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r............. ·1·.............. . . ..............

: ·, '
1 --
iThe horse, _ _ __
., Myfather, _ _ __
1 didn't want to buy a Ellzabeth tasted the
Mrs. Miller, _ _ _
; was usually very dog, Is now very coffee, _ _ _ was
has been working all
; calm, started to run. happy. veryhol
day, is exhausted.

! James Branson,
' Theboy, _ _ __ Arthur, _____ ____ is a famous For dinner I ordered
f mom is pregnanl, is birthday is today, Is scientlst, discovered a pizza, _ _ __

,.~ ....
: , -. , :~: ~~~py:
..,.,~~ -~J -.-
making a party.
11:~ ..-,..•-
a new medicine.
■ • • • ■ f ■ ■...,.r..._J ..::---;1~~------~
.,._""....., ■ % "'"'•~-~W"'IF'.... • .,.,,..;ll ..... ..,..,,..,.................. •
i. • • , • 1
was delicious.
•í ' J

;'. t

• Richard ,
Susan, is Tom was very proud Cindy Is cleaning the
' very clever, solved baby Is always
the problem.
of his car,
i crying, is terrlbly i house,
wasnew. was a bit dirty.
tlred .
• •



: Mary, loves
Ronald caught a This is my neighbor, My cousin, is
t\ reading books, went greenfish, dog isvery only 1O years old, is a
' to sleep very late. waa very small. big. famous violinisl

ReLaTiVe MiaN&lftl
CJledl tllt grammar gulde on tlle ltft. latdl tl1e ltellS loglcally.

1 Did y0U eat the pancakes whlch a) 1 round a rare spedes of fish.
• rtfm topeopl< (1 nd 2 Thls Is my nelghbour who b) 1 had a surgery.
• considered as pe,ts): 3 Thls ls lhe dog whlch e) 1 was bom.
◄ Thls Is lhe lal<e where d) Is my lawurtte sclet1tlst.
11,ls b ttle..,.who b o s Thls Is lhe hospital where • e) 1 love best
,-utsinpr. 6 Thls Is lhe shop which :..- f) writes books.
7 A novelist is a pe,.on ~
g) «?lls lho mo<t íashlonable ddtles.
8 This is lhe book which
9 Thls Is lhe hou5e where h) bit lhe postman twice.
10 Marie curte, who diSCl!llercd i) 1 made ror breakfast ?
radium, J) ls a pollceman.

• refers to obJt(ts and con<.epu :

WIII _, owri

li Clrcle tlle correct optton.

1 Rob bought a house w hlch / wl\Ne windows are broken.

2 Thls Is lhe restaurant wflere / whlch I had delicious pasta.
3 The book whldl / who I prerer Is called Jane Eyre.
• exp,tsse.s posscssion for
objects, people and 4 The man, who / whme eyes are blue, loolcs very familiar.
animais i 5 Thls Is lhe year wben / where lhe new Star Wars Is released.

Tllls b tM ho11Sa who,c

Ili Read tbls telt allout tl1e tamous site latllll Pkdlu. complete 1llt gaps wltll
tloor b rcd.
tllt correct rtlatift pronoun.
Tllls b tM INy who,c t1o9
WIII fM .....,.mi.n.
Machu Picmu is an Inca dty 1 ...........................
was built in lhe 15" century. lt is located in
Peru, on tDp of a rnountaln 1 ..............................
Is aboul 2,500 metres hlgh. PachaaJti,

• refers to time :
a ............................. was lhe Inca emperor,
probably lived there. This city, 'I .........................
OctolNr is thc aentll

wllcn,...,.. 11h•rm lnhabitants abondoned it frve hundred years
ago, is very mysterious.

Archaeologists, t. .......................... can't explaln

exactly how lt was built, have more questions than answers. 1911 is lhe date
• refers to place: t> .......................... ........ the American explorer, 7 ...................................
11,ls b tM hotel whlN I name was Hiram Blngham, told the world about this andent site.
sftry• lolst Mlllfll.
Thís remote dty Is lhe place 8 .................................... explorers, historlans and
sclentlsts search ror the trulh or our andent past.

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