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What is name of a factory that performs casting operations?

What is name of the workers who work in a factory that performs casting operations?

Name the two basic mold types that distinguish casting processes.

Which casting process is the most important commercially?

What are the names given to the upper and lower halves of the mold in sand casting?

What is the difference between a pattern and a core in sand casting?

What is the gating system in a casting mold?

What is a riser in a casting mold?

What is the difference between the local solidification time and the total solidification time in a casting
operation? 10.20 What is a eutectic alloy?

What is a meant by the term mushy zone during solidification of a metal alloy?

Identify the three sources of contraction in a metal casting after pouring.

The heat required to raise the temperature of a metal to the required level for pouring is the sum of
what three energy components?

What does heat of fusion mean in casting?

What is meant by the term superheat?

Why should turbulent flow of molten metal into the mold be avoided?

Why must the cross-sectional area at the bottom of the sprue be less than the cross-sectional area at
the top of the sprue during pouring?

What are some of the factors that affect the fluidity of a molten metal during pouring into a mold

What is a cupola?

What are some of the operations required in sand casting after the casting is removed from the mold?

What are some of the general defects encountered in casting processes? Name and briefly describe

Among all casting metals, which is the most important commercially?

Among all casting metals, which one has the lowest melting point?

In analyzing the costs in a casting operation, there is a basic difference in the way mold fabrication is
treated between expendable-mold processes and permanent-mold processes.

What is the difference? What is a machining allowance in the context of a cast part?
What does the term semipermanent-mold casting refer to?

What is vacuum permanent-mold casting?

What is flash in die casting?

What is the difference between true centrifugal casting and semicentrifugal casting?

What is a pattern in sand casting?

What is the difference between a split pattern and a matchplate pattern?

What is the difference between a match-plate pattern and a cope-and-drag pattern?

What is the difference between a pattern and a core?

What is a chaplet?

What is the flask in a sand-casting operation?

What is a flaskless molding?

What properties determine the quality of a sand mold for sand casting?

What is a green-sand mold?

What is a dry-sand mold?

Define each defect in one sentence

(a) sand blow, (b) pin holes, (c) sand wash, (d) scabs, (e) penetration, (f) mold shift, (g) core shift, and (h)
mold crack.

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