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Chapter 2: Managing a business

Focus on:
- Power: ability get sth done, authority: right to do sth(position, legiimate power),
responsibility: obligation had to fulfil a task, accountability: liability called to account
for fulfilment task (chịu trách nhiệm giải trinh về vc hthanh vc đc giao) and
delegation: give sb respon and author to do sth while remain respon&account for that
(giao cho ng khac quyền hạn và trách nhiệm t.hien nhưng vẫn chịu trách nhiệm cho
vc đó)
- Types of manager
Line: authority over subordinate (qly ttiep có quyền vs cấp dưới)
Staff: give specialist advice for manager or department which have no line authority (đưa
ra lời khuyên chuyên môn cho ng qly hoặc bộ phận khác k có thẩm quyền ttiep)
Functional: kết hợp giữa line and staff manager
Project: authority over project team member in progress ( có thẩm quyền vs các tv khi dự
án đang tiến hành)
- The management hierarchy: chief executive has ultimate authority and response to
Top manager
First line
Direct operational staff
- The management process
- Managerial roles
Informational: handle data and infor
Interpersonal: deal people
Decisional: make decision
- Business Culture: assumption, value and belief
- Functions: Marketing, Operation, Procurement, HR
- Organization behaviors
Ví dụ một số câu hỏi:
2.1. Which of the following model of human behavior emphasizes the importance of
remuneration as a key need and main motivator of employees?
Taylor’s “scientific management” model.
The hygiene factor.
McGregor’s Theory Y model.
The hierarchy of needs.
2.2 Which of the following factors is a part of the Harvard four Cs model for
investigating human resource management issues in organizations?
2.3. Which of the following factors is classified as hygiene factors by Frederick
A sense of achievement.
Working conditions of a job.
2.6. Which of the following elements of the marketing mix would apply only to an
organization that provides services?
2.11. In terms of the organizational iceberg, which of the following is classified as
covert variable affecting organizational behavior in a company?
Formal goals.
Organization design.
2.15. A, a business consultant of B company, has indicated that B’s business culture
is both outward-looking and flexibility. Therefore, what is the company’s culture
Internal process culture.
Internal process culture.
Rational goal culture.
Open systems culture.
2.16. When a manager has a right to rotate the staff or give the promotion, he or she
exhibits which kind of power?
Coercive power.
Negative power.
Expert power.
Position power.
2.17. B is a finance department manager of C company. Which types of authority
does B exert to manage activities in his department?
Functional authority.
Line authority.
Staff authority.
Project authority.
2.22. Who take care the overall direction and performance of a business?
Top managers.
First line managers.
Senior managers.
Middle managers.
2.27. Which type of business culture is the most relevant to the public sector
Internal process culture.
Rational goal culture.
Open system culture.
Human relations culture.
2.37. “Competence” in the Harvard four Cs model of HRM means:
Assess employees’ motivation, loyalty and job satisfaction.
Employees’ skills, abilities and potential.
The extent to which management and employees share a common vision for the business.
Concerns operational efficiency.
2.42. Which of the following managers has authority in giving specialist advice to
other managers over which they have no line authority?
A line manager.
A staff manager.
A functional manager.
A project manager.
2.57. Which of the following is the characteristics of human relations culture?
The business looks inwards, aiming to make its internal environment stable and
The business is structured and controlled so as to deal effectively with the outside world.
The business must be highly flexible and open to new ideas, so it is very adaptable in
The business looks inwards, aiming to maintain its existence and the well-being of staff
in a flexible environment.
2.60. Which of the following is NOT included in consumer durables?
White goods.
Brown goods.
Soft goods.
2.65. Which of the following is the advantage of selling direct?
More efficient logistically.
No need to share profit margins.
Costs usually lower.
Producers may not have sufficient resources to sell direct.
2.67. What is the major difference between management in a business and in a
public sector organization?
A business management makes a set of objectives while management of a public sector
organization does not.
A public sector organization requires someone to monitor progress and results of an
organization while a business does not.
A business management acts on behalf of owners while a public sector organization acts
on behalf of the government.
A business management integrates corporate values, ethics, and operating principles into
management while a public sector organization does not.
2.68. When staff managers lack responsibility for the success of their ideas, which of
the following is the best solution?
They should communicate regularly with the line manager.
They should be involved in implementing their suggestions and share accountability for
They should be allowed to use functional authority through procedure and policies.
They should be punished or responsible in case of failure.
2.70. R is a senior manager with V company. He works in the finance function of the
company, but has no formal qualifications in finance. He is highly influential within
the finance function with both subordinates and also with managers who are more
senior to himself. This is because of his ability to motivate and persuade those
around his with her personality and intellectual abilities. R exhibits which type of
power within V company?
Personal power.
Reward power.
Legitimate power.
Coercive power.
<Q>W company has noticed a recent downturn in productivity in one of its key
production departments. It has established that a group of production workers are
currently demotivated because of the actions of a previous manager who has now
been replaced. S, the replacement manager, must find ways to improve the
motivation of the group. In terms of the management process, S needs to:
2.73. The sales department of Martinet company is persuading a national
supermarket chain to stock the company’s latest domestic cleaning product. The
supermarket chain is disappointed that Martinet company will not be undertaking
any consumer advertising of the product at its launch. The promotion technique
being pursued by company for the new product can be characterized as a:
Push technique.
Public relations technique.
Pull technique.
Sales promotion technique.
2.77. M is a senior manager working for C company. He decides to delegate
completion of an internal report to one of his subordinates. In doing this, M is
transferring to the subordinate:
Authority, responsibility and power.
Authority, accountability and power.
Responsibility and authority.
Power, responsibility and accountability.
2.78. A is a manager in Fortwarren company. He has to re-arrange a staff rotation
after a staff member fell ill. According to Henry Mintzberg, this forms part of A’s:
Decisional role.
Interpersonal role.
Disseminator role.
Informational role.
2.81. Pemble Company emphasizes its adoption of the marketing orientation. Which
of the following statements is most likely to be made by Elaine, its Managing
Rather than focusing on product development, we offer discounts on our current lines to
increase sales.
We increase sales by spending money on development of products our customers want.
We put all our effort into persuading customers to buy our products as our sales targets
are of paramount importance.
We aim to increase sales by spending to develop products we think are innovative.
2.87. Lorenzo is the production manager. He defines what processes, technology and
labor are required to complete the production targets; allocates resources to each
factory; coordinates the work. Lorenzo exhibits which task in the management
2.94.Christian is a manager of Company X. He can authorize his own travel expense
up to $1000. He asks his travel administrator to book a 3-night stay at a luxury hotel
with a budget of $1500. Christian is exercising:
Power without Authority.
Authority without power.
Delegation of authority.
Accountability and Responsibility.
2.97. A new project team has been established by Crockett company. At today’s
weekly progress meeting there was a long discussion about how the project’s
performance will be measured. Some speakers felt the primary objective was profit,
so financial measures should take priority. Others argued that minimizing adverse
environmental impacts was the primary objective, so environmental measures
would be more appropriate. From these discussions, it is evident that the project
team is at which stage of group development?
2.98.Craven company sells one product. It is a highly specialized chemical used only
in the printing ink industry, which is dominated by a small number of large
multinational firms. Only small quantities of the chemical are sold each year, but its
unique characteristics mean it is highly profitable for Craven company. It should be
expected that the promotional and distribution strategies employed by the company
will be:
Sales promotion and direct distribution.
Personal selling and indirect distribution.
Sales promotion and indirect distribution.
Personal selling and direct distribution.

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