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good day this instructional video will give you an overview of the components of the
horizontal housing development process we hope that you will have a better
understanding of the entire process at the end of this video the process starts with

land matters which involve the acquisition reclassification and conversion of the land
where the project will be developed this is

followed by the planning stage

then by the permits and licensing stage once the permits and licenses have been
released the developer

can begin with marketing and sales and then the actual housing production as units
are sold and completed the developers are able to collect from equity payments of their
buyers and loan releases from HDMF or the banks the money generated from this
cycle is flowed back into the cycle, let's take a closer look at all the stages during the

land acquisition phase the developer will look for land thatfits the criteria of the project
you will then perform due diligence on the land to check for any legal or natural
impediments after that the developer will enter into negotiations either to purchase the
land or enter into a joint venture agreement with the land owner

we now enter the land conversion phase if the property is still classified as agricultural
it will be best to check with the local government units through the municipal planning
and development office and get a zoning certificate if it is classified as residential then
the developer can now check with an H L u RB regional office if they have approved
the LGU zoning.

if they have the developer can now proceed with getting the Dar exemption otherwise
you should instead yet VAR conversion once all the required documents have been

it is now time to file them with the proper governing bodies at the barangay level the
developer needs to file for a certificate of no objection MARO and Paro will then
conduct an ocular inspection of the land and submit a report within 30 to 60 days
from the submission of the required documents.

the Department of Agriculture after inspection and investigation will then issue a
certification stating the classification of the property under the NPA EAD it's
convertibility status and its irrigation coverage and suitability for agriculture

the regional committee on land use policy and planning will then conduct their own
study within 30 days of the first ocular inspection however if the land to be converted is
bigger than five Hectares application is then referred to the Department of
agrarian reform central office this process can last from three months to as long as two
years once the land has been converted it now has to be reclassified
the developer will file an application letter to the Sangguniang Bayan
of the LGU where the property is located
for reclassification the application
includes zoning certification from h lu
RB regional director ni a certification
da certification or agai permit and
Sangguniang barangay resolution
while the land is undergoing the
conversion and the classification
process the developers should now
prepare the subdivision plan this
involves geological studies topographic
surveys and the land development plan
roads and other infrastructure
electrical drainage water system and
other civil works this also involves the
building planning the program of
development the marketing study the Bill
of Materials cost estimates and
financial projections the planning stage
can take anywhere from three months to
one year once the plans have been
finalized the developer will then file
for the various permits and licenses
that he will mean it will take a week to
secure a barangay clearance and two
weeks to secure a locational clearance
it will take between one to three months
to process the environmental certificate
compliance or a certificate of non
coverage once all of these papers have
been released the application for
development of a subdivision project or
development permit has to be filed with
a Sangguniang Bayan of the LGU through
the city planning development office or
the municipal planning development
office the LGU Sangguniang will then
hold the Liberation's and hearings which
can take from one month up to four
months the entire process of securing a
development permit
can take from three up to eight months
the developer can now start with
earthworks and land development it will
take about three to six months to get
the drainage water lines and roads in
place with the development permit the
developer can start with the subdivision
of the property by preparing the survey
returns love data computations and
technical lab descriptions for approval
by the de andar Land Management Bureau
this process may take from two to three
months to perform once the VSR is
completed the developer can now apply
for the subdivision of his title into
smaller subdivision lots the process at
the Register of Deeds may take from one
up to three months simultaneous with the
application of the verified survey
returns from the B&R the developer will
apply for the project's certificate of
registration and license to sell in
order to sell its inventory and get its
project accredited with the HD mf4 the
HL u RB to give the project a license to
sell the developer will need to prepare
the proof of socialized housing
compliance as well as the other required
documents along with a faction the
developer will also need to present
proof of 10% compliance of actual
development secured and each Lu RB
notice the publish and publish
information on the proposed project and
to post performance funds corresponding
to ten percent of the remaining project
cost if it is under B P to twenty and
twenty percent of the project cost if it
is under PD nine five seven
getting the project accredited with a HD
MF complete with appraisal and funding
committed lines will take around four
months as soon as a developer has
acquired the license to sell and the
initial reservation has been made the
buyer will now pay monthly equity to
finance the down payment portion of his
house in life this can take anywhere
from six up to twelve months as the
buyer is paying his equity the developer
will be collecting the biased documents
for the buyers loan from HP mmm
concurrently the developer will start
building the buyers house but before the
developer can start the construction of
his buyers house he has to secure a
building permit and locational clearance
for every unit upon completion of the
house and documents of the buyer the
developer will submit the documents to h
d MF or approval which usually takes a
month the developer then has to get the
notice of approval and deed of
assignment from h d MF and have it
annotated at the back of the title at
the Register of Deeds and also get the
certified true copy of the title to h d
MF a spoof of completion of the
annotation this stage can take anywhere
from one up to three months when
presented to the HB mm with other
documents the load will be taken out
within 7 to 15 working days after the
loan is released the developer can now
deliver his first set of units
we hope that this short video paints a
clearer picture of the entire housing
development process thank you and have a
nice day

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