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The Travel Is
s ue
f f e ea at ut r ue dr designer:

nl tc eo nmt se
e d artist:
I’m leaving on a jet plane and don’t know
when I’ll be back again...
After weeks of preparing, packing, and saying
goodbyes I’m about to embark on the biggest
move of my life - overseas! In just a few short
weeks I will be moving to Manchester in
the UK. I’m looking forward to discovering a
new city and a new country. Waking up in a
strange environment and going out to explore
it! Discovering new artists, designers and

Don’t worry I will still be bringing you Blanket!

I joke that it means we have now gone

This issue is devoted to Travel. Inside you will

find amazing images to inspire your next trip!


uncovering your creativity

1 2
blanket magazine
Bec Brown

Cover image: 9li (check out our Transfer Interview with 9li on pg 46)

Here’s my work... I hope you like it: Bec Brown

f f e ea at ut r ue dr designer:

t e n ts
e d artist:
1-2 Welcome 3-4 Contents 5-6
Contributors 7-8 What’s New? Products,
Websites, Books and more... 11-14
Roadtrippin’ Blanket contributor Jessica
Wilson takes us on 15-18 Geographers:
Four travel photographers tell us about
their favourite image 19-26 Here’s my
work... I hope you like it Our readers
show us their work 27-46 Re_action:
TRAVEL See how our readers reacted
to our theme! 45-50 Transfer: 9Li
Our cover artist shows us his work
51-56 Here’s my work... I hope you
like it Our readers show us their work
57-62 Transfer: Dirk Fowler artists
and illustrator 63-72 The Confession
Project We challenge four writers and four
artists 73-78 Here’s my work... I hope
you like it Our readers show us their
A a B b C c D d E e Ff work 79-82 Not a pretty face... Travel
images 83- 86 On the road... We go
GgH hIiJjKkL l on the road with Blanket writer David Self
87- 90 Transfer: Fleur Harris We talk to
this emerging artist 91- 94 Craft-E We
M m N n O o Pp Q q look at some Threadless stars!95-98

RrSsTtUuVv Web_sight We look at travel websites

99-100 Blanket Classified Ads Now
clickable! 101-102 Next issue Find out
Ww X x Y y Z z how you can contribute to our next issue.
The theme: PAST & PRESENT 103-104
1234567890 Thankyou A list of all who made this
issue possible
Blanket Font for this issue:
‘Metroscript’ by Alphabet Soup.
Find it here:
Do you have a font you have made
and would like it considered for the
next Blanket issue?
3 4 Send a PDF example to:
blanket magazine
Sudeep Lingamneni

Here’s my work feature artist: Sudeep Lingamneni


ce ao t n u rt e dr designer:

t r i b u t ors

i b u t ors
Assistant Editor Writer Craft Writer Writer Designer Writer Designer Writer

Caitlin Gahan is a Graphic Selfy is a guy who knows a Jessica Wilson is the Crafty- Jonathan Hulme is a In her spare time, Mel likes Melinda Woledge is a writer, When John was a young Growing up, Sarah Hannah
Designer and Writer who little bit about pretty much mad Scientist behind jek in Sociologist, Writer and all to paint ‘Nushka Dolls’, look editor and multi-tasker lad all he ever wanted to do Fisher was never happy with
never learnt to ride a bike or do everything. Ask people what the box, scrumdillydilly and round Righteous Dude. He at pretty pictures in design extraordinaire. Her days consist was drive a ‘bulldozo’. On the endings of ‘Choose Your
maths of any kind. She loves he does, and they would scrumdilly-do! She lives a short is particularly interested in books, go to nice places for of juggling short-story writing, realising ‘bulldozers’ were spelt Own Adventure’ novellas,
being a Graphic Designer for call him a Graphic Designer, hop away from Hollywood with popular culture and despite coffee with her boy, dabble on food blogging and editing differently he took his crushed so she would create her
two reasons: Photographer, Musician or her sock crafty husbandman, being a terrible music snob, the guitar, laugh loudly, collect around baking, coffee at her little dreams and turned to own. A freelance writer and
1. She can Photoshop photos Writer. In truth he is only one their evil kitty and a mob of will argue that Destiny’s Child Moleskin journals (and dream local cafe and chasing after her design instead. He still feels a day dreamer, Sarah Hannah
of herself and of these things, but we’re not sock monkeys. She favours are better than Sonic Youth of one day writing in them toddler son. sharp tug on the heart strings lives in Darlinghurst, Sydney
2. She gets to be involved quite sure which. stripey socks and never leaves to anyone who will listen. without ruining them!) and whenever he see’s yellow and with a kitchen filled with pink
If you want to see more of
in Blanket and remain in a home without her camera. Fortunately, no one listens. she loves finding new artists black together. appliances and an unfulfilled
her writing or to just want
constant state of schoolgirl A self-confessed “Internaut”, to inspire her. Check out Mel’s wish to own a Burmese
some fabulous recipes you John has a few web sites and
awe of the talent of the artists he revels in the geeky and www.scrumdillydilly. cute hand-painted nushka dolls: Python. A slightly obsessive
can find them on her food a blog but spends so little time
and designers she interviews. is most comfortable when list maker, her list of ‘books blog Melbourne Larder. updating them that we’re not
When she is not near her there’s a Firefox window open to read’ continually grows by going to bother putting them
beloved Mac called “Velvet”, in front of him. If you feel like www.melbournelarder. the minute.
in here.
she likes to read every book forwarding him a funny email
or have a look at her illustration
and magazine in sight. that’s going around, chances jek-a-go-go/ & photography:
Then, her fingers get too itchy are he saw it before you were
and she has to get back to born. Why not ask him about
her desk. web comics instead? rememberthislink

5 6
blanket magazine
c Name
o n Surname
t r i b u t ors

e a wt uh r ae dt designer:
What’s New?

t e n ts
’s new ?

Project Hello is an amazing project that builds awareness
of the world’s growing homeless problem. The idea behind
giving giant nametags to homeless people to write their
DELETED IMAGES - NOT ANYMORE! name on was simply that if you knew their name then it
Before you think about deleting your blurry, unframed image why not think about submitting it to Deleted would encourage you to treat them with dignity, respect,
Images? This website is dedicated to keeping those images that would otherwise be deleted into thin air... and compassion. Photographers around the world are
Claiming to be the ‘Junkyard of Art’ these images are anything but. given nametags to photograph homeless people. This is an
inspiring and wonderful project!
Get involved here:
Koodoo Magazine is a personal project created by talented CREATE 09
designer Dave Hughes. All the work is created around Are you a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator? This is your final chance
the theme of Games Consoles - although the focus is on to register for CREATE 09
people. As Dave says ‘people are way more interesting You may have heard of an industry specific workbook that Gekko are publishing
than things!’ A decision to make something personal and later this year, CREATE 09, that will be distributed free of charge to their
handmade, while also developing his own illustration skills, database of 10,000.
has produced this beautiful, collectors magazine.
With approx 2000 Australian creatives already signed up and due for release in
Find it at Jan ‘09 this little handbook will feature photographers, hair & make-up artists,
stylists, producers, illustrators, graphic designers, labs, studios, galleries and
more. Along with some interesting editorial content and a calendar of industry
specific events, you won’t want to leave home without this little book. Don’t
BLURB- REAL BOOKS MADE BY YOU! miss out, you must register by Oct 15th!
Ever wanted to make your own book? Maybe a book of To register for your free listing or to find out more visit:
your travel photos, your drawings or even your favourite
recipes? Now you can! This site allows you to create
Bookstore-quality books once you upload your layout (don’t
be scared it’s not that hard they have software to help you) LYKKE LI
and then they print and send you a copy! This issue was brought to you by the music of Lykke Li! Well it was really
Find it at: brought to you by just one song ‘I’m Good I’m Gone”. My test of a good song
is that I listen to it over and over again and if I still like it at the end it is added
to my playlist (I even added it to the Blanket Myspace page which is a first!).
Welcome to the playlist Lykke Li!
Go here:

A Road Trip Journal Or here:

Stephen Shore is an influential American photographer who embarked

on a series of cross-country trips taking photographs as he went. This
special (and highly collectable!) limited edition book is the only complete BLANKET POSTERS AND BADGES IN A STORE NEAR YOU!
documentation of Shore’s month-long road trip across America in 1973 and 7 8
features a reproduction of every page of the journal he made during the trip. That’s right! Now you can go to an actual store and touch and
The daily account of what he ate, where he stayed and where he visited feel the posters and badges! (that’s only if you’re in Australia
blanket magazine

and if your in either Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane...)

makes for a memorable reading experience. It’s worth a look! STOCKISTS! For stockist details go to our website or if you would like to
h aSurname

Find it via Phaidon Press at: stock Blanket products email:
t ’s new ?
Check out Congratulations to our recent graduates!
Our May class has recently graduated and all their hard work has definitely paid off. It’s hard to imagine that the work
our new shown above was produced by young and passionate designers who have been studying for just 3 months full time,
with no required qualifications or experience in design.
student work To see more of our student work and for further information on our courses visit
craft with Jek!
Jek takes us on
a Roadtrip with
a difference...
Truth be told I’m not exactly a world traveler.
I’m a California native who has been out of the
country once, to Mexico, and I don’t think that
counts. It’s too close to home. So, while we in
the A-go-go household haven’t taken trips out
of the country; though the mister has taken
many, we do fancy a road trip now and then.
A road trip is honest traveling and can be full
of it’s own adventures.
Whether it is a day trip, an overnight or a
full-blown vacation, road tripping can be full of
surprises. I think that is why I like it so. Once,
we woke up before dawn to adventure to the
snow in a tiny town about three hours away.
The town turned out to be a dud but the sites
we saw along the way and the detour we took
to take the long way home was delightful. How
else would we have happened upon a roadside
museum of small candy colored houses?
No matter where I go, whether it is on a walk in
the neighborhood, on a mini adventure or a full

blown road trip, I find myself picking up trinkets
and found objects that remind me of where I am.
I always toss them into my backpack or pocket
or shopping bag with the intention of making
a keepsake or memory book. Because I never
keep it all together, the tiny items, slips of paper,
matchbooks, etc. get lost and I never get to
putting them anywhere memorable. My solution
is to make a quickie envelope book. With just a
few envelopes you can create an accordion-style
book complete with pockets to tuck away all
those found (flat-ish) treasures.

11 12
blanket magazine
Craft with Jek!
craft with Jek!
All you need for an impromptu travel memory book Thread an inch or two of the ribbon through the notch
is a few envelopes, any size, scissors, ribbon or string, and adhere with tape, glue or glue stick.
and a paperclip. If you can get your hands on a glue
Close your flap, refold your “book and wrap the string/
stick or tape you’re in even better luck. The coolest
ribbon around the whole shebang two or three times.
thing about an envelope book is that you can find the
Keep it closed with a paperclip and all that is left is the
supplies almost anywhere, sometimes even in your
decoration part. Keep it simple or fancy it up, it’s up
motel or hotel room. Almost any size envelope will
to you. There are endless possibilities to assembling
do, from tiny coin envies to good old legal sized
your memory book, you don’t need to stick with my
standards. You will have just enough pocket room
directions, have fun, play around, break out a sewing
for all that you find. You can even add on envelopes
machine or stapler if you like. Whatever you do, make
as you go. Just lick and stick.
sure you use it!

Here’s how:
First up, stack your envelopes, you will need at
least three.
Take the top envelope off the stack and set aside.
Pick up the bottom envelope and get that sticky
strip all gummed up. Either brave it out and lick it
or use a damp sponge to get it wet. Place down
on flat surface with the sticky flap to your left. Hold
your second envelope up in the same manner and
place the bottom edge (the one that is now facing
your right) directly on top of the gummed up flap
(keep the edge of the top envie even with the
edge of the flap). Press to ensure.
Next up, gum up the second envelope, the one you
just stuck to the first, and adhere the third envelope
in almost the same manner except flip it over so the
flap faces down. There will be a smidge of gummy
flap that wants to stick to the inside of the envelope,
just tuck it under and you’re good to move on to the
next step.
Accordion fold your envelopes into a single stack and
flip over so that you unstuck flap faces up on your
right side. Fold the flap closed and cut a smidge of a
notch, like a “V” shape into the fold. This is where you
will thread and adhere your ribbon or string or yarn or
whatever you have decided to use for your closure.

13 14
blanket magazine
Craft with Jek!

When a part of the big wide world It’s a sparse, almost haunting

space on a grey day just outside
takes our breath away, our first

n s f er
Paris, but for Izabela Pluta it
instinct is to it. contains “traces of the sublime”.
“I was in awe of the simplicity
Then, we look back & REMEMBER of the form; of the repeated WHERE
patchwork of brick, cladding, In France, just outside of
how amazed, joyful, small or concrete. Each building snaked the Paris periphery, during
powerful that place made us feel. around, and it was a perfect yet a studio residency at the
random arrangement.” Cite Des Arts International.

than sharing that

There’s nothing better

feeling, so we asked
4 photographers to
It seems an ideal “placeless”
image to represent Izabela’s work,
which investigates “the existence
of sites that are simultaneously
here and nowhere.”
Her work examines the spaces
Around 11.30

My old faithful 35mm Ricoh


tell us the STORY we stumble into that may feel Just before you
behind one of their empty of life but that effect us took this photo...
with their presence. I had taken a long ride on the RER
travel shots. (Réseau Express Régional)
“For me (it) inspired an awe for
the overwhelming vastness, the and a local bus.
particular architecture, and the
absence of people,” she says.


Schoolies is a right of passage for

Australian teenagers: a time to
celebrate the end of school and WHERE
the beginning of...everything else.
An Irish bar on Caville Ave
James Brickwood’s insightful and during Schoolies week on
often intimate series captures the the Gold Coast, Australia.
mood: the excitement of total
freedom mixed with the drama WHEN
that’s inevitable when 10,000 It was around midnight-1am.
teenagers go to a week-long party.
“Free from parents, teachers
A Nikon F100 with a 28mm lens
and the parameters they’ve
and Fuji press 800 film.
lived within for most of their
lives, lessons are learned and Just before you
friendships are strengthened took this photo...
or broken,” says James. I was looking for the bathroom.
That’s perfectly shown in this
photo of two girls engaged in
an intense conversation in the
deserted stairwell of a pub.
15 16
“It’s telling of the ups and downs
blanket magazine

of life as a schoolie.”

n s f er
An aid drop to a village by US
“ awe for the forces lets Sam Phelps become an
invisible observer of tiny moments WHERE
overwhelming vastness.” of drama. Afghanistan. In the area of
“The way the wide angle lens Bagram, near the capital Kabul.
“...the ambiguity of distorts the shoulders of the
the situation.”

“...the light cast
on the side of the
girl’s face.”
figures on the right and left giving
the impression of humped backs.
The light cast on the side of the
girl’s face and red dress. The
expressions on the boys faces in
the background: mouths slightly
ajar, eyes fixed on the action.”
It was shot around 11am.

A Leica M8 digital camera.

Just before you

took this photo...
“ from “This policeman is checking the I had been in an armoured humvee
little girl’s hands for pen strokes with US soldiers, a cotton scarf
the parameters.” that show she had already been wrapped around my mouth and
inoculated, because many of the nose to block out dust.
children try to come back around
to get the healthcare handouts of
pens, shampoo and soap.”


The natural light thrown through

the windows of New York is central
to latest series of very personal,
intimate and candid photographs WHERE
from Ella Condon. At his apartment on 175th
The series is a form of self street in Harlem, NYC
exploration, where Ella documents
those who she became close to,
and through their portraits finds a The afternoon and what
closer understanding of herself. turned into evening

“Each photo was taken candidly, ON

in conversation with my subject My hassleblad medium format film
or waiting until they forgot they camera on colour positive (slide) film.
were being photographed.”
Just before you
It’s a technique that leads to took this photo...
glowing, evocative portraits
His silence spoke loudest.
that create their own story
for the audience.
“The ambiguity of the situation
17 18
creates meaning for all viewers
that’s relevant to their personal
blanket magazine

experiences,” says Ella.

Naomi Meno

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Dobrin Camelia
Christopher Cisneros

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Lani Dafter
Christine Berrie

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Luana Moura

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Silvia Lesley
ila Covolan

blanket magazine
re_action: travel
re_action: CONFESSION
Andrea Posada Escobar ‘I wanna go far away from here’,

Re _ action
Our Winner!
Jon MacNair
for his illustration of Our winner receives a 5 MILLION DOLLAR HOME Camera Bag from Crumpler!
‘The Harpooners’ If you need a shoulder bag that provides a protective environment for your camera +/or video
equipment while on your travels, preferably one that doesn’t scream photo bag, then this is for
you. Part of the Million Dollar Home Range of camera bags, the 5 Million Dollar Home has a

The Travel Issue

padded interior with configurable dividers and sturdy base layer. Equipped with an adjustable
removable strap, water resistant outer shell & space for your bits and bobs mean this bag is
the perfect traveling companion for you and your photo gear!
For more info log onto

29 30
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Alvaro Sanchez, Alyson Pearson.
Bottom from Left to Right: Jazel Kristin, Bea de Giacomo.

31 32
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Benfor, Darrin Hanley, Ila Covolan.
Bottom from Left to Right: Lucy Marie, Marcel Lee, Louise Simms.
33 34
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Wanda Perrone Capano (Image 1 & 2), Cinzia Bruschini (Image 1 & 2).
Bottom from Left to Right: Robyn & Campbell Butler, Willow, Nic Nichols.

35 36
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Alec Strang ‘Gypsy’, Juan Francisco Moreno Guerrero ‘Old Backpacking’, Cristal Reza Cardero ‘A stop along the way’, Erim Kocatepe.
Bottom from Left to Right: May Swanson ‘Adam wore short pants SS08/09’, Fioraso Enrico ‘Travel with my mind’, Martin Tung.

37 38
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Julia Martinez Diana, Peta Huggett, Alexandre D’Eschambeault ‘Road trippin’.
Bottom from Left to Right: Christian Avendaño Cendales (image 1&2), Shirley Lam, Elisabeth Fabienne ‘Above the clouds’.

39 40
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Verônica Lacerda, Rodrigo Obranco ‘Waiting’, Lucía Grompone.
Bottom from Left to Right: Giacomo Sanzani ‘I heart to fly’, Maria Esaiasson ‘Commuting between Denmark and Sweden’, Mirko Lamonaca ‘Synthesizing Berlin’, Helen Mycroft ‘New Horizons’.

41 42
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
Top from Left to Right: Tinne Van Loon ‘The Journey’, Djordje Joksimovic (Image 1&2), ‘Waiting’, Juan Carlos Federico ‘The restatos travel’.
Bottom from Left to Right: Bara+Chinitas ‘ElectroTrip’, Lucy Zaroyko, Allan Deas ‘On The Move’.

43 44
re_action: travel

blanket magazine
n s f er
Could you tell us a little about especially the emptiness. I had
yourself and your background? to use a lot my imagination to
I was born in Fortaleza (a beautiful create my own world. I used to
city in north-east Brazil) but I find industrial garbage and have
grew up in Porto Alegre (the fun with that, it was a mix of
southest most metropolis in Brazil). natural and industrial influences. I
Since I was 4, I used to live in a remember I used to hear a singular
neighbourhood called Navegantes bird singing in the morning while
on north area of Porto Alegre. It sounds of big machines were
was that kind of neighbourhood taking place. It’s a huge contrast.
filled by big company sheds - a It’s hard to describe when exactly
kind of industrial district. During I start to draw… Since I was an
the week it was pretty busy, but adolescent I knew that I was going
on weekends it was pretty calm, to work with my drawings. Every
almost empty. So I believe that time I went off that path I would
all I’ve experienced during my have an internal conflict.
childhood is still influencing me,

45 46
blanket magazine
n s f er
Have you finally found your more chaotic because they are built produce work for solo exhibits so
‘style’ or is it always an evolving in an intuitive way. When we dream I can focus on an entire series of
process? all our archetypes, all symbols, work. It has been pretty good for
As I just mentioned before, yes, it’s images and experiences flow in our me to get in contact with collectors
an evolving process. If I am always minds in a natural way and I believe and talk about the universe that
trying to learn, it will influence my that during our dreams we can comes through my mind.
drawings. I believe that my style “touch” our spirit. So I believe that
manifests my way of thinking – it’s my dreams influence me a lot, but Your art has allowed you to
a kind of “road”. If I believe that I’m in a drawing I try to create an order travel to different places to
in my way, it’s all clear in my mind I to all that content. exhibit. If you could choose
can see my way in details. anywhere in the world where
You have had many solo would you like to exhibit next?
The subjects in your art are quite exhibitions recently - what has That’s always a great pleasure
surreal. Do dreams ever influence the response been to your work? and honour for me to visit a
your work? In the last 3 years I’ve shown my different country to show my work,
I believe that my drawings become work frequently. I especially like to I don’t have in my mind any special

What influences and inspires keep going forward is the mystery using lines and textures. It’s a kind
your work? around us all, what is beyond the of binary process of representation
My real inspirations come from the veil of routine. that fascinates me. You can see
sacred nature and it’s manifested lines, drawings in every image. It’s
by the repertory that I’ve working What mediums do you use? the foundation of an image,
on in my mind. I’ve spent the Basically 100% cotton paper, Indian the most ancient, powerful and
last months reading a lot about Ink and acrylic paint. cheap form of representation
Spiritism, UFO, metaphysics and self-teaching.
and Hermetic Philosophy. Ancient Your earlier work (in 2004) is less My drawings are intuitive forms
forms of religious representation detailed than the work you are of manifestation of the spirit. My
are a big influence for me. It’s producing now. How has your drawings are getting more detailed
incredible how many religions creative process changed over and deeper because I’m always
can represent their Gods and the years? learning, not only new techniques
myths graphically. All that caught I started to draw in it’s basic idea but to my life on earth.
my attention. I could list many of duality (black and white) and for
different things that inspire me, many years I’ve put all my energy
but in the end, what makes me trying to represent my thoughts

47 48
blanket magazine
n s f er
place I would like to visit right time very difficult. It’s not easy to to work in my studio but with no
now, but if I have to list it would make a work have the intensity deadlines. I’ll take things easier,
be those countries that I’ve never I want them to have using simple and spend more time on each
been materials. I want my drawings piece and work on bigger drawings.
to before. to represent the most intense I just want to keep drawing, and
moments of my life and it takes focusing on my lucidness because
Have there been any challenges a lot of energy. that’s my sacrifice (sacred work) in
in your career so far? this life.
Yes, for sure. Every day is a And finally - what’s next is your *Milan:
challenge. Five or six days a week I career?
spend from 8 to 12 hours drawing In November I’ll have my last show
in my studio. And to look at a blank of this year. On 6th November in **Copenhagen:
paper and create a view of my Milan* and on the 14th November
universe from a simple line is pretty in Copenhagen**. But for the
hard. Drawing is the most ancient following year I only have 2
form of expression but at the same exhibitions cause I have decided
49 50
blanket magazine
Dobrin Camelia

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Kimm Whiskie
Leonardo Leporatti

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk

Brittni Wood
Daniel Diggle

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Aengus Tukel
n s f er
How long have you been awesome archive/resource for any I’d say the other change is that
designing posters and how artist, but I think it has also taken a bands, management and fans alike
has it changed from when you lot of the “magic” and “mystery” are more in tune to the scene than
first began? out of what we do, which has they were eight years ago and are
I’ve been a professional designer opened the door for a bundle of more willing to pay for posters
since 1993, but have only been new/young artists. Don’t get me than they were then. Bands will
making concert posters since wrong, I see this as a good thing, seek out specific artists to create
around 2000. I think even in that not bad. The more aware people their tour posters. That has taken
relatively short amount of time, become of this art form, the better away some of the regional flavor
I have seen some pretty major it is for all of us. The downside is of poster art. It used to be that if
changes. The most noticeable there are far more artists going you lived in Austin, you only made
change is the increase in number after the same gigs. posters for Austin shows. Now
of poster artists. I credit a lot people are living in Austin and
of this increase to the website, making posters for shows all over Gigposters is an the world.

57 58
blanket magazine
Dirk Fowler
n s f er
You choose more traditional smudges of extra ink. The prints In such as small industry why do I count a few people I have met Do bands ever comment on the I think your posters are witty and
methods of printing - what is are individual and unique. Most you think there is camaraderie through making posters as my posters? And if so what have clever - how do you come up
it about the handmade that of all, they have soul. An offset between poster designers closest friends. they said? with your concepts for a poster?
interest you? printed piece of collateral made by instead of rivalry? Well, the bigger the band, the A little fairy whispers the ideas in
I guess a lot of my love for hand the thousands has NO soul. Probably because there isn’t a Are you commissioned by the less likely I am to hear directly my ear while I am sleeping.
printing comes from almost 10 ton of money involved. Though I bands to make your posters? from them. I usually deal with
Actually, I’ve never quite been
years spent as an advertising You get asked a lot of questions mentioned earlier how many more Yes, most of the time these days. management for the larger touring
able to articulate how or where
art director. I realized that I was about your vintage letterpress - people there are doing it now, we It hasn’t always been that way, bands. Occasionally I will get an
an idea comes from. I am very
spending hours, if not days, do you get jealous that it gets all are still a pretty small community. but luckily, my style has become email from a fan that bought one
interested, as I am sure you can
creating mass-produced crap the attention? We all share a love/passion for somewhat recognizable and bands at a show and they will pass along
tell, in stripping the art down to
that usually went straight into No, I don’t get jealous. She is a lot making posters and we obsess that like my aesthetic seem to comments like “I got your poster
the bare essentials, so that in
the garbage. I wanted to make older than me and I respect my about music. No one (well, almost find me. I really prefer working signed by Jack White after the
some cases, all you are left with is
something that people would want elders. She has put in a lot of no one) is going to get rich making directly with bands and band show and he really liked it.” That’s
concept. Many of my images look
to keep. Something special. Also, years of hard work and I keep posters and we all know it. Doesn’t management as it makes life much really enough for me. I can also
very simple, but are fairly complex
I just love the tactile quality of her well oiled. most rivalry really come down to less complicated. usually gauge how much the band
in meaning. I like the idea that
the things I print. I love that you money and the competition for it? liked the poster by whether they
you might not initially see all that
can feel the type and see little We really are a tight knit group. hire me to make more.
is going on, but on the second or
third look, you get it.

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Dirk Fowler
n s f er
I’ll admit that a lot of times the I, on the other hand do have a designers and honest people.
concept comes from something care for history and I am a huge That may sound trite, but I think
that happens accidentally. I think fan and student of mid 20th there is a lot of dishonesty in the
the mark of a good designer is to century American designers like design world, especially in the more
be able to see a good idea that Paul Rand, Lester Beall and Saul commercial areas. Be honest with
comes from an accident and be Bass. I’ve also been influenced by yourself. Don’t try to be trendy,
happy with it. When I was younger, contemporary poster artists like unique, etc. Just be honest about
I didn’t think something was good Jeff Kleinsmith, Art Chantry and what you do, and eventually things
unless it was planned. I’m over my good friend Jason Munn and will work out and you will be happy
that now all kinds of ephemeral illustrators with who and where you are,
from Norm Saunders (Topps Uggly like me.
I usually do some quick thumbnail
stickers) to Charley Harper.
sketches, sit down at the
computer, scrap all my sketches, Do you fail a student if they
draw a few simple shapes, piece use the font comic sans or is it
important for them to learn from
them together and miraculously,
their mistakes?
the poster just happens.
Yes, automatic failure. What better
way to learn from your mistakes
You influence many but who are
than by receiving a big fat F?
your influences?
Actually, I sort of live by the old
There are so many. Can I list 100?
adage, “there are no bad fonts,
My college professor, Bob just bad use of fonts.” Comic Sans
Caruthers has the best imagination may be the exception to the rule
ever. We are good friends now though. It really does suck.
and after almost 20 years, he still
inspires me. Our theme for the issue is
Probably my most constant ‘travel’ - if you could take off
anywhere tomorrow where
influences have been my wife
would you go?
Carol, also a designer, and my two
young sons, Dyson and Jack, who That may be the toughest
are by far, the most creative souls question you’ve asked me. I want
I have ever met. Children create to go everywhere. To be honest
art that is innocent and perfect. though, I would probably end up
You teach at the Texas Tech in some remote, high meadow in
They have no concept or care for University School of Art - what
history. So far, no one has told the mountains of northern New
words of wisdom do you pass Mexico. I like quiet, at least for a
them “that’s not the way you’re on to young designers?
supposed to do it.” I am constantly few days.
They would probably say my most
amazed by what comes from New York is nice too.
frequent message is to “keep it
their minds and both of them
simple.” But, I think what I try to
draw obsessively.
teach them most is to be honest

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Dirk Fowler
v el p ro ject
The WORDS: sarah hannah
right size. Hermes cashmere
throws are best.
4. Entertainment. Note to self:
space for one person, let alone
two, and once you add flailing
limbs into equation all you get

is an uncomfortable, awkward
Surviving Long Distance sometimes, the inbuilt television
scenario. All that said; go for it if
Flights fails. Cue hours of innate
your curiosity takes you. Just be
boredom. Bring other stuff to
As a product of divorced parents prepared for the smug glances
do. Books, journals, magazines,
who live on different continents, and winks from fellow passengers
iPods, portable video game
separated by a 12 hour flight and flight assistants afterwards.
units, crosswords and Sudoku
across the Pacific Ocean, I have puzzles. You will thank me when 7. Avoid stimulants. No matter
sat cramped in economy class for it eventually happens to you. what the experts say, you will
years, at hours on end and thus, Another note to self: do not bring feel like crap after the flight NO
learned a few tips to make long nail-polish. Unless you want to MATTER what measures you
haul flights more comfortable. endure dirty looks and eventually take. I have tried avoiding caffeine
have an airline hostess tell you to and alcohol, slathered my face

1. Airplane food. Pre-order your
meal. Vegetarian, allergies to please put it away as the smell is with moisturizer to avoid my skin
nuts, lactose intolerant; whatever. nauseating other passengers. drying out and brushed my teeth
You will get fed first and collect neatly before settling in with a
5. Neighboring Passengers.
looks of jealousy from fellow valium for a nap. I have also tried
Never assume because you have
passengers. By the time you are drinking miniature sized bottles
headphones on or are deeply
finished, the airline staff will be of wine, getting tipsy as the
engrossed in your reading that
back near your seat handing out altitude lowers my tolerance to
the person sitting next to you
everyone else’s meals so you can alcohol before passing out and
will take that as a ‘do not disturb’
give them back your tray. drooling on my fellow passengers.
message. At one stage in your
I never find my recovery from a
2. Seating. Get an aisle seat. The travels, you WILL sit next to some
flight easy.
only good part of the flight is the obnoxious person who will not
10 minutes during take off and shut up. Ever. Aside from faking 8. Baggage. While waiting for your
landing anyway and having an sleep or telling them to be quiet luggage at the baggage carousel,
aisle seat means you never have (in which they will always act you will notice just how many
to climb over anyone on trips to deeply offended and then sulk, black suitcases there are and
the bathroom. It also makes it leaving you with inexplicable guilt) how alike they all look. To avoid
easier to curl up in your seat as learn how to say ‘I am sorry, I confusion, buy a hot pink suitcase
don’t speak English’ in a few with giant purple polka dots. Or,
WORDS AND you have room to dangle your feet
into the aisle. other languages. go crazy with coloured ribbons
PICTURES ON 3. Temperature. Airplane cabins. 6. The Mile High Club. No matter
and strands of glittery sequins and
decorate every handle and zipper
THE THEME OF Freezing one minute, hot and
stuffy the next. Take a jacket,
what maneuvers you and your
beloved work out in terms of
you can. While your suitcase may
look like clown vomit, it will make
TRAVEL... sarong or even your own blanket. getting to the bathroom, such
as during a movie or meal,
it impossible to miss.
Yes, most flights provide blankets
but these are usually scratchy, everyone still knows what
itchy and never seem to be the you are trying to do. Airplane
bathrooms rarely have enough

63 64
The Travel Project

blanket magazine
v el p ro ject

Xie Xie for the memories For example, one of my main our language, you stupid man.”
In 2007, I went on a world trip hurdles was trying to master By the time I got to Germany, I’d
with my best friend and endured ‘thank you’ in Mandarin. The word given up which was ironic because
all the triumphs, joy, fear, stress, in English translates to xie xie it was the one place we stayed
strange food, diahorrea and beauty (pronounced zhay zhay) and every where our Hotel Manager spoke
of quitting your job and wandering time I attempted to say it I found no English whatsoever and talked
into the great unknown. But of all some new way of mispronouncing to us endlessly in German, none of
these emotions, I think the one the word to either the confusion which we actually understood.
that captures the true spirit of my or hilarity of the local I was talking
Worse still were my attempts
trip is outright humiliation. To be to. Most looked at me like I was
to blend in with the locals. In
honest, I’d like to think of myself saying some weird English word
Cambodia, they have a traditional
as a culturally sensitive renaissance and by the time we’d gotten to
scarf called a krama that is used
man with a highly attuned ability Beijing after six weeks of travel
in a variety of ways. On a trip out
to feel and empathise with through China, my xie xie had
of Phnom Penh, I used the krama
those around me. Sadly, my trip transformed something vaguely
as a headscarf to ward off the
highlighted that I have all the resembling the word ‘zhoush’ that
dust on the dirt roads we were
cultural sensitivity of a triple Carson Kressley says on Queer Eye
traveling. As we passed small
bacon, double meat McBurger for the Straight Guy.
farms, children would run out onto
meal with extra beef gravy at a The Chinese people were kind the road, pointing and laughing at
vegan barbecue. and just dismissed me as an idiot me. As we slowly moved by them
Firstly, there was language. There but in places such as France, they would call out to their friends
are times when I can barely speak where they care deeply about who would similarly be gripped by
English but I was determined to their culture and language, their fits of laughter at my appearance.
at least speak a little bit of the tolerance was less apparent. I had Thanks kids.
language in every place I visited been told before going to France
I could go on but I think you get
mainly focusing on hello, please, that the locals were receptive to
the idea. While traveling the world
and thank you. Unfortunately, anyone trying to speak French
was life changing, the biggest thing
my attempt to speak in a foreign rather than assuming everyone
it changed was my perception of
tongue was the linguistic speaks English. Apparently, this is
myself. Once I thought of myself
equivalent of Hurricane Katrina true - except for me. To hear me
as an intelligent, sophisticated
- wherever I spoke devastation speak French is akin to listening to
citizen of the world. Now, I can only
and confusion would follow... and a dog singing opera and any local
see myself as a child still trying to
laughter, don’t forget the laughter - would immediately hold up their
work out how to say thank you in
the kind of laughter that keeps you hands and go “I speak English, I
Mandarin without sounding stupid.
awake at night. speak English” which was subtext
for “Shut up and stop murdering

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CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF Then, I knew. “I have to do a poo,” the delicate snow. As I buried the
THE THIRD KIND… I said. “I have to do a poo RIGHT evidence, I felt unclean knowing
One of the joys of travelling in NOW.” I gazed around wildly, I had desecrated the charming
the heart of Winter was that I got searching for some form of cover. natural landscape around me.
to see attractions like the Great I spied a large concrete sign off
I emerged from the wilderness,
Wall of China unencumbered by to the side of the stairs, perched
more world-weary and far less
tourist crowds. In fact, as my best on the edge of the mountain. “I’ll
innocent than moments before.
friend and I stood on this colossal keep watch,” my friend replied,
As I reached my dear friend, she
structure, we were alone. Well, handing me the toilet roll that every
proceeded to comfort me and
apart from four Chinese teenagers traveller in Asia comes to carry in
then directed my attention to
eating Big Macs, a wizened little their backpack. I looked at her in
the wording on the sign, behind
man selling Coke and a magnificent fear, feeling like a child not wanting
which I had taken refuge. It
expanse of snow, stretched as far to leave her mother’s side or a kid
proclaimed, “People of the world
as the eye could see. sent off to fight in a war. I didn’t
will appreciate your efforts in
want to do this but the churning
Despite the temperature, I was protecting the Great Wall of China.”
in my gut told me that I didn’t
not feeling cold, having bounded Somehow I doubt that…
have a choice.
up the thousand stairs that lead to
the Great Wall. After five minutes, I pushed through the branches
the burger boys departed and of some skeleton-like trees and
we moved away from Coke man struggled to crouch behind the
because quite frankly, it was sign, pants around my ankles.
getting awkward. We proceeded I strained to hear the voices of
to pose for photographs, write our the tourists who I imagined would
names in the snow and marvel at catch me in this compromising
the history of this landmark. position. My eyes flicked upwards,
desperately surveying the chairlift
It was as we decided to leave that running directly over my head.
I was overcome by a very peculiar Wouldn’t I be an interesting
feeling. Suddenly I was hot and and unexpected sight for the
shaky. The thousand stairs, which lazy traveller?
I had so eagerly climbed, now
stretched ahead of me, mockingly. What occurred then was beastly,
I had no idea what was wrong but unnatural and undoubtedly evil.
as sweat dripped from my face and I had no idea that such a foul
my feet stumbled uncertainly, I was substance could emerge from the
sure that it was bad. human body, steaming as it hit

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One of these things is After my resistance on the nail That was until we were mugged.
not like the other…. polish front I was excluded from I was lucky. I obviously looked
It was clear in early discussions their plans to co-ordinate their like I didn’t own anything worth
that I had a different ‘style’ entire travel wardrobes. Every stealing so they didn’t go for me.
of travelling to my two travel morning they would bond over They went for the girl with the fake
companions. I wanted to discuss what they were going to wear black Gucci bag (with the matching
our visa applications; they wanted that day – who was wearing the black Haviana thongs of course).
to discuss… nail polish. pink top with the pink Havianas, They ripped that little piece of
or the brown skirt with the coordinating style straight off her
“What shade are you taking?”. She brown Havianas. shoulder - only the straps were left.
was obviously joking. “Red” I said
in a sarcastic tone. “You can’t take They didn’t think I would be It might have been the near fatal
red, I’m taking red!” She was interested in matching the colour mugging (like any good traveller
serious. “We’ll I’m taking pink” the of my handbag with footwear. I must embellish stories) or the
other said “so you can’t take pink”. They were right of course. When I weariness from cancelling bank
Oh god, they both were. travel I don’t care about the usual cards and dealing with foreign
pressures of conforming to fashion. police but that night I couldn’t
I started to wonder if I knew what No makeup, no hairdryers, no fight it anymore. As we sat and
I was getting myself into. How well shaving… total freedom. It’s not dissected the days traumatic
did I really know them? But with a that I don’t normally care about events I surrendered to the peer
$3000 non-refundable plane ticket how I look, it’s just that I figure pressure and painted my nails - and
in your pocket you tend to ignore that most of the people I encounter you know what? It made me feel
any blaring alarm bells in your head. overseas won’t ever cross my good! I finally understood how a
To my relief there was no more talk path again, so why does it matter? little indulgence on your travels isn’t
of nail polish in the weeks leading such a bad thing. Sometimes after
For me it was a cheap t-shirt
up to the trip. As we waited at the a long, hard day of exploring you
from Target, sensible walking
airport they even jokingly presented need a little pick me up. So now
shoes, an over the shoulder bag
me with a bottle of ‘travel size’ nail every time I travel I pack a little
(with a padlock of course) and
polish remover. I laughed. We all bottle of nail polish in honour to
an unflattering hat that clearly
laughed. That was until we arrived the lesson I learned. And I never,
favoured practicality over fashion.
at our destination and discovered ever pack nail polish remover in my
But I must admit that, watching
that during the flight the cabin carry-on luggage.
them, I wished I had made
pressure had caused the bottle more of an effort with my
to explode in my backpack. Was travel appearance.
it an omen?

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ARTWORK: Frosti Gnarr Gunnarsson

WHAT’S BEHIND THE IRON farmland, efficient public transport, well as some pathetic attempts
CURTAIN… great cafes and restaurants serving at pronouncing Polish words,
The Cold War was still being waged authentic food and capital cities full managed to save us!
when I was at school in the 1980s of photo opportunities that weren’t
Throughout Hungary, Poland and
and the countries behind the overrun by hordes of tourists. But
the Czech Republic, we found
Iron Curtain – Poland, Hungary, we also found that we were more
ancient towns, dating back 500
Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania used to a well-trodden tourist path
years or more, full of history,
– were names on the map with than we imagined.
cobble-stoned streets and well-
populations to be pitied because With a less well-developed preserved houses and buildings.
they didn’t share in the delights of tourism trade comes interesting Quite often, these beautiful old
Western life. We didn’t learn much challenges for the mono-lingual buildings, which would be featured
about these places beyond basic Aussie traveller, not least being on countless postcards if they
anti-Soviet propaganda that painted the language barrier. You can were located in western Europe,
these countries as bleak places, full always have a stab at French, seemed to be taken for granted by
of concrete apartment blocks and German or Italian and hope to the locals, and seen as part of the
empty shops. get by without too much trouble. historic fabric of the town, rather
So when my sister and I decided It’s almost impossible to attempt than as special tourist icons to be
to travel to eastern Europe in the same in Polish or Hungarian, shut up and admission charged for
2003, we had a lot to learn about with the unfamiliar jumble of entry. Walking down the night-time
these former Soviet puppet states. consonants, like rz, cz and dz, and streets of Sopron, an ancient town
Although the Berlin Wall had long strange symbols like an ‘l’ with a on the border of Hungary and
fallen and the Cold War ended, our line through it that is pronounced Austria, we could have been in the
knowledge had not progressed ‘w’. While the language barrier 1600s, as it was so dark and quiet
much beyond these stereotypes is not insurmountable, it feels and there were not many signs of
and the countries we chose to overwhelming at times. Without modern life around.
visit – Hungary, Poland and the basic language in common, even
Modern life has made the
Czech Republic – barely featured a a casual hello to a shopkeeper is
world smaller and travel easier.
mention in the media. off limits and the muteness and
But in these days of mass
incomprehension is frustrating.
We travelled before these commercialism, environmental
Spending just a few weeks in
countries joined the European concerns and awareness of
a foreign country gives me the
Union, so we happily traded our preserving local culture, it is right
utmost respect for any migrant
dollars for zlotys, forints and to be concerned about the damage
who manages to learn the
korunas and found that, unlike that rampant tourism can do,
language and start a new life in a
much of western Europe, the poor particularly to local customs and
new country. Language barriers
Aussie dollar fared very well in ways of life. I hope there will be a
can also lead to some interesting
these currencies. In fact, much way we can balance tourism needs
situations, such as when we found
of the charm of western Europe, with these concerns, because
ourselves stranded in eastern
which has long been tainted by it would be a shame if people
Poland, well off the tourist track,
glitzy, overpriced tourist traps, stopped travelling. Travelling to
in a town we didn’t want to be
still existed in eastern Europe. As another country and culture opens
in, with no map and no English
well as ugly, drab concrete blocks your eyes to different ways of life
speakers to help point us in the
of units, we also found well- and hopefully encourages greater
right direction. Fortunately sign
preserved medieval villages, lush tolerance and understanding
language and gesticulation, as
between people.
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The Travel Project
Mel Lin

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Rodrigo Bonfim
Sudeep Lingamneni

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
Darrin Hanley

blanket magazine
Here’s my work...
h e r e ’s m y w o rk
n s f er
1 2 11 12

3 4 7 9 13 14

5 6 8 10 15 16
1: Tuesday, 25 May 2004, Bec Brown 2: Tuesday, 25 May 2004, John Fry 3: Saturday, 29 May 2004, Bec Brown 4: Saturday, 29 May 2004, John Fry 5: Tuesday, 01 June 2004, Bec Brown 6: Tuesday, 01 June 2004, John
Fry 7: Wednesday, 02 June 2004, Bec Brown 8: Wednesday, 02 June 2004, John Fry 9: Thursday, 03 June 2004, Bec Brown 10: Thursday, 03 June 2004, John Fry 11: Friday, 04 June 2004, Bec Brown 12: Friday, 04 June
2004, John Fry 13: Saturday, 05 June 2004, Bec Brown 14: Saturday, 05 June 2004, John Fry 15: Monday, 07 June 2004, Bec Brown 16: Monday, 07 June 2004, John Fry

Not a Pretty Face...

A collection of documentary travel photos taken in May/june 2004
by bec brown and john fry.
separated by an ocean (As bec travelled through cuba and john stayed in
79 80
melbourne) they took a photo a day to document visually what the y saw
while being apart.
blanket magazine
Not a Pretty Face...
n s f er
1 2 11 12

3 4 7 9 13 14

5 6 8 10 15 16
1: Tuesday, 08 June 2004, Bec Brown 2: Tuesday, 08 June 2004, John Fry 3: Thursday, 10 June 2004, Bec Brown 4: Thursday, 10 June 2004, John Fry 5: Saturday, 12 June 2004, Bec Brown 6: Saturday, 12 June 2004,
John Fry 7: Sunday, 13 June 2004, Bec Brown 8: Sunday, 13 June 2004, John Fry 9: Friday, 25 June 2004, Bec Brown 10: Friday, 25 June 2004, John Fry 11: Sunday, 27 June 2004, Bec Brown 12: Sunday, 27 June 2004,
John Fry 13: Monday, 28 June 2004, Bec Brown 14: Monday, 28 June 2004, John Fry 15: Saturday, 19 June 2004, Bec Brown 16: Saturday, 19 June 2004, John Fry

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Not a Pretty Face...
n s f er
Monday August 25th Tuesday August 26th
As much as airports try to Meet the first of my internet
be different, they’re all made friends at the Airport. Viv (coming
of the same ingredients: in from China), Kaz, Kusu, get
uncomfortable seats, confusing along straight away like we’ve
signs, indecipherable intercom met a hundred times. I eat grilled
he went for PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo), but he stayed for In-n-Out calls, impossibly overpriced cheese and curly fries and we go
burger, a world-famous tattoo experience and much, much more. david food and drink, painful farewells catch a movie. Viv hasn’t seen the
and overjoyed reunions in equal Dark Knight yet so I see it for the
self takes trains, planes and automobiles across America...
proportion. My long awaited third time (Kusu for the fifth). We
boarding call, a kiss goodbye and check into the motel six and go
suddenly I didn’t want to leave. eat. One of the most important
Brisbane – Sydney – San Francisco. stops of my trip, In-n-Out Burger.
15 hours. Sat next to a 28 year The finest cheeseburger in the
old computer engineer called Phil. world and fries – animal style.
Talked about music, art, travel and Uncomfortably share a tiny hotel
Las Vegas. Mentioned I was going room with an uncomfortable road
to a gaming convention, received trip the next day.
blank look. Served dinner last on
the plane. Only chicken left – cold. Wednesday August 27th
Seats comfortable enough but only Sacramento, Bay Area California
cause there’s two of us between to Seattle, Washington – Interstate
three seats. Hope for similar Highway 5 – 13 hours. But old
conditions on return home. friends, meeting for the first time
and gorgeous scenery make
San Francisco is a beautiful city. the trip a good one. We arrive in
Reminds me of Melbourne with Seattle as the sun sets. Windows
its hidden treasures and light rail rolled down, Bohemian Rhapsody
and arty atmosphere. Meet my playing and four voices singing a

on the road
friend Jacinda at her work - a local strained unison – a grand entrance.
newspaper. She’s an advertising
designer and a great kid. Ride the Friday August 29th-
bus back to her house in Oakland. Sunday August 31st
On the walk up a treacherous hill, PAX. The fifth annual Penny Arcade
the wheels brake off my suitcase. Expo, second largest game expo
Day friggin one. It’s been August in the world and the main excuse
25 for 40 hours now; her little for my trip to the United States.
apartment and big couch are a Webcomics run wild on the
miracle. I sleep like a baby. Internet, like weeds in an

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n s f er
abandoned corn field. And Penny Saturday September 6th Tuesday September 9th
Arcade is the big, juicy king weed. Something to be said about long My friends from home, Shay and
Been reading the comic for seven haul bus trips. One third the Brian arrived in LA and picked me
years and talking to people on the price of a flight and one tenth up. Brian grew up here in LA and
forums there for six. People I’ve the drama. The nine hours from met his future wife Shay when
come to count as friends, people San Francisco to Los Angeles he visited Australia in 2000. They
I’ve come so far to visit. is a bit much, but at least I get pick me up in a big rental SUV.
Earlier this year, a regular on to see some countryside; and When in Rome I guess. We make
the forums died tragically in a breathtaking countryside it is too. a B line to the South Bay where
motorbike accident. His death hit Wind Turbines in their natural Brian grew up. A part of LA I never
me harder than I expected and habitat, rolling hills and flowing knew existed, gorgeous, long
set in me a resolve to meet these rivers, mountains, valleys, fields, sandy beaches on the Pacific. They
people who are more a part of my cities – California. Tonight will be show me Palos Verdis, Long Beach
life than I’d realised. my first room to myself since I left and Redondo, we stop to watch
home two weeks ago. Oh come the sunset over the ocean, Brian
With PAX as an excuse, the
sweet rapture, I’m going to sleep explains that this is what he thinks
forums converged on Seattle. We
for a million hours. of when he thinks of LA and why
ate and drank and partied together
wouldn’t you? Forget Hollywood
(with many drinks dedicated to Sunday September 7th and Downtown, if you visit LA,
our fallen comrade). What an
LA Ink (High Voltage Tattoo). 1259 come to the South Bay.
insane few days. I leave Seattle,
North LaBrea West Hollywood.
overwhelmed in every sense. Thursday September 11th
Got directions from my hotel
Friday September 5th in Inglewood to LaBrea which We just had to pick 9/11 to fly
was only a mile or so away across the country.
Did the tourist thing today. Riding
and expected to walk maybe a
street cars and looking at bridges With Shay and Brian and their sons
few blocks before I got to my
and eating chowder. Thank god I in tow we jump on a plane from
destination. Little did I know, there
don’t do this kind of thing often. LA to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. I
is not one “1259 North LaBrea”
The four blocks of waterfront consider this the midpoint of my
but about 15. Numbers go from
are deafening, choked with trip and it’s been pretty great so
1 to about 2000 then inexplicably
cookie cutter souvenir stores far, running out of money and still
start going down back to 1, then
and profiteers, preying on the have New York City to go which is
back up again. I was dealing with
accented masses. I break away an expensive place.
some devil road. Finally I found the
and get a street car to The San
shop. Made an appointment and a I’ve got friends to meet and
Francisco Museum of Modern Art,
few hours later had new ink from museums to visit, excited about
my first Gallery of the trip. It’s the
one of the world’s most famous the Guggenheim and the Natural
perfect elixir to get me in a good
tattoo parlours. History Museum, and about eating
mood again, and a great way to
some pizza on the street and riding
end my time in San Francisco.
the subway again. I’ll let you know
how I go. See you soon.


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FIrst Name Surname
n s f er
Fleur Harris Could you tell us a little about
yourself and your background.
year, and so I had time off from
everything to get my head around
give me ideas without meaning
to all the time, I like it that way –
I grew up on a vineyard on the what had just happened to my either things find me or I find them,
Mornington Peninsula and had a family. Now I work as a freelance and I get this feeling as a response
gorgeous childhood on the farm artist and also work an amazing to it, and then I have to draw. If I
with my brothers and sisters. job part time as an Art and Graphic don’t have a book or pen on me I
My art was noticed when I was Design teacher. I also manage my will go and buy one as I can’t stand
very young. I received my first toy company Kooky Spooks which wanting to draw and not being able
big commission when I was 16. It has been around since 2005 and to. It’s sort of OCD.
was full on, having meetings with have a clothing label and a few
business people about my art so upcoming exhibitions in the works. You seem to have a large body of
young, but it was a huge learning work. Do you ever hit a creative
experience. I moved to Melbourne What is inspiring you at the wall? How do you overcome it?
for University and I ended up moment? I draw everyday, all the time,
studying my Fine Arts degree in The Autumn we just had in sometimes when I shouldn’t be,
Italy and Melbourne. I went on to Melbourne was amazing, my street like at work, so naturally I build
study Interior design but left after a was full of gorgeous auburn leaves. up a large body of artwork. Also
year as I couldn’t see that industry I’d never seen so many leaves in if I have an idea I have to follow
as an enjoyable place for me. I one place. One afternoon my friend through with it, so I guess I have
studied for my Dip. Ed in Visual and I were very hungover and as many pieces of work as I have
Arts at Melbourne University and we spent our time sitting on the ideas. I hit creative walls all the
simultaneously began working for nature strip outside her house and time, on different levels. Most of
Melbourne artist Beci Orpin in her buried ourselves in leaves and had the time they are little ones but
studio in Prahran while studying. a photoshoot. We were so tired but a couple of times I have hit the
My life took a huge turn when I the colours were phenonmenal, it wall catastrophically. It’s times like
lost my Dad suddenly in April this really lifted us up. I find things that these where I wish I could just

87 88
blanket magazine
Fleur Harris
n s f er
be an accountant or something What is the hardest thing about the outcome. Perseverance and
9-5 that doesn’t require you to dig being a freelance artist? planning are worthwhile, if the idea
very deeply into yourself. I start I spend a lot of time alone, which I is good.
thinking “Why the fuck do I have really love, but every now and again
to be good at drawing, who needs I wish I worked in a big busy office Where do you see your art taking
drawings???, NO ONE needs my just for a change. I listen to a lot you in the future?
stupid drawings!!!”…it can get of my music up really loud when I It’s impossible to know what will
really stressful but I try to use this work and I sing and probably talk happen, so much can change in a
as an opportunity to refocus on to myself while I’m working. I don’t day! Creating is something I will
what it is I’m actually trying to do. know how well this would go down always do, I can’t imagine enjoying
with other people!! my life without it. I can only hope
Has your style changed since that my art will continue to be
you’ve begun? What is on your desk/workspace? appreciated on some level and that
So much so, and I can see how My actual desk has a laptop, and art and design remain and grow as
I’ve changed alongside it. It’s kind a lightbox that my neighbour gave an integral part of our society.
of like I’ve kept a diary without me. I don’t use the lightbox a lot
meaning to. Certain things I’ve but I was so touched when she The next issue of blanket
seen and done have made my knocked on my door one day and magazine is themed “travel.” Are
art change dramatically, and handed it to me. She had overheard there any places that you wish to
sometimes my art doesn’t change I needed one so when she came travel to and why?
very much for a long period. When across one she kept it for me. I have traveled overseas a lot
I look at my folio I don’t see it as a That meant a lot to me. I have only over the last few years. The
body of work that has recognizable recently moved into my new space, world is a scary, beautiful, sad,
characteristics throughout it, I’m and am going through a simplistic phenomenal and inspiring place,
versatile in my style and ability and phase where I am content with the and for this reason I love to explore
my work is always evolving. I like it bare essentials. My last studio had it. I especially love the process
this way. stuff everywhere, I will probably of traveling. Researching and
build this new one back up to that organizing where I will go and what
Have there been any major eventually but I love it how it is now I will do is as fun for me as the
challenges to overcome? actual trip itself. I love the feeling I
My Dad died this year. He was What is your creative process? get as I’m approaching the airport
incredible and I loved his company I usually have an idea, and work on and I love the feeling of touching
more than anyone. Losing him it until I’m over it. How long this down when I’m coming home.
suddenly has made everything in takes varies on how good the idea There are so many places I am still
my life a challenge. I now have a is. If it’s a crap idea I’ll know and it busting to get to, particularly Japan,
tattoo of him on the arm, so if will be over in five minutes. Some and I want to see more of Australia.
ever I need help I look down at concepts I have worked with for a
my arm and the thought of him is long time and pushed and pushed
instantly uplifting. them until even I am surprised at

89 90
blanket magazine
Fleur Harris
...our spot to introduce you to the talented people behind Describe your style on of commonly misplaced objects packages for Konas bikes,
the web stores you know and love. threadless. (car keys, passport etc) down a graphics for their clothing ranges,
hole in the ground. advertising and all the usual point
I’m probably best known for my
What inspires you? of purchase materials. I also
diversity or lack of a definable style
The humble t-shirt becomes art on actually. Normally I try to come
freelance, designing snowboard
The usual stuff: music, pop-culture, decks and clothing for a range
up with an idea and then pick a art, my family. All those tiny dramas
Here’s how it works: artists, designers and regular joes submit style of execution that best fits the that unfold infront of you in day to
of clients.
idea. I guess my graphics often What design do you currently
their artwork on the site, it’s judged by t-shirt lovers everywhere have a retro flavour (I am heavily
day life that make for interesting or
have on threadless that could
humorous subject matter.
and then gets plastered all over a t-shirt for everyone from celebrities influenced by the artwork of pulp clothe the readers of blanket?
advertising from the 50s). How long does it take for you to
A couple of the latest prints are
to ordinary people like you and I to buy. How long have you been
think of and draw a design?
Pulp and SPRSTR. Pulp is a pretty
winning and selling on the site? That differs wildly depending on much straight parody of all those
Meet 3 of the designers who help make you “Nude No More”... the method of execution. Some cool, 2 colour pulp sci-fi covers
I have been active at Threadless of my designs I have finished up from the 50s with a modern twist
for around 2 and a half years and in a day but some can take up to a and SPRSTR looks like a stained
have won 17 times. I also won week. I guess normally 2-3 days. glass window scene with Jesus
the award for Best Designer at I usually have 20 or so ideas in my busting out some epic moves
last years Bestees (sorta like the diary at any one time, some of while some of his disciples look
Threadless Oscars). which I will develop some of which on.... yeah I’m gonna burn in hell.
Can you tell me about your first will not make the cut.
winning design? Do you have a “day job”? product/1166/Pulp
A design called Misplaced Things I am a senior designer for Kona
which featured a gang of tiny Bikes Co. My roles include product/1406/SPRSTR
monsters dragging an assortment designing all the paint and decal

aaron hogg
91 92

blanket magazine
Describe your style on ideas I come up with – but I’m Do you have a “day job”?
threadless... sure it’s like that for everybody. Yes, I work at Kraftwerk Design
Just about all of my designs on How long does it take for you to ( which is a
Threadless are hand drawn with think of and draw a design? graphic design firm specializing in
a lot of texture. I like having little design for the wine industry. It’s
I come up with new ideas fairly
imperfections because it seems something a little different than
often and usually just work out
more relatable. the world of t-shirt design, but I
how the overall composition is
How long have you been like the variety.
going to look in my head. I’ll do a
winning and selling on the site? really fast sketch (it probably looks What do you currently have on
like a little kid drew it!) and then threadless that could clothe the
I started submitting in November
get going on the actual piece. So readers of blanket?
2006, I got notice about my first
print about a month later and it the prep time for a design goes There are a couple of designs that
went up for sale in January 2007. by very quickly. The design can I did that are still in stock: Topiary,
take anywhere from 12-20 hours Piñata and a few left of Wayfaring
What inspires you? depending on how complex it Describe your style on well as some of my own obscure working on the Annual Report for
Music, people and places really is. There’s a lot of hand drawn threadless... nonsense, such as the line “Maori a division of 7000 employees. As
textures which have a tendency tattoos are tough and significant”. a senior designer I also regulate
seem to inspire new ideas for me. Originally my illustration was a
to eat away at time. product/1159/Topiary I’d like to think that the New other people’s work, or provide
I also like doing a lot of animal mockery of art; I intentionally
themes so I think being in an area drew the worst pictures I could. Zealand voters put me over the advocacy for departments needing
What does your workspace
that’s rural enough to have some product/1185/Pinata I actually enjoyed drawing my line. Cheers Bros! exceptions from these practices.
look like?
wildlife is a good source as well. oddities and so spent more time See what happens when you How long does it take for you to
On a more subconscious level, I It’s usually messy. I draw on the mention government employment?
product/1060/Wayfaring_Waltz developing them. I wouldn’t say think of and draw a design?
think whatever I’m feeling at the floor and when I color my designs, I am speaking jargon already!
I’m very good at drawing, but my
I work on an iMac with Photoshop. I used to think of about 20 designs
moment plays a big role in the style shows I’m quite good at What design do you currently
a day when I was on the train
being a bad illustrator. My style is have on threadless that could
home, but these days my brain clothe the readers of blanket?
naive, loose, dark and strange.
isn’t as tuned. My ideas come
Can you tell me about your first completely out of the blue, I’ll “Inside You” seems to be a
winning design? spurt out some odd words and favourite at the moment, with
quickly scribble notes in the the design almost sold out for a
“Doing The Things A Particle Can”
notepad I always keep with second time. It’s naughty, cute,
was submitted in August 2006.
me. Drawing takes 1 - 4 hours and tasty. For a complete list of
That answer surprises even me, I
depending on complexity. Then t-shirts currently available, the
guess I am an old bugger around
I convert my lines to vectors in good readers of blanket should
Threadless now. It’s a big bundle
illustrator, clean up, and colour. sign up for my newsletter at
of graphical bits and pieces and check out
centring around a mysterious blue Do you have a “day job”?
the merch section.
figure (presumably particle man, as
I work as a senior designer and
inspired by They Might Be Giants)
photographer in the Queensland product/783/Inside_You
and features a whole lot of ‘They
Government. Currently I’m
Might Be Giants’ references as

priscilla wilson matt parker

93 94

blanket magazine
Web _ sight
It’s true that the internet
has made the world a
smaller place. You can
talk to friends in Cairo
and Rio at the same time
for free on Skype; you
can jump on Google Maps,
click street view and walk
the streets of New York
City; you can book flights
and accommodation and
rental cars and tours, all
from the comfort of your
own web browser . Here’s
a few sites that will help
you on your way...
So I don’t know if you know, but I’m writing this issue’s websight on my laptop Something that I always like to have handy, especially when travelling is a little
while I’m traveling around the USA. Right now I’m sitting in a hotel in Uniontown notebook, and Moleskines are the best little notebooks known to man. Great
Pennsylvania! And where did I find this hotel? Travelocity. The same place I booked to jot down address or phone numbers or directions, friends you visit can draw
my hotel in LA and my flight across the country. This is a great place to compare little pictures in there, you could even write an article for an art magazine while
hotels and flights and car rentals and make some lifesaving last minute plans. you’re riding the bus? A funky new thing is the Moleskine City Notebook series,
The closest thing to a one stop shop when it comes to travelling. Bookmark it 40 different notebooks for 40 different cities with maps, listings, public transit info
right now. and a bunch more, and it’s all printed on Moleskine’s acid free paper so you can
make it your own. Mark your favorite spots and how to get to them.

95 96
blanket magazine
we b s i

Web 2.0 has done some great things for travel. Instead of getting all your info from The last thing we need is another Myspace or Facebook right? They already suck Lastly from me, something really cool. These guys take parts of old, retired planes
travel books, the writers of which are always on someone’s payroll, get it from precious hours out of our work day and threaten to get us fired whenever the boss and turn them into gorgeous, one-of-a-kind furniture. If you’ve got a spare fifty
a traveller just like you. Next 89 is a great example of this. An online travel guide walks past our screen. But listen, Where Are You Now (pronounced Wayne in your grand and want a board room desk that will derail all of your meetings into talking
to Australia with content provided by users, it’s a great place to check out hidden best horrible Aussie accent) is a different kind of Social Networking. This one is about how awesome the desk is, then this is the site for you. I must’ve visited this
spots, organise a car pool, buy and sell some travelling gear and find a place to built around travel. List in your profile where you are and where you’re going and site twenty times and I still can’t get over the 747 Engine Cowling reception desk.
stay. And when your trip down under is over, you can write about your experience if you’re open minded, you can make some really valuable contacts to help you Look at how cool that thing is, damn.
and post some pictures. when you get there.

97 98
blanket magazine
we b s i
edition and one OF a
CLASSIFIED ADS kind pieces

reserve yours now! ARTISTS AND
DESIGNERS. List 5 hot spots in your City that
spend over $20
and receive a the Wallpaper* Guides don’t
NOW free gift!
know about and you could WIN!
All you have to do is name 5 places in your City
that you think should be included in the Wallpaper*
Guides. Is it your favourite restaurant or bar? Your
favourite Art Gallery or street art? The best place
for coffee? Or to lay your head down for a sleep?
Tell us what the Guide books don’t know about!
First Prize: a 5 Box Set from the Wallpaper* City
Guides on World Cities Art Fairs.
5 Runner-up prizes: A Wallpaper* Guide Book
Workbook The winners and their list of Hot Spots will be
Website announced in Blanket issue 13 (released on
December 1st 2008).
Online Folios For more information on the Wallpaper* Guides go to:

Submissions Guidelines:
CREATE09... The essential Please include in your email your:
Name, City and Country of Residence
marketing tool for designers. and your list of 5 Hot Spots!

Don’t miss out... register today Proudly brought to you by:
Next Issue
How to Contribute
There are many ways for you to
become a part of Blanket, read
below to find out how...
Re_action Here’s my work, I hope you like it:
Next theme is“PAST & PRESENT” General gallery of work
Each issue we give you a specific theme and we Each issue we show off emerging creatives and
want you to submit a piece of original work that we want you! Send in your original artwork, design
reacts to this theme! Use your creative skills and or photograph. There are no constraints so send in
your imagination! your work and let us show it off.
When emailing your work please Include in your emails your image/s of work,
include the following details: full name and country of residence.
Full Name, Country, Title of piece (if any) Filenames: firstname_lastname.jpg
Filenames: firstname_lastname.jpg All images to be RGB - PDF or JPG

ISSUE All images to be RGB - PDF or JPG Landscape

1020 x 624 pixels OR 360 x 220mm @ 72dpi
1020 x 624 pixels OR 360 x 220mm @ 72dpi Portrait
510 x 624 pixels OR 180 x 220mm @ 72dpi
510 x 624 pixels OR 180 x 220mm @ 72dpi Email: inspire [at]

Email: re_action [at] See the Blanket website for more info

Please note: By sending in a submission you are allowing

Blanket magazine to reproduce this image/s for the particular
section it has been submitted for. Unfortunately not all work
can be guaranteed a place in the magazine due to high

past & present

demand, time and space issues. All copyright belongs solely
to the artists and no images from this magazine are to be
used without the artists prior permission. Blanket accepts no
responsibility for the copyright of artworks used.

All submissions due: 15th NOVEMBER 2008

issue 101 102


a n ks
And finally those who have been uncovered...
A big thanks to everyone who has contributed to issue 12 of Blanket!

Mirko Lamonaca Sudeep Lingamneni Disclaimer: Please note no

part of Blanket magazine can
Louise Simms Helen Mycroft Rodrigo Bonfim be re-produced without first
Blanket contributing A big thanks to all our seeking the permission from the
designers Wanda Perrone Capano Maria Esaiasson Mel Lin
interviewees: publishers. All submissions to
Bec Brown James Brickwood Cinzia Bruschini Mirko Lamonaca Darrin Hanley Blanket magazine are protected
Caitlin Gahan Robyn & Campbell Butler Helen Mycroft Christine Berrie by copyright which belongs
Izabela Pluta
solely to the artist. No images
Melissa Gardner Ella Condon WILLOW Tinne Van Loon Luana Moura
from this magazine are to be
Sam Phelps Nic Nichols Djordje Joksimovic used without the artists prior
Blanket contributing permission. Blanket accepts no
writers Fleur Harris Alec Strang Bara+Chinitas
responsibility for the copyright of
Caitlin Gahan 9Li Juan Francisco Moreno Guerrero Lucy Zaroyko artworks used.
Jessica Wilson Aaron Hogg Cristal Reza Cardero Allan Deas
Jonathan Hulme Erim Kocatepe
Matt Parker Here’s my work...
David Self Priscilla Wilson May Swanson I hope you like it:
Melinda Woledge Fioraso Enrico Naomi Meno
Re_action Dobrin Camelia
Sarah-Hannah Fisher Martin Tung
Andrea Posada Escobar
Lindsay Green Julia Martinez Diana Lani Dafter
Jon MacNair
Bec Brown Peta Huggett Christopher Cisneros
Alvaro Sanchez
Alexandre D’Eschambeault Silvia Lesley
Blanket Cover Image Alyson Pearson
Christian Avendaño Cendales WILLOW
9Li Jazel Kristin
Shirley Lam ila Covolan
Bea de Giacomo
The Travel Project Elisabeth Fabienne Kimm Whiskie
Samantha Hahn Benfor
Verônica Lacerda Leonardo Leporatti
Will Bryant Darrin Hanley
Rodrigo Obranco Brittni Wood
Michelle Caplan Ila Covolan
Lucía Grompone Daniel Diggle
Frosti Gnarr Gunnarsson Lucy Marie
Giacomo Sanzani Aengus Tukel

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