Applying - Life - Cycle - Costing - To - The - Development - of - A - Pump - Strategy

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Applying Life Cycle Costing to the Development of a Pump Strategy

Scott Warren, P.Eng, Agrium Inc.

Richard H. Olver, CMRP, P.Eng, Agrium Inc.

Abstract Design Guidelines

Pump availability and process flexibility is essential for Prior to the life cycle cost analysis being started, the
potash operations in order to meet the plant availability following pumping system design guidelines were
targets. Because of reliability issues with pumps in many established:
potash services, and the impact of failures on production it 1. Dedicated lines are to be installed on all
is common to have an installed spare pump. For the operating pumps
planned Vault expansion at Vanscoy Potash Operations 2. Variable frequency drives are to be installed on
(VPO), a detailed analysis has been completed to ensure the all pumps
plant is designed with the optimal arrangement of duty and 3. Pump requirements:
spare pumps. The analysis has included: a. Must be able to meet peak tonnage
• Review of the pump process turndown flows
requirements b. Nominal operating range to be
• Reliability Availability and Maintainability designed between 85% and 95% of
(RAM) analysis, based on the Vault flow sheet Best Efficiency Point (BEP)
and a variety of configurations including 1-duty c. Minimum operating point to be
1-spare, 2-duty, 2-duty 1-spare, 3-duty designed at no less than 65% of BEP
• Detailed Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis on the d. Max peak or rated point to be designed
various pumping configurations at no more than 105% of BEP
4. Minimize the number of pump and motor sizes
with the constraints of the pumping requirements
Introduction 5. All motors should be 700HP or less
The Vault expansion project could be the last major
6. Motors over 300HP are to be 4160 volt
expansion at Vanscoy Potash Operations (VPO). It will
take the capacity of the mine from 2.05 million tonnes per
annum (Mt/a) to the sustainable limit of 2.8 Mt/a with a Failure Types
peak operating capacity of 3.0 Mt/a. During this expansion All failures in this analysis were classified as either
the crushing and wet milling sections are being upgraded, functional or non-functional, since maintenance strategies
with 18 pump sets being incorporated into the design. All are different for each failure type. Failures can be broken
of the 12 existing pump sets will either be eliminated or into these two categories because a majority of them are
modified. typically caught with condition monitoring and daily
operator routes using handhelds, prior to equipment failure.
The following are the two types of failure used in this
Process Turndown Requirements analysis:
For process turndown, all pump sets in the expansion are to
• Not Functionally Failed (NFF) – The failure has
be designed to have the capability of operating between
been identified through condition monitoring or
50% and 110% of nominal flow. The low end (50% of
operator rounds and the pump is still capable of
nominal flow) is required to allow the mill to run at half
meeting production requirements. For these
side rates since most sub-areas have equipment designed in
failures the maintenance can be planned and
parallel with either 2 or 3 sets. This design allows
scheduled reducing the impact on production.
equipment to be taken down for maintenance without the
entire plant having to be shutdown. The high end (110% of • Functionally Failed (FF) – The failure is not
nominal flow) is required to ramp up when feed grade is caught with condition monitoring, resulting in an
lower to process the required finished tonnes. immediate shutdown of the pump. For these
failures the daily and weekly schedules are
The majority of the pumps installed in the expansion are broken into to perform the maintenance required
slurry pumps, with a varying density requirements, to return the pump to an operational state.
depending on the process. There are 10 the pumping
systems that the process dictates to be designed with a Pump Configurations Considered
minimum of two pumps due to the flotation density 1. Two duty pumps and no spare pumps
requirements, and coarse material line settling issues, or • Each pump is to be installed with separate lines
specifically volume related on some of the fine product and sized to 75% of the nominal flow.
systems. The remainder of the 8 pumping systems have no • Not Functional failure scenario:
process limitations dictating the number of pumps. o Work is scheduled when a functional
failure is imminent or when parts and
maintenance crews are available.
o Production rates will be reduced to • Not Functional failure scenario:
75% while the repair is taking place. o Work is scheduled when functional
Other maintenance requiring a reduced failure is imminent or when parts and
outage can be scheduled reducing the maintenance crews are available.
impact of the outage. o No production loss when taking one
• Functional failure scenario: pump out of service for maintenance.
o If the failure occurs on the off-shift, • Functional failure scenario:
maintenance personnel are called out to o If the failure occurs on the off-shift,
repair the failure with a longer outage maintenance personnel are not called
compared to a planned and scheduled out.
outage. o If the failure occurs during the day
o If the failure occurs during the day shift, the weekly schedule is broken
shift, the daily schedule is broken into into to repair the failure.
to repair the failure. o There is no production loss when
o Production rates will be reduced to taking one of the duty pumps out of
75% until the repair is completed. service for maintenance.
Since the outage is unscheduled, o If two pumps fail at the same time
minimal other maintenance will occur production will be reduced 50% until
at the same time as this maintenance. one on the failed pumps are repaired.

2. One duty pump and one spare pump 4. Two duty pumps and one spare pump
• Each pump is to be installed with separate lines • The two duty pumps are installed with a separate
and sized to 100% of the nominal flow. lines and the spare pump is designed to pump
• Not Functional failure scenario: into either line. All three pumps are sized to
o Work is scheduled when a functional pump 50% of the nominal flow.
failure is imminent or when parts and • Not Functional failure scenario:
maintenance crews are available. o Work is scheduled when a functional
o Production rates will be reduced to failure is imminent or when parts or
75% for ½ hour while pumps are being maintenance crews are available.
switched and production rates will o Production rates will be reduced to
return to full rates after the pump 75% for ½ hour while pumps are being
switching has successfully occurred. switched and production rates will be
This production loss is to account for returned to full rates after the pump
the potential production upset when switching has successfully occurred
pumps are being switched. If the stand- • Functional failure scenario:
by pump fails during start-up, the duty o If the failure occurs on the off-shift,
pump will be put back in service until maintenance personnel are not called
the stand-by pump is repaired. out to repair the failure unless the
• Functional failure scenario: stand-by pump does not start.
o If the failure occurs on the off-shift, o If the failure occurs during the day
maintenance personnel are not called shift, the weekly schedule is broken
out to repair the failure unless the into to repair the failure.
stand-by pump does not start. o Production will be reduced to 50% until
o If the failure occurs during the day the stand-by pump is started using
shift, the weekly schedule is broken similar pump starting assumption times
into to repair the failure. as in the one duty pump and one stare
o Production loss would be 100% until pump functional failure case.
the stand-by pump has started. Based
on interviews with operations personnel Information used in the Pump Life Cycle
it usually takes 1 hour to start the stand-
by pump, but can take as little as 15 Cost analysis:
minutes or as long as 6 hours if the 1. Capital costs were based on a class 5 costs estimate
stand-by pump has a failure while completed by engineering consultants on the
starting. For this analysis it was expansion project.
assumed that on average a 2 hour
outage will occur when attempting to 2. Maintenance costs resulting from failures were
start the stand-by pump at a functional broken in to 5 types - belt failure, packing failure,
failure of the duty pump. pump failure resulting in pump needing to be replaced,
motor failure and instrument failure. As mentioned
3. Three duty pumps and no spare pumps above the failure types were broken into functional
• Each pump is to be installed with a separate line and non-functional failures since maintenance
and size to 50% of the nominal flow.
strategies will be different for the two types of lost production, tradespersons would be called in
failures. and repair would be done on overtime).
• Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) was
determine using historical SAP data from existing 3. Predictive/Preventative Maintenance Costs were
pumps (61071/61480, 61437/61438 and calculated with information provided by the
61474/61745) from January 2005 till December Reliability Supervisor Huw Morris and factored for
2008 and modified assuming that the MTBF will the number of operating pumps.
increase with the pump system design
improvements planned on Vault. 4. Stocked spares costs were not included in the
o Belt failure – calculated MTBF = 2.3 analysis because it was unknown how many pump sets
years; MTBF used = 4 years would require the different types of stocked spare
o Packing failure – calculated MTBF = 9 parts and when factored over the number of pump sets
months; MTBF used = 1.5 years would not make a significant change in the results.
o Pump Replacement – calculated MTBF
= 1 year; MTBF used = 2 years 5. Energy costs were calculated using the calculated HP
o Motor failure – Calculated MTBF = 8 required and the pump efficiency for the type of pump.
years, MTBF used = 8 years The pump efficiency was factored for the type of
o Instrument Failure – Calculated MTBF pump, since the larger the pump the more efficient it
= 4 years, MTBF used = 4 years was. Another factors is where the system curve would
• Repair costs were determined using existing sit on the pump curve. On 2 duty and 3 duty options
SAP data from existing pumps (61071/61480, the flow rate range was wider than for the options with
61437/61438 and 61474/61745) and factored for a stand-by pump, and thus the normal operating point
the size of the pump. Repair costs were was lower in the pump curve.
calculated using the material costs for the repair
and the labor costs calculated from the 6. Lost production was based on the MTBF, repair time,
maintenance repair time. failure type and consequences of failure. Using these
• Repair time was determined using SAP data factors the equivalent hours of annual down time was
from existing pumps (61071/61480, 61437/61438 calculated. The consequences of failure were the key
and 61474/61745) and information provided from assumption which varied for the various pump options
maintenance planners Bryan Busby and Gerald as discussed above.
Fehr. The repair time was factored for the size of
pump (longer repair time to replace a 6X4 pump 7. Operator costs were based on information provided
compared to a 12X10 pump), failure type (non- by Operations Superintendent Brad Lefebvre and
functional failures were treated as planned work factored for the number of operating duty and stand-by
orders and functional failures were treated as spare pumps. It was assumed that an operator would
non-planned or emergency work orders) and spend 10 minutes per shift on an operating a duty
production consequence (if a failure resulted in pump and 5 minutes per shift on a stand-by pump.

Life Cycle Analysis Results

20 Year Life Cycle Cost

Number of 1 Duty 2 Duty
Pump Sets 2 Duty 1 Standby 3 Duty 1 Standby
8 $44,029,167 $25,431,147 $21,242,565 $21,016,015
18 $115,700,469 N/A N/A $62,205,406

Capital Cost
Number of 1 Duty 2 Duty
Pump Sets 2 Duty 1 Standby 3 Duty 1 Standby
8 $8,990,567 $13,266,252 $8,517,325 $8,167,725
18 $21,105,019 N/A N/A $21,257,565

Sensitivity analysis assumed MTBF values resulting from improved design. As

Pump set #5 (Secondary Deslimes Cyclone Feed Pumps) shown by the data below the there is little difference on the
was used to perform a sensitivity analysis to determine the overall 20 year LCC when comparing the actual MTBF
effect of the calculated MTBF rates compared to the data and the improved MTBF data used for the analysis.
For each case the 2 duty 1 spare had the lowest LCC data and 21% higher LCC with the improved reliability
followed by the 3 duty case (2% higher LCC). Next in line data) leaving the 2 duty case with the highest LCC.
was the 1 duty 1 spare case (27% higher LCC with actual

1 Duty 2 Duty
Option # 2 Duty 1 Spare 3 Duty 1 Spare
Capital Acquisition Costs $954,908 $1,752,288 $1,031,888 $983,888

20 Year - Life Cycle Costs

Using existing data $7,855,669 $4,587,107 $3,663,282 $3,602,623
Using improved reliability
data used for analysis $6,168,356 $4,134,153 $3,457,455 $3,396,958

Annual Maintenance Failure Costs

Using existing data $39,965 $25,973 $50,611 $33,741
Using improved reliability
data used for analysis $26,875 $17,514 $34,005 $22,670

Equivalent Annual Downtime (hrs)

Using existing data 6.52 1.5 0.24 0.49
Using improved reliability
data used for analysis 4.28 0.95 0.13 0.33
Annual Lost Production
Using existing data $589,232 $135,109 $21,283 $44,649
Using improved reliability
data used for analysis $386,639 $85,669 $11,579 $29,431
Maintenance Labor Requirements - Using Existing Data
Maint Regular Time (hrs) 102 84.5 144.9 96.6
Maint OT (hrs) 20.6 0.1 1.5 1.2
Maintenance Labor Requirements - Improved Reliability Data
Maint Regular Time (hrs) 65.6 54.6 93.8 62.5
Maint OT (hrs) 13.6 0.1 1 0.8

SUMMARY capable of pumping into the duty pump

Based on the detailed life cycle costs analysis it is line
recommended that the standard for pump installation will
be: The primary drivers of the two duty one spare pump
• For critical process service subject to process philosophy are:
turndown 1. Lowest Life Cycle Cost with the factors that impacted
o Two duty pumps each sized for 50% of the two duty one spare:
full production with independent lines • Plant Equivalent Availability (total production
o One spare pump sized for 50% of full loss from downtime and reduced rates): this
production installed with valves to be configuration maximized the availability of the
capable of pumping into the line for plant compared to the other configurations.
either duty pump • Capital cost: although there were variations
• For non-critical process service not subject to depending on the exact pump set, overall this
process turndown configuration has the lowest capital cost across
o One duty pump sized for full the comparable sets. When compared just with
production the 2 duty pump configuration they were virtually
o One spare pump sized for full identical. A determiner in the overall comparison
production installed with valves to be was most sets in the two duty one spare will only
require 600 volt variable speed drives whereas
the one duty one spare configuration requires a
4160 volt variable speed drive, which is
substantially more expensive.

2. Process Turndown Capability: this configuration with

the variable speed drives provides the required
turndown capability, up to 50% is required.
Applying Life Cycle Costing
to The Development of a
Pump Strategy
Scott Warren, P.Eng,
Richard H. Olver, CMRP, P.Eng

Track 1 - Business and Management

Agrium Overview
• Agrium is a major producer and marketer of fertilizers,
plant nutrients, related products and services
• Our Corporate office is in Calgary, Alberta
• Our Market is the WORLD
• Agrium trades on the Toronto and New York stock
exchanges under the symbol AGU
• In 2008, the Company’s annual sales were over US $10
• Structured around three Strategic Business Units, plus
our Corporate office:
– Wholesale
– Retail
growing across the value chain
– Specialty Products
Agrium History

growing across the value chain

Balanced Growth Across the
Value Chain
Wholesale: Retail Customers Industrial
$4.7-billion sales customer
Nitrogen, Potash,
Phosphate & Sulphate & Storage
Agrium Retail: Distribution
$5.5-billion sales* & Storage
Purchase for Resale

Advanced Growers
Leader in Specialty
$350-million sales

Potash expansion Royster, ConAgra,

CMF distribution ADM retail, and Hanfeng, Pursell,
MOPCO investment UAP NuGro, ESN

growing across the value chain

*Includes UAP contributions from May 2008
VAULT - Vanscoy
Expansion Project

• Increase the capacity of the mine from

2.05 (Mt/a) to 2.8 Mt/a sustainable and
peak of 3.0 Mt/a
• Major changes in the upgrade to crushing
and wet milling sections of the Mill
• 18 pump sets to be modified or installed in
the design
Process Considerations In
Pump Selection
• Pumps sets must be designed to operate from 50% to
110% of nominal flow
• 50% of nominal flow is required to allow the mill to run at
half side rates
• 110% of nominal flow is required to ramp up when feed
grade is lower
• Majority of the pumps installed are in slurry service
• In 10 of the pumping systems the process dictates that a
minimum of two duty pumps be installed
Design Guidelines

1. Dedicated lines for every installed operating pump

2. All pumps on variable frequency drives
3. Pump Requirement
– Must be able to meet peak tonnage flows
– Nominal operating range to be designed at 85% - 95% of Best
Efficiency Point (BEP)
– Minimum operating point to be designed at no less than 65%
of BEP
– Max Peak / Rated Point no more than 105% of BEP
4. Minimize the number of pump and motor sizes with the
constraints of the pumping requirements
5. Preference to have motors 700HP or less
6. Generally have motors over 300HP as 4160 volt
Failure Types

• Not Functionally Failed (NFF) - It has been

identified through condition monitoring or
operator rounds that the pumping system is
failing and there is time to schedule a pump
shutdown to make repairs the equipment.
• Functionally Failed (FF) – A component in the
pumping system has failed and an immediate
shutdown of the pump is required to repair the
Pump Configurations

1. Two duty pumps and no spare pumps

2. One duty pump and one spare pump
3. Three duty pumps and no spare pumps
4. Two duty pumps and one spare pump
Information used in Pump
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Capital cost – Based on a class 5 costs estimate
Maintenance Costs resulting from failures. The failures were
broken in to 5 types - Belt failure, packing failure, pump failure
resulting in pump needing to be replaced, motor failure and
instrument failure.
Predictive/Preventative Maintenance Costs
Stocked spares costs – These costs were not included in the analysis
because it was unknown how many pump sets would require the
different types of stocked spare parts and when factored this would
not make a significant change in the results.
Energy costs – Energy costs were calculated using the calculated HP
required and the pump efficiency
Lost Production – Based on the MTBF, repair time, failure type and
consequences of failure the equivalent hours of annual down time
was calculated.
Operator Costs – Based on information provided Operations
Life Cycle Analysis Results
20 Year Life Cycle Cost
Number of 1 Duty 2 Duty
Pump Sets 2 Duty 1 Standby 3 Duty 1 Standby
8 $44,029,167 $25,431,147 $21,242,565 $21,016,015
18 $115,700,469 N/A N/A $62,205,406

Capital Cost
Number of 1 Duty 2 Duty
Pump Sets 2 Duty 1 Standby 3 Duty 1 Standby
8 $8,990,567 $13,266,252 $8,517,325 $8,167,725
18 $21,105,019 N/A N/A $21,257,565
Summary the Pumping

• For critical process service subject to

process turndown
– Two duty pumps each sized for half of full
production with independent lines
– One spare pump sized for half of full
production installed with valves to be capable
of pumping into the line for either duty pump
Primary Drivers of the
Pumping Strategy

1. Lowest Life Cycle Cost, the major factors

• Plant Equivalent Availability from the RAM
• Capital cost
2. Process Turndown Capability

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