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Filipinos want development in our nation.

However, to induce a greater change in our

country, citizens need to be an asset of our locality by community engagement. Community
engagement is working collaboratively with groups of people for its improvement. It involves
partnership and coalition to empower and promote sustainability. Engaging with our community
will aid us in understanding the needs of our community and find ways to address them.

This act of empowerment will enable society to overcome their barriers whether it be
socially, financially, and inaccessible access to resources. Out of all, poverty and discrimination
are the most common problems they experience. They are both causes and effects of
marginalization. The poor are being looked down by the well-off people due to their status and
poverty. Those with special needs are being segregated with the healthy and capable thus, they
are disfavored and given less work opportunities. We have shown prejudice to fellow men but
we don't notice it. In some ways, we have ignored or confined a person to a lower limit.

Community engagement aids in overcoming discrimination that is currently happening

and enables us to be self-aware of the problems of society and ourselves. In this social activity,
we can seek out the marginalized and offer livelihood opportunities, scholarships, health
education, free medical check-ups and feeding programs. The process requires teamwork and
solidarity thus, being a volunteer needs us to be selfless and self confident.

Through our experience, we can acquire learning and have realizations to become a
better citizen. A person cannot change the destiny of a nation by themselves alone, an
individual is only a catalyst of change. It is up to the community to stop the prejudice and
injustices, and produce a complete transformation. Thus, through community engagement we
might be able to induce a difference, empower the society and unite for a better Philippines.

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