2023 Physics Cape U2 P2

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(fs or rst cope 02238020] FORM TP 2023322 MAYJUNE 2023 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCE OFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PHYSICS UNIT 2 Paper 02 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of THREE questions. Answer ALL questions Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. Do NOT write in the margins. 4. Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booklet, 5. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions, but you should note that the use of an inappropriate number of figures in answers will be penalized. 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. write the question number clearly in ludethe | 7. Ifyou use the extra page(s), you M the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, question part besid DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. _— Copyright © 2022 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. onzswozomurcare 2023 NIN LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS, Speed of light in free space c = 3.00 10's! Permeability of free space H = ae 107m! Permittivity of free s * = BBS 10" Fm! = 90410" mE! ane, Elementary charge © = 1.60% 10" Planck's constant h = 6.63* 103s Unified atomic mass constant " = 1.66 * 10" kg (931 MeV) Energy equivalence ba 931 MeV/c? Rest mass of electron m, = 9.11 «10% kg Rest mass of proton m= 1,67 * 10°7kg Acceleration due to gravity g = 981ms? 1 Atmosphere aim = 1.00 10°N m Avogadro’s constant N, = 6.02 x 10® per mole GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L A 0 _| = OU SUT DU NUT WRITE ON TTS CALA 4 Answer ALL questions, 1. (@)__ A mass, m, is projected horizontally with constant velocity, win a gravitational field. A charge, Q, is projected horizontally with constant velocity, #,. in a vertical electric field. Table 1 shows the comparisons of the physical properties and equations associated with the two cases above after time, f TAR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND EQUATIONS, Physical Property or Equation Gravitational Field Electric Fi Case Horizontal displacement (equation) 5,e tel 52 u,f Vertical acceleration (equation) a, a, = EQim Ves al velocity (equation) Vertical displacement (equation) Vertical force (equation) Vertical field strength (equation) Trajectory (physical property) Using conventional symbols for physical quantities, complete Column 2 and Column 3 of Table 1. [10 marks} GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE gia Hiy 238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 rc <6. “| sses between charged yy to form a spot on a (b) Figure 1 shows the path traversed by an electron beam as it horizontal plates, V, and V,. and how the beam is deflected on its wa Auorescent screen, Assume that all motion takes place in vacuo. V, and V, are separated by 12 mm and have a potential difference of 50 V between them. Conese sce en 12mm Sf I tbeee) ~~ Electron [sem | ~4 ae ‘ Screen Vertical deflection plates Figure 1. Deflection of electron beam (i) Determine the magnitude of the electric field between the plates. [3 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L (HQ | r * 7 i) Hence, eale plates 1 the vertical accelers ss between the [4 marks] ary om BAU INGE PINE EE BLN PTTL UNE. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L (WU _| 5 ment of the electrons, s,. at various times, f, (©) Table 2 shows the negative vertical displa during their flight between the plates V, and V,, 1 LACEME! “TRONS AT VARIOUS TIMES, TARLE 2: [Time Hs (10°) oo | ox 16 24 32 4.0 —— Time’, fis? (10) ‘egative Vertical Displacement, s, /m (~ 10) [4 marks} (i) Complete Row 2 and Row 3 of Table 2. (ii) On the grid provided in Figure 2 on page 9, plot a graph of negative vertical displacement versus time for the electron motion between the plates. Draw the best smooth curve through the points. [4 marks} (iii) The electrons traverse the field in 3.75 nanoseconds. Use the graph in (c) (ii) to determine how far from the horizontal axis of the plates the beam will emerge, as it exits the space between the plates. [1 mark] (@) Calculate the vertical velocity of the electron beam and hence its direction of travel on emerging from between the plates. [4 marks] tal 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L (NN A _| Figure 2. Graph of negative vertical displacement versus time GO ON TO THE NENT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L HMO NU | % r “ 7 2. (a) One application of an operational amplifier (op-amp) is that of a comparator, Figure 3 shows an op-amp comparator eireuit Figure 3. Op-amp comparator circuit (i) Write an equation to show the relationship between the output voltage, V_,, and the inputs, V, and V, [1 mark] (ii) Using the equation in (a) (i), briefly explain how a comparator works. [3 marks} XT PAGE GO ON TO THE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L a _| DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA TIHS ARE DO NOT WRITE D DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOTURITEIN THIS ARE | iN THIS AREA DO NOT WRI DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 10" 10° 10° 10° 10° lot 10° 1o* 10° Frequeney/Hz Figure 6. Gain frequeney response curve GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/MJ/CAPE: 2023 L nna _| ~ a1S- 7 ct (i) On Figure 6 insert EACH of the following labels: f, and f,, State the numerical gig value of the frequency at EACH point on the graph. ‘Sie xX gs : Si Re Slz Ris + Unity-gain f = . gs [4 marks] = Sis ii) Determine the gain of the amplifier at 1 kUZ, sé \ " a3 Ss ee [3 marks} ze Total 30 marks gs Ee ze GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 : L (ALO _I r a 7 3. (@)__ Define EACH of the following terms, 4) Work funetion [2 marks} Gi) Threshold frequeney Gi) Cut-off wavelength [1 mark] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L (HE A _| 3 : = eal L W010 1 r 7 ire 7 shows the apparatus used in a photoelectricity experiment. S isa source of variable frequency UV light and the eathode is a polished metal surface. The potential difference between the anode and cathode, measured by the voltmeter, can be varied in both directions. The photoelectric current flowing between them is measured by the jicroammeter. Quartz window Evacuated glass tube | DPDT switch Figure 7. Photoclectri apparatus With reference to the apparatus in Figure 7, explain the meaning of the term ‘stoppit potential’. [4 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 r <1R- ~] n one such experiment in which the (©) The graph in Figure 8 on page 19 was obtained fre ncy of the light source, f, was varied and the corresponding stopping potential. V, recorded fre Write the general form of the photoelectric equation and rearrange it to show the linear relationship between stopping potential, V,. and frequency, f, as shown on the graph in Figure 8 a [2 marks} (ii) Determine the gradient of the li [3 marks} GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2023 L WL A _| 5 = 2 16 ida < = 12 = . os S = = Zoop 1} jj jj t = z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = Frequency, f( * 10" Hz) < 4 = > 4s AQ 6 > 20 a = > ’ 2: Figure 8. Gra 5 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE, 2023 Po W000 I ket r o» 7 (iii) Determine the percentage diffe obtained in (c) (ii) and the cate values of hand e given in the a nce between the experimental value of he Iated theoretical value of h/e (using the standard wer booklet on page 4) [3 marks] (iv) Comment on the result obtained in (c) (iii). [2 marks] (¥) _ Extrapolate the line on the graph in Figure 8 on page 19, to find the intercept on the V, axis and use this value to determine the work function of the cathode material. in joules. [5 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG| EA | 18020/MJ/CAPE 2023, r 7 (d) Figure 9 isa sketch of a graph showing the variation of electron photocurrent, I, with anode-cathode voltage, V. for a specific level of UV ill on of the cathode. Photocurrent 1,/A ‘Anode-cathode potential difference/V Figure 9. Variation of electron photocurrent with anode-cathode voltage For EACH of the labelled regions on the graph in Figure 9, state what happens to the flow of the photocurrent and explain why this happens in EACH case. (i) Region A Gi) Region B arks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/MJ/CAPE. 2023 L (MILE | (ii) Region € [3 marks} Total 30 marks END OFT EST BEFORE TIME IS CALLED IF YOU FI CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02238020/MJ/CAPE L. NA

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