HRM Internal

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You have a team of 15 Assistant Vice Presidents across functions (sales, marketing, finance,
digital, HR) in your company. Which of the following methods of appraisal will you use for
promoting them to the Vice President’s position? Why?
a) Assessment Centre
c) 360-degree appraisal
d) 720-degree appraisal

Ans: For promoting Assistant Vice Presidents to Vice President, the most suitable method is
Assessment Centre because it offers comprehensive evaluation, simulates challenges, maintains
a standardized process, provides feedback for development, and has high selection validity.

While BARS, 360-degree appraisal, and 720-degree appraisal are effective for ongoing
performance evaluation, they are not specifically tailored for promotion decisions to higher
leadership positions like Vice President. These methods excel in providing detailed insights into
individual performance and development over time but may lack the depth and specificity
required to assess candidates’ readiness for executive-level roles.

2. You want to guide the Area Sales Manager of your company regarding his performance using
individual development Plans. Which of the following methods will you use and why?
a) 360-degree appraisal
b) 720-degree appraisal

Ans: For guiding the Area Sales Manager's performance using Individual Development Plans,
the option of b) 720-degree appraisal might be more appropriate. While 360-degree
appraisal gathers feedback from multiple sources, a 720-degree appraisal extends this by
including additional layers of feedback, such as stakeholders from other departments,
external partners, and industry experts. This broader range of perspectives can offer more
comprehensive insights into the manager's performance and potential areas for growth,
ensuring a more thorough development plan. However, it's essential to carefully manage the
process to prevent overwhelming the manager with excessive feedback.

3. Reliance Industries wants its marketing managers to design an appraisal program for their
juniors. Design a 360-degree appraisal for the juniors stating the advantages and disadvantages
of the feedback.
Ans: 360-Degree Appraisal for Junior Marketing Managers:

1. Self-Assessment
- Junior marketing managers evaluate their own performance, reflecting on achievements,
strengths, areas for improvement, and career goals.

2. Peer Feedback
- Colleagues and team members provide input on the junior manager’s collaboration,
communication, teamwork, supportiveness, leadership potential, and adaptability.
3. Supervisor Evaluation
- Direct supervisors assess the junior manager’s performance in meeting goals, executing tasks,
leadership skills, adherence to company values, potential for growth, and ability to handle

4. Customer Feedback (if applicable)

- If possible, obtain feedback from customers regarding the junior manager’s responsiveness,
service quality, problem-solving abilities, relationship management skills, innovation, and
understanding of customer needs.

Advantages of 360-Degree Feedback:

1. Comprehensive Perspective
2. Developmental Focus
3. Enhanced Self-Awareness
4. Improved Collaboration
5. Encourages Ownership and Accountability

Disadvantages of 360-Degree Feedback:

1. Bias and Inaccuracy

2. Overwhelming Feedback
3. Time and Resource Constraints
4. Resistance to Change
5. Potential for Misinterpretation

4. You are the Operations Manager of a telecommunication company overseeing customer care
activities of over 150 sales executives. Design a Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale to evaluate
their performance and explain the advantages of doing so?
And: Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) for Evaluating Sales Executives:

1. Customer Interaction Skills: Assessing the ability of sales executives to effectively

communicate with customers, understand their needs, build rapport, and provide
satisfactory solutions or assistance.

2. Sales Proficiency: Evaluating the performance of sales executives in meeting sales

targets, demonstrating product knowledge, utilizing sales techniques, and effectively
closing deals.

3. Problem-Solving Abilities: Examining how sales executives identify and address customer
concerns or issues, handle objections, overcome obstacles in the sales process, and find
creative solutions to problems.
5. Team Collaboration: Assessing the extent to which sales executives collaborate with colleagues,
share information, contribute to team goals, and foster a positive team environment.

Advantages of Using a Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) for Evaluating Sales

1. Enhanced Specificity: BARS provides clear behavioral descriptors for each performance
dimension, ensuring precise evaluation criteria tailored to the sales role.
2. Objective Evaluation: Anchoring performance levels to specific behaviors minimizes subjective
biases, leading to fairer and more objective assessments.
3. Developmental Feedback: Detailed feedback based on observable behaviors enables targeted
coaching and development plans for sales executives.
4. Alignment with Organizational Goals: BARS can be customized to reflect the company’s sales
objectives and values, ensuring evaluations are directly aligned with organizational priorities.
5. Continuous Improvement: By focusing on observable behaviors, BARS encourages continuous
improvement among sales executives, driving enhanced performance and results.

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