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WEEK 10.

1. Critical Thinking Education: Teach people, especially students, how to

evaluate information critically. Encourage questioning sources, checking facts, and
looking for multiple perspectives before believing or sharing news.

2. Media Literacy Programs: Invest in programs that help people understand

how media works, including biases, sensationalism, and the difference between
credible sources and unreliable ones.

3. Transparency and Accountability: Hold media organizations and platforms

accountable for the accuracy of the information they distribute. Encourage
transparency in reporting processes and algorithms to reduce the spread of

Set Boundaries: I'd establish specific times for using social media and stick to them.
For example, I might limit my usage to certain hours of the day and avoid checking it

Diversify Activities: I'd make sure to engage in a variety of activities outside of social
media, such as hobbies, exercise, spending time with friends and family, or reading
books. This helps prevent social media from dominating my time and attention.

Mindful Usage: Before opening any social media app, I'd ask myself why I'm using it
and what I hope to gain from it. This mindfulness can help me avoid mindlessly
scrolling and getting sucked into endless browsing.

Regular Breaks: I'd take regular breaks from social media, whether it's a short break
during the day or longer periods, like weekends or vacations. Stepping away allows
me to recharge and maintain a healthy balance in my life.

Seek Support: If I find myself struggling with social media addiction, I'd reach out to
friends, family, or even professional support. Sometimes, having someone to talk to
and hold me accountable can make a big difference.

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