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PESTLE analysis will be used in this report to examine how relevant macroenvironmental elements affect
Viglacera's operations. This paper also uses SWOT analysis to suggest some adjustments and shows the
relationship between key external and internal factors of Viglacera.

Porter's Five Forces

Porter's Five Forces is a business analysis model that explains why different sectors may maintain
varying degrees of profitability. The Five Forces model is commonly used to examine a company's
industry structure and business strategy. With certain qualifiers, Porter identified five indisputable
factors that shape every market and business in the globe. The five forces are widely used to assess an
industry's or market's competitive intensity, attractiveness, and profitability.

Supplier's Customer'
power s power

Threats of
Threats of

Challenge of new company enters

This force concludes Viglacera in nature, which has low enterprise opposition but implicit opposition,
industry appeal, and another entry barrier. For other competing organizations, breaking through
boundaries is the most challenging task. Maintaining legal obstacles and the company's existing
potential are among the sponsors for the company's competitive position including:

- True to trademark: a customer's enthusiasm for Viglacera’s current product.

- Cost advantage: the best operation of Viglacera based on experience.

- Input control, labor cost, material, equipment, managerial skill...low-interest capital method current
corporations may be less threatened if industry companies have an absolute edge.

- Economical scale: when Viglacera’s size grows, it becomes more effective.

- The cost of movement comes when a consumer switches from one firm to another.

- Government-imposed restrictions.

- Other industry companies taking retaliatory action.

- Membership and other competitive barriers.

Negotiation ability of supplier

Suppliers may act as a caution pressure with the aid of using elevating enter expenses or reducing the
fine of services and products to be offered, reducing company profit. The effectiveness of Viglacera is
decided with the aid of using the supplier's focus, the amount of sold goods, the distinction among
Viglacera suppliers, the effectiveness of entering to Viglacera cost or distinction among products,
enterprise cost movement, the existence of replaceable suppliers, a merger of suppliers, and presenting
cost. Viglacera has factories that self-exploit and produce building materials scattered throughout the
country on a very large scale.

Negotiation ability of customer

When buyers want cheaper pricing or higher service, they feel intimidated. The degree of effectiveness
is decided through the buyer's position withinside the negotiation, the quantity of buyers, the
information to be had to buyers, the character of Viglacera's trademarked product, the vital degree of
price, product difference, the life of a replaceable product, client needs, and the buyer's cappotential to
exchange suppliers. Viglacera is a very reputable and long-term distributor of building materials, so their
loyal customer base is very large.

Risk of replaceable product

Customers will receive Viglaceras' products along with the same industry analysis product. The cost of
product mobility, the tendency of employing replacement products, and the price-quality relationship all
influence level effectiveness.

Competitive intensive of industry

Viglacera competes in the economic market, with stiff rivalry between enterprises resulting from other
companies' position adjustments. Price, quality, product differentiation, service, distribution, marketing,
improvement, and customer happiness are all tools to be employed in this rivalry. Industry structure,
want requirements, enterprise barrier, enterprise development, overload, product difference, value
movement, trademark character, several suppliers, and enterprise choice all have an impact on
powerful levels. Viglacera has achieved these goals and has established itself as a prominent
construction materials company.
PESTEL analysis
According to Washington state university, PESTEL analysis is a framework or methodology
that marketers use to assess and track macro-environmental aspects that affect an
organization. It investigates the external environment's political, economic, social,
technological, environmental, and legal elements. The model enables a company to identify its
place in the industry and increase the knowledge of the impact of macro forces on the
company (Tâm Trần, 2019)

1.Political and legal factors

The government's methods and policies can have a direct or indirect impact on the growth of a
particular industry. Tax policies, employment policies, resource exploitation and usage policies,
energy policies, environmental protection policies... may all be opportunities or threats at this
time. a potential hazard to corporate operations. The mechanisms and policies of the state can
directly or indirectly affect the development of a certain industry. In the current time, tax policies,
policies on employment, policies on exploitation and use of resources, energy, policies on
environmental protection... can be opportunities or they can also be threat to business

Vietnam has a unitary and one-party communist system, in which the state owns the means of
production and is governed by one political party. The party has whole manipulated over the
state's legislative, executive, and judicial branches, in addition to hard work unions and the
media. Religious and media freedoms of Vietnam are tightly regulated, while political pluralism
is still a work in progress. There is a significant mismatch between the newly opened
Vietnamese markets and the country is centrally controlled political structure. Vietnam tolerates
minimal criticism and restricts residents' basic civil and political rights, implying that while the
country's economic revolution has been swift, the political world has lagged far behind.

The right to vote in government elections and the right to freedom of expression, association,
and the press, according to the World Bank study, are both very poor, scoring only 9.48 points
out of 100. Furthermore, Vietnam's political climate is very stable, and the quality of
appropriate policy formation, as well as the dependability and implementation of previously
announced pledges, is average. The Vietnamese government lacks rational and acceptable
laws and regulations to permit and foster private sector growth, and corruption control remains
a major issue.

The investment policy on infrastructure and loan in Vietnam has the Decree No. 63/2018/ND-
CP specifies Vietnam's PPP status from 2018 to the present. In Vietnam, PPP infrastructure
development strategies, planning, and plans are integrated into national, sectoral, and local
development strategies and plans, rather than being created individually (Cổng thông tin điện
tử bộ xây dựng, 2022)

About the foreign investment, for income earned overseas, the CIT rate is 25%. Although there
have been many advances, the procedures for registration, registration to change accounts,
and progress of foreign currency transfer to carry out Vietnamese investors' overseas direct
investment operations are still unsatisfactory to investors. investment because of the profile.
The sale of foreign currency and foreign currency loans to Vietnamese firms operating
overseas are still managed directly by the State bank, limiting initiative and self-reliance.

The above-mentioned Vietnamese management policies are one of the variables impacting
and posing dangers to Viglacera's operations, including serious difficulties like the "delay" of
legal policies. associated actions will have a negative influence on Viglacera's market growth,
consumption orientation while conducting investment initiatives, and producing new Viglacera
goods... Simultaneously, the adjustment of the inner and outside prison framework for water
will introduce systemic regulatory risks, doubtlessly affecting the enterprise and the economic
system as a whole; in addition to withinside the implementation of commercial enterprise
activities primarily based totally on annual and short-time period plans, which include making
plans management, land use, resources... Viglacera's potential to manipulate and boom the
export marketplace may also be motivated with the aid of using countrywide coverage in
worldwide relations. Production and commercial enterprise activities of the Corporation are
encouraged without delay with the aid of using the above macro fluctuations, mainly with the
aid of using the worldwide economy, because of the truth that the Corporation imports
technology, equipment, and substances from the USA, Italia, German, China, Korea and
exports to Taiwan, Cuba, India, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippine, Cambodia, France,
Australia, Bangladesh, Myanmar…This hazard impacts goals of growing markets and export
plans in improvement strategy pertains to political instability and guidelines of the export
marketplace in Vietnam and the region. The duration of 2019 - 2020 has visible some of the
predominant activities have befallen which have had a bad effect on the worldwide economy,
elevating issues approximately destiny intra-nearby cooperation, especially alternate
opposition issues, conflicts and disagreements among international locations with massive
economies, alternate agreements, and safety uncertainties; especially in import and export
marketplace areas, the Corporation's export-focused funding projects. When growing new
markets, Viglacera will continue to adopt preventative measures such as controlling and
constantly monitoring impacts, as well as placing a premium on studying the political and
investment climate (Viglacera, 2022).

From December 30, 2021, the government has issued Decree No. 101/2021/ND-CP on
favorable import and export tariffs. In which some items in the construction materials category
are changed to raise or lower export taxes. Import duty. Marble, travertine, ecaussine,
limestone, granite, pocfia, basalt, and other forms of building stone are utilized in monuments
and construction as blocks or panels. Rectangle presently has a tax rate of 0% to 3%, which
will be increased to 17-30% by 2024, according to the plan (Doãn Thành, 2021). According to
Viglacera, this presents a big potential for the building materials production business in general
and specifically, to enhance production and export to global and domestic markets, as well as
to stabilize the price of building materials, and to have a favorable impact on the construction
industry's production recovery. However, this raises the cost of materials, causing investors to
fear that their investment cash will be insufficient. Furthermore, Viglacera employees receive
higher benefits than those provided by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. According to Mr.
Nguyen Manh Dat, the Company has steadily increased wage unit prices in all departments
and units, achieving an average monthly income of 5 million VND/person, and is a leading
example of the construction sector. built in the ability to look after the lives of workers Motivate
employees to commit their time to the firm after that.

2.Economic factor

This environment has a significant impact on all enterprises in that economy; economic
determinants include the economy's growth rate, inflation rate, per capita income, and inflation
rate. rate of interest... Each company must assess the elements that have the most direct
influence while doing research and formulating strategy. Factors that have little or minor
influence can be overlooked. When evaluating the economic environment, it's important to look
at both the present and the long-term development trends.
Inflation and interest rates are the two key tools used to alter and run macroeconomic
management strategies. Stable core inflation, in particular, has a positive side in that it
stabilizes the price level; nevertheless, if it remains low, it will influence growth-promoting
variables, posing a risk to development and real efficiency. current industry Interest rates and
credit structure, on the other hand, are risk variables that influence the capacity to organize
and disburse money and capital expenses for investment, development, production, and
commercial operations.

The CPI declined by 0.18 percent in December 2021 compared to the previous month,
according to statistics issued by the General Statistics Office. CPI declined by 0.38 percent in
the fourth quarter of 2021 compared to the previous quarter and grew by 1.89 percent
compared to the same time in 2020. CPI grew 1.84 percent on average in 2021 compared to the
average of 2020, the average yearly rise. In comparison to the average in 2020, the lowest
average core inflation in 2021 will rise by 0.81 percent (Nguyễn Huyền, 2022). GDP is expected
to rise by 2.58 percent in 2021, according to estimates (in the first quarter, it will increase by
4.72 percent; in the second quarter, it will increase by 6 percent). Due to the Covid-19 outbreak
impacting all areas, the industrial and construction sector climbed by 4.05 percent over the
previous year (third quarter declined by 6.02 percent; fourth quarter increased by 5.22 percent)
(Minh Chiến, 2021). Many significant economic regions will have to conduct lengthy social
distance to avert epidemics, notably in the third quarter of 2021.

However, since 2015, the slowing expansion of Vietnam's civil construction sector has had a
detrimental impact on the consumption of finishing building materials in general and tiles. At the
same time, due to the extra impact of the severe and difficult breakout of the COVID-19 virus
and the Prime Minister's social isolation regulation, which expedited the industry's deceleration
rate, the level of impact is highest in 2021. construct. When the real estate market and general
building activity across the country were calm, the construction industry's real value growth
slowed dramatically. As a result, domestic demand for finishing building materials plummeted.
Urbanization rate will be rapid in 2022 and the following years (it will be 40.4 percent in the first
six months of 2021, up 1.9 percent from 2020) and population growth will be 0.9 percent. Each
year, customer demand for facing bricks will increase. In addition, according to CIC and Census
2019 statistics, overall demand for new and replacement housing will be 691.7 thousand flats
from 2019 to 2023, which is comparable to 2.5% of all dwellings nationally in 2019.
Furthermore, the growth rate of actual building value of residential and non-residential homes
(major consumption sector of ceramic tiles) is predicted to reach 7.9% in 2023, up 1.7 percent
from the 6.2 percent growth rate in 2020 (Kinh tế xây dựng, 2021). Thus, Viglacera in the
building materials market still has potential for future development because housing demand will
increase sharply in the future. Viglacera will deploy the improvement funding application with
funding tasks for brand spanking new products, high-price products, as noted above; make
certain short and green exploitation of funding capital, enhancing competitiveness; restrict threat
elements for inflation, interest rates... and take benefit of possibilities and favorable situations of
nation control guidelines to inspire the improvement of latest products, high-tech products, and
save sources and protect the environment.

3.Social factor

Social variables such as buying patterns, consuming habits, health issues, life psychology, and
so on can have an impact on how firms operate. The notion of how to live is extremely essential
in the building materials sector, as is the trend of employing architecture. The analysis must also
consider the society's future trends.

Vietnam's economy and politics are still in the early stages of growth. As a result, the demand
for high-rise home building is steadily expanding. Beauty and quality of life will become
increasingly important in society. As a result, Viglacera will have a lot of potential in the sale of
building supplies like high-quality, attractively designed tiles for modern homes. It is vital to have
enterprises dealing in quality, reputable construction materials that are adequate to the
demands of customers in order to establish a more contemporary and safe developing country
in the future. This is an excellent chance for Viglacera to further develop its goods. Based on
demographics, Viglacera has a significant impact on the adult population, which has enough
money to purchase building materials in order to acquire a home. Viglacera also offers building
materials to many major and small businesses both at home and abroad and has a high
reputation in the community (Viglacera, 2022).

Viglacera also conducts community-focused efforts, such as the campaign to join hands to
avoid the Covid outbreak and give money to purchase vaccines. Viglacera constantly
sympathizes, shares, and strives to help. Helping policy beneficiaries, the underprivileged, and
the unfortunate in society on a material and spiritual level is a regular work for generations of
"Viglacera." Viglacera has promoted the Vietnamese people's precious tradition of "Drink water,
remember the source," "good leaves protect torn leaves," and other activities in response to the
Government's Resolution 30a/2008/NQ-CP on the program to support rapid and sustainable
poverty reduction for Viglacera's poor districts.

4.Technological factor

The rapid advancement of science and technology has resulted in the appearance of an
increasing number of new products capable of replacing part or all of the existing products on
the market, resulting in a gradual shortening of the product life cycle. As a result, businesses
must face numerous potential challenges while also gaining more opportunities in the future.
Furthermore, new technology can soon render an organization's manufacturing approach
outdated. As a result, companies must examine and select an acceptable approach.

Viglacera owns Internet Technologies which helps business enterprise collaboration, digital
commerce, and inner commercial enterprise applications and self-service technologies which
are the Technological gear permitting clients to provide offerings for themselves without help
from corporation employees. Viglacera has its own website, which allows customers to learn
more about the company's goods and place orders online.

Viglaceras’ investments in technology-technical solutions, gadget line innovation, and so forth

are important solutions for maximizing raw fabric efficiency, decreasing costs, and maintaining
energy. Reduce the use of fossil and imported uncooked resources (coal, petroleum, etc.).
Research and spend money on production technology and equipment to lower emissions, raise
efficiency, and keep resources, fuel, and substances while decreasing costs to enhance
competitiveness like energy-saving glass. Viglacera additionally specializes in technological
know-how and generation development, enhancing minimal hard work productiveness with the
aid of using 10 percent cross the board to enhance worker income and competitiveness with
domestic and international businesses (Viglacera, 2022).

With the development of manufacturing technology and generation, the potential to turn out to
be old in generation, wonderful human resources, and impaired capacity to compete on
exceptional management, product design, and pricing are all threat factors. Viglacera has some
solutions like Investing in studies and improvement and leapfrog in unique generation primarily
based totally on Viglacera Corporation – Research and improvement institute, Viglacera
Vocational College related to skilled and reliable overseas companions withinside the
Corporation's commercial enterprise fields which will innovate generation and invent product to
satisfy the Corporation's center and longtime improvement plans; constant with vision, mission,
commercial enterprise direction, and social commitment.

5.Environmental factor

All elements that influence or are influenced by the environment are included in this category.
This is crucial for various activities, such as tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. Climate,
weather, geographic location, global climate change, and the environment are all elements of
business environment analysis.

In the years 2019-2020, Vietnam and the rest of the globe have been hit by a pandemic of
Covid-19, which had a large effect on worldwide and domestic socioeconomics. Aside from
herbal disasters, storms, floods, environmental degradation, and trade-offs among
international locations and financial growth, herbal disasters, storms, and floods are all key
elements impacting commercial enterprise and funding activity. Production and industrial
operations, in addition to funding, are all affected by the Corporation. As a result of the
complex tendencies of Covid-19, the implementation of social distancing due to epidemics,
herbal disasters, storms, and floods has had an instantaneous effect on the marketplace call
for. The demand for creating substances has diminished, and the mechanism of direct
promotion has turned into an interrupted, diminishing commercial capacity. The domestic
market's competitiveness intensified dramatically as businesses enacted measures to clear
inventory and recover capital, resulting in lower selling prices and a significant drop in
efficiency. Furthermore, during the pandemic period, rigorous entrance and departure controls
impair export, investment progress, signing of the contract advance, infrastructure transfer,
and properties in several Corporation units. These challenges pose a threat to enterprises in
general and Viglacera in particular, influencing consumption, raw material sourcing, and
industrial fuels. Therefore, In Viglacera's strategic improvement direction, techniques, and
answers to put money into creating "green," "environmentally friendly" product lines, high-tech
items in essential product sectors along with glass, sanitary wares, and tiles, and to hold to
put money into growing high-tech product lines. Simultaneously, funding in technology-
technical answers, device line innovation, and so forth are crucial solutions for maximizing raw
cloth efficiency, decreasing costs, and maintaining energy; minimizing using fossil raw
resources and imported raw materials.
Viglacera’s strengths and weaknesses


To discuss of Viglacera's strengths, the firm is a significant manufacturer of building materials in

Vietnam, having been formed and growing since 1974. Viglacera erected it because of its rich
history. Many local and international companies and initiatives have garnered status and
confidence. Viglacera products are distributed across the country, replacing imports, and are
exported to more than 40 countries and regions throughout the world. Viglacera has also
received a number of honors, both big and little, throughout the years, including Asia-Pacific
international quality awards and the top 50 leading brands in Vietnam. Viglacera has already
been certified as a major brand in Vietnam. By investing in advanced technology and
equipment, manufacturing and increasing the quality of environmentally friendly building
materials, Viglacera is always focusing on the green science and technology revolution in the
building materials business.

The Viglacera goods are all high-quality, diversely designed items that have been verified by
authorized authorities. Viglacera also has special unburned materials created by German
technology with several excellent properties such as light weight, great durability, and superior
sound insulation, allowing for significant time savings. Time and cost of building Viglacera has
also employed sophisticated and ecologically friendly technology in its manufacturing. At the
same time, Viglacera is always innovating and learning in order to improve its goods. Glass,
sanitary products, faucets, and tiles are the company's main building material commodities. As
a result, the Corporation has control over the industries' present fuel, forcing them to convert to
cleaner fuels. Simultaneously, most businesses are centered in industrial parks, in compliance
with existing state legislation on environmental standards and restrictions aimed at reducing
both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.

Viglacera establishes and preserves long-standing traditions and corporate culture over its
years of inception and development, in addition to great product and technological
characteristics. This is the foundation that enables Viglacera to grow and unify all of its
employees. Generations of Viglacera management, managers, and employees have been
extremely consistent in both educating and creating a competent labor force in each industry
throughout the years (Viglacera, 2021). Experienced managers in operating enterprises and
creative activities at each step of employment. Viglacera also has movements and actions to
care for the material and spiritual lives of its employees in order to encourage them to increase
their commitment to the firm, such as arranging cultural activities, arts, sports, or providing
housing for staff (Viglacera, 2019)


Viglacera was formerly a state-owned firm, so M&A activity in industrial parks will be slower, and
it has only recently been transferred to the private sector, so it will undoubtedly encounter
numerous challenges in the process of changing operating mechanisms.

Furthermore, in certain units, the contents recorded in the collective labor agreement primarily
reflect the laws of the Labor Law; nevertheless, such regulations are not always fully
documented. Additional agreements, such as labor dispute resolution, shift meal organization,
collective welfare, filial piety allowance, employer responsibility for late payment of construction
insurance..., are not agreed in the collective bargaining agreement, so employees are not
enthused, are not assured to devote their energies to the enterprise and have no basis for
consideration and settlement when a dispute arises (Viglacera, 2010).

Viglacera's capital efficiency, according to the assessment, is still very poor. The average return
on assets is just approximately 6 to 16 percent. Furthermore, Viglacera's asset structure
remains poor, with a debt-to-total-asset ratio of up to 62 percent. Viglacera must take more
effective measures to overcome these figures.
SWOT Table
Strengths Weaknesses

1. Viglacera had previously received 1. In some Viglacera enterprises, there are

government funding for investment capital. still some issues with worker
2. Viglacera has a long-standing reputation management that are not in strict
and brand image that has earned the conformity with labor rules.
confidence and respect of numerous 2. Because Viglacera was previously owned
clients. by the government, the mechanism was
3. Large quarries around Vietnam, such as delayed.
Bac Ninh, Phu Tho, Hue, and others, 3. Viglacera's capital efficiency is very low,
provide various benefits for mining and only 6 to 16 percent.
production. 4. Viglacera’s debt-to-total-asset ratio is up
4. The R&D department of Viglacera is to 62 percent.
particularly concerned about workers, and
there are usually training and training
programs for the company's personnel.
5. Viglacera is a leader in manufacturing
technology, employing cutting-edge,
ecologically friendly methods.
6. Viglacera has a strong corporate culture
and is continually doing things to boost staff
morale, such as hosting yearly football
tournaments and assisting housing
Opportunities Threats

1. Viglacera will be able to invest heavily due 1. When Vietnam enters the World Trade
to its strong financial position. Organization, Vigacera will face stiff
2. Viglacera's reputation and brand image competition from a slew of other
may easily build trust and attract new international companies.
consumers both at home and abroad. 2. Because Viglacera extensively invests in
3. Because the country is undergoing a phase technology, the price may be greater than
of rebirth, demand for homes is growing, typical.
allowing Viglacera to provide building 3. Viglacera must train personnel
supplies more readily. extensively on new equipment,
4. People are increasingly selecting management risks are unknown.
ecologically friendly items as a result of 4. The problematic scenario of diseases,
Viglacera's patented technology; thus, this storms, floods, and natural catastrophes
will be a chance for Viglacera to advertise will have a direct impact on Viglacera's
its products. need for building supplies, as well as
5. Viglacera can simply reach out to clients via investment and completion progress.
an online purchasing website.
6. The state has been divesting money from
Viglacera, so the company is no longer
reliant on the government.

SO Strategies (S1, S2, S3, S5 – O1, O2, O3, O4)

Viglacera can encourage increased exploitation and production since it has invested in
advanced technology and equipment, has a large amount of money, and receives several
government incentives. Viglacera may then expand its showroom network to all provinces and
cities in Vietnam, as well as further afield, such as Cuba, to serve a wider range of clients.
Viglacera can also focus on developing additional goods with a variety of forms and designs that
are ideal for a variety of situations and circumstances, both in Vietnam and overseas.

WO Strategies (W2, W3, W4 – O1, O2, O6)

Viglacera can no longer rely on the government, making decision-making easier than
previously. Viglacera should have short-term and long-term investment strategies in place at
that time to be able to improve the metrics in a more favorable direction by investing in highly
profitable projects both domestically and internationally, as well as leveraging its reputation for
growth. Because Viglacera has been able to assert its leadership position in the construction
materials business at home, it should invest extensively in foreign nations to enhance rivalry
with other companies.
ST Strategies (S4, S6 – T3)

There are weekly and monthly training sessions to evaluate and cultivate abilities in utilizing
new machinery and equipment, and Viglacera should pay greater attention to staff
management. Furthermore, Viglacera should offer preferred rules for workers when purchasing
their items in order to retain and motivate them to devote themselves to growing the company.

WT Strategies (W1 – T3)

Viglacera requires meetings to address its flaws and enhance the quality of management in
each of its sub-branches. The organization requires thorough evaluation in a variety of formats,
with managers attempting to rigorously adhere to Viglacera's policy.
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