Concern Over The Inefficient Leadership of The Current CEO of Mranti

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YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim

Prime Minister & Minister of Finance

Prime Minister Office, Main Block,
Perdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Central Administration,
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia

Tel:- 03-88888000

Dear YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim,


We are writing to bring to your attention a matter of significant concern regarding the
leadership within Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd, a company in which we hold a vested

It has come to our attention that the current CEO of Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd, Datuk Wira
Dr. Hj. Rais Hussin bin Hj. A. Mohamed Ariff, has been exhibiting signs of inefficient
leadership that are adversely affecting the company's performance and overall
trajectory. Despite repeated attempts to address these issues internally, there has
been no tangible improvement, prompting us to escalate the matter to your
esteemed office.

The inefficiencies in leadership have resulted in a series of detrimental outcomes for

the company, including but not limited to:

1. There has been a noticeable decline in productivity across various departments

within the company, directly attributable to the lack of clear direction and
effective management from the CEO.

- Micromanaging: The CEO's tendency to micromanage has become

increasingly evident in the day-to-day operations of the company. This
micromanagement style has cultivated an oppressive work atmosphere,
leaving employees feeling disempowered and incapable of exercising
independent decision-making. Rather than entrusting responsibilities and
fostering a culture of empowerment, the CEO persistently involves
themselves in every aspect of the company's affairs, including the most
trivial details. Consequently, this approach has resulted in prolonged project
timelines and mounting frustration among the workforce and our current
tenants. Moreover, this inefficiency in project execution persists, exemplified
by the subpar outcomes observed thus far in RMK 12 initiatives.

- Restructuring Exercise Confusing Employees: Under the direction of the

CEO, Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd has undergone multiple restructuring exercises,
each more confusing and disruptive than the last. Employees find
themselves constantly shuffled between departments, reporting structures
change frequently, and job roles become increasingly ambiguous. This lack
of stability and clarity has contributed to a decrease in morale and
productivity as employees struggle to adapt to ever-changing circumstances
while attempting to fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

- Unprofessional Image: It has come to our attention that Dr. Rais' Instagram
account follows numerous explicit content profiles showcasing girls in
bikinis. This raises concerns regarding the appropriateness of such content,
particularly considering Dr. Rais' professional standing and the potential
implications for his reputation and credibility

- Unrelated Research Postings: Dr. Rais frequently shares research articles

through various channels, yet these contributions often appear disconnected
from any discernible strategic direction for the company. While the
dissemination of research findings can enhance knowledge sharing and
intellectual discourse within the organisation, there is a notable absence of
alignment with the company's overarching objectives or areas of focus.
Consequently, these efforts seem to lack tangible relevance to the
company's operational priorities or strategic initiatives. It is imperative that
Dr. Rais and other company leaders ensure that their endeavours contribute
meaningfully to advancing the company's strategic agenda and driving
sustainable growth and success.

2. Employees have expressed growing dissatisfaction with the current leadership,

citing a lack of support, guidance, and recognition for their efforts. This has led
to increased turnover rates and a negative impact on the company culture.

- New Hiring Demotivates & Frustrates Existing Employees: The CEO's

persistent push for ongoing recruitment, regardless of the company's
financial limitations, has caused disillusionment and dissatisfaction among
current employees. This insistence on expanding the workforce contradicts
the imperative to exercise cost control, exacerbating concerns of
favouritism. The perception that new hires are often selected based on
personal allegiances to the CEO rather than merit has eroded trust and
cohesion within the team. Moreover, the challenges extend to senior
positions, where hiring practices have faced similar scrutiny, further
deepening existing employees' sense of being undervalued and

- Lack of Clear Direction: The absence of regular town hall sessions or

communication channels between employees and senior management has
contributed to a lack of clarity regarding the company's direction. Employees
are left in the dark about strategic objectives, long-term goals, and the
rationale behind organisational changes. Without a transparent
communication framework in place, confusion reigns, and employees
struggle to align their efforts with the overarching vision of the company.
This ambiguity hampers productivity and undermines employee

- Poor Initiatives & Drive: Despite the challenging economic climate, the CEO
has demonstrated a lack of initiative and drive in implementing effective
strategies to generate revenue and propel the company forward. There is a
notable absence of innovative initiatives or proactive measures to explore
new markets, diversify revenue streams, or capitalise on emerging
opportunities. This passive approach to revenue generation has left Mranti
Corp Sdn Bhd vulnerable to stagnation and competitive pressures, further
exacerbating its financial woes and eroding investor confidence.

3. The inability of the CEO to make timely and informed decisions has resulted in
missed business opportunities and financial losses for the company, further
exacerbating its precarious position.

- Micromanaging: The CEO's penchant for micromanaging extends to even

the smallest details, including signing off on quotations below RM1000. This
level of micro-control not only hampers the efficiency of internal processes
but also frustrates clients. Quotations, invoices, and agreements undergo
prolonged delays as they await the CEO's approval, causing inconvenience
and impeding the smooth execution of projects. Clients become
disillusioned with the company's inability to deliver timely responses, leading
to strained relationships and potential loss of business opportunities.

- Rebranding Exercise: Despite the company's financial constraints, the CEO is

embarking on yet another rebranding exercise, which is anticipated to incur
significant unnecessary spending. Previous rebranding efforts have failed to
yield the desired results and have only served to drain resources without
tangible benefits. It is evident that the company's limited funds would be
better utilised in more strategic areas such as rising administration cost,
marketing campaigns, or operational enhancements rather than on a costly
rebranding exercise. A return to a recognizable and established brand
identity, such as Technology Park Malaysia, would not only save costs but
also leverage existing brand equity and market recognition.

In addition, the Vice Secretary to the Minister of Science, Technology, and

Innovation (MOSTI), YBhg. Datuk Ts. Dr. Mohd Nor Azman Hassan, has also
expressed his disagreement with the proposed rebranding exercise. He has
requested a comprehensive survey to be conducted to gauge stakeholder
sentiments and assess the necessity of such a costly endeavour. This
dissent from a key stakeholder further underscores the imprudence of
proceeding with the rebranding initiative in the face of the company's
financial constraints.

It is particularly disheartening for all government-linked companies, especially

Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), as we were assured that the current MADANI
government would refrain from appointing political figures to head GLCs. However, it
appears that this commitment has not been upheld, as evidenced by the current
leadership situation at Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd. This departure from the promised
stance undermines the principles of meritocracy and professionalism that are crucial
for the effective governance of GLCs and erodes public trust in the government's
commitment to institutional reform.

Given the critical role that Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd plays in the economy and its
significance to various stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and
customers, it is imperative that swift action be taken to address these leadership

Therefore, we respectfully urge the Ministry of Finance to conduct a thorough

investigation into the matter and consider appropriate measures to rectify the
situation. This may involve appointing an interim leadership team or facilitating a
change in executive management to ensure the sustainable growth and success of
Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd.
It is evident that the current CEO exhibits characteristics more aligned with academia
and politics rather than business acumen. His approach to leadership lacks the
practicality and decisiveness required to effectively run a company. What Mranti
Corp Sdn Bhd urgently requires is a leader who possesses a deep understanding of
business dynamics and a proven track record of delivering tangible results. Such an
individual would be empowered to fulfil the company's mandate to contribute
meaningfully to the nation's economy and its stakeholders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We trust that prompt action will be taken
to address the concerns raised and restore confidence in the leadership of Mranti
Corp Sdn Bhd.

Yours sincerely,

Staffs of Mranti Corp Sdn Bhd

(formerly known as Technology Park Malaysia Corp Sdn Bhd)

CC: Menteri Kewangan II

YB Senator Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan -

Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan

YBhg. Datuk Johan Mahmood Merican -

Menteri MOSTI
YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang -

Ketua Setiausaha MOSTI

Dato' Ts. Dr. Hj. Aminuddin Bin Hassim -

Ketua Pembangkang
YB Dato' Seri Hamzah Bin Zainudin -

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