5 Lessons That I Learned in 2020

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It’s been a year that we’ll remember, hasn’t it? A global pandemic shook the world to its core,

while pivotal social movements challenged us to rethink our assumptions. A shared experience

on this scale is quite rare, and it’s uplifting to see people lean on each other during this time.

2020 challenged (and will continue to challenge) many businesses. At Unbounce, our

ability to adapt and pivot was certainly tested. But we’re both humbled and grateful to work in

a digital space that often fared better during this very tricky year for so many.It’s also been a

year for reflection. We explored our operations and culture, and we learned to stay connected
while working remotely. We took a deeper look at our values, and we discovered new ways to

lean on them during these times. There were moments of learning, but also many moments of

affirmation that we’re moving in the right direction.

Looking both back and forward, I’d like to share a few lessons from 2020 that will have an

impact on how we grow in 2021.

1. Never take anything for granted

The amount of loss we’ve seen this year has been truly unprecedented. We’ve seen record

amounts of death. We’ve seen mass layoffs. We’ve seen industries completely tank to the point

of no return. We’ve also lost things that were more personal to us like close human interaction.

We don’t get to go to places like we used to or even sit down at a restaurant comfortably. This

year was a great reminder to always be grateful for the things we overlook that we get to freely

enjoy. Whatever we have can be taken away at a moment’s notice. We have to appreciate our

blessings, even the small ones. I see that now more than ever.

2. Returning to “normal” isn’t something I’m interested in

There’s a lot of people who want to go back to normal, but quite frankly, that’s not something I

ever want to live in again. Our normal has lacked accountability towards those who are doing

wrong. It’s let racism and injustice be met with apathy and inaction. There was nothing at stake
to help us be kinder to each other or push us to have the simplest form of empathy. Our normal

looks like a lot of people not caring about anybody but themselves. When things settle down, I

want something new — where the lessons we had to learn during 2020 are lessons we keep

until 2021 and beyond.

3. Even when all hope seems lost, it’s not — but it may take some time to see that
Times like these have a way of helping us find strength in our seasons of weakness. They push

us to innovate and attack our issues and problems in a different way. What we’ve gone through

is tough and will be tough, but it does not hold the pen to our story. We do.

4. Happiness is a butterfly
While this one is a song title, I’ve really absorbed the meaning this year. If you’re constantly on
this chase for what you think happiness is, you’re never going to find it. Much like a butterfly,
you can experience and enjoy happiness, but you can’t trap it, so stop putting so much effort in
doing so.
Happiness comes in the little moments, a cup coffee, a drive around the city, whatever releases
that serotonin for you and makes you feel alive.
5. Choose kindness
I think it’s safe to say 2020 was a hard year for the majority of us. There were a lot of
unforeseen circumstances that we as a whole have gone through. From national problems to
personal issues, we’ve all had our fair share of negativity.
Because of that, this year I’ve realized how important it is to be nice to people. As simple as it
is, I think if you’re not actively making someone’s life harder, you’re doing a phenomenal job.
Everyone is going through a lot more than they are letting on, and there’s no harm in adding a
little kindness to someone’s day.



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