Ballistic Engineering Online and Face To Face STEA

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Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids

by M.C. Langer

Hello! My name is Mario. I'm a STEAM teacher and a Maker. But during ve months of my life, I worked in one of the
strangest places ever: a bulletproof clothes company.

How strange was that place? Well, imagine a factory where fancy bulletproof clothes are created for presidents and
personalities, body armor for law enforcement o cers, and heavy plates for military aircraft and small naval ships.
It was like working in Q's laboratory and living in a "Mythbusters" marathon of only gun-related-myths episodes, all
at the same time. I was in charge of the ballistic and quality test of the products. Even I was shot by my boss with a
Magnum, a well-known tradition in that company (don't worry! I never show this video to my students.)

Now, as a STEAM teacher, I like to apply some of my little experience in that area, and teach my students (kids age 8-
14 years old) about BALLISTICS!

W a it ! Do n' t run a w a y ! B a llis t ics is no t o nly w e a po ns a nd f o re ns ics ! I' m no t t ra ining y o ur kids t o

be a s s a s s ins ! (t ha t w o uld be co o l, but no t v e ry e t hica l. . . )

Ballistics is basically the part of Physics that studies the launching, ight behavior and impact e ects of projectiles.
Probably your kids are already learning that in the curriculum of their school, specially in the part of gravity,
velocity and trajectory of launched objects. And several classic STEAM projects use ballistics (catapults,
marshmallow shooters, blowguns, bottle rockets, crossbows, and so on). However, a lot of teachers don't like to use
the word "ballistics" because we are exposed mostly to the violent connotation of that word ("a ballistic missile was
launched", "we are waiting for the ballistic analysis on the crime scene"). Ballistics is not only about launching a
projectile, but also about how to stop it before it causes any serious damage.

This area has several real world applications, like:

Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 1
Spo rt s : ballistics helps to understand how our favorite soccer or baseball player hits a ball and the
forces acting over it. Also, it helps to design better balls, sport shoes and protection equipment to
reduce the risks of trauma in catchers.
S a f e t y : any projected thing can become a projectile: a brick falling from a construction, a pebble
hit by a lawnmower, an asteroid coming from the space. Even a bird ying against an airplane or a
biker being projected from his motorbike during an accident behave like projectiles when they crash
at that speed. Understanding ballistics helps scientist, engineers and designers to create better
protection equipment and more resistant structures and materials for those situations.
Spa ce Explo ra t io n: well, you cannot design and launch a rocket without a deep knowledge in
ballistics. Also, your starships, satellites and martian rovers need to be designed to resist the impact
from meteoroids and space junk.
M ilit a ry, L a w e nf o rce m e nt a nd pe rs o na l pro t e ct io n: obviously, ballistics are involved not
only in weapons design, but also en body armor to protect the lives of the persons exposed to that
risk: cops, soldiers, humanitarian organizations deactivating landmines, bodyguards, presidents, and
Steven Seagal (don't ask.)
Fo re ns ics : probably the most popular application thanks to "CSI". Useful to determinate the
homicide weapon, ammunition, angle, distance and all that technical blablabla we hear in the news
channel and TV series.
Re s cue : helmets to protect re ghters and life guards. By the way, have you seen those sweet
Batman-like line throwing guns used by rescuers during oods? BOOM! Ballistics!

In this instructable I will teach two STEAM Ballistic Engineering activities for kids age 8 to 14 years old. These
activities have been tested with success:

Air- po w e re d Ca nno n (o nline le s s o n): this project will focus in the traditional application of
ballistics (launching a projectile). I won't go deep in theory there, because as it was mentioned
before, this is covered by Physics curriculum and hands-on projects. However, I will explain how this
activity was created speci cally for distance learning during pandemic times.
B a llis t ic Pro t e ct io n Cha lle ng e (f a ce - t o - f a ce le s s o n): Hopefully, the pandemic will be over
on next year; schools will return to normality and we can do again this lesson. In this activity, the
teacher will create a spring-powered launcher, and kids will be challenged to create a paper
structure strong enough to stop the projectile before it hits an action gure. It's a risky activity, but
with adequate safety measures, it's a fun one.

( DISCL A IM ER: S o me o f t h e a c t ivit ie s d e sc rib e d in t h is in st ruc t a b le , spe c i c a lly t h e se c o n d pa r t

" Ba llist ic Pro t e c t io n Ch a lle n ge ", in vo lve sh o o t in g fa st pla st ic pro je c t ile s in a c la ssro o m, wit h
so me risk o f wo un d s a n d in jurie s. Fo llo w a ll sa fe t y me a sure s d urin g a ll t h e st e ps o f t h is
a c t ivit y a n d a lwa ys use pro t e c t ive e quipme n t . Th e a ut h o r a n d In st ruc t a b le s. c o m a re n o t
a c c o un t a b le fo r a n y pro b le m o r le ga l issue d e rive d fro m t h e e xe c ut io n o f t h is a c t ivit y, so
re plic a t e it un d e r yo ur o wn risk a n d re spo n sib ilit y. N O T E: t h e k id s a ppe a rin g in so me o f t h e
ph o t o s a n d vid e o s we re re c o rd e d a n d ph o t o gra ph e d wit h t h e ir pa re n t s k n o wle d ge a n d
c o n se n t , fo r t h e so c ia l me d ia o f o ur ST EM c e n t e r. )

Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 2

1. MARK 1

1. MARK 2

Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 3
Step 1: STEAM Distance Learning: Air-powered Cannon for Online Lessons

In this exercise, designed for online education, kids will develop a pneumatic cannon that can launch a soft foam projectile.
Each kid will have access to a bag with materials to create this prototype, and the teacher will explain step by step how to
assemble it. At the end, students can experiment with di erent launching angles and see which one helps the projectile to
y further.

One of the biggest curriculum challenges that this pandemic brought for STEAM centers and teachers is how to
teach engineering with online lessons.

Before COVID-19, I used to teach ballistics using classic projects from aerospace engineering curriculum, a
professional straw-rocket launcher and a bottle-rocket launcher. However, some of these projects were not suitable
for home learning; the mentioned specialized devices may cost between USD $50 AND $300, and for obvious
reasons, it's not reasonable to send one per home. After some changes, I was still short on one project. I needed a
solution for my online lessons and I needed it pronto!

I had to work with the following constraints:

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The materials of the project had to be sent in a bag to each home; and due to sta limitations, the
bags had to be prepared by only one person (me).
Easy to teach in front of a computer.
Easy and safe to build for a student, with little or no assistance from parents during a 1-hour lesson,
but not too easy that can be nished in 5 minutes.
Materials had to be VERY a ordable, reusable and easy to nd in a time when our usual providers are
in lock-down.
No use of glue of any kind (specially hot glue and superglue) to avoid accidents, reduce costs and
minimize risks of kids damaging their devices.
WOW e ect.
Value for money. Parents are paying for STEAM lessons, and they expect projects to look like
something that justi es the investment. I know, a good STEAM teacher can make a good lesson using
just paper airplanes; but our clients won't pay for something they perceive their kids can do by
themselves without assistance.

After some brainstorming, I created this syringe-rocket kit to use in my lessons. Even you can adjust the cannon's
angle, for di erent ballistic-related experiments. I will show how to build two di erent versions of this project, each
one with its respective bene ts:

M a rk 1: the prototype. Main advantage: kids can use it also as some kind of handheld "gun", adding some play
value. Disadvantages: materials may be trickier to nd depending of the country, and it's not as stable as the Mark

M a rk 2: the improved version. Main advantage: It has a protractor for more accurate experiments involving
launching angles. Disadvantages: precut wooden blocks can be hard to get or to prepare for big groups of
students. Recycled wood may work, but be ready for an afternoon cutting identical pieces for every student.



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1 Big syringe - 20 ml (drugstore)
1 Small syringe - 5 ml (drugstore)
1 wooden tongue depressor (drugstore)
1 rubber hose for the syringes (hardware store. Or you can buy and intravenous line in a drugstore,
and cut it in segments)
1 screw for aluminum sheets, or 1 M3 screw with metal washer (hardware store)
1 cheap small screwdriver (hardware store). Don't forget to remind kids that SCISSORS AND
SCREWDRIVERS ARE TOOLS, NOT TOYS (This sounds like an unnecessary advice, until you start seeing
kids putting the scissors in their mouths.)
1 small roll of adhesive tape (any store)1 scissors (not provided in the materials bag. Probably kids
have scissors at home)
1 projectile. I used a precut soft foam curler (from a beauty shop) with a hard plastic nucleus from a
pen. You can also try with NERF darts. Simplest solution: the plunger from the small syringe will be
available, so you can use the black rubber part as a projectile.


1 Hard plastic hair curler (beauty store). Any plastic cylindrical container of the same dimensions may
be used, but probably you will need to open some extra holes.
1 thin skewer stick for kebab (super market). The diameter must be enough to t through the hard
curler holes, in a tight way.


1 protractor
1 wooden block, approximate dimensions: 2.5 cm x 2 cm x 12 cm
Double sided tape


Some wooden pieces will need to be sent with pre-made holes.

Use new syringes. It's preferable to send them still in their original package. However, remove the
needles before sending them.

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Step 2: Projectile (applies for Both Bersions)

Take the foamy curler and carefully remove the metal syringe. The idea is to insert a piece to add some
wire inside. Probably you will need some pliers to cut weight to the projectile and close completely the
or bend the hook at the end. Then cut a segment of center, to avoid leaks. Or again, you can use the black
the same length of the plastic piece you will stu rubber part from the smaller syringe's plunger.
inside it. If you don't have the top part of a pen, you
can use the cap that covers the needle from the

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Step 3: Pneumatic Cannon (applies for Both Versions)

Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 8
Remove the plunger from the 5 ml syringe. Then, To launch the projectile, rst you must ll the 20 ml
connect both syringes using the hose. It's important syringe with air. Then, insert one third of the projectile
to check that both ends of the hose t perfectly in the into the 5 ml syringe. Aim and press the big syringe
syringes, or kids will struggle to connect them. If until the projectile is launched, the same way a cork
that's the case, try to broaden each end of the hose, ies from a champagne bottle.
inserting some scissors or needle nose pliers.

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Step 4: Syringe Rocket Mark 1: Before Sending the Bag With Materials...

Take the tongue depressor and open three holes: one with a rubber band, so remove it. Con rm that the
on each end and one on the center, being careful of circular end opposite to the hole is clear, and open a
not breaking the wood. The perfect tool to do that is a small hole, where the aluminum-sheet screw will be
hole puncher. Actually, you will need only one hole. inserted. You can use a small screwdriver, a drill with a
The other two are in case the kids want to experiment small drill-bit or even, some pointy scissors. Don't
with di erent positions for the launcher, or if they make the hole too big, or the screw won't keep the
accidentally break any part of the depressor. tongue depressor in site.

Take the hard plastic hair curler. Probably it will come

Step 5: Syringe Rocket Mark 1: Assembling the Base

Take the curler, the tongue depressor and the screw. Attach the depressor to the curler using the screwdriver.

Then, insert the kebab skewer through two of the curler's holes.

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Step 6: Syringe Rocket Mark 1: Attaching the Air Cannon

Attach the 5 ml syringe to the kebab skewer, using adhesive tape. Fasten the syringe in two points, so it doesn't

Fill the big syringe with air, insert the projectile and shoot!

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Step 7: Syringe Rocket Mark 2: Before Sending the Bag With Materials...

Check if the protractor has a hole in the center point. Take the wooden block and the protractor, mark the
If the hole is too small or absent, open it using pointy center point in the block, and drill a small hole where
scissors or a drill. If the plastic is too fragile, use a the screw can be screwed.
soldering iron.
Stick two pieces of double-sided tape on the back of
Take the tongue depressor and mark two holes: one at the protractor. Or if you prefer, send some segments
the end, aligned to the center point of the protractor; of double-sided tape over a cardboard piece, so kids
and the other one aligned to the small numbers in can stick them by themselves.
the degrees area. Then, open those holes using the
hole puncher.

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1. Ignore this third hole. The other two holes are the important ones.

Step 8: Syringe Rocket Mark 2: Assembling the Base

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Remove the protective layer from the double-sided tape and stick the protractor to the wooden block, checking
that the center point of the protractor is aligned with the previously drilled hole in the wooden block.

Attach the tongue depressor to the center point of the protractor, using the screw and a screwdriver.

Step 9: Syringe Rocket Mark 2: Attaching the Air Cannon

Attach the 5 ml syringe to the tongue depressor, using adhesive tape. Fasten the syringe in two points, so it doesn't

Fill the big syringe with air, insert the projectile and shoot!

The advantage of this model is that you can see exactly which launching angle they are using and experiment with
di erent trajectories. Kids can investigate which angle allows their projectile to y the longest distance.

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Step 10: STEAM Face-to-face Learning: the Ballistic Protection Challenge

In this exercise, kids will develop a Ballistic Solution (a wall or castle) to stop a projectile before it can touch an action gure
located behind that wall. Each kid will have access to only 20 sheets of A4 paper and 3 meters of masking tape. During
Medieval times, cities had to resist sieges by armies with catapults, trebuchets and ballistas, so military engineers had to
design and create better walls to resist those attacks. Also, armies had to develop armors for soldiers and horses, to protect
them from enemy attacks. Kids will have between 30 and 40 minutes to complete their task. After that, teacher will test each
one of the ballistic solutions and how they protect the action gure.

A B a llis t ic S o lut io n is a barrier, armor or plate able absorb the kinetic energy of a projectile, in a way that it
cannot harm the user. These barriers usually have special materials (like the famous Kevlar, invented by Stephanie
Kwolek, that is just one of several types of "bulletproof " materials, like amides, poly-amides, acetylene, special
ceramics and metals); and also, special con gurations (the order you place the layers of materials.)

Some fun facts, probably not for kids, but to ruin your action movies forever (sorry!):

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The term "bulletproof vest" is not completely accurate. It's better to say "body armor", "ballistic vest"
and "bullet-resistant vest".
Ballistic protection is about compromises. The usual ballistic vest can protect you only against
handguns. Only military grade vests with heavy ceramic plates can protect you against assault ri es.
The higher protection level you have, the heavier the armor will get, the slower you will become.
Ballistic materials and e ciency can also be a ected by humidity, weather conditions, fungus and
even if you are wearing a larger size or a smaller size of vest. That's the reason ballistic vests have an
expiration date, and it's not wise to wear them after it.
A ballistic vest is not a magical protection. It may be vulnerable to arrows, tasers, knives and other
melee weapons. There are special vests against those threats; however, it increases weight and price.
Every country has its own ballistic standards and levels, depending of the usual weapons you can
nd on the streets. An American ballistic vest (NIJ 0101.07 standard) may be useless in Russia (GOST R
50744-95 Standard), because they were subject to di erent tests and besides, post-soviets use armor-
piercing bullets in their handguns, something not very common in United States handguns.
In the TV Show "Titans", Jason Todd didn't shut up for the whole episode, boasting about how
awesome, light and bulletproof his new Robin suit was because it had Zylon bers. Zylon is an
infamous material: it o ers great ballistic protection, but it degrades very quick with humidity, long-
term use, and temperature exposure. Basically, several nights sweating while you are ghting against
the scum of Gotham city will make that body armor useless.
Ballistic vests and plates are disposable after being shot.
Ballistic vests need your body fat for full protection e ect. Your breastbone (the bone protecting
your heart) has low fat tissue; for that reason, that area needs a reinforcement. But that's not only for
cops and soldiers; baseball players (catchers) have a type of ballistic vests to protect them from the
lethal e ects of a high-speed ball hitting their hearts.

Cla s s ro o m Act iv it y - Ins t ruct io ns a nd S a f e t y m e a s ure s :

This is a risky activity, but if you follow all instructions and safety measures, it will have a great WOW e ect.

1. Before the lesson, build the Ballistic Tester: a spring-powered gun that will shoot the projectile
against the ballistic solution. I disassembled mine to show you in the next steps ow it was built. You
can create your own solution (for more ideas, check this instructable, and also this one), but don't
build it as a handgun! Doing that will increase the risk of shooting accidentally in the wrong
direction, resting accuracy to the experiment and risking the life of you and your students. If you can
x it to the table using screws, and aiming it in one single direction, that would be ideal. Also, don't
make a projectile with pointy parts.
2. Test your Ballistic Tester several times before the lesson, and check that the trigger is strong and
doesn't release accidentally.
3. Align two tables as a Ballistic Test Area, marking the spot for your Ballistic Test. More or less 1 meter
way, mark the Ballistic Solution spot. The action gure must be 10 cm away from the Ballistic
4. Using masking tape, mark a Safety Line, 2 meters away from the tables. If you can reinforce that area
with other physical barriers (chairs, safety tape), that would be great. Nobody can enter the Testing
Area without your permission, specially during the Ballistic Test.
5. When the lesson start, instruct your students about safety rules and the importance of following
them. Also, tell them that the activity will be interrupted if anyone is not following the safety
measures. If any of the attendants see that there is a risky situation or that someone is not following
the rules,Ballistic
that kidEngineering:
of teacher has theand
Online power to shout STEAM
Face-to-face "STOP THE TEST!"for Kids: Page 16
the rules, that kid of teacher has the power to shout "STOP THE TEST!"
6. After explaining them the activity, kids will have 20 sheets of A4 paper, 3 meters of masking tape and
30-40 minutes to use their imagination and create the best Ballistic Solution. After that, everyone
will stay in the Safe Area and witness the test.
7. During the Ballistic Test, everybody must wear safety goggles. Safety face shields are ideal. Also,
don't forget to keep a First Aid kit in the area.
8. Never aim or shoot the Ballistic Tester against persons or animals, not even as a joke! Also, always
keep control of the Tester. Keep your face way of the cannon when you are loading it.
9. Participants will stick their Ballistic Solution to the respective spot, using adhesive tape.
10. Points will be awarded to each participant this way: 0 po int s if the projectile completely penetrates
the Ballistic Solution and hits the action gure causing its fall, or if it blows away both of them; 1
po int if the projectile doesn't penetrate the Ballistic Solution but makes it fall over or pushes away
the action gure; 2 po int s if the Ballistic Solution completely de ects the projectile without
stopping it, while the action gure is safe and standing; and 3 po int s if the Ballistic Solution
completely stops the projectile, even with penetration of the barrier, with no harm to the still
standing action gure (complete absorption of kinetic energy). Now, probably this would sound
unfair but, why a penetrated barrier gives more score than a barrier that de ects the projectile? Well,
a ricocheting bullet may still harm people unlucky enough to be in its trajectory. If you want a less
violent example, think about a baseball or soccer goalkeeper's glove that protects the hand of the
player, but how useless it would be if it allows the ball to slip. But if you want to give the same score
in both cases, it's your choice.
11. Before the test, when each student is sticking their Ballistic Solution to the table; and after the test,
and when you and the student are inspecting the results, the Ballistic Tester must be unloaded and
you must keep all the projectiles in a safe area (better with you). This is to avoid getting hurt if the
Tester activates itself (this may happen if the trigger is defective or when the plastic of the projectile
starts to wear down after several shoots), or if some naughty kid decides to shoot it when you turn
your back.
12. Only the teacher is allowed to activate or use the Ballistic Tester. All kids must be in the Safe Area.
13. Don't do this activity alone. Have an assistant that helps you writing the score in the whiteboard,
supervising their kids when you have your full attention in the test, or calling for help in an
14. It's very unlikely the projectile has deadly force. However, the e ects of it impacting a human face
won't be nice at all. If you don't feel con dent about this activity, your Ballistic Tester is not reliable,
you don't see safety conditions are being ful lled or kids are not behaving according to the rigor of
this experiment, CANCEL THE ACTIVITY. It's better to change the project, reschedule the lesson or
refund the money to the parents, than facing the health, psychological, reputational and legal
consequences of an accident. It would be a great idea if parents sign a liability waiver before the

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Step 11: The Ballistic Tester: Components and Materials

This is the Ballistic Tester I use in my experiments. It has four basic components:

Pro je ct ile : I made mine using a plastic ceiling mount bracket for curtain (hardware store). If you
cannot nd one, a PVC pipe with a PVC cap attached at the end will do the trick.
B a s e : I created it with an old PC screen base and the top case from a stapler, attached with bolts,
washers and nuts.
Spring Ca nno n: I used a plastic pipe from a NERF gun and a long spring I had in my workshop. You
can use a bigger PVC pipe segment and PVC cap where the projectile can slide easily. The spring must
be attached to the cannon using a screw. I also used zipties to attach the cannon to the base.
Trig g e r: it was made using a plastic piece that can be coupled to the cannon, a metallic angle
bracket to keep the projectile in position; and a bolt, a washer and two nuts to attach the bracket to
the plastic piece. Also, I added a plastic cap to the bracket, so I don't hurt my nger when I release
the trigger.

You will also need screwdrivers, pliers, cutters and the always useful Dremel rotary tool for drilling holes and
cutting plastic and PVC parts.

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Step 12: Projectile

Using the Dremel with a cutting disc, I created a notch in the pipe, not too small that the trigger cannot enter, and
not too big that the projectile gets broken at the rst launching. At least 5 mm of the trigger must t inside this

1. Cut the notch here.

Step 13: Base

I placed the top case from the stapler over the PC base for screen, and attached them using bolts and nuts. I used
Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 20
the Dremel to drill the respective holes.

Step 14: Spring Cannon

I inserted the spring inside the plastic pipe, and xed it using a screw.

On the opposite end, I cut an notch, where the trigger is supposed to pass trough to lock the projectile.

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1. Cut the notch here.

2 1

1. hole for the spring's screw.

2. Hole for ziptie

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Step 15: Trigger

I cut another notch on the plastic piece. I attached the metal bracket and test that it can rotate in a good way, and
also, that it can pass through the notch.

At the end of the bracket, I placed a plastic piece for more comfort for the nger.

1. Notch for the trigger

2. Hole to keep the trigger in place

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Step 16: Attaching the Trigger to the Cannon

I inserted the canon inside the plastic part of the trigger until both notches were completely aligned. There was
some space between both of the parts, so for a better tting, I added some insulating tape to keep both parts in
place and avoid movement. Adding screws for a safer union is advisable, unless they interfere with the spring and
the projectile free movement.

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Step 17: Attaching the Cannon to the Base

I used two zipties to attach the cannon to the base: one passing through the hole near the spring's screw, and the
other one attaching the middle part of the cannon to the stapler case. It's also advisable to use screws; however,
the zipties were good enough.

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Step 18: Loading the Ballistic Tester

Insert the projectile inside the canon. When the projectile and cannon notches are aligned, insert the trigger. Again:
always keep your face away from the cannon when is loaded. Check that the projectile is completely locked in a
stable way. Aim the cannon to the Ballistic Solution and when everything is ready, shoot!

That's all for the moment. Have fun and stay safe!

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Ballistic Engineering: Online and Face-to-face STEAM Lessons for Kids: Page 27

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