Result and Discussion

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Maria Rhian B.

Bungcag Reading & Writing 11

April 5, 2024

1. Descriptive Paragraph

 Everywhere I turned, I saw rich greens and earthy browns,

telling me that life was blooming right here in this little spot on


 The descriptive paragraph describes the vibrant greens

and earthy browns in surroundings, showing the blooming

of life in the small Earthly location.

 Descriptive paragraph a person, place, object, or scene.

Its purpose is to describe a person, place or thing in such

a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind.

2. Narrative Paragraph

 Kyla sat on the grass and looked at the sky. Memories came

back to when her father was still alive.

 Kyla rests on the grass, reflecting about her father's life

and how his presence appeared to linger in the sky.

 A narrative paragraph tells a story or recounts a series

of events. The purpose of narrative paragraph is to tell


3. Expository Paragraph

 Plants are kind of like tiny factories. They use sunlight to make

energy like photosynthesis. It gives us oxygen and it helps the

plants grow their own food.

 Overall, this expository paragraph delivers important

information about plants and photosynthesis.

 Expository paragraph presents information, explains a

concept, or analyzes a topic in a clear and concise

manner. Its purpose is to provide an effective explanation

of a topic.
4. Persuasive Paragraph

 We shouldn’t have homework. Homework takes away our family

time, we never had a chance to play outside. Instead of bonding

with our family, we rush to our room just to finish our homework.

We should do it in school, because we can’t ask questions to

our teachers when we’ll do it at home. I hope you’ll agree with


 this persuasive paragraph suggests that homework

should be done in school, as it allows students to bond

with their families and ask questions to teachers, rather

than rushing to finish it at home.

 A persuasive paragraph aims to convince the reader to

adopt a particular viewpoint. Its purpose is to make an

effective argument.

5. Compare and Contrast Paragraph

 Choosing between cats and dogs are like picking between

Introvert and Extrovert. Cats are extroverts, because they are

independent thinkers, and they can survive on their own. While

the dogs are the Introvert one. Because they’re like a social

butterfly who mostly needs company.

 The text compares the characteristics of cats and dogs,

identifying them as extroverts or introverts. Cats are free

thinkers, yet dogs are playful creatures who seek


 Compare and contrast paragraph examines the

similarities and differences between two or more

subjects. The purpose of this paragraph is to illuminate

subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two


6. Cause and effect Paragraph

 The cause of the heavy rain results in traffic and damaged


 The paragraph describes the cause-and-effect

relationship between heavy rainfall and its consequences.

 Cause and effect paragraph explores the relationship

between events, identifying the causes that lead to

certain outcomes or consequences. Its purpose is to

examine the reasons for and the outcomes of situations.

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