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Differentiate between egestion and excretion

2. Identify two extcretory products in plants
3. Identify two excretory products in mammals

**Egestion** and **excretion** are two distinct processes related to waste

elimination in living organisms:

1. **Egestion**:
- **Definition**: Egestion is the process of removing **undigested matter** from
the body of an organism.
- **Organisms Involved**: Egestion occurs mainly in **animals**.
- **Discharged Materials**: The materials discharged during egestion are
**undigested food** and other **toxic substances** leftover from the process of
- **Routes of Elimination**: Egestion mainly happens through the **anus** or the
**mouth** (some animals like jellyfish use their mouth for both consumption and
waste discharge).
- **Example**: When you pass solid waste (feces) after digestion, that's

2. **Excretion**:
- **Definition**: Excretion is the process of removing **metabolic waste
products** from the cells of an organism.
- **Organisms Involved**: Both **plants** and **animals** undergo excretion.
- **Discharged Materials**: Excretory products in plants include **carbon
dioxide**, **excess water** produced during respiration, and **nitrogenous
compounds** produced during protein metabolism. In animals, excretory products
include **urea**, **uric acid**, and other waste substances.
- **Routes of Elimination**:
- In **plants**, excretion of gaseous waste (such as oxygen during
photosynthesis and carbon dioxide during respiration) occurs through **stomatal
pores** on leaves. Other organic by-products may be stored in different plant
- In **animals**, excretion happens through various routes such as the
**kidneys** (urine), **skin** (sweat), and **feces**.
- **Example**: When your kidneys filter out waste products (like urea) from your
blood and excrete them as urine, that's excretion.

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