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8th GRADE Name……………………………..


Read the article about the robbery and answer the questions based on the article.

If you think you can help or if you know something about the robbery, please contact the
Central London Police Unit on 207 7646805.
A serious crime was committed yesterday in the centre of London. A million pounds was
stolen from the Nat East Bank in Oxford Street by three robbers carrying guns. Customers in the
bank were told to lie on the floor while the robbers took the money from the cash. Fortunately,
nobody was killed during the robbery, but two people were hurt. They have been in hospital since
yesterday morning.
We talked to a policeman after the robbery. This what he said: “We’re going to talk to all the
customers in the bank at the time of the robbery and we’re going to start looking for these criminals
immediately. They can’t escape from London because we’re going to close all the roads for five
kilometres around Oxford Street. If the public help us, we will catch them”.

I. Put the paragraphs into correct order. (6p)

II. Answer the questions with information from the text. (14p)
1. How much money was stolen?
2. How many robbers were there?
3. How many people were hurt?
4. How long have they been in hospital?
5. What are the police going to do to the customers?
6. What are they going to do to the roads?
7. What will happen if the public help?

III. Complete the sentences with one word/ phrase from the box below. (12p)

gets punished pickpocket witness prison burglar break the law

1. She was travelling on the bus when she realised a………………………………. stole her wallet
2. The woman heard the ……………………………….breaking into her house and she called the
3. When someone…………………………………………………, they feel the consequences of
what they have done.
4. People who steal or do illegal activities end up in…………………………
5. She…………………………………………….last year and now she is waiting for the court
dictate sentence now.
6. My mother is giving a statement to the police because she was a ………………………… the
IV. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. (12p)
1.If you break school rules,……………………………………………………
2.I always get punished if………………………………………………………….
3.If I get a bed grade,………………………………………………………………..
4.When I behave well,………………………………………….

V. Rewrite the following sentences into present or past passive voice. (21 p)
1. A famous director made this film.
2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1942
3. Stanley writes an article every month
4. Architects design houses.
5. The woman doesn’t drive a black car.
6. Someone left the door open last night.
7. The housekeeper didn’t clean the bathroom in the penthouse

VI. Write an email of 8-12 rows to a friend about a bad event that you witnessed. (15
Make sure to mention:
- the place and time of the action
- who the characters were
- how the event happened (use linkers and time adverbials, past tenses)
- your opinion about the action
- proper ending to your email
Pay attention to the logical and chronological order of events and give lots of details.
2 points ex-officio


I.Put the paragraphs into correct order:

1.B, 2.C, 3.A 6p
IIAnswer the questions with information from the text
1. How much money was stolen?
A million pounds was stolen
2. How many robbers were there?
There were three robbers.
3. How many people were hurt?
Two people were hurt
4. How long have they been in hospital?
They have been in the hospital since yesterday morning
5. What are the police going to do to the customers?
The police is going to talk to all the customers from the bank.
6. What are they going to do to the roads?
They are going to close all the roads around London
7. What will happen if the public help?
If the public helps ,they will catch them. 14p

III.Complete the sentences with phrase from the list.

Get punished/pickpocket/witness/prison\burglar/break the law

1.She was travelling on the bus when she realised a……………pickpocket……. stole her
2.The woman heard the ………burglar…………….breaking into her house and she called
the police.
3.You ……………get punnished……………, if you do something bad or illegal..
4.People who steal or do illegal activities end up in………………prison…………
5.She……………broke the law………………….last year and now she is waiting for the
court dictate sentence now.
6.My mother is giving a statement to the police because she was a ………
witness…………… the accident.

IV Complete the sentences so they are true for you

1.If you break school rules, you will get punished…………………………………
2.I always get punished if… I lie to my parents……………………………………….
3.If I get a bed grade,…………I disappoint my parents………..
4.When I behave well,…I can use my phone for longer time……………….
V .Rewrite the following sentences into present or past passive voice
VII. A famous director made this film.
This film was made by a famous director.
VIII. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1942
America was discovered by Columbus in 1942
IX. Stanley writes an article every month
An article is written by Stanley every months
X. Architects design houses.
Houses were designed by architects
XI. The woman doesn’t drive a black car.
A black car isn’t driven by the woman.
XII. Someone left the door open last night.
The door was left open by someone last night
XIII. The housekeeper didn’t clean the bathroom in the penthouse .
The bathroom wasn’t cleaned by the housekeeper in the penthouse

V. Write an email of 8-12 rows to a friend about a bad event that you witnessed.
You will mention:
-the place and time of the action (1p+1p)2p
-who were the characters and how did the event happen
-A logical and chronological order of events with details 4 p: a logical order with some
details-3p;-mixed ideas, no details-1p
-use of linkers and time adverbials 3 p- some use of time adverbilas-1p; no use-0p
-correct verbal tenses and vocabulary-3p ; some minor mistakes 1p- more then 4
-the Ss gives: an accurate opinion-4-p: a good opinion with some errors-3p; a vague
cryptic opinion 1p
proper addressing vocabulary
-description of the action
-a proper ending -With a clear opinion-2p
- a vague opinion 1p

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