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Ashley Fe O.

Canillo BALCS 2
Village of the Watermills

The short film, Village of the Watermills strongly puts an emphasis on how much a
person is willing to trade just to be able to suffice and have a simple yet very good life.
Throughout the video, an audience may be able to differentiate the kind of life he/she is
indulging from the kind of life that was being presented and was attained by the old
man in the village of the watermills.

It is a very commendable film because it will make its audience reflect themselves
whether they are living a good life or just simply living since the film shows the
difference between the life that is dominated by science and technology from the very
simplistic life that was being enjoyed by mostly villagers. Just like the watermills in the
water, it is rolling freely. Life is just like a watermill, sometimes we are being favored
because we have reached the top, however we should not be complacent because just
like the watermill in the water, the waves will serve as our challenges in life, it will
become one of the many factors that will make us see what does it feels to be down.
Moreover, because of this, it will push us to realizing that happiness is free and we all
can attain that. Happiness can be seen and found anywhere, we just have to feel
contented and secured. The film itself is very amazing and is rich in lessons for life,
sometimes we just need to detoxify and learn to be just like the flowing water.

Solitude and serenity is very evident in the short film. Solitude in a way that the village is
still a virgin, it has no trace of science and technology, no mark of civilization and
industrialization because everyone in the village strongly dissents the idea of bringing
technology in their lives, since for them, it will only make them feel too much
convenience. It’s just that in the film, it seems like they abhor modern technology, I can
sense that they consider it as the reason that will taint their innocence and simplicity.
There was serenity in the presented film because it was so obvious that the village
people looks so serene. They looked so calm and contented that it made me envy them.
The village people has a very strong bond with nature and they really appreciate it.

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