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A rm s and eyes upraised tow ard the sun and a prayer

on his lips, an elf begin s to g low w ith an inner light that

spills out to heal his battle-worn com pan ion s.
Chanting a son g o f glory, a d w arf sw in g s his axe
in w ide sw aths to cut through the ranks o f orc s
arrayed against him , sh ou tin g praise to the g od s w ith
every fo e ’s fall.
Calling dow n a cu rse upon the forces o f undeath, a
hum an lifts her holy sym bol as light p ou rs from it to
drive ba ck the zom b ies crow d in g in on her com pan ion s.
C lerics are interm ediaries b etw een the m ortal w orld
and the distant planes o f the gods. A s varied as the gods
they serve, clerics strive to em b ody the h andiw ork o f
their deities. No ordinary priest, a cleric is im bued with
divine m agic.

H e a le r s a n d W a r r io r s
Divine m agic, as the nam e suggests, is the p ow er o f
the gods, flow ing from them into the w orld. C lerics are
conduits for that pow er, m anifesting it as m iracu lou s
effects. The gods d on ’t grant this p ow er to everyone w h o
seek s it, but only to th ose c h osen to fulfill a high calling.
H arn essin g divine m agic d oesn ’t rely on study or
training. A cleric m ight learn form ulaic prayers and
ancient rites, but the ability to cast cleric spells relies on
devotion and an intuitive sen se o f a deity’s w ishes.
C lerics com bin e the helpful m agic o f healing and
inspiring their allies with sp ells that harm and hinder
foes. Th ey can provoke awe and dread, lay c u rses o f
plague or poison, and even call dow n flam es from heaven
to con su m e their en em ies. For th ose evildoers w h o w ill
benefit m ost from a m a ce to the head, clerics depen d on
their com bat training to let them w ade into m elee with
the p ow er o f the g od s on their side.

D iv in e A g e n ts
Not every acolyte or officiant at a tem ple or shrine is a
cleric. S o m e priests are called to a sim ple life o f tem ple
service, carryin g out their g o d s’ w ill through prayer and
sacrifice, not by m a gic and strength o f arm s. In som e
cities, p riesth ood am ounts to a political office, view ed
as a stepping stone to higher position s o f authority and
involving n o com m u n ion with a god at all. True clerics
are rare in m ost hierarchies.
W h en a cleric takes up an adventuring life, it is usually
b eca u se his or her g od dem an ds it. P u rsuing the goals
o f the g od s often involves braving dangers beyon d the
w alls o f civilization, sm iting evil or seek in g holy relics in
ancient tom bs. M any clerics are a lso ex pected to protect
T h e C l e r ic

— Spell Slots per Spell Level—

Proficiency Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

1st +2 Spellcasting, Divine Domain 3 2 — — — — — — — —

2nd +2 Channel Divinity (1/rest), 3 3 — — — — — — — —

Divine Domain feature

3rd +2 — 3 4 2 — — — — — — —

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 — — — — — — —

5th +3 Destroy Undead (CR 1/2) 4 4 3 2 — — — — — —

6th +3 Channel Divinity (2/rest), 4 4 3 3 — — — — — —
Divine Domain feature
7th +3 — 4 4 3 3 1 — — — — —

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Destroy Undead 4 4 3 3 2 — — — — —

(CR 1), Divine Domain feature

9th +4 — 4 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Divine Intervention 5 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 Destroy Undead (CR 2) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Destroy Undead (CR 3) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 Destroy Undead (CR 4), 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Divine Domain feature
18th +6 Channel Divinity (3/rest) 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Divine Intervention improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

their deities’ w orsh ipers, w h ich can m ean fighting

ram paging orc s, negotiating p ea ce b etw een w arrin g
C lass Features
nations, or sea lin g a portal that w ou ld allow a dem on A s a cleric, you gain the follow in g cla ss features.
prin ce to enter the w orld.
H it P o in t s
M ost adventuring clerics m aintain som e con n ection to
Hit Dice: 1d8 p er cleric level
established tem ples and orders o f their faiths. A tem ple
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
m ight ask for a cleric’s aid, or a high priest m ight be in a
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
position to dem an d it.
Constitution m odifier per cleric level after 1st

C r e a t in g a C leric P r o fic ie n c ie s
A s you create a cleric, the m ost im portant question to Arm or: Light armor, m edium armor, shields
con sid er is w h ich deity to serve and w hat prin ciples you Weapons: All sim ple w eap on s
w ant your character to em body. A pp en dix B includes Tools: N one
lists o f m any o f the g od s o f the multiverse. C h eck with
Saving Throws: W isdom , Charism a
your D M to learn w hich deities are in your cam paign.
Skills: C h oose tw o from History, Insight, M edicine,
O n ce you ’ve ch osen a deity, con sid er your cleric's
Persuasion, and R eligion
relationship to that god. D id you enter this serv ice
w illingly? O r did the g od c h o o s e you, im pelling you into E q u ipm e n t
serv ice w ith n o regard for your w ish es? H ow do the You start with the follow in g equipm ent, in addition to
tem ple priests o f your faith regard you: as a cham pion
the equipm ent granted by your background:
or a troublem aker? W h at are your ultimate goals? D oes
your deity have a sp ecia l task in m ind for you? O r are • (a) a m a ce or (b) a w arham m er (if proficient)
you striving to prove y ou rself w orthy o f a great quest? • (a) sca le mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain m ail (if
Q u ic k Bu il d • (a) a light cro s s b o w and 20 bolts or (b) any sim ple
You can m ake a cleric quickly by follow in g these w eapon
suggestion s. First, W isd om should be your highest • (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
ability score, follow ed by S tren gth or Constitution. • A shield and a holy sym bol
S econ d , c h o o s e the acolyte background.
Sp e l l c a st in g You can change your list o f prepared sp ells w hen you
finish a lon g rest. P reparin g a n ew list o f cleric spells
A s a conduit for divine pow er, you can cast cleric spells.
requ ires tim e spent in prayer and m editation: at least 1
S e e chapter 10 for the general rules o f sp ellcastin g and
m inute per spell level for each spell on your list.
chapter 11 for the cleric spell list.
Sp e l l c a s t in g A b il it y
C a n t r ip s
W isd om is your sp ellcastin g ability for your cleric spells.
At 1st level, you k n ow three cantrips o f your ch oice from
T h e p ow er o f your sp ells c o m e s from your devotion to
the cleric spell list. You learn additional cleric cantrips
your deity. You u se your W isd om w hen ever a cleric spell
o f your ch oice at higher levels, as sh ow n in the Cantrips
refers to your sp ellcastin g ability. In addition, you use
K n ow n colu m n o f the Cleric table.
your W isd om m odifier w hen setting the saving th row
D C for a cleric spell you cast and w hen m aking an
P r e p a r in g and C a s t in g Spells
attack roll w ith one.
T h e Cleric table sh ow s h ow m any spell slots you have
to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast on e o f Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
th ese spells, you m ust expend a slot o f the sp ell’s level your Wisdom modifier
or higher. You regain all expen ded spell slots w hen you
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
finish a lon g rest.
your Wisdom modifier
You prepare the list o f cleric spells that are available
for you to cast, ch oosin g from the cleric spell list. W h en
R it u a l C a s t in g
you do so, c h o o s e a num ber o f cleric spells equal to
You can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the
your W isd om m odifier + your cleric level (m inim um o f
ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
on e spell). The spells must be o f a level for w hich you
have spell slots. Sp e l l c a s t in g F o c u s
For exam ple, if you are a 3rd-level cleric, you have four You can use a holy sym b ol (found in chapter 5) as a
1st-level and tw o 2nd-level spell slots. W ith a W isd om sp ellcastin g focu s for your cleric spells.
o f 16, your list o f prepared spells can include six spells
o f 1st or 2nd level, in any com bination. If you prepare D iv in e D o m a in
the 1st-level sp ell cure wounds, you can cast it using
C h oose on e dom ain related to your deity: K now ledge,
a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. C asting the spell d oesn ’t
rem ove it from your list o f prepared spells. Life, Light, Nature, Tem pest, Trickery, or War. Each
dom ain is detailed at the end o f the class description,
and each on e provides exam ples o f g od s associated
w ith it. Y our ch oice grants you dom ain sp ells and other
features w hen you c h o o s e it at 1st level. It also grants
you additional w ays to use Channel Divinity w hen you
gain that feature at 2nd level, and additional benefits at
6th, 8th, and 17th levels.

D o m a in Spells
E ach dom ain has a list o f sp ells—its dom ain sp ells—
that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the dom ain
description. O nce you gain a dom ain spell, you always
have it prepared, and it d oesn ’t coun t against the
num ber o f spells you ca n prepare each day.
If you have a dom ain spell that d oesn ’t appear on the
cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

C h a n n e l D iv in it y
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel divine
en ergy directly from your deity, using that en ergy to fuel
m agical effects. You start with tw o such effects: Turn
U ndead and an effect determ ined by your dom ain. S om e
dom ain s grant you additional effects as you advance in
levels, as noted in the dom ain description.
W h en you u se your Channel Divinity, you c h o o s e
w hich effect to create. You m ust then finish a short or
lon g rest to u se your Channel Divinity again.
S o m e Channel Divinity effects require saving throw s.
W h en you use such an effect from this class, the DC
equals your cleric spell save DC.
B egin n in g at 6th level, you can u se your Channel
Divinity tw ice betw een rests, and beginning at 18th level.
you can use it three tim es betw een rests. W h en you finish dom ain s o f K now ledge, Life, and Light. A s a cleric, you
a short or long rest, you regain your expen ded u ses. c h o o s e on e aspect o f your deity’s portfolio to em phasize,
and you are granted p ow ers related to that dom ain.
C hannel D iv in it y : Turn U ndead Your ch oice might c orresp on d to a particular sect
A s an action, you present your holy sym bol and sp eak a dedicated to your deity. A pollo, for exam ple, cou ld be
prayer cen su rin g the undead. E ach undead that can see w orsh ip ed in on e region as P h oeb u s (“radiant”) A pollo,
or hear you w ithin 30 feet o f you must m ake a W isdom em phasizing his influence over the Light dom ain,
saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is and in a different place as A p ollo A cesiu s (“h ealing”),
turned for 1 m inute or until it takes any dam age. em phasizing his a ssocia tion w ith the Life dom ain.
A turned creature m ust spend its turns trying to m ove Alternatively, your ch oice o f dom ain cou ld sim ply b e a
as far away from you as it can, and it can ’t w illingly m atter o f p erson al preference, the asp ect o f the deity
m ove to a sp ace w ithin 30 feet o f you. It also ca n ’t take that appeals to you most.
reactions. F or its action, it can use only the D ash action E ach dom ain ’s description gives exam ples o f deities
or try to esca p e from an effect that prevents it from w h o have influence over that dom ain. G od s are included
m oving. If th ere’s now h ere to m ove, the creature can use from the w orld s o f the Forgotten R ealm s, Greyhawk,
the D od g e action. D ragon lance, and E b erron cam paign settings, as w ell as
from the Celtic, G reek, N orse, and Egyptian pantheons
A b il it y Sco re Im pr o vem en t o f antiquity.
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can in crease on e ability sc o r e o f your K n o w le d g e D o m a in
ch oice by 2, or you ca n in crease tw o ability s c o r e s o f T h e gods o f kn ow led ge—including O ghm a, B o cco b ,
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability Gilean, A u reon, and T h oth —value learning and
sco re above 20 using this feature. understanding above all. S o m e teach that kn ow led ge is
to b e gathered and sh ared in libraries and universities,
D estroy U ndead or prom ote the practical kn ow led ge o f craft and
Starting at 5th level, w hen an undead fails its saving invention. S o m e deities hoard kn ow led ge and keep its
throw against your Turn U ndead feature, the creature is secrets to them selves. A n d som e prom ise their follow ers
instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is at or below a that they w ill gain trem en dou s p ow er if they u n lock the
certain threshold, as show n in the D estroy Undead table. secrets o f the multiverse. F ollow ers o f th ese g od s study
esoteric lore, collect old tom es, delve into the secret
D estr o y U n d e a d p la ces o f the earth, and learn all they can. S o m e gods
o f kn ow led ge prom ote the practical k n ow led ge o f craft
Cleric Level Destroys Undead o f CR
and invention, including sm ith deities like G ond, R eorx,
5th 1/2 or lower
Onatar, M oradin, H ephaestus, and Goibhniu.
8 th 1 or lower
11th 2 or lower K n o w l e d g e D o m a in S pells
14th 3 or lower
Cleric Level Spells
17th 4 or lower
1st c o m m a nd , identify
3rd augury, suggestion

D iv in e In t e r v e n t io n 5th nondetection, speak with dead

7th arcane eye, confusion
B egin ning at 10th level, you can call on your deity to
9th legend lore, scrying
intervene on your beh alf w hen your need is great.
Im ploring your deity’s aid requ ires you to u se your
B l e s s in g s of K now ledge
action. D escrib e the assistance you seek, and roll
At 1st level, you learn tw o languages o f y ou r choice.
percentile dice. If you roll a num ber equal to or low er
Y ou also b e c o m e proficient in y ou r ch oice o f tw o o f the
than your cleric level, your deity intervenes. T h e DM
follow in g skills: A rcana, History, Nature, or Religion.
c h o o s e s the nature o f the intervention; the effect o f any
Y our proficiency bon u s is doubled for any ability ch eck
cleric spell or cleric dom ain spell w ou ld be appropriate.
you m ake that uses either o f th ose skills.
If your deity intervenes, you ca n ’t u se this feature
again for 7 days. O therw ise, you can use it again after
C hannel D iv in it y :
you finish a lon g rest.
K now ledge of the A ges
At 20th level, your call for intervention su cce e d s
Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
automatically, n o roll required.
to tap into a divine w ell o f kn ow ledge. A s an action,
you c h o o s e on e skill or tool. For 10 m inutes, you have
D iv in e D o m a in s proficiency w ith the ch osen skill or tool.
In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different
C hannel D iv in it y : R ead T h oughts
asp ects o f m ortal life and civilization, called a deity’s
dom ain. A ll the dom ain s over w h ich a deity has At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to read a
influence are called the deity’s portfolio. For exam ple, creatu re’s thoughts. You can then u se your a cce ss to the
the portfolio o f the G reek god A p ollo includes the creatu re’s m ind to com m a n d it.
A s an action, c h o o s e one creature that you can see o f h ealing or endurance (such as Ilmater, M ishakal,
w ithin 6 0 feet o f you. That creature must m ake a A pollo, and D iancecht), and g od s o f h om e and
W isd om saving throw. If the creature su cce e d s on the com m u n ity (such as Hestia, Hathor, and Boldrei).
saving throw, you ca n ’t use this feature on it again until
you finish a long rest. Life D o m a in S pells
If the creature fails its save, you can read its su rface Cleric Level Spells
thoughts (those forem ost in its mind, reflecting its
1st bless, cure w ounds
current em otion s and w hat it is actively thinking
3rd lesser restoration, spiritual w eapon
about) w hen it is w ithin 60 feet o f you. T h is effect lasts
5th beacon o f hope, revivify
for 1 minute.
D uring that tim e, you can use your action to end this 7th death ward, gu ard ia n o f faith

effect and cast the suggestion spell on the creature 9th m ass cure w ounds, raise dead
w ithout expending a spell slot. T h e target autom atically
fails its saving throw against the spell. B onus P r o f ic ie n c y
W h en you c h o o s e this dom ain at 1st level, you gain
Po t e n t Sp e l l c a s t in g proficiency with heavy armor.
Starting at 8th level, you add your W isd om m odifier to
the dam age you deal with any cleric cantrip. D is c ip l e o f L if e

A lso starting at 1st level, your h ealing spells are m ore

V is io n s o f t h e Pa s t effective. W h enever you u se a spell o f 1st level or higher
Starting at 17th level, you can call up vision s o f the to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains
past that relate to an object you hold or your im m ediate additional hit points equal to 2 + the sp ell’s level.
surroundings. You sp end at least 1 m inute in meditation
and prayer, then receive dream like, sh ad ow y glim p ses C hannel D iv in it y : Preserve L if e
o f recent events. You can m editate in this w ay for a Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
num ber o f m inutes equal to your W isd om sc o r e and to heal the badly injured.
must m aintain concentration during that time, as if you A s an action, you presen t your holy sym bol and
w ere castin g a spell. evoke h ealing en ergy that can restore a num ber o f hit
O n ce you use this feature, you ca n ’t use it again until points equal to five tim es your cleric level. C h oose any
you finish a short or lon g rest. creatu res w ithin 30 feet o f you, and divide th ose hit
Object Reading. H olding an object as you meditate, points am ong them . T his feature can restore a creature
you can see vision s o f the o b je ct’s previous owner. to no m ore than h alf o f its hit point m axim um . You ca n ’t
After m editating for 1 minute, you learn h ow the ow n er u se this feature on an undead or a construct.
acqu ired and lost the object, as w ell as the m ost recent
significant event involving the object and that owner. B lessed H ealer

If the object w as ow n ed by another creature in the B egin ning at 6th level, the healing spells you cast on
recen t past (within a num ber o f days equal to your others heal you as w ell. W h en you cast a spell o f 1st
W isd om score), you can spend 1 additional minute level or higher that restores hit points to a creature
for each ow n er to learn the sa m e inform ation about other than you, you regain hit points equal to 2 + the
that creature. spell’s level.
Area Reading. A s you meditate, you see vision s
D iv in e St r i k e
o f recen t events in your im m ediate vicinity (a room ,
street, tunnel, clearing, or the like, up to a 50 -foot cube), At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
g oin g back a num ber o f days equal to your W isd om strikes w ith divine energy. O n ce on each o f your turns
score. For each minute you meditate, you learn about w hen you hit a creature with a w eapon attack, you can
on e significant event, begin n in g with the m ost recent. cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant dam age to
the target. W h en you reach 14th level, the extra dam age
Significant events typically involve pow erfu l em otions,
in creases to 2d8.
su ch as battles and betrayals, m arriages and m urders,
births and funerals. However, they m ight also include
Su p r e m e H e a l in g
m ore m undane events that are n evertheless im portant
Starting at 17th level, w hen you w ould norm ally roll
in your current situation.
on e or m ore dice to restore hit points with a spell, you
instead u se the h ighest num ber p ossib le for each die.
L if e D o m a in
F or exam ple, instead o f restoring 2d6 hit points to a
T h e Life dom ain fo c u s e s on the vibrant positive creature, you restore 12.
en ergy—on e o f the fundam ental forces o f the universe—
that sustains all life. The gods o f life prom ote vitality L ig h t D o m a in
and health through healing the sick and w ounded,
G od s o f light—including Helm , Lathander, Pholtus,
caring for th ose in need, and driving away the forces o f
Branchala, the Silver Flam e, Belenus, A pollo, and
death and undeath. A lm ost any non-evil deity can claim
R e-H orakhty—prom ote the ideals o f rebirth and
influence over this dom ain, particularly agricultural
renew al, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the
deities (such as Chauntea, Araw ai, and D em eter), sun
sym bol o f the sun. S o m e o f th ese g od s are portrayed
g od s (such as Lathander, Pelor, and Re-Horakhty), gods
as the sun itself or as a charioteer w h o guides the sun
a cro ss the sky. O thers are tireless sentinels w h o s e eyes
pierce every sh adow and see through every deception.
S om e are deities o f beauty and artistry, w h o teach that
art is a vehicle for the sou l's im provem ent. C lerics o f a
god o f light are enlightened sou ls in fused w ith radiance
and the p ow er o f their g o d s’ discern in g vision, charged
with chasin g away lies and burning away darkness.

Lig h t D o m a in S pells

Cleric Level Spells

1st b u rn in g h a nds, faerie fire
3rd f la m in g sphere, sco rch in g ray
5th daylight, f ireball
7th gu ardia n o f faith, wall of f ire
9th f la m e strike, scrying

Bonus C a n t r ip
W h en you c h o o s e this dom ain at 1st level, you gain the
light cantrip if you don ’t already k n ow it.

W a r d in g F l a r e
A lso at 1st level, you can in terpose divine light betw een
y ou rself and an attacking enemy. W h en you are attacked
by a creature w ithin 30 feet o f you that you can see,
you can u se your reaction to im pose disadvantage on
the attack roll, cau sin g light to flare before the attacker
before it hits or m isses. A n attacker that ca n ’t be blinded
is im m une to this feature.
You can u se this feature a num ber o f tim es equal to
your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
all expen ded u ses w hen you finish a long rest.

C hannel D iv in it y : R a d ia n c e o f t h e Daw n
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to h arn ess sunlight, banish in g dark n ess and dealing N atu re D o m ain
radiant dam age to your foes. G od s o f nature are as varied as the natural w orld
A s an action, you presen t your holy sym bol, and any itself, from inscrutable g od s o f the deep forests (such
m agical darkn ess w ithin 30 feet o f you is dispelled. as Silvanus, Obad-Hai, Chislev, Balinor, and Pan) to
Additionally, each hostile creature w ithin 30 feet of friendly deities a ssocia ted with particular sprin gs and
you m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. A creature groves (such as Eldath). D ruids revere nature as a
takes radiant dam age equal to 2 d 10 + your cleric level w h ole and m ight serve one o f these deities, practicing
on a failed saving throw, and half as m uch dam age on a m ysterious rites and reciting all-but-forgotten prayers in
su ccessfu l one. A creature that h as total cover from you their ow n secret tongue. But m any o f these g od s have
is not affected. clerics as w ell, cham pion s w ho take a m ore active role
in advancing the interests o f a particular nature god.
Im p r o v e d F l a r e
T h ese clerics m ight hunt the evil m on strosities that
Starting at 6th level, you ca n also use your W arding
d espoil the w ood lan d s, b less the harvest o f the faithful,
Flare feature w hen a creature that you can see w ithin
or w ither the crop s o f th ose w h o anger their gods.
3 0 feet o f you attacks a creature other than you.

N ature D o m a in S pells
P o t e n t S p e l l c a s t in g
Starting at 8th level, you add your W isd om m odifier to Cleric Level Spells
the dam age you deal with any cleric cantrip. 1st a n im a l friendship, speak with anim als
3rd barkskin, spike grow th
C o r o n a o f L ig h t
5th plant growth, w ind wall
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate
7th dom inate beast, gra sp ing vine
an aura o f sunlight that lasts for 1 minute or until you
9th insect plague, tree stride
d ism iss it usin g another action. You emit bright light in
a 60 -foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. Your
en em ies in the bright light have disadvantage on saving
throw s against any spell that deals fire or radiant damage.
A colyte of N ature righ teou sn ess or to en cou ra ge them to offer sa crifices o f
At 1st level, you learn on e druid cantrip o f your choice. propitiation to w ard o ff divine wrath.
You also gain proficiency in one o f the follow in g skills o f
your ch oice: A nim al H andling, Nature, or Survival. Te m p e st D o m a in S pells

Cleric Level Spells

B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c y
1st f o g cloud, thunderw ave
A lso at 1st level, you gain proficiency w ith heavy armor.
3rd gu st o f wind, shatter

C hannel D iv in it y : C harm A n im a l s 5th call lightning, sleet storm

and Plants 7th control water, ice storm
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity 9th destructive wave, insect plague
to charm anim als and plants.
A s an action, you present you r holy sym bol and invoke B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c ie s
the nam e o f your deity. Each beast or plant creature that At 1st level, you gain proficiency w ith m artial w eap on s
can see you w ithin 30 feet o f you must m ake a W isd om and heavy armor.
saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is
ch a rm ed by you for 1 m inute or until it takes dam age. W rath of th e St o r m
W h ile it is ch arm ed by you, it is friendly to you and other A lso at 1st level, you can thunderously rebuke attackers.
creatu res you designate. W h en a creature w ithin 5 feet o f you that you can see
hits you w ith an attack, you can use your reaction to
Dam pen Elem ents cau se the creature to m ake a D exterity saving throw.
Starting at 6th level, w hen you or a creature w ithin 30 T h e creature takes 2d8 lightning or thunder dam age
feet o f you takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder (your ch oice) on a failed saving throw, and half as m uch
dam age, you can u se your reaction to grant resistan ce to dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
the creature against that in stan ce o f the dam age. You can u se this feature a num ber o f tim es equal to
your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
D iv in e St r i k e
all expen ded u ses w hen you finish a long rest.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
strikes w ith divine energy. O nce on each o f your turns C hannel D iv in it y : D e s t r u c t iv e W rath
w hen you hit a creature w ith a w eap on attack, you Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
can cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold, fire, or to w ield the pow er o f the storm w ith u nch eck ed ferocity.
lightning dam age (your choice) to the target. W h en you W h en you roll lightning or thunder dam age, you can
reach 14th level, the extra dam age in creases to 2d8. use your Channel Divinity to deal m axim u m dam age,
instead o f rolling.
M aster of Nature
At 17th level, you gain the ability to com m a n d anim als T hunderbolt St r i k e
and plant creatures. W h ile creatu res are charm ed by At 6th level, w hen you deal lightning dam age to a Large
your Charm A n im als and Plants feature, you can take or sm aller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet
a bon u s action on your turn to verbally c om m a n d what away from you.
each o f th ose creatu res w ill do on its next turn.
D iv in e St r i k e
T em pe st D o m a in At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
G o d s w h o s e portfolios include the Tem pest d o m a in - strikes w ith divine energy. O n ce on each o f your turns
including Talos, U m berlee, K ord, Z eb oim , the w hen you hit a creature with a w eap on attack, you can
Devourer, Z eus, and T h or—govern storm s, sea, and cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder dam age to
sky. Th ey include g od s o f lightning and thunder, gods the target. W h en you reach 14th level, the extra dam age
o f earthquakes, so m e fire gods, and certain g od s o f in creases to 2d8.
violen ce, physical strength, and courage. In som e
St o r m born
pantheons, a god o f this dom ain rules over other deities
At 17th level, you have a flying sp eed equal to
and is k n ow n for sw ift ju stice delivered by thunderbolts.
your current w alking sp eed w hen ever you are not
In the pantheons o f seafaring people, gods o f this
undergrou nd or in doors.
dom ain are o ce a n deities and the patrons o f sailors.
Tem pest g od s send their clerics to inspire fear in the
T r ic k e r y D o m a in
co m m o n folk, either to keep th ose folk on the path o f
G od s o f trickery—such as Tymora, Beshaba,
O lidam m ara, the Traveler, Garl Glittergold, and
L ok i—are m ischief-m akers and instigators w h o stand
as a constant challenge to the accep ted order am ong
both g od s and m ortals. T h ey’re patrons o f thieves,
scou n d rels, gam blers, rebels, and liberators. Their
clerics are a disruptive force in the w orld, puncturing
pride, m ock in g tyrants, stealing from the rich, freeing
captives, and flouting h ollow traditions. Th ey prefer
subterfuge, pranks, deception , and theft rather than w atch over w arriors and rew ard them for their great
direct confrontation. deeds. T h e clerics o f such g od s excel in battle, inspiring
others to fight the g o o d fight or offering acts o f violen ce
Tr ickery D o m a in S pells as prayers. G od s o f w ar include ch a m pion s o f h onor
Cleric Level Spells and chivalry (such as Torm , H eironeou s, and Kiri-
Jolith) as w ell as g od s o f destruction and pillage (such
1st ch a rm person, disguise self
as Erythnul, the Fury, G ruum sh, and A res) and g od s o f
3rd m irror im age, pa ss without trace
conquest and dom ination (such as Bane, Hextor, and
5th blink, dispel m agic
Maglubiyet). Other w ar g od s (such as Tem pus, Nike,
7th dim ension door, polym orph
and Nuada) take a m ore neutral stance, prom oting w ar
9th do m in ate person, m odify m e m ory in all its m anifestations and supporting w arriors in any
circu m stan ce.
B le ssin g of th e T r ic k st e r
Starting w hen you c h o o s e this dom ain at 1st level, you W ar D o m a in S pells
can use your action to touch a w illing creature other
Cleric Level Spells
than y ou rself to give it advantage on D exterity (Stealth)
1st divine favor, shield o f faith
ch ecks. T h is blessin g lasts for 1 hour or until you use
3rd m a g ic weapon, spiritual w eapon
this feature again.
5th crusad er’s mantle, spirit gu ardians
C hannel D iv in it y : In v o k e D u p l ic it y 7th fre e do m o f m ovem ent, stoneskin
Starting at 2nd level, you can use y ou r Channel Divinity 9th f la m e strike, hold m onster
to create an illusory duplicate o f yourself.
A s an action, you create a perfect illusion o f B o n u s P r o fic ie n c ie s
y ou rself that lasts for 1 m inute, or until you lose your At 1st level, you gain proficiency w ith m artial w eap on s
concentration (as if you w ere concentratin g on a spell). and heavy armor.
The illusion appears in an u n occu p ied sp ace that you
can see w ithin 30 feet o f you. A s a bon u s action on your W a r P r ie st
turn, you can m ove the illusion up to 30 feet to a sp ace F rom 1st level, your god delivers bolts o f inspiration to
you can see, but it must rem ain w ithin 120 feet o f you. you w hile you are engaged in battle. W h en you use the
For the duration, you ca n cast spells as though you Attack action, you can m ake on e w ea p on attack as a
w ere in the illusion’s space, but you m ust use your ow n bon u s action.
sen ses. Additionally, w hen both you and your illusion You ca n u se this feature a num ber o f tim es equal to
are w ithin 5 feet o f a creature that can see the illusion, your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature, all expended u ses w hen you finish a long rest.
given h ow distracting the illusion is to the target.
C hannel D iv in it y : G u id e d St r i k e
C hannel D iv in it y : C lo a k of Sh a d o w s Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
Starting at 6th level, you can u se your Channel to strike w ith supernatural accuracy. W h en you m ake
D ivinity to vanish. an attack roll, you can u se your Channel Divinity to gain
A s an action, you b e co m e invisible until the end o f your a +10 bon u s to the roll. You m ake this ch oice after you
next turn. You b e co m e visible if you attack or cast a spell. see the roll, but before the DM says w hether the attack
hits or m isses.
D iv in e St r i k e
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon C hannel D iv in it y : War G o d ’s B le ssin g
strikes w ith p o iso n —a gift from your deity. O nce on each At 6th level, w hen a creature w ithin 30 feet o f you
o f your turns w hen you hit a creature w ith a w eapon m akes an attack roll, you can u se y ou r reaction to grant
attack, you can cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 that creature a +10 bon u s to the roll, usin g your Channel
p oison d am age to the target. W h en you reach 14th level, Divinity. You m ake this ch oice after you see the roll, but
the extra dam age in creases to 2d8. before the DM says w hether the attack hits or m isses.

Im proved D u p l ic it y D iv in e St r i k e
At 17th level, you can create up to four duplicates At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eap on
o f yourself, instead o f one, w hen you u se Invoke strikes w ith divine energy. O n ce on each o f your turns
Duplicity. A s a bon u s action on your turn, you can w hen you hit a creature w ith a w eap on attack, you can
m ove any n um ber o f them up to 30 feet, to a m axim um cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 dam age o f the
range o f 120 feet. sam e type dealt by the w ea p on to the target. W h en you
reach 14th level, the extra dam age in creases to 2d8.
W a r D o m a in
A vatar of Battle
W ar has m any m anifestations. It can m ake h eroes o f
At 17th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
ordinary people. It can be desperate and horrific, with
and slashing dam age from n onm agical w eapon s.
acts o f cruelty and cow a rd ice eclipsing in stan ces o f
excellen ce and courage. In either case, the gods o f w ar

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