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ins J Sroies ano nestanen MMS Semester II Examination (Batch: 2017 — 19) Subject: International Business Date: 20.10.18 Marks: 60 Marks Duration: 3hrs Note: i) Question No 1 is compulsory(Carries 20 marks) Answer any 4 Questions from the rest(10marks each) Q1. Case Study (20 marks) There are many exchange rate regimes in the world e.g. Fixed rate System, Floating Rate System Ete, But the common currency system introduced by European union countries is a challenging task, When the euro was introduced in January 1999, the United Kingdom was conspicuously absent from the list of European countries adopting the common currency. British Government has not been in favor of adopting the euro and giving up monetary sovereignty of the country. Whether the United Kingdom will eventually join the euro club was a matter of considerable importance for the future of the European Union as well as that of the United Kingdom. If the United Kingdom, with its sophisticated finance industry, joins, it will most certainly propel the euro into a global currency status rivaling the U.S. dollar. However one has to investigate the political, economic, and historical situations surrounding British participation in the European economic and monetary integration. The question is whether the United Kingdom will firmly join the process of economic and political unionization of Europe, abandoning its traditional balancing role. It has already decided to go out of European union Euro zone countries decided to form a Monetary Union with a common currency (Euro) and believed the benefits from such a union would outweigh the associated costs. The direct and immediate benefits are reduction in transaction costs and the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty. These savings will accrue to all economic agents benefitting individuals companies and governments. Economic agents also benefit from the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty and were able to save hedging costs, By furthering economic integration euro would promote corporate restructuring via mergers and acquisitions However the main cost of monetary union is the loss of national monetary and exchange rate policy independence for the member countries. The countries had to surrender their legacy currencies The real test for the Euro has come now as euro zone experiences region wide asymmetric shocks. Countries like Greece , Portugal & Spain are facing acute debt repayment problems. A successful response to these shocks will require wage, price and fiscal coordination among eurozone countries. The developed countries among the EU like Germany &France would expect more of fiscal discipline from these debt ridden countries to bail them out. As such the debt crisis is a challenge for Euro’s survival as a common currency. Further UK has decided to exit the European union and has started the negotiation process Que: (1) Discuss the evolution of euro as a common currency and explain the potential benefits and costs of adopting the euro (2) What are the challenges facing. the euro? Q 2.Answer any two := (10marks) a) What are the functions of International banking? b) Describe the features of nostro / Vostro accounts c) How merchant rates are quoted for international Business by banks? Q3.Explain any two of the following with reference to Trade Finance: (10 marks) a)Advance payment b) Open Account ©) Collection Q4,Answer any two: - (10 marks) a) What are the factors affecting the exchange rates? b) How exchange rates are useful for international business? c) What are the benefits of globalisation? Q5.Distinguish between any two: a) FDVFIL b) ECB/FCCB ©) ADR/GDR Q6.Describe about any two of the following: - a) Intemational HR Management b) International Logistics Management ©) International marketing management Q7. Describe the functions of any two: - a) WTO b) World Bank c) IMF (10 marks) (10marks) (10 marks) seeeeeeeessseeeeALL THE BESTHOOHHHRe HHN EE JARS MMS Semester II ices (Batch: 2017 - 19) Subject: Sales Management Date: 22.10.18 Marks: 60 Marks Duration: 3 Hrs Note: 1, QJ is compulsory& carries 20 marks. 2. Attempt any 4 out of the remaining questions (Q2 - Q7). Each question carries 10 marks. 3. Please be brief and to the point and state your assumptions clearly Qu. Case Study (20 Marks) Robin Hood: Steals from the rich and gives to the poor Robinhood and the Merrymen are in business of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. The organization had begun as a personal interest to Robin and has grown with allies and new recruits to become a very large organization. Robin is the head of all operations with few delegates who have their own specific duties. Robin Hood dilemma is that they must overcome their largest competitor, the Sheriff, who steals from the poor in form of huge taxes and keeps huge chunks of money for himself. Recently the Sheriff has grown stronger and becoming better organized. The Sheriff has gained in 3Ps: People, Power and Paisa; which is beginning to cause problems for the Merrymen. The Shreiff has used Google Sheet and Zoho CRM kind of new tools for streamlining this sales management process. By looking at these weaknesses, Robin is thinking of deploying to create the experience sales executives need to sell faster and get more done with this lightning platform. Proven to drive efficiency and growth, robin hood is thinking of increasing both revenues and decreases costs. Robin has hired 50 new youngsters from nearby village and then explained his Vision and mission to motivate them for his clause against Sheriff. The Key Results Areas (KRAS) assigned to the new recruits is collecting more funds from villagers which can be used for expenditure in departments such as defense, food supply and employee training & development. Page | of 4 Salesforce would help to create online web properties for external collaboration, customer service, channel sales and other custom portals in their instance of salesforce. Robinhood would like to meet the following ‘Sales objectives’: A. Dividing Territory into equal parts for avoiding territory infringement B. Buying laptops and internet connection for the new recruits C. Creating Sales, Non-Sales and Activity based quota for each sales representative, E, Give every employee sales data-driven insights for executing sales tactics. D. Incentive and compensation plan that boost productivity to lightning speed. Output Expected from deployment of : A. Reflects individual effort B. Real time action oriented & seen as fair C. Balances sales rep risk and reward D. Provides for teritory variances and territory management Now you need to help Mr. Robinhood by answering to the following questions: Q.1.A. Why should Robinhood deploy sales force automation tool like and state reasons why itis better as compared to excel sheet for sales reporting? _(5 Marks) Q.1.B. What are the variables / entities that Robinhood should be adding to the ‘New Account’ and ‘New Opportunity’ page from point of view of sales representative? (5 Marks) Q.1.C. Design home page as a ‘SALES DASHBOARD" for Robinhood (the head of organization) for monitoring and controlling his sales team? (10 Marks) Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following, (5 Marks each) Q2. A. Four sales reps are grumbling that sales budgets they received in the past was very tough, they are not likely to achieve even 50% sales, What do you think are the top 10 excuses those four sales reps must have given for not achieving sales quota? Page 2 of 4 Q.2.B. How can sales professional headway in her/his career from order getting to order taking? Q.2.C. The terms Personal Selling, Sales Management and Marketing are frequently used in an interchangeable manner. Give your comments briefly? Q3. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) Q3. A. Satyajeet has been working as a sales executive of MSB Enterprises for last 3 years. Beholding his extra ordinary sales performance over last 2 years, the senior management has promoted him to the po: n of Asst. Sales Manager with a team size of 4 sales executive reporting to him. Give your suggestions to Satyajeet, so that he can manage his sales team. Use diagram to explain the same? (Hin. Mrs.TP) Q.3.B. What is Pie of Bar chart, Explain with help of an diagram and example ? Q.3.C. Based on the below Sales Incentive Plan for ‘Quota Attainment Distribution’, please give your comments about the sales scenario in the sales department? ‘vera | Company Count 33% 1 Dlseibuton: Average percent ot naval contours Sales persnnett he fosontng levels of uc atannert ‘Achieved more nan 50% of quota 09% 105 ‘Achieved 125% 10 150% of quota 558. 105 ‘Aahieved 18-124% of quota ra 105 ‘Achieved 100-05% ot quota osm 105 ‘Achiov0a 76-99% of quota 260% 15 ‘Achioveas0-75% of quota 75% 105 ‘Achievedtesstnan 50% of quota 2% 105, Q4. Attempt any two questions from the followit a (5 Marks each) Q4.A. What are the various conflict between sales & marketing department? How to create “Sales Savvy Marketer” in your organization? Q44.B. One sales representative is making false calls & your entire team knows about it. The team feels that sales manager is closing your eyes because the guy who is doing false reporting is a performer. What are your suggestions as a Sales Head for your Sales Manager? Q4.C. Calculate the number of salespersons required in a Andheri where, © Number of Gold customer =105 & call frequency = 8 per annum Page 3 of 4 © Number of Silver customer = 150 & Calll frequency = 6 per annum © Number of Bronze customer = 350 & call frequency =4 per annum (Use Workload Method for Sales Force Size Calculation) QS. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) QS. A. Ego Drive and Empathy are the least qualities required by a successful sale personal? Justify with help of a diagram? Q.5.B. What are the variables / columns in the subsequent Sales Reports? (Draw Worksheet) ‘A. Daily Sales Report B. Quarterly Sales Report Q.5.C. Explain the following Statement, “As a Sales Manager, one of your annual tasks is to sit down with your salespeople and set mutually acceptable sales targets and quotas, along with levels of sales activity”? ie (5 Marks each) Q6.A. ‘Sales Management not a number game, it’s a game of ratios!” True or False, Rationalize Q6. Attempt any two questions from the follo your answer Q.6.B. What are the Positive & Negative effects of territory infringement on the Sales Team? Q.6.C. What are the various steps for territory planning. Explain using Industrial Paints company as example? Q7. Write short notes with an example on any two from the following (5 Marks each) Q.7.A. Ecquire - Sales Productivity Tool Q.7. B. Bottom-Line and Top-Line Q.7.C, Sales Channel Conflicts ¥#4%*ALL THE BEST**###+ Page 4olt —JADITYA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH he MMS Semester III Examination (Batch: 2017 - 19) Subject: Consumer Behaviour Date: 23.10.18 Marks: 60 Marks Duration: 3hrs Note: 1, Q.1 is compulsory& carries 20 marks. 2. Attempt any 4 out of the remaining questions (Q2 ~ Q7). Each question carries 10 marks. QI. Case Study Cadbury India’s plans to reposition were not initiated because it had to beat its competitor's as at that time Cadbury was already the market leader in chocolate confectionary market, but it was a proactive step that Cadbury’s took as at that moment the sales of Cadbury's. were increasing but at a slow pace and the segment at that time to which the chocolates were being targeted was not so big to provide a more faster growth. And so to overcome this challenge Cadbury’s came up with an idea to expand the segments to which it should appeal and get more business by appealing to more and more target markets. This was a very beautifully planned strategy and it catapulted Cadbury’s sales to newer heights and gave the brand a presence in almost every segment of people who can have the chocolates. I ial years Cadbury’s chocolates were meant basically for the kids and the ads also revolved around that concept only in which parents were seen trying to bribe or reward their children with Cadbury’s dairy milk chocolates for getting them to do the things that they wanted them to do. But depending on just the kids as a market was a bit risky and as sales in this segment were not growing rapidly so Cadbury’s shifted the focus from kids to the adults. But this was a big challenge as in Indian market not many adults were thought i to be consumers of chocolate and Cadbury’s changed this thing with the help of ads under the campaign “kid in all of us”. Then from this campaign to the one 'Real Taste of Life’ campaign, which had many memorable executions, which people still fondly remember. Out of these the one which people still remember very fondly is the one in which a girl is d shown breaking the security barriers and entering the cricket field to celebrate the victory ofthe country in the cricket match under the tag line “Kuch Khas Hai Zindagi mein”. This campaign went on to be awarded "The Campaign of the Century’, in India at the Abby (Ad Club, Mumbai) awards. Then moving on came the new campaign which was tried to tell people that chocolates can be had anytime through the ad campaign, “Khaane Waalon Ko Khaane Ka Bahana Chahiye”. That meant that people who want to have a chocolate can find any reason to have one and no particular occasion is required to wait for consuming the chocolates. This campaign showed that even the adults could have chocolates and thi ‘was showcased by showing collective and shared moments among themselves. After thi campaign to capture more and more target segments Cadbury's launched another ad campaign ie. “Kuch Meetha Ho jaye” .Then the campaign using the line “Pappu Pas Ho became a street buzz and got huge success and in this campaign also Amitabh Bachan was used as the Brand Ambassador for the brand to spread the message that “Jab Pappu paas ho jaye to kuch meetha ho jaye”. Then to appeal to the rural consumers an ad under the Kuch meetha ho jaye campaign itself was launched under the “Radha Miss Palampur ban gaye and combining it with Rs 5”.After this to associate more with the working class Indian population an ad with the tagline” Meetha hai Khaana aaj pehli tarrekh hai” was launched. Then after capturing most of the adult market segments what was left for the company, at this moment it seemed that Cadbury's had done it all, but for them it was just the beginning as they now decided to target the Festival occasions in India through the ad campaign “Is Diwali aap kise khush kar rahe hain”. And to top it all the later from the box of Cadbury's came with an ad with the campaign name “Shubh Aaarambh”, as in India there is a tradition to have something sweet before beginning something good and pious Qa) Explain how Cadbury adopted the respositioning strategy? (0marks) Qb) Explain the role of diffusion and adoption for repositi 12? (10 marks) ) Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a. Explain the various roles in the family decision making process with examples b. Explain the various types of goals and their marketing applications ©. Differentiate between Social and Esteem Needs and their marketing applications with suitable examples Q3. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a, Differentiate between Absolute Threshold and Differential Threshold with suitable example b. Explain the Dynamics of Perception and their marketing application with suitable examples €. Describe the different types of Perceived Risk with suitable examples and how consumers handle risk Q4, Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a. Explain the Trait theory of Personality and its marketing applications b. Differentiate between Fixated Consumption behavior and Compulsive consumption behavior with suitable examples ©. Explain Brand Personality and describe the Brand Personality Framework with suitable examples QS. Attempt any two questions from the following (S Marks each) a. Describe the importance of colour and gender in Brand Personality b. Explain the Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning with suitable examples . Distinguish between Positive and Negative Reinforcement with suitable examples Q6. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a, Explain the Strategic applications of Instrumental Conditioning with suitable examples b. Explain the Tricomponent Attitude Model with suitable examples ¢. Describe the issues in Cross-Cultural Consumer Analysis with suitable examples Q7. Write short notes on any two from the following (5 Marks each) a, Culture & Subculture b. Reference Groups ¢. Freudian and Neo-Freudian Theory of Personality and their marketing applications +8889 ALL THE BEST###844 JADITYA se ff institute oF manacement STUDIES AND. RESEARCH, MMS Semester III Examination (Batch: 2017 — 19) Subject: Product and Brand Management Date: 25/10/2018 Marks: 60 Marks Duration: 3hrs Note: . Q.1 is compulsory & carries 20 marks. 2, Attempt any 4 out of the remaining questions (Q2 ~ Q7). Each question carries 10 marks. Qi Mother dairy (20 Marks) Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables, a company with a billion-dollar (Rs 4,200-crore) turnover, has been a well-established player in NCR known for products the firm has been largest seller of milk in NCR , with 65% of the revenue being contributed by milk. Amul entered delhi market five years back and in 2011 with in a span on 4years it defeated mother dairy in terms of market share. Amul procures fresh milk and packages it. Mother dairy add powder milk in its products to the tune of 40%. This spoils the taste of the product. Also Amul is credited with more awareness and knowledge about its products amongst consumers. Amu! is a leader in the ice cream segment of the country. Their capacity to develop products and gain market leadership helped them gain substantial share in the NCR region in the milk segment raising question marks on the brand equity of the company. Mother Dairy has been market leader in NCR for 35 years. Losing ground to Amul in the milk segment is forcing company to rethink its strategy. They plan to increase their capacity and also expand procurement of the milk. One of the regions why consumer shifted to Amul has been difference in the taste of the milk. Amul milk is fresh where as a portion of mother dairy milk is reconstituted. Mother dairy sells through its own outlets and home delivery is not possible whereas Amul used channel and home delivery of the milk is possible. Mother dairy milk price has been less than the price of Amul milk, still a huge number of mother dairy loyals moved to Amul, Now Mother dairy is restructuring its strategy and systems to combat Amul. Questions: 1. What would you suggest to Mother Dairy for its revitalization? 2. Develop brand identity model for Mother Dairy. Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a. Explain Brand Prism of Patanjali. b. Define Product and Product line. ¢. Critically evaluate the statement, ‘Brand extensions are important growth strategies for a firm.” Q3. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a, Write a short note on Product Positioning, b. What are different stages of new Product Development process? Explain the Test Marketing stage of new Product Development process. c. Explain the challenges and opportuniti for branding a mobile phone in current scenario. Q4. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a. How Branded House is different from House of Brands, explain with an example. b. Comment on the branding strategies of maggi over the years. What further recommendations can you suggest to maggi to enhance its brand equity? ¢. What are the five product levels, QS. Attempt any two questions from the following (6 Marks each) ’ a, What do you understand by term consumer diffusion and consumer adoption, and how are they related to each other. b, Discuss various marketing strategies in the ‘introduction’ stage of product life cycle. ¢. Brand is built in the minds of people. Do you agree? Explain this in context to “Asian Paints”, Q6. Attempt any two questions from the following (S Marks each) a. Analyse product portfolio of Tata with GE Matrix. b. Explain Brand Positioning Strategy with reference to Tupperware. ¢. Improve, Buy, adapt or Drop decisions. Discuss the applicability of these decisions. Q7. Write short notes on any two from the following ( Marks each) a. ‘Star’ in BCG Matrix b. Corporate Brand ¢. Brand Anatomy +9400 ALL THE BEST**###* —JADITYA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT gupies AND estan MMS Semester III Soe (Batch: 2017 - 19) Subject: Services Marketing Date: 26.10.18 Marks: 60 Marks “= Q11 is compulsory& carries 20 marks. a Attempt any 4 out of the remaining questions (Q2 ~ Q7). Each question carries 10 marks. QU. Case Study (20 Marks) Gupta Ji ka Dhaba, an eating joint in the small town of Palanpur in western India, is an example of a small organization with an excellent service offering. Located near the railway station in Palanpur, the dhaba provides food packets to travelers on the Ahmedabad-Delhi route. Passengers travelling on this route can call Gupta Ji on his mobile phone to order lunch or dinner packs. After getting an idea of the number of people for whom food is required, Gupta Ji offers helpful suggestions on which foods to choose and in what quantity. The ordered food items, along accompaniments such as a salad and pickle, are neatly packed and delivered to the passenger when the train stops at the station. Gupta Ji's staff members keep the change ready and complete the exchange within 15-20 seconds, ensuring a hassle-free transaction for the customer. Gupta Ji maintains the relationship with customers by sending them an SMS to thank them for using his services. In some cases, he even calls the customers and asks for their feedback on food quality. If a passenger needs something urgently- say, medicines or milk for a young child- Gupta Ji ensures that it is delivered to the passenger at cost price along with the food. By ensuring a hassle-free transaction and the delivery of quality food at the consumer's “doorstep”, Gupta Ji has built a loyal customer base. Gupta Ji’s willingness to cater to urgent customer requirements has managed to delight his customers and to keep them coming back to him. QI a. Explain the Extended Marketing Mix for Services with respect to Gupta Ji ka Dhaba (10 marks) Q1.b. Describe how Gupta Ji has managed to delight his customers (10 marks) Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following (6 Marks each) a. Describe the strategic roles of the Servicescape with examples b. Explain the characteristics of Services with examples c. Explain the Tangibility Spectrum with suitable examples, Q3. Attempt any to questions from the following (5 Marks each) a. Explain the various sources of conflict for Boundary Spanning Workers b, Explain the Services Marketing Triangle with respect to any Bank . Explain the Marketing Mix for Services with respect to an Airline Qu. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) a, Describe the various dimensions/ deter ants of Service Quality. According to you, which determinant is most important in judging the Service Quality? b. Explain the Provider Gap 1 & 2 with respect to the GAPS Model of Service Quality ¢. Explain the Customer Gap with suitable examples QS. Attempt any two questions from the following (S Marks each) a. Differentiate between Service Performance Gap & Communication Gap with suitable examples b. Explain the various strategies to close Communication Gap ¢. Explain the various factors that affect Adequate Service with examples Q6. Attempt any two questions from the following ( Marks each) a. Explain the Service Encounter Cascade for a Hospital Visit b. Explain the Common themes in Critical Service Encounter Research ¢. Differentiate between Hard and Soft Customer-Defined Service Standards with suitable examples Q7. Write short notes on any two from the following (5 Marks each) a. Physical Evidence b. Lasting Service Intensifiers ¢. Zone Of Tolerance +a44*ALL THE BESTOE* JADITYA ggg Ep stiTuTe oF manaceMent eed S013. AND RESEARC aun MMS Semester III Examination (Batch: 2017 - 19) Subject: Marketing Strategy Date: 29/10/2018 Marks: 60 Marks Note: 1. Quis compulsory & carries 20 marks. 2, Attempt any 4 out of the remaining questions (Q2 - Q7). Each question carries 10 marks. Q.Case Study (20 Marks) SitEasy Corpor: n is a manufacturer of quality furniture retainer located in Saki Naka in Andheri. Sales at the 12-year-old company have grown steadily and the company expanded two years a8 into a much larger factory capable of doubling their output, while maintaining their quality level. Current distribution is to exclusive stores in Maharashtra and Gujrat. The idea for market Penetration was initiated in response to flat sales in current markets and a lot of excess capacity in the new factory. Following a discussion ofthe relative change in value of the US dollar and Indian curreney, international expansion was not a suggested moved. Pricing must be established for a Portion of their exclusive furniture line for the new segment based on customized product line along with forecasts of expected sales, adoption of category and segment profitability. This requires identification of profitable relative market share with positional defense strategy and competitive position of the product category. Based on company’s portfolio, marketing strategies need to be established in view of the 4 quadrants established using relative market share and growth rate. These strategies can be executed in view of pioneer strategy, growth strategy, decline strategy for each brand. Most importantly based the expected industry growth rate at SitEasy furniture, Largest Product Category ae 4 Competitor Growth Rate Not Relative Market Share) | Market Share Sofa & Armchairs | 35 percent share 15 percent share _| 10 percent growth Office Utilities 5 percent share 12 percent share _| 15 percent growth Living Room Storage | 30 percent share 20 percent share | 65 percent growth SitEasy Flat Packs _ | 2 percent share TS pereent share _| 90 percent growth Home Decors 20 percent share 80 percent share _| 35 percent growth Q.1.A. Based on the above data, draw a detailed 22 matrix strategic diagram? (5 Marks) Q.L.B. Give market development or market penetration strategies to chosen by each product in each quadrant of the above 2*2 matrix? (15 Marks) Page 1 of 4 Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following (© Marks ea Q.2.A. Assuming ‘Competitor | and Competitor 2° with a weighted score of 3.10 as Market Leader ey 2.65" are Market Follower, suggest various defensive strategies for ‘Competitor A with a weigh, score of 2.80’as Market Challenger? Z ‘Sun Tzu 6" Principle: f ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril Q.2.B. Draw ‘2*2 Marketing Tactics Vs Marketing Strategy Matrix’ and then explain the matrix with reference to ‘Baginnov’, a multi-brand bags, luggage & travel accessories store located at Kon Kendra, Borivali (West) spanning up to 25000 sq.ft more than 50+ top brands ? ". How choosing the appropriate sequence for ‘Level of marketing segmentation’ can be strategie CEO of e-commerce website selling fashion apparels? Q3. Attempt any two questions from the following (S Marks ec Q3.A. Explain the concept of Heart share, Mind share and Real Market share with reference to ‘Saavn- An Online Indian Music Streaming Service Company"? Q3.B. Which of the 12 Archetypes has been used in the below persuasive print advertisement? Page 2° Q.3. Cirque du Soleil a Canadian entertainment company with the largest theatrical producer in the ‘world is coming to Mumbai this November with a customized show called ‘Bazzar - The eclectic lab of infinite creativity’. Create step by step strategic marketing plan for this company? Q-4. Attempt any two questions from the following (5 Marks each) Q.4.A. Based on the below data as documented by the author Rama Bijapurkar, suggest 2 ‘major market development strategies to be adopted by FMCG Industry in India? Class difference a leet rend Q.4.B, ‘Sioko - Smart Watches’ is a smart watch company, major of their revenue is earned from “HealthCare Smart Watches’ category. Only using the equation ‘Value = Benefit / Cost’, ‘what are the various marketing strategies that can Sioko accomplish? Hh ‘Datbarale (Enacled nent) Page 3 of 4 Q.5. Attempt any two questions from the following disibaan! Q55.A. Market competition leads most of augmented values converted to basic value over Years! True or False. Justify Q.5.B. Draw a perceptual map forthe shampoo category in the Indian market on to attButes Price ang Degree of dandruff solving capability? Q.5.C. Expl the application of AR/VR in Marketing activations by 2020? Indian AR/VR market Is expected LE Touch nearly 34 bin by 20a kt son) 22a 2 Q.6. Attempt any two questions from the following ( Marks eaci) Q.6.A. Based on below wheel vroom diagram, explain the real wants of the below target segment fora company manufacturing educational toys? 10 Nurihing Parent ei 6 doyrExcrement Developing nanits Theme ConcentrationiCo... ¢ enbancing 2kie Showbost gut Manual Se 7 Matera contest” ‘Design thinking ecioney 6.8, Suggest point to be remembered by marketing managers while employing ‘Guerilla Marketing” 6.C. Explain the correlation between “5 Levels of a Product” and ‘Product Mix’, while executing ‘Market penetration strategy? Q7. Write short notes on any two from the following Q.7.A. CSAT, NPS, CES Q7.B. TAM, SAM, SOM or ESAM (5 Marks ea? Q.7.C. MSB Holistic marketing value framework oee*ALL TH B BEST**** Page 4

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