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Poem Mala Hanson

The Tapestry of Sorrow: Unraveling the Factors of Mass Murder

In the shadowed corners where darkness creep,

Lies the genesis of horrors, where nightmares sleep.
Within the twisted labyrinth of the human mind,
Lie the factors that mass murder often finds.

First, let us delve into the realm of despair,

Where hope’s flickering flame is engulfed
by despair.
In the depths of loneliness, isolation
breeds, fostering,
resentment, planting toxic seeds.

The echoes of trauma, haunting and deep,

Cast a pall over souls, were demons
silently creep.
Abuse and neglect, like poison, seep,
Fueling a rage that’s buried but steep.

Society’s fabric, frayed at the seams,

Where inequality reigns and justice teems.
Marginalized voices, unheard and unseen,
Stifled by systems that lack empathy’s sheen.

Yet amidst the chaos, one cannot ignore,

The role of access to tools of gore,
Weapons of destruction, easily obtained,
Magnify the devastation, the pain unrestrained.

Media’s gaze, a double-edged, sword,

Amplifies the message, the violence soared.
Desensitized minds, numbed to the cries,
In a world where tragedy becomes mere ties,
But amid the darkness, a glimmer of light,
Hopes’s resilient flame, burning bright.
For in understanding, there lies the key,
To unravel the knots of humanity’s plea

Empathy’s touch, a balm for the soul,

A beacon of solace, making broken
hearts whole.
In a world where love’s embrace can

So let us not Falter, in the face of despair,

But stand united, hearts willing to care.
For in the face of darkness, love still prevails,
And in unity’s embrace, humanity exhales.

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