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Theme 1 - Identity and culture.

A. Traditions and customs

I. Traditions provide a sense of identity, connection to

the past, and belonging. The bene ts of keeping
traditions alive, such as understanding cultural
identity, promoting collaboration, and providing
comfort during challenging times.
II. Traditions are considered vital for preserving cultural
heritage and fostering understanding between
di erent societies.
III. Traditions create a strong foundation for future

B. Family

I. (What is your Ideal family?) An ideal family is a family

which expresses kindness & unconditional love.
However, they still can be strict to instill values and
teach sel essness. You’d always have this sense of
safety around them.
II. (Tell me about your family members)My family
members? Well, rst o you’ve got my father. My
friends say that I’m the spitting image of him,
however I can say otherwise. He wants me to
continue on the family engineering heritage, but I’m
not that interested in math. Then there’s my mother,
she’s the head of the household. She is strict with
education and chores, I don’t mind that much
though. As a matter of fact, I enjoy doing most of the
chores. Then nally, the three critters of the family,
my little siblings. They’re always chaotic and quarrel
about nonsense. Despite that, I must admit that
they’re quite hilarious to watch when they’re arguing
about which candy avour is the best.

III. (What would you like to do with your family?)Not

much really. I’ve done almost every activity I could
think of with my family; Camping, hiking and
travelling- just to name a few. If you’ve got any
recommendations, then I’m all ears!

C. Technology

I. (What are the best uses for mobile technology?)Best

uses for a phone? A phone is one hell of a useful
gadget. It can do all sorts of things; Surf the web for
all types of information, talk with distant friends or
relatives, navigate all locations at ease and many
more countless uses. I mostly use it to contact my
friends or to check up on my parents when they’re
away from home.
II. However, a phone can be quite detrimental to us if
we begin to abuse it. Some students scroll on social
media with their phones for hours on end, and not
being able to nish their assignments on time. I think
it would also encourage a sedentary lifestyle as
many tasks are made easy using this advanced
III. If technology continues to advance like this in the
future, we might end up in a dystopian society which
reminds me of George Orwells famous novel “1984”.
Theme 2 - Local, national international and global areas
of interest.

A. Health

I. (What are the best ways to keep healthy and

t?)Many people think it’s going to exercise,
however, it is actually to control your diet. Exercise
will prove useless if your calorie intake is too high,
you’ll end up gaining the weight that you have lost.
You’d need to keep the calorie intake below the
average number needed per day. Periodic exercise
won’t do, so I’d recommend exercising daily with
only 1 day o .
II. (Why is it important that people eat healthy?)Eating
greens is a vital part of the entire process, as they
are very high in nutritional value and contain certain
substances that can make you feel full even after
taking only a few bites. But don’t go full vegetarian
mode, the body needs proteins so it can perform
exercises and keep up with the muscle growth. Don’t
forget to lower your fats and carbs intake, while they
may give you energy, they cause the most weight
gain in the body.

B. Charity

I. (Which charity do you think deserves

support?)Probably Misr Al Kheir. They have many
goals to achieve. They aim to eliminate
unemployment, illiteracy, poverty and disease. They
provide jobs and education for the poor to give them
a headstart for a better future. They also o er shelter
and resources for those who are deprived of homes
and basic human needs. They also provide free
healthcare to prevent the spread of death and
disease in the community. I think this helps in getting
rid of most issues in society leading to the
development of a better and brighter future for the
upcoming generations.
II. (What are the main problems faced by homeless
people?)Homeless people crowd streets and make
the sight unpleasant. They can also resort to robbery
to make money. I had been mugged once by a hobo
on the sidewalk while I was getting home, thankfully I
got out of it with no losses. Most of them use up the
resources without putting in much e ort, many
people would appreciate it if they found jobs as
simple as janitors to help them gain income to a ord
simple human needs.

Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment

A. School life.

I. (Which subject do you most enjoy studying?)I enjoy

biology, without a doubt. I nd studying biological life
and the environment quite appealing to me. I’ve
been also dreaming of entering the medical eld for
a while now, and next session I’ll be taking the
initiative by starting my A-levels in biology.
II. (What could be done to improve your life in
school?)Well, my school life is ne, to say the least.
But I still think that some improvements the school
could make. There are almost no physical education
lessons, but they’d be a big help to getting physical
and taking in some fresh air after being trapped in a
classroom for hours on end. I’d also rather have my
classes start a little late, I’ve been struggling with
waking up early recently. The homework distribution
is balanced so I don’t think I have an issue with that.
III. (What do you plan to study next year?)I thought of
taking up A-level mathematics and A-level physics,
but I ended up settling on A-level biology. I found
myself mediocre with numbers and discovered that
studying biological life and humans was quite
amusing to me, and I ended up taking the biology

B. Work

I. (Would you like to work in England?)I’m quite

ambivalent about it. Working abroad seems like an
interesting concept to me, but I can see many things
that can go south. You get to know a lot of new
people and make friends at work, and you get to
have particular work skills. You also begin to mature
as an individual as you leave your parent’s safety
nets and begin to fend for yourself. As an Egyptian,
when I visit England, I might experience cultural
shock due to our communities being polar
opposites. I could su er from discrimination either
by race or religion, which I quite common nowadays,
and this could get me underpaid.
II. (Why is it important to have a good job?)I think
having a good job earns you signi cance in society
and makes you a much more respected member of
it. A good job can also give you opportunities for a
stable nancial life which gives you physical freedom
worldwide, such as being able to travel wherever
and whenever you want; having easy access to all
human necessities with ease and being able to
a ord all types of bene cial goods. Not to mention,
this also comes with a stable marriage life.
III. (Describe your ideal job)Besides being a cardiologist,
I think I’d like to run a tech company. I’m skilled at
graphic design and dealing with technological code
so why not give it a shot? I think it’ll be quite
interesting to have huge corporations such as
Samsung and Apple as your competitors in the tech

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