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"- 13+ 18- 7. 19- 2. 23- 25 - one Introduction Stayed and Suspended Structures Incremental Launched Bridges Balanced Cantilever Method Post-Tensioning in Bridges Post-Tensioning in Buildings Post-Tensioning in Tanks and Silos Special Projects MET 460 Structural Bar System Pot and Elastomeric Beatings, Expansion Joints Bar Systems Ground Anchors Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring Cr 7 bh Mekanos, we supply technical solutions for constuction and maintenance of bridges and structures, also for geotechnical projacts wth our bars and ground anchorages, looking to provide our cles with spocialsed and completa service which responds to their technical problems, Post-tensioning, Bridge Beerings, Exnansion Joints, Construction Methodologies for bridges, Stayed! Cables for suspended structures, Ground Anchors, High Tensile Bars, Moritoring,...those are some of the products and technical solutions that we otter in the bridges, structures and geotechrios markets. Our work philosophy, flexibly and specialzation, allows us to integrate naw markets, new demands anc challenges of each projact ancl clent bh order to see our propositions andl technical se-vices in evolution, we decided to fund! a R&D research andl developinent program, Also for the cevelooment of new products and innovative solutions, This in a collaboration and discussion with the best designers ano suppliers in the bridge, structures and geotechnic fies Mekario4 put in practice a constant iingroveinent of the quali system thet meets the requirements of 1509001 :2000, Our company is involved to respond aur clents efficiently and quicldy; our aim is to be the best specialist supplier. ‘We boleve in the quality that leads to supply materials and services in the exact deadine dates, in agreement with the client neads, we beleve in @ good and precise defnition of the solution to build ancl its continuous improvernert curing the development ofthe projact. L a] T 7 MeKanod as a specials in the design and! implemertation of structural solutions for bridge construction offers their Clonts a wide range of engineered solutions for all type of stayed, suspended and hanging structures. The expererice of our ste engineers in assembly andl erection and the continuous davelooment ‘of new systems all culminates to add valu to the projects, Various types of stays or hangers. can be used (see below) cepencing on designer preferences and requirements which are usually basod on the following: Loads, Corrosion protection, Installation, Stay lengths, Cost, eto Mekano4 proposes its Cable System DMK to be used principally in bridges of mecium and large spans. Consisting in tendons of high durability and fatigue resistance, composed with strands of ? wires with up to 4 protective anti-corrosion layers. \We offer anchorages up to 127 strands with 0.6° diameter. Designing anchorages with high capacity. Our cables systems have fulfled allhe requirements ofthe flb Recommendations for the Accaptane of Stay Cable Systems using Prestressing Steals. ‘The MKé Systein for Locked-Coll Ropes is mainly for medium span arch bridges, medium size suspension bridges and suspended roofs ‘The MK4 Systems for stays with High Tensile Bars M&Y1050 and with Structural Bars MIKT 460 ‘are speciiad in other chapiers in this catalogue, L aK hap a 4 Jiang-Bai Bridge (Taiwan) Cr) ‘The concent ofthe Incremental Launched Method is to cast successive deck segments of approximately 15-30 metres long in a stationary formwork (similar o factory concitions) behind the abuitment and then to push/pull the increasing lengths of bridge decks into their fal postion by sliding the segments over ‘special Teflon-stainless steel dovices (temporary or permanent beevings) For the launching operation special “ricton system” using hydraulc lit-push jacks is used. Attematively the launching can be done by means of hydraulic puling jacks using strand! or ber temporary tendons, A steel nose is installed in front ofthe first span permitting the reduction of the deck cantilever lenath prior to ts reaching a pier. Mekano4 is a leading company in this field having already successfully accomplished many projects of this kind (conorete and steel structures) worldwice, ‘Typical scope of work (construction package) offered by MK4 includes: Constuction design / atenatve design. ‘Supply and installation of temporary / permanent post tensioning ‘Supply anc erection of special formwork and launching steehnose. ‘Supaly of bearings (ternporery/peranent Launching operations and cauipment. ‘Supply of special sling pads and devices. Bar prastrossing for steel-nase andi lateral ques attachment to the structure, La Miel Viaduct (Spain) Vallbona Viaduct (Spain) +t r 7 ‘This methodology is one of the most spectacular in bridge construction, With this method, after concreting the pier segments, concreting of the superstructure is undertaken in-situ by casting segments of approximately 3-5 metres in length. This is achieved by means of specially designed steel carriage formwork travellers advancing symmetrically from one or more pier supports, PT tendons are arranged according to the moment diagram of a cantlever. ‘This method is especially advantageous for medium or long snan structures in which the use of scattolting is onerous, expensive or impossible MIKé offers packages incliding redesign, erection methodology, supply and erecton of travellers, post tensioning and bearings. L a] ~o site a re T 7 MeKanod asa highly qualied engineering compary is primarily involved in the barige construction industy, the application of post-tensioning systems being ils core business. The MKA system been successfully installed in altypes of structures such as standard cast in-situ flyovers, bridges and viaciucts constructed by various methocis such as, Incremental launching, Precast segmental, Balanced cantilever, Precast or in-situ beams and Arches, etc, ‘The MKé systom embodies the latest proven stato of the art innovations in prestrassed concrete. The systain's components reflect the outcome of stringent testing, being designed to sattsty widely hele intemational performance standards including the new European Technical Agreement ETAG-018. By combining a wide renge of anchorages and equipment with skiled engineering services and technology, the MK systam is capable of providing solutions for an extensive variety of post tensioning applications; ‘optimum design, quality and economy being central features of the system. ‘The substantial resources of an experienced team of technical personnel provici the MKA system with ‘a comprehensive engineering facility committed to innovative development as well as providing full collaboration with designers and control management in planring and execution of specific projacts, Principal characteristics of the MK4 system are: Products and services tailored to the clant’s nesds Technical support throughout all project phases + Comprehensive range of tendons, anchorages, couplers and other specialist narciware ancl ‘equipment, adapted to tancion variations when using different size stand, typically 0.5" and 0.6" ciameters, Arti corrosion protection by cement or wax injection Components adaptable to cifferent types of sheathing, metallic or polyethylene etc. + Stressing jacks of compact construction and efficiency that are rela, easy to hancile anc! to ‘operate and canable of simultaneously stressing al strands in a tendon in any number of stages, + Anchorage and special elemants designed to the client's needs, adapted to specific projects. L J CT oT ‘The use of post tensioning systems in buiktings offers nurnerous advartages and is increasingly being Used in this industry. The most common type of PT utilised in building slabs is the unbended mono- strand system (greased and PE-coated stand). The MKé unbonded mono-strand system uses 0,6" ‘anc 0,62" olametar strand of 1860 MPa capaciy, Mult-strand loonded systerns with elther round or flat corugated duct is also provided as an altemative {or the construction of slabs in buildings when this type of system is required, The advantages of PT in buildings can be summarised as follows: Reduced! quantity of reinforcement for passive bending and shear + Larger column tree space ‘Thimer slabs and reduced volume of concrete + Spooding up the construction oycls + Reduced construction joints Crack-free slabs + Minimnised foundations: Reduced maintenance costs Mekano 4 also offers complete packages including allemative design of the slabs in addition to the conventional incorporation of aur MK4 tendons (supply, installation and stressing) Repair, maintenance and survellance of structures, especially oki builkings and monuments are acttional activtias in which we are presently becoming very active. L J r MIKé has extansive experience in executng post-tensioning works on tanks, water reservoirs, silos, shells and circular structures in general ‘Our range of anchorages are well suited for these spectic applications, Additional special anchorages: such as the monosirand connector as well as the 4-0,6" block anchorage/counler have been develooed specticall for circular stuctures, MIKA system has also been tested in ndepencient laboratories to comply with most stringent intemational sstanderds for ts apolcation in LNG Tanks (Liouified Natural Gas) ‘Another activty in which MK@ has achieved spectacular results has been the repair of existing tanks by the action of circumferential extemal PT, L T 7d MKé has a highly experienced staff of engineers and technicians, with the relevant exnertise working {and developing solutions for the construction industry and is regularly involved in special projects that due to their 87¢, location or technical complexity require special cleveloped! tallorracie solutions, Fullscale construction packages are offered to Main Contractors, by partnering with wellknown designers andi other spscialisecl companies. Our objactive is to collect and formulate the most appropriate ideas, products and services to fit the client's special requirements and to their entire satisfaction. Flexbblty and comrnitment within the MK4 organisation enables us to offer very competitive solutions by adanting our systems and orocedures to ary given circumstance, geographical area and clan's wil ‘Our engineers have the necessary experiance to assist you in the design and fabrication of special moulds, tailor-made instalation systems, innovative solutions for structural repair, or just to develop solutions taking advantage of your existing equipment, design capabilties and labour force. L 4 Pea ar Tay x AN Barajas Airport Satelite Building (Spain) cr r 7 MeKano4’s Sinictural Bar System with MKT 460 supplies an interesting combination of elegance ancl resistance, obtaining the satisfaction ofthe designer and the contractor. ‘Tho MKT 460 is usually installod in small arch bridges, in susponcied bridges, in footbridaes, builing, erodromes and other architectonical apoltcations, suspended roofs, etc... the whole structural bar is available in 460/610 steal types and with diferent end fings. ‘The MKT System incorporates aiforent atomatives of protecton against the corrosion (special painting” gelvansing/ stainless stoo), The structural baris cornploted with dlferent types of anchorage ends L L 4 a = "7 eS eC) TT 7 ‘Our technical “now how’ anda large experience in lferent cleveloped projects, gave us the opportunity to develop a large range of bearings and expansion joints for bridges and structures. ‘An important team of engineers and qualfied technicians of Mekano4 worked during many years in this field, and are able to develop the best solution in order to fulfil specitic neads of our clients for each project. Ibis our mission to resolve ary special problems our clients may be faced with and in order to assist US to do this, we have developed spacial software for optimising the design of pot bearing and other bearing types. ‘Since we recognise the importance of simplcty, clay, and ease of use, we reiterate that we can offer botn the simple, standardised series of products and also the highly sophisticated customised soktions {or specific problems. FEM. and special software for this application has been developed to allow MK4 to study singular spectications for special projects. L a] oe a oe : | ETT DE) MK Bar system is based on special steel high tensile bars manufactured! in Germany. The success of the system is largely as a resull of the longevity of production (over 20 years} Depending on the final use of the bars, they are either hat rolled or cold treated, thereby attaining the requiste grades of tensile strength. Low relexation bar production for post-tensioning is inckided in the range, ‘All mechanical properties comply wth the DIN EN 10026 standards. hitialy, bars were developed! specifically forts use in rook and soll anchorages. Post-tensioning, reinforced conorete and stayed stuctures emerged later MK Y1050 system Post-tensioning bar tencons. Mi B500 system ‘Soll and rock nails, Reinforcing steel, MK S870 system ‘Soll anchors and rook nails. MK Y1100 system, Formwork materials. MK $1000 system Fixing systoms for bridge rigid barriers, L L 4 a = cr 7 MKG4 rock and soll anchors have bean designed to comply with a wide range of specications. They facitato @ wide range of forces and inclinations up to 48° MIké designs, produces and installs temporary and permanent anchorages for each projact with a wide range of soltions involing either high tensile bars or prestressing strands to provide tendons for diferent grouting levels and systems as well as variable anchor heads, Forlarge jobs, MIKA is also prepared to implement basic facilties for on-site production of ground anchors, thereby minimising transportation costs and adapting the production to the day-to-day needs. L a] E $ =z a aa at 3 2 rungs coma Perce reenact nip) So! errors sci Borrer cet usar’ Cr 7 Geotechnical and structural instrumentation packages can be provided to monitor projects and follow the behaviour of cM works such as deep excavations, tunnels, foundations, buikings, roads and ralways using a re number of sensors able to measure various properts inclucing stein, pressure, temperate, displacement and ground water lvels. ‘The instrumentation can be appliad in any phase of the project: in the initial phase of the project and to know the soll, in constructive phase and in the service phase (curing the service Ife of the structure), During the first phase, it should establish which ere the possible problems to deline the necessary measurements to be followed, During the construction phase, the checking of the structure can lead! lo change used models, MeKanod has a wile experence in monitoring of soils and structures through MeKano Instrumentation {MK}, using equipments and specialized material as Incinometers, Pezometers & Water Level ‘Systems, Extensometers, Load Calls & Stressmeters, Sain Gauges, Settlement Systems, Recording Stations or Limnimeters, among others. ‘One of the working Ines in MI are the load test in bridges, once they are bui and before open to traffic, rbot roel end ray bridges. 4 ct RCo)

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