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Patient Report v86 CDS v3.35.


Power by
Irfaan Female
Date of Birth: 11 April 1990
Report Date : 02 November 2023
Table of Contents
Personal Information
Summary of Results 1
Athletic Performance 9
Muscle Property 21
Injury Risk 27
Weight Management 31
Cognitive Performance 37
General Health 41
Inflammation 57
Sleep 58
General 66
Airway & Skin 74

Food 83
Plants & Mold 91
Chemicals 103
General 109
Ageing 121
Sensitivity 141

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
Personal Information Ordering Details
Nalagenetics ID IRFE9014091 Ordered by Irfaan Physician

Name Irfaan Female License No. 12123123

Date of birth 11 April 1990 Order ID #1788-66216

National ID/Passport N/A


Gender ID Female

Sample Details
Provider name Irfaan Provider Lab address Cisitu

Address Irfaan Address 1 Collected date 11 Okt 2023 (15:16 +07:00)

Type of sample Buccal Swab Received date 11 Okt 2023 (15:17 +07:00)

Test method Microarray Result verified Printed In Report

Verification Receipt

Processing lab address Cisitu


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023

Uncover your genetic potential, enhance health

Introducing LifeReady, a cutting-edge wellness solution that explores
Wellness Genomics, bridging the gap between genetic variations and
individual wellness traits. LifeReady takes a holistic approach to
enhancing overall well-being by pinpointing areas with heightened
genetic likelihood. Supported by our advanced computational
genomics platform, LifeReady reports are firmly rooted in extensive
scientific research. While most wellness traits are influenced by
genetics, early environment, and current lifestyle, it's important to note
that genetics offer statistical likelihoods rather than absolute
certainties. Embark on your path towards a healthier, more fulfilled you
today with LifeReady.

How we calculate your score

Understanding how we calculate scores might seem tricky, but it's actually simple. Our genes may make traits stronger or
weaker. For example, your genes can make you more likely to have a trait like strength, or less likely. To get your score, we
look at these gene effects. We see how they affect the trait and how important they are in your body. We also check if

certain gene effects happen together and make a bigger impact on a certain trait. Then, we compare your gene effects to
others worldwide with similar ethnicity. This helps us see how likely you are to have a trait compared to them. The number
we give you tells you the percentage of people less likely than you to have that trait because of their genes.

Example : Your score is 70th percentile

Your score is greater than 70% of the population and lower than 30% of the population

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023

The DNA test results are not intended to be used by you as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of a
healthcare provider or physician for any diagnostic purpose with any questions you may have regarding the diagnosis, cure, treatment, mitigation or
prevention of any disease or other medical conditions or impairment or the status of your health.

The laboratory may not be able to process your sample and the laboratory process may result in errors. The laboratory may not be able to process your
DNA sample if it does not contain sufficient amount of DNA. Furthermore, if the DNA sample that you have provided is contaminated and/or corrupted,
the accuracy of the DNA test result may be impacted. Even with stringent acceptance criteria for sample processing that meets our high standards, a
small, unknown fraction of the data generated during the laboratory process may be un-interpretable or incorrect and may therefore not be able to
generate the corresponding report. Should this happen, Nalagenetics will perform imputation to predict the data, instead of using the un-interpretable or
incorrect data. You also understand this possibility and will not be entitled to refunds where these occur.

For the avoidance of doubt, Nalagenetics shall only analyze, via microarray genotyping, the parts of your DNA sequence that are relevant to the disease,
trait, or condition prescribed in the order and consent form provided by you, with such relevance to be determined by Nalagenetics at its sole discretion.
You further agree and acknowledge that any relation of the data, predictors and/or results obtained to other disorders and/or diseases is entirely
incidental, and you should seek advice from your healthcare provider regarding the results and their relation to such other disorders and/or diseases
(additional charges may apply).

Data, results, and/or predictions from Nalagenetics are based on information provided by you through your physician at the time of your order, and
Nalagenetics shall not be responsible or liable for or on account of any incorrect and/or inaccurate information provided by you through the prescribed
order form or otherwise, and Nalagenetics shall not be obliged to verify or otherwise look into any information so provided. You expressly agree and
acknowledge that all interpretation, assessment, and/or analysis of the information is based on the prevailing knowledge and acceptable standards and
practices at the time, including but not limited to medical literature, scientific literature, scientific databases and/or clinical guidelines.

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 1 of 144

Summary of results
Here's a summary of your traits. For more detailed information, please refer to the individual traits page.


Athletic Performance

Name Result

Benefits from Exercise NORMAL

Potential for Lean Body Mass LOW POTENTIAL


Reduced Heartbeat Response to



VO2Max Potential NORMAL


Muscle Property

Name Result

Muscle Damage Risk NORMAL

Muscle Recovery Impairment NORMAL

Muscle Soreness NORMAL

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 2 of 144

Injury Risk

Name Result

Overall Injury Risk NORMAL

Stress Fracture Risk NORMAL

Weight Management

Name Result

Aversion to Exercise NORMAL

Difficulty in Losing Weight NORMAL

Slow Metabolism NORMAL

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 3 of 144


Cognitive Performance

Name Result

Cognitive Decline SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Declarative Memory Decline NORMAL

General Health
Name Result

Bone Density Loss NORMAL



Elevated Homocysteine NORMAL


Hair Loss NORMAL

Healthy Aging NORMAL

Joint Inflammation SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Longevity NORMAL

Macular Degeneration HIGH RISK

Red Meat Diet Risk NORMAL


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 4 of 144


Name Result

Overall Inflammation NORMAL


Name Result

Overall Insomnia Risk NORMAL

Caffeine-Induced Insomnia SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Poor Sleep Depth HIGH RISK

Poor Sleep Quality NORMAL
Short Sleep Duration NORMAL

Sleepiness NORMAL

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 5 of 144



Name Result

Allergic Inflammation Risk NORMAL

Allergy to Pets NORMAL

Histamine Intolerance SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK


Airway & Skin

Name Result

Airflow Obstruction NORMAL


Airway Hyper-Responsiveness NORMAL

Allergy to Mites NORMAL

Eczema Risk NORMAL

Skin Hypersensitivity to Nickel SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 6 of 144


Name Result

General Food Sensitivity Risk SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Allergy to Eggs NORMAL

Allergy to Milk NORMAL

Allergy to Peanut NORMAL

Plants & Mold

Name Result

Resistance to Seed Allergy HIGH POTENTIAL
Allergy to Grass NORMAL

Allergy to Mold NORMAL

Hay Fever NORMAL


Resistance to Birch Pollen Allergy NORMAL

Resistance to Mugwort Allergy NORMAL



Name Result

Sensitivity to Benzene HIGH RISK

Sensitivity to Mercury NORMAL

Sensitivity to PCB (Polychlorinated


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

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phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 7 of 144



Name Result



Excessive Sweating SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK


Impaired Detoxification NORMAL

Stretch Marks NORMAL


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Summary) 8 of 144


Name Result

Antioxidant Deficiency SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Crow's Feet NORMAL

General Wrinkles NORMAL

Premature Collagen Breakdown SLIGHTLY HIGH RISK

Sagging Cheeks NORMAL



Sunspots NORMAL

Youthful Skin NORMAL



Name Result

Impaired Skin Barrier Function NORMAL

Sun Sensitivity HIGH RISK

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
Fitness E
This section examines markers that influence the functionality of genes related to
physical performance traits. It allows you to customize your training plan based on

your genetic profile and provides guidance on the optimal product combinations
for your specific body type. By using the information as a reference, you can make
lifestyle changes that enhance your overall fitness and optimize your workout
(Fitness) 9 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

Benefits from Exercise​

Fitness has different impacts on different individuals with regards to potentially improving health markers such as blood
pressure or cholesterol levels. It is well established that physical activity in general results in higher levels of good
cholesterol and lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar. However, some people show quick and strong benefits,
while others take longer and results are less apparent. For some, exercise alone can assist in lowering cholesterol,
decrease blood pressure and improve cardiac function. Others need to put more work and make adjustment to their diets

About your result
You have typical response to fitness activity.

10th Your score is greater than 10%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


You are likely to gain health benefits from physical activity that best matches your genetic traits. To select the exercise
programme and frequency that is right for you, refer to your other traits such as Lean Body Mass, Aerobic Performance,
Endurance, Muscle Damage Risk and Metabolic Rate.


No specific dietary recommendations apply.

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 10 of 144


No specific lifestyle recommendations apply.

Genes tested



This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 11 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

Endurance Potential​
Endurance training is defined as lower intensity activity, performed for a longer period time. Your genes influence your
capacity to perform endurance exercise. Endurance depends on the proportion of slow-twitch fibres in skeletal muscle.
Slow twitch fibres are able to provide their own energy source, and can sustain contractions for an extended period of
time, however are not as powerful as fast twitch muscles. Studies have identified a number of genetic variants associated
with higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres, and higher oxygen supplies to muscle tissues. Knowing your genetic-based
endurance score is important for creating your optimal fitness plan. Everyone should work on improving their endurance as
it keeps heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and improves overall fitness.

Muscle endurance shows your potential to perform well in physical activities of longer duration. If your muscle structure
favours endurance you have the potential to excel in exercises that leverage on endurance. Cross-country skiing and push-
ups are examples of endurance exercises.


About your result
You have a slightly higher than average endurance score. This

means that you have a higher percentage of slow twitch muscles,
and may be better at endurance exercises and sports. You are also
90th Your score is greater than 90%
likely to have efficient heart function and cellular energy
PERCENTILE of the population

If your Endurance score is higher than your Power score, it is

recommended that you prioritise endurance exercises in your
fitness plan.

Our Recommendations


Endurance exercise is one of the four types of exercise along with strength, balance and flexibility. Ideally, all four types of
exercise should be included in a balanced fitness plan.

Endurance exercises are particularly important for the heart.

You will benefit from using lower weights and higher reps (8-10 reps). Your suggested weight is about 75% of your
maximum effort lift. With specific training for the sport, you will be able to adapt to either strength sports or endurance

Some endurance activities you would do well in are brisk walking, running or jogging, swimming and cycling, soccer,
tennis, and rowing. Climbing stairs and dancing are also good endurance exercises.

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medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 12 of 144


Magnesium is useful under heavy aerobic training, as it improves energy utilization and reduces the stress of exercise,
allowing quicker recovery. Food sources include nuts, dark leafy greens, lentils, and mackerel.

Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been shown to reduce fatigue during prolonged aerobic exercise, and are found
in meat, chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs. These foods are also rich in beta-alanine, which helps increase the time
to exhaustion during aerobic exercise.

Creatine, found in meat, especially wild game, e.g. rabbit and venison, and wild fish, such as salmon and tuna, increases
muscle strength and endurance.


If you are vegetarian, consider taking creatine as a supplement, as it is only found in animal products. Even meat eaters
would benefit from supplementation, as the suggested dose for creatine is 5g per day.
You may also benefit from supplementing with additional beta-alanine (2-3g for women, 4-6g for men).

Genes tested



This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 13 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

Potential for Lean Body Mass​

Your lean body mass is the portion of your weight that is not fat. Lean body mass (LBM) has a strong genetic component.
If you have a tendency for a higher lean body mass, you have a better chance of attaining a muscular body through
exercise compared to the average population. Low lean body mass is generally related to issues like higher body weight,
obesity, impaired protein balance, osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

About your result
Your genetic predisposition for this trait falls below normal range
which means that you are prone to lower lean body mass. To
improve your lean body mass consider a high protein, low fat diet.
20th Your score is greater than 20%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


The fastest way to maximize lean muscle gain is resistance or weight bearing training. 3-4 sessions per week of
resistance training per week should be sufficient.

For best results, most of your sets of resistance exercise should use body building style techniques. Use a weight about
75% of your best lift, performing 10-15 reps.

Sets of exercise should last between 45-70 seconds.

Focus efforts on compound exercises such as squats or chin ups.

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(Fitness) 14 of 144


Adequate protein is essential for building lean body mass. While there is wide variance depending on type of training,
amount of training, and genetic requirements, current research suggests about 1.5-2.0g of protein per kg of bodyweight
as a good starting point for lean mass gain.

Animal protein, such as chicken, turkey, beef, tuna and salmon are great sources of complete protein. Vegetarian sources
include soy (tempeh, tofu), quinoa, legumes and beans.

Creatine is also valuable for gaining lean mass. Foods rich in this nutrient include meat, especially wild game, e.g. rabbit
and venison, and wild fish, such as salmon and tuna.


You may need more protein to achieve lean mass gains. Supplementation with a whole protein source such as whey,
eggs, or casein will help you achieve your goals . Your suggested protein intake is around 2g per kg of bodyweight.
Spirulina powder is a great vegetarian source for complete protein. In fact, it is one of the best protein food sources,
containing almost double the amount of protein per gram compared to skinless chicken. Other dairy free protein powders
include brown rice and yellow pea, although they are not sources of complete protein.

Besides adequate protein intake, good sleep quality, and adequate caloric intake are other key factors that will help you

effectively gain lean mass. Ensure proper recovery from your training sessions for good results.

Supplement with creatine to help boost lean body mass, especially if you are vegetarian, as it is only available in animal
products. Suggested intake is 5g per day.

Genes tested


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 15 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

Power Potential​
Your muscle power measures the maximum amount of force you can exert in a limited period of time. When your muscle
structure favours power exercises, you have the potential to perform well in physical activities which require speed and
strength over a short duration - usually less than 45 seconds. A high score shows a large percentage of stronger 'fast
twitch' muscle, with lower capacity for endurance. Power training is identified as high intensity exercise performed quickly,
over shorter time periods.

Over 40 genetic markers have been found to be associated with power-strength-related sports. To evaluate your power
profile we use the most reliable biomarkers.


About your result
Your power-strength predisposition score is slightly above average.
This means that you may excel at sports that require more power,
e.g. sprinting or rowing. If your Power score is higher than your
30th Your score is greater than 30%
Endurance score, your training plan should focus more on power

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


Physical activities you would perform well in include sprinting, power lifting, track cycling, and weightlifting. You will
be able to adapt to different kinds of sporting activities (both speed or endurance sports) by training specifically for the

You will benefit from alternating periods of low rep (1-6 reps) training using higher loads, and higher rep (8-12 reps)
training using lower loads.

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 16 of 144


Creatine has been shown to improve the power output of athletes in speed and strength sports, while alpha-GPC
increases peak power output of athletes during resistance training. Both nutrients are found in red meat, while organ
meats are also a good source of alpha-GPC.

Caffeine has been well researched and shown to increase power output, as well as the length of time to exhaustion. The
main sources of caffeine are coffee, energy drinks, sports gels. Avoid caffeine if you are prone to palpitations, or have high
blood pressure.


Consider taking creatine as a supplement, especially if you are vegetarian, as it is only found in animal products. Even
meat eaters may benefit from supplementation, as the suggested dose for creatine is 5g per day.

Alpha-GPC may also be taken as a supplement if you do not consume much meat. Suggested amount is 500mg-1,000mg
per day.
Genes tested


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 17 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

Reduced Heartbeat Response to Exercise​

Exercise of all kinds has been shown to improve heart function. Heart rate response is commonly used as a measurable
marker to guide exercise intensity. It is an indicator of fitness, as resting heart rate is expected to decrease with regular
exercise. However, the cardiovascular benefits of regular physical activity are not equal amongst us all, as some exhibit
marked improvements, while others may show little or no change. Genetic variation is a large factor in this difference.
Individuals with certain genetic variations are found to have lower benefits of exercise on heart capacity and heart
function. If you have higher predisposition risk that reduce benefits of exercise on heart function, the expected decrease in
resting heart rate as a beneficial response to exercise may not occur.


About your result
You are less likely to experience a reduced resting heart rate in
response to exercise.

65th Your score is greater than 65%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Keep in mind that your heart rate may not be a true indicator of your fitness level. You or your fitness specialist may
(falsely) assume that your exercise plan is insufficient, and may try to increase your exercise training load. It is important to
take note of your predisposition.

If you intend to increase your training load, do it gradually, especially if you are overweight, or elderly. Work with your
trainer or coach towards a personalised fitness plan, especially if you are overweight or elderly, to ensure that your exercise
programme does not cause heart strain.

Three resistance training sessions and three 20-30 mins cardiovascular workouts per week should be sufficient.
Examples of cardiovascular exercise include jogging, swimming, stair climber machine, elliptical machine, rowing, and

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

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phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 18 of 144


Increase your intake of fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, as fish oil has been shown to reduce heart rate.


Avoid substances that contribute to elevated blood pressure and heart rate, such as salt, caffeine and alcohol.

CoQ10 regulates heart beat and heart function. Between 100mg-200mg a day is recommended for adults. If you are
taking medications, such as those for high blood pressure, or blood thinners, consult your physician before taking.

Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant, has beneficial effects on heart health. 20mg a day is the general recommended dose.

You would benefit from stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, nature walks, and relaxing

music for reduction in blood pressure and resting heart rate.
Genes tested


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 19 of 144

Fitness - Athletic Performance

VO2Max Potential​
Aerobic performance is measured as the maximum rate of oxygen uptake during incremental exercise, typically on a
motorized treadmill. VO2 max, or maximum oxygen uptake, tells you how effectively your heart, lungs and muscles use
oxygen, and reflects aerobic fitness. It is a determining factor of your endurance capacity during prolonged, submaximal
exercise. VO2 max is widely accepted as the single best measure of cardiovascular fitness and maximal aerobic power.
Absolute values of VO2 max are typically 40-60% higher in men than in women. We check for several genetic variants
that are associated with aerobic performance.

About your result
Your genetics-based aerobic performance score is within average

45th Your score is greater than 45%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


You may need to add additional cardiovascular training to your workout plan. Aim to train so that you achieve a resting
heart rate below 60 beats per minute.

A good starting point is 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise twice a week at a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of 6
out of 10 (breathing heavily, but able to maintain a conversation).

More advanced trainees can use aerobic interval training (alternate periods of fast and slow training) to boost VO2Max
more quickly.

Swimming, cycling and rowing are good exercise for increasing VO2 max. Jogging is suitable only if you have no history
of foot or joint pain. Repetition is key to improving your VO2 max.

Although genetics are a significant determining factor for VO2 max, your body will utilise oxygen more effectively through
regular training, allowing you to perform at a faster pace with the same amount of effort.

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 20 of 144


Magnesium has been shown to improve energy utilisation under heavy aerobic training, and reduce the stress of exercise,
allowing for faster recovery. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, dark leafy greens, lentils and mackerel.

Including more meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, and eggs in your diet will help reduce fatigue during prolonged
aerobic exercise and improve muscular strength and endurance, as they are rich in BCAAs (branch chain amino acids),
beta-alanine and creatine.


Because of your genetic predisposition, your exercise performance is likely to benefit from supplementation of the above

Genes tested


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 21 of 144

Fitness - Muscle Property

Muscle Damage Risk​

A predisposition to increased muscle damage risk can mean that you need to be more careful about lifting heavy weights,
or making sudden moves than the average person. Additionally, you may want to focus your exercises on those that
improve the tenacity and flexibility of your muscles. Some people need longer recovery periods following high-intensity
weight training. A person with higher predisposition to muscle damage will benefit from less frequent exercise activities,
with longer recovery periods. If the body is not fully recovered it may result in injuries, muscle straining and over-training.
This is particularly important for high-intensity weight training classes.

About your result
Your genetic predisposition score for this trait falls within the
normal range.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


You are likely able to perform strenuous exercise more frequently than most people, and be able to endure longer, more
intense sessions. However, exercise caution if you are clocking more than four rigorous training sessions per week.


Anti-inflammatory foods may relieve muscle soreness. These include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon,
tuna, flaxseeds and walnuts. Spices such as ginger and turmeric are also effective anti-inflammatories, so use them when
preparing your meals.

Decrease your intake of refined carbohydrates and fructose, as sugar prevents the release of human growth hormone
(needed for tissue repair).

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Fitness) 22 of 144

Ensure that you have adequate protein intake, as amino acids are the building blocks of muscle. Consider supplementing
with a good quality whey protein to boost your protein levels and support recovery.


You should be able to perform strenuous exercise 3-4 times per week. However, if you plan to increase to four or more
sessions per week, consider following the dietary and supplementary recommendations.

If you train intensively more than three times per week, make sure to put equal emphasis on recovery methods, such as
adequate sleep, protein intake, ensuring sufficient minerals, e.g. potassium and magnesium, dynamic stretching (e.g.
lunges and squats), and massage.

Genes tested


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(Fitness) 23 of 144

Fitness - Muscle Property

Muscle Recovery Impairment​

The ability and speed of your muscles to repair themselves is primarily genetic. The higher the capacity of your muscles to
repair themselves, the more potential you have to perform more rigorous exercises without worrying about the long-term
impact of over-training.

Prolonged strenuous exercise results in activation of inflammatory factors. Genetic factors enhance the inflammatory
response and may slow down the repair process following exercise. A person with higher predisposition to inflammation
will benefit from less frequent exercise activities, and longer recovery periods. If the body is not fully recovered it may
result in injuries, muscle straining and over-training. This is particularly important for high-intensity weight training
athletes, and bodybuilders.

About your result
Your genetics-based score for the muscle repair after exercise is
within average range. Follow general recommendation for recovery
time after exercise.

5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Based on your genetic tendency, you should be able to perform up to 4 rigorous training sessions per week without much
muscle strain.


As amino acids are key to muscle building and tissue repair, having adequate protein in your diet is essential. Aim for at
least 2g per kg of your body weight.

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(Fitness) 24 of 144

Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods to assist muscle tissue repair and speed up recovery time. These include
foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, flaxseeds and walnuts. Spices such as ginger and turmeric are
also effective anti-inflammatories, so use them when preparing your meals. Tart cherry is known to be a rich source of
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, which help reduce pain and enhance exercise recovery.

Decrease your intake of refined carbohydrates and fructose, as sugar prevents the release of human growth hormone
(needed for tissue repair).

Ensure that you have adequate protein intake, as amino acids are the building blocks of muscle. Consider supplementing
with a good quality whey protein to boost your protein levels and support recovery.


You should be able to perform strenuous exercise 3-4 times per week. However, if you plan to increase to three or more
sessions per week, supplementation may be beneficial.

HMB (beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate), L-citruline (6g before exercise), or L-carnitine (2-3g per day), help

improve recovery after exercise stress.

Whey protein and branch chain amino acids 30 minutes before exercise has been shown to reduce muscle damage and
post training soreness.

Genes tested



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(Fitness) 25 of 144

Fitness - Muscle Property

Muscle Soreness​
Delayed onset muscle soreness refers to the feeling of soreness 12-24 hours after heavy exercise. It is commonly
understood to be the result of microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. If you have a higher predisposition towards muscle
soreness, you may want to limit the intensity of your workouts and concentrate more on endurance exercises that put less
pointed pressure on your muscles.

Genetic variants in some inflammation-related genes have been found to be related to the greatest muscle soreness
immediately after exercise, and highest post-exercise serum creatine kinase activity.

About your result
Your genetic predisposition score for this trait falls within the
normal range, no specific action is required for this trait.

25th Your score is greater than 25%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Focusing on strengthening the muscle groups you most commonly use is the most effective way to minimise muscle
soreness. For example, for basketball, common muscles that commonly get sore are the thighs and the calves, whereas in
rowing, the shoulders and biceps are likely to feel sore.

As you have a normal tendency for muscle cramps, performing these focused workouts once a fortnight is sufficient.


A tip for decreasing muscle soreness is to consume protein, such as white fish or egg white, prior to training, as protein
breaks down quickly, providing an efficient supply of the building blocks required for muscle repair.

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(Fitness) 26 of 144


Performing static stretching (holding a stretch for 30-60 secs) on the evening of workout, not immediately after, helps
increases blood flow and speed up recovery.

A sauna or massage session post workout also helps increase blood flow and recovery speed.

Genes tested

DARC, CD163, CFH, CKM, CR1, CRP, HLA-DQB1, LILRB5, NINJ1, IGF2 (12)...


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(Fitness) 27 of 144

Fitness - Injury Risk

Overall Injury Risk​

Susceptibility to non-contact injuries from participating in physical activities has a strong genetic basis. Genetic variants
contribute to risk of injuries, particularly in tendon and ligaments, and have been associated with soft tissue injuries
(including cruciate ligament, shoulder dislocation and Achilles tendon ruptures).

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures are considered to be the most severe joint injury in sports and they are very
common in a sporting population. Athletes are involved with sudden deceleration of the body from jumping and forward
running while the knee is in a shallow flexion angle. Sudden change in particular direction, such as in soccer, rugby and
football, contributes to a higher risk of rupturing the ACL. There are extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including genetic
variations, which influence the risk of ACL.

About your result
Your genetic predisposition score for this trait falls within the
normal range. No specific action is required for this trait.

5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


No specific exercises or training recommended.


Tendons and ligaments are made of collagen. More collagen is needed when there is injury to these tissue.

Vitamin C and manganese are essential for collagen production in the body. Dietary sources of vitamin C include citrus
fruits, kiwi, broccoli, berries, capsicum, and guava, while manganese rich foods include chia seeds, flaxseeds, tofu, tempeh,
spinach and walnuts.

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(Fitness) 28 of 144


You are within the normal range on this trait. To further reduce your risk of injury, ensure that you have adequate range of
motion in all joints.

If you have limited motion in specific joints, focus on improving range of motion for these joints through static stretching
(holding a light stretch for 30 seconds). Poor flexibility adds to injury risk.

Good posture and alignment are essential to avoiding injury risk. Ensure that your shoulders and hips are level, and that
your feet have correct arches. If this is not the case, it would be best to visit a posture correction specialist to reduce your
injury risk.

Genes tested

CCDC91, CDC5L, EIF3H, HAO1, LINC00536, LOC100506393, MIR4642, RSPO2, SUPT3H, ACTN3 (3)...

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(Fitness) 29 of 144

Fitness - Injury Risk

Stress Fracture Risk​

Stress fractures are small cracks in a bone. They are common overuse injuries caused by repetitive force, or movements.
For example, running long distances, or repeatedly jumping up and down. Stress fractures affect up to 20% of athletes,
particularly female athletes. They may also arise from normal use of a bone that has been weakened. Anyone can
experience a stress fracture, but some have a higher predisposition.

The major determinant of stress fracture risk is bone mineral density. Bone density has a large genetic component - up to
85% of bone mineral density variability is explained by genetic variations. We use information on dozens of genetic
variants to estimate your risk of stress fracture.

About your result
You have an average risk of developing stress fracture. Follow the
recommendations below to maintain your bone health.

25th Your score is greater than 25%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


Resistance, or weight bearing training is the most effective method of exercise for bone health. When your bones
and muscles are placed under a load, your body releases growth hormone, which triggers increased bone repair and bone
growth. At least two resistance training sessions per week are recommended to maintain bone strength.


Calcium is essential for bone formation, bone health and strength.

Bone broth is wonderful for bone health as it is abundant in collagen building amino acids. Drink one cup of quality bone
broth daily to support bone and joint health.

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(Fitness) 30 of 144

Equally as important is vitamin D, needed for calcium absorption, and collagen, also vital for bone health. Leafy greens,
animal bones, sardines with edible bones, and dairy products are good sources of calcium. The best way to boost your
vitamin D levels is via controlled exposure to sunlight. Good food sources of vitamin D include fish such as tuna, salmon,
anchovies and sardines, cheese, egg yolk, liver, and other organ meats.

Magnesium is another important nutrient for bone health as it contributes to stronger, denser bones. Foods rich in
magnesium include leafy greens, beans, nuts, whole grains and brown rice.


Vitamin D has been shown to decrease the incidence of stress fracture. The best way to ensuring healthy vitamin D levels
is have sufficient time in the sun. The more bare skin exposed the better, and limit your time to 10-15 mins of sun

Genes tested

ATP6V1G1, KCNH1, LINC00222, EN1, FLJ42280, ESR1, MEF2C, SOST, WNT16, ESR1 (20)...

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(Fitness) 31 of 144

Fitness - Weight Management

Aversion to Exercise​
A sedentary lifestyle is an important risk factor for a variety of physical health problems, such as obesity, cardiovascular
diseases, type II diabetes and osteoporosis. Genetic factors play a role in your interest towards physical activity. Based on a
large study conducted in over 85 thousand adult twins from seven different countries, the study reported that up to 70%
of the variance in adult exercise behaviour is due to genetic factors. Genome-wide data analysis identified genetic
variations that were associated with exercise participation or exercise aversion are independent of sex, age, and body
mass index. If you have these genetic variations, you may have a lower biological desire to engage in physical activity
making exercise your least favourite activity.

About your result
You fall within the general population range for interest in physical

75th Your score is greater than 75%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


No specific exercises are recommended. You will benefit from any form of physical activity that you enjoy. Refer to your
other fitness traits to help you choose which exercises are best suited to you. However, if you have underlying medical
conditions, please consult your doctor on appropriate exercises.


No specific dietary recommendations apply.

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(Fitness) 32 of 144


Your genetic variation shows a likelihood for higher participation in physical activity. If you do not exercise regularly, try
joining a social fitness group or trying a new activity you find interesting. You are likely to enjoy exercise and benefit more
than individuals who do not share your genetic score.

Genes tested

C18orf2, DNAPTP6, LEP, MC4R, PAPSS2, TMEM18, CSMD1, CTCFL, GPC5, PAP2D (59)...


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(Fitness) 33 of 144

Fitness - Weight Management

Difficulty in Losing Weight​

We respond differently to exercise and diets, and lose weight at differing rates. Studies have shown that carriers of some
genetic variations have more difficulty losing weight, and improving their metabolic health, compared to people without
this genetic variation. Those with genetic variants associated with obesity, sensitivity to fat, type 2 diabetes, emotional
eating and food addiction do not lose weight as easily as others, while on the same diet and exercise plans. It is important
to remember that genetics plays a key role in weight loss and weight management. Many people feel discouraged after a
few weeks of dieting when they do not see the anticipated results. Understanding your genetic predisposition may help
you develop an optimal weight management plan.

About your result
You do not have any genetic variations for losing weight, and
should not have any difficulties maintaining a healthy weight.

70th Your score is greater than 70%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Perform at least 3 hours of physical activity per week. With 2 of those hours being properly designed strength training
such as bodybuilding and circuit training. The remaining hour would be split into three 20 min session of either
cardiovascular exercise, or interval training.

Swimming, cycling and rowing are good choices. Jogging is suitable only if you have no history of foot or joint pain.

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Maintain a healthy weight by making good food choices, e.g. increasing your portion of vegetables to rice or noodles,
replacing fried foods with grilled or steamed options, and ensuring that you are drinking at least 8 glasses of clean, plain
water every day are good basic habits to practice towards achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Foods abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, e.g. cold water fish, (preferably wild), such as sardines, mackerel, tuna, and
salmon, flax seeds, and grass fed meat, are beneficial for weight management, and also increase the feeling of satiety,
meaning that you will feel more satisfied after eating, leading to less tendency to overeat, or snack between meals.


Keep active by clocking up 'non-exercise' physical activities such as walking, joining recreational activities, housework, car
washing, and gardening.

Genes tested

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(Fitness) 35 of 144

Fitness - Weight Management

Slow Metabolism​
Body weight depends on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Energy intake comes from calories
consumed, and energy expenditure is the energy body uses to maintain normal body temperature and essential processes
such as metabolism, breathing, and brain function. Individual differences in resting metabolic rate (RMR) are substantial,
and depend on age, weight, environment, and genetics. Your genes determine 40-50% of your RMR, after adjustment for
age, gender, and fat-free mass. People with 'fast metabolism' can sometimes eat more food with little exercise and not
gain weight. People with 'normal metabolism' tend to require average amounts of food intake and average amounts of
exercise to maintain weight. Total energy expenditure is the RMR plus energy burned during physical activities.

About your result
Your genetic variation shows a predisposition for normal resting
metabolism rate.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Perform at least three hours of physical activity per week, with two hours being properly designed weight training. Split
the remaining hour into three 20 min session of either cardiovascular exercise or interval training.


No specific dietary recommendations apply.

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Increase non-exercise physical activity such as walking more, doing active recreational activities, housework, washing car,

A good starting point for weight loss is eating a diet of about 26-28 times your bodyweight in kg. e.g. 70kg man with a
sedentary job would eat about 1,900 calories per day. See a fitness and nutrition professional to help you adjust this for
your genetics, lean body mass and activity level.

Genes tested



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Longevity E
This section examines genetic variations can influence cognitive function, sleep
quality, mobility, and longevity. With this genetic test, you can personalize your

diet and lifestyle choices and identify potential areas of concern as you age. Our
aim is to help you comprehend the science behind your genes and utilize this
knowledge as a reference to make positive lifestyle adjustments that promote
long-lasting well-being.
(Longevity) 37 of 144

Longevity - Cognitive Performance

Cognitive Decline​
As we age, our cognitive capacity and abilities tend to decline to some degree. Symptoms typically involves forgetfulness,
decresed ability to remain focus as well as decreases problem solving capacity. If these symptoms are left unchecked,
often times it can progress into more serious conditions leading to dementia, depression and even Alzheimer's disease.

There are several genetic variants that can accelerate the decline or protect againt the decline in cognitive function. These
genetic variants were discovered from a study of almost 54 thousand participants who undertook multiple, diverse
cognitive tests. Various strategies are being offered to preserve cognitive functioning in aging population.


About your result
You have a slightly elevated genetic predisposition risk for age-
related cognitive decline.

80th Your score is greater than 80%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Studies have shown that high intake of simple sugars and saturated fats are deleterious to brain health, so it would be
wise to limit consumption of these foods. Mediterranean diet rich in mono and poly-unsaturated fats, fibers and
polyphenols have been proven to provide our brain with much needed nutrition so that it can function at its best.

Regular physical activity have also been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline in old age.

It is also important to exercise the brain by performing mental tasks and learning new skills to keep your brain active.
Another fun way of keeping your mind fresh is to solve puzzles and play games that exercise your mind, such as sudoku,
crossword puzzles, mahjong, card games or mobile games.

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(Longevity) 38 of 144

Genes tested

AKAP6, CADM2, DRD2, JMJD1C, LRRC14, MIR211, PAX3, TOMM40, NEBL, HELQ (130)...


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(Longevity) 39 of 144

Longevity - Cognitive Performance

Declarative Memory Decline​

Declarative memory is a form of long-term memory consisting of facts and events that can be consciously recalled or
'declared'. As humans age, our brain resources tend to dwindle and the genetic effects on our brain and our cognitive
power becomes more apparent.

A study of over 40,000 individuals revealed genetic variants that increase the risk of delayed recall while, some genetic
variants can have a protective role on memory.

About your result
You do not to have known genetic predisposition risks for age-
related declarative memory decline.

60th Your score is greater than 60%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you do not have genetic predisposition for memory decline, the following can help to keep your mind sharp.

Manage your stress level and get enough sleep, as sleep deprivation leads to the release of chemical cortisol, which can
contribute to cognitive degeneration.

Learning new skills, a new foreign language, engaging in mind-stimulating activities such as crossword puzzles and
soduko can help to reduce chances of memory loss and keep your brain in shape.

Regular physical activities trigger the release of protein BDNF which promotes healthy nerve cells and blood flow to the
brain, keeping your memory sharp.

Social interactions help ward off depression and stress which can contribute to memory loss.

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Genes tested



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(Longevity) 41 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Bone Density Loss​

Bone density is the measurement of how dense and strong our bones are. As we age, we tend to lose bone mass as well
as density due to the loss of calcium and other minerals. Eventually the bone become more brittle and leads to
oeteoporosis. This is especially common among post-menopausal women.

Age-related loss in bone mineral density, muscle strength, balance and gait have all been linked to an increase in the risk
of fall, fractures and disability. There are many genetic variants that have been found to influence bone density and
fracture risk, with each variant contribute a little but taken together, significantly increases the risk.

About your result
You seem to have a low risk of genetically-influenced bone density

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Although you do not have the genetic predisposition towards poor bone density, that does not mean that you will not
develop osteoporosis. Our lifestyle choices and diet plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones.

A diet high in calcium and regular healthy exposure to sunlight for Vitamin D is important for healty bones. Vitamin D help
our body to absorb the much needed calcium. Good sources of calcium includes yogurt, cheese, milk, spinach and tofu.
Besides sunlight, good source of Vitamin D includes fatty fish like wild-caught mackerel, salmon and tuna. Vitamin D is
also added to milk and to some brands of other dairy products, orange juice, soymilk and cereals.

Weight bearing and muscle strengthening exercises are also important for building and maintaining bone density.

Limiting consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking can all help to maintain healthy bones too.

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Genes tested



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(Longevity) 43 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Droopy Eyelids​
There are various causes to droopy eyelids but this condition is more commonly seen in older adults due to the normal
aging process. Due to collagen loss during the aging process, the connective tissue supporting the structure of the eyelid
loses elasticity, causing the eyelids to droop. As time passes, the eyelids may begin to cover your eyes giving you a hooded
appearance and may affect your vision. Anyone can get droopy eyelids; there is no difference in prevalence between men
and women or between ethnicities. However, studies showed that genetics may influence your chances of developing
droopy eyelids.


About your result
You have a slightly elevated genetic predisposition risk for droopy

65th Your score is greater than 65%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


If you do not get sufficient sleep, your eyes will look fatigue and stressed. This will worsen the sagging around the eye
and give you an aged outlook. Hence, it is recommended that you have regular sleep for at least for 6 hours every night.

Another natural way to relieve droopy eyelids is through exercise. The eyelids are part of a muscle ring around the eye
called the orbicularis oculi. There are several eye exercises for droopy eyelids that can tone your eyelid muscles:

Close your eyelids, stretching your upper lids down. Repeat this subtle movement five times and then squeeze your eyes
shut for a count of six. Relax the contracted position of your eyelids on a count of three and then open your eyes. Perform
the exercise two times daily, five days per week.

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(Longevity) 44 of 144

Genes tested

SMYD3, LOC285638, HOXD1, ATP8A1, p12, DLGAP1, COL1A2, SFRP4, ZNF385D, SNRPCP3-SIAH2...(25)


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(Longevity) 45 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Elevated Homocysteine​
Homocysteine is an amino acid found in blood, formed as a breakdown product of protein metabolism. High homocysteine
levels have been associated with cardiovascular diseases and is a strong independent risk factor for the development of
dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Numerous studies have also shown that folic acid supplementation decreases risk of
neural tube defects and premature delivery during pregnancy. Smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet, advance age, obesity and
some genetic variations can all cause increase in homocysteine levels.

About your result
You do not have genetic predisposition risks for high homocysteine.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Congratulations! You are likely to have a normal homocysteine level. To maintain homocysteine at a healthy range, ensure
that you have adequate intake of folic acid (Vitamin B9), Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Foods that are high in natural folic
acid include beans, legumes, broccoli, spinach and leafy greens, organ meats like liver, poultry, and avocado.

Regular exercise can help address problems caused by high homocysteine by improving our immune function, keeping
hormonal balance in check, decreasing stress levels, improving sleep quality, regulating body weight control and
decreasing inflammation

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 46 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Hair Loss​
Baldness, or androgenetic alopecia (AGA), is characterized by a defined pattern of hair loss from the scalp. MPB is easily
recognizable. It starts with a gradually receding hairline that forms an “M” shape. Eventually the hair becomes finer,
shorter, and thinner, and creates a U-shaped (or horseshoe) pattern of hair around the sides of the head.
The condition may affect up to 70% of men and 40% of women at some point in their lifetime. The prevalence of male-
pattern baldness gradually increases with age, and it is lower in Asian men compared to Caucasians.

Baldness is known to be substantially heritable, with approximately 80% for both early- and late- onset hair loss.
Numerous genetic variants are found to be associated with hair loss. The androgen gene may be only 40% responsible for
MPB. The remaining 60% can be attributed to other genes controlling the hair follicle cycle, response to metabolic states,
cell division, stress and environmental factors.

About your result
You have a typical predisposition likelihood for hair loss.

30th Your score is greater than 30%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Even if you do not have elevated risk of AGA, you can maximize healthy hair growth by consuming a diet rich in iron, zinc,
vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin D, and omega-3. Some rich sources of iron include broccoli, asparagus and dark leafy greens
such as spinach, collards and kale. Red meat such as beef, lamb, duck and goose also contain high levels of ferritin. You
can also obtain the required nutrition via supplementation.

A stressful event can lead to sudden excessive hair shedding, so do practise good stress management. Some common
methods include meditation, yoga and physical activities. Losing 80 to 100 hair strands a day is normal. If you are
concerned about thinning hair, pay a visit to trichotherapy clinic to see a scalp specialist for treatment options.

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(Longevity) 47 of 144

Genes tested



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(Longevity) 48 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Healthy Aging​
As your body ages, you can expect gradual changes that will occur at your body's own pace. How your body ages
depends in part on your genetic pattern of aging. Other factors such as environmental influences and dietary regime can
also contribute to healthy aging.

The genes in this trait were studied in a group of over 1,300 healthy individuals ranging from 80 to 105 years, called the
Wellderly cohort. Interestingly, the study showed that the long-living group does not seem to have decreased genetics-
based risk for cancer or diabetes.

This trait measures whether you share genetic variations that are associated with the Wellderly cohort.

About your result
You share a number of genetic variations with the Wellderly cohort,
and have a good genetic predisposition to live a healthy life.

35th Your score is greater than 35%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Eating right and keeping a physically active lifestyle are keys to maintain health throughout life. As we age, the need for
nutritent changes. Body composition studies found that in older individuals, a diet consisting of high amount of vegetables,
fruits, whole grains, fish and low-fat dairy products may be associated with superior nutritional status and better quality of
life and survival.

Calcium and vitamin D play crucial roles in the prevention and delay of osteoporosis. Recently, the role of calcium and
vitamin D play in other health-related conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and immunity has received much
attention. Other nutrients such as proteins, vitamins A and K, magnesium and phytoestrogens have also shown to
contribute to bone health.

To keep your muscles strong and maintain youthful balance and gait, perform more muscle strengthening exercises
to build and maintain bone density. This helps lower the risk of fall, fractures and disability.

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(Longevity) 49 of 144

Genes tested



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(Longevity) 50 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Joint Inflammation​
Our joints experience wear and tear as we age. It starts with stiffness in the morning and slowly develops into joint
inflammation, a condition where the joints become inflammed, swollen and sometimes painful especially upon

There are many causes of joint inflammation: excess weight, autoimmune conditions, previous injury to the joint, overuse of
the joint as well as certain genetic variations that contribute to inflammation.


About your result
You have a slightly elevated predisposition risk for joint

65th Your score is greater than 65%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


If you have a genetic predisposition towards joint inflammation, following a healthy anti-inflammatory diet will help to
counter some of the chronic inflammation. Some examples of anti-inflammatory food include olive oil, green leafy
vegetables (spinach and kale), nuts (almonds and walnuts), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines), and fruits
(strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges). These foods are often found in the Mediterranean diet.

Losing weight and regular strengthening exercises can help lower the chance of joint dieases.

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 51 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Having the right genes can help increase your chances of reaching 100 years old, since longevity runs in families. At least
50% of centenarians have first-degree relatives or grandparents who reach a ripe age, according to Boston University's
New England Centenarian Study (NECS), the most comprehensive study of seniors in the world.

While you cannot control genetics, there are plenty of things you can do to increase the probability of living to a ripe old
age. Studies have shown that lifestyle, diet, mental attitude and spiritual disposition play the biggest roles in longevity.

About your result
While you have a number of genetic variants associated with
longevity, your overall genetics-based general longevity likelihood
is typical.
40th Your score is greater than 40%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Research has found that what we eat can affect our telomeres. Certain foods encourage our telomeres to lengthen while
other foods can have the opposite effect. Instead of a diet high in sugar, aim to have diet rich in fiber, protein and healthy
fat to avoid insulin spike which can lead to diabetes and damages our telomeres.

Keeping a careful watch on our weight and shape of our body is also important. Studies have shown that those with
bigger waistline to hip ratio can lead to a more faster aging process, as the fat stored in the belly and liver can contribute
to many chronic diseases.

Keep your brain active by learning a new language, take up a new hobby, attend lectures or do crossword puzzles to keep
our mind engaged and alert.

Free radicals produced by normal body functions such as during liver detoxification can lead to cell damage and
accelerated aging. Antioxidants play an important role to increase lifespan by scavenging inflammatory free radicals.
Some rich sources of antioxidants include carotenoids like beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. You can get these
nutrients from rich-coloured foods such as pomegranates, goji berries, blueberries, dark chocolate, pecans and carrots.

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(Longevity) 52 of 144

Genes tested



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(Longevity) 53 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Macular Degeneration​
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a common eye condition and a leading cause of vision loss among people age
50 and older. It causes damage to the macula, a small spot near the center of the retina and the part of the eye needed for
sharp, central vision, which lets us see objects that are straight ahead. As AMD progresses, a blurred area near the center
of vision is a common symptom. Over time, the blurred area may grow larger or blank spots may develop in the central
vision. Objects also may not appear to be as bright as they used to be.

AMD is a major cause of blindness in the elderly in Asian countries, and the number is growing significantly. In Japan, the
Hisayama Study reported that the prevalence of early AMD was 12.7% in a population aged 50 years or older. In Taiwan,
the Shihpai Eye Study showed the prevalence of early AMD at 9.2% in a population aged 65 years or older.

A study of over 33,000 individuals uncovered many genetic variants that contribute to higher risks in AMD.

About your result
You have an elevated genetic risk for AMD.

95th Your score is greater than 95%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations

Genes tested

ABCA1, ACAD10, C2, C3, CFI, NOTCH4, TNXB, CFH, ARMS2, HTRA1 (115)...

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(Longevity) 54 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Red Meat Diet Risk​

Many studies have shown the link between high consumption of red and processed meat and increased risk of
developing colorectal cancer. Cooking muscle meat, including beef, fish or poultry, using high temperature methods, such
as pan flying or grilling directly over an open flame generates heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH). These chemicals are mutagenic—that is, they cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of
cancer. Based on genome-wide association studies, individuals with a certain genetic variation in GATA3 gene are at a
higher risk of developing colorectal cancer with elevated consumption of processed meats compared to those without the

About your result
You do not seem to have genetic predisposition risks for red meat
intake risk.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Limiting the consumption of red meat and processed meat can help reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. To
reduce cancer risk, eat no more than 500 grams (cooked weight) per week of red meats, like beef, pork and lamb. Reduce
the consumption of processed meats such as ham, bacon, salami, hot dogs and sausages, as some carcinogenic chemicals
that form during meat processing including N-nitroso compounds, are found to increase cancer risk. If you have a family
history of colorectal cancer, we would suggest you seek a professional medical opinion.

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 55 of 144

Longevity - General Health

Cataract is the clouding of your normally clear lens. Looking through a cloudy lens is like looking through a foggy window
and with time, will gradually worsen and disturb your vision if no treatment is done. Most cataracts develop with aging or
when an injury causes changes to the tissue that makes up your eye's lens. Serious cases of cataract is the leading cause
of blindness in the world.

A large study of over seven thousand individuals identified several genetic biomarkers associated with increased risk of
cataracts. If a known exposure to risk factors for cataract could be modified to delay the onset of cataract by just 10 years,
the need for cataract surgery would decrease by nearly 50%.


About your result
You have a slightly elevated genetic predisposition risk for

70th Your score is greater than 70%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


Oxidation in the eyes ultimately affect the lense of the eye causing damage and cloudiness. Preventing free radical
damage with foods high in antioxidant properties can help slow down this process. Consume fruits and vegetables with
high vitamins A, C and E, selenium, carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
to decrease the risk of cataracts.

Stop smoking and control your alcohol intake as it can worsen cataract. Reduce exposure to UV rays from the sun by
wearing wide brim hates as well as sunglasses that have UVA/UVB protection when outdoors and avoid directly looking
at the sun.

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Genes tested



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(Longevity) 57 of 144

Longevity - Inflammation

Overall Inflammation​
Inflammation is a normal biological response of the body in an attempt to protect itself and remove harmful materials such
as damaged cells, irritants, invading pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites) so the healing process can begin.
However, long term, silent inflammation can lead to various chronic diseases, especially in the heart, immune system and
even the brain. Overall inflamation risk is complex and involves over 50 genetic variations, with each contributing slightly
to an increased risk of silent inflammation. The overall inflammation score calculated here is based on cumulative action of
4 inflammatory biomarkers which includes interleukin 6, interleukin 18, CRP, and ESR.

About your result
While you have a number of genetic variants associated with
inflammatory response, your overall inflammation score is within a
normal range.
30th Your score is greater than 30%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Inflammation is a part of the body`s own natural defence mechanism, helping your own body to protect and heal itself.

Following a healthy anti-inflammatory diet helps to counter some of the chronic inflammation. Some of such food include
olive oil, green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), nuts (almonds and walnuts), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, and
sardines), and fruits (strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges).

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 58 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Overall Insomnia Risk​

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in which your brain is unable to stop being awake. Between 6 and 10% of
individuals experience chronic insomnia, while another 25% report occasional difficulties with sleep.

Individuals suffering with insomnia often feel dissatisfied with their sleep and will eventually lead to grogginesss, low
energy, fatigue, poor concentration, poor performance in school or at work place and impaired memory. There are many
causes of insomnia including medical conditions such as restless-leg syndrome, sinus or pain causing discomport. Anxiety,
stress and depression can manifest as insomnia as well.

About your result
You do not seem to have genetic variations that are associated with
overall insomnia potential.

45th Your score is greater than 45%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


You do not seem to have a genetic predisposition towards insomnia. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep,
lifestyle modifications can help improve sleep quality. If you have trouble with sleep despite lifestyle modifications and it is
affecting your daily activity, seek medical advice.

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 59 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Caffeine-Induced Insomnia​
Caffeine is widely used by most of us to help stay awake or remain alert during the day. It is a known stimulant,
temporarily making us more alert by blocking sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and increasing adrenaline production.

Several genetic variations have been found to potentially influence caffeine-induced insomnia. Caffeine overload can lead
to insomnia and increases the number of times you wake up during the night and interferes with deep sleep cycle. If you
are especially sensitive to caffeine, just one cup a day could disrupt your sleep and make you jittery.


About your result
You have a slightly elevated genetic predisposition likelihood for
caffeine-induced insomnia. This means your sleep may be affected
negatively by having caffeine-rich beverages later in the afternoon.
50th Your score is greater than 50%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


If you have known sensitivity towards caffeine, we would suggest to stop consuming caffeine for at least 6 hours prior to

Knowing which products contain caffeine will help you make smarter choices. In addition to the usual suspect such as
coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks, caffeine can also be found in certain chocolate products, over-the-counter pain
relievers as well as coffee-flavored ice creams and yogurts. Cut down caffeine consumption gradually to prevent
withdrawal and try decaffeined products.

Genes tested

AC105008.1, RP11-889D3.1, MTNR1B, P2RY2, MTUS2, RP11-479A21.1, NEDD4L, RP11-430J3.1, PRIMA1

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(Longevity) 60 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Poor Sleep Depth​

The technical name for deep sleep is slow-wave sleep, or delta sleep. It is part of the non-rapid eye movement sleep cycle
during which the frequency of the brains waves slows into high-amplitude, low-frequency delta waves. Subjectively,
deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment. It is often very difficult to awaken a person
in deep sleep. Deep sleep is extremely effective in decreasing the sleep drive that builds steadily over the course of the
day, so you feel well rested after high quality deep sleep. The body does a lot of its deep recovery and repair while in deep
sleep, as human growth hormone required for cell repair is released in pulses during deep sleep. In persons with poor
sleep depth, the deep sleep stage tends to be easily interrupted, leading to lowered restorative effects of sleep.

About your result
You have an elevated genetic predisposition risk for poor sleep

90th Your score is greater than 90%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


If you are finding it difficult to remain asleep, or wake up multiple times in the night, keeping a sleep diary could help you
explore the causes that may contribute to your sleep disruption. Keeping a regular sleep time and awake time even on
weekends help regulate your body`s natural clock. Good health sleeping habits such as a relaxing bedtime ritual and
avoiding bright or blue lights before bedtime can help reduce stress and promote sleep. Exercise daily and evaluate your
room for sound insulation and light protection. Cooler bedroom temperature (15-18 degrees Celsius) help in better sleep.
Finally sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Genes tested

LOC100422385-LOC440973, TLN2, ADA

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(Longevity) 61 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Poor Sleep Quality​

Good quality of sleep is determined by how well you sleep throughout the night and how fresh and awake you feel in the
morning. The deeper you sleep, the better your sleep quality. The 2 signs of poor quality of sleep includes waking up
multiple times at night as well as finding it difficult to wake up in the morning and feeling sleepy and grogy throughout
the day. There are many genetic influences on sleep quality. Poor sleep quality, even if influenced by genetics, can be
addressed by behavioral changes.

About your result
You do not have genetic predispositions known to affect sleep

40th Your score is greater than 40%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you do not have genetic variations associated with inefficient sleep quality, If you feel like you like you are
experiencing sleep quality issues, try behavioral changes that might help improve your sleep quality.

Find a bed that is comfortable for you that does not cause back aches or neck sprains when you wake up. Avoid caffeiene
and alcohol before bed as it acts as a diuretic causing you to wake up in the middle of the night to go to toilet. Avoid the
use of electronic gadgets that emit blue light. Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on
the weekends. Keep your bedroom temperature cool (15-18 Celsius) and dark.

Using aromatherapy is also one of the easiest ways to boost sleep quality. It has been scientifically proven that lavender
and jasmine oils make you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

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(Longevity) 62 of 144

Genes tested

ADCK5, ADH5P2-LOC553139, ARHGAP11A, CEP152, DEFB127-DEFB128, ECE1, FERD3L-LOC107986773, HRH2-

CPLX2, KIF1C, LINC01299,…(348)


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(Longevity) 63 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Short Sleep Duration​

Sleep affects many areas of health. Studies shows that an average adult between the age of 18 to 64 years old requires 7
to 9 hours of sleep a night. Adequate hours of sleep improves learning process, memory and improves immunity. If you're
sleep deficient, you may have trouble making decisions, solving problems, controlling emotions and behavior, and coping
with sudden changes. People who are sleep deprived are also less productive, taking longer to complete tasks, have a
slower reaction time and make more mistakes. Sleep depreivation of less then 5 hours can also lead to insulin resistance,
weight gain, and increases risk of age-related chronic illnesses such as diabetes.

About your result
You do not seem to have known genetic predispositions for short
sleep duration.

35th Your score is greater than 35%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Congratulations! You're likely to enjoy a normal sleep duration. It's always good to maintain good sleeping habits, such as
avoiding the use of electronic gadgets which emit blue light, and the consumption of caffeine and sugary foods as these
can disrupt your sleep as well. If needed, keeping a sleep diary will help you understand your sleeping habits better.

Genes tested


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(Longevity) 64 of 144

Longevity - Sleep

Sleepiness is also known as somnolence, a state of strong desire to sleep or sleep for a prolonged period of time. Average
adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. However, some people experience excessive sleepiness and routinely feel drowsy
and sleepy upon waking up in the morning.

When sleepiness interferes with daily routines and activities, or reduces the ability to function, it is called "problem
sleepiness". You may have "problem sleepiness" when you frequently fall asleep during passive activities such as
watching televesion, suffer from poor memory and concentration, have difficulty in controlling emotions and need to take
naps most of the day. Serious cases of "problem sleepiness" is a major cause of traffic and occupational accidents.

Sleepiness is a common problem especialy in individuals who works in shift due to disturbed circadian rhythm. Evidence
from several studies indicates that excessive sleepiness is heritable, with heritability estimates of 50%. Knowing that at
least part of sleepiness may be due to genetic factors, may help people with elevated risk of day time sleepiness to keep it
under control.

About your result

You do not seem to have known genetic predispositions for
daytime sleepiness.
50th Your score is greater than 50%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you don't have the genetic predisposition towards sleepiness, environmental and behavioural factors can contribute
to sleepiness. Certain medication and medical condition can cause excessive sleepiness.

In other cases, poor sleeping habit are often the cause. Aim to have 7-8 hours of good quality of sleep per night and
practice good sleeping habits. Try using the hours before bed for a quiet time. Avoid strenous activities and avoid
electronics especially those that emits blue artificial light. Nicotine and caffeine disturbs sleep by acting as a stimulant. The
effect of caffeine can last up to 8 hours. Some individuals find napping during the day helpful by providing a boost in
alertness and performance. However, if you have trouble falling asleep at night, limit nap times.

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(Longevity) 65 of 144

Genes tested



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Allergy E
The section examines genetic variations that may impact your inherent risks of
developing allergies or sensitivities to common triggers like food, plants, airborne
substances, and chemicals. This test helps you gain insights into your innate

allergy risks and enables you to make informed adjustments to your living
environment and diet to prevent intolerance or allergic reactions. It's important to
remember that the results indicate genetic risk based on existing clinical and
scientific studies, and they do not provide a definitive medical allergy diagnosis. If

you suspect you have allergies, it's always recommended to consult a physician or
healthcare provider for accurate evaluation and guidance.
(Allergy) 66 of 144

Allergy - General

Allergic Inflammation Risk​

Allergic inflammation or allergic hypersensitivity is mediated by an antibody in the body called Immunoglobulin E (IgE).
IgE-mediated response would usually lead to an immediate inflammatory reaction. Some of the examples of IgE-mediated
inflammatory conditions are allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, eczema (atopic dermatitis), hives,
swelling of eyes and lips (angioedema). In severe cases, anaphylaxis can occur, where the inflammation is so extensive
that the narrowed airway affects breathing and blood pressure drops. This could be fatal if not treated immediately.

Clinically, a significant elevation the total blood IgE level usually indicates the presence of allergic reaction. It is a strongly
heritable trait - studies of over 40,000 individuals from various ethnic groups have identified several genetic predictors of
blood total IgE levels.

About your result
You seem to have a typical genetics-based predisposition for
allergic inflammation or allergic hypersensitivity.

50th Your score is greater than 50%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you do not have increased risks of developing IgE-mediated allergic reactions, should you develop conditions that
may suggest an allergic reaction, such as asthma, eczema, sensitive nose or recurrent itchy red eyes in allergic
conjunctivitis, it is advisable for you to seek treatment with your physician.

Common enviromental triggers or allergens for IgE reactions are pollen, dust mites, mould, bee stings, insect bites, pets
danders, latex products and paint. The common food triggers are eggs, peanuts, shellfish, berries and dairy products.
Drugs can also induce a IgE-mediated allergic reaction. Among the common ones are painkillers, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and blood pressure medicines.

Depending on the type of reactions that you may develop, skin prick test, patch test or blood serum IgE level tests may be
to done pick up the allergens responsible for your allergic reaction. Once the allergen is confirmed, the main stay of
treatment is to avoid the allergen as much as possible, and to treat the underlying symptoms should the allergen be hard
to avoid.

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(Allergy) 68 of 144

Allergy - General

Allergy to Pets​
Pet allergy is an allergic reaction to proteins found in animal skin, saliva or urine. Pet allergy is usually triggered by
exposure to the dead flakes of skin (dander) of a pet. Cats and dogs are the most common household pets and thus are
the most frequently associated with allergies, although any animals with fur coats, such as horses, rats, guinea pigs and
rabbits, can be a source of allergy.

A person with pets allergy typically experiences symptoms similar to hay fever, including sneezing, running nose, itchy
and watery eyes, rashes or even hives. Diagnosis of pet allergy usually involves skin prick, patch testing or blood IgE tests.
Diagnosing someone with pet allergy has big implications, as pets are often viewed as part of the family. Variations in
some genes have been identified to be associated with allergy to pets.

About your result
You do not seem to have known genetic predispositions associated
with pet allergy.

5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of pet allergy, there are other factors that could contribute to it. Should you experience
coughing, wheezing, itchy stuffy nose, sneezing, red and watery eyes whenever you are exposed to pets, you may have
pets allergy and should consult your doctor. Skin prick tests, patch testing or blood tests may be done to confirm the

If you do have pets allergy, the best strategy is to try to reduce exposure to the animals as much as possible. However, if
you do have a pet at home, you could try to minimize the risks of allergies by keeping your pets out of the bedroom,
playing with your pets outdoor, washing your hands after playing with your pets, washing your pets weekly and trying
not to use carpets and rugs at home, as they tend to trap dander.

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Genes tested



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Allergy - General

Histamine Intolerance​
Histamine is usually produced as part of a local immune response against foreign particles (such as virus) or allergens
(such as pollens and fermented food). As a protective response, histamine levels rise when the body is exposed to
allergens or foreign particles. Under normal circumstances, this excess amount of histamines would be degraded quickly.
However, if the degradation process is impaired, the body experiences histamine intolerance. Symptoms of histamine
intolerance varies from typical allergic symptoms like running nose, sneezing, red, itchy eyes to wheezing, breathing
difficulty and rashes or hives. Some people may experience recurrent headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomache and

Diamine oxidase (DAO) is the main enzyme that breaks down histamine that is ingested through food. Common allergens
that could cause histamine release include plant pollens, dust mites, and high histanine food such as fermented food,
alcoholic beverages and cheese. Variants in certain genes are found to be associated with histamine intolerance.


About your result
You seem to have a slightly elevated predisposition for histamine


95th Your score is greater than 95%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Symptoms of histamine intolerance are often non-specific and could range from typical allergic reaction to migraine,
headache, nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, skin rashes and hives. Other factors such hormonal changes due to
menopause, medications and diet could also contribute to histamine intolerance.

If you suspect that you have histamine intolerance and think it might be related to food, try keeping a food diary and
documenting your symptoms. You could try eliminating certain food that are high in histamines such as fermented
alcoholic beverages, cured meats, smoked fish, matured cheeses, fermented food like sauerkraut, kimchi, cashew nuts and
walnuts, chocolate, vegetables like egg plants, tomatoes and spinach, citrus fruits and sweets high in food additives.
Monitor your symptoms when you are abstaining from these food to see if it makes a difference.

Consult a physician on getting tested for histamine intolerance where ratio of histamine to DAO could be measured.
Taking higher doses of vitamin B6 and C as well as supplementing DAO may be helpful for people with histamine
intolerance, but do speak to your physician before starting any new nutrition regime.

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Genes tested



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(Allergy) 72 of 144

Allergy - General

Seasonality or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a recurrent major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern usually
beginning in the fall and continuing into the winter months. Symptoms would occur during that specific season of the year
and resolve during other seasons. Rarely, it could happen in the spring or early summer.

A person with SAD could feel sad, irritable, cry easily, lethargic and low energy. Some could experience difficulty in
concentrating and withdrawal from social activities, as well as tendency to gain weight from overeating and
carbohydrates craving. In severe cases, the individual may be severely incapacitated and feel suicidal. Some, however may
experience milder symptoms commonly known as “winter blues”. Those at most risks are young females living far away
from the equator (with less sunlight exposure) and have family histories of depression, bipolar disorders or SAD.

In a study involving over 4,000 individuals, several genetic variants with small additive effects have been identified to be
significantly associated with SAD. People carrying such gene variations are at higher risks of developing SAD.

About your result

You do not seem to have genetic predisposition for seasonal
affective disorder.
40th Your score is greater than 40%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not genetically at increased risk of developing SAD, other lifestyle factors like stress, lack of exercise and
outdoor activities may also contribute to SAD. Should you noticed that your mood is lower, feel more tired and need more
sleep during certain seasons of the year, especially fall and winter, you may want to consult a doctor.

In the milder form of SAD or “winter blues”, symptoms are generally less severe. Among the interventions that might be
helpful is light therapy where artificial light is used to replace diminished sunlight. Sitting in front of a light box first thing in
the morning from early fall to spring for about 30 to 60 minutes have shown to help to relieve symptoms of SAD.

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Taking sufficient vitamin D is also essential in management of SAD. Lack of sunlight decreases the amount of vitamin D
production in our body, thus supplementing vitamin D might be helpful during winter months. Monitor your vitamin D
levels with your doctor to see if replacement is necessary.

Counselling or psychotherapy may also be helpful depending on your doctor’s assessment. Nevertheless, leading a
healthy lifestyle with regular moderate exercise, adequate outdoor exposure and proper stress management may be
helpful in preventing or managing SAD.

Genes tested



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(Allergy) 74 of 144

Allergy - Airway & Skin

Airflow Obstruction​
Airflow obstruction is the blockage of respiration in the airway. It is a key symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), which is the third leading cause of death worldwide. Underlying chronic inflammation of the airway
typically results in narrowing of the air passage and destruction of lung tissues, which leads to reduction in expiratory
airflow and lowered oxygen uptake and exchange capacity. Individuals with COPD would complain of shortness of breath
especially during physical activities or exercise, wheezing, chest pain, chronic coughing with thick sputum and reduced
exercise tolerance.

Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor for this disease. Diagnosis of airflow obstruction is typically carried out
using pulmonary function tests. It has been traditionally thought that airflow obstruction in COPD is usually minimally
reversible as opposed to asthma, which is more readily reversible. However, recent studies has suggested otherwise and
both condition sometimes overlap.

Some genetic variants that been associated with airflow obstruction and may contribute to the risk of airflow obstruction
independent of smoking status.

About your result
You do not seem to have genetic predisposition risks for airflow
obstruction. If you do not smoke, you should have a low risk of
experiencing airflow obstruction.
55th Your score is greater than 55%
PERCENTILE of the population
This trait measures a different source of airflow obstruction than
asthma. If you have a predisposition for asthma, you may still

experience airflow obstruction.


Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased genetic risk of airflow obstruction, there might be other factors that could contribute to the
risk including smoking or certain industrial hazards such as asbestos. If you smoke, or are frequently exposed to second-
hand smoke or industrial hazards, and experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, or chronic coughing,
you should consult your doctor.

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(Allergy) 76 of 144

Allergy - Airway & Skin

Airway Hyper-Responsiveness​
Airway hyper-responsiveness is the primary characteristic of asthma which frequently involves recurrent episodes of
wheezing, coughing and chest tightness. This is caused by increased airway smooth muscle contractility in response to
stimuli such as inhalation of grass pollen or dust mites, cold air, and exercise. Smoking also results airway hyper-
responsiveness. These conditions typically improve after removal of the environmental trigger or inhaling corticosteroids.

Airway hyper-responsiveness is a heritable trait and genetic variations may account for its variability. Several genetic
variations have been found to be associated with increased risk of airway hyper-responsiveness.

About your result
Good news! You do not seem to have known genetic
predispositions for airway hyper-responsiveness.

40th Your score is greater than 40%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased genetic risk of airway hyper-responsiveness, there are other factors that may contribute to
it. If you do experience symptoms of recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and chest tightness, do consult a
physician to check if you have asthma. Some of the common triggers for asthmatic attack include dust mites, pets dander,
pollen, mold, smoking, exercise and cold air.

If you do have asthma, you may want to consider reduce your exposure to these trigger. Use allergy-proof covers on
pillows and mattresses, do not allow pets in the bedroom, and avoid having carpets or rugs at home. Try not to smoke and
avoid second-hand smoke as much as possible. Exercise indoors during very hot or very cold weather.

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(Allergy) 78 of 144

Allergy - Airway & Skin

Allergy to Mites​
Dust mites are one of the most common allergens for asthmatic attacks worldwide. The allergy symptoms are similar to
those of pollen allergies such as itchy, red and watery eyes, runny or stuffy nose and sneezing, except it occurs all year
round and feels like an endless cold. Some individuals may report that their symptoms are the worst in the mornings as
they wake up and improve as they go out to work, as dust mites are found especially indoors, e.g. in the bedroom.

It is very difficult to avoid dust mites completely as they are found nearly everywhere. They feed on shed human dead
skin, so they are found in abundance in mattresses, upholstered furnitures, carpets, beddings and curtains. Pets contribute
dander to the dust and increase the food sources for the dust mites. Mites strive readily in the tropical climate with 70-
80% humidity and average temperature of 25-32 degree Celsius.

Several genetic variations have been found to correlate with increased risk of dust mite allergy.

About your result
Good news! You do not seem to have known genetic predisposition

risks for allergy to mites.

45th Your score is greater than 45%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at an increased risk of dust mite allergy, there are other factors that may predispose you to dust mite
allergy. If you have year round flu-like or allergy-like symptoms, consult your doctor to determine whether you have dust
mite allergy.

Certain steps can be taken to minimise dust mites exposure: wash your beddings in hot water and sun your pillows,
blankets and mattresses weekly to reduce the load of dust mites. Use dust mite-proof covers to encase your mattresses
and pillow, and switch to pillows with synthetic fillings.

Avoid using carpets, keep to bare floor with synthetic scatter rugs that can be cleaned to reduce dust mites indoors. Avoid
steam-cleaning bedding, upholstery and curtains as humidity fosters future mite growth.

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(Allergy) 79 of 144

Genes tested

ADAM33, CDH13, CYP2R1, DOCK10, IL18, IL4, LINC00299A, OPRK1, OR6X1, VDR…(12)


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(Allergy) 80 of 144

Allergy - Airway & Skin

Eczema Risk​
Atopic dermatitis or eczema is one of the most common skin condition with a prevalence of about 20% in children in the
developed world. It is usually characterised by dry, itchy skin or rashes on the face, inside the elbows, behind the knees
and hands and feet. There are often periods of exacerbations when the condition worsen, followed by periods of
remission where the skin condition improves. Usually, there are other members of the family being affected by as well, but
the condition is not contagious.

There is a strong genetic component in atopic dermatitis, where several genetic variants contribute to genetic susceptibility
to skin dermal sensitivity and eczema. Some children may out grow it but others may carry it into their adult lives.

About your result
You do not seem to have genetic predisposition risks for eczema.

40th Your score is greater than 40%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of developing eczema, there are other factors that could contribute to its development.
If you experience patches of dry, itchy, scaly and rough skin that tends to come in cycles, you should consult a physician as
these can be symptoms of eczema. The common affected areas include behind the knees, inside of the elbows, on the
shins, fingers and face.

Genes tested

C11orf30, FAM114A1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, IL1RL1, LRRC32, MIR574, STAT6, TLR1, TLR10…(78)

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(Allergy) 81 of 144

Allergy - Airway & Skin

Skin Hypersensitivity to Nickel​

Skin hypersensitivity to nickel is one of the most prevalent metal contact allergy, constituting about 20% of the overall
incident of metal allergy. It has been steadily on the rise over the past 20 years. The most common sources of nickel
allergy are costume jewelleries, belt buckles, wrist watches, spectacle frames and orthodontic appliances.

The reaction from hypersentivity varies from a localised redness on the skin to severe bullous reactions. These may appear
on the area of contact with the metal or may involve the whole body (systemic involvement) and oral mucosa. Diagnosis
often involves positive skin patch testing.

There is often a positive family history of nickel contact dermatitis. Recent studies have identified several genetic variations
that are associated with the presence of nickel sensitivity, which may help predict the chances of developing nickel
contact dermatitis.


About your result
You seem to have a slightly elevated genetic predispositions for

developing hypersensitivity to nickel.

70th Your score is greater than 70%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


You might want to consider to minimise coming into contact with nickel-based objects. Repeated, frequent exposure to
nickel may increase your sensitivity to nickel. Ear piercing and wearing of costume jewellerries are among the most
common lifestyle behaviours that may expose you to the metal. If your skin do develop reaction, try to switch to non-nickel
options such as gold or silver or non-metal jewelleries. Some other possible sources of exposure to nickel include watch
bands, zippers, bra hooks, belt buckles, cell phones, coins and laptop. Antiperspirants may be apply onto skin sometimes
to decrease sweating as sweating induces nickel release from metallic items.

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Certain occupations, such as bartender, food industry workers and domestic cleaners, where there is frequent contact with
metal may also be increase the risk of nickel allergy. Wearing gloves or protective equipment may help in preventing
direct contact with the metal. Not smoking may also help as the metal is also found in tobacco.

Prescribed creams may be applied to the affected area of to ease the inflammation in the event of allergy. However, the
mainstay of treatment is to avoid the metal.

Genes tested

NTN4, PELI1, IL-18


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(Allergy) 83 of 144

Allergy - Food

General Food Sensitivity Risk​

Food allergies and sensitivities have grown into a major clinical and public health problem worldwide in the past twenty
years. It is estimated that about one in every thirteen children under the age of 18 may be affected by a food allergy.

Presentation of food allergies vary from true Ig-E mediated reactions, such as hives, facial swelling or wheezing, to other
non-IgE-mediated reactions such as eczema, stomache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating and lethargy. Diagnosing
an individual with food allergy has big implications especially in children, as it may alter the choice of food not just for the
child but the whole family. It may also impact the nutritional balance in a child.

Researchers estimated that genetic factors may contribute to up to 80% of known food allergies. Large-scale studies
revealed genetic variants that are significantly associated with food allergies and sensitivities.


About your result
You seem to have a slightly elevated genetics-based predisposition
for food sensitivities. This may manifest in allergic reactions or

intolerance whenever you are exposed to certain food components.
75th Your score is greater than 75%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Apart from genetics, other factors such as immune system function, gut health and general health may contribute to the
risk of developing food sensitivities. Should you experience discomfort after eating certain foods and notice that the same
symptoms reappear whenever you eat that particular food, you may be having some food sensitivities. It is advisable to
consult a doctor to get diagnosed.

Keeping a food diary may be helpful in linking food consumed on a certain day to adverse reactions. Oral diagnostic
elimination and challenge tests may be carried out on the suspected food to determine if you are allergic or sensitive to it.

Management will depend on your clinical symptoms and the type of food you are found to be sensitive to. The best way is
to try to avoid taking the food that you are sensitive to and find alternative food sources.

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(Allergy) 84 of 144

Genes tested

ARMC9, BTNL2, C15orf32, CREB1, GPR65, HLA-DRA, HLA-DRB1, KCNK10, NOTCH4, TSN…(42)


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(Allergy) 85 of 144

Allergy - Food

Allergy to Eggs​
Eggs are one of the most common food allergens, especially in children. The body immune system may see the egg
protein as a foreign invader and attack it, causing allergic reactions. It is estimated that about 2% of children are allergic to
eggs. Symptoms typically start occuring at 6 to12 months old, during the first dietary exposure to eggs. Fortunately, about
70% of children with egg allergy will outgrow the condition by age 16.

The typical presentation of egg allergy is Ig-E mediated reactions. Within minutes to hours after consuming eggs, those
allergic to eggs may experience skin rashes, hives, nasal congestion, facial swelling, red, swollen watery eyes. In severe
(and rare) cases, life threatening anaphylaxis reaction where there is difficulty in breathing, wheezing and severe drop in
blood pressure may occur.

Some individuals have non-IgE-mediated reactions. These may present as atopic dermatitis or eczema. Some may
experience stomache, diarrhoea, vomiting and malabsorption. Individuals with chicken eggs allergy may also be allergic to
other types of eggs such goose, duck, turkey or quail eggs.

Certain genetic variations have been found to be associated with increased risk of egg allergy.

About your result
Great news! You do not have an elevated predisposition likelihood
for egg allergy. This does not exclude a possibility that you may
develop egg allergy, as genetics is only part of the equation when
35th Your score is greater than 35%
it comes to allergies.
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Apart of genetics, other factors such as general health, immune system function and gut health could also contribute
significantly and increase the risk of egg allergy. Should you experience any of the allergic symptoms such as rashes,
hives, eye swellings, congested nose or breathing difficulty upon consuming eggs or products containing eggs, you might
have egg allergy. You should consult a physician to get tested and to confirm the presence of allergy.

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If you do have egg allergy, it is best to avoid eating eggs or products that may contain eggs. However, eggs are used
widely in food products such as marshmallows, baked good, sauces, bread, processed meat, meatloaf, meatballs,
mayonnaise and salad dressings. Care must be taken to read the ingredient labels when buying food products. When
dining out, be sure to inform the restaurant to lower the risk of cross contamination.

Genes tested

ARMC9, CREB1, GRIN2B, IL-10, KCNK10, MIR548AB, NDUFA4P2, RPSAP49, TAF1B, ZNF652…(15)


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(Allergy) 87 of 144

Allergy - Food

Allergy to Milk​
Milk allergy is a IgE-mediated allergic reaction and differs from lactose intolerance. Milk allergy symptoms commonly occur
within a few minutes to a few hours after drinking milk or eating dairy products. The immediate symptoms after
consuming milk may include hives, wheeze and vomiting. Other symptoms that may occur later include loose stools,
bloody diarrhoea, stomaches, cough, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy skin rash, eczema and colic or reflux in babies.

On the other hand, lactose intolerance does not involve IgE. Common presentation of lactose intolerance include digestive
problems such as bloating, diarrhoea and vomiting. It is important to differentiate true milk allergy to lactose intolerance as
the management strategies are different. Some children or babies may outgrow milk allergy but some do not.

While genes for lactose intolerance have been known for some time, genes associated with milk allergy have been
identified relatively recently.

About your result
Good news! You do not seem to have known genetic

predispositions to milk allergy.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of milk allergy, there are other factors such as gut health and immune system that
could contribute to the development of milk allergy. Should you experience any allergic reaction such as wheezing, hives,
running nose, vomiting or digestive problems after consuming milk or other dairy products, it would be a good idea to
speak to your physician.

Should you have milk allergy, the best way to manage the allergy is to avoid milk and dairy products. You could consider
switching to alternative non-dairy substitutes like soy milk, almond milk or other nut milk, and coconut milk.

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Genes tested

C15orf32, IL10, KLF17, LOC101927481, MGRN1, RNASE11, RNASE9, STAT6


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(Allergy) 89 of 144

Allergy - Food

Allergy to Peanut​
Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergy and accounts for the majority of evere food-related allergic
reactions. It tends to present early in life (childhood, around age 14 to 24 months) and the affected individuals may not
outgrow it. Symptoms of peanut allergy could vary from a slightly itchy mouth, to hives or rashes, to life-threatening
reactions with breathing difficulties, facial swelling and drop in blood pressure. It may be triggered by the slightest
exposure and is hard to manage as peanut is used in a variety of food products such as chocolate bars, pastries, potato
chips (processed with peanut oils) and baked goods.

Peanut allergy is a specific Ig-E mediated hypersensitivity reaction. Diagnosis usually involves skin-prick tests or
measurement of specific Ig-E antibodies in serum or food challenges. Survey suggested that 25% to 40% of people who
have peanut allergy are also allergic tree nut. As peanuts and tree nuts often comes in contact with each other during food
manufacturing process, it would be advisable to avoid tree nuts as well.

Researchers have pinpointed specific regions in the human genome that are associated with peanut allergy, and estimated
that genetics may account for up to 80% of peanut allergies.

About your result
You do not seem to have known genetic predisposition for peanut

80th Your score is greater than 80%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at risk of developing peanut allergy, if you experience itchy skin or hives, or an itching or tingling
sensation in or around the mouth or throat when consuming peanut related products, consult a physician.

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Genes tested



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(Allergy) 91 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Resistance to Seed Allergy​

Seed allergies are less common than free nuts or peanuts allergies, and are more prevalent among children and infants
than in adults. Sunflower and sesame seeds are the most common culprits and may trigger reactions similar to those of
peanut allergy.

Typical presentation of seed allergy could range from hives, rashes, congested nose, running nose, swelling of eyes and
face to severe anaphylactic reactions with low blood pressure and breathing difficulty, which could be life threatening.
Commonly, there can be cross-reaction between the different types of nuts and seeds. Thus, an individual with nut allergy
may also have seed allergy.

This trait measures the genetic variant known to be protective from sunflower seeds and various allergies. People with this
variant are less likely to have seed allergies.

About your result
Congratulations! You seem to have a higher genetic resistance

predisposition than the average population. Allergy resistance for a
particular does not mean that you will never experience that
30th Your score is greater than 30%
allergy, it just means it is less likely for you to be affected by it,
PERCENTILE of the population
compared to the average population.

Our Recommendations


While you have some protection from seeds allergy, other factors such as gut health and immunity may also play a role in

If you develop symptoms of allergy such as hives, running nose, sneezing, red itchy eyes and breathing difficulty after
eating seeds, it is advisable to consult your doctor for a diagnostic test. If you have nuts allergy, there may be a chance that
you are also allergic to seeds. Keeping a food diary to take note of your food intake and allergic symptoms can help
identify the food you are allergic to.

The mainstay of management of seed allergy is avoidance. Read labels carefully when buying food products and inform
the chef clearly when you dine out. If your reaction is severe, you may want to avoid food products made in a facility that
also process nuts and seeds. Depending on your physician's assessment, medications such as antihistamine may be

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Genes tested



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(Allergy) 93 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Allergy to Grass​
Grass pollen is the most common cause of respiratory allergies, and is associated with more than 70% of allergic rhinitis or
hay fever cases. Apart from the usual meadow grass or lawn grass, wheat, oats, corn and rice are also considered part of a
grass family called true or sweet grass. During pollination in spring, huge amounts of pollen are produced and these could
lead to allergic symptoms to susceptible individuals. Coming into contact with grass would also trigger symptoms in
allergic individuals.

When exposed to the allergens, the immune system produced antibodies called Immunoglobilin E (IgE). These in turn
switch on certain cells in the body called mast cells that release chemical and trigger histamine release, leading to an
allergic reaction. The reaction could present as recurrent itchy, running nose as in allergic rhinitis, rashes or cough or
breathing difficulty.

Several genetic variants have been found to be associated with IgE sensitisation to grass based on a study of over 13,000

About your result

Good news! You seem to have a typical predisposition risk for
allergy to grass.
40th Your score is greater than 40%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you do not have increased risk of developing allergic to grass, there are many other factors that may predispose you
to develop allergic reaction to grass. Living near rice fields, wheat plantations or areas with high pollination index may
predispose an individual to develop allergy to grass. The allergic symptoms typical appear during pollination between May
and June.

Examples of the allergic reactions are like recurrent itchy runny or blocked nose and /or itchy teary eyes. Should you
develop such symptoms and noticed that it is seasonal, you may be allergic to grass. In mild cases, you may use over-the-
counter medications such as antihistamines. If nasal symptoms are severe, you may need to use steroid-based nasal
sprays, depending on your physician assessment.

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(Allergy) 94 of 144

Typical ways of diagnosing and confirming allergens involve skin prick or patch testing prescribed by a physician. Once
the allergen is identified, try to avoid coming into contact with the grass - such as minimising lawn mowing or wearing
long pants when doing outdoor activities.

Genes tested

ABL2, C11orf30, DNAH5, EPS15, IL2, LRRC32, MMP9, SLCA25A46, TMEM108, TMEM232…(15)


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(Allergy) 95 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Allergy to Mold​
Molds are fungi that are found both outdoors among logs, fallen leaves, compost piles, grasses and indoors in bathrooms,
kitchens and basements. There are many types of molds, some are visible to the eye, some are not. As molds produce
spores that float in the air like pollen, these spores can trigger allergic symptoms in certain individuals when inhaled.

Symptoms of mold allergy include nasal irritation, nasal congestion, running nose and itchy watery eyes, just like typical
allergic symptoms. In severe cases, some people may develop other systemic symptoms like chronic fatigue syndrome
when exposed to mold toxin (mycotoxin) after living in a water-damaged building.

Genetic variations associated with allergies to two types of mold fungus (Cladosporium and Alternaria) have been

About your result
Good news! You do not seem to have genetic predispositions for
allergy to mold.

25th Your score is greater than 25%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of mold allergy, it would still be advisable to ensure that no mold grows in your home
environment. If your house feels unusually damp or if you see mold growth on your ceiling or door, you may want to get a
mold audit done by a mold specialist.

Should you experience any allergic symptoms such as nose irritation, blocked nose, watery eyes or chronic sinusitis and
there are molds in your house, you may want to consider seeing a physician. Try to make your residence as mold-resistant
as possible by drying any seepage or flooding immediately and ensure proper ventilation in your basement or bedroom.

If symptoms persist, do consult your physician for a diagnostic test to confirm your allergy.

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(Allergy) 96 of 144

Genes tested

ADAD1, IL13, IL18R1, ITGB3, PVT1


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(Allergy) 97 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Hay Fever​
Hay fever is a common term used to described allergic symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion and eye irritation that
occur while harvesting hay fields. Hay is only one of the allergens; other common allergens include grass, pollen, weeds
pollen and fungal spores.

Symptoms of hay fever usually mimic those of chronic cold like nasal congestion, sneezing, running nose, eye itchy ,
watery eyes. Some people may get wheezing if they have asthma. It is seasonal and typically comes when pollination
starts around April or May in the Northern Hemisphere. While most people have milder forms of hay fever, some
individuals can have more severe reactions requiring round the clock medications, with negative affects on work and
school performances.

There is often a family history of hay fever. A number of genetic markers of hay fever have been studied and presence of
each of the genetic variations adds on to the risk of hay fever. While nearly everyone may have a few contributing
variants, it is the combination of multiple genetic biomarkers that significantly increases the risk of hay fever.

About your result

You do not have an elevated predisposition likelihood to hay fever.
60th Your score is greater than 60%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at an increased risk of hay fever, there are many factors that could contribute to the development of
allergic symptoms, such as general health and immune system. If you experience seasonal allergic symptoms such as
running nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, you should consult your doctor as you may have hay fever. There are
certain steps that could be done to minimise the effect of pollens on your wellbeing.

In high pollen season, avoid picnics, camping and cutting the grass. Wear wrap-around sunglasses when outdoors.
Shower and wash your hair upon return from the countryside, as pollen can stick to hair throughout the day. Ensure that
pets are washed (preferably by someone else). Close bedroom windows, wash bed sheets weekly in hot water. Do not
hang clothes to dry outdoors, where they can trap pollen.

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(Allergy) 98 of 144

Fermented alcoholic drinks such as wine and beer have been associated with worsening of hay fever, thus they should be
best avoided if your symptoms are moderate to severe. Watch out for histamine rich foods.

Genes tested

C11orf30, CLEC16A, ENTPD6, HLA-DQA1, LRRC32, PPM1A, SEMA6A, SLCA25A46, STAT6, TMEM232…(43)


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(Allergy) 99 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Resistance to Birch Pollen Allergy​

Birch pollen is very allergenic and is one of the main trigger for hay fever causing nose congestion, nasal itchiness, red
watery eyes and sneezing. In certain individuals with hay fever, it may also cause asthma attacks, conjunctivitis and oral
allergy syndrome.

In oral allergy syndrome, a person would develop itchy or swelling of mouth, face, lips, tongue or/and throat after eating
raw fruits, vegetable or nuts. This is because certain proteins on the fruits mimic those of birch tree pollen and trigger a
cross-reaction. Birch tree pollination usually starts around spring time, and fruits and vegetables that are commonly
associated with birch pollen allergy are apples, apricots, cherries, kiwi, pear, plums and carrots. Nuts such as almonds and
hazelnuts may also cause the syndrome.

People with some genetic variations were found to have significantly fewer incidences of allergies to birch pollen. This trait
measures the genetic resistance you may have against birch pollen allergy and thus lowering your risk of developing birch
pollen allergy.

About your result

You have no relevant genetic variations that impact your resistance
to birch pollen allergy predisposition likelihood.
35th Your score is greater than 35%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Should you develop itchy or swelling around your mouth, lips or throat after eating certain fruits like apples, kiwi, peaches,
cherries, pears, carrots and nuts, you may want to consult a doctor especially if you have underlying hay fever or asthma.
Commonly, these symptoms may occur during spring time, when birch tree pollination starts.

Sometimes, however, severe allergic reactions to nuts may also initially present similarly but would progress quickly into
life threatening anaphylaxis where there is breathing difficulty and drop in blood pressure. Thus, it is important to get a
physician to assess your condition.

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(Allergy) 100 of 144

The main strategy to manage oral allergy syndromes would be to avoid the fruits or vegetables that trigger the allergy,
particularly during pollination season. Oral medications such as antihistamines or steroids may be needed depending on
your physician's assessment. Cooking or baking the food reduces the cross-reactivity as high temperatures break down the
protein. Peeling the skin may also helps as protein are mainly concentrated on the skin.

Genes tested



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(Allergy) 101 of 144

Allergy - Plants & Mold

Resistance to Mugwort Allergy​

Mugwort is a perennial plant and a close relatives of daisies, sunflowers, dandelions and ragweed. Mugwort pollen is
known to trigger allergic symptoms like running nose, sneezing, coughing, redness of eyes, itchiness and skin rashes. In
some people, it may trigger asthmatic attacks, severe rashes, eczema, and hives. It could also trigger oral allergy syndrome
with itchiness, swelling around the lips, tongue, mouth or throat after eating certain fruits or vegetables that cross react
with mugwort.

Mugwort pollination occurs around late summer to fall and people with mugwort allergy tend to have worse symptoms
during this period.

Certain fruits and vegetables contain allergens that mimic mugwort pollen, and can trigger cross-reactions. Fruits and
vegetables that are commonly associated with mugwort allergy are celery, mustard, apples, peaches, broccoli and
peppers. Nuts and seeds like hazelnuts, chestnuts, sunflower seeds as well as herbs like fennel seeds, cumin and
coriander could also cause oral allergy syndromes.

This trait measures genetic variations that offer protection or resistance against mugwort allergy. Having these genetic

variations lower your risk of developing mugwort allergy.

About your result
You seem to have a typical genetic resistance against mugwort
allergy. This means you should take the same precautions as the
average population in being exposed to natural allergens.
30th Your score is greater than 30%

PERCENTILE of the population


Our Recommendations


You may want to take precautions during late summer season if you have hay fever or allergy symptoms. Should you
develop itchiness or swelling around your mouth, lips or throat after eating certain foods like apples, celery, broccoli and
nuts, you might want to consult a doctor about the possibility of mugwort allergy. Mugwort and birch pollen allergies may
cross-react with each other and overlap, making differentiation between them often difficult.

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(Allergy) 102 of 144

Sometimes, severe allergic reactions to nuts may also occur and could progress quickly into life threatening conditions.
Thus, it would be important to get a physician to assess your condition.

Management of oral allergy syndrome mainly involves avoiding the fruits or vegetables that trigger a reaction, particularly
during pollination season. Cooking or baking the food reduces cross-reactivity as high temperatures break down the
protein. Peeling the skin may also help as allergens are mainly concentrated on the skin.

Genes tested

HLA-DQB1, IL18R1, LOC101927026, TSLP


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(Allergy) 103 of 144

Allergy - Chemicals

Sensitivity to Benzene​
Benzene is an important industrial chemical and an ubiquitous air pollutant generated from motor vehicle exhaust and
manufacturing activities. It is toxic to the body and has been long associated with blood disorders such as pancytopenia
(where all lines of blood cells are low) and aplastic anaemia (where red blood cells production is low) through its bone
marrow suppression activity. It is also a well-documented Group I carcinogen with clear links to cause blood-related
cancers such as leukaemia and multiple myeloma.

Apart from industrial and vehicle pollutants, many household products such as adhesives, laundry detergents, nail polish,
cigarettes, synthetic fabric and dye contain some levels of benzene. People who work as petrochemical workers, factory
workers and petrol station attendants are at high risk of benzene toxicity due to their chronic exposure.

Benzene exposure may irritate the nose and throat, cause coughing, wheezing, headache, dizziness and skin allergies. It
may also affect vital organs including liver, kidney, lung, heart and the brain. The metabolism of benzene has been
extensively investigated. Genetic variations in certain genes increase susceptibility to benzene toxicity.

About your result

You have an elevated predisposition likelihood for toxicity to
benzene. It means that you have genetic variants associated with
increased risk of adverse health caused by benzene, or higher risk
95th Your score is greater than 95%
of benzene accumulation.
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Benzenes are found in a lot of household products such as laundry detergents, adhesives, dyes, paints, plastic, glues and
styrofoam packing materials. Try to minimise direct contact with these items and if possible, and switch to natural or
benzene-free versions of these products.

When buying food in takeaway containers, try to bring your own metal or glass containers to avoid using plastic and
styrofoam containers. Indoor air can contain significant amount of benzene due to paints and dye on the wall or furnitures
at home. Ensure adequate ventilation in your home. Indoor plants may also help to clear air pollutants. Cigarettes are high
in benzene thus it would be advisable not to smoke and to avoid second hand smoke if possible.

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(Allergy) 104 of 144

Automobile exhaust contribute to a major source of benzene in the air and environment. If you do work in high risk
industries such as oil refinery, petrol station, car manufacturing, it would be wise to monitor your blood and urine benzene
levels regularly.

Treatment of acute toxicity is supportive and there is no specific antidote. Thus, limiting exposure would be the best
preventive measure.

Genes tested



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(Allergy) 105 of 144

Allergy - Chemicals

Sensitivity to Mercury​
Mercury is a heavy metal found naturally in the environment. It is released into the air, water and soil by factories and coal-
burning power plants. Most human exposure to mercury comes from fish consumption and dental amalgams.

There are two forms of mercury: inorganic mercury (e.g. mercury salts, metallic mercury and mercury vapour) and organic
mercury (e.g. methyl mercury). Among these, methyl mercury is the most readily absorbed. When we consume fish,
methyl mercury is transferred to the human body through the gut wall and gets deposited in organs such as kidneys and
central nervous system.

Inhalation of mercury vapour during amalgams filling or removal may cause damage to the lung tissues and cause
neurological symptoms like fine tremours, if dosages are high. Young children and foetuses are particularly sensitive to
mercury poisoning as their nervous systems are still developing.

Mercury leaves the body via urine, feces, breast milk and hair. Studies show that levels of mercury in human blood and
hair depends on genetic variations that affect the ability to excrete mercury.

About your result
You do not have an elevated predisposition likelihood for mercury

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of mercury accumulation in the body, mercury is toxic to the human and exposure
should be kept to the minimum. Mercury has been shown to affect nervous system, immune systems, and foetus
development. Acute mercury toxicity from inhalation can cause breathing difficulty and fine tremors. People with chronic
low grade exposure could experience non-specific symptoms such as rashes, food sensitivities, chronic fatigue, migraine,
weight loss, memory decline, anxiety and dementia.

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(Allergy) 106 of 144

The most common route of getting mercury into our body is by eating seafood or fish. Large fish such as tuna, shark, king
mackerel, swordfish and tilefish tend to accumulate more mercury than smaller fish like anchovies and sardines. Thus,
eating smaller fish is a safer option. Other alternatives with lower mercury levels are eel, salmon, crab and clams. This is
particularly important for children and pregnant women where the impact on neurological development is significant.

Dental amalgams used in tooth fillings are another means of mercury accumulation in our body. Try not to use amalgams
filling if possible and switch to ceramic or other alternatives. If you do have a mouthful of amalgams, you might want to
speak to a dentist to discuss remedy options.

Genes tested



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(Allergy) 107 of 144

Allergy - Chemicals

Sensitivity to PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)​

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are a group of man-made chemicals. They are oily liquids or solids, clear to yellow in
colour, with no smell or taste. Due to their chemical stability, they have been used abundantly as coolants, hydraulic fluids
in machinery, carbonless copy paper, wood flooring, fluorescent lights, plasticisers in paints and adhesives.

Chronic exposure to PCB may cause skin irritation, eyes redness or irritation, fatigue, headache, unusual skin sores and
immune dysfunction. They have been linked to various cancers such as liver tumour, malignant skin cancers and
disturbance of thyroid function. It can also affect foetuses in pregnancy causing low birth weight, growth and
developmental delay in children and infants.

Manufacturing of PCBs was halted in the 1970s but PCBs are still being released into the environment via hazardous
waste sites, leaks and improper disposal. Since PCBs are found commonly in the environment, it is likely that most people

have been exposed to them through food, water and even old light fixtures. They have low acute toxicity but chronic
exposure and bioaccumulation in the body may lead to unpredictable long-term health consequences.
PCBs are easily absorbed by body and is metabolised by the cytochrome P450 enzyme complex in the liver. There are
some genetic variants that are associated with lower enzymatic activities of the P450 enzyme complex. People with lower
activities of some of this enzymes may be at higher risk of PCB build-up due to slower excretion of PCB from the body.

About your result

You do not have an elevated predisposition likelihood to

accumulation of PCBs in your body.

30th Your score is greater than 30%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


While you are not at increased risk of PCB toxicity, PCB is toxic and should generally be avoided. In industrialised
countries, some of the industrial PCB waste have entered the water system. Fish or marine life in these area are highly
likely to be contaminated with PCB. Thus if you do live in such areas, try to follow the advisories set by the local authorities
and limit the intake of local fish.
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(Allergy) 108 of 144

Most industries should not be using PCB anymore. However, it is still a good idea to be prudent. If you are at high risk of
exposure to PCBs such as working in factories that produce lighting, paints and adhesives, or working in construction sites,
you may want to take precautions to protect yourself by wearing PCB resistant gloves and protective clothing. Try to
ensure proper ventilation in your work place and have your liver function monitored regularly as PCBs are toxic to the liver.

Pregnant women should take extra precaution as PCB is toxic to the foetus. There are no specific antidote for PCB toxicity.
Thus, minimising exposure is the key strategy for preventing PCB toxicity.

Genes tested



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phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
Skin E
This section examines on markers that influence the functionality of genes
associated with different skin traits. By analyzing these markers, the test allows

you to personalize your skincare routine and discover the optimal combination of
products that cater to your specific skin type. The test helps you gain a deeper
understanding of the genetic factors underlying your skin, empowering you to
make informed choices that enhance your skin wellness.
(Skin) 109 of 144

Skin - General

Cellulite appears as lumps and dimples in the skin. These are caused by fat deposits that push through the connective
tissue layer beneath the skin, causing the skin above it to pucker. Common names for cellulite include orange-peel skin or
cottage-cheese skin. Cellulite affects both males and females, but it is more common in females due to the specific
distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. Between 80 and 90 percent of women may experience cellulite at some
point in their lives. It usually appears on the buttocks and thighs but can also occur on other areas of the body. Some
genes are found to elevate the risk of developing cellulite.


About your result
Your genetic variations may result in slightly higher risk of
developing cellulite.

20th Your score is greater than 20%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


There are body creams on the market that claim to reduce cellulite. Many of them contain ingredients intended to promote
fat breakdown, such as caffeine, aminophylline, theophylline. Some evidence suggests that retinol cream can help with
cellulite. Twice-daily application of a 0.3% retinol cream for 6 months can thicken your skin and reduce the appearance of

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(Skin) 110 of 144


Maintaining a healthy weight range and staying well hydrated is the key to prevent cellulite. You may want to increase
uptake of food with high fiber content. Drink adequate water and have moderate amount of fats, carbohydrates, and salt
in your food. Foods rich in fibers include banana, figs, broccoli, cereal, beans. Cook with less salt and sauces such as soya
sauces, stock cubes and seasoning powder. Avoid salt and soya sauce at the table. Limit salted and preserved foods such
as luncheon meat, sausages, ham, salted eggs and ikan bilis (soak in water before using to reduce its salt content). While
eating out, request for gravies to be served on the side, or less salt in cooking. Leave out soup in noodles and reduce gravy
on rice. Drinking water may help with cellulite. Not only does it keep you hydrated, it also helps remove toxins and
encourage circulation and lymphatic flow.


As cellulite formation is caused by fat deposits under the skin, keeping your weight in a healthy range through regular

exercise is the best way to prevent cellulite. Rather than focusing on one type of exercise, aim for a regular workout routine
that combines aerobic exercises (such as swimming, hiking, running and cycling) and strength training. Aerobic activities
help burn fat, while strength training build muscles. Lift weights at least 2 days a week. Focus on your legs, hips, and
backside. Strong, defined muscles under a thinner fat layer will make your skin smoother and less puckered. Studies have
show that lymphatic drainage massage - a type of massage that uses light pressure to help the lymphatic system drain
fluids, debris, and toxins - are effective in decreasing fat and the circumference of the thigh where the massage was
performed. Compression garments are sometimes used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. These garments work by
compressing arteries and increasing blood and lymph flow to reduce visible cellulite.

Genes tested


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(Skin) 111 of 144

Skin - General

Dry Skin​
Sufficient hydration is fundamental for healthy skin. Aquaporins, a family of integral cell membrane proteins, allow the
movement of water and glycerol across the cell membrane, and play a central role in keeping our skin hydrated.

The expression of aquaporin channels in human skin is strongly affected by aging and chronic sun exposure, with levels
significantly decreased in both, and may explain the higher incidence of skin dryness observed in older people and/or skin
areas that have been chronically exposed to sunlight. Genetic variations in aquaporin genes result in their lower
expression, leading to impairments in our skin's hydration capacity. Expression of up to six different aquaporins (AQP1,
AQP3, AQP5, AQP7, AQP9 and AQP10) genes are found in human skin. Among these, AQP3 - the most well-studied
aquaporin in mammalian skin - regulates skin hydration, elasticity, skin barrier recovery and wound healing.

About your result
You do not have genetic variation in the aquaporin gene. Maintain
your skin's health with the following recommendations.

5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Use soap-free face and body cleansers, as they are gentler and less drying on skin. Look for products that contain
hyaluronic acid and ceramides, as they help your skin retain moisture, resulting in better hydrated and smoother skin.


One of the best ways to hydrate your skin from the inside is to consume more foods rich in essential fatty acids, as they
effectively minimise moisture loss through your skin cells. You can find essential fatty acids in cold water fish, (e.g.
salmon, tuna, anchovies), olive oil, nuts, seed oils and avocado.

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(Skin) 112 of 144

Other excellent skin hydration boosters include celery and cucumber, due to their high silica content. Increase your intake
for better skin moisture levels and elasticity.


Water is essential for healthy skin. It helps transport oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and dissolves nutrients from the
foods we eat, making them usable to the body. Ensure that you drink at least 2 litres of filtered, plain water daily to
maintain optimal hydration levels.

If you wish to boost your skin's hydration levels, you may consider supplements containing hyaluronic acid, essential
fatty acids, and ceramides (wheat extract), which help boost skin hydration levels.

For best results, use an inside-outside approach, e.g. combining food and supplementation with focused skin care

You should always consult with a physician or other healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your
diet and lifestyle.

Genes tested
OLFM1, aquaporin3, FCN1

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(Skin) 113 of 144

Skin - General

Excessive Sweating​
The human body has two to five million sweat glands covering most of the skin surface. Acting as the body's natural
thermostat, they automatically release sweat onto the skin surface when the body temperature rises, so the body can cool
down by the evaporation of sweat. This is an important mechanism that protects our body from overheating.

Excessive sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis) is a common issue that affects up to 5-20% of the general population
based on studies on Caucasians and East Asians. Caused by overactive sweat glands, excessive sweating can occur in the
underarms, on the palms, or on soles of the feet. Underarm problems tend to start in late adolescence, while palm and
sole sweating often begins earlier in the early teens. If untreated, these problems may continue throughout life.

Those that suffer from excessive sweating often experience social anxiety and embarrassment due to the staining on
clothes and odours. In severe cases, the individual may have problems holding a glass, gripping a car steering wheel, or
shaking hands.

Certain genetic variances have been linked to higher risk of excessive sweating.

About your result
You have a slightly higher than average genetic disposition
towards excessive sweating. You may want to take extra measures
in maintaining personal hygiene.
65th Your score is greater than 65%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


In most cases, you can get non-prescription grade antiperspirants that contain low dose aluminum-based compounds.
These can reduce the amount of sweat that reaches your skin by temporarily blocking the sweat pores.

If your sweating is severe, your doctor may prescribe a medical-grade antiperspirant containing aluminium chloride
hyxahydrate. A prescription cream that contains glycopyrrolate may help hyperhidrosis that affects the face and head. In
some cases, doctors may prescribe botox injections to temporarily block the overactive nerves that cause sweating. Do
consult with your physician on suitable ways to manage your excessive sweating.

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Spicy food and hot soups are a common trigger of sweating. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you may choose to
avoid these foods during situations where you need to stay dry.

If you sweat a lot, it is important to replenish your body's water content by drinking enough water (at least two litres a
day) or low-sugar sports beverage that contains electrolytes.

Fruits and vegetables with rich water content, such as watermelons, cucumbers and lettuce, can also help keep you stay


Hot, humid weather, rigorous exercise, emotional stress, anxiety and nervousness are common triggers of sweating.

It is important to enhance personal hygiene if you have excessive sweating. Regular showers help keep the amount of
bacteria on your skin in check and prevent body odour. Dry yourself thoroughly after showers, especially between the toes
and under the arms.

To encourage sweat evaporation, wear natural fabrics such as cotton and linen, which allow your skin to breathe. When
you exercise, choose fabrics designed to wick moisture away from your skin. Air out your shoes everyday after wearing
them, and ensure that the insoles are completely dry before using them again. It would be a good idea to have a few pairs

of shoes on rotation to allow more drying time before each wear.

You may want to keep hankerchiefs or tissue papers handy to dry your hands regularly if you are expected to shake hands
with others.

Genes tested


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(Skin) 115 of 144

Skin - General

Freckles are tan or light brown spots that are made up of clusters of skin cells containing the pigment melanin. Sun
exposure encourages melanocytes to produce melanin, which helps protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Most
people with large numbers of freckles have fair skin. This is because even though they normally produce less melanin
than those with darker skin, their melanocytes produce more melanin during sun exposure, forming clusters of freckles.
Freckles are not painful or harmful. Unlike moles, which are raised, freckles do not protrude from the skin. Some genes are
related to higher incidents of freckles on the skin.

About your result
You have a normal genetic disposition towards freckle formation on
your skin.

50th Your score is greater than 50%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


To protect against increased melanin production due to sun exposure, a good quality broad spectrum sunblock is essential.
Choose one that is mineral based, e.g. contains zinc or titanium oxide, as these offer protection by reflecting UVA and UVB
rays, rather than absorbing them, which is how chemical sunscreens (e.g. avobenzone, oxyebenzone) work. Apply
sunscreen to bare skin at least 15 minutes before going outdoors and re-apply every two hours, and immediately after
swimming or excessive sweating. Consider skin care products that contain protective ingredients such as blueberry extract,
retinol, antioxidants (e.g. vitamins C and E), and polyphenols (e.g. green, black, or white tea extract).

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Based on your genetics, you are unlikely to develop freckles. Some people like their freckles and others, not as much. If you
do develop freckles, note that it is challenging to change the appearance of freckle through natural means. However,
foods rich in vitamin C may help in regulating melanin production by inhibiting tyrosinase, an enzyme that controls the
production of melanin. Some examples of rich sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, tomato, dark leafy
vegetables and kiwi.


Regardless of whether you have freckles, it is a good idea to wear sunscreen when you are outdoors. Sunscreens should
have be SPF 30 or higher in order to offer adequate protection if you are frequently out in the sun. Avoid prolonged
exposure to the sun, especially between 10am - 4pm, when UV rays are at their strongest. Wear a hat and protective
clothing when you are in the sun.

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(Skin) 117 of 144

Skin - General

Impaired Detoxification​
Our skin is the largest organ in the body. It is exposed to the elements, such as wind, pollution, UV radiation, and various
environmental toxins, including bacteria, pollution, irritants, and chemicals in skin care products. Skin maintains a
sophisticated system of fighting off these potentially damaging factors. If you have a genetic predisposition towards
decreased skin detoxification capacity, your skin may not be able to eliminate these harmful agents as readily.

About your result
You do not have known genetic variations that interfere with
glutathione levels. You can ensure that your skin (and your body)
efficiently detoxifies itself by following dietary and lifestyle
5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Maintain your skin health and use natural and/or organic skin care products to lighten the load of your skin's
detoxification systems.

Ensure proper lymphatic draninage by doing a simple lymphatic massage on your face while applying your products.

Keep your complexion fresh and radiant with regular exfoliation. Use gentle ezyme or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) based
products to exfoliate.


Red meat and organ meats (preferably organic) are the best dietary sources of glutathione.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, such as spinach, potatoes, asparagus, avocado, squash, okra, cauliflower, broccoli,
walnuts, garlic and tomato, contain the highest glutathione per serving. Note that once cooked, glutathione levels are

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Daily dry brushing your skin with a natural bristled brush helps release toxins from the skin and clear away dead cells
that may inhibit detoxification processes.

Water is the simplest, and one of the best tools for detoxification. Drink at least eight glasses of filtered, plain water
daily, to assist detoxification.

Genes tested



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(Skin) 119 of 144

Skin - General

Stretch Marks​
As the body grows, collagen and elastin, which are the connecting fibers in the dermis layer of the skin, slowly stretch to
accommodate the increase in body volume. However, when there is large change in body size, for example during
pregnancy, sudden weight gain and weight loss, bodybuilding, or puberty, stretching of the skin can cause the dermis to
tear, allowing deeper layers of skin to show through, forming stretch marks. If one has insufficient collagen in the skin, the
risk of developing stretch marks increases. Stretch marks come in different colors, ranging from from red or pink to
purplish-blue to thinner, pale, more scar-like streaks over time. They can occur on a range of body areas, including the
stomach, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back. They can often fade over time without treatment and do not
pose any health risks. Over 50 percent of women experience stretch marks during pregnancy. For women who develop
stretch marks during pregnancy, these usually become less noticeable around 6 to 12 months after giving birth.

About your result
You do not have an elevated genetic risk of developing stretch

5th Your score is greater than 5%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


If you develop stretch marks, products containing hyaluronic acid and retinoid cream derived from vitamin A (e.g. tretnoin)
seem to be effective in making them less noticeable. Hyaluronic acid improves skin elasticity and hydration while retinoid
creams works by increasing cell turnover and collagen production. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to
check with your doctor before treating stretch marks as some products may contain ingredients that can harm your baby.

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To prevent stretch marks, it is important to ensure that you have adequate collagen in your skin. Collagen is made up of
amino acid building blocks. A diet with protein-rich food supply the amino acids needed to produce collagen. Natural food
sources with high protein content include beef, chicken, fish, beans, eggs, and dairy products. The process of building
collagen also requires vitamin C, E, zinc and copper. Foods rich in vitamin C and E include citrus fruits, berries, guava,
tomato, plums, dark green leavy vegetables, capsicum, broccoli and kiwi. Foods rich in zinc include shellfish, beans, nuts
(such as pine nuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds) and milk. Anthocyanins and phytoestrogens help strengthen collagen
fibers. Foods rich in anthocyanins include purple or red fruits and berries, e.g. cherries, grapes, blackberries, blueberries,
and colourful vegetables, such as beetroot, purple cabbage, and eggplant. Best food sources for phytoestrogens include
flaxseed and soy products, such as tofu.


You do not have the genetic predisposition to develop stretch marks. Maintain a healthy weight and avoid fad diets or
sudden weight changes. Supplementing with a good antioxidant, such as vitamin C, can help preserve collagen levels by
reducing free radical damage. Polypodium leucotomos (available in oral capsules), lutein, and hops extract (xanthohumol)
have been shown to protect against the loss of collagen.

Genes tested



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(Skin) 121 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Antioxidant Deficiency​
Our body produces antioxidants, enzymes that protect it from free radical damage. Free radicals are responsible for
premature signs of skin aging. Increased amounts of free radicals start a dangerous chain reaction of damage to cellular
DNA, skin proteins and lipids.

The key antioxidant enzymes our body produces are catalase and superoxide dismutase. These enzymes protect cells in
the skin (as well as other tissues) from free radical damage, and are responsible for converting them into less harmful
products. Those with genetic variations in the above enzymes have reduced protection from the harmful effects of
superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide. This variation makes their skin cells more vulnerable to free radical damage.


About your result
Your skin antioxidant defence may be compromised, making you
skin more sensitive to toxins and chemicals in the environment.
This may result in increased oxidative damage, and premature
30th Your score is greater than 30%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


Antioxidant-rich skin care products enhance the effect of your skin's own antioxidants. Ingredients to look out for include
alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, and coQ10. Green/black/white tea are abundant in free radical scavenging

Combining your antioxidant day cream with a zinc or titanium based sunscreen offers strong protection against
premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles, pigmentation, and dull complexion. Using antioxidants in your night cream
promotes cellular repair and healing.

Our customised serum includes an antioxidant complex features bioactive polyphenols from red wine, which offers not
only free radical defense, but also detoxifies and rejuvenates your skin.

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Manganese is a component of superoxide dismutase (SOD), one of the body's most powerful antioxidant enzymes. This
makes it a vital mineral for protection against free radical damage. Boost your antioxidant levels by eating manganese rich
foods such as oats, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, beans and grains.

Catalase is an extremely important protective enzyme against free radical damage. Increase your catalase levels by eating
foods rich in sulphur, e.g. garlic, onions, leeks, and cruciferous vegetables, eg. broccoli, cabbage, kale. Wheat sprouts
and meat are other good sources.

One of the most effective ways to minimise free radicals is to avoid trans fats, such as margarine and other hydrogenated
oils, deep fried food, non dairy creamer, and commercial cakes and biscuits. Use butter, and make your own salad dressing
with olive oil.

Garlic, curcumin (found in turmeric), dried herbs (eg. thyme, rosemary, sage), and blueberries are antioxidant
powerhouses. Include liberal amounts of these botanicals in your diet. Other important food sources of antioxidants include
dark coloured fruits, such as berries, grapes, plums, prunes, and leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Dried herbs and spices are a great source of antioxidants. Use generous amounts of garlic, clove, cinnamon, rosemary,
thyme, and parsley in your cooking. Drinking herbal teas such as peppermint, sage and rosemary is also a great way to

enhance antioxidant activity.

Genes tested

CAT, GPX1, NFE2L2, NQO1, SOD2, C16orf96, MYO3B, PCSK2, PKD2L1, RNF2 (3)...

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(Skin) 123 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Crow's Feet​
Crow's feet are fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area. Our eyes are one of the first areas to show the signs of aging.
The skin around the eyes is 40 percent thinner than that of the rest of our face, making it extra delicate. A combination of
loss of skin elasticity and habitual skin movement are the main causes of crow's feet. In addition, sun damage, skin
glycation, pollution, free oxygen radicals and hormonal changes could accelerate the appearance of fine lines and

About your result
You have a typical or normal genetic predisposition towards crow's
feet development around your eyes.

30th Your score is greater than 30%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Look for eye cream with ingredients that support collagen production, such as vitamin A (retinoid) and peptides. Collagen
is a key protein layer underneath your skin which maintains its natural elasticity and youthfulness. Collagen production
and turnover decreases with age, resulting in crow’s feet and fine lines. Vitamin A (retinoid) and peptides stimulate
collagen production and helps restore skin elasticity.

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While you do not have elevated risks of getting crow's feet, prevention is always better than cure. As skin glycation
increases skin aging, try to limit your sugar intake wherever possible. Glycation happens when excess sugar molecules
within the bloodstream bind to collagen, thereby rendering it dysfunctional. Sugar also increases the risk of inflammation,
which can cause the release MMP enzymes that break down collagen. Increase intake of foods that are rich in healthy fats
and antioxidants including vitamins C, E and A. Fatty fish (such as salmon and cod fish) and avocados are loaded with
healthy fats that promote a dewier, more supple skin appearance.


Try to reduce your exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays which can cause photoaging. In addition to wearing
sunscreen with SPF30 or higher, wearing a pair of UV-protecting shades whenever you are out in the sun is a good idea.
Sunglasses do not only protect your eyes from UV damage, but also keep you from developing crow's feet due to

excessive squinting. Maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to improve skin hydration.
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(Skin) 125 of 144

Skin - Ageing

General Wrinkles​
Wrinkles gradually appear on our skin as we age. The smooth, plump appearance of young, healthy skin is largely due to
the presence of healthy collagen levels. Over time, the body's capability to produce collagen slows down, while the rate of
collagen and elastin loss speeds up. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and less resistant to environmental damage. In
addition, exposure to harmful UV rays and pollutants, poor hydration, and unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking can
accelerate wrinkle formation.

Certain genes have been found to be associated with higher likelihood of developing wrinkles.

About your result
You have average genetic risk of developing wrinkles. Follow
general skin care recommendations, and ensure adequate sun
protection and hydration to maintain youthful and healthy skin.
35th Your score is greater than 35%
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Skin care products that contain ginseng berry extract and polyphenols, (e.g. green or black tea extract), grapeseed extract
and resveratrol offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and photoprotective benefits that combat wrinkles.

Other ingredients to look out for include retinol (vitamin A), vitamins C & E, fucoidan (a complex polysaccharide that is
found in many species of brown seaweed), and pomegranate seed.


Even if you don't have elevated risk of developing wrinkles, prevention is better than cure. It is never too early to start
eating the right foods to boost collagen levels and prevent premature wrinkles.

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Consuming eggs, poultry, dairy products, oats, broccoli, brussel sprouts, onion, and garlic will boost your levels of collagen-
preserving amino acids, and help strengthen collagen fibers.

Including antioxidants in your diet will also help reduce the rate of photoaging and oxidation. Colourful fruits, such as
berries, citrus fruits, kiwi and plums, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried herbs and spices are good sources of
antioxidants. Aim for a cup these fruits and vegetables a day. You can have them blended into a smoothie or tossed into a

Having too much sugar in your diet sets off a process called glycation, producing advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
which can accelerate wrinkles by breaking down collagen. AGEs have been linked to food preparation methods such as
grilling and frying. It is a good idea to limit sugary foods and drinks and use healthier cooking methods (such as baking
and boiling) to reduce AGEs formation.


Ultraviolet rays are the main culprit of most wrinkles on your face, neck, arms, and hands. Limit your time in the sun,
especially between 10am to 4pm when UVA rays are the strongest, and protect your skin from UV rays with daily

application of a zinc or titanium based sunscreen, with minimum SPF30.

Wear a hat that shields your face from the sun during long periods outdoors. When possible, wear long pants and long-
sleeved shirts when you are adventuring outdoors to protect your body skin from harmful UV rays.

Smoking and excessive drinking may cause premature collagen breakdown, so it would be beneficial to quit smoking and
limit alcohol drinks.

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(Skin) 127 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Premature Collagen Breakdown​

Collagen is important for skin elasticity, which is the skin's ability to stretch and revert to its original form without
developing wrinkles and imperfections. Your skin’s smoothness, firmness and elasticity depend on the balance between
collagen synthesis and its breakdown. An increased collagen breakdown process (due to aging, environmental or genetic
factors) results in lower collagen levels, premature wrinkles and skin imperfections.


About your result
You have common genetic variations in the genes that lead to
higher rates of collagen breakdown.

65th Your score is greater than 65%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Skin care products that contain ginseng berry extract and polyphenols, such as green or black tea extract, grapeseed
extract and resveratrol offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and photoprotective benefits, while suppressing MMP

Other ingredients that to look out for include vitamin C, fucoidan, pomegranate seed, and vitamin E.

For best results, use skincare products that control MMPs, while increasing your collagen intake via collagen boosting
foods, such as bone broths, and supplementation.

Our customised serum incorporates marine stem cells that stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin
elasticity, bounciness, and firmness.

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Skin elasticity depends on the health of collagen and elastin fibres. Anthocyanins, sulphur containing amino acids, (e.g.
cysteine, taurine and methionine), and phytoestrogens help strengthen collagen fibres. Combined with vitamin C, a
co-factor for collagen production, these compounds help decrease collagen damage, while promoting healthy collagen

Foods rich in anthocyanins include purple/red fruits and berries, e.g. cherries, grapes, blackberries, blueberries, and
colourful vegetables, such as beetroot, purple cabbage, and eggplant.

Consuming more eggs, poultry, dairy products, oats, broccoli, brussel sprouts, onion, and garlic will boost your levels
of collagen preserving amino acids, and help strengthen collagen fibres.

Vitamin C is also valuable for healthy collagen production. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, guava,
tomato, plums, dark green leafy vegetables, apricots, capsicum, papaya, and kiwi.

Best food sources for phytoestrogens include flaxseed and soy products, such as tofu and tempeh.

There are two main environmental factors that stimulate collagen breakdown: UVA/UVB radiation (sunlight and sun
lamps are the main sources), and free radical damage.

Limit your time in the sun, especially between 10am-4pm, when UVA rays are the strongest, and protect your skin from
UV rays with daily application of a zinc or titanium based sunscreen, with minimum SPF30.

Supplementing with a good antioxidant, such as vitamin C, which also supports collagen production, preserves collagen
levels by reducing free radical damage. Polypodium leucotomos (available in oral capsules), lutein, and hops extract
(xanthohumol) have been identified to directly inhibit MMPs. You should always consult with a physician or other
healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet and lifestyle.

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(Skin) 129 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Sagging Cheeks​
Sagging of the cheeks and face are part of the natural aging process. As we age, weakening of the collagen and elastin
layers causes skin to lose bounciness and plumpness. Moreover, the loss of facial fat can lead to a loss of cheek volume,
making the cheeks sag downwards and form hollowness under the eyes. Certain genetic variances have been found to
increase the risk of sagging cheeks.

About your result
Your genetic risk of developing sagging cheek is within the normal
range of the population.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Hyaluronic acid is a natural molecule that binds water to the collagen in your facial skin. Like collagen, hyaluronic acid
breaks down over time, leaving your skin vulnerable to dehydration and sagging. Applying a moisturizer that contains
hyaluronic acid daily can help rehydrate your skin, making it appear plumper and younger. Vitamin A or retinol creams
have been shown to help reduce wrinkles, tighten skin, and make skin damage less visible, while vitamin C and E serums
work to tighten skin, reduce sun and age spots, and boost collagen production. You can massage these products into your
skin using an upward sweeping motion to encourage a lifting effect and improve absorption.

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(Skin) 130 of 144


Even if you do not have higher risk of sagging cheeks, it is important to maintain the amount of collagen in your skin to
delay aging. As collagen is made up of amino acid building blocks, a diet with protein-rich food supply the amino acids
needed to produce collagen. Natural food sources with high protein content include beef, chicken, fish, beans, eggs and
dairy products. The process of building collagen also requires vitamin C, zinc and copper. You can get vitamin C from citrus
fruits, berries, guava, tomato, plums, dark green leafy vegetables, apricots, capsicum, papaya, and kiwi. Food rich in
minerals include shellfish, nuts, whole grains and beans.


Keeping your body properly hydrated will help your skin to maintain a youthful and plump appearance, as dehydration
tend to make sagging skin look more wrinkled. Sun damage is a major cause of premature skin aging. Limit your time in
the sun, especially between 10am to 4pm, when UVA rays are the strongest. Protect your skin from UV rays with daily

application of a zinc- or titanium-based sunscreen with at least SPF30. Smoking and excessive drinking may cause
premature collagen breakdown, so it would be beneficial to quit smoking and limit alcohol drinks.
Genes tested



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(Skin) 131 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Sagging Eyelids​
The skin around our eyes is 40 percent thinner than the rest of our face, making it more vulnerable and delicate to the
effects of aging. Over time, the gradual loss of collagen's structural support under the skin cause eyelid to sag. This results
in sleepy-looking eyes which can make an individual look older than they are. In severe cases, the sagging eyelid may
obscure the field of vision. Studies showed that genetics may influence your chances of developing sagging eyelids.


About your result
You have a slightly higher genetic predisposition towards sagging

65th Your score is greater than 65%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Look out for eye creams that include retinol, vitamin C, and peptides. These ingredients have been shown to be effective in
stimulating collagen production via different cellular pathways.

If your sagging eyelids are seriously affecting your vision or appearance, doctors may recommend corrective measures by
surgically raising your eyelid.


Vitamin C is important in stimulating collagen production, which is a key structural protein that keep the skin plump and
taut. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, guava, tomato, plums, dark green leafy vegetables, apricots,
capsicum, papaya, and kiwi.

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Consuming more eggs, poultry, dairy products, oats, broccoli, brussel sprouts, onion, and garlic will boost your levels of
collagen preserving amino acids, and help strengthen collagen fibers.


Exposure to the sun can cause the skin around your eyes to sag prematurely. In addition to wearing sunscreen with SPF30
or higher, it is a good idea to wear UV-blocking sunglasses whenever you are out in the sun.

If you do not get enough sleep, your eyes tend to look more be tired and droopy. Keep to a regular sleeping schedule and
have adequate sleep whenever possible so you feel refreshed and rested.

Eye strains tend to worsen the saggy look of your eyes. If you work a lot with computers screens or other devices, it is
important to take regular breaks. Look away from the screen, blink and refocus on something three metres or so away,
every 10 minutes for 30 seconds. Use hydrating eye drops if you experience dry eyes.

Smoking and excessive drinking may cause premature collagen breakdown, making sagging eyelids more pronounced. It
would be a good idea to refrain from smoking and limit alcohol intake.

Genes tested
ATP8A1, COL1A2, DLGAP1, HOXD1, LOC285638, SFRP4, SMYD3, SNRPCP3-SIAH2, TSPAN8, ZNF385D (16)...

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(Skin) 133 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Skin Glycation​
If glucose is not metabolised properly, collagen and elastin fibres in the skin can bind to excess sugar molecules. This
results in the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which results in skin inflammation, poor skin healing,
loss of skin elasticity, and accelerated skin aging. Glycation has been described as caramelization (hardening) of the skin
from the inside out. The skin-damaging effects of glycation causes wrinkles, dryness, skin laxity. Young skin has a network
of supportive collagen fibres that lose their elasticity with age and as a result of glycation.

Some genetic variations are responsible for maintaining serum glucose levels, energy intake, and energy release, also
controls glycation of the skin. Having variations in such genes can alter your body's ability to maintain normal glucose
levels and interfere with energy metabolism, both of which lead to skin glycation.


About your result
Your genetic variations may result in higher levels of skin glycation.
Glycation is the process of binding of excess glucose molecules
with collagen fibres, which leads to the production of advanced

50th Your score is greater than 50%
glycation end products (AGEs).
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Retinol based products help decrease the effects of AGEs.

Green tea, pomegranate and blueberry extract, niacinamide, and coenzyme Q10 are other key actives that show
promising anti-glycation properties.

As skin glycation typically results in dehydrated skin with signs of inflammation, you would also benefit from products
containing hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and marine extracts, e.g. algae, kelp, collagen.

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(Skin) 134 of 144


Pyridoxine helps prevent the production of AGEs, thereby reducing glycation, and preventing skin damage. A recent
study found that thiamine to be one of the B vitamins blocks the production of free radicals by AGE molecules.

Food sources rich in pyridoxine include chicken, fish roe, shellfish, fruits and vegetables with edible skin, for example,
Tubers like sweet potatoes and beans, are packed with B vitamins, that also help reduce glycation process.

Decrease your intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates and eat more low-glycaemic foods such as dark leafy greens,
salmon, whole grains, green tea and fresh fruits.

Cinnamon, clove, ginger, garlic, oregano and allspice inhibit the production of AGEs.


Limit your sugar intake as sugar and protein molecules together form a harmful molecule called Advanced Glycation End
Products or AGEs.
Eating too many sweets or sugary food can cause elevated blood sugar leading inflammation and cause to various

Drinking green tea has demonstrated strong anti-glycation properties as presence of catechins compound was reported to

be present in green tea, which is an excellent source of many polyphenol antioxidants.

It was also reported in one the study green tea supplementation also reduced the accumulation of AGEs in case of high
blood glucose levels.

Genes tested

BCN2, IRF4, NAT2, RALY, SLC24A5, SLC45A2, SPATA33, TYR, PALLD, ZBTB38 (7)...

This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

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(Skin) 135 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Sun spots are characterized by an area of skin darkening, caused by the overproduction melanin. Melanin not only
determines the colour of your skin, it also protects it from UV damage. Pigmentation commonly appears as skin ages, and
tends to develop earlier, and be more pronounced in Asian, compared to Caucasian skin.

While there are no serious health impacts of sun spots, they do impact the evenness of one's complexion, and the youthful
appearance of the skin. Genetic variations in certain genes have been found to be majorly associated with pigmentation in
Asian population.

About your result
Your skin pigmentation genetic score is within normal range of the

30th Your score is greater than 30%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Exfoliate your skin regularly with mild chemical exfoliants, such as alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids, to brighten your
complexion and reduce dead cell build-up.

Daily application of a mineral based sunscreen with minimum SPF30, and limiting your time in the sun, will help prevent


Ensure that you include a wide range of carotenoids and antioxidants in your diet. These nutrients help protect your skin
from UV damage and premature aging.

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(Skin) 136 of 144

Carotenoids are found in red coloured fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, and plum.

Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants that help with skin brightening and general skin health. Good food sources include
citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, carrots, capsicum, papaya, and broccoli.


Supplementation with L-cysteine and vitamin C boosts glutathione levels. Glutathione, the body's master antioxidant,
helps reduce pigmentation.

Besides benefits to your overall health, exercise helps boost glutathione levels. Ensure physical activity for at least 45
mins three times a week for best benefits.

Wear a hat and cover up during prolonged sun exposure.

You should always consult with a physician or other healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your
diet and lifestyle.

Genes tested

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medical expertise.

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(Skin) 137 of 144

Skin - Ageing

UV Damage Risk​
Photoaging describes damage to the skin due to ultraviolet radiation, and is a major contributor to premature aging.
Extensive damage to the dermal connective tissue is a hallmark of photo aged skin. Disruption of the normal architecture
of skin connective tissue impairs skin function and causes signs of aging, such as spider veins/broken blood vessel,
pigmented spots, freckles, age spots, lentigines, an wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

We report on genetic variations in the key genes that influence the extent of overall facial photoaging, combining
pigmentation, sagging, and wrinkles. These genes strongly increase risk of photoaging, independent of age, BMI, skin
colour, skin photo-type, menopausal status, smoking habits, and lifetime sun exposure.


About your result
Your genetic variations may result in faster skin aging due to sun

70th Your score is greater than 70%

PERCENTILE of the population
Our Recommendations


A good quality broad spectrum sunblock is essential to protect against photoaging. Choose one that is mineral based, e.g.
contains zinc or titanium oxide, as these offer protection by reflecting UVA and UVB rays, rather than absorbing them,
which is how chemical sunscreens (e.g. avobenzone, oxyebenzone) work.

Look for skin care products that contain protective ingredients including blueberry extract, retinol, antioxidants, such as
vitamins C and E, and polyphenols, e.g. green/black/white tea extract.

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medical expertise.

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(Skin) 138 of 144


Photoaging is associated with poor defence against sun damage. Vitamin C and E offer protect the skin from sun damage.
They help block both UVA and UVB rays, thereby reducing the effects of sun damage and photoaging. Foods rich in
vitamin E include nuts and seeds, e.g. almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, leafy greens, and oils, such as wheat germ
and sunflower oil.

Including more antioxidants in your diet will also help reduce the rate of photoaging. Colourful fruits, such as berries,
citrus fruits, kiwi and plums, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried herbs and spices are good sources of antioxidants.

Increase your intake of photoprotective carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants that protect your skin from UV damage
and premature aging. They are found in red coloured fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, and


Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 10am - 4pm, when UV rays are at their strongest.

Wear a hat and protective clothing when you are in the sun. Daily application of a mineral based sunscreen with
minimum SPF30 will help minimise photoaging.

Genes tested


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medical expertise.

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(Skin) 139 of 144

Skin - Ageing

Youthful Skin​
As we age, we generally develop wrinkles, age spots and dryness. Our skin also becomes thinner and loses fat, making it
less smooth, bouncy, and soft the touch. People who have youthfulness genes experience a much slower skin aging
process, and look much younger as they age.

About your result
Your trait score falls within the average range of the population. No
relevant SNPs are present. Hence, you have typical rate of aging.
No known genetic variations that help to slow down your skin
40th Your score is greater than 40%
aging process have been found.
PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


The key signs of skin aging are loss of skin tone (due to collagen breakdown), dryness, inflammation and pigmentation.

Minimise skin inflammation and dryness by keeping your skin well hydrated with products that contain hyaluronic acid,
glycerin, or ceramides. These ingredients help hold moisture to your skin. Regular exfoliation will help regeneration of new
skin cells. This helps your skin better absorb nourishing serums and moisturisers, and contributes to a smoother, brighter

Protect your skin from UV rays that cause premature aging by daily application of a mineral based sunblock, with
minimum SPF30.


EGCG (epigallocatechin 3 gallate), found in green tea, black tea, white tea, cocoa, dark chocolate, plums and apricots,
prevents collagen breakdown.

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(Skin) 140 of 144

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is responsible for skin elasticity, bounciness, and smoothness. Increasing
your skin collagen levels is one of the best ways to prolonging skin youthfulness.

Consume more foods that are rich in nutrients that help build and strengthen collagen, such as vitamin C, bone broth,
anthocyanins, and phytoestrogens.

Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, cherries, grapes, blackberries, blueberries, beetroot, purple
cabbage, and eggplant, are great source for vitamin C and anthocyanins. Soy products, such as tofu and tempeh, along
with flax seeds, are good sources of phytoestrogens.


UV damage is the most important factor in skin aging. Ensure adequate sun protection, with a good broad spectrum
sunblock, and wear a hat and cover up during prolonged sun exposure.

Supplement with a good antioxidant formulation that includes key ingredients such as, vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin
A (retinol), mixed carotenoids, tocopherol (vitamin E), and zinc.

Keep your skin well moisturised, and support your skin's detoxification processes by adding anti-oxidants to your diet.
Genes tested


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(Skin) 141 of 144

Skin - Sensitivity

Impaired Skin Barrier Function​

The skin's barrier is the first line of defence from external environment. It protects the skin, prevents entry of harmful
pathogens and toxins, and helps to maintain proper skin hydration. Skin barrier function is performed primarily in the
outermost layer of the epidermis called the stratum corneum (SC). The SC serves as a physical barrier, and helps regulate
body temperature, as well as playing an important role in immune defence.

Some genetic variations are correlated with skin barrier defects, including skin sensitivity, skin irritation and eczema and
allergies. Other genes play important roles in protecting the skin from environmental toxins.

About your result
You do not have genetic variations in the genes associated with
increased dermal sensitivity.

5th Your score is greater than 5%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Our customised serum includes an active botanical anti-inflammatory complex, that soothes itch, redness and skin


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for skin health. Dry, flaky, inflamed skin may be a symptom of an omega-3 deficiency.
Maintain your skin health by eating a wide range of omega-3 foods, such as cold water fish (e.g. salmon and mackerel),
flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts and spinach.

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(Skin) 142 of 144


Try to limit your exposure to chemicals by using natural detergents and housekeeping products where possible.

Genes tested

AK097288, AL833181, BCL11A, FST, ITGA1, ITGA2, MOCS2, NDUFS4, PELO, TBC1D22B (211)...


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023
(Skin) 143 of 144

Skin - Sensitivity

Sun Sensitivity​
Humans vary over 1000-fold in their sensitivity to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Skin pigmentation, tanning
ability and sensitivity to sun are traits that are largely inherited. The main determinants of sensitivity to sun are related to
melanin pigmentation, skin inflammation and repair processes. The NTM gene is strongly associated with skin sensitivity
to sun but there is no association in either direction with tanning or sunburns. This observation suggests that there is a
pigmentation-independent mechanism underlying sunburn reaction.

About your result
You have genetic variants in the genes associated with increased
skin sensitivity to sunlight.

95th Your score is greater than 95%

PERCENTILE of the population

Our Recommendations


Protect your skin with a mineral based sunscreen minimum SPF30. See your dermatologist for regular skin checks.


Sun sensitivity is associated with poor intrinsic defence against sun damage. Vitamin C, E and carotenoids offer protection
from UV damage.

Food sources rich in vitamin E include nuts and seeds (e.g. almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds), leafy greens, and oils,
such as wheat germ and sunflower oil.

Increase your intake of citrus fruits, berries, guava, tomato, plums, green leafy vegetables, capsicum, papaya and kiwi
to boost your vitamin C levels.

Carotenoids are antioxidants that protect your skin from UV damage and premature aging. They are found in red coloured
fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, and plum.

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(Skin) 144 of 144

Green tea is abundant in polyphenols, which are protective against UV radiation and signs of photoaging. Protective
polyphenols can also be found in black and white teas, as well as grape skin and red wine.


The best way to prevent photosensitivity is to limit your time in the sun, especially between 10am - 4pm, when UV rays
are at their strongest.

As you have increased sun sensitivity, ensure that you protect your skin while in the sun by wearing a hat, and covering up
with appropriate clothing. Covering and protecting the skin may also help prevent a reaction.

Consider supplementing with antioxidants or carotenoids, which offer protection against photodamage. You should
always consult with a physician or other healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet and

Genes tested


This report was validated and generated automatically. No signature is required. Recommendations given in this report are made using a lab developed test which should notsupersede clinical judgement or
medical expertise.

Scan to view this report on your mobile Name : Irfaan Female Order ID : #1788-66216
phone. Date of Birth : 11 April 1990 Report Date : 02 November 2023

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