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Managa, Karl Isaac D.

Literary Criticism
BSED English – III

A Journey Worthwhile
An Archetypal Analysis of the Movie “The Odyssey 1997”
based on the ancient Greek epic poem by Homer.

“You can do magic; you can have anything that you desire. Magic, and you know you’re
the one who can put out the fire.”

These were the lyrics of one of the home-playlist songs my father listened to: You Can
Do Magic by America. Not alone the lyrics but also the rhythm and beat makes the song more
magical. You won’t even know you’re tapping the floor with your feet and your heads

The movie ‘The Odyssey’ was based on the ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer.
This epic journey was packed with action, love, and tragedy, beautifully presented through
the hero’s journey and the supernatural plot of the epic.

One way to analyze it is by means of the Archetypal Criticism/Analysis that will focus
mainly on the classifications of Archetypes that can be seen within the character, situations,
setting, and symbols as they reverberate with the readers/viewers.

S. Devika (2017) explains Archetypal literary criticism is a theory which readers can
interpret literary pieces by focusing on the symbols, images, and character types within the
literary work. It can also be identified through themes, pattern of action, and narrative

In the story presented through film, there are notable characters that play important
roles to present a masterpiece. The first of them all is Odysseus as the Victor. Not only
because he is the main character or the protagonist of the story, but also, he showed the
ability to conquer adversaries in his journey all throughout the film.
When Odysseus was summoned to war together with his comrades to battle the
Trojans, he experienced longing from his loved ones for twenty consecutive years of
hardship. Additionally, within those years were full atrocities: After conquering Troy,
Odysseus become arrogant and egoistic, declaring that he did it by himself without the help
of gods. This made Poseidon angry, making their travel back home almost impossible.

These are the following events within his journey. Odysseus and his men stopped on
an island where were ruled by one-eyed giants. They stopped an island of a witch that turn
humans to animals. Odysseus sails to the Underworld. Also, they encounter sea monsters and
catastrophic phenomena. They were stuck in an island where everything is pleasing and urge
everyone to stay and never leave. Lastly, Odysseus’ going back to his kingdom and facing the
challenge of proving his authority and worthiness of the kingdom.

These are all evidences which labeled Odysseus, The Victor. Conquering the
adversities presented in his life; how hard and long the battle will be, he will always overcome

Another character in the film that provide essential role is Penelope as the Faithful.
She is the queen of Ithaca, wife of Odysseus. She portrays faithfulness all throughout the film.
Imagine, being left by your husband and without a promise of returning back alive with a
child in your care is almost a mind and will-breaking scenario.

After ten years without communication, single-handedly raising a child, multiple

suitors are desiring of her hand, and holding to a glimpse of hope that her husband is still
alive, Penelope shows fortitude on the kingdom and love towards her husband. This are
enough to prove her unwavering loyalty and labeled her as the faithful.

Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and prince of Ithaca. This young man shows bravery
despite their situation in their kingdom, providing support to his mother and pursue his
father’s whereabouts. Telemachus is the Initiate. He was guided and surrounded by people
of his kingdom and trained him to be equipped fighting skills to protect his loved ones.

The characters that are labeled as The Guardians and Mentors are Athena, Hermes,
and Aeolus. These gods provided protection and guidance to the main character, Odysseus.
In the following events they used their supernatural powers and favor the preservation of
Odysseus’ life.

Athena guided both Odysseus and Telemachus in right decision and path to take. Also,
she provided the power of disguise to Odysseus to successfully enter the kingdom of Ithaca
and slay the traitors. Hermes helped Odysseus to avoid being transformed into animal and
save his comrades in the island of Circe. Also, saving Odysseus from Calypsos’ enchantment
by giving a warning to sink her island into the deep trenches of ocean. Lastly, Aeolus, giving
Odysseus wind in order to get back to Ithaca in a shorter period but unfortunately, it did not

Talking about gods, here we have Poseidon as the Nightmare. Without his acts and
despise toward Odysseus’ arrogance, this literary work would not be a masterpiece.
However, this made the main character, Odysseus’ life horrible.

Poseidon proclaim that Odysseus will never step on land again. Almost and nearly
impossible for him to go home with his wife and son. The scenarios and adversities of
Odysseus were presented above, and it is the consequences or effects of Poseidon’s power.
This suits him to be the living nightmare of the hero.

Another set of characters are labeled as the Tragic Fools are Anticlea, Polyphemus
and, Eurymachus. These characters act unwisely and lead to their deaths. Anticlea, believing
that Odysseus is dead and will not coming back, resulting to taking her own life. Polyphemus,
fooled by Odysseus and was struck by a sharpened stick resulting him to be blind. Lastly,
Eurymachus, believing that Odysseus will never comeback and try to claim the throne and
the queen.
The Temptresses are presented by two characters named Circe and Calypso. These
two beautiful nymphs tried to seduce the main character. They are both successful in
seducing Odysseus, having a sexual affair with him, but when Gods interfere, they cannot do
a single thing but to obey. This proves their title as the Temptresses of the Odyssey.

Another way to analyze the literary piece is to the focus within plot lines the literary
work. Through this, it gives the reader/viewer more information on how the story’s theme
is presented with the type of conflict and situations.
The first situation archetype of the film would be Humility vs Arrogance. If Odysseus
stayed humble and recognize the aid of the gods for him to conquer Troy, there would be no
conflict and hardships. However, being able to conquer Troy with his idea of the Trojan Horse,
made him egoistic arrogant. Therefore, he experienced atrocity all throughout the film.

Speaking of experiences, here comes another situation archetype The Hero’s Journey.
Odysseus’ journey is truly remarkable and within his journey are quests and tasks that
needed to accomplish before conquering it. He confronts his challenges, trials, and hardships
along the way. In the end, he become victorious for his perseverance and heart toward his

Within Odysseus’ journey this situation archetype can be seen. The Enchantment.
Not once but twice Odysseus become enchanted. However, in the island of Circe, it failed for
Hermes helped Odysseus to avoid the enchantment. But still, in order to save his comrades,
he must be in Circe’s bed and make love to her. Second, in the island of Calypso, Odysseus was
blinded by the pleasure he felt. He was fully enchanted not only by Calypso’s beauty but also
with the stress-free life he enjoyed.

Lastly, The Initiation. It was presented through Telemachus maturity. When he was
ready to sail, he decided to find his father’s whereabouts and situation. Even though, the
information about his father was all but bad news, he composed himself with such maturity
that stands against the traitors of his kingdom protecting his people.

To further analyze the literary piece, the literary archetypal criticism also focuses on
the setting which helps the reader/viewer the theme and tone of the literary work. Therefore,
various setting archetypes can be seen in the film Odyssey.

In the first minutes of the movie, we can see The Mountains. It represents that the
story would have its profound climax reaching the peek and showing the beauty beyond the
lands. It can also be seen as a journey of solitude.

When Odysseus raised the baby Telemachus on the mountain showing the prosperity
and beauty of their kingdom. Also, when Odysseus climbed up the mountain of Circe’s Island,
it shows his eagerness to save his comrade against the witch.
Of course, since Poseidon is the antagonist of the literary work, The Sea creates an
important role to display fear and dangers of the unknown. The River, also a body water that
represents Odysseus’ journey to return from his homeland.

The Cave represents home and familiarity, welcoming unknown people would always
be dangerous as presented by Polyphemus, the one-eyed giant.

Lastly, symbolic archetypes are one of the factors to be considered in the literary
archetypal criticism. The Odyssey shows various symbols that represents and establish the
story’s contents and the tone the author wants to portray/tell the readers and viewers.

The first symbol we can find on the literary piece is the Bow of Odysseus. It like the
hammer of Thor, we only the worthy one can pick up the hammer. In this case, the bow, only
the worthy one can pluck the string and shoot an arrow precisely. It symbolizes worthiness
and truth.

Fire and Darkness are also presented in the film. When Odysseus traveled on
Underworld to find answers and directions to his home, Ithaca. It represents fear, agony, and
despair as the entities there want to interact with a living soul.

Fog and Smoke are also present in the movie. It represents loss of direction,
confusion, and mystery. Odysseus and his crew did not know where the ocean will lead them
because of the fog that gives them loss of direction.

Water. Although the water gives a denotation of having life, here in the movie, it is the
opposite. Poseidon, the god of seas is their enemy which makes the water as a hindrance of
their journey. Fear was also imbedded in the water, for they do not know its limits and

Hence, I would like to end this archetypal literary analysis with a quote: Life is a
journey that has a lot of different paths, but any path you choose, use it as your destiny.” Like
Odysseus, adversities in life are relentless, but he uses it as an opportunity to become a better
being we are designed to become. Of course, with the help of God.

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