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HILDEGARD’S BREWNUNS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN ‘The Early Midale Ages ep eee a eet ee Se ee ee eee eee ea ee ee ee Sehr wa atacalan poe ys nom pain ton Bagea one the mo min women in Cay Shere knowa fr bing» poe i eer ech bia ran wos bee lead Sra coc nibet aigecs oer se Ten Coopers nace TENET cing ney oboe She sr Saag ene fie be nary a icp ws brn 08 CE he Rona Ea ee recor and conde. Singin 376 CE, wats and an invasion of Germanie tribes ftom the north led to the collipse of its economic and social sructure 410, Rome ‘tel was sacked by the northern tribes. hove heerftinking barbarians ended up having the last word. ‘The uniformity that Rome had enforced across the land was one. In the empires wake grew terionies with diffetent lan {guages and cultures, which eventually became what we no know as England, Wales and Europe, The Western world én tered a new era: medieval times, ‘Ungorcunaely, it wase't anything like the themed sestaurant, ‘here were alo less roasted curkey legs and aloe more open- air lates, See, one thing you have to ndeesand about drinking dar= {ng the medieval era was that everything was gross. ‘The water ‘was gross the wine was gros the beer was gross Althongh the drink menu asthe pits, there was a leatt one big improve ‘ment in drinking culeure fiom the age of Rome: the women «ould drink: They had to, Even babies hat drink booze: Most wines and beers wore low quality a ues! ba La wa a generally unsafe and filed with baceria, Almost all beverages were alcoholic: Iewas a prety easy cioice between that and di- arthea. The only people who drank water exclusively were the poor {the really really poor) and occasionally monks: Coffe and tea eame from plants that mos folks in England or western Europe hadnt even heard of yet: Mlk was not a beverage for the table. And you can jst forger about juice: “Mead and cider were sometimes waiable, but honey wast plentiful everywhere. Most ofthe tint, wha folks drank: was beer. Beer is so nourishing that medieval villagers drank ie mostly for sustenance. Each meal; ineladirg breakist; was accompa nied by a weak beer. Hildegard would've drunk bees every day ‘while she was growing up. 9) ‘She was born in Backellieim, Germany, but-when she-was still very young, Hildegard was doped off ata Benedictine ‘monastery in nearby Disibodenberg by her parents. This was a ‘common practice fr families who could afford it Perhaps they wanted their daughter to getan education or they craved assur ci place in heaven, In any case, girl given toa mon astery or nunnery learned to read and write Latin, the rituals of church service and sometimes mote advanced subjects lke arithmetic, astronomy and msc Hildegard lived during a time when one ofthe nly real av- cenues to any power, authority or autonomy for women was ‘hrough the Church. During the carly Middle Ages in Europe, ‘hey mainly fell into one of three categories: virgins, wives and ‘widows. Most women were passed from fither to husband, If hner husband died, well, hopefully she had aon or her husband!’ business to support her. However, there was fourth category with a hitte more wiggle room: nuns. If woman married God, she ended up having mote freedom than h ried a human being ‘Compated to other women, many nuns were able to exercise an extraordinary amount of control over thei lives. Nunneries friends who mar Cree ame reas {OCE, But some monaveis ad mn that ied and workedin

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