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Almentor SWOT

1. Every Course In Arabic
2. One Subscription To View All Courses
3. Not Everybody Can Be An Instructor In Almentor, Only Those Who
Meet The Conditions
4. High Quality Courses
5. Every Course Will Be Evaluated Before Being Uploaded On The
6. There Is More Than One Instructor In The Same Field
7. If The Student Doesn’t Understand A Point From Some Courses,
There Is An Ask The Instructor's Service

1. Instructors Recorded His Courses Without Any Support Of The
2. There Is No Follow-Up Of The Learner By The Instructor Or The
3. The Certificates Provided Are Merely Proof That The Student Has
Registered And Completed The Course And Are Not Certificates
Proving The Extent Of The Student’s Experience

1. Increase In The Percentage Of Online Learning
2. The Desire To Learn From Anywhere At Any Time
3. The Emergence Of Artificial Intelligence
4. High Unemployment Rate And The Poor Of The Official
Educational Systems In The Development Countries

1. Not Exits Live Courses
Eyouth Swot
1. Arabic Courses Live And Recorded
2. Courses Are Recorded In Studios Equipped By The Platform And
Under The Supervision Of A Film Team
3. The Presence Of Training Programs That Contain More Than One

1. There Are No Tests In The Courses
2. No Monthly Or Yearly Subscription

1. Learners’ Desire To Attend Unregistered Courses And Interact Live
With The Lecturer

1. The Fame Of Almentor
2. The Market Share Of Mentor Is Higher
yanfaa SWOT
1. Cheapest Subscription 20$ Monthly 120$ Yearly
2. One Subscription To View All Courses On A Platform
3. The First Platform That Enables Users To View All The Courses It Offers
With One Subscription
4. Every Course In Arabic
5. High Quality Courses
6. The Platform Is Recorded Courses
7. The Fastest Growing Educational Platform In The Arab World Start At 2019

1. The Platform Based On Recorded Course
2. As An Instructor I Don't Know How I Join To Platform
3. There Is No Follow-Up Of The Learner By The Instructor Or The Platform
4. The Certificates Provided Are Merely Proof That The Student Has
Registered And Completed The Course And Are Not Certificates Proving
The Extent Of The Student’s Experience

1. Learners’ Desire To Attend Unregistered Courses And Interact Live With
The Lecturer

1. The Fame Of Almentor
2. The Market Share Of Mentor Is Higher
3. Not Exits Live Courses

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