1986, pp.
. 441—451 and 470—471.
22 F1 d: O t. 24 2000 .
( ) 1e c ’ Kohler PoWer Systems literature: form G12—197, 6/96; form
7 G6—34 a 2/97'a form G11—63 a 10/95'a form G11—56 a 6/94'a form
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ .. G05D 3/12 G6_35, 3/98; and form T113402, 11/97_

(52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 700/287; 700/286; 700/289; (List continued on neXt page.)
700/290; 700/18; 700/19; 361/20; 361/21; ' ~ _ _
361/932; 361/936; 322/10; 322/19; 322/20; Primary Exammer—wllham Grant
323/318; 323/319; 323/322 Assistant Examiner—Ramesh Patel
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Quarles & Brady LLP
(58) Field of Search ............................. .. 700/18—19, 22,
700/86, 286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 295, 296; (57) ABSTRACT
361/20, 21, 22, 24, 93-2, 93-6, 94—96; 322/10—12> A genset controller that is con?gurable for controlling a
19—24; 323/318, 319, 320, 321, 322 variety of types of gensets, as Well as a method of con?g
. uring a genset controller for controlling a genset, are dis
(56) References Clted closed. The genset controller includes a memory for storing
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS a plurality of softWare routines, a personality pro?le data set,
3,654,484 A 4/1972 lorgenson et a1‘ ~~~~~~~~ u 307/149 and a user-settable data set, and further includes a processor
3,715,652 A 2/1973 Elliston .................... .. 323/268 Coupled F0 the memory for executlng the Software Townes
4 128 771 A 12/1978 Domenico 307/52 and reading data from the personality pro?le data set and the
42055693 A 6/1980 Dickens et a1_ 361/94 user settable data set to control the genset. The genset
4,219,860 A 8/1980 DePuy _________ _ _ _ __ 361/94 controller additionally includes an input port coupled to the
4,245,182 A 1/1981 Aotsu et al. 322/20 memory for enabling changes to the personality pro?le data
4,280,060 A 7/1981 lime-Jensen et al 290/40 R set and the user-settable data set to be doWnloaded into the
4,322,630 A 3/1982 MeZera et a1. .......... .. 290/40 C memory The personality pro?le data Set and the user

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settable data set include data that con?gures the genset
- - -

4,345,288 A 8/1982 Kampf et a1‘ u 361/31 controller for operation With a particular genset.
4,346,337 A 8/1982 Watrous .. ... .. . . . .. 322/25

4,368,520 A 1/1983 Hwang et al. ............ .. 700/289 20 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets



1P9 105\ n a
1:221:54: r wqggigggggm?' > ,
ni-iiin?nuniliz J04 ___i \

L110 '20 KEYPAD/DISPLAY :fvnocrssonl I M£M0‘RY—L\

ANAlOG I/O I memu/o I L__T_| 'L___J 102
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US 6,351,692 B1
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2002 Sheet 2 0f3 US 6,351,692 B1

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US 6,351,692 B1
1 2
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR Many other examples of variable features of gensets also
CONFIGURING A GENSET CONTROLLER exist. For example, some gensets are noW controlled in their
FOR OPERATION WITH PARTICULAR operation (at least in part) by engine control modules
GENSETS (ECMs). Depending upon Whether the gensets are controlled
by such ECMs, more or less control is exercised by the
FIELD OF THE INVENTION genset controllers to control the operation of the gensets.
The present invention relates to the control of electric Further, the control signals provided by the genset control
generator sets (gensets) including an engine and an alterna lers depend at least in part upon Whether the control signals
tor. In particular, the present invention relates to the con are provided to ECMs that are coupled in betWeen the genset
?guration of controllers that are used to control and monitor controllers and the gensets, rather than provided directly to
such gensets. the genset controllers. Also, certain additional information
concerning the operation of the gensets is available to be
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION provided to genset controllers When ECMs are employed
that is unavailable otherWise. For all of these reasons,
Electric generator sets (or “gensets”) are Widely used to
provide electric poWer. A genset typically includes an engine
15 therefore, it Would be desirable for genset controllers to be
coupled to an alternator, Which converts the rotational
capable of being con?gured to operate With gensets that both
are and are not controlled by ECMs.
energy from the engine into electrical energy. The terminal
voltage of a genset is proportional to both the magnetic ?ux Further, because of the variation in the con?gurations of
density Within the alternator, and the speed of the engine. different gensets that exists today, the control signals that
The magnetic ?ux density is typically determined by con should be provided by a genset controller to one genset to
trolling an arrnature voltage or ?eld current on the alternator, produce optimal performance by that genset are often dif
While the speed of the engine is typically determined by an ferent from the control signals that should be provided to a
engine governor. second genset to produce optimal performance by that
It is knoWn to employ a genset controller to control and
genset. This is particularly the case With respect to the
25 regulation of the ?eld volts (or current) or excitation level of
monitor the operation of a genset, including the operation of
the engine and alternator of the genset. In the past, genset the alternator, Which in?uences the output voltage of the
controllers have been designed to control and operate With alternator, and Which is often performed by a voltage regu
lator of the genset controller. When a genset controller is not
particular respective gensets. Because many gensets have
had standard con?gurations and options, it Was in some Well-tailored to the genset being controlled, the genset
circumstances also possible to design genset controllers that controller often is less able to accurately and quickly mea
sure or respond to feedback from the genset concerning
could control and operate with multiple gensets, including
gensets designed and manufactured by different companies. changes in the performance of the genset due to changes in
the load or other factors, With the result being less than
Recently hoWever, the variety of types and con?gurations optimal performance of the genset. Consequently, it Would
of, and options available on, different gensets has increased 35 be desirable for genset controllers to be capable of being
such that it is becoming more dif?cult to design a “one-siZe con?gured to vary in their operation depending upon the
?ts all” genset controller. At the same time, because of an genset being controlled so that, regardless of the genset,
increased variety of genset rnanufacturers, it no longer optimal performance Would result.
suffices for the manufacturers of particular genset controllers
It Would therefore be advantageous if a genset controller
to design genset controllers for use With only particular
Was developed Which Was capable of being con?gured to
gensets. Clearly, a more ?exible genset controller that is
control and operate With a variety of gensets of different
capable of being adapted for operation With a variety of
types and con?gurations and having a variety of different
different types and con?gurations of gensets, and/or a vari
options, Where control is understood broadly to encompass
ety of options available on the gensets, is necessary in a
operations such as monitoring operations. It Would particu
modern marketplace in which many different gensets and 45 larly be advantageous if the genset controller could be
genset con?gurations are available.
con?gured to operate both With gensets having alternators
One example of the need for a more ?exible genset that included circuit breakers to preclude excessive current
controller relates to a neW invention in the controlling of ?oW Within the alternators, and With gensets that required
gensets concerning a thermal protection subroutine, Which is control by a genset controller having a thermal protection
described in a related patent application ?led on the same capability. It Would further be advantageous if the genset
date hereWith, entitled “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR controller could be con?gured to operate With gensets being
PREVENTING EXCESSIVE HEAT GENERATION INAN controlled by ECMs as Well as gensets Without control by
ALTERNATOR OFA GENERATOR SET”, Which is hereby ECMs. It Would additionally be advantageous if the genset
incorporated by reference herein. This invention alloWs a controller could be con?gured to operate in conjunction With
genset controller to monitor the currents ?oWing Within the 55 a variety of gensets having a variety of different performance
alternator of the genset and to prevent the ?oWing of parameters and qualities. It Would further be advantageous
excessive currents Within the alternator, Which can lead to if the genset controller could be easily con?gured both at the
excessive heat exposure and damage the alternator. factory and in the ?eld, and if the genset controller was
By employing this neW invention, a circuit breaker is no limited in its con?gurability to assure that irnproper con
longer necessary Within the alternator itself to prevent ?guration did not occur.
excessive currents Within the alternator, as it is With many
conventional alternators. HoWever, despite this invention, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
alternators Without circuit breakers Will continue to be The present inventors have discovered that a genset
manufactured, and so it Will be desirable for genset control controller can be programmed With a variety of parameters
lers to have the capability to operate both With alternators 65 to con?gure the genset controller for operation With a variety
that have circuit breakers and With alternators that do not of different gensets and genset options, including gensets
have circuit breakers. operating both With and Without ECMs. The genset
US 6,351,692 B1
3 4
controller, Which is programmed With application software DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
that governs the operation of the genset and does not vary in PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
dependence upon the genset being controlled, is further Referring to FIG. 1, a generator set controller (or genset
programmed With personality pro?le data and user-settable controller) 100 is shoWn coupled to a generator set (genset)
data Which does vary depending upon the genset being 150. Genset controller 100 can be located remotely from
controlled. The personality pro?le data is typically pro genset 150 (up to 40 feet) or attached to the genset directly
grammed at the time of manufacture of the genset at the
by Way of an engine harness. Genset 150 includes an engine
factory and cannot be modi?ed thereafter, except for modi 152 and an alternator (or synchronous generator) 154, and
?cations by representatives of the manufacturer or the
has a typical poWer rating of betWeen 20 KW and 2000 KW
manufacturer’s distributors in the ?eld, While the user 10
or more. Engine 152 is typically an internal combustion
settable data can be programmed at the factory and then engine that is poWered by gasoline, diesel fuel, methane gas
reprogrammed by end users in the ?eld.
or other fuels, for example, the Series 60, Series 2000 or
In particular, the present invention relates to a genset Series 4000 engines manufactured by Detroit Diesel Com
controller that is con?gurable for controlling a variety of pany of Detroit, Mich. Engine 152 rotates a rotor (not
types of gensets. The genset controller includes a memory 15
shoWn)of alternator 154, Which outputs electrical poWer.
for storing a plurality of softWare routines, a personality Alternator 154 is typically a three-phase machine, such as
pro?le data set, and a user-settable data set, and further the Model 5M4027 alternator manufactured by Marathon
includes a processor coupled to the memory for executing Electric Company.
the softWare routines and reading data from the personality Genset controller 100 operates to control and monitor the
pro?le data set and the user settable data set to control the 20
operation of genset 150. As shoWn in FIGS. 1 and 2, genset
genset. The genset controller additionally includes an input controller 100 is a microprocessor-based (or otherWise
port coupled to the memory for enabling changes to the computer-driven) system having a processor 101 and a
personality pro?le data set and the user-settable data set to
memory 102. Referring to FIG. 2, memory 102 includes a
be doWnloaded into the memory. The personality pro?le data
512 K FLASH memory 232, a 128 K SRAM memory 234,
set and the user-settable data set include data that con?gures
and an 8 K EEPROM memory 236. Processor 101 includes
the genset controller for operation With a particular genset. a microcontroller or microprocessor 240 (e.g., a MC68332
The present invention further relates to a genset controller processor manufactured by Motorola, Inc. of Schaumburg,
that is con?gurable for controlling a variety of types of Ill.), and also a ?eld-programmable gate array (FPGA) 238.
gensets. The genset includes a memory means for storing a FPGA 238 alloWs for memory allocation among memories
plurality of softWare routines, and a plurality of character 232—236. Processor 101 and memory 102 are coupled to one
istic data, a processor means coupled to the memory means another and other elements of the genset controller 100 by
for executing the softWare routines in order to control a an internal bus structure 290.
genset, and an input means coupled to the memory means Genset controller 100 employs several interfaces to pro
for receiving the plurality of characteristic data. The char vide control and monitoring of genset 150, including a CAN
acteristic data is stored separately from the softWare routines 35
interface 103, a three-phase input interface 104, a voltage
in the memory means so that the characteristic data can be
regulator interface 105, an analog input/output interface
doWnloaded Without impacting the softWare routines.
(analog I/O) 106 and a digital input/output interface (digital
The present invention additionally relates to a method of I/O) 107. Three-phase input interface 104, voltage regulator
con?guring a genset controller for controlling a genset. The interface 105 and digital I/O 107 each are coupled directly
method includes storing a plurality of softWare routines, a to FPGA 238 of processor 101, Which alloWs for signal
personality pro?le data set, and a user-settable data set, and sampling, signal multiplexing, and control of peripheral
operating the genset by executing the softWare routines devices (such as operator interface devices, discussed
Which employ the personality pro?le data set and the user beloW). CAN interface 103 and analog I/O 106 are coupled
settable data set. The method further includes doWnloading to processor 101 by Way of internal bus 290. Input and
changes to the personality pro?le data set at a ?rst time to output ports for each of interfaces 104—107 are provided on
alter the manner in Which the genset is operated by execution an interconnect board 220 of genset controller 100.
of the softWare routines, and doWnloading changes to the The processor 240 operates under the direction of stored
user-settable data set at at least one of the ?rst time and a
program instructions to read in information through the
second time subsequent to the ?rst time to alter the manner
50 three-phase input interface 104 regarding the operation of
in Which the genset is operated by execution of the softWare the alternator 154 in the genset 150. Referring to FIGS. 1
and 2, the three-phase alternator output voltages are applied
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS to system voltage inputs 224, and the three-phase alternator
output currents are coupled through a current transformer
FIG. 1 is a block diagram shoWing a genset including an 55 158 to system current inputs 225. These six analog input
alternator, an engine control module, and a genset controller signals are ?ltered by respective voltage and current condi
capable of being con?gured for operation With a variety of tioning circuits 242 and 246 and are digitiZed by respective
gensets in accordance With one embodiment of the present voltage and current analog-to-digital converters 244 and
invention; 248. These digitiZed indications of alternator output voltages
FIG. 2 is a detailed block diagram of the genset controller 60 and currents are read by the processor 240 and used to
of FIG. 1; monitor genset performance. This information may be dis
FIG. 3 is a detailed block diagram of synchronous soft played and it may be used to calculate other genset operating
Ware tasks that are performable by the genset controller of parameters, such as output poWer, reactive poWer, poWer
FIG. 1; and factor and alternator duty level and frequency.
FIG. 4 is a detailed block diagram of asynchronous 65 The digitiZed alternator output signals are also used as the
softWare tasks that are performable by the genset controller basis for controlling the operation of the alternator 154. As
of FIG. 1. Will be described beloW, the processor 101 is programmed to
US 6,351,692 B1
5 6
provide command signals to the voltage regulator interface Genset controller 100 is capable of performing a variety
105. These commands operate a pulse Width modulation of functions in response to the signals received at analog
(PWM) unit 250 Which outputs pulse-Width modulated inputs 229 and digital inputs 227. In particular, genset
signals to PWM output 226 of interconnect board 220. These controller 100 is capable of scaling the signals, monitoring
PWM signals are applied to alternator 154 to control the genset parameters through the use of the signals, detecting
voltage, current, and poWer output levels of the alternator. In system faults, and providing system Warnings or system
particular, voltage regulator interface 105 provides an shutdoWns in response to the signals. As Will be discussed in
approximately 10 KHZ PWM signal to adjust the ?eld more detail beloW, genset controller 100 is also capable of
current on alternator 154 to control the armature voltage and displaying (in real-time) information obtained from the
maintain the output voltage at a particular level. The voltage signals, providing relay driver outputs (RDOs)in response to
regulator interface 105 may also provide a 1 KHZ PWM the signals, and relaying information in the signals to remote
signal for governing engine speed 152, if an ECM is not control and monitoring stations.
employed. The 34 digital outputs 228 are driven by digital output
In addition to providing control and monitoring of alter drivers 256. The digital outputs 228 are controlled by the
nator 154, genset controller 100 also provides control and 15 processor acting through FPGA 238. Three digital outputs
monitoring of engine 152. Although in certain embodiments are dedicated to a Controller Panel Lamp Relay, a Controller
genset controller 100 directly controls engine 152, in the Engine Crank Relay, and a Controller Engine Fuel Relay.
preferred embodiment genset controller 100 does not The remaining digital outputs are de?nable, and typically
directly control the engine. Rather, the operation of engine are RDOs that determine the on/off status of a variety of
152 is directly controlled by an engine control module indication/Warning lamps Within a remote control station.
(ECM) 160, Which typically is physically attached to the The de?nitions of these digital outputs typically correspond
engine. ECM 160 can control engine speed (and other to particular system Warnings, shutdoWns or other condi
engine operating parameters), and thereby control the output tions. For example, the de?nable digital outputs can be
poWer of alternator 154. ECM 160 also monitors a variety of RDOs corresponding to “NFPA-110” functions such as
engine characteristics, for example, fuel consumption, oil 25 overspeed, overcranking, loW oil pressure, or high coolant
pressure, emissions levels, coolant temperature, time delay temperature of engine 152. The de?nable digital outputs can
engine cool doWn information, and time delay engine start also be RDOs corresponding to loss of signal functions,
information. including a loss of communications With ECM 160.
The genset controller 100 controls and monitors the ECM Additionally, the de?nable digital outputs can be RDOs
160 through CAN interface 103 Which connects to the CAN corresponding to one of many system fault conditions con
serial link 170. CAN serial link 170, employs the SAE J 1939 cerning the genset 150 or the genset controller 100 itself.
protocol Which is an industry standard protocol for serial As shoWn in FIGS. 1 and 2, genset controller 100 also
communications. By Way of CAN databus 170, genset includes a number of operator interface devices, by Which an
controller 100 receives the information about the operation operator can both provide commands to the genset controller
of engine 152 that has been collected by ECM 160, and 35 and receive information from the genset controller. The
provides commands to the ECM 160 to in?uence the opera operator interface devices are included on a front panel Man
tion of the engine. In particular, upon determining the Machine Interface (MMI) 210, Which is situated on a
occurrence of system faults, genset controller 100 provides controller box. One of the operator interface devices is an
commands to engine 152 via ECM 160 causing the engine emergency stop button 130. Emergency stop button 130
to shutdoWn, by turning off both the ignition fuel control alloWs an operator to immediately stop the genset 150 by
valve and the cranking of the engine. pressing a pushbutton.
The genset controller 100 includes analog I/O 106 and A second operator interface device is a keypad/display
digital I/O 107 Which enable it to communicate With a 120, Which includes 16 individual keypads 122 and a
variety of devices. The analog I/O 106 receives up to sixteen vacuum ?ourescent display (VFD) 124. Keypad/display 120
separate analog input signals at inputs 229 on interconnect 45 is coupled to a keypad/display interface 212 in front panel
board 220. These analog signals are ?ltered by conditioning MMI 210, Which in turn is coupled to internal databus 290.
circuit 258, and applied to an A/D converter 262 through a Keypads 122 alloW an operator to enter a variety of infor
multiplexer 260. The processor 101 can thus sequentially mation and commands to genset controller 100. VFD 124 is
scan the analog inputs and read in digitiZed signals indica an alphanumeric display, and alloWs genset controller 100 to
tive of engine parameters such as engine temperature, gas display various information concerning system operation
emissions and engine battery charge. and system faults to an operator. A VFD is employed
The digital I/O 107 receives 24 single-bit TTL signals at because it provides good visibility over a large range of
digital inputs 227, and produces 34 single-bit TTL signals at temperatures and from a Wide range of vieWing angles.
digital outputs 228 on interconnect board 220. Digital inputs The operator interface devices further include a control
227 are coupled to a digital input signal conditioning unit 55 sWitch 110, Which can be rotatably set to one of three
252, Which conditions the input signals and provides the positions: an Automatic (Auto) position 112; an Off/Reset
signals to FPGA 238 via buffers 254. Three of the inputs 227 position 114; and a Run position 116. Setting the control
are dedicated to signals relating to emergency stopping, sWitch to Run position 116 causes genset controller 100 to
remote starting, and loW coolant level of genset 150. The send a signal via ECM 160 to start and run the genset 150.
remaining inputs are de?nable inputs, Which can be enabled Setting control sWitch 110 to Auto position 112 alloWs the
or disabled, and are coupled to a variety of discrete sensors. genset 150 to be started and controlled from a remote
The discrete sensors are capable of indicating various types location. This mode of operation also alloWs for time
of engine characteristics, Warning conditions, and system delayed engine starting and cool-doWn. Setting control
faults relating to loW fuel, or high oil temperature, as Well as sWitch 110 to Off/Reset position 114 initiates the immediate
sWitchgear conditions concerning the synchroniZation of the 65 shutdoWn of genset 150 and also results in a resetting of the
poWer output of genset 150 With poWer lines to Which the softWare of genset controller 100. If a fault occurs that
genset is being connected. precipitates a system shutdoWn, an operator must move
US 6,351,692 B1
7 8
control switch 110 to Off/Reset position 114 to clear the fault subsystem 302) include a user interface subsystem 304, a
before genset 150 can be started again. state machine subsystem 306, a metering subsystem 308, a
Genset controller 100 also includes other devices Which voltage regulator subsystem 310, a display subsystem 312,
provide information to an operator, including several light a digital inputs subsystem 314, and a fault detection/
emitting diodes(LEDs) and an alarm horn (not shoWn). handling subsystem 316. Further, the scheduled subsystems
These devices are used to provide system status information include a load disturbance detection subsystem 318, a Mod
to an operator, as Well as to alert the operator to the existence busTM (or other serial communications) subsystem 320, a
of system faults. During the occurrence of some faults, a K-BUS subsystem 322, a thermal protection subsystem 324,
message concerning the fault or related Warning/shutdown an analog inputs subsystem 326, and an EEPROM data
condition is displayed on VFD 124, an appropriate Warning storage subsystem 328.
LED on front panel MMI 210 is turned on, the alarm horn Block diagram 400 shoWs asynchronous subsystems. As
is activated, and a corresponding RDO is produced at a shoWn in block 402, these subsystems operate in real time,
digital output 228. asynchronously, With respect to the scheduled subsystems
As shoWn in FIG. 1, genset controller 100 is capable of (i.e., operate in the “background” of the scheduled
communication With other remote control and monitoring 15 subsystems). The asynchronous subsystems also provide
devices via both a K-BUS interface 109 and a second serial data When the scheduled subsystems require such data. The
interface 108. K-BUS interface 109 provides serial commu asynchronous subsystems are interrupt-driven modules and
nications using the proprietary K-BUS serial communica can take advantage of special features of microprocessor 240
tions protocol. Second serial interface 108 provides serial (such as the embedded time processing unit Within the
communications using any of a variety of other “open” serial microprocessor). The asynchronous subsystems include a
communications protocols, including the ModbusTM proto serial communications subsystem 404, a timer subsystem
col. Each of K-BUS interface 109 and second serial interface 406, a real time math subsystem 408 (Which employs a time
108 is con?gurable to use either the RS-232 or RS-485 processing unit of microprocessor 240), and a SAE 11939
standards. interface subsystem 409.
In the preferred embodiment shoWn in FIG. 2, the struc The scheduled and unscheduled tasks of FIGS. 3 and 4
tures associated With K-BUS interface 109 and second serial Which govern the operation of the genset controller 100
interface 108 include a ?rst dual universal asynchronous constitute application softWare that is stored Within the
receiver/transmitter (DUART) 270 that is coupled to tWo memory 102 of the genset controller and is not modi?able by
RS-485 conversion units 272 and 274, and a second DUART the user. Additionally stored Within the genset controller
280 that is coupled to an RS-485 conversion unit 282 and an 100, hoWever, is a ?rst set of data called a personality pro?le
RS-232 conversion unit 284. Each of DUARTs 270, 280 is and a second set of data that is user-settable. The personality
coupled to internal databus 290 and is controlled in response pro?le and user-settable data concerns the genset 150 or its
to program instructions executed by microcomputer 240. contents (e.g., the engine/alternator combination Within the
The microprocessor 240 operates the genset under the genset), and is stored Within the 512 K FLASH memory 232.
direction of programs illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4. The Both types of data can be repeatedly modi?ed.
programs include scheduled tasks Which, as illustrated in Both the personality pro?le data and the user-settable data
FIG. 3, are performed one at a time under the direction of a can be loaded onto the genset controller 100 by Way of one
task scheduler program 302. The programs also include of the ports of the serial interface 108, particularly the
asynchronous tasks as illustrated in FIG. 4. The asynchro RS-232 port 284. Additionally, the user-settable data can be
nous tasks are performed in response to interrupts that are loaded onto the genset controller 100 by Way of the keypad/
managed by a real time, asynchronous program 402. display 120, from a ModbusTM communication link, or from
Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4, tWo block diagrams 300, 400 a remote location using a WindoWs Monitor II program by
are provided shoWing softWare based subsystems (or tasks) Kohler Company. By storing the personality pro?le and
that are performed by microprocessor 240 of genset con 45
user-settable data separately from the application softWare,
troller 100. Through the operation of these subsystems, it is possible to quickly and easily restore information
microprocessor 240 is capable of monitoring genset 150 (as concerning the control of a particular genset, by doWnload
Well as capable of monitoring the operation of genset ing it from a central database, Without having to doWnload,
controller 100), receiving operator commands, detecting modify, or otherWise interact With the application softWare.
system faults, providing system Warnings and shutdoWns The personality pro?le data includes data that varies
When necessary, displaying information at keypad/interface depending upon the genset 150 that is coupled to the genset
120 (and at other operator interface devices), and conducting controller 100, i.e., the “personality” of the genset. In
communications With genset 150, ECM 160 and other particular, such data includes data regarding the alternator
devices via K-BUS interface 108 and second serial interface 154 of the genset 150 such as a transient open circuit time
109. The subsystems of block diagrams 300, 400 are self 55 constant of the alternator, the number of alternator poles, a
contained routines that control speci?c aspects of genset ?xed voltage ?ag if the genset operates at one ?xed voltage
controller 100. Each subsystem is an independent, modular only, and a maximum poWer rating for a ?xed voltage
unit With Well-de?ned input/output protocols to communi alternator. Where the alternator can have variable outputs,
cate With other subsystems. e.g., depending upon the frequency of operation and other
Block diagram 300 shoWs scheduled subsystems, Which variables, multiple maximum poWer ratings are included
are scheduled according to a task scheduler subsystem 302. Within the personality pro?le data. Additionally, alternator
The task scheduler subsystem is capable of invoking any current limits can be speci?ed for various voltage settings.
subsystem at a rate of up to 100 times a second, and is able In addition to data regarding the alternator 154, the
to handle transitions betWeen subsystems and to monitor the personality pro?le data also includes voltage regulator gain
execution times of subsystems to make sure that subsystems 65 constants, a speed sensor constant that can be used to
do not exceed their time allotments. As shoWn, other sched determine engine RPM, and data regarding the engine 152
uled subsystems (Which are scheduled by task scheduler such as a default gain for the regulator of the engine and
US 6,351,692 B1
9 10
multiple engine speed Warning and shutdown settings. The data is entirely absent from the memory 102 of the genset
engine speed Warning and shutdown settings can be used for controller 100 upon poWerup of the genset 150, a Warning is
operation of the genset at several speed settings such as idle issued to the fault detection/handling subsystem 316 that
and rated speed. Additionally, certain identi?cation infor prevents the starting of the engine 152.
mation is stored as part of the personality pro?le data, Turning to the user-settable data, this data is loadable at
including a genset serial number, an alternator model the factory and in the ?eld, and is loadable both by repre
number, and an engine model number. Depending upon the sentatives of the manufacturer/distributors and by users
embodiment, the personality pro?le data can include a themselves. As discussed, the user-settable data can be
variety of other types of information as Well, such as the loaded by Way of the keypad/display 120, by Way of the
engine shutdoWn oil pressure. In the present embodiment, ModbusTM communication link, and from a remote location
the personality pro?le data is speci?cally stored Within a using the WindoWs Monitor II program by Kohler Company,
data structure for genset-embedded constants, Within the 512 in addition to loading by Way of the serial interface 108.
K FLASH memory 232. Thus, in the present embodiment, the genset controller 100
The personality pro?le data is data specifying signi?cant is designed to facilitate the ability of users to update or
features of the genset 150 to Which it is necessary for the modify their genset controller 100 for controlling an updated
genset controller 100 to be tailored in its operation. or neW genset 150. The amount of data that is user-settable
Consequently, the personality pro?le data is loadable only at depends upon the embodiment of the invention, although in
the factory by the manufacturer or by representatives of the the present embodiment, the user-settable information
manufacturer’s distributors in the ?eld, by Way of the serial includes approximately 3000 bytes of information.
interface 108 or in alternate embodiments by Way of the In the present embodiment, the user-settable data includes
K-BUS interface 109, to assure that the personality pro?le data concerning the output voltage and frequency of opera
data is properly installed. The genset controller 100 is tion of the genset 150. This data signi?es to the genset
con?gured to be able to receive neW personality pro?le data controller 100 the expected levels of operation of the genset
in the ?eld in case there is a problem in the ?eld that 150 in terms of voltage and frequency, Which information is
necessitates reloading of the personality pro?le data. utiliZed by the genset controller 100 in controlling the genset
The personality pro?le data alloWs for more precise 150. Additionally, the user-settable data includes informa
control of a given genset 150 by the genset controller 100 tion specifying the identities of several of the analog inputs
than Would otherWise be the case. For example, the maxi 229 and digital inputs 227. This information alloWs the
mum poWer ratings are speci?c to the given genset 150 genset controller 100 to obtain additional information
under various operational circumstances such as various regarding the operation of the genset 150 for monitoring and
frequencies of operation, and alloW for proper voltage control purposes. The user-settable data also includes certain
regulation of the genset. Also in certain embodiments, identi?cation information Which is compared to the identi
through the use of the serial number information or other ?cation information of the personality pro?le data, as dis
information, the genset controller 100 can determine cussed above.
Whether the genset 150 is to be controlled by an ECM 160, 35
Aside from the identi?cation information, in general the
and Whether the ECM is to be coupled in betWeen the genset user-settable information is less critical to proper operation
controller and the genset. By obtaining this information, the of the genset 150 than is the personality pro?le data.
genset controller 100 can provide more accurate control and Whereas, generally speaking, improper personality pro?le
more complete monitoring of the genset 150 by taking data Would render the genset controller 100 incapable of
advantage of any additional control and monitoring capa operating a given genset 150, improper user-settable data
bilities that are available due to the existence of the ECM Will merely reduce the accuracy and performance of the
160. genset controller 100 in its control and monitoring of the
Additionally, based upon the serial number information as genset 150. Consequently, the entry of the user-settable data
Well as the type of maximum poWer rating information that is made more ?exible to users by alloWing input of the data
is provided in the personality pro?le data, the genset con 45
by Way of keyboard/display 120.
troller 100 can determine Whether the alternator 154 Within While the foregoing speci?cation illustrates and describes
the genset 150 to be controlled includes any circuit breakers the preferred embodiments of this invention, it is to be
for preventing excessive currents and heat generation. Thus, understood that the invention is not limited to the precise
the genset controller 100 can determine Whether it should construction herein disclosed. The invention can be embod
employ, in the absence of such circuit breakers, a thermal ied in other speci?c forms Without departing from the spirit
protection subroutine such as that discussed in the patent or essential attributes of the invention. Accordingly, refer
application entitled “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ence should be made to the folloWing claims, rather than to
PREVENTING EXCESSIVE HEAT GENERATION INAN the foregoing speci?cation, as indicating the scope of the
ALTERNATOR OF A GENERATOR SET” referred to invention.
above. Thus, the personality pro?le data assures proper 55 What is claimed is:
control of the excitation level of the alternator 154 so that 1. A genset controller that is con?gurable for controlling
excessive currents and heat exposure do not occur Within the a variety of types of gensets, the genset controller compris
alternator. mg:
Further, the personality pro?le data provides the genset a memory for storing a plurality of softWare routines, a
controller 100 With various failsafes to preclude improper personality pro?le data set, and a user-settable data set;
operation of the genset 150. To begin, the genset controller a processor coupled to the memory for executing the
100 is able to compare the serial numbers of the personality softWare routines and reading data from the personality
pro?le data With serial numbers that are entered as part of the pro?le data set and the user settable data set to control
user-settable data, as discussed beloW. If tWo serial numbers the genset; and
do not match upon poWerup of the genset 150, a serial 65 an input port coupled to the memory for enabling changes
number mismatch Warning is issued to the fault detection/ to the personality pro?le data set and the user-settable
handling subsystem 316. Additionally, if personality pro?le data set to be doWnloaded into the memory; and
US 6,351,692 B1
11 12
wherein the personality pro?le data set and the user pro?le data set is capable of being doWnloaded, and
settable data set include data that con?gures the genset additionally is capable of being at least one of doWn
controller for operation With at least one of a particular loaded from a serial communication link, doWnloaded
genset and an engine/alternator combination Within a remotely using a program, and doWnloaded by the
particular genset, action of a user Who intends to operate the genset.
Wherein the personality pro?le data set includes at least 12. The genset controller of claim 1,
one of a transient open circuit time constant of the
alternator, a number of alternator poles, a ?xed voltage Wherein the personality pro?le data set and the user
?ag, a single maximum poWer rating for a ?xed voltage settable data set are stored separately from the softWare
alternator, a plurality of maximum poWer ratings, a routines in the memory so that the personality pro?le
plurality of alternator current limits corresponding to data set and the user-settable data set are doWnloaded
respective alternator voltage settings, a plurality of Without impacting the softWare routines.
voltage regulator gain constants, a default gain for a 13. A genset controller that is con?gurable for controlling
regulator of an engine of the genset, a speed sensor a variety of types of gensets, the genset controller compris
constant to determine engine RPM, a plurality of ing:
engine speed Warning and shutdoWn settings, a genset
serial number, an alternator model number, an engine a memory for storing a plurality of softWare routines, a
model number, and an engine shutdoWn oil pressure. personality pro?le data set, and a user-settable data set;
2. The genset controller of claim 1, further comprising a a processor coupled to the memory for executing the
keypad interface by Which the user-settable data set is softWare routines and reading data from the personality
doWnloaded into the memory. pro?le data set and the user settable data set to control
3. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein the user
settable data set includes at least one of a present output
the genset; and
voltage of the genset, a present operational frequency of the an input port coupled to the memory for enabling changes
genset, an identity of an analog input, an identity of a digital to the personality pro?le data set and the user-settable
input, a genset serial number, an alternator model number, 25 data set to be doWnloaded into the memory; and
and an engine model number. Wherein the personality pro?le data set and the user
4. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein the genset settable data set include data that con?gures the genset
controller is capable of determining Whether an engine
controller for operation With at least one of a particular
control module (ECM) is being employed to control the
genset based upon at least one of the personality pro?le data genset and an engine/alternator combination Within a
set and the user-settable data set. particular genset,
5. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein the genset Wherein the input port is an RS-232 serial input port by
controller is capable of determining Whether the genset Which the user-settable data set is capable of being
includes a circuit breaker for preventing excessive current inputed and doWnloaded into memory,
and heat generation Within an alternator of the genset. 35 Wherein the personality pro?le data set is capable of being
6. The genset controller of claim 5, Wherein the genset doWnloaded at one of a facility at Which the genset
controller is con?gured to execute a thermal protection controller is manufactured, a facility at Which the
subroutine When it determines that the genset does not genset controller and the genset are assembled together,
include the circuit breaker. and a ?eld location at Which a representative of a
7. The genset controller of claim 6, distributor is effecting a modi?cation to the genset
Wherein the memory comprises a 512K FLASH memory controller; and
in Which the personality pro?le data set and the user Wherein the user-settable data set is capable of being
settable data set are stored, and further comprises an doWnloaded at any one of the places at Which the
additional memory element in Which the softWare rou personality pro?le data set is capable of being
tines are stored. 45 doWnloaded, and additionally is capable of being at
8. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein the input port least one of doWnloaded from a serial communication
is an RS-232 serial input port by Which the user-settable data link, doWnloaded remotely using a program, and doWn
set is input and doWnloaded into memory. loaded by the action of a user Who intends to operate
9. The genset controller of claim 1, the genset.
Wherein operation of the genset Will be disabled by the 14. A method of con?guring a genset controller for
genset controller if a personality pro?le data set has not controlling a genset, the method comprising:
been doWnloaded into memory. storing a plurality of softWare routines, a personality
10. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein a fault Will pro?le data set, and a user-settable data set;
occur if at least one of a genset serial number, an alternator
operating the genset by executing the softWare routines
model number, and an engine model number Within the 55
Which employ the personality pro?le data set and the
personality pro?le data set does not match a respective one
user-settable data set;
of a genset serial number, an alternator model number, and
an engine model number Within the user-settable data set. doWnloading changes to the personality pro?le data set at
11. The genset controller of claim 1, Wherein the person a ?rst time to alter the manner in Which the genset is
ality pro?le data set is capable of being doWnloaded at one operated by execution of the softWare routines; and
of a facility at Which the genset controller is manufactured, doWnloading changes to the user-settable data set at at
a facility at Which the genset controller and the genset are least one of the ?rst time and a second time subsequent
assembled together, and a ?eld location at Which a repre to the ?rst time to alter the manner in Which the genset
sentative of a distributor is effecting a modi?cation to the is operated by execution of the softWare routines.
genset controller; and 65 15. The method of claim 14, further comprising:
Wherein the user-settable data is capable of being doWn comparing a ?rst segment of identi?cation information
loaded at any one of the places at Which the personality Within the personality pro?le data set With a second
US 6,351,692 B1
13 14
segment of identi?cation information Within the user model number, an engine model number, and an engine
settable data set; and shutdoWn oil pressure.
providing a fault signal if the tWo segments of identi? 18. The method of claim 14, Wherein the user-settable
cation information do not match one another. data set includes at least one of a present output voltage of
16. The method of claim 14, further comprising: the genset, a present operational frequency of the genset, an
preventing operation of the genset by Way of the genset identity of an analog input, an identity of a digital input, a
controller if the personality pro?le data set is improper genset serial number, an alternator model number, and an
in that it contains no information. engine model number.
17. The method of claim 14, Wherein the personality 19. The method of claim 14, Wherein the genset controller
pro?le data set includes at least one of a transient open is capable of determining Whether an engine control module
circuit time constant of the alternator, a number of alternator (ECM) is being employed to control the genset based upon
poles, a ?Xed voltage ?ag, a single maXimum poWer rating at least one of the personality pro?le data set and the
for a ?Xed voltage alternator, a plurality of maXimum poWer user-settable data set.
ratings, a plurality of alternator current limits corresponding 20. The method of claim 14, Wherein the genset controller
to respective alternator voltage settings, a plurality of volt is capable of determining Whether the genset includes a
age regulator gain constants, a default gain for a regulator of circuit breaker for preventing excessive current and heat
an engine of the genset, a speed sensor constant to determine generation Within an alternator of the genset.
engine RPM, a plurality of engine speed Warning and
shutdoWn settings, a genset serial number, an alternator * * * * *

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