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Limitation of Liability in Construction Contracts

Aymen Masadeh 1 and Femeena Mohamed 2

Abstract: This paper explores the importance of limitation of liability in construction contracts and associated legal framework in the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) with an objective of assessing its adequacy in comparison to its economic counterparts. It points out that since there is
no independent statute dealing with the unfair contract terms, there is no equilibrium in contract provisions. This can cause several challenges
for the industry and contracting entities. Despite the fact that the UAE law does not mandate reasonableness in limitation of liability contract
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clauses, client organizations must adopt best practices from industries around the world and they should be driven by the numerous ad-
vantages they offer. The paper lists the importance of limiting liability in a construction contract and accompanying benefits. It also enlists
the measures and recommended approach that shall be adopted by contracting parties and the state in order to achieve equipoise in the
contracting setup. This study focuses on the law of the United Arab Emirates. DOI: 10.1061/JLADAH.LADR-829. © 2023 American
Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction be impelled by many advantages it offers (Mohamed 2014). As a

matter of fact, such measures or initiatives that are embraced by
Unlike in many developed nations, there is no independent client organizations in order to assess and limit liability of the con-
legislation that deals with the unfair terms in contracts in the tracting parties have far reaching impact on the life span of organ-
United Arab Emirates (UAE). As a result, most bespoke forms izations and the industry.
of contracts used in the UAE that are developed and maintained The scope of this study covers the law of the UAE. Reference to
by client organizations tend to be less balanced with regards to risk foreign law and practice is made solely for the purpose of showing
allocation and fairness of terms (Elliott 2015). With such imbal- the strength and weakness of the UAE law in the area of limitation
anced provisions, contractors and consulting engineers (hereinafter of liability.
“engineers”), with little bargaining power, are often subjected to
imposition of unreasonable and onerous contract terms, and to
unrealistically high or unlimited liability in the event of breach or Why is Limitation of Liability Necessary?
negligent default.
This paper aims (1) to explore why it is important to limit liabil- All legal systems place some forms of limitations on damages
ity in a construction contract, (2) to explore seemingly ambiguous awards (Gotanda 2006). There are varied reasons for advocating
limitation of liability provisions in the laws of the UAE, and (3) to limitation of liability in a contract as detailed subsequently.
recommend an approach that need to be adapted by all relevant Engineers and contractors who are best rated and known for pro-
parties. The study adopted an analytical approach by comparing viding cost-effective and highly innovative solutions are resolute in
provisions in UAE Civil Code1 with similar provisions in other their risk management standards and often opt out of contracts that
jurisdictions. It also scrutinizes the necessity for regulatory im- are onerous or precarious. Consequently, the pool of vendors is re-
provement to support the industry. duced, thus affecting competition (Summersby et al. 2013). This,
A party who wishes to exclude their liability against a particular along with high risk built into the price of services, diminishes the
type of loss or consequential damage should have such language prospects of a competitive procurement model and best project
included in the contract. Limitation of liability clauses involve risk outcomes.
allocation in contract. Despite the fact that the law does not man- Another major drawback on imposing harsh liabilities on the
date reasonableness in limitation of liability provisions, there must designer may be that they hesitate to embark on any innovative
be willingness from client organizations to adopt practices from measures in the project’s life and life cycle cost. This results in an
industries around the world with proven records and they should extremely unfortunate situation as this would limit and even curtail
the prospects of new ideas and technologies (Mohamed 2014).
Dean of the Faculty of Business & Law, Professor of Law, British Univ. High liability provisions are also poor value for money consid-
in Dubai, Block 11, Dubai International Academic City, P.O. Box 345015, ering that the risks do not eventuate most often and the client ends
Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Tenure Professor at Law Faculty, Yarmouk up paying pertinent sums under the contract value. The contractors
Univ., Irbid, Jordan (corresponding author). ORCID: and engineers usually include high premiums in their contract price
-0002-9313-4301. Email: as cover for higher liability imposed under the contracts. Uninsura-
Contracts and Procurement Expert, Al-Raidah Digital City, Riyadh, ble risks are priced and included as high-risk items. To cover unlim-
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Senior Manager—Procurement, Red Sea ited liability undertaken in the contract, contractors and engineers
Global, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ORCID: often take out insurance policies with extensive and expensive cover-
-8356-5669. Email:
age. However, the insurance would only pay for damages that they
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 27, 2021; ap-
proved on October 16, 2022; published online on January 18, 2023. are liable for under the law.
Discussion period open until June 18, 2023; separate discussions must Any contractual term that encompasses liability beyond the le-
be submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of gal position creates an uninsurable risk, which is harmful to both
Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construc- parties of the contract. Numerous clients produced bespoke con-
tion, © ASCE, ISSN 1943-4162. tracts containing aggressive indemnification provisions. Many such

© ASCE 03723001-1 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(2): 03723001

provisions are not insurable and when these losses are triggered, it contractors and engineers. Statutory intervention thus becomes
can place contracting parties in an uncovered position (Mohamed crucial to businesses to realize and account for just business risks
2014). This may lead to insolvency of the firm and even personal (Mohamed 2014).
bankruptcy of the directors albeit in a limited liability company. The contracting community in UAE attempts to transfer risk
Furthermore, expert standards and fitness for purpose require- back to the employer with contract languages such as back-to-back
ments are generally uninsurable risks, which subjects these firms and pay-when-paid clauses, indemnity clauses, waiver of conse-
to unreasonable exposure. The contractor or engineer usually only quential damages, and capping of liquidated damages. However,
makes a one-time net profit from the overall fee, whereas the em- these provisions stand a high chance of scrutiny for unenforceabil-
ployer is most likely to produce long-term benefits from the com- ity and re-assessment by judiciary where the loss incurred is greater
pleted contract. It is thus only fair to allocate risk on the basis of than limitations agreed (Hadef and Partners 2019). While limitation
prospective reward. and exclusion of liability provisions are good commercial practices,
Unrealistically high professional indemnity insurance require- the UAE court has the power to nullify limitations and compensate
ments can also become a deterrent for locally based small to me- the aggrieved party to the full amount of actual losses.
dium engineers to participate in such tenders. This means that
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the work ultimately gets awarded to larger and more international

firms, which can curb experience and progression of potential tal- Limitation Provisions in UAE
ents and innovative firms among the resident establishments. Con-
tractor’s and engineers find it difficult to price a no cap provision The UAE is a civil law nation and its primary source of law lies in
its statutes. The UAE Civil Code governs all types of contracts in-
as the risks involved are not quantifiable. Such aggressive stipu-
cluding but not limited to construction contracts. Articles 872 to
lations can be also considered as an exhibition of poor risk man-
896 provide the requirements specific to construction contracts re-
agement and procurement vision of the employer.
ferred to as the muqawala3 provisions. There are other significant
Under the UAE law, there is no specific requirement for engi-
provisions found throughout the code that impact a construction
neers or contractors to take out precise insurance policies for liabil-
(muqawala) contract.
ities that may arise either from a breach of contract or other civil
It is apparent that a meagre 25 articles of the code are not suf-
liability. The law should ideally mandate this to provide maximum
ficient to cater to the vibrant, young, and unparalleled construction
protection to employers and contractors or engineers as without
industry of the UAE, which has seen unprecedented growth that is
this, in the event of a claim, the service provider could go out of
fueled by inspiring leadership and an entrepreneurial community
business from the impact of the claim. Conversely, if the service
(Mohamed 2014). All situations that cannot be remedied by these
provider is no longer in business, the employer will end up without
articles often require case-by-case interpretation by the judiciary,
insurance protection.
which relies on the provisions that are embodied in various decrees
There is a disastrous effect on the industry and contractors in
and ministerial decisions in addition to the civil code. Therefore,
the case of accrual of liability beyond one’s capacity. There is para-
this insufficiency can be considered as a lacuna in the law (Law
mount risk in accepting liabilities for consequential losses that are
Teacher 2019).
not clearly spelled out in the contract (Mohamed 2014). It is impos-
As the contractual liabilities are formed on a consensual basis,
sible to quantify these risks in advance and therefore adequate in-
and because the UAE recognizes the freedom of contract principle
surance coverage is inaccessible. Another factor to be considered is
(Bueno 2011); the parties to a contract may agree on a liability cap
the background of professional indemnity insurance wherein the re-
and exclude certain types of indemnities or losses. However, the
insurance industry is mostly based in the common law world. All
civil code has imposed certain statutory exceptions to what agree-
players in the contract have to be mindful of this fact and ensure
ments may be regarded as enforceable under law. Article 31 of the
that the demands from civil law nations are adequately covered.
UAE Civil Code is of a particular importance, which states that
Decennial liability2 insurance is either not available or extremely
mandatory provisions of law take superiority over terms in contrac-
expensive, which is a huge concern. Besides, UAE does not provide tual provisions. Of course, mandatory articles of law are not vol-
a security of payment legislation or a statutory adjudication, which uminous in the UAE Civil Code. Most articles are supplementary,
makes it very hard for contractors or engineers to pursue issues which can be simply contracted out by an express contract clause.
related to nonpayment or delayed payment. This, accompanied by There is a widespread uncertainty about how these statutory pro-
a high level of imposed liabilities, becomes a dangerous situation visions shall be interpreted in courts or rather how these shall affect
(Mohamed 2014). a contracting party in case of a dispute leading to litigation (Kanakri
The client favored position of the UAE Civil Code can be con- and Massey 2017). In order to bring some insight into this, some
sidered beneficial for a consumer business contract. However, when legal and statutory requirements in the UAE are examined in the
the contract is between two commercial parties, especially where the following sections.
client is in a better bargaining position, the imposed terms need to be
fair and balanced. There is a general perception that by imposing
unlimited liability or liability for consequential damages, the con- Provisions for Contractual and Tort-Based Liability
tractor may exercise a greater degree of care during execution of and Limitation Factors
contractual obligations (Manahan 2004). However, this method of
disciplining the contractor or engineer in fact is not a prudent method The test in the UAE for tort and contract liability is similar. In com-
of ensuring proper care of work (Mohamed 2014). parison to common law, the foreseeability and mitigation factors
Limited liability can also be deemed to achieve sustainable are not apparent in the UAE Code. With reference to natural result,
procurement as part of realizing best value for money by building the foreseeability requirement is found adequate. Nonetheless, mit-
long-term business relationships with contractors and engineers. igation factor as covered under Article 290 of the UAE Civil Code
Securities of payment legislations or convenient and accessible states that it shall be permissible for the judge to reduce the level of
dispute resolution mechanisms such as adjudication or mediation damages by which an act has to be made good or to order that it
are not currently mandated by law. Coupled with these issues, lack need not be made good if the person suffering harm participated by
of controls in liability allocations presents massive uncertainty for his own act in bringing about or aggravating the damage.

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It seems that this article applies only under contributory negli- method to limit liability and it is widely practiced in UAE by speci-
gence and not in instances where a contractor or engineer’s default fying maximum limit under the contract (Mohamed 2014).
is claimed. It is applicable in situations where “own” act is involved It is a settled practice that Article 390 does not apply to govern-
in causing and accruing of damage. Thus, the UAE law does not mental contracts in UAE. This is probably because governmental
seem to mandate the claimant’s duty to avoid accumulating of dam- projects are usually not commercial, and, thus it is hard to quantify
ages unlike the provisions in common law principles. However, it the actual loss of the government. For example, if the project is a
can be argued that the term “act” may include positive and negative school or a hospital or a road, it is difficult to see how the actual loss
acts that caused or increased the damage and may also include rea- of the government can be quantified. Therefore, the UAE courts ap-
sonable acts that could have helped to avoid or reduce the losses ply the liquidated damages clause as such.
(Mohamed 2014). However, this does not cover the complete picture under UAE
In regards to the causation factor, there is fundamental differ- law, which imposes further liabilities on the contractors, such as the
ence between UAE law and English law. A third-party intervention decennial liability and no fault provisions (Mohamed 2014).
is fatal in that it breaks the chain of causation in the UAE law
whereas in English law that does not happen. A causal connection
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can be established between the breach and harm or loss. Decennial Liability
It seems liability under tort cannot be limited as made clear by
Article 296 of the UAE Civil Transactions Code, which states that As per Article 880 of the UAE Civil Code, contractors and engi-
any agreement purporting to provide exemption from liability for a neers are jointly liable for structural defects or collapse of the work
harmful act shall be void. While limitation of liability in tort is that happens within 10 years from the time the works are taken over
invalid under UAE law, it would be helpful to have such provisions by the employer. This liability, which has its roots in French law,
in contract law. This is a highly contentious issue and it can be argued is known as decennial liability. It is a strict liability under the
that without express limitation of liability provision in construction UAE Law.
contracts, Article 878 of the same code makes the contractor re- Main contractors and engineers are liable for cost of remedying
sponsible for all damages (Mohamed 2014). Consequential damages structural defects that surface within the time period of 10 years
may be foreseeable and besides this, the code under the muqawala from the day of handing over the project. When structural integrity
provisions does not differentiate between direct and consequential of a building is uncertain within 10 years of handover, it is deemed
damages. that both the contractor and engineer are in default; the only excep-
For example, the FIDIC Red Book 1999, which is the most tion to this rule is when the life of the building was meant to be for
common form of contract under use in the UAE, provides under less than 10 years (Mohamed 2014).
Clause 17.6 that the total liability of the contractor to the employer If the contractor did not perform the contract according to the
(with a few exceptions under some other subclauses) shall not ex- conditions and specifications, the liability for any resultant damage
ceed the sum stated in the particular conditions. Or if such sum is or loss will lie with the contractor, despite the fact that there was no
not stated or agreed, the limit shall be the accepted contract amount. shortcoming. Article 878 provides that “The contractor shall be li-
This subclause goes on to provide that it does not limit liability able for any loss or damage resulting from his act or work whether
in any case of fraud, deliberate default, or reckless misconduct by arising through his wrongful act or default or not, but he shall not
the defaulting party. Thus, under the FIDIC Redbook 1999, the be liable if it arises out of an event which could not have been
overall liability of the contractor, including tort, is limited subject prevented.” Consequently, default or negligence by a contractor
to a few exclusions. It is unclear how far this agreement would be or architect need not exist. The only way the contractor or engineer
upheld in UAE courts if contested by one of the contracting parties can escape this liability is proof of force majeure or extraneous
(Mohamed 2014). If the breach of contract constitutes also a breach circumstances.
of law (tort liability), any limitation of such a liability may not It was held in another UAE case that “one of the effects of such a
apply. contract is that the contractor guarantees any harm or loss arising
The following sections will explain some rules of law that are out of his act or the thing he has made, whether or not arising
directly related to limitation of liability such as liquidated damages, through his infringement or shortcoming. There will also be a
decennial liability, exclusion of liability for consequential losses, liability if a defect appears in the building.”
validity of exclusive remedy clauses, indemnification in the UAE, Article 880(2) further provides that such decennial liability can-
and proportionate liability. not be excluded by contract. The obligation to compensate will
remain even if it is proved that the cause for defect or failure of
the building was due to defective land or despite the fact that the
Liquidated Damages employer had consented to the construction of a faulty building or
installation. Thus, Article 880(2) makes the contractor liable for
Article 390 allows the contracting parties to fix the amount of com- all types of unforeseeable physical and ground conditions. In sum-
pensation in advance by agreeing on predetermined sum specified mary, for liability to arise no fault is necessary. The contractor and
in the contract, for a loss sustained due to a breach. However, the the engineer may be jointly and severally liable.
same article also grants the courts a discretionary power to scruti- Article 882 states that agreement the purport of which is to
nize and vary the limits agreed in the contract. It provides that if one exempt the contractor or the architect from liability or to limit such
of the parties makes a claim, the judges may vary such pre-agreed liability shall be void (Mohamed 2014). Thus, it seems in contracts
amount in order to make the damages and loss equal. Article 390 is in the UAE, the exposure of engineers or contractors for decennial
a mandatory rule and any contract excluding this right shall be void liability cannot be capped or excluded.
and this has been upheld by courts. This is reflecting the Shari’ah As per Article 881, if the role of the architect/engineer was only
(Islamic law) principles according to which remedies or compen- in making the designs or plans, he shall only be liable for any defects
sation shall be equal to the actual loss suffered. Thus, agreement on in the plans. If the engineer also took the role of the resident engi-
liquidated damages also has no certainty under the existing system. neer or supervisory consultant and supervised the construction ac-
However, including a liquidated damages clause is an effective tivities, he will be jointly and severally liable with the contractor,

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for design and quality of workmanship. This is notwithstanding the Hadley v. Baxendale as held in Transfield Shipping Inc v. Mercator
fact that designs were defect free and only the workmanship was Shipping (Carnie 2011).
defective. Here severally liable means it is a duty of purpose. In the onset, it may seem that the concept of consequential loss
Insurance for decennial liability seems not widely prevalent in the in the UAE is as covered under Articles 282 and 283 of the UAE
UAE. This is a huge concern considering the amount of risk the Civil Transactions Code, are restricted to tort and tortious liability
contractors and engineers are exposed to. The UAE law does not as interpreted by some commentators. Contrary to this, following
make decennial liability insurance as mandatory. A point to be judicial interpretation of the relevant articles, it now appears to gen-
noted is that it is mandatory in Egyptian and French law (Palmer erally cover all forms of losses or damages resulting from a contract
2021) from where UAE law derives (Kamal Hafez Property & breach as recognized and covered by the code. Therefore, all in-
Construction 2011) this principle. However, a method to circum- tended exclusions must be clearly worded and expressly stipulated
vent this and achieve cover for decennial liability may be through in the contract.
a professional indemnity (PI) insurance that indemnifies civil or
legal liability (Mohamed 2014).
Articles 880, 881, 882, and 883 of the UAE Civil Transac- Validity of Exclusive Remedy Clauses
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tions Code thus establish key ultimate principles; liability related

Exclusive remedies clause is another area where contractors in the
to structural or major defects in a building could be unlimited. The
UAE seem to place a lot of reliance without realizing or evaluating
exception to this could be force majeure and faults by third parties
the reliability of terms included (Mohamed 2014). This clause is
and that the burden to prove these external causes falls on the con-
one among the boilerplate clauses and hence not given much atten-
tractor or designer/engineer.
tion by the contractors or employers. One typical such clause limits
There are some fundamental questions the decennial liability
contracting parties’ rights, obligations, and liabilities as exhaustive
provisions raise (Grimmitt 2021):
under the terms in the contract. Recourse for liabilities, including
• Does jointly liable mean if one of the liable parties is liquidated,
but not limited to breach, damage, and negligence, would be lim-
the other party may be liable for the full liability above and
ited to express provisions contained in the contract thus making
beyond their fault?
only specific remedies available for breach of obligation.
• When there is proportionate liability, is the liability apportioned
A contract may require discharge of numerous obligations and
on a fault basis between contractor and designer?
it is not possible to comprehend remedies for all types of breach
• If only one party was at fault, will the other party be relieved of
within the contract. Therefore, notwithstanding the freedom of con-
the liability?
tract principle and article that provides that contractual provisions
• Is there a liability toward other professionals engaged such as
should be given their intention of meaning, rights under mandatory
the project management consultant?
provisions shall most likely be made available to the aggrieved party.
Current legal provisions in the UAE do not offer sufficient
Article 31 of the UAE Civil Code provides that mandatory provi-
clarity about these matters and this ambiguity poses assumed risks
sions of law may take precedence over terms agreed in contract. This
to the businesses of construction professionals who are not able to
places uncertainty to the application of Article 258, in the interpre-
duly account for these risks (Mohamed 2014).
tation of an exclusive remedies clause (Lloyd 2013). Besides this,
other provisions in the code listed subsequently also place threats
to the authority of exclusive remedies clauses which conflicts with
Duty of Care or Duty of Purpose—What is the binding provision of law:
Position in the UAE? • Article 106(2) makes unlawful the exercise of a right, if such
action would mean excessive harm to other.
The normal standard of works expected from any professional
• Article 246 also restricts exclusion of provisions of law that
under common law is reasonable skill and care, which is a duty of
apply to contracts.
care not a duty of purpose. The courts would not imply that a spe-
• Article 309(2) empowers courts to adjust the remedies equal to
cific result would be achieved except in a contract where a strict
the loss incurred.
liability or fitness for purpose element was agreed. The contract or
• Article 878 seems to hold the contractor responsible for all
law does not impose a strict obligation on the professional. Bolam
losses resulting from his act whether it involves his fault or
v. Friern Hospital Management Committee established this rule.
not except in force majeure situations.
Professionals experienced in common law jurisdictions will be Hence in the UAE the exclusive remedies clauses cannot be
in for an unpleasant surprise as in the UAE, the situation is totally considered as a straightforward way to limit or exclude liability
different from rest of the developed world. The requirement to as there is an inherent danger of unlimited exposure to contractors
achieve a specific result seems to be imposed in all muqawala if the clause is proven void (Mohamed 2014). Similarly, it is also
contracts (Bueno 2011). This is an additional liability imposed not considered in the interest of the employers as it brings in un-
on contractors or engineers. certainty to available remedies for damages and in case the clause
if found reasonable would mean uncovered liability and hid-
den risk.
Exclusion of Liability for Consequential Losses This position is quite different from English law, which provides
that the exclusive remedies clause shall be upheld in courts if found
A particular definition for consequential loss does not exist under to be reasonable and unambiguous and in general not opposing to
the laws of both the UAE and England. Under English law, the the UCTA (Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977) requirements.
consequential loss is perceived as the indirect loss explained under
second limb of Hadley v. Baxendale. However, this rule is not with-
out criticism (Carnie 2011), as seen in many modern cases such as Indemnification in the UAE
Caledonia North Sea Limited v. British Telecommunications PlC
(Scotland) and Others. Recently a new concept of “assumption In UAE law, there are no provisions with regards to unreasonable
of responsibility” is seen to be preferred over the second limb of indemnity. However, the courts look for solid proof for claims under

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an indemnity. The compensation granted may be up to the level of Until adequate legislative intervention and reforms are accom-
all damages suffered including all foreseeable consequential losses plished, the contracting parties must be vigilant and practice fair
such as loss of profit, etc. and just contract terms.
In cases where the insurer sought to rely on exclusion or limi-
tation of liability or exclusion clauses, it has been held that these
shall be reliable only if such language were part of the body of the Conclusions
insurance policy itself by means of which it was easily detectable
Employers command unlimited liability as it seems to offer all-
by the insured. The effect of this is that it can be highly persuasive
encompassing answer to allocate contractual risks. However, this
for case decisions, and to be considered valid such exclusion must
is far from reality. Employers must limit liability of contractors and
be clearly worded and endorsed by the assured (Willan 2013).
engineers based on proper risk assessment as a fair measure and to
Hence the contractors and engineers have to be very careful with
obtain best value for their money.
wording in contracts and insurance instruments to ensure that ex-
Muqawala provisions are currently applied in a similar fashion
clusions are clearly spelt out and unreasonable claims will not be
in a trivial carpentry contract as well as in sophisticated and novel
withdrawn from their insurance policies.
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multibillion-dollar construction contracts. This factor along with

the lack of body of jurisprudence, unlike in the common law world,
make it highly imperative to introduce a comprehensive law that
Proportionate Liability caters to the unique and specific requirements of the specialized
construction industry.
Under a proportionate liability regime or legislation, the claimant
Freedom of contract is an essential element for a thriving
would be able to only recover damages from a defendant that is
economy but this principle can be abused in the absence of regu-
equivalent to the defendant’s share in causing the loss (Walker
lations, hence the state has to implement proper controls to ensure
2012). Without legislative support in this regard, the claimant would
the weaker contracting party is not taken undue advantage.
usually be able to recover 100% of the losses from one of the defend-
The economy of the UAE has been developing at a staggering
ants where more than one party is held liable. This type of legislation pace. However, there are apprehensions about the current setup of
would protect contractors and engineers to a great extent by making the current construction law. It can be inferred that other economies
them compensate only for their errors and not others’ errors. Such that have adapted appropriate controls have had very good reason
legislation has been enacted in countries like Australia, US, Canada, for doing so and UAE should conduct studies as to what may apply
and some countries in European Union and has been proposed in best to its economy.
the UK. The construction industry needs better attention by the local
The situation in the UAE is again different. The judge has a wide legislator. The 25 articles of the UAE Civil Code to govern the ever-
discretion to impose a joint or a several liability. In certain cases, booming construction industry leave the parties with a huge burden
the law dictates joint liability, such as decennial liability and debt- to agree on many details. Perhaps an independent construction stat-
ors under a commercial contract; in addition, there is a lack of ute can be a positive step toward providing an efficient legal secu-
clarity if there is also joint and several liability. rity of payment, unfair contract terms, and the limitation of liability.
In the absence of a statutory regulation to ensure security of pay-
ment and convenient dispute resolution mechanisms, the limitation
Outcome and Recommended Approach of liability in contracts becomes a protracted problem. Unfair terms
in commercial construction contract have to be controlled to ensure
From studying the various provisions of UAE Civil Code, it is evi- that businesses do not fall.
dent that there are a multitude of challenges to understand how a
rule of law will be interpreted under a specific situation or case.
Clashes regarding the likely interpretation of various ambiguous Data Availability Statement
provisions of law may cause uncertainty in the construction indus-
try. The legal system will certainly improve by time by the assis- No data, models, or code were generated or used during the study.
tance of the judicial interpretation.
The previous discussion shows that the limits may be applicable
for liquidated damages but not in cases of and do not apply to de- References
cennial liability and tortious liability. Each case will need to be
raised and resolved on a case-by-case basis in the absence of access List of Cases
to binding judicial advice (Mohamed 2014). The obvious uncer-
Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation, 125/Judicial Year 1, 2007.
tainty leads to conflicting legal opinion and makes it a huge chal- Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation, 339/Judicial Year 3 391-JY-3.
lenge for contracting parties to understand their full exposure to Bolam v. Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957) 1 WLR 582.
liability. Caledonia North Sea Limited v. British Telecommunications Plc (Scotland)
To progress the legal system and bring about clear legal posi- and Others (2002) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.
tions, it is submitted that the legislators shall mandate provisions to Dubai Court of Cassation no. 27 of 2009.
assure the following: Dubai Court of Cassation no. 298 of 2008.
• Unfair terms prohibition; Hadley v. Baxendale (1854) 9 EX 341.
• Reasonableness of terms; Transfield Shipping Inc v. Mercator Shipping (2008) 4 All ER 159.
UAE Union Supreme Court, 103/Judicial Year 24, 2004.
• Negligence and duty of care;
• Proportionate liability;
• Duty to mitigate loss (claimant’s duty); Endnotes
• Mandatory insurance provisions;
• Security of payment; and 1
The Civil Transactions Law No. 5 of 1985 (as amended) is a federal law
• Clarity related to recoverable losses. known as the “Civil Code.” Its content was influenced by the French

© ASCE 03723001-5 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(2): 03723001

Civil Law (Code Napoléon) and some older civil codes in the Kanakri, C. A. H., and A. Massey. 2017. “Legal issues relating to construc-
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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(2): 03723001

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