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Research and write notes on the following .

Files and Database Management System

 Definition of File

Filing Systems
 Manual / Traditional filing system

Advantages and disadvantages

 Computerised / Database filing system

Advantages and disadvantages

Characteristics of a file
Size ,


Hit rate etc

File organisation ( The way files are organised)

 Serial
 Sequential
 Random / direct file organisation
 Indexed sequential file organisation etc
( Write notes giving advantages and disadvantages )

Methods of accessing files

 Sequential
 Serial
 Direct

Types of files
 Master file
 Transaction file
 Back up / Security files
 Work files
 Look - up files
 Scratch files
 Archive files

Common file processes

 File updating
 Insertions
 Deletions
 Amendments
 Sorting
 Merging etc
Due date 21/04/2020

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