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ORAL COMMUNICATION 1st SEM NOTES • Shannon-Weaver Communication Model

- by Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver

• Communication sourc transmitter receiver destination
- comes from the Greek words, “communis” =
commonality/variety& “communicatie” = nois
make something in common.
- sharing & conveying messages/information 2.) Interactive Model
from one person to another. - two-way communication; feedback involved
- expressing ourselves through thoughts, ideas, - ex. instant messaging
feelings, etc.
- variety of contexts and situations. • Schramm’s Model (1954)
- by Wilbur Schramm, “Father of mass
>4 Types of Communication: communication”
1.) Verbal – spoken words ex. conversations - originates 2 sources: message from sender &
2.) Non-verbal – not transmitted through spoken feedback from receiver
field of
words experience
3.) Written – sentences, paragraphs, etc. ex. letter
4.) Visual – can be seen/read ex. pictures feedbac feedbac

>Elements of Communication: feedbac feedbac

*The sender has a message and will encode it using a feedbac
channel so that the message would be received by the feedbac feedbac
receiver, and the receiver will decode the message to
give feedback field of
1.) Sender – conveys the message
2.) Message – information sent 3.) Transactional Model
3.) Channel – medium used - by Dean Barnlund in 1970
4.) Receiver – recipient, decodes the message - simultaneously and continuously
5.) Feedback – response - ex. arguments or friends talking
field of field of
>Communication Breakdown & Noise experience
• Communication breakdown - when message or
feedback isn’t sent/received properly communicato communicato

• Noise - barriers to effective communication

>>Types of Noise:
1.) Physical – comes from environment
2.) Psychological – from your mind (THE VOICES!)
3.) Physiological – from body sensation ex. Stuttering message / feedback

4.) Semantic – related to the meaning of the word

– misinterpretations >7C’s of Communication
• Completeness – give all information
>Models of Communication (process) • Conciseness – short & simple; straight to the point
1.) Linear Model • Consideration – consider receiver’s POV,
- one-way communication; straight path of background, education level
relaying a message • Concreteness - factual
- no feedback involved • Courtesy - respect
• Clearness – specific and simple words
• SMCR Berlo’s model by David Berlo • Correctness – grammar awareness
- has 4 components: Sender, Message, Channel,
• Function of Communication – refers to how people VARIOUS SITUATIONS
use language for different purposes. • Speech Context – how meaning is affected depending
on the social situation wherein speech is delivered.
1.) Regulation/Control
- limiting/regulating something >Types of speech context:
- rule maintained by an authority 1.) Intrapersonal Communication
- the speech should be universal, regulate your - person’s communication with oneself
words - exists within the mind
- power to influence people’s behavior/course - ex. thinking out loud, making plans, etc.
of events
>> Reasons why people prefer intrapersonal
2.) Social Interaction communication:
- verbal exchanges occurring in a natural • lack of external feedback
settings that are typically familiar to the • self-critical
interactants. • solitary learning style
• lack of motivation
3.) Emotional Expression • sensitive to groups
- manifestation of one’s internal emotional state • indecisiveness
- others express their emotions by writing,
physical features, giving gifts 2.) Interpersonal Communication
- communication with one or more persons
4.) Motivation - could be face to face or online
- desire to do things according to psychology
- crucial element in attaining goals >> Types of interpersonal communication:
1.) Dyadic Communication – between 2 people
• Motivational speaker – person whose speeches 2.) Small Group Communication – groups of 3 or
intends to inspire/motivate the audience more persons
• Motivational speeches – the motivational message 3.) Public Communication – act of performing and
• Motivational gestures/words – should be speech to a live audience
developed by the motivational speaker to 4.) Mass communication – transmission of
encourage/inspire people around you information to many people through mass media
5.) Organizational Communication – within
5.) Information Dissemination organizations, corporations, etc.
- to distribute/broadcast information 6.) Intercultural Communication – between people
- information should be factual and true from different cultural backgrounds
- ex. news, lectures, gossip
>>Key terms in public speaking
>> Channels for Information Dissemination: • Stage fright – fear of speaking before an audience
• Face to face • Media • Glossophobia – fear of public speaking
• Internet • Writing • Communication Apprehension – level of fear with c
communication with other people
>Tips to formulate effective communication strategies • Shyness Behavior – result of “subjective affective e
1.) Set clear & attainable goals experience” known as communication
2.) Focus on the issue, if any not on purpose apprehension
3.) Be flexible & open-minded
4.) Be a critical thinker • Speech style – language the speaker uses
5.) Demonstrate sensitivity at all times characterized by the degree of formality
6.) Let others state what is on their mind
7.) Be genuine, be honest, be open >Types of speech style:
8.) Use affirming response 1.) Frozen style
9.) Present only facts & verifiable - intended to be remembered and used in a
very formal setting
- not intended to be changed
- ex. oathtaking ceremony
2.) Formal style
- least amount of shared background and is one-
way communication/no feedback needed
- ex. graduation speeches

3.) Informal style

- common among peers and requires easy
- ex. conversation with friends

4.) Consultative style

- norm for coming to term with strangers whose
stock of information is different
- semi-formal communication
- ex. doctor and patient/teacher and student

5.) Intimate style

- conversations with people who we are very
close with

• Speech act – acts performed by speaker in making

utterance as stating, requesting, etc.

1.) Locution (Utterance)

- utterance of a meaningful sentence; what is
said literally
- ex. “It is raining outside” = literal meaning

2.) Illocution (Intention)

- social function of what is said
- ex. “It is raining outside” = they don’t want you
to go out

3.) Perlocution (Response)

- effect of what is said to the person
- ex. “It is raining outside” = effect is you won’t
go outside

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