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University of Southeastern Philippines

College of Education
Iñigo Street, Obrero, Davao City

MODULE 2 Process Oriented Performance - Based Assessment

LESSON 1: Process-Oriented Learning Competencies

Process Oriented Learning Competencies Formulation

1. Browse the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and focus on your discipline.


2. Identify what grade level and topic to work on.

Grade 10 Signal Words in Sequencing Events (Mga Salitang Hudyat sa
Pagsusunod-sunod ng mga Pangyayari)
3. Think about an activity you want your students to do based on your
chosen topic to develop a particular skill in them.
Sequencing events in the story by using signal words- The goal is to
enhance their ability to organize information This activity contributes to
the development of skills such as sequencing, critical thinking, writing,
communication, collaboration, public speaking, creativity, problem-
solving, and time management. chronologically and to improve their
communication skills.
4. Determine the processes that your students will have to go through for them
to develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Understanding and Pre-Assessment: Begin by gauging the students' prior
knowledge and understanding of the topic. This can involve pre-assessment
quizzes, discussions, or informal activities.
Goal Setting: Collaborate with students to set clear learning objectives and
goals. Discuss what knowledge they aim to acquire, the skills they want to
develop, and the attitudes they want to foster. Goal setting empowers
students, providing a sense of direction and purpose for their learning
Active Engagement: Employ a variety of active learning strategies, such
as discussions, group activities, and hands-on projects. active engagement
promotes deeper understanding, application of knowledge, and the
development of critical thinking skills.

Questions to build up the activity

1. What’s the salient point of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide based on your
chosen discipline?

The salient points of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Filipino subjects

include spiral progression, similar to other subjects, Filipino subjects
follow a spiral progression, revisiting and deepening language skills and
knowledge as students’ progress through different learning
competencies. The curriculum also focuses on enhancing
communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing
in Filipino. It aims to develop proficiency in the national language and
literature. It also incorporates an appreciation of literature, history, and
culture. There is a shift towards a more holistic approach to assessment,
moving beyond traditional examinations to include various forms of
evaluation such as projects, presentations, and practical language
2. What grade level do you choose to work on and what topic? Grade 10
3. Do you have an activity in mind where that your students will do for them
to develop a particular skill?
Timeline Creation, Instructional Manuals, Sequencing Skits,
Collaborative Story Mapping, Escape Room with Sequencing Puzzles.
These activities collectively contribute to the development of skills such as
sequencing, critical thinking, writing, communication, collaboration, public
speaking, creativity, problem-solving, and time management.

2. What processes will the students have to go through to develop their

knowledge, skills, and attitudes?

Timeline Creation: Assign each student or group a historical event or

a process with multiple steps.
Students create a visual timeline using drawings, symbols, or text to
represent the sequence of events.
After completion, students present their timelines to the class,
explaining each step and the overall significance.

Instructional Manuals: Provide each student or group with a simple

process (e.g., making a sandwich, or planting a seed). Students create
step-by-step instructional manuals or infographics to guide others
through the sequence of events. They then exchange manuals with
other groups for peer review and feedback.
Sequencing Skits: Assign groups different scenarios that require clear
sequencing (e.g., preparing for a school event, or conducting a
Each group creates a short skit demonstrating the sequence of events.
Performances should focus on effective communication and
collaboration among group members.

Collaborative Story Mapping: Choose a complex story or novel that

the class is studying. Divide the class into groups and assign each
group a portion of the story. Each group creates a visual map or
diagram to represent the sequence of events in their assigned section.
Students then collaborate to combine their maps into a comprehensive
story map.

Escape Room with Sequencing Puzzles: Design an escape room

challenge with puzzles related to sequencing events.
Teams must solve each puzzle to progress through the escape room.
This activity promotes collaboration and communication as students
work together to decipher the sequence of clues.
Story Cubes:

Sequential Picture Stories:

Provide students with a set of random pictures. (Cooking food,
planting, etc.)
In small groups, students arrange the pictures to create a cohesive
story. Each group presents its picture story to the class, ensuring that
the events are communicated in a logical sequence.

3. Have you thought of a task or performance for the development of

the skills of students?


Activity: Storyboard Presentation

Objective: Develop sequencing skills using signal words, enhance
communication through visual storytelling, and promote
collaboration within a group.

Materials Needed:
Large sheets of paper or poster boards
Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
Small sticky notes or index cards
Timer or stopwatch
Scenarios or stories for each group
Group Formation:
Divide the class into two groups

Scenario Assignment:
Assign each group a specific scenario or short story that involves
a series of events from Mediterranean literature (ANG KUBA
Provide each group with a copy of a story.

Storyboard Creation:
Instruct each group to create a storyboard on a large poster board.
Use sticky notes or index cards to represent each event in the
Students must arrange the events in the correct sequence on the

Visual Enhancement:
Encourage students to use drawings, symbols, or brief annotations
to enhance the visual representation of each event.

Presentation Preparation:
Give students time to practice narrating the story and explaining
the sequence of events within their group.

Storyboard Presentation:
Each group presents their storyboard to the class.
Emphasize clear communication, coherence in storytelling, and
the correct sequencing of events.
Allow time for the class to ask questions or provide feedback.

Peer Evaluation:
After each presentation, encourage students to provide
constructive feedback to their peers.
Focus on positive aspects and suggestions for improvement in
communication and sequencing.

Reflection and Discussion:

Conclude the activity with a class discussion on the importance of
signal words in sequencing events in effective storytelling.
Discuss any challenges faced during the task and how
collaboration contributed to the success of the presentations.

Evaluate students based on their ability to sequence events
accurately, effectively communicate the story, collaborate within
their group, and incorporate constructive feedback.

This activity not only addresses the sequencing of events but also
integrates visual communication, public speaking, and
collaborative skills. It provides students with a creative and
engaging way to apply and showcase their understanding of
sequencing while fostering teamwork and communication.

It’s Your Turn Activity

Using the K to 12 Curriculum Guide as your reference, determine at least two
topics in your area of specialization and formulate process-oriented learning
competencies of each of the topics.

Topic: Narrative Conjunctions (Mga Pang-ugnay sa Pagsasalaysay)

Process-Oriented Learning Competencies:

Identify and Classify Narrative Conjunctions:
Students will be able to identify and classify common narrative conjunctions (e.g.,
'at,' 'pagkatapos,' 'bukod,’ dahil sa') within a given text.
They will demonstrate an understanding of how conjunctions contribute to the flow
and coherence of narrative writing.

Use Narrative Conjunctions Effectively:

Students will practice incorporating narrative conjunctions appropriately in their
They will construct sentences and paragraphs that utilize conjunctions to connect
ideas, events, or characters coherently and engagingly.

Analyze Narrative Text:

Students will analyze narrative texts to identify the strategic use of conjunctions by
They will discuss how the choice of conjunctions influences the overall narrative
structure and contributes to the development of the plot and characters.

The activities focused on Process-Oriented Learning Competencies for identifying

and using narrative conjunctions will contribute to the development of
communication skills, students will enhance their communication skills as they
analyze and discuss the use of narrative conjunctions in texts.The analysis of
narrative texts and the strategic use of conjunctions encourage critical thinking and
collaborative discussion and group activities, such as identifying and classifying
narrative conjunctions, promote collaboration. Working together to understand and
apply these concepts fosters teamwork. Crafting sentences and paragraphs that
effectively use narrative conjunctions demands a creative approach. Students will
explore ways to connect ideas and events coherently and engagingly, fostering
creative expression.
Topic: Signal Words in Sequencing Events (Mga Salitang Hudyat sa
Pagsusunod-sunod ng mga Pangyayari)

Process-Oriented Learning Competencies:

Recognize and Classify Signal Words:

Students will be able to recognize and classify signal words (e.g., 'Una,' 'Ikalawa,'
'pagkatapos,' 'Sa huli') that indicate the sequence of events in each text.
They will demonstrate an understanding of how signal words contribute to the
organization of information.

Create Sequences Using Signal Words:

Students will practice constructing sequences of events using appropriate signal
They will develop the ability to organize information logically, ensuring a clear and
cohesive flow in their writing.

Evaluate Sequencing in Texts:

Students will analyze various texts to identify how authors use signal words to
convey the order of events.
They will discuss how effective sequencing enhances comprehension and
engagement in different genres, such as narratives or procedural texts.

The activities focused on Process-Oriented Learning Competencies for recognizing

and using signal words in sequencing events to cultivate a range of 21st-century
skills. Students enhance communication by evaluating sequencing in texts and
discussing the use of signal words, develop critical thinking through the analysis of
how authors employ signal words, and promote collaboration by engaging in
discussions and working together on creating sequences. The activities contribute to
technology literacy as students use digital platforms, foster creativity in constructing
sequences, encourage adaptability by analyzing sequencing in various genres, and
enhance problem-solving skills in deciding the most effective way to convey events.
Additionally, recognizing and classifying signal words contribute to information
literacy, providing students with skills crucial for success in our rapidly changing
global landscape.

Analyzing Process Oriented Learning Competencies reveals their alignment with
modern educational approaches that prioritize holistic growth. By centering on the
learning process, students are prompted to explore, question, and apply knowledge
in diverse contexts, fostering a deeper comprehension of subjects and essential
skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity.

In crafting POLCs, the emphasis on specific skills or processes varies depending on

the subject. For instance, in "sequencing events," the focus may involve a student's
adeptness in identifying, analyzing, and crafting sequences. This ensures education
isn't solely outcome-focused but embraces the development of practical skills and
competencies applicable in real-world situations.

In summary, grasping Process Oriented Learning Competencies offers valuable

insights into contemporary education philosophy. It underscores the importance of
cultivating skills beyond memorization, preparing students for nuanced and
adaptive engagement with their surroundings.
LESSON 2 Tasks Designing

Learning Outcomes Design a process oriented learning activities.

Time Frame 2 sessions

This is the second lesson of Module 2 in the Assessment of
Learning 2 course. After learning how to formulate process
oriented learning competencies, you will have to go back to
Lesson 1 by reviewing what activity/ies you want your learners
to do in order to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude.
You will then have to design the task.

From Lesson 1, you were able to identify two topics based on

your discipline and have already written learning competencies
for identified topics.

Now, think of an activity that would highlight the competencies

to be evaluated.

Identify an activity that would entail more or less the same sets
of competencies.

Find a task that would be interesting and enjoyable for the


Topic: Hudyat sa pagkasunod-sunod ng Pangyayari

Story: Kuba ng notre dame
Activity: Character Timeline Analysis

1. Form 5 groups in the class and assign a different
character from the story to each group.
2. Review the primary characters in "Kuba ng Notre Dame"

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
with the students at the outset. Talk about their
personalities, drives, and parts in the story.
3. Give a large poster board or sheet of paper to each group.
Give them the task of making a timeline that depicts the
journey of the character they were assigned from the start
of the story to its conclusion.
4. Ask each group to list significant occurrences or incidents
involving their designated character in the story using
index cards or sticky notes.
5. Once the groups have finished creating their character
timelines, lead a group discussion in which they present
their results to the class.
6. After each group has finished presenting their character
chronology, facilitate a comparison of the experiences of
the various characters in the narrative.
7. After the activity, have each student think on the
relevance of their character's journey in the story on their

Topic: Narrative Conjunctions (Mga Pang-ugnay sa Pagsasalaysay)

Activity: Conjunction Story Mapping

1. Divide a class in to 5 groups.

2. Start by explaining to the pupils what narrative
conjunctions are. Describe how conjunctions are words or
phrases that establish connections between various stories
3. Select a brief story or narrative that fits the
comprehension level of your students.
4. Give a copy of the chosen narrative to each group. Give
them instructions to carefully read the story, focusing on
the conjunctions used throughout.
5. Assign a large piece of paper or a whiteboard to each
6. Give them the task of creating a graphic story map that
illustrates the story's narrative structure.
7. Give a list of narrative conjunctions to every group. Give
them an index card or sticky note to identify the locations
on their story map where conjunctions are utilized.
8. After every group has finished creating their story maps,
hold a review and discussion meeting.
9. After that, encourage pupils to use narrative conjunctions

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
to develop original stories or narratives in order to better
reinforce what they have learned.

Questions to work on
1. Have you already thought of an activity from the two
identified topics in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide based
on your discipline?

Answer: Yes. The first activity is “Character Timeline

Analysis,” and the second activity is “Conjunction
Analysis Story Mapping.”

2. Where you able to identify activity? Kindly describe

the activity identified and explain how the students will
have to go through about the said activity?

Yes, I was able to find activities for both topics:
"Narrative Conjunctions (Mga Pang-ugnay sa
Pagsasalaysay)" and "Character Timeline Analysis" for
the topic of "Hudyat sa pagkasunod-sunod ng

In the first activity which is “Character Timeline

Analysis,” where a class will be dived into five groups
and each group will be given a different character from
the story. Using the index cards or sticky notes, they
will create a timeline that chows the character’s
journey from the start of the story to the end, pointing
out the important events or incidents involving their
character. After that, groups will report their findings
to the class, and the experiences of the different
characters in the story will then be compared. Lastly,
each student will consider the significance of their

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
character's journey within the narrative. In the second
activity which is “Conjunction Story Mapping” where
a class will be divided into five groups also. After
being given a short story or narrative to read, students
will be exposed to narrative conjunctions. Following
consideration of the conjunctions used in the story,
each group will create a visual story map that
illustrates the story's narrative structure. Students will
identify the locations on their story map where
conjunctions are utilized using index cards or sticky
notes. After completing their story maps, groups will
have a review and discussion session.

3. Have you or your students determine the task to be

Answer: Yes, Me and my students already
determine the task to be performed.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
When designing a task, see to it that what you are trying to
target are the competencies that you set at the beginning of the
lesson through an activity.

Using Taskonomy, you will have to identify what task will be

given to your learners. If it is a group work activity, determine
the tasks and distribute to the members of each group.

For example, if the activity that you want your students to do is
to create a brochure as your learning competency. You need to
identify the researchers of the group who will take charge of the
relevant and correct information to be included in the brochure,
a writer who will be writing articles for the brochure, a lay out
artist for the proper placement of written article, and a designer
for color blending and proper placement of articles and

Each task should be given instruction on what to do and what

output to contribute to the group for the creating of the final
output. This is what we called “Scaffolding”. Learners will be
properly guided if we give them correct Scaffolds that they can
use as guide in the process of creating the output.

Task designing should be connected with your learning

competencies that you want to evaluate and develop for your
learners. This is to see to it that each learner will become an
active member of the group, will develop accountability and
responsibility through the given task. This will also ensure
proper monitoring of progress of the learners.

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It’s your Turn Activity:
Now after your analysis on the topics you’ve chosen and after
formulating learning competencies based on the topics. You
will now decide what activity to give to your learners.

Identify the tasks for each learner if it an individual activity and

Application for each of the members of the group if it is a group work or
collaborative learning.

Make sure that the instruction is clear for every task so each
learner should be guided.

Make scaffolds to guide learners on the right direction as they

create the desired outputs, outcome or performance.

Identify the tasks for each learner if it an individual activity and

for each of the members of the group if it is a group work or
collaborative learning.
Answer: Group Activity

Make sure that the instruction is clear for every task so each
learner should be guided.
Topic: Hudyat sa pagkasunod-sunod ng Pangyayari
Story: Kuba ng notre dame

Activity: Story Sequencing Game


1. The class will be divided into four groups and each group
will be having their own copy of the story “Kuba ng Notre
2. Give each group a deck of story cards with images or text
that illustrates significant occasions about the story.
3. Inform each group that their job is to retell the story in
chronological order by putting the story cards in the right
order and putting them on the storyboard of each group.
Write a brief description or caption under each event or
key moment, to explain what happened.
4. Put a timer on for the desired duration.
5. Allow each group to talk about the events listed on the
story cards and determine the right sequence depending
on their comprehension of the story.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
6. After the time expires, each group should prepare their
presentation about the right sequence of the story in front
of the class.

In this activity, students will allow to improve their critical

thinking, teamwork, and active participation while reinforcing the
idea of event sequencing in a story.

Make scaffolds to guide learners on the right direction as they

create the desired outputs, outcome, or performance.
1. First, ask the students if they are familiar with the story
““Kuba ng Notre Dame.” If they know, ask the students
about what they know in the story. If not, give them an
overview of the story.
2. Provide a template for a ready-made storyboard that has
spaces set out for placing the story cards. Provide spaces
where you may write summaries or captions to go along
with each event or significant occasion to describe what
3. Tell students that they should respectfully communicate
their thoughts, listen to each other opinions and
collaborate to figure the right order of events.
4. Throughout the exercise, set frequent alerts or reminders
to remind groups of the amount of time left.
5. After the presentation, group should give a feedback or
share their thoughts, strength, and weaknesses to another
group to make better.

Identify the tasks for each learner if it an individual activity and

for each of the members of the group if it is a group work or
collaborative learning.
Answer: Individual Activity
Topic: Hudyat sa Pagkasunod-sunod ng Pangyayari

Activity: Data Storytelling and Presentation

1. All students will be given a copy of the short story “Ang
Kuba ng Notre Dame”.
2.Each student will identify those signals in the given story.
3.After identifying the signals in the story each student will
share their thoughts on how they know those signals and why
is it important.
4. Each student should analyze the story and create their own
presentation by storytelling.
5. After the analysis is complete, each student should prepare

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
their creative presentation and performed it in front of the

Make scaffolds to guide learners on the right direction as they

create the desired outputs, outcome, or performance.
1. First, find out if the students have heard the story "Ang
Kuba ng Notre Dame” If so, ask them to share what they know
about it. If not, give a synopsis of the narrative.
2. Examine the signals in the story.
3. Give a copy of the narrative to each student and ask them to
underline the signals that they found out.
4. After that tell the students that they will interpret the story
and present it creatively in front of the class.
6. Give each student enough time to prepare their presentation.
7. Then after all the presentation gave them freedom to share
their strength and weaknesses when they performed.

Congratulations for successfully designing a task for your

learners based on your chosen topic. Continue the momentum
until you will be able to complete all the lessons in Module 2.
For take home activity please try to research and read about
authentic assessment using rubrics because that will be the last
lesson for this module.


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Iñigo Street, Obrero, Davao City

LESSON 3: Scoring Rubrics

World’s Best Chocolate Chips

You will have to work as a group and you will be thinking what criteria to assess a world’s
best chocolate chips. Have three kinds of chocolate chips that is available in the market. You
have to mark the chocolate chips A, B, & C.

You will using the matrix scaffold below to come up with an evaluation tool in order to assess
the world’s best chocolate chips.

Think of words to describe the criteria you want to include when assessing chocolate chips.
Let’s say we want to include crunchiness, taste, size and texture.
Activity In each cell describe what to you is excellent when it comes to crunchiness, taste, size and
texture. Write it in every cell, start from excellent, then to needs improvement columns and
then work on the middle part later.

Criteria/Performance Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Level 4 Satisfactory 2 1

Crunchiness Crisp Chips have Chips Inconsistencies in

edges with a satisfying provide a texture, with some
a soft, crunch. decent chips too hard or
melty crunch, but overly crunchy.
center in texture may
every chip. vary slightly.

Taste Soft Rich Chocolate Chocolate flavor

chocolate chocolate flavor is lacks depth or
flavor that flavor that pleasant but intensity, not fully
lingers on is perfectly may lack satisfying. The
the palate. balanced, complexity sweetness and
A perfect leaving a or richness. bitterness are not
balance of delightful balance.
sweetness sweetness.

Size Generous Uniformly Chips are Irregular chip sizes,

in size, sized chips generally leading to uneven
ensuring ensure uniform, but chocolate
consistent consistent occasional distribution and
enjoyment. texture and variations in affecting overall
chocolate size may be enjoyment.
distribution. present.

Texture Smooth Smooth Mostly Grainy or powdery

and and smooth, texture, lessen
creamy, velvety, though some from the
enhancing enhancing chips may smoothness
the the overall have a expected in
chocolate chocolate slightly chocolate.
experience. experience. grainy
Melts in texture.

After you filled up all the cells in the matrix, its time for you to start evaluating the
chocolates chips using the evaluation tool that you created.
Use the table below as scaffold in evaluating your chocolate chips. The chocolate with
the highest result will be the winner.

Criteria/Performance A B C

Crunchiness 1 - Inconsistent 4 - The chips 2 - The chips provide

texture, some deliver a a decent crunch,
chips too hard or satisfying crunch though some may be
overly crunchy. with a soft, slightly softer than
creamy center in desired.
each bite.

Taste 3 - Rich 4 - Rich 1 - Chocolate flavor

chocolate flavor chocolate flavor lacks intensity or
with a perfect that is perfectly complexity.
blend of balanced,
sweetness. leaving a

Size 2 - Chips are 4 - The chips 3 - The chips are

mostly uniform, are uniformly generally uniform, with
but occasional sized, ensuring occasional variations
variations in size consistency in in size.
may be present. texture and

Texture 2 - Generally 3 - The texture 2 - Mostly smooth,

smooth, but is smooth and though some chips
some chips may velvety, may have a slightly
have a slightly enhancing the grainy texture.
grainy texture. chocolate

Questions to work on

1. How do you find the activity? I found the activity engaging and informative as
well. It allows me to distinguish the differences of each chocolate chips in terms
of their crunchiness, taste, size as well as the texture which is quite challenging.

2. Were you able to describe properly each criterion in the matrix? Yes, I believe
the criteria in the matrix were described properly, which covers the crunchiness,
taste, size, and texture, and evaluating their performance levels.
3. Do you find it easy or difficult to describe each criterion and its level of
performance? Describing each criterion and its performance level was quite easy
since the criteria were clearly defined and the evaluation scale offered guidance.

4. What makes it easy or difficult? The clarity of the criteria and scale made it
easy to describe the description of each criterion and its performance level.
However, assessing aspects such as taste and texture could sometimes be a
matter of interpretation requiring careful thought.

5. What did you learn from the activity? This activity taught me the importance of
having defined criteria when assessing products or services. It also emphasized
that subjective attributes, like taste and texture can be systematically assessed
using a framework leading to objective evaluations.

It’s Your Turn Activity

After learning what an authentic assessment is all about such as rubrics, it’s your turn
to create a rubric based on the activity that you decided upon in Lesson 2 of this

Activity: Dulaang Filipino Performance

Description: Students will collaboratively prepare and perform a Filipino play or
theater production. The activity involves scriptwriting, acting, stage design, and
overall production management. Each group will be responsible for presenting a
cohesive and engaging performance that reflects a deep understanding of
Filipino culture, language, and dramatic arts.

Scoring Rubric: Dulaang Filipino Performance

Criteria Excellent Satisfactor Developing Not Point

y Satisfactory s

Script and The script is The script The script is The script is
Storytellin exceptionall is well- adequately weak, lacking
g (30 y well- written, written, with a compelling
points) written, with a a basic storyline,
showcasing strong storyline authentic
a compelling storyline and dialogue, or
storyline, and dialogue. cultural
authentic authentic The understanding
dialogue, dialogue. storytelling . Characters
and deep The is decent, and plot are
cultural storytelling but there underdevelop
understandi is good, are notable ed.
ng. The with gaps or
storytelling developed weaknesses
is engaging, characters .
with well- and a clear
developed plot. Some
characters areas may
and a clear need minor
plot. refinement.
Stage The stage Stage Stage Stage design
Design and design is design is design is is weak, with
Production exceptional, good, with basic, with minimal
(30 points) contributing effective limited contribution to
significantly contribution impact on the
to the s to the the atmosphere.
overall atmospher atmosphere. Production
atmosphere e. Some elements are
of the play. Production production poorly
Production elements elements executed or
elements are may be missing.
(lighting, integrated lacking or
sound, well but poorly
costumes) may need integrated.
are minor
thoughtfully adjustment
integrated s.
enhance the

Cultural The The Cultural Cultural

Authenticit performance performanc representati representatio
y (25 authentically e on is basic, n is weak,
points) represents represents with with
Filipino Filipino occasional significant
culture, culture lapses in lapses in
incorporatin well, with authenticity authenticity
g cultural some or and
nuances, areas understandi understanding
language, where ng. Some of Filipino
and cultural cultural culture.
traditions nuances or elements
effectively. authenticity may be
could be missing.

Collaborati The group The group Collaboratio Collaboration

on and collaborates collaborate n is basic, is weak, with
Teamwork exceptionall s with some significant
(15 points) y well, effectively, challenges challenges in
demonstrati with good in teamwork teamwork,
ng effective teamwork evident leading to a
teamwork in in most throughout disjointed
all aspects aspects of the production
of the the production process.
production production process. Contributions
process. process. Contribution from some
Each There may s from all members are
member be minor members minimal.
contributes challenges
significantly in may not be
to the coordinatio balanced.
overall n
success of

Total Score: /100

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