Writing Correction

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It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study
science subject. What are the causes? And what will be the effects on society?

Nowadays, it is experienced that students are not likely to choose science

subject for studying in many countries. This can stems from many causes, which
can give rise to several issues.
There are a number of factors responsible for which for reasons why science
subject has appeared unpopular to a majority of students has not been chosen
by students. Firstly, science subject is considered to be more intellectually
challenging than other subjects for some students brings numerous difficulties to
students. It demands they them a good memory with a wide range of knowledge,
which make students can hardly approach. As a result, students, especially those
who reckon that science subject like biology, chemistry, ... is not suitable for them,
they may feel tired and do not get anything left in their brains after being
lectured. Another cause could be that science subjects are not necessary in
thesedays. Nowadays, jobs do not require the science knowledges than back in the
day, so that students tend to choose another way to gain their learning by others
earsier easier subjects. ( Thật ra việc học những môn khoa học (toán, lý, hóa) vẫn
rất cần thiết và giúp ích trong đời sống, công việc : rèn luyện cho mình suy nghĩ
logic, tính toán; những chứng chỉ, tấm bằng cho môn khoa học vẫn là một điểm
cộng lớn với các nhà tuyển dụng -> nên idea thứ 2 này có thể đổi lại thành là do
những môn science còn được dạy một cách rất lý thuyết, máy móc, thiếu thực
hành, áp dụng ngoài đời sống -> hs cảm thấy chán, khó học)

Doing this This trend, however, can lead to several problems. First of all, jobs that
require others subjects social or art knowledges proficiency could be become
more competitive. Most students choose soft subjects to study because it they does do not
demand a large amount of intricate knowledge, and after graduation, they compete each
others to look for a job.
Consequently, it will lead to the increase of unemployment rate in the future. Another
issues could be that career would be more imbalanced. Social jobs like business,
education, ... will lack of job opportunities for students. On the other hand, scientific jobs
like investigation, doing resreach will become redudant in the future.
 Idea 2 trùng ý tưởng với idea 1. Idea 1 là social jobs sẽ cạnh tranh, nhiều người
tuyển nhưng ít cơ hội -> vậy thì đã có thể suy ra science jobs sẽ bị dư thừa -> thị
trường mất cân bằng
 Nên làm lại idea 2
In conclusion, students does do not choose science subject to study for several
reasons and this can result in a number of issues.

-Lỗi chính tả
-Lỗi dùng đại từ danh xưng (trong vị trí tân ngữ là THEM không phải THEY)
(“subjects” -> THEY not IT)
-Lỗi subject-verb agreement
-Nâng cấp câu bằng phương pháp paraphrase
-Chú ý việc lên main idea cho hợp lý, gây thuyết phục

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