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Design Orc us intends to usurp the powers and privileges of the

Bruce R. Cordell and Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Rave n Queen , the god of death, fate, and winter. Ifhe
Editing, Development, and Managing Editing accomplishes his aims , no soul shall rest easy again. To
Bill Siavicsek avert this theft of divine portfolio and purpose, epic adven·
turers must dive down to the bottommost pit of existe nce,
D&D Design Manager where the Heart of the Abyss festers.
James Wyatt
Prince of Un death is a DUNG EONS & DRAGONS@ adven·
D&D Development Manager ture for characters of 27th to 30th level. You need the
Andy Collins Playe r's Handbook@. the Monster Manual®. and the Dun8eon
Master's Guide® to play. D&DTM Dun8eon Tiles and D&D®
D&D Cre ative Manager Miniatures can enhance your play experience.
Christopher Perkins


Mari Kolkowsky
Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead, wants to usurp con ­
D&D Senior Art Director trol over the spirits of the dead from the Raven Queen, the
Jon Schindehette god of Death and Fate. The Prince of Undeath has slowly
drawn his plans against her from the heart of his Abys·
Graphic Designer sal realm, the citadel called Everlost. Everlost straddles
Mari Kolkowsky
a yawning chasm whose sheer slopes hold hundreds of
Cover Illustration tombs and burial sites, c reating a tiered necropolis.
Wayne Reynolds Just as with his citadel, Orcus's plans against the Raven
Interior Illustrations Queen are tiered , one plot hiding beneath another. Each
Adam Gillespie past undertaking has moved Orcus a step closer to achiev­
William O'Connor ing his goal, even while concealing an even more devious
Matias Tapia
Ben Wootten plan beneath it. Orcus has salted the natural world and its
echo planes with death cults to oppose the Raven Quee n,
Cartography has fostered powerful servitors to sap worship away from
Jason A. Engle
her. has diverted souls from her judgme nt to weaken her.
Publishing Production Specialist has looted the banned armory of the Dawn War to fight
Christopher Tardiff, Angie lokotz her, and even launched a raid against Fate's Te mple of
Prepress Manager Temples to directly threaten her.
Jefferson Dunlap But all of these efforts pale before OrcllS's ultimate
aspiration. In order to achieve it. the Prince of Undeath
Imaging Technician
Carmen Cheung acquired an ancient primordial, a creature called Timesus
the Black Star. Few primordials were feared as much by
Production Manager the original gods as Timesus.
Cynda Callaway
Through the efforts ofvarious servitors, from the cult­
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS , D&D, dZO , dZO System, WIZARDS OF ist Kalarel , to the dragon Urishtar and Elder Arantham ,
THE COAST, Player's Handbook , Dunaeon Master's Guide, Monster to the Ghoul King Doresain. Orcus's grand pla ns have
Manual, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and progressed to their endpoint. Now the Demon Prince has
the ir respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coa st
in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters and gained Timesus the Black Star, a primordi al whose power
the distinctive likenesses th e reof are property of Wizards of the was once so incontestable that an entire divine armada
Coast LLC. This material is protected under the copyright laws of went down in defeat before it.
the United States of America . Any reproduction or unauthorized
use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited The primordial , trapped in stasis, was unearthed from
without the express writte n permission of Wizards of th e Coast its prison and broken into chunks o[blackstar rock . The
LLC. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual chunks were transported in crates [rom the Shadowfell
people, organizations, places , or events included here in is purely
coincidental, Printed in the U.S .A. © Z009 Wizards of the Coast to Sigil , and the n to the White Kingdom , deep within
LLC the Abyss. Orc us plans to reconstitute the pieces of the
primordial. returning Timeslls to its original state. The
300·24Z09000-00Z EN
9876543Z1 Demon Prince has one improvement to make upon the
First Printing: October Z009 primordial , however. Orcus wants to turn Timesus into an
ISBN: 978 -0 -7869 ·5247·Z undead creature-so that it will better serve the Demon
Visit our website at www.wizards .com/ dnd
Prince of Undeath.
ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS Star. The primordial has already been restored and is trav·
eling to the depths of the Abyssal Nadir where the Heart
In Prince of Un death, the epic heroes confront Orcus's plans
of the Abyss lies.
head'on, following leads introduced in E2: Kin8dom of the
Abyssal Nadir: The adventurers plunge to the bottom
Ghouls or using the adventure hooks described on page 4.
of the universe in the stolen chaos ship. En route, they
Chaos Ship: The adventurers step through a portal onto
a chaos ship designed to ride the roiling waves of the Ele·
encounter monstrosities that hunt the Abyssal depths. o
Upon finally reaching the bleeding edge of raw creation, ~
mental Chaos. The ship, named Shevaithan, is controlled Z
they find the final chaos ship- a gargantuan craft, rebuilt
by servants loyal to Orcus. Several portals aboard the ship
into something resembling a dwarven mining platform .
allow instant teleportation to distant locations. Only two of
Inside this temporary shelter, th e Heart of the Abyss
these portals are currently active: one from wherever the
beats, stuck into reality's side like a tick burrowing in
adventurers were before boarding the vessel, and one that
flesh. And here Timesus labors, breaking shards from the
leads to Orcus's citadel on Everlost (speCifically, a portion
Heart of the Abyss at Orcus's command. The adventur·
of the citadel called the Red Hold). The adventurers must
ers might stop Timesus here, but a shard has already been
gain control of the vessel, defeating th e captain and crew.
liberated and given to Orcus. The Demon Prince of the
Afterward, it becomes a movable base capable of seeing
Undead, armed with the shard, has marched on the Raven
them through most of the rest of the adventure.
Queen's domain.
The Red Hold: To commandeer Shevaithan, the
Court of the Raven Queen: The adventurers can
adventurers need to release it from its moorings - a mystic
travel to Latherna to learn the Raven Queen's fate. Bypass·
binding that takes place as soon as they kill the ship's
ing Zvomarana, the adventurers fight through the demon
captain. In addition, they learn that the best way to use
hordes and undead army filling the outer chamber of the
the ship to reach the depths of the Abyss where Orcus's
palace to reach Death's sanctum. They find Orcus on the
plans unfold is to make themselves appear to be more
Raven Queen's throne, with the Raven Quee n on the Ooor
demonic. The solution to both of these dilemmas can
before him , pierced by the deadly shard .
be found only in Orcus's citadel of Everlost-a nd specifi·
Here, the adventurers can either defeat Orcus and
cally in the Prince ofUndeath's inner sanctum, the Red
return the Raven Queen to her throne, or decide to grant
Hold. The portal on the chaos ship sends the party to the
Orcus the domain ofOeath.
entrance ofOrcus's bastion. Though the demon lord is not
in residence, the adventurers must fight their way through
his servitors and the Red Hold's deadly defe nses. After
successfully freeing the ship and masking their presence US1NG TH1 ADVENTURE
in demonic essences found in the citadel, the adventur· Prince of Undeath Is designed to liIke a party of fiye player
ers lea rn that two other chaos ships have already launched chara lers (PCs) from 27th t Oth level. You can use this
and arc traveling downward upon orders from Orcus. The adventure as the conclusiol1 to the epi storyline that
ships plan to re ndezvous at a place called the Forge of Four began in £1: Death's Reach or as a stand·alone adventure In
Worlds. The adventurers must use their commandeered your campaign Either way. it makes for a grand conclusion
ship to follow. to 30 levels of adventuring.
The Forge of Four Worlds: In the chaos ship Shevai The rwo booklets included in this adventure are for th
than, the adventurers descend to an ancient island·mote Dungeon Master (OM). If you're planning to exp rience
hanging deep within the Abyssal void. Known as the Prince ofUndeorh as a player. top reading now.
Forge of Four "'!orlds, it acts as a conduit for elemental The Prince of Undeath adventure contains these
and arcane energy-energy that Orcus pl a ns to use to components:
restore Timesus and convert the primordial into one of the 1. Adventure Book One (this booklet) provides a back­
undead. ground and synopsis of the adventure, hooks to interest
As the party arrives, the Forge has been seized by the PCs, an overview of each of the main sections of Adven
Orcus's demonic horde but is under attack by a force of ture Book Two, illustrations to show players. n w monsters,
raging devils . The adventurers bypass the brunt of this new artifacts, and new magic Items.
conflict by way of a portal dock, but as they explore the 2. Adventure Book Two contains the many possibl
Forge, they find themselves caught up in the three·way encounters that constitute the adventure. The encounters
battle between demons, devils, and the forgeborn-immor· take place throughou five areas: Th Chaos Ship, the Red
tal guardians created to defend the site. Hold. the Forge of Four Worlds. the Abyssal Nadir, and the
The adventurers have the opportunity to make a deal Court of the Raven Queen.
with the devils as they fight the fiend ish invaders, during 3. A poster map depicting Important encounte r areas.
which they lea rn that the demons have transported Time· Including the chaos ship.
sus to an area called the Soul fire Furnace. However. after 4. A folder to hold both the booklets and the poster
fighting their way through to the heart of the Forge, they map.
face not Timesus but two lesser fragments of the Black
You IWlle plied spells e~Jubul()us pawer UIlJ pelfimned rituaL-. oj
rare vin/a8e. YtlU 've seen much l?( lire world. (J1lL1 in th'1/ si8ht. tile
arcane 'llrellds that underlie all exisrel1ce IIL1I'e beaun [0 hecome
Begin this adventure as either the logical consequence of dear to you. Tiley danel' (11 Ihe (Omer5 oJyour eyes. nM qui/I' J'CI
previous play (such as the events that occurred in E2: Kina­ in perrell resolution. To adlie\'e I'C~(CCI elLlrily.y"u need Iilll/'
dam of the Ghouls), or use one of the hooks provided here to ill seclusion in a locatioll sili/eelfor deep contemplation and Ihe
lead the adventurers into the story. (If you prefer, feel free manipulalioll of(lrCOIle elleTaies,
to fashion a hook that better suits your campaign.) All the '/'he Forne oj ,·ouI' ""orlds isjust <uch (I place, a cHadd
hooks provide the PCs with opportunities to gain addi­ worthy oj Lltl archnll18e. Here. milj]1r seethes and the threads of
tional experience by completing associated quests. rIl e u/timule ar(aneformulu appear, at lon8/1151, withi/lyour
ream. ~ryou can cleanse the place oI Jellwlrs, devils, undeall.
HOOK: THROUGH THE PORTAL and other sl.'rvilors oJOrcus. it mill'l! be' it/l·oIJor collstruction of
If the players successfully completed E2: Kinadom of the your sanC/lHn sallClOrum and /lle study C?(the DClIlispdl.
Ghouls, their characters likely defeated Doresain and came The Forge of Four Worlds calls to the archmage. and he
into custody of Audaviator, the staff of portals. Audaviator or she recognizes it as a place where great magiC can be
is connected to at least one permanent teleportation circle, worked. Mainly. this hook is intended to get the archmage
inscribed on the deck of the chaos ship named Shevaithan. thinking about what's next after the campaign reaches its
Audaviator's wielder can use the portal to reach the ship. conclusion.
See Encounter S1: Boarding the Ship on page 4 of Quest XP: 19,000 (minor quest) if the archmage
Adventure Book Two. indicates that he or she intends to return to the Forge of
From here. the adventurers are invested in discovering Four Worlds after the adventure's conclusion to turn it
what has become of the primordial Timesus, and will dis­ into a sanctum sanctorum. Award the XP before the final
cover clues on the ship (and in the Red Hold) that will see encounters with arcus.
them through to the end of the adventure.
Quest XP: 11,000 (minor quest) if the adventurers
commandeer the chaos ship Shevaithan and gain full con­
trol of the vessel. TRICKSTER'S FINAL PATH
Offer a deadly trickster character in the party (if any) the
HOOK: SECLUSION OF follOWing information at some pOint during the time the
adventurers explore the Red Hold . Customize the text as
THE ARCHMAGE necessary to match the deadly trickster's specific situation .
Provide an archmage character in the party (if any) with
the follOWing information at some point during the time The universe is your plaYiJHlUnd. an" you're clyoyinn nearl),
cl'er), mll/TH'II! oJyour nhilllrcllil1fUnurncy throu"h II. You're
the adventurers travel through the Forge of Four Worlds.
Customize the text as necessary to match the archmage's arscnal ~r tricks and dc[eits liaS ,qroll'n as .l'0UI powe,. blossome{L
specific situation. Your abilily to scandalize. charm. UPSI't . rcward. and col!found
those ,Iround you makes your fr iends wary I?f you-lht'J nl'ver
real(y kl1(I1I' when YOII will carry ulIl'lIr/lllSiusm too for. or !flour
loyullies mifllll shifrll'ith till' /lexl stnm8 bree::e.
(lponJinJinJlJoursl.'!f wolkill8 the halls oj tIll! Red Hold .
As the player charactf'!rs move toward 30th level, they
rhe cirudel of0I'[115. Demo" Prince offhe [Jndcad, (I strt1I1Be
(ome closer and more into alignment with their epic
Ihollilht rUJJs (II you . \Vhal if. IlBUItlSI all expeC/olions..l'flll
destinies. This could Include foreshadowing dreams o~ lhrew your aitilo Orcu5 althr lasl moment! \Vhnt if.voIJ were
visions. Adventurers might see a great foundry built on a
rhe/actor lhal actuallv boosls OrcHs to jjoJlrood? \V/lIl! would
remote island around which a ferocious conflict between be you r reward? Dul. .vou nlso \\'(lIIder. wha/would 511Ch lin tlef
demons and devils rages. They might have a vision of a nlcelll 10 yo II I' u/tilllnlr des/illy?
citadel straddling a yawning chasm with sheer slopes that
hold hundreds of tombs and burial sites. creating a tiered If the foregOing is too leading for your campaign. you can
necropolis. When they reach the Abyssal Nadir. an image summarize it with some subtle hint to the player con­
of Orcus .triumphantly rising above the spires ofthe Raven trolling the deadly trickster, explaining that the thought
Queen's palace might haunt their waking moments. does suddenly enter his or her mind. This hook provides
Feel free to sprinkle such visions and dreams into the the deadly trickster one basis for how he or she will be
adventure to add to the growing sense of destiny finally remembered after the campaign's conclusion.
coming home to greet the epic adventurers. Quest XP: 13,000 (minor quest) if the deadly trickster
shrugs off the temptation to aid the Demon Prince before
the final encounters with arcus.
HOOK: A DEMIGOD'S The eternal seeker has seen a vision of what might become
his or her final destination, and can choose to embrace it,
ApOTHEOSIS or work fervently to avoid it.
Offer a demigod character in the party (if any) the follow Quest XP: 13,000 (minor quest) if the eternal seeker
ing information after the adventurers realize they must go follow the visions and successfully plumbs the very depths
to the Raven Queen's realm of Latherna. Customize the of the Abyss. Award the XP before the final encounters
text as necessary to the demigod's specific situation. with Orcus.

. \ stron,'}l' daydream uclcll'l1ly hIkeS hold (if you. In it. youJail i-

backward ill rime. Yourjourm~\' is bril'..t:for ,Yo II a!rl'C1ily klloll' its HOOK: RISE OF ORCUS J
endpoint- yoll "isir .vourselj: back b~tore .1'011 decic/cc/ to rCdellfor If your players haven't adventured through E2: Kinndom of Z
divinity. \'011 ac/I'ise VOltr pll>t self to prtilion ,/1.(' Rm'ert Q.UCCII 10 the Ghouls or earlier adventures leading up to this adven· f­
relinquish Irer doim Ort your sOIlI, t/wt iI mia/I! onr del)' OS(l'l1d to ture. use this hook to bring them quickly up to speed.
Ho(l/Iomi. The epic adventurers have come to the attention of
Youl,lillk Ilwa)' the slr<III}/e I'isilln, tllld rrali:e Ih,H the Raven the pantheon of gods that inhabit your campaign. The
Q..ul!en /IUS beel! your uri<lw-, I true 1/o"/lOod cdl alon~.1j she is ill gods have recently learned of a secret plot by Orcus to
direc/p!!ri/' tiS seems illfreasin[lly likely, what Ofyour ol\ln pla115 claim the domain of Death for himself. As is their wont,
Jor dil'ine 05c('n5iolll II is in your hOllds to save her. or ~l/Oll' her the gods seek powerful mortal agents in the world to set
10Jail b~rorc a terrible usurper. things right.
In a nash of golden light, a marut concordant (see
The player should recognize that his or her character can
MOllster Manual, page 185) appears before the party. In
either salvage the divine status quo by rescuing the Raven
Supernal (a language that all characters hear in their
Queen, or by inaction or even failure. change the equation
native tongue), the marut says:
of divine power forever. The adventurer's success or failure
determines which divine realm awaits the character at the ~Yallr exploit 'Ial'e murked J'01l tlS tire Herol!~ ({vllIlr :\8('. I(\'0 U
campaign's conclusion. would ensure your Il(Imt's shall/iv..Jorl'Ve1', nlllrk wdl rhr lcIsk rlre
Quest XP: 15,000 (minor quest) if the demigod makes nods osk I?fl'ou. Orcus. Demoll Prince of<ls set/rec tI
a vow to aid the Raven Queen in her hour of need. Award primordial oJ dissolution from lite Down WLlr. ('al/rJ fiIllNL<
the XP before the final encounters with Orcus. the Black till'. this prirn(mliul ommclllJ.~ IIIl/Jilral/ell'll powl'r­
power t/lClI Orcus d.lims tIS hL~ own. Somt'llow. Orcu.s s(!~ks to
HOOK: THE ETERNAL use Tlmesus ((lslril' Dealh t1'her divine mawlt'. Thi ' CIIIIIIOI /Je'
(jlloll'ed. /f),ollll'oultl ' 1'1.' Orms's pl£lllS (/I'ertllmed.journey noll'
SEEKER'S PATH fL1 tile cllaa hil' 'ht'vnil /wlI, wlr!c11 ferries residual chunks C!r the
Provide an eternal seeker character in the party (if any) Black ~IClr dreper into tile Abyss where lhl..' Delllo11 Prillce II'lIits.
the follOWing information when the adventurers first gain Time is oJthe essel1ce. lleal'eyou with a portal I(llhe .hao · <hip
control of Sheva ithan, before they begin their descent into Shc"airhall. Take fh!' ship LIS your 011'11. and JollaII' Orrus til dIe
the Abyss. Customize the text as necessary to match the /I1l,/i.. of ('xistence,"
eternal seeker's specific situation.
The concordant gives the adventurers a bone scroll case.
Your PiIIlr i' nnl seC, Cllld CI'etl Fate herself canllot bind your lIes· Inside is a ritual scroll of Planar Portal keyed to carry the
tiny 10 her rapesrry. Bul YOllr joumeys IIave empowered your party to the teleportation circle on the chaos ship Shevai·
el'er.wowirI8 supernal ural awarelless of events occurrill8 in the than (see "Chaos Ship Overview" on page 6). The marut
areat!'r lIIu/tiversl'. departs as it came.
J\ lI'aruirw drelllll brt't1k upon ),ollr mlllL/. In it. Y01l8azc: illla Quest XP: 11,000 (minor quest) if the adventurers
" voitl thatl!xtembIOl'el'er, swirlinJI ever clowllIvard. YOII see accept the mission and capture the chaos ship Shevaithan.
~(llilsfullitlil inw tire cuvltr. endless in number. orne, the yaw n
ina dill rI1 ~W(JIIVII'5. £111 most do not !?ven reach the vOic/Jor in
lira! space above the i~fllli/(' {lilr. demoJls/runt. They}lit across CUSTOM1Z1NG
the lIoid on scaled will8s. spearin8 alowinB lifeJorce out oj the nil' E'P1C DEST1'N Y HOOK
with claws, spiked tails, or weapolls too horrible to rOllll/rell entl
If your players have chosen epic destinies other than those
om!! oflhefnl/irlJ-J sou l y/TII recoBni:r as your companions.
described here, use these as examples to creale epic des­
lIther> as acquaintances. uml i!ven members oJ),our awrrfamily.
tiny minor quests for those characters. This way. none of
Sweat 'vakeJ, you t'lIll'ral! from rhe l'lsioll aft!!rfinally
your players or their characters are left out of the epic
t]lillll'sinH tire I'ortex' bot/alii, when' II blood red liflht bealS a
wrap-up to your campaign.
relelltless cadence ofCI·ll. You know Ihese visiolls spell au / your
ill /lire. or you r doorn .
When the ad ve nturers first arrive on the chaos ship, they
likely appear in the cent ral inscribed magi Ccircle on deck
Whether through a portal opened by Auda viator, a scroll of closest to the sterncastle. If the adventurers do not arrive
Pla na r Portal provided by a godly messenger, or through on Shevaithan by way of a porta l, they ca n alight on the
some other agency, the adve nturers find the chaos ship craft whereve r they choose.
Shevaithan moored to a docking mote within the swirl­ See Encounter Sl: Boarding the Ship on page 4 of
ing vortex of the Abyss . Even if not arriving by portal , it is Adventure Book Two.
important that the adventurers begin play in this adven ·
ture as they arrive or approach the deck of the chaos ship. SECOND WAVE
Tfthe ad venturers overcome the initial resistance they
encounter whe n they a rri ve on the ship, they have a
CHAOS SH1P D£TA1LS chance to take a short rest or two. Either a fter their short
The upper deck of Shevaithan Is 130 feet from stem to rest or when the adventurers open any of the Ooor hatches
. ,tem. 1I is constructed of shiny black wood and Iron spars. that lead down into the holds, a second wave of demonic
A S-foot-high railing surrounds the upper deck. The railing and undead crew members pour forth to attac k.
holds stanchions every S feet. through which hawsers can b See Encounter S2: Ship Second Wave on page 6 of
tied to secure crew or cargo during elemental storms. Adventure Book Two.
The cargo hold is accessible through two hatches on the
!TIaln deck in front of the sterncastle. A smaller aft hold is Chaos Ship Shevaithan
accessible through a single hatch at the craft's stern. Colossal vehicle
Three crystal anarch spheres are inset in the deck. HP 1,000 Space 17 squares by 16 squares Cost nla
AC 3; Fortitude 20. Reflex 2
Four permanent magic circles adorn the deck.
Speed 0, fly 12 (hover), overland flight lS
illumination: Bright light. The swirling anarch spheres Pilot
inseT in the deck bath the ship in alternating fiery red, elec­ The pilot must stand at the wheel. which sits atop the sterncastle
tric blue. and othet energetic colors as they radiate through deck. The wheel is mounted on a gimbaled lever that controls
the spectrum in their (r.:ldles. pitch and altitude. Cables running beneath the deck connect to
Stemcastle: This two-story structure occupies much of the three anarch sphere cradles. These anarch spheres provide motive
hip's stem. One set of stair<; proVides access to the flrst level. power and lift. The ship will hover without a pilot or crew, but
forward motion requires both.
and a second set of staIrs to the second level. The top level of
the stemcastle contains the wheel that steers tJ,e craft. In addition to the pilot. Shevaithan requires a crew of three for any
Sterncastle Cabins: Four doors on the stern castle each movement other than hovering. Each must be stationed adjacent
lead to interior chambers. to one of the three inset anarch spheres. Each of the crew must
The lower port cabin contains a variety of supplies. spend a standard action each round to help control the vessel
including hundreds of feet of silk rope, barrels of water. once it is under way. Reduce Shevaithan's fly speed by 4 for each
crates nlled with Jerky, and other similar essenlials. missing crew member. If the ship reaches fly speed 0 on any given
round after it is under way. Shevaithan is unable to be steered and
The lower starboard cabin contains stores amenable for
flies out of control. Once out of control, regaining control requires
repairs. Including nalls, hammer;. saws. tackle, and even a 3 consecutive rounds with the pilot and three crew members
work table for crafting and making repairs. manning their stations.
The upper two S1erncastle doors open into two cham­ Load
bers of equal size. Both contain rotting carrion for demons 200 Medium creatures; 4.000 tons of cargo.
to nest In. Out of Control
Holds: The forward two thirds of the ship's underdeck When out of control, Shevaithan moves forward at half speed.
Each round . roll 1d20 . On a roll of 1-5. it descends. It descends
area can hold a signiflcant amount of cargo. but is cur­
5 squares per round for th e first 10 rounds it's out of control.
rently nearly empty, A few lone oates conmin inanimate After 10 rounds, it descends 10 squares per round. If Shevai­
black stone-part of TImes us the primordial. The stem hold than hits a solid mote in the Elemental Chaos or the Abyss after
serves as a vast bunk area for demons and undead. traveling out of control for more than 20 rounds. the chaos ship is
Anarch Spheres: These crystal spheres sit in cradles. destroyed .
Each contains the bottled essence of chaos, and provides Chaos Attunement
the ship's motive power. The Shevaithan functions only in the Elemental Chaos and the
Magic Circles: Each of these inscribed drcles prOVides
Wheel and Three Anarch Spheres (Navigation Focus)
teleportatlon access to a different. distant location, depend­ This vehicle is equipped with three anarch spheres, which serve
Ing on Shevaithan's current position and the rituals used to as the navigation focu s for the wheel mounted on top of the
create the circles. sterncastle deck.
CHAOS SHIP LORE Port Circle: This circle serves as a portal that connects
to another circle on the chaos ship currently lodged in the
Arcana DC 30: In the Astral Sea, craft known as
Abyssal Nadir. It is inactive when the adventurers first ~
astral ships ply the silvery sky. Other craft, including
board the chaos ship, but the portal bccomes active when ..w
planar dromonds and spelyammers , can sail between the
planes. If all these are possible, then so are craft suited
Shevaithan moves to within a mile of the uttermost bottom S
of the Abyss. If the adventurers step through the portal at c...
to the Elemental Chaos , despite the environment's more
this time, see Encounter HI: Boarding Level on page 50
challenging terrain.
of Adventure Book Two.
Arcana DC 35: Chaos ships are rare vessels designed to
Bowsprit Circle: This circle serves as a portal that :.n
travel through the Elemental Chaos, and like their tumul ­
connects to another circle in Everlost. It becomes active
tuous environment, no two are exactly alike in shape and <
when the moorings appear, but becomes inactive when
size. Stories recount of a few as large as caravels. However. :t
Shevaithan plunges farther down the Abyssal void. If the u
all require bottled chaos to drive their great bulks through
adventurers step through when the portal is active, sec
the boil of the ever-changing environment. Containing the
Encounter RI: Death Gate on page 8 of Adventure Book
essence ofthc Elemental Chaos itself into crystal globes
(called anarch spheres) is a monumentally difficult task , and
very few creatures know the secret of their making.
AND CHAOS SHIPS To commandeer the chaos ship, the adventurers must enter
the Red Hold and release the mystiC moorings that secure
Anarch spheres contain the bottled essence of the Elemen­
thc vessel. Once the adventurers accomplish this, they
tal Chaos_Each one vibrates with condensed, tumultuous
have one last obstacle to overcome to truly take command
energy that can be siphoned for a variety of purposes. Few
of Shevaithan.
creatures possess the knowledge required to create anarch
See Encounter S3: Commanding Shevaithan on
spheres, but Orcus has such skill. Anarch spheres power the
page 30 of Adventure Book Two.
deadly wards of the Red Hold , the demon lord 's sanctum
above the fortress ofEveriost. In addition, anarch spheres
power Orcus's neet of chaos ships. INTO THE ABYSS!
Upon taking command of She va ithan, the adventurers
PLANAR PORTALS can use the chaos ship to dive into the central cavity of the
Abyss to reach depths not even accessible by the Plain of a
AND TELEPORT CIRCLES Thousand Portals. However, the lower Abyss is a danger­
Four magiC circles are inscribed on Shevaithan's deck. ous realm, and the ship is beset on at least two occasions
Three serve as portals, as well as permanent teleporta­ by denizens attracted to the ship's passage.
lion circle endpoints for rituals such as Linked Portal and Travel time downward to reach the Forge of Four
Planar Portal. Worlds is four days. After two days, a scourge ofhunting
However, in the lower portions of the Abyss, the flux of demons wings in and demands a toiL
the unraveling universe prevents teleportation across long See Encounter S4: Shevaithan's Toll on page 32 of
distances, and thus two of the three inscribed circles are Adventure Book Two.
dark and inactive when the adventure begins. The portals, After the ship has cast off from the Forge of Four
activated by proximity,link to the follOWing sites (and they Worlds and just prior to reaching the Abyssal Nadir, awfu I
begin to glow when close enough to use): creatures that hunt the lower Abyss attack the ship and its
Sterncastle Circle: This circle does not serve as a crew of adventurers.
portal, but only as a permanent teleportation circle that See Encounter S5: Fathomals Below on page 48 of
can be used as the end point for various teleportation ritu­ Adventure Book Two.
als. This circle always glows. This is the portal where the
adventurers likely arrive.
Starboard Circle: This circle serves as a portal that
connects to a circle in the Forge of Four Worlds. It is inac­
tive when adventurers board the chaos ship, but it becomes
active when Shevaithan moves to within a mile of the
Forge. If the adventurers step through when the portal is
active, see Encounter FI: Portal Chamber on page 34 of
Adventure Book Two.
Details of the Red Hold
1 Demon nest (filthy rags, ground bones, the flayed
skins of other demons or mortal creatures)
The adve nturers' need to free Shevaithan from its mystic 1 Worthless art objects (profound statues, burned or
moorings takes them to Orcus's fortress ofEveriost and the add-etched jewelry, fragments of foul tapestries)
demon prince's inner sanctum-the Red Hold. 3 Skeletal remains (skulls, splintered bones, shattered
A character knows the following information about carapaces, charred armor)
Everlost with a successful Arcana check: 4 Broken weapons (burned, shattered, add-etched)
5 Detritus (bones, rocks, charred wood)
DC 30: Few nHlrta/sjourney to Ever/OSl, but those II'ho do
6 Storage (garbage, blood-filled urns, demonic weapons
spL'llk emlles51y ofilS horrors. Thejortress ofUrcus. the Prince
and armor, discarded supplies)
I!f l""lell/h, lies /lllhe (t'nUr of Oblivion:, End, 11 desert ofllon!'
7 Corpses (mortal slaves, demons, undead)
l-rus/U.'J /0 dry wit. ,"\'lIhill /l IWfex ofscred 111 in8 winds tllm
8 Religious relics (charred or shattered holy symbols,
howl with the mices ,?f !III: LiI!<1d. Everlnsf rises a5 11 tl.l\\win8jor·
torn priest's robes)
tn'ss huilt (if obsidiall and bone.
9 Worthless magic (implements, weapons, wondrous
Theformaalions of the citadel arch abovt' a sheI'Tsided
items of 10th level or lower)
chaslil necropolis. its I icrs holdiTl8 hundreds UpO/1 hundreds of
10 Fixtures (fountain, pool, trench; filled with blood,
crypts aJlil sepulchers extendill8 down illto all endless dark
shadow, ooze)
ncs,. The slench C?fblood burns as a red luue in tilt' air above fhe
11 Equipment (torture implements, arcane research)
dtcldt'/'s lVa/ls Ulil/IOIV('YS. alltl thl' ~llTi('ks of dt'mons lind lilt'
11 Slaves
l "earllre~ rltey CllIlsume cr,'tlte 11 horrid (horus throu8h the encl·
Ie)) abyssal nit/hI.
The follOWing features are common to all areas of the
DC 35: Evert rarer arc those who /laill <le(L'S5 /" Ihe bas1iotl
Red Hold .
at the C1pex of El'erlosl-the Red Hold, all lmprnetrablr citadel
Illumination: All areas within the Red Hold are dark
Ihar serves as Orcus's sClllrwm. lrs cxrl.'rtvI' Willis drip afoul red­
unless otherwise noted in the encounter descriptions.
b/ark ichor, anJ ilS Ncrrotic Gatc IS said 10 opell only 10 thosl'
Air: A stench of filth and decay pervades all parts of
wilh 0/15011111.' loynlty wllte tiL'monlelrJor Ilws!! ,lcslil1l!ti tn be
the Red Hold. However, the adventurers qUickly grow
cOllsumed b)' tIle Prime ,?(Undeath.
used to the reek, and it has no detrimental effect.
As the adventurers seek to free the chaos ship, they travel Walls and Floor: As in all Everlost, the walls of the
through the Death Gate and into the Red Hold. If the Red Hold are formed of solid masses of abyssal obsidian
adventurers are intent on bypassing the Death Gate in within which are set the bones of countless creatures slain
Encounter Rl to explore the larger citadel ofEverlost , a during the citadel's construction. However, the power·
few random encounters in the sprawling fortress should ful wards of the Red Hold give its walls a kind of animate
convince them to focus on the task at hand . Iife-Orcus's sanctum slowly shifts and rebuilds itself. As
the adventurers explore, they can see where old portals
ENCOUNTERS IN have sealed over and new entrances have been blasted.
Passageways and chambers within the Red Hold are
THE RED HOLD uneven stone that slopes severely in many areas. Some­
The Red Hold features cleven encounters, plus a larger times portions of the floor that seem smooth become
number of undescribed chambers and passages. See partly animate as the bones inset within them move,
Encounters R l-R 10, pages 8-29 in Adventure Book Two. giving rise to unanticipated difficult terrain.


The interior of the Red Hold is divided into a haphazard The best chance for adventurers in the Red Hold to take
arrangement of passageways and chambe rs . The varying an extended rest is with the angels of the White Fire after
size ofOrcus's servitors means that passageways designed Encounter R7B (see page 22 of Adventure Book Two). How·
for Huge and Large creatures often serve as chambers for ever, if the adventurers are taxed by earlier encounters,
smaller demons. they might attempt to take an extended rest in an area in
The critical portions ofthe Red Hold where the adven­ which Orcus's servants are unlikely to find them, such as
turers are most likely to travel in order to free the mystiC the forbidden court (Encounter R3), since the demons of
bindings holding the chaos ship appear as numbered areas the Red Hold are banned from this area. Adventurers who
on the map (see page 10 for details). want to retreat to Shevaithart can do so, or they can use
Areas outside the encounters can be developed as you some other method to leave the Red Hold and return at a
see fit, whether in conjunction with a random encounter later time. Otherwise, random encounters likely find the
or just to set the mood . Use the follOWing table to generate adventurers while they are resting and recuperating.
area contents or to inspire ideas of your own .
Though it features a number affixed encounters, the Red The follOWing location descriptions refer to the maps on
Hold is not a static location. Orcus's servants, vassals, and pages 9 and 11.
allies come and go constantly within the bastion, and the
adventurers need to be wary as they search for a way to 1. DEATH GATE
release the mystic moorings hold ing the chaos ship. An open courtyard provides the only access to the Red
Until they complete Encounter R7B, the adventurers Hold , but it is well guarded by Orcus's servants and the
have a chance of encountering Orcus's subjects and servi­ power of the Death Gate.
tors throughout the Red HoJd . Roll for a random encounter See Encounter Rl: Death Gate on page 8 of Adventure
every time the adventurers pass through one of the Red Book Two.
Hold's doors , or if the party spends more than one hour in
any area (including attempts to take an extended rest out­ 2. BLOODSTORM
side Location 3). The most potent defense of the Red Hold is a river of boil­
j\ random encounter is indicated on a roll ofl on ld8. ing blood held within an impenetrable stone channel that
On a roll of 8, the adventurers see or hear the residents of fully surrounds the lowest levels of the bastion.
the Ited Hold before they are spotted, reminding them to See Encounter R2: Bloodstorm on page 10 of Adven­
stay wary. ture Book '1\1'0.
Choose a random encounter from pages 2-3 of Adven­
ture Book Two, or use those encounters as inspiration to 3. FORBIDDEN COURT
create your own. Choose t he level of random encoun­ This chamber is protected by undead guardians that the
ters carefully, especially if the resources of the party a re delTIon lord trusts.
already depleted. Don't be afraid to lower the level of the See Encounter R3: Forbidden Court on page 12 of
sample random encounters if need be. Adventure Book Two.


THE R A marilith and Iich vestiges dwell here, using their deadly
1he advclIlurer.. do rl(lt automatically draw .mentlon t()1hem­ arsenal of weapons and abilities to protect the chaos ship
Ivcsas they fight their way Into the Red Hold I" EncounterS moorings.
Rl ami R2. Though the elite forces of U1C Red Hold an! argu See Encounter R4: First Wards on page 14 of Adven·
bly more dangerous than the rabble iJnd gu<lros of Everlost ture Book Two.
even Orcus's' most devoted serv.Jnts fight constalltly amon
themselves, often with deadly results. As such. combat 5. GHOST DOOR
~n(Uunlers In the Red Hold do nol draw the attention 0 This empty common area is the current location of the
other crc.tltures unless the encounter lexl says 50 ghost door-the access point to a secret extradimensional
For the most part. demons aware of Intruders within the space maintained within the Red Hold by a group of
~ed Hold will assume that dealing with tho'ic intruders 151 angels in the service of the Raven Queen. The ghost door
someone else's problem. Additionally. not all the residents: is activated by the presence of the Raven Queen's most
aHhe Red Hold are spoiling for a fight. Before Encounte~ trusted servants, a role the adventurers took on in El:
R5, adventurers who want to avoId a random encounter b~ Death's Reach. However, their inahility to open the door
ieallh (or by fleeing If a fightgocs agalnsL them) should b sees them attacked by its potent defenses.
given ('very opportunity to do so. See Encounter R5: Ghost Door on page 16 of Adven­
The ilppearance of the ghost door and the adventur­ ture Book Two.
ers' fight with its Iron golem guardians puts the Red Hold
on alen. After Encounter RS. random encounters should 6: DARK GARDEN
InvolvL creatufCs that actively pursue the adventurers, When the adventurers inadvertently activate the ghost
though Orcus's servant.!; are not above neeing If pressed, door. the forces within the Red Hold are put on alert
After Encounter R7B. the Red Hold goes on high alert against intruders. A squad of Orcus's elite hunters corner
and Orcus's forces scour Lhe bastion In search of Intruders. the adventurers in this demonic garden.
However• .the angels of the Order of White Fire work to See Encounter R6: Dark Garden on page 18 of
keep Orcu... ·s servant.!; engaged outside the party's escape Adventure Book Two.
(oute through Encounters RS-R10. As long as the adven­
turers stick to that escape route, make no further checks
for random encounters. However. If the party backtracks
Into the Red Hold, (011 for random encounters In every
location and for every minute they stay In one place.
Demons met a grisly end when an anarch sphere malfunc­ The adventurers fight their way through more of the
tioned . The adventurers must face the servants ofOrcus Red Hold's defenders, but the kitchens of the Red Hold
attempting to quell a nare -up of elemental power, then are a place of horror. Here, the adventurers can find the
shut down the malfunctioning sphere before they can demonic essences that can be used to mask their mortal
release the mystic moorings holding the chaos ship. presence as they descend deeper into the Abyss.
In t he aftermath , the forces of the Red Hold send their See Encounter R9: Slave Kitchens on page 26 of
most deadly hunter against the intruders-a retriever holo­ Adventure Book Two.
caust. However, even as the adventurers deal with that
threat, they come upon unexpected allies. The angels of 10. SLAVE PENS
the Order ofWhite Fire take them back to the ghost door The adventurers discover a chilling chamber in the bowels
and the extradimensional sanctuary within, allowing the of the Red Hold. In foul cages, demonic overseers herd
party to rest and to learn that Orcus has sent two addi­ mortal slaves for Orcus.
tional chaos ships to the Forge of Four Worlds.
See Encounter R7A: Sphere Nexus on page 20 of FINAL BATTLE
Adventure Book Two and Encounter R7B: Holocaust on After the adventurers travel back through the Death Gate,
page 22 of Adventure Book Two. they find themselves facing the lich Harthoon , castel-
Ian of Everlost and Orcus's second in command. Only by
8. GREAT HALL defeating the Warden ofEveriost and his servants can the
The forces ofOrcus are on high alert, but the angels of adventurers safely make their way back to the chaos ship
the White Fire assist the adventurers in their escape from Sh evaithan.
the Red Hold . A relatively safe route through the kitch­ See Encounter RIO: Warden of Everlost on page 28
ens keeps the adventurers from running into wandering of Adventure Book Two.
patrols, returning them to the Bloodstorm and the Death
Gate beyond . However, the great hall that prOVides access
to the kitchens is protected by some ofOrcus's fiercest
guardians. including a high aspect of the demon lord
See Encounter R8: Great Hall on page 24 of Adven­
ture Book Two.
The adventurers know that Timesus the primordial has The details of the Forge can draw on any arcane or
been freed from its eternal prison. broken into chunks of elemental inspiration . Use the following table to generate
black rock. and transported to the Forge of Four Worlds. area contents or to inspire iueas oryour own.
There. Orcus plans to restore the primordial to its original
Details of the Forge of Four Worlds
power and glory-while also making it subservient to the --- - - - - --- --

1 Ele.m ental vent (fi re or lightning attack)

Demon Prince of Undeath.
2 Storm of crystal shards (provides concealment,
A character knows the following information about the
deals ongoing damage)
Forge of Four Worlds with a successful Arcana check:
3 Elemental mist (provides concealment)
DC 30: Sel in the blacResl depths qftl1l.' A.llys>. the Forne of 4 Trap or hazard (upgraded doomspore, flame jet,
Four \Vor/tls b Ull ancient sile known toJew in the mortal rcallll. treacherous ice sheet)
The oreatl.'s/ '!(demons. 80ds. and prlmordials kllQ\\' the locatioll 5 Detritus (crystals, bones, charred rocks)
of I he ForBe. but i1s history and purpose is mostlyfornottell. 6 Forgeborn graveyard (forgeborn slain by intruders are
DC 35: Tlu' I-'()rac is a crystullinc isltlnJ mote ofpure interred here)
I'ower- a lalliee ojraw elemcntal anc/ nrcane enerBY. con8e£ded 7 Skeletal remains (intruders' skeletons, carapaces,
IIncl crystalllzetlllllO solid l11arrer. TIs interior is an intricate lVeb rusled armor and weapons)
ojdll1mbers mltl passa9t'ways 8unrd.'J by rllejorBe!Jortl-i111 JtIor­ 8 Worthless magic (implements, weapons, wondrous
,al abominations (r('oled ro "~rend tht' For8e offour Worlds. items of 10th level or lower)
DC 40: 1\1 the henrt '!f (he For8e stands the Soulfirc Jour­ 9 Equipment (ancient alchemical apparatus, dead
nnec, where l11e incalculable el1t!ro,V of tile Abyss is dlannelcd teleportatlon portal, worthless ritual components)
and shaped. II is writ tell in obscure texts thaI Ihe hllBC of I:our 10 Corpses (demons, devils, forgeborn)
WIlrltis ~(rcrs Ihe power ofa primordial to Ihose who c<ln Call '
I I'ollhe Sou!fire Furnace. AJJ1on.!l some archmatJes <llId eternal The following features are common to all areas of the
~eekers. if is !illid 01<11 tltl' For}!!' ,,{Four VI/orlds minhr illJact be Forge of Four Worlds.
CtlH51ructedjrOJIllhc c$!Ienc!: oj an ancient primordial. Illumination: Unless otherwise indicated. the walls
of the Forge shed bright light prior to Encounter F4: dim
GENERAL DETAILS light thereafter.
\-Valls and Floor: All the interior areas of the forge are
The critical portions orthe Forge of Four Worlds where
carved from fractured crystal whose fragments are spread
the adventurers are most likely to travel appear as num­
across the floor. Creatures can move normally within
bered areas on the accompanying map.
the forge, but a creature that runs in any area must make
A maze of shattered crystal caverns and twisting pas­
a DC 19 Acrobatics check or fall prone at the end of its
sageways runs between the encounter areas in the Forge.
The map shows the keyed encounter areas and the routes
between them, some orwhich double back on themselves.
Each time the adventurers exit an encounter area, note RESTING IN THE FORGE
their destination. During the initial encounters and ror If the adventurers determine enough ofOrcus's plans to
random encounters , place intervening caverns and pas­ guess that the Demon Prince means to restore Timesus
sages whose detail are up to you; they could be blank with the power of the Forge, their desire to prevent this
widening portions of passages, ifyou desire. Uthe adven ­ might make them unwilling to take an extended rest.
turers are close to finishing this section of the adventure, However. if they do take a moment, any of the non­
allow one encounter area to simply lead to the next. keyed chambers that lie between the keyed chambers can
Chambers within the Forge feature gravity local to each serve the purpose adequately, as long as they make some
room and passageway. Adventurers leaving one cavern effort to hide their presence. It is also possible to return to
might nnd gravity slowly shifting as they walk along the Shevaithan to rest.
adjacent passageway. emerging into another cavern that
appears upside down relative to the first. R ANDOM ENCOUNTERS
The latent arcane energy of the Forge causes the
As the adventurers explore the Forge of Four Worlds , they
connections between encounter areas to change if the
can find themselves targeted by the demons that hold the
adventurers retrace their steps. Each time they travel
Forge. invading devils. forgeborn guardians, or all three of
between two specific encounter areas, they pass through a
these factions at once. Roll for a random encounter when
different set of connecting caverns and passageways. face a
the adventurers exit an encounter area, or ir the party
new set or random encounters, and might emerge at their
spends more than one hour in any area .
destination through a different entrance if one is available.
A random encounter is indicated on a roll of 1 on Id8. F 4. DEMON DEFENDERS 3
Choose a random encounter from pages 2-3 of Adventure As the adventurers approach this chamber, which fea·
Book Two, or use those encounters as inspiration to create tures a higher and lower plateau. a tremor announces >
your own. that the Forge of Four Worlus has been activated. Within !.I.o
this cavern, a squad of demom led by a balor champion o
defends against all intruders. Vl
MAP KEy See Encounter F4: Demon Defenders on page 40 of C
Adventure Book Two. a:
The Forge of Four Worlds features encounter areas con·
nected by a maze of passageways and caverns.
Fl. PORTAL CHAMBER In this large cavern of crystal and standing stones , the
adventurers have the opportunity to form an alliance with
When Shevaithan gets to within 1 mile of the Forge, one of
a pit fiend and its squau of invading devils.
the magic circles aboard the chaos ship activates to create a
portal that links to this location. See Encounter F5: Deal With the Devils on page 42 U.

See Encounter Fl: Portal Chamber on page 34 of of Adventure Book Two.

Adventure Book Two.
F2. FORGEBORN ASSAULT A bridge of fractured stone leads through an elemental
As the adventurers explore the Forge. they enter a wide vortex storm through which tht· adventurers must pass.
cavern occupied by standing stones. Here, they come See Encounter F6: Forgestorm Bridge on page 44 of
under attack by immortallorgeborn guardians. Adventure Book Two.
See Encounter F2: Forgeborn Assault on page 36 of
Adventure Book Two. Fl SOULFJRE FURNACE
In the heart of the Forge of Four Worlds , the adventurers
F3. HOLD THE LINE reach the Soulfire Furnace.
Determined to prevent the invading devils from gaining See Encounter F7: Soulfire Furnace on page 46 of
access to t he heart of the Forge, a force of demons defends Adventure Book Two.
this multi·leveled chamber.
See Encounter F3: Hold the Line on page 38 of
Adventure Book Two.
The adventu rers travel to the bottom of the Abyss itself, THE: EXTRACTION TOWER
where the Heart flashes out its evil rhythm, to stop the
The Abyssal Heart expels an immeasurable tsunami of
Prince of Undeath from accomplishing his unholy task.
malign influence to maintain the swirling vortex of the
Abyss. The energy is enough to shred the flesh of any
THE HEART mortal or demon that gets too close to the Heart's pulSing,
Where Tharizdun planted a shard of evil in the Elemen­ crystal core.
tal Chaos, it metamorphosed into a crystalline Heart that After Orcus drives his largest chaos ship to the Abyssal
grew in size and power over the eons. Traveling all the way Nadir, he rcpurposes its superstructure to shield himself
down the throat of the Abyss to find the Heart at its foun­ and his most powerful servitors from the Heart's influ­
dation is nearly impossible. Only a dozen or so creatures ence. The ship, reconfigured to resemble something like
have previously managed it. Of these, less than a handful a dwarvcn mining tower, squats over the Heart, slowly
managed to carve olf a splinter of the Heart for their own diSintegrating as immense forces rend and batter it. This
foul purposes. The true nature of the Heart may never be makeshift extraction tower retains structural integrity for
known, but those who know of its existence believe it is the moment, but how long it can survive the radiance of
evil made manifest. the Heart remains to be seen.
A character knows the following about the Heart with a The extraclion tower still has a part to play in the grand
successful Arcana or Nature check. plot that Orclls has woven. Orcus has left Timesus behind
within the tower's bottommost chamber, commanding
DC 28: ,\ cryslallirw splinter oI evil pierct'$ the Unil'CTSe
the primordial to break offyet another piece of pure evil
·ol1l1!wlrl'refar ocnellth nil irtlCl8il1inn, 11 wus plllnJed by he whost!
from the pulSing Heart. The Demon Prince has one shard
nartll' is sJ1(l~('n only in panic~l'd whispers. II spawned tlte Abyss,
already, a shard he plans to use to slay the Raven Queen.
Ily/JII'II!nlJ chusm qfirlnrrlte darkness Ihar swallows and corrupts
He wants the primordial to harvest another shard or two,
QII.l'thil1lll/tut Jraw5ncar. ln fh~f('stcrI118 depths of till.' Abyss.
for there are other gods that might be removed to further
demons breed and swarm.
Orcus's future plans. Asmodeus, for example , needs to be
DC 30: rhe lIeart corrupted eicl11t'nlals, makins demons of
dealt with for past transgressions against the Abyss and its
those it didn't dcstroy. It slillllas the power 10 [(Irrupt un.\' ereLl
multitude of demons.
tun' thut ilraws too dm'e.
DC 35: l\ecord/n8/0 a docmucrll/n SIfI/I. writtell in the
Supl.'rnal script. the HI'/Jrt is the r('nmunt of a u!!molishetl unl· ARRIVING ON THE TOWER
~'t'rsc owrcoml.' by somt' Ut1Spell/wble upocatl'l's£',
When Shcvaithan approaches, the chaos ship begins to
DC 45: A splinter 4thI.' JIeartBTclnts the widcla the power
buck and rattle, threatening to break apart. Continuing
/(J slay a 8m/.
downward will destroy the craft. However, the final magic
circle on Shevaithan's deck lights up. providing the adven­
EXTRA, turers with a portal to the superstructure below.
The vertical structure of the extraction lower Is the recon When Shevaithan nears the superstructure of the
rgurt~d body of a chaos .~hjp much larger than Shevaithan. extraction tower, read:
II Is constructed of shIny black wood and Iron spars, rein"
forced with rituals that temporarily bolster It against the The walls C!(the (Ilumhl!-} vortex pulse crimson lih' rhl.' 'worthpat
corruption and destruc.rlvl:! power of the Heart. ofa dyillR Bod. Below, dIC vortex rL~(!5 from a p/n/n o(boil1l18
I The open upper deck leads down through a hatchway white day, 111(' pl1yslcall1hlll1fcstillion oj mu/ily's deepest lillili.
to the boarding level. The boarding level contains four A 8ar8unlllUII chaos )/rlp 'lUS cr~/lI!d stern down hll" rhl'
inscribed magl~ circles. similar in configuration though boilill8 da.y. The mift "as been reconj1811red, turned into 1.111
closer together than those on Shevalthan's main deck. elahorate. enclosed mlrl/nll plaOorm. It ~lI'ays and lohakes. hut
The crystal anarch spheres that helped drive the ship mono8es to rctain Jts intesrllj' amid thl1 bartcril1/l chaos.
before IB reconOguratlon were used as components In th Cataslrophic enCTf/) slee" llle area around tile town, I'SI'C
rituals used to render the superstructure temporarily resis­ ([ully Ilcar its base.

tant to the tumult raging around it. On Sllcvailhan , the port maRie cirde suddeilly Ijahts /11"'\
Ceilings: The boarding level and support level each have portell (Ollllrelioll hus been mude.
ceilings that are 20 feet high, The extraction level ceiling Is If the adventurers use the portal (or fly to the top of the
60 feet high. extraction tower). see Encounter HI: Boarding Level on
Level Access: ReconAgured stairs provide access between page 50 of Adventure Book Two.
the three levels of the superstructure.
MAP KEy Adventurers reach this level by climbing. flying. or falling
down the shaft on level 2. The restored primordial Time­
The extraction tower has three main levels: the boarding sus is here. as is the Heart of the Abyss.
level. the support level. and the extraction level. Being so close to the Heart is a dangerous proposition.
but even more dangerous is the restored primordial of
1. BOARDING LEVEL dissolution.
Adventurers can reach this level most easily by walking See Encounter H3: Extraction Level on page 54 of
through the magic circle portal on the port side of She­ Adventure Book Two.
vaithan when they get close enough to thc Abyssal Nadir.
A hatch in the ceiling of the boarding level also provides
entry. but anyone approaching through the tumult must COND1Tl0NS UTS1DE
travel through 100 feet of lethal conditions that exist
around the tower (SCI' the sidebar).
See Encounter HI: Boarding Level on page 50 of Orcus r&onflgured his largest chao~ \hlp Into a protective
Adventure Book Two. tower for good reason. The edge of Ih COSOlo~ would be
an unstable, dangerous region v n without a shard of pure
2. SUPPORT LEVEL evil protruding from it like an Infected splinter. Together,
Adventurers reach this level via stairs down from level 1. the Heart and the elemental storm make the r >glon around
The crew Orcus left behind to aid Timesus resides here. the tower deadly to mortal and god alike. The tow r keeps
under the command of a deathpriest necromancer. the malign influence beyond Its walls. forming a small area
Two life boats hang from this level. They provide a of protection at the heart of (he d vastatlng !>torm.
method to escape the tower and travel up the swirling Creatures outside the tower rapidly dlslntegrat·; their
vortex of the Abyss to Orcus's fortress ofEveriost. bodies corrupt so quickly thaI they crumble to dust Model
See Encounter H2: Support Level on page 52 of this effect by subtracting 1 d4 healing urges each round
Adventure Book Two. from characters outside the tower. Unanended objects
erode to nothing in 3d6 rounds.
The tower rises 100 feet (rom the Abyssal Nadir. while
the corruption zone reaches 200 feet; creatures attempting
to reach the boarding level without using the permanent
magiC circle must travel 100 feet through the lone.
The Haven Queen's citadel nestles among jagged moun­ First, for their brilliant deduction, consider rewarding
tains in the Shadowfell, in a realm called Lethema. Her the adventurers with sulricient experience pOints to reach
mighty stronghold consists of a maze of reaching towers 30th level. and thereby allow them to gain their 30th·level
and graceful bridges cut from stone and ice. Above all, epic desti.ny power. It is only fitting that they have access to
a maelstrom of stars spin, each bright pinpoint the life their entire suite of abilities when they confront Orcus in
{()fce ofa recently deceased mortal. From this spirit the final battle,
storm, a grim procession descends through the gates, Second, provide them with a way to reach the throne
slImmoned to learn their final fates. room courtyard. The Simplest way to do that is to have the
lurking Vecna provide a version of the message described
CITADEL OF on page 55 of Adventure Book Two. Presage the delivery of
the permanent teleportation sigil sequence with some­
THE RAVEN QUEEN thing along these lines:
Most creatures visit the Raven Queen as formless souls
at the conclusion of their lives. However, the adventur­ - You've sel'lIlhrOllvh layers ofdislractioll/a rhl' llt!u!'t (!(Orcu.s's
ers have a more urgent need. They learn that Orcus has mo!il IIII,II kepI secref, while lilt' flods fh clIISv/I'I?S ~ It and wonr/er,
a shard of evil , and has moved to attack the citadel of the You trul." art> heroes ofthe !l8e. Pmlaps you CUll do some 800d
Raven Queen. yer. if),ol1 are ,prjck erlOuoh."
Normally, visitors have two options to reach the Raven
Queell's realm: either through the Temple ofTemples, COURTYARD ARRIVAL
ZVOll1arana, or through the winter-shrouded woods
If the adventurers use the sequence of sigils provided by
and lip the steep-sided slopes of the mountain chain to
the image of the one·eyed old man, they find that, indeed,
it is keyed to a permanent teleportation circle that pro­
However, while still in the extraction tower at
vides direct access to a very large chamber right outside
the Abyssal Nadir, the adventurers receive a specific
the Raven Queen's throne room.
sequence of sigils that correspond to a permanent tele­
To enter the throne room, the adventurers must first
portation circle inside Death's palace.
deal with the demonic forces Orcus left to protect the area.
Once the adventurers have traveled far enough up the
See Encounter Ll: Throne Room Courtyard on page
throat of the Abyss (a trip requiring at least 8 hours), tele­
56 of Adventure Book Two.
portation once again becomes an option. They can use a
Planar Portal ritual (or the Staff of Portals, Audaviator, if
they obtained it in adventure E2: Kinadom of the Ghouls) to DEATH'S THRONE ROOM
transfer directly to the palace. When the adventurers make it out of the throne room court­
The portal leads to a courtyard outside the Raven yard, they can enter the throne room and discover what has
Queen's throne room. become ofOrcus, the shard, and the Raven Queen.
See Encounter L2: Throne Room on page 58 of
EARLY ACCESS? Adventure Book Two.
During the course of this adventure, the player charac­
ters might determine that Orcus's ingenuity has relegated DYING WHILE DEATH
them to always playing a game of catch-up. Instead of fol·
lowing a trail of clues, they might decide, based on what
By the time the adventurers rush to the Raven Queen's aid,
they already know of Orcus's ultimate goal, to break off
she is already staked to the floor of her throne room by the
the adventure in midstream and merely make for the
shard of evil. Although she is not yet destroyed . her power to
Raven Queen's palace to guard her. Should you let them?
judge sOllls and send them to their final destinations fails.
The answer is yes. Ifyou don't, it will seem as though
The consequences of this have yet to propagate. Within
you are railroading the game. The only downside is that
Letherna, Raise Dead and similar rituals work normally­
the adventurers will miss some treasure and will likely
however, each time a creature is raised to life, a dread
fail to achieve 30th level (and their capstone epic power).
wraith (see Monster Manual, page 267) appears in a square
If the adventurers remain determined to stop the
adjacent to the raised creature. The dread wraith is utterly
chase into the Abyss in favor of heading to the Raven
intent on pulling that life back into death, and to that end
Queen's citadel, there are a few things you can do to
gains a +5 bonus to all attack rolls against the raised player
make their choice a valid and rewarding one.
Achree Spawn Level 26 Minion Brute
ABYSSAL SI:RVITORS Medium elemental beaSlla Udlic . demonl XP ] ,250
The demons that plague the natural world arc those Initiative +22 Senses Perception +20; blindsight 10
creatures intelligent enough to navigate the hazardous HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also jaws ofdeath
gateways between planes or those summoned by others AC 38: Fortitude 36, Reflex 38, Will 36
Resist 20 Fire
for evil intent. \Vithin the Abyss, uncounted demons of all
Speed 4, swim 10
descriptions dwell , and most arc unknown in the natural
CD Bite (standard: at-will)
world. The lowest of these are the abyssal servitors­ Reach 2; +29 vs. AC; 16 damage. Miss: 8 damage.
unintelligent creatures that serve the demons as deadly <E- Jaws of Death (when reduced to 0 hit points)
guardians and savage b easts of burden. Close burst 1: the achree spawn makes a bite attack against ali
Achree are piranha-like demonic creatures that pull enemies in the burst.
the mselves along on land clumsily but can flash through Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal)
Str 20 (·18) Del( 28 (+22) Wls 15 (+10)
liquids. Gulari are triple jointed hound-like abyssal
Con 25 (+20) Int 2 (+9) Cha 17 (+16)
servitors with eyes ofgreen fire . Laamisha are vaguely
insectoid creatures with eight splayed legs and a variety of
lashing tentacles. ACHREE SPAWN TACTICS
Achree spawn swann around foes to gajn combat advan ­
Athree Level 27 SI<irmisher tage for their deadly bite attacks. They stay in the thick of c elementa l bedst Ii] 'uulie. demon I XI' 11.000 combat to maximize the effect of their jaws ofdeath.
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +16; blindsight 10
HP 150; Bloodied 125; see also jaws ofdeath Gulari Level 2S Soldier
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 39 Lar e elemental beaslldemo nl XP 7.000
Resist 20 Fire Initiative +21 Senses Perception +24; truesight 6
Speed 4, swim 10; see also relentless attack HP 236; Bloodied 118
CD Bite (standard; at-will) AC 41; Fortitude 38, Reflex 36, Will 36
Reach 1; +32 vs. AC; 4d8 + 9 damage, and the target is grabbed. Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb); see also shifting assault
The achree cannot make bite attacks while it has a creature <D Bite (standard; al-will) + Polson
grabbed, but it can use its vicious rend. Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d6 + 9 pOison damage, and the target is
+ VIcious Rend (standard; at-will) dazed until the end of its next turn.
If an achree begins its turn with a target grabbed in its jaws, it (±) Slam (standard; at-will)
makes an attack against the grabbed creature: +30 vs. Fortitude; Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target is knocked
4d10 + 10 damage, and the target slides 5 squares, is knocked prone.
prone, and is no longer grabbed. Miss: Half damage, no slide, still
+ Shifting Assault (immediate reaction, when an enemy within 2
squares of the gu larl shifts; at-will)
-I- Relentless Attack (standard: at-will) The gulari shifts to within 2 squares of the triggering creature
The achree moves its speed and can enter enemies' spaces. This and makes a bite attack and a slam attack against the triggering
movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the achree must creature.
end its move in an unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy's Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal)
space, the achree makes a bite attack. Once after a successful Skills Athletics +23, Acrobatics +24
bite attack, the achree can end its movement within reach of the Str 22 (+18) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 25 (+1 9)
same target and make a vicious rend attack against the target. Con 28(+21 ) Int2(+8) Cha 20 (+17)
C4 Jaws of Death (when reduced to 0 hit points)

Close burst 1; the achree makes a bite attack against ali enemies
in the burst. GULARI TACTICS
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal) A gulari alternates bite and slam attacks against a Single
Str 23 (+19) Dex 29 (+12) Wis 26 (+21) target until it hits with both , then abandons the prone and
Con 26(+21) Int 2(+9) Cha20(+18) da zed foe in favor of new prey. It stays in motion in the
hope that a foe 's movement triggers its sltiftina assault.
The voracious achree stays in constant motion as it uses
relentl ess aUack to target as many foes as it can. When
bJ'oodied, it forgoes the opportunity attacks provoked by
that power to target the closest foe with a bite attack, make
a vicious rend against a grabbed foe, then discard the target
for another.
Gularl Whe lp Leve l 15 Minion Soldier III
Gularis serve their demon masters as guards, mounts, ex:
MI',h,1I 11 1,1,' 1111' 111,.1 Ill' ,"l (1l"lIlIlII) XI' \.7',0 LLJ
and pack animals.
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +19; truesight 6 I­
Laamishas are guardian servitors, trained to protect III
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 40; Fortitude 37, Reflex 35, Will 35 important demons or their prisoners. Z
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb); see also shiftin8 assault
CD Bite (sta ndard; at-will) + Poison ENCOUNTER GROUPS :E
+31 vs. AC; 10 pOison damage, and the target is knocked prone. Though abyssal servitors are sometimes found operat­ 3
4- Shifting Assault (immediate reaction, when an enemy adjacen t to
the gulari w help shifts; at-will)
ing independently, they are seldom far from their demon z
The gulari makes a bite attack against the triggering creature.
Alignme.nt Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal) Level 25 Encounter (38,500 XP)
Str20 {+17) Dex25 (+19) Wls 25 (+19)
+ 1 achree (level 27 skirmisher)
Con 28 (+21) Int 2 (+8) Cha 16 (+15)
+ 6 achree spawn (level 26 minion brute)
+ 1 aspect of demogorgon (level 25 elite controller,
GULARl WHELP TACTICS Monster Manual 2, page 44)
Gulari whelps fight as a mob, hoping to catch shifting foes
in a barrage of extra attacks. Level 27 Encounter (55,000 XP)
+ 4 gulari (level 25 soldier)
Laamisha Level 17 Soldier + 8 gulari whelps (level 25 minion soldier)
I.,H 'l' .. 1""ll'III,.I Ill','" (d"1I10111 XI' 11,000 + 1 immolith seeker (level 28 controller, Adventure Book
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +26; dark vision Two page 18)
HP 246; Bloodied 123
AC 43; Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 39 Level 27 Encounter (55,000 XP)
Speed 6, climb 6 + 2 laamishas (level 27 soldier)
CD Bite (standard; at·will) + Poison + 1 balor (level 27 elite brute. Monster Manual. page 52)
Reach 2; +34 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the laamisha makes a + 1 solamith hunter (level :W artillery, Adventure Book Two
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: + 3 2
page 52)
vs. Fortitude; ongoing 15 poison damage, and the target is immo­
bilized until the end of the laamisha's next turn.
CD Claw (standard; at·will)
Reach 2; +34 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage, and the target is slowed
until the end of the laamisha's next turn.
4- Tentacle Lash (standard; recharge i:':Il!JJ) Poison +
Reach 3; +32 vs. Fortitude; 5d10 + 9 damage, and the target is
weakened (save ends). A target already weakened takes ongoing
15 poison damage (save ends).
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal)
Str 26 (+21) Dex 29 (+22) Wls 26 (+21)
Con 22 (+19) Int 2 (+9) Cha 18 (+17)

A laamisha fights without thought to its own safety as it
defends the creatures it guards. It makes bite and claw
attacks to hinder a foe's movement, then follows up with
repeated tentacle lash attacks until the target is dead.


A character knows the follOWing about abyssal servitors
with a successful Arcana check.
DC 30: The lesser kin of intelligent demons, abyssal
servitors serve their masters as guard creatures and beasts
of burden. Uncounted varieties of abyssa I servitors dwell
within the Abyss, but they are rarely seen in the natural
world except in the service of a demon that brings them to
the mortal realm .
DC 35: Achrees are aquatic abyssal servitors that lurk
in the elemental maelstroms of the Abyss . T hey are often
trained as guard creatures for abyssal moats and pools.
Fathomal Clasp Level 29 Elite Brute
FATHOMAL Hu t' "k'm.. nl~ 1 beilslldpmo l1 ) XP 30.000
Creatures with names like balor, marilith. and vrock Initiative +19 Senses Perception +26; truesight 6
hunt the upper and middle portions of the Abyss. Though Grip of Chaos (Psychic) aura 5; each enemy that starts its turn
awful in their destructive might, these demons are at least within the aura takes 20 psychic damage.
known quantities. HP 660; Bloodied 330
AC 41; Fortitude 43, Reflex 37, Will 40
But the lower portions of the Abyss, those areas directly
Immune fear; Resist 25 fire. 25 lightning, 25 thunder
above the growing shard of evil, are prowled by demonic Saving Throws +2
monstrosities few ever see. Among these terrors, fathomals Speed fly 10
are the most terrible. Action Points 1
Like all demons, a fathomal is embodied annihilation. <D Slam (standard; at-will)
It is chaos given form that hungers forever for the destruc· Reach 3; +32 vs. AC; 4d10 + 9 damage. and the target is
tion of all other things- even other demons. Each fathomal grabbed. A target trying to escape the grab takes a -4 penalty to
the check. A fathomal clasp can grab only one creature at a time,
appears as a demonic apocalypse clothed in the cast·off
and only creatures that are Large or smaller.
Oesh of an ancient being. Thankfully, few ever manage to + Grab and Hurl (standard; at-will)
crawl from the depths of the Abyss beneath the Elemental The fathomal clasp can make a slam attack. If the slam attack
Chaos to terrorize more stable locations. hits, it makes an oily missilf? attack. If the slam attack misses. or if
the oily missilf? attack would provoke an opportunity attack, the
fathomal instead makes a second slam attack.
A human·sized tangle of teeth, horns, and scales infused
+ Filch Foe (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves adjacent to
the fathomal clasp while no creature is grabbed; recharge ::;:llfi'j
with pure hate. fathomal blights flitter through Abyssal The fathomal clasp makes a slam attack.
voids ill search of prey. ~ Ally Missile (standard; at-will, while the fathomal clasp has a crea­
ture grabbed)
Fathomal Blight Level 28 Minion The fathomal clasp hurls the grabbed creature at another foe.
Medium " I<'m"nlal h£'aslldemonl XP 3.150 Ranged 20; +30 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 9 damage to the target and
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +20; darkvision the hurled foe. and the target is pushed 2 squares (the hurled foe
Demonic Aura aura 1; each allied demon that starts its turn within falls prone in the target's vacated square). The fathomal clasp can
the aura gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls throw the grabbed creature at any open space in range if it has
until the end of its turn. no other targets.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. ~ Cry of Anarchy (standard: encounter) • Psychic
AC 42; Fortitude 38, Reflex 42, Will 40 Close burst 10; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic
Immune fear; Resist 25 cold, 25 fire, 25 thunder damage, ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends), and the target
Speed fly 8 is dazed until the end of the fathomal clasp's next turn.
<D Abyssal Touch (standard; at-will) • Psychic Alignment Evil Languages -
+33 vs. AC; 10 psychic damage, and the target is stunned (save Str 41 (+29) Dex 20 (+19) Wis 35 (+26)
ends). (on 30(+24) Int5(+11) Cha16 (t 17)
<. Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) • Psychic
The fathomal explodes in a scream of psychic annihilation. Close
burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Reflex; 16 psychic damage.
Miss: Half damage.
The fathomal clasp uses its filch foe ability to intercept
Alignment Evil Languages - creatures that move too close. Ifit grabs a victim, it uses
Str 10 (+14) Dex 13 (+16) Wls 12 (+15) the victim as ammunition in its ally missile attack. On its
Con 14 (+16) Int 22 (+20) Cha 18 (+18) first full round the clasp begins a arab and hurl attack, then
spends an action point to use cry ofanarchy.
A fathomal blight attempts to stay adjacent to one or more FATHOMAL SCREAM
demonic allies ill order to confer upon them the benefits of Fathomal screams are terrible, corrupted memories given
its demonic aura. If threatened, it uses abyssal touch, and ifit life. Flashing between one horrible image after another,
is destroyed, its death burst triggers. fathomal screams are adroit in producing terrified out·
bursts in its foes, thereby giving the insubstantial creature
The fathomal clasp's long, serpent·like body coils through
the air, eager to grasp and destroy. It seeks to feed on any·
thing that falls into the oddly hand·like head.
Fathomal Scream Level 29 Controller
Ld r 'e elem c' nl al bea~1 (demon) XI' 1 ~.()OO
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +18; truesight 6
Darkest Memory (Psychic) aura 1; each creature within the aura
taking ongoing psychic damage takes 5 extra psychic damage.
HP 265; Bloodied 132
AC 43; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 40
Immune fear; Resist insubstantial; 25 acid, 25 force, 25 necrotic
Speed fly 10, phasing
CD Dreadful Touch (standard; at·will) • Psychic
Reach 2; +33 vs. Will; 2dl0 + 10 damage (crit 6dl0 + 30), and
ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
<. Nightmare Dredge (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; 2d8 + 10 psychic
damage, and the target slides 3 squares, takes ongoing 10 psy·
chic damage, and is immobilized (save ends both). When the
target fails a save. it slides 3 squares.
-i*, Mote of Dread (standard; encounter) • Psychic, Fear, Zone
Area burst 3 within 20; the fathomal scream fashions a phantas·
mal mote of churning mist. Any creature that enters or begins its
turn in the zone takes 15 psychic damage. The mote blocks line
of Sight. It remains in place until the end of the encounter.
Alignment Evil Languages -
Str 29 (+23) Dex 26 (+22) Wls18 (+18)
Con 25 (+21) Int 5 (+11) Cha 26 (+22)


The fathomal scream's mere presence intensilles the psy·
chic damage inflicted by itself and others courtesy of its
darkest memory aura. fts touch causes physical dread to
burn through its foes. It uses its ni8htmare drcd8c to slide rATHOMAL GNAW TACTICS
foes around, usually into reach of allied fathomals or into The fathomal gnaw appears suddenly before its foes, lashes.
its mote ofdread zone. then teleports away, leaving a potentially slowed or immo­
bilized foe behind in its wake. The fathomal gnaw waits
FATHOMAL GNAW until its blink and strike power recharges to attack again.
The fathomal gnaw appears as a cascade of twining hair,
as if shorn from a gianLlt blinks in and out of Sight, leav­ FATHOMAL LORE
ing psychically scnrred and slowed victims in its wake. A character knows the following about fathomals with a
successful Arcana check.
Fathomal Gnaw Level 28 Lurker DC 35: Fathomals are corrupted motes of chaos that
L.Jr t" d"rnellia l ~)('a~1 (dl' 1110nl XI' 1!.OOO hungers forever for the destruction of all other things.
Initiative +31 Senses Perception +26; truesight 6 They live in the deepest portions of the Abyssal void.
Self-Inflicted Wounds (Psychic) aura 1; each enemy that starts DC 40: FathomaJs first emerged from the body of a
its turn within the aura takes 10 psychic damage and 10
defeated, dying primordial that fell into the Abyss .
poison damage.
HP 205; Bloodied 102
AC 42; Fortitude 38, Reflex 41, Will 38 ENCOllNTER GROllPS
Immune fear; Resist insubstantial; 25 fire, 25 force, 25 lightning Fathomals hunt in groups made up of others of their own
Speed teleport 12 kind , as well as alongSide powerful demons.
CD Lash (standard; at·wlll) • Polson, Psychic
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 poison and psychic damage. and
Level 28 Encounter (XP 74,250)
the target is slowed (save ends)
+ Blink and Strike (standard; recharge I::;] :;::J ~!I) • Polson, Psychic • 5 fathomal blights (level 28 minion)
The fathomal gnaw teleports up to 6 squares and makes an • 1 fiithomal scream (level 29 controller)
attack. Reach 2; +31 vs. Reflex; 5dl0 + 9 poison and psychic + 1 fathomal clasp (level 29 elite brute)
damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Then the fath­ + 1 fathomal gnaw (level 28 lurker)
omal gnaw teleports up to 12 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages ­
Level 29 Encounter (XP 80,500)
Skills Stealth +32
Str 29 (+23) Dex 36(+27) Wls 24 (+21)
• 1 balor (level 27 elite brute; Monster Manual, page 53)
Con 31 (+24) Int 24 (+21) ChOI 30(+24) + 10 f.1thomal blights (level 28 minion)
. 2 fathomal gnaw (level 28 lurker)
Forgeborn Firelasher Level 28 Artillery
FORGEBORN ABOMINATIONS M"t!illOll illl"'''rI"I'"'''it .,1 I1l'.1\ 1 XI' I I.nOO
Created by the long vanished architects of the Forge of Initiative +13 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
Four Worlds, the forgeborn are immortals pulsing with HP 200; Bloodied 100
elemental fury capable of shredding foes in a frenzy of AC 42; Fortitude 40. Reflex 41 , Will 40; see also fury ofthefor8e
chaos, fire, lightning, and all the other energies of creation Immune charm. fear. sleep; Resist 15 fire
Speed B. fly 6 (clumsy)
and destruction.
<D Darkfire Slash (standard; at-will) + Are
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 3dB + 10 fire damage, and the target is
Forgeborn Chaos Skulk Level 27 Lurker dazed until the start of its next turn.
1.11'r' ill"",,,'.,1 II'.' .it .,11"'.1\1 XI' 11.IIOll @ Flame Pulse (standard; at-will) + Fire
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +11; Ranged 10; +31 vs. Reflex; 3dB + 10 fire damage.
darkvision, blindsight 10 .,. Defensive Flare (Immediate reaction. when the firelasher is hit by a
HP 193; Bloodied 96; see also fury ofthefor8e melee attack; at-will) + Charm
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 39 Reach 1; +31 vs. Reflex; the target is dazed until the end of its
Immune charm, fear, sleep next turn. A target already dazed is also weakened until the end
Speed B, climb B of its next turn.
<D Soul Slam (standard; at-will) + Psychic ~ Lash of Fire (standard; recharge .: :'. [:·:1;1Ii) + Fire. Psychic
Reach 1; +30 vs. Fortitude; 3dB + 9 psychic damage, and the Ranged 10; +31 vs. Reflex; 4dB +10 fire and psychic damage. and
chaos skulk becomes invisible to the target until the end of the the target takes ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends),
chaos skulk's next turn; see also subtle strike. (0 Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire,
(. Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire, lightning
Lightning Close burst 3; +31 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 9 cold, fire. and lightning
Close burst 3; +30 vs. Reflex; 4d1 0 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning damage. Miss: Half damage.
damage. Miss: Half damage. Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
~ Soul Shroud (standard; recharge liil) + Psychic Primordial. and Supernal)
Close burst 1; +30 vs. Will; 5d10 + 9 psychic damage, the target Str 21 (+19) Dex 29 (+13) Wls 26 (+22)
takes ongoing 5 psychic damage, and the chaos skulk becomes Con 26(+22) Int 13 (+20) Cha18(+18)
invisible to the target (save ends both); see also subtle strike.
Subde Strike
The chaos skulk deals 3dB extra damage on attacks when it is Forgeborn Fury Level 30 Minion
Invisible to its target. M"dillll1 ,·kllWIII.III,...I\' (d"I1I,,"1 XI' ·1.lS0
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
Elemental Fury aura 1; each allied forgeborn within the aura gains a
Primordial, and Supernal)
Str 11 (+lB) +1 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Dex 1B (+11) Wis 19 (+17)
Con 15 (+10) HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Int 19 (+17) Cha 15 (+10)
AC 44; Fortitude 41, Reflex 43. Will 42
Immune charm. fear. sleep
Forgeborn D.ukslilyer Level 28 Brute Speed B
1.11 ',' illlll""I .,1111.1 ·it .,11"',1" XI' 11 .1l()(1 CD Furious Slam (standard; at-will)
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +11; darkvision +35 vs. AC; 14 damage. and the target loses any resistances (save
HP 315; Bloodied 157; see also fury of the for8e ends).
AC 40; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 40 (. Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire,
Immune charm, fear, sleep Lightning
Speed 6 Close burst 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 14 cold. fire. and lightning damage.
<D Shadow Sword (standard; usable only while Wielding a Miss: Half damage.
greatsword; at-will) + Necrotic Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
Reach 3; +31 vs. AC; 3d10 + 10 necrotic damage, plus ongoing Primordial, and Supernal)
10 necrotic damage (save ends). Str 20 (+20) Dex 26 (+13) Wis 20 (+20)
~ Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire, Con 14(+11) Int 1B (+19) Cha 1B (+19)
Close burst 3; +19 vs. Reflex; 4d1 0 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning
damage. Miss: Half damage.
~ Shadow Frenzy (standard; usable only while wielding a
greatsword; recharge t;:;j [ll) + Necrotic
Close burst 3; +19 vs. Fortitude; 3d1 0 + 10 necrotic damage, and
the target is stunned (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
Primordial, and Supernal)
Str 30(+24) Dex 27 (+11) Wis 27 (+11)
Con 15 (+21) Int 18 (+18) Cha 20 (+19)
Equipment greatsword
Forgeborn Stormstriker Level 31 Controller (Leader)
Lar e immorta l rna 'ieal bca~t XP 23.000
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +28; A character knows the follOWing about forgeborn with a ...
darkvision. blindsight 10 successful Religion check. ~
Defenders of the Forge (Cold, Fire, Healing, Lightning) aura 5; DC 30: Like abominations, the forgeborn were created 0
each immortal ally that starts its turn within the aura regains 20
during the ancient war between the gods and the primor- ~
hit points. while each enemy that starts its turn within the aura
takes 15 cold, fire. and lightning damage.
dials. They are tasked with guarding the Forge of Four S
HP 281; Bloodied 140; see also fury of the for8e Worlds, and are rarely encountered outside the speCific \.IJ
AC 45; Fortitude 43. Reflex 41. Will 41 location _
Immune charm, fear, sleep; Resist 15 cold, 15 fire , 15 lightning DC 35: The relentless energy seething within the Forge
Speed 8, teleport 8 of Four Worlds drives many forgeborn mad over their
CD Touch of Chaos (standard; at-will) .. Psychic eons-long servitude. Such creatures escape the Forge to
Reach 2; +35 vs_Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target
wreak havoc across other planes.
is dazed until the end of the stormstriker's next turn.
~ Arc Lightning (standard; at-will) .. Lightning
Ranged 20; +35 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 lightning damage plus ongo­ ENCOUNTER GROUPS
ing 10 lightning damage (save ends), the target is dazed until the Although they sometimes fight alongSide other creatures
end of its next turn, and the stormstriker makes a secondary against a common foe, the forgeborn are seldom allies and
attack against two new targets within 5 squares of the initial
are never controlled by other creatures.
target. Secondary Attack: + 35 vs_Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 lightning
damage, and ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends)_
<~ Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) .. Cold, Fire, Level 30 Encounter (95,000 XP)
Lightning .. 3 forgeborn chaos skulks (level 27 lurker)
Close burst 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning .. 1 forgeborn darkslayer (level 28 brute)
damage. Miss: Half damage. .. 2 forgeborn firelashers (level 28 artillery)
-it- Coldfire Orb (standard; recharge G il II) .. Cold, Fire .. 1 forgeborn stormstriker (level 31 controlkr)
Burst 5 within 10; + 33 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 cold and fire
damage, and crystalline growths make the area of the burst dif­
ficult terrain until the end of the encounter_
Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal,
Primordial, and Supernal)
Str 30 (+25) Dex 22 (+21) Wis 27 (+23)
Con 25 (+22) Int 27 (+23) Cha 23 (+21)
The essence of the Elemental Chaos boils and churns in this mas­
The Wand is appropriate for epic-level characters.
sil'!' sph!'re. The condensed power inside this unwieldy IOjoot
diameter 810be can be siphoned in man)' ways. thouflh only a few
have been discovered.
Wondrous Item Priceless arcus carries a hea\~1 mace tipped with an enormous skull. Its haft
Property, Unmounted: All creatures adjacent to an is smooth obsidian studded with blood rubies. This weapon trans­
unmounted anarch sphere gain resistance 15 variable, forms those it slays into undead horrors.
with a few differences to standard variable resistance: As The Wand of arcus is a +6lifedrinker heavy mace with the
a minor action, the subject chooses a type of damage from following additional properties and powers.
the following list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. The Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
subject gains the specified amount of resistance to the Critical: +6d6
chosen damage type for the rest of the encounter (even Property: This weapon deals ongoing 10 damage (save ends)
if they move away from the sphere), and this replaces any to creatures that are not undead.
~esistance the subject already had against that damage type. Property: You can speak and understand the Abyssal language
Each time the subject spends a minor action, it can gain a and read the Barazhad script.
new resistance, but it can resist only one type of damage Power (Daily + Arcane, Psychic): Standard Action. You can
from this ability at anyone time. A subject can't use this use lesion's hold (wizard 29).
ability to resist a damage type to which it has vulnerability. Power (Encounter + Necrotic): Free Action. You can use this
Property, Mounted: When an anarch sphere is properly power when you attack an enemy with the Wand. On a
installed in an appropriate cradle on a chaos ship, the bottled miss, the target takes necrotic damage equal to its bloodied
essence trapped within proVides motive power for the value. When you hit, the target is reduced to 0 hit points
ship (the larger the ship, the more anarch spheres reqUired). (resistance or immunity to necrotic damage does not apply).
Anarch spheres require a specific series of actions for proper
activation (see "Commanding Shevaithan" on page 30 of
Property, Mounted: Any creature without the elemental origin + Be re united with arcus.
engaged in combat within 5 squares of a mounted anarch + IfOrclls is destroyed, raise or animate him.
sphere is subject to a ranged attack at the beginning of its + Spread undeath everywhere.
turn: + 3 2 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes
ongOing 5 damage and is dazed (save ends both).
Power, Unmounted (Daily): Minor Action. This power allows
a creature adjacent to an unmounted anarch sphere to re­ The "Valld communicates Silently with its wielder, in
gain the use of any power of 1 st to 30th level. Abyssal. Llsing brutal and gory imagery to highlight its
blood-soaked ends.

Starting score S
A shard of the Heart ~r the I\byss is concentrated corruption.
Owne r gains a level +1 dl 0
Wondrous Item Priceless
Owner worships Orcus +2
Property: Every round a creature other than a demon touches
or holds the naked crystal, it must make a saving throw. On Owner kills a Raven Queen worshiper +2
an unsuccessful saving throw it loses 1 d4 healing surges Owner kills a good and/or innocent humanoid +2
and is dominated (save ends, -2 penalty to saving throws). Owner animates or creates an undead (max l/day) +1
While dominated, the creature takes on demonic features Owner or ally destroys an undead creature -1
such as wings, horns, scales, burning eyes, claws, mandibles, Owner doesn't give the Wand to Orcus (max l/day) -1
or similar features. On its turn, it attacks its closest former
ally. It continues to do so each turn until it saves against the
domination. If the creature fails three saving throws, it is PLEASED 06-20)
permanently corrupted, and becomes a demonic version of "Orcus is near! Let the world scream in terror once more!"
its former self. The 'Vand believes its return to arcus is nigh.
Power (Daily): Standard Action. In conjunction with the
proper ritual, the shard has the ability to kill a god and The Wand's enhancement bonus increases to + 7.
transfer some amount of that god's power and influence Critical: + 7 d6 damage
into another creature. The time required and the amount Property: This weapon deals ongoing 15 damage (save ends)
of power transferred is highly variable. When the process to creatures that are not undead.
is complete, the god dies, and the shard makes a saving Property: You take a -5 penalty to Diplomacy checks_
throw; on a failed saving throw, the shard disintegrates. Property: At the start of your turn, any creature killed by
the Wand ofOrcus that is still dead rises as a dread wraith
(Monster Manual, page 267) under your command.
"Let the bloodclotted sana of the animated dead
commence! "
The wielder has proved to be a worthy
acolyte of Orcus in the demon prince's

Property: You take a -2 penalty to Diplomacy

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. While you
are bloodied, use the wand to gain resist 15
to all damage until the end of your next turn.

NORMAL (5-111
"Willyou do the will ofOrcus, or willyou stiffer
my wrath?"
The Wand tries to gauge its new wielder's
devotion to Orcus.

"lfyou do not chanae, it'll beyour skull on the
end ofthe obsidian rod!"
The wielder is not spreading undea th .
If the wielder doesn't change his ways, the
Wand begins to punish the wielder.

Special: Once per day at any time, the skull

in the Wand flares with necrotic power. The
Wand makes a burst 3 attack against your
Fortitude (and all allies in range), rolling
1 d2 0 + your level. If this attack hits, you are
weakened (save ends).


"Your life is close to an aaoni zin8 conclusion." "Yo u have failed Orcus."
The wielder is coming perilously close to being rejected The Wand ofOrcus makes an attack against the wield­
by the Wand. er's AC, rolling Id20 + 5 + your level. If this attack hits,
you are reduced to 0 hit points (reSistance or immunity
Special: Once per day at any time, the skull in the Wand to necrotic damage does not apply). Ifyou rise as a dread
flares with necrotic power. The Wand makes a burst 3 attack wraith a round later (see above), you take the Wand and
against your Fortitude (and all allies in range), rolling 1 d20 seek to deliver it to a wielder more likely to meet the
+ your level. If this attack hits, you are weakened and dazed
Wand's goals . If the attack misses, you fall unconscious
(save ends both).
Special: If you drop to 0 hit points or fewer and are not healed (save ends) and the Wand is summoned to the Abyss, there
before the start of your next turn, you rise as a dread wraith to find a new demon wielder.
under the Wand's command.
.. _ _ .t'.

Level 27 Encounter (XP 58,600)
Within the tower orthe Red Hold, the adventurers must .. 1 death titan (level 25 elite brute, Monster Manual,
evade the patrols and servallts ofOrcus.ln the Forge of page 120)
Four ,,,ro rlds, the adventnrers find themselves caught up .. 4 death giants (level 22 brute, Monster Manual,
in a battle between the demons that have claimed the page 120)
Forge, the devils assaulting it, and the forgeborn that have
.. 4 sorrowsworn soul rippers (level 25 skirmisher,
dc.fc ndecl the site since the dawn of time. Monster Manual, page 242)
Usc these random encounters as noted in the descrip­
tions of the Hed Hold and the Forge of Four Worlds
A death titan and its entourage have journeyed from the
(Adventure Book One, pages 8 and 12), or ifyou want to
Shadow fell to the Red Hold to support Orcus in his plots
expand the encounters while the adventurers travel on against the Raven Queen. Craving battle with mortal
board Shevaithan or while they explore the Abyssal Nadir. foes, the death titan makes repeated soul devourer attacks
If the adventurers have not reached 27th level before
against the strongest-looking melee combatants. Both it
beginning this adventure, consider adding a few lower­
and the death giants expend their soul shards early to give
level encounters to bolster their experience before they
them an edge over the PCs' superior level. The sorrows­
enter the Red Hold .
worn soulripper bodyg uards stay between any foes and
Some of these encounters are suitable only to the Red
their titan master.
Hold or the Forge of Four Worlds, but most can be used in
any location in this adventure.
Level 29 Encounter (XP 76,500)
.. 1 balor (level 27 elite brute, Monster Manual, page 53)
Level 26 Encounter (XP 50,000)
.. 1 aspect of Demogorgon (level 25 elite controller, .. 10 canoloth trackers (level 28 minion , page 18)
Monster Manual. 2, page 44) .. 2 mezzodemon watchguards (level 27 soldier, page 26)
.. 2 thunderhlast cyclones (level 26 elite artillery,
Monster Manual, page 105) The prestige of serving within the Red Hold inspires
intense ri va lries between demon factions hoping to prove
Orcus's archenemy Demogorgon knows that the Demon themselves worthy ofOrcus's favor. After finding the dead
Prince is away from the Red Hold and Everlost. A group of guardians at the Death Gate (see Location I), this group
commandos has made its way into Orcus's sanctum in an enters the Red Hold with the intent of slaying the intrud­
attempt to destroy the throne in the Great Hall (see Loca­ ers and winning a place in the Demon Prince's court.
tion 8). The thunderblast cyclones spread out to create an Alternatively, these demons are among those who have
area of elemental fury with their attacks, while the aspect seized the Forge of Four Worlds, and who now search for
of Demogorgon lays into foes with its double melee attacks the devils that have infiltrated the Forge.
and dominatina a'are.
RED HOLD TRACKERS Level 29 Encounter (XP 82,200)
Level 26 Encounter (XP 47,000)
.. 1 brazen devil (level 30 soldier, page 34)
.. 1 glabrezu gatewarder (level 25 elite brute, page 8)
.. 4 assassin devils (level 24 lurker, Monster Manual 2,
.. I retriever (level 27 soldier, page 18) page 64)
.. 8 mezzodemon throne guards (level 27 minion soldier, .. 3 war devil spearfighters (level 28 brute, page 42)
page 25)
This force of devils is one of the teams charged with break­
Alerted to the party's prese nce within the Red Hold, this ing the defenses of the demons that have taken over the
pack of hunters follows the adventurers from the site of Forge of Four Worlds. Alternatively, these warriors could
one of their previous comhat encounters to ambush them be servants of an archdevil attempting to kidn ap Orcus's
when they least expect it. If the retriever gains a glimpse of most favored servants from the Red Hold. The brazen
the party (or if the adventurers left any previous foes alive devil and the war devil spearfighters take the fight to the
to describe them), it uses uncrrin8 accuracy to teleport into adventurers, fOCUSing melee attacks on defenders and
combat. The glahrezu and the throne guards enter the fray strikers. The assassin devils stay on the sidelines to inca­
in subsequent rounds, seekillg to subdue and capture the pacitate ranged attackers and controllers.
Level 28 Encounter (XP 66,000) Level 29 Encounter (XP 83,000) I­
• 1 beholder eye of despair ritualist (level 27 elite artil­ • 4 forgeborn chaos skulks (level 27 lurker,
lery, page 20) Adventure Book One, page 22) o
• 2 beholder eyes of despair (level 27 elite artillery, + 3 forgeborn darkslayers (level 28 brute, Z
page 9) Adventure Book One, page 22) I.U

These beholders make up specialized patrols within the This pack offorgeborn defenders lies in wait for the o
Red Hold, taking on intruders with defenses or powers adventurers, attacking with surprise if they can. They Cl
that specifically target Orcus's demon servants. Alterna­ attempt to hem the party in, the darkslayers fOCUSing
tively, the arcane energy that surges within the Forge of on melee strikers and defenders while the chaos skulks
Four Worlds opens a temporary gate to the Far Realm that take out controllers and ranged combatants. To increase
transports these mad creatures into the path of the adven­ the level of this encounter, add a forgesong trap (level 28
turers. The eyes of chaos fight with no strategy or thought warder; see Encounter F2: Forgeborn Assault on page
to their own survival. 36) to the area .


Level 27 Encounter (XP 64,500) Level 29 Encounter (XP 88,000)
+ 1 death knight, dragonborn paladin (level 25 elite • 1 balor (level 27 elite brute, Monster Manual, page 53)
soldier, Monster Manual , page 51) • 1 pit fiend (level 26 elite sold ier, Monster Manual,
+ 2 slaughter wight overlords (level 27 brute, page 13) page 65)
+ 1 abyssal rot fiend (level 26 elite controller, • 2 forgeborn firelashers (level 28 artillery,
Monster Manual2, page 52) Adventure Book One, page 22)
+ 6 rot harbinger reavers (level 28 minion soldier, • 2 forgeborn chaos skulks (level 27 lurker,
page 20) Adventure Book One, page 22)

These servants of the vampire lord Birik (see Location 3) In the Forge of Four Worlds, the adventurers stumble
patrol the Red Hold on a mission for their master. Alter­ upon a battle just beginning between forgeborn defend­
natively, an adventuring party that attempted to infiltrate ers and a pair of demon and devil captains. The pit fiend
the Forge of Four ''''odds centuries ago were laid low by and the balor each assume that the party is in league with
forgcborn defenders, then raised as undead by the latent the other, but there is a 50 percent chance each round
energy of the Forge. The death knight focuses its wrath on that one of their attacks targets the opposite captain rather
a paladin or cleric, while its slaughter Wight allies flank than the adventurers. The forgeborn focus their attacks
with groups of two or three rot harbinger reavers. on the adventurers, though they catch the devil and the
demon with their close or area attacks if they can.
Level 30 Encounter (XP 98,000) ABVSSAL ATTACK
+ 4 forgeborn flrelashers (level 28 artillery, Level 29 Encounter (XP 76,250)
Adventure Book One, page 22) • 2 achree (level 27 skirmisher, Adventure Book One,
+ 2 forgeborn stormstrikers (level 31 controller, page 18)
Adventure Book One, page 23) + 5 achree spawn (level 26 minion brute,
Adventure Book One, page 18)
A pair of wandering forgeborn assault teams trap the • 1 fathomal clasp (level 29 elite brute,
adventurers between them in the Forge of Four Worlds. Adventure Book One, page 20)
Two of the firelashers and one stormstriker approach from
+ 1 fathomal gnaw (level 28 lurker, Adventure Book One,
one direction, while the others approach from the other
page 21)
side of the adventurers in the following round. The two
groups attempt to limit the movement of their enemies.
In the deadly depths of the Abyssal Nadir, foul creatures
The stormstrikers create difficult terrain with coldfire
emerge from the elemental storm to assault the adventur­
orb as the firelashers let their defensive powers daze and
ers before they reach the extraction tower.
weaken melee combatants. The forgeborn assault teams
fight to the death.
Encounter Level 27 (64,500 XP) \Vltat miahr /t,n'e once been LJ human woman stands atop
the slemcostle behiJld the witI'd, herflt'sh split and darkened,
SEnlP rt'veolinllllcmonic scales beneath. %e wears a LaUert'd hal,
lmd mlldlless dallces In ht'r eyes. The creature bdlincl the wheel
1 abyssal rotfiend (H)
screams, ~Repel tilL' boardersl Til Orcus's rrenne, scrub rll(!se
3 nycademon repellers (N)
l\IormsJrom my dripl"
10 abyssal horde ghouls «;)
Abyssal Rotfiend (R) level 26 Controller
The chaos ship called Shevail.han hovers within the Abyssal l ar e e lementa l hu manoid (demon, undead) XP 9.000
void. deeper than most mortals ever go. but not yet so deep Initiative +20 Senses Perception +20; truesight 20
that teleportation and portal travel is impossible. The ship Abyssal Fields aura 5; each enemy within the aura cannot teleport.
is moored just beyond the bounds of the White Kingdom. HP 245; Bloodied 121
where it was recently loaded with the last of the crates con ­ AC 40; Fortitude 3S, Reflex 36, Will 40
tailling the in -stasis pieces of the primordial Timesus. As Immune fear; Resist 20 fire, 10 necrotic, 20 variable (3/encounter)
Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
the adventure begins. the ship is waiting for the arrival of
CD Skullsplitter (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Doresain, king of the ghouls. The ship's captain doesn't yet Reach 2; +2S vs. Reflex; 3dS + S psychic damage, or 2dS + S psy­
know that Doresain was destroyed (either by the adven­ chic damage against a bloodied target.
turers or some other agency of good, as described in E2: ::rConjure Abscess (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Kinfldom of the Ghouls). Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2dS + S psychic damage, and ifthe
One of three ships that make up Orcus's fl eet, Shevai ­ target moves more than 2 squares on its turn, it takes 2dS extra
than remained behind when the other two chaos ships damage (save ends). If the abyssal rotfiend is bloodied, the target
takes the damage for moving 1 or more squares_
plunged deeper into the Abyss, filled to bursting with
-i~ Floating Despair (standard; encounter) + Psychic, Zone
the pieces ofTimesus the Black Star. The Shevaithan con­ Area burst 2 within 10; the burst creates a zone of dark miasma
tains a few crates of the black stone , but these are just that lasts until the end ofthe abyssal rotfiend's next turn. Any
morsels compared to the tons of rock already transported enemy that starts its turn within the zone takes 10 psychic
downward. damage and grants combat advantage to the rot fiend until the
Shevaithan's crew, however. remains active, waiting end of its next turn. Sustain Minor: The zone persists, and the
for the arrival ofDoresain. When the adventurers arrive, rotfiend can move it 5 squares.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
they find a full complement ready to resist their boarding
Str 26 (+21) Dex 25 (+20) Wis 25 (+20)
attempt. Con 29 (+21) Int 20 (+lS) Cha 32 (+24)
The captain ofShevaithan, an abyssal rotfiend named
Xur, spends most of her time at the wheel on top of the
3 Nycademon Repellers (N) Level 27 Sldrmisher
La r e .,)emental humanoid (demo n) XP 11.000 each
Audaviator (or a Planar Portal scroll) provides transport Initiative +23 Senses Perception +19
to the magic circle on Sh evaithan closest to the sterncastle. HP 250; Bloodied 115
AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 40, Will 37
When the adventurers arrive in the magic circle Resist 20 variable (21encounter)
closest to the sterncastle, show the players "View of Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
Shevaithan" on page 26 of Adventure Book One, and
CD Wicked Axe (standard; at-will)
+32 vs. AC; 3dS + 7 damage, and ongOing 5 damage (save ends).
read: + Wicked Edges (standard; at-will)
The nycademon makes two wicked axe attacks_
,\ ship hl1llHS suspcnlit'd in c."e of 11 mrtex_ The swirlin.g walls of + rx.
Repelling Flight (standard: recharge 'Ill )
Ihe I'ortexJIUCIUlltc IJnd ",rill,c, but scem miles awuJ_lt's /.IS if The nycademon flies up to 6 squares. This flight does not provoke
you hll\'(,' <'Iltered uJimnel mmposed ojred douds and terruln opportunity attacks. During the flight, the nycademon can make
cau8111 in all inescapable downward spira/. up to three attacks, each at a different target. +32 vs. AC; ldS +
7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
The ~hip Itall85 Utrrll(lI'in!J, untouched, ill the cenlmJ I'oid.
Combat Advantage
Two laT!Jl' cll'mons ripplill8 with muscles, thick rendons. The nycademon deals an extra 2dS damage against any target it
and prominent lC(lrlll.'ry I\'inas arc perched on the upper stern has combat advantage against.
co511e ~r I hI' ship, while a third is perc/led on the rail inJ:l near Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Common
rhe ship's bow. Skills Intimidate +23, Perception +19
[maciari'd llUmanoid5 sluifJlt' around Ihe deck. SOI1lt' polL~h­ Str 25 (+20) Dex 26 (+21) Wls 13 (+14)
inn thef1oorboarcls. (I/IU'r5 nHwill,q crates, while afel\' stand idle. Con 26 (+21) Int S (+12) Cha 21 (+lS)
Equipment greataxe
10 Abyssal Horde Ghouls (G)
Medium ek'mf'ntJI humanoid (undeild)
Level 26 Minion
XP 1.2S0 each
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +17; darkvision Illumination: Bright light.
Unending Hunger aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the Anarch Spheres: Always temperamental. ul1arch
aura takes 5 damage. spheres resonate with nearby conflie!. This tendency was
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion .
harnessed to create a secondary defense for ShevaithatJ.
AC 40; Fortitude 38, Reflex 39, Will 36
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic
Any creature without the elemental origin engageo in z
Speed 8, climb 4 combat within 3 squares of an active anarch sphere is sub­
<D Claws (standard; at-will) .. Necrotic ject to a ranged attack at the beginning of its turn: +32
+31 vs. AC; 14 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target ta,kes ongoing 5
(save ends). damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common Magic Circles: These te leportation circles are keyed
Skills Stealth +25
to specific locations and only active when they get within
Str 21 (+ 18) Dex 24(+20) Wls18 (+17)
Con 22 (+1 9) Int 14 (+15) Cha 16 (+16)
range . Currently, only the sterncastle circle glows with a:
active energy. See Adventure Book One, page 7 for adoi­
tiona I details . Z
TACTICS Hatches: Opening any of the three hatches triggers ::J
Captain Xur, the abyssal rotfiend, unleashesj7oalin8 Encounter S2: Ship Second Wave on page 6 . o
despair, moving it around the battlefield to cover as many Crates: The crates on the deck are fill ed with black Z
of the adventurers as possible. rock a nd are difficult terrain.
The nycademons swoop down and use repellin8j7i8hl Treasure: The upper portion of the sterncastle con­
against as many as three diffe rent targets at a time. They ta ins 6,250 pp hidden amid the nesting_
resort to wicked ed8es when they can't fly, or when they Document: Captain Xur carries a leather document
want to deal more damage to a single target. case. Inside is a letter written in Abyssal that demands that
The abyssal horde ghouls swarm in from all sides, the captain wait for the arrival ofDoresain , King of the
hoping to overwhelm the adventurers. If they can immobi ­ Ghouls. Once Doresain is aboard, Xur is to follow the other
lize a few of the m in the process, even better. two chaos ships to the Forge of Four Worlds, where Time­
sus's restoration is underway. The document is Signed, "In
the name of the Prince of Un death, Castellan Harthoon."
Encounter Level 28 (66,500 XP) 7- X: Hatch A: 1 larva warlord, 2 horde ghouls
9 - 10: Hatch R; 1 hlackstar knight-commander
SETUP 11-12: Hatch C; 3 abyssa I horde ghouls
If the creature rolled has already appeared, then ld4
1 larva warlord
abyssal horde ghouls emerge instead. When all of the
1 blackstar knight-commander
creatures have appeared, stop rolling for the hatches.
1 nycademon repeller
The larva warlord plunges into the thick of combat,
10 abyssal horde ghouls
making as many enemies as possible suffer from its tactical
feedback aura. It uses punishilla beetle on a bloodied enemy
Following the initial encounter, the crew bclowdecks, led
that has just been healed. The other creatures fight to sup'
by the first mate, s\<varm topside frolll the three hatches
port the warlord (or the captain, if she is still active). They
(marked "1\," "13," alld "C"). This attack is triggered if the
fight to the death .
advcnturers open one of the hatches to the lower decks, even
if the initial battle rages on, or after they take a short rest.
The space beneath the deck is composed of two large DIV£LOPMENT
spaces separated by a wall pierced by a wide opening that \Vhen Captain Xur is defeated, an arcane failsafe activates
can bc closed to make two holds. For all practical pur­ to protect the ship from theft. Mystic bindings immediately
poses, when the walJ is open, the space is contiguous. spring into existence, mooring the chaos ship in place. The
ship cannot be moved until those bindings are removed.
When anyone of the deck hatches is opened, read: vVhen this occurs, the magiC circle in the bowsprit (the
front of the ship) glows, showing that a new portal connec·
llC1tc/1('S Clround the deck hanR open, Cllld delllonic ilIltl undrad tion has been made. This circle now connects to a circle in
creatures boil ow, r('at~\' to repd an) intruders. the Red Hold. the citadel of Ore us. The adventurers can
see the darkly glowing ropes of arcane energy that wrap
TACTICS around the ship. They twist and merge into four distinct
ropes that disappear illto the void of the Abyss.
Each round, rollld12 to determine which creatures
emerge and from which hatch.
1-2: Hatch A; 3 abyssal horde ghouls 10 Abyssal Horde Ghouls Level 26 Minion
Medium elememai hUl1hlnoid (undead) XI"' 2,150 eat h
3- 4: Hatch B; 1 nycademon repelJer Initiative +20 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
.') ­ 6 : Hatch f:: 1 blackstar knight-commander Unending Hunger aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the
aura takes 5 damage.
Blackstar Knight-Commander Level 27 Soldier HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Medium eleme ntal Jnima te XI"' 11.000 AC 40; Fortitude 38, Reflex 39, Will 36
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +11; darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic
HP 246; Bloodied 123 Speed 8, climb 4
AC 43 ; Fortitude 39 Reflex 38, Will 39 CD Claws (standard: at-will) • Necrotic
Resist 15 fire; Vulnerable 10 radiant +31 vs. AC; 14 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized
Speed 7 (save ends).
CD Greatsword (standard; at·will) • Weapon Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
+34 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage, and the target is marked until the Skills Ste alth +25
end ofthe blacks tar knight·commander's next turn. Str 21 (+18) Dex 24 (+20) Wls 18(+17)
+ Deathsword (standard; recharge ':.: IJI) . Weapon Con 22 (+19) Int 14(+15) Cha 16 (+16)
Requires greatsword; + 34 vs. AC; 4d1 0 + 9 damage, and if the
target is marked by the blackstar knight·commander it takes
ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
<~ Soldier's Duty (when reduced to 0 hit points) FALL1NG lNTI THE AHYS
The blackstar knight-commander explodes; close burst 2; targets jfhose who fall into the AbY5s fall forever through the voiq
enemies; +32 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 9 damage; marked targets take unless they are saved or can save themselves, SInce long'
an additional 2d10 + 9 damage. bnge teleportation doesn't work in the. lower portions of
No Escape (move; at-will) • Teleportation
'the Abyss, rescues involving such effects must occur within
The blackstar knight·commander can teleport 10 squares as long
as it ends in a square adjacent to an enemy marked by the black· "the flrst 5 rounds of a fall to be effective, Falling creatures
star knight·commander. are attacked by flying demons on a regular basis. It's pos
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial sible such attackers could be clutched and forced to wing
Str 26 (+21) Dex 24 (+20) Wis 26 (+21) the droppl"d Victim upward. possibly requiring a skill chal­
Con 22 (+19) Int 12 (+14) Cha 11 (+13) lenge to succeed.
Larva Warlord Level 27 Elite Brute Nycademon Repeller Level 27 SI<irmlsher
Medium natura l rna Ic']l beast (undead) XP 12,000 I ar e elemenla l humanoid (demon) XP 11,000
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +17 Initiative +23 Senses Perception +19
Tactical Feedback (Psychic) aura 6; enemies within the aura take 10 HP 250; Bloodied 125
psychic damage when they shift. AC 41; Fortitude 40. Reflex 40, Will 37
HP 608; Bloodied 304 Resist 20 variable (2/encounter)
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 38, Will 37 Speed 6. fly 6 (hover)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; takes half damage from CD Wicked Axe (standard; at-will)
melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 radiant, 10 against +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
close and area attacks + Wicked Edges (standard; at-will) .
Saving Throws +2 The nycademon makes two wicked axe attacks.
Speed 5; see also squeezin8 swarm + Repelling Flight (standard; recharge I:::] III )
Action Points 1 The nycademon flies up to 6 squares. This flight does not provoke
CD Mandible Blade (standard; at-will) ... Necrotic opportunity attacks. During the flight, the nycademon can make
+29 vs_ Fortitude; 3d1 0 + 10 necrotic damage. up to three attacks, each at a different target. +32 vs. AC; 1d8 +
+ Double Attack (standard; at-will) 7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

The larva war master makes two mandible blade attacks. Combat Advantage
~ Punishing Beetle (immediate reaction, when a creature regains hit The nycademon deals an extra 2d8 damage against any target it :J
points; encounter) ... Poison has combat advantage against. o
Ranged 20; targets the triggering creature; +29 vs. Fortitude; Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common U
5d10 + 14 poison damage. Miss: Half damage. Skills Intimidate +23, Perception +19 Z
Squeezing Swarm Str 25 (+20) Dex 26 (+21) Wis 13 (+14)
By altering its shape, a larva warlord can squeeze through small Con 26 (+21) Int 8 (+12) Cha 21 (+18)
openings as if it were a Tiny creature. Equipment greataxe
Alignment Evil Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +27, Intimidate +25
Str28(+22) Dex26(+21) Wis 18 (+17) FEATURES OF THE AREA
Con 24 (+20) Int 20 (+18) Cha 24 (+20) Illumination: Bright light.
Crates: The dozen or so crates below deck are filled
with inanimate black rock.
Treasure: A search through the nests strew along the
hold walls turns up 25 ad, one porion of recovery, and one
5,000 gp gem.
Encounter Level 27 (62,000 XP) must defeat the guardians before they can direct their fulJ
attention to the Death Gate.
J glabrezu gatewarder (G) OPENING THE: DEATH GATE:
2 beholder eyes of despair (B) The wear brollze Btlte 810ws mollen red. nreane iJlyphsflnrh'R
As the adventurers step through the bowsprit circle blu£' and white across ils face.
portal and into the central teleport circle in this Creatures possessing inactivated bloodward bracelets can
chamber, show the players "View of the Death Gate" remain adjacent to the gate without taking damage (see
on page 26 of Adventure Book One, then read: "Features of the Area"), but they must overcome its potent
I he ./I'el.: orche ship "'urs In n'~'I'nl n wide [our':lrard, wilh a wards to gain access to the Red Hold.
lI'indow/e5s baqiofl afMood·red slone rising in 11.1' dislanee. J\ Level: 24 (XP 12,100).
huIL'i11,lJ llllllrrczlI ~Ioud1t's before a 30 fool hi}}" wall, 118'eul Bille Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures).
t~(fmlllze SI'II\ Uhin Ir. ("Iv!>c b), a magic portal opl'ns a tunnel
Primary Skills: Athletics, Arcana , Religion.
throll,'.I1! rhl' 11'1.111, u willI.' flin'" of slrr) beyond /eLHIiIl}} dOWIL Athletics (DC 24, standard action): The character weak·
'1'\1'0 lrrho/tlcn; float before rill' IUllnel, tllelr ("elltral eyes 8'ealll;'1.'1 ens the wards of the Death Gate using brute force.
in )luLlr direction. Arcnna or Reli8ion (DC 29. standard action): The charac·
ter draws on knowledge of Ore us's foul magiC to sense the
If the adventurers do not attack immediately, read: operation of the gate and its wards.
'flu' B'nhrclt lurches forwfrrd, II Ihick Icalher cord around lIS Secondary Skills: Perception.
m'ck 5trllll[1 lI'ilh, and weapom. "You slond at tile Perception (DC 24, standard action): The character
Bare o.fthe Red Hold. Slate your pctirlon. and qUickly." notices weaknesses in the Death Gate's defenses. This
Perception Check doesn't count as a success or railure in the challenge, but
DC 31: The 1/labrezus low!'r arms aTe se/lI'ilh dozens orblack instead provides a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the next
hmcc/('ts, all pulsinn with a dull red Blow. Arcana or Religion check made in the challenge.

Allow the adventurers to make Blu ff or Diplomacy checks Glabrezu Gatewarder (G) Level 16 Elite Brute
if they want, but Orcus's guards see through any subter· Hu c elCflIcntill hUOl<Jnoltl (demoll) XP 18,000

fuge. If the adventllfers are truthful with the demon, the Initiative +17 Senses Perception +20: truesight 6
HP 580: Bloodied 290: see also arcane fury
glabrezu appreciates the position they nnd themselves in.
AC 38; Fortitude 38. Reflex 37, Will 36
In fact. he nnds it extremely amusing that the chaos ship is Resist 20 fire. 20 lightning, 20 thunder
bound in place. In his laughter, the demon reveals: "Yes, Saving Throws +2
the only way to free the bindings can be found within the Speed 8, fly 8
Red Hold, but to enter the place. you need to get past me Action Points 1
and the Death Gate." For some reason, the glabrezu nnds CD Pincer Claw (standard; at-will)
this to be even funnier, and his laughter increases. Reach 3: +29 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage.
+ Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The glabrezu makes two pincer claw attacks. If both claws hit the
TACTICS same target, the target is grabbed if the glabrezu so chooses.
The glahrezu opens with blasphemous word. then tar· ~ Abyssal Bolt (minor; at-will)
gets the strongest-looking melee combatants with double Ranged 10; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d4 + 8 damage.
~ Blasphemous Word (minor; encounter) .. Psychic
attacks. While it has a target grabbed. it stays in the thick
Close burst 5: targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; 2d12 + 8 psychic
of combat to usc chaos word , making abyssal bolt attacks
damage. and the target is dazed until the end of the glabrezu's
while that power recharges. next turn.
A beholder eye of despair targets a different foe each ~ Chaos Word (minor; recha rge~)
round. It uses forced movement from its eye rays to place Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Fortitude: 2d12 + 8
targets adjacent to the Death Gate. damage. This damage bypasses all resistances.
Arcane Fury (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
DEVELOPMENT The glabrezu teleports 8 squares, recharges its blasphemous word
and chaos word powers, and makes an abyssal bolt. blasphemous
A DC 30 or 35 Arcana check reveals the details ofEveriost word, or chaos word attack.
and the Red Hold noted on page 8 of Adventure Book One. Alignment Chaotic evil u nguages Aby5Sal. Common
The walls of the Red Hold cannot be passed or Skills Arcana +26, Bluff +21 .lntlmldate+21
breached by any means available to the adventurers. leav· Str 28 (+22) Dex 19 (+17) Wis 25 (+20)
ing the Death Gate as the only way in. The adventurers Con 20 (+18) Int 26 (+21) Cha 16 (+16)
2 Beholder Eyes of Despair (8 ) Level 27 Elite Artillery
Lar e aberrant ma 'ical beast XP 22.000 each
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +17; all·around vision.
HP 388; Bloodied 194; see also rippleofchoos
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 39, Will 40
Saving Throws +2
Speed fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 1
<D Bite (standard; at·will)
+34 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 damage.
">f Central Eye (minor l/round; at ·will)
Ranged 20; +32 vs. Fortitude, and the target cannot use encoun·
ter attack powers or daily attack powers until the end of the
beholder eye of despair's next turn.
">f Eyes of the Beholder (free. when an enemy starts Its tum within
5 squares of the beholder eye of despair: at·will)
The eye of despair uses eye ray against the triggering enemy.
">f Eye Rays (standard; at·will) + see text
The beholder eye of despair uses one eye ray power chosen
from the list below. Using eye rays does not provoke opportunity
l-Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 10; +32 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 7 damage,
and the eye of despair slides the target 6 squares.
2-Weakening Ray: Ranged 10; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 7
damage. and the target is weakened (save ends).
3-Despair Ray (Psychic): Ranged 10; +32 vs. Will; 4d8 + 7 psy· FEATURES OF THE AREA
chic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all attack rolls Illumination: Dim light.
(save ends).
Teleportation Circles: Arcane energy surges within
4-Maddening Ray (Charm, Psychic): Ranged 10; +32 vs. Will;
4d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is dominated until the
these powerful circles even when they are inactive. A crea·
end of the eye of despair's next turn. ture that enters a portal or begins its turn within one takes
S-Confusing Ray (Psychic): Ranged 10; +3 2 vs. Will; 4d8 + 7 2d1O damage.
psychic damage, and the target uses a move action at the start of The Death Gate; These great gates of bronze are
each turn to move its speed in a random direction (save ends). carved with Abyssal runes that offer up foul prayers to
6-Teleporting Ray (Teleportation): Ranged 10; +32 vs. Reflex; Orcus. Any living creature that starts its turn adjacent to
4d8 + 7 damage, and the eye of despair teleports the target 10
the Dea th Gate takes 2d8 + 8 damage. This includes the
">f Ripple of Desp41lr (when first bloodied; encounter) beholders, though the glabrezu (who wea rs the bloodward
Each enemy within S squares of the beholder eye of despair is bracelets) is immune to this effect.
targeted bya random eye ray power as a free action and takes Inactivated Bloodward Bracelets: These large magiC
a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). The eye of despair then bracelets ofleather and black ivory are wearable as belts
teleports 6 squares as a free action. by the adventurers. Inactivated blaadward bracelets allow
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal. Deep Speech creatures to stand adjacent to the Death Gate without
Str 18 (+17) Dex 26 (+21 ) Wis 18 (+17)
taking damage.
Con 26 (+21 ) tht 21 (+18) Cha 28 (+22)
Portal Tunnel: A portal passes through the stone con·
duit of the Bloodstorm, leading to crumbling steps that
Success; The adventurers open the gate to reveal the
descend to Everlost. This area is beyo nd the scope of this
Bloodstorm beyond . Go to Encounter R2 on page 10.
Failure: The Death Gate is overload ed with a crippling
Treasure: The glabrezu's necklace is slung with the
blast of arcane power. Each adventurer loses one healing
treasure ofintruders it has slain-two level 30 magic items,
surge and takes a -2 penalty to Endurance checks until
a level 29 magic item, a level 28 magiC item, a potion aflife,
the party takes an extended rest. In its weakened state, the
and thirty rings, amulets, and other pieces of fine jewelry
gate can be opened with a DC 31 Strength check. Up to
worth 15 ,000 gp each.
four characters can aid in this check.
Encounter Level 27 (63,000 XP) Achree (A) Level 27 Skirmisher
Lar e elemenlal ueaS I la uiltic, demon) XP 11 .000
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +26; blindsight 10
SETUP HP 250; Bloodied 12 5; see also jaws of death
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 39
2 kazrith sentinels (K)
Resist 20 fire
1 achree (A)
Speed 4, swim 10; see also relentless attack
12 achree spawn CD Bite (standard; at·will)
Bloodstorm hazard Reach 2; +31 vs. AC; 4d8 + 9 damage, and the target is grabbed.
The achree cannot make bite attacks while it has a creature
Beyond the Death Gate lies the Red Hold's most potent grabbed, but it can use its vicious rend.
defense: the Bloodstorm . + VIcious Rend (standard: at-will)
If an achree begins its turn with a target grabbed in its jaws, it
makes an attack against the grabbed ueature: +30 vs. Fortitude;
When the adventurers open the Death Gate, read:
4d10 + 10 damage, and the target slides 5 squares, is knocked
{"hl'IIlIll' ~winJI~ wide willi (j blasl of r{'dllllncd steam and aJoul prone, and is no longer grabbed. Miss: Half damage, no slide,
Illil1l 01 dew). HI'_I'cl/III t"e nail' SUl1JCS a WilLI ofboilill9 blood still grabbed.
II'h05e he,ll CUll heJdl UIIl t1L~tdll(('. MOles ojc!t·IlII'ntllljlrt· and + Relentless Attack (standard; at-will)
Iill/lIl1ill,'l :;lIrlJl! IVilhill,hblUoad"llrm •.nDrilllJ liS blt,/crltI8 The achree moves its speed and can enter enemies' spaces. This
p,,~h'/ s t!f ~-lIl'crltl!lIleJ sll'am. movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the achree must
end its move in an unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy's
space, the achree makes a bite attack. Once after a successful
The guardians on patrol a rc drawn by the presence within
bite attack, the achree can end its movement within reach ofthe
the Bloodstorm of creatures not wearing activated blood­ same target and make a vicious rend attack against the target.
lVard bracelets. Roll initiative for the elemental motes (see ~ Jaws of Death (when reduced to 0 hit points)
"Features of the 1\ rea"). The kazrith sentinels and the Close burst 1; the achree makes a bite attack against all enemies
achree become active in the second rou nd a fter the fj rst in the burst.
adventurer ste ps into the moodstorm. Four achree spawn Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal)
Str 23 (+19) Dex 29 (+22) W ls 26 (+21 )
enter the fray in the third round, with additional waves of
Con 26 (+21) Int 2 (+ 9) Cha 20 (+18)
fimr each round thereafter. They enter the map from a ny
orthe various streams and move to close the distance and
attack. 12 Achree Spawn Level 26 Minion Brute
ME'di lJm e lemt'ntil l bc,l~t (a \lillie . demon) xr 2.250 e;Jc h
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +20; blindsight 10
2 Kazrith Sentinels (K) Level 26 Lurker H P 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also jaws ofdeath
lar e elemeflta l rna leal beast \all/atle. demon ) XP 9.000 eae h AC 38: Fortitude 36, Reflex 38, Will 36
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +20; tremorsense 20 Resist 20 fire
HP 183; Bloodied 91; see also acidic seepa8e Speed 4, swim 10
AC 40; Fortitude 38, Reflex 39, Will 37 CD Bite (standard; at-will)
Immune acid; Resist 20 cold, 20 fire Reach 2; +29 vs. AC; 16 damage. Miss: 8 damage.
Speed 6, swim 8 <.Jaws of Death (when reduced to 0 hit points)
CD Bite (standard; at-will) + Acid Close burst 1; the achree spawn makes a bite attack against all
Reach 2; +31 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 acid enemies in the burst.
damage (save ends). Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal )
~ Acidic Retreat (standard; recharge :~ tlll) + Acid Str 20 (+18) Dex 28 (+22) Wis 25 (+20)
Close burst 2: +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 damage, and ongoing 15 Con 25 (+20) Int 2 (+9) Cha 17 (+16)
acid damage (save ends). Effect: The kazrith swims its speed.
Acidic Seepage (usable only while bloodied) + Acid
The kazrith gains a +4 bonus to its swim speed, and at the start
of its turn creatures adjacent to it take 10 acid damage.
A kazrith makes saving throws against immobilized, restrained,
and slowed conditions at the start of its turn as well as at the end
of its turn .
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Primordial
Skills Stealth +27
Str 26 (+21) Dex 29 (+22) Wls 25 (+20)
Con 21 (+18) Int 18 (+17) Cha 12 (+14)
Illumination: Dim light.
The Bloodstorm (hazard): This deadly moat
of bOiling blood surrounds the Red Hoki and c
blocks all access to its cight«c'ntrances. Where it
opens up into the interior and the Death Gate
courtyard , the Bloodstorm hangs suspended in
open air. Elsewhere. it is constrained within a
sealed conduit ofimpcnetrable stone 30 feet high
and varying from 30 to 50 feet wide .
Fighting within the Bloodstorm incurs the I­
normal penalties for fighting underwater (Dun ­ Z
Beon Master's GUide. page 45). except that powers o
with the fire keyword do not take a penalty to
TACTICS attack rolls.
The kauith sentinels make bite attacks against lightly The thick ichor of the BIoodstorm limits Iinc of Sight to
armored foes, using their acidic retreat the first time they 4 squares, and it grants concealment.
take damage. Swimming deeper into the Bloodstorm, they Any creature that starts its turn within the Blood­
emerge from the murky depths beside a different foe to set stOrm takes 20 fire damage . Additionally. the powerful
up their next attack . magiC of the Bloodstorm negates the magical effect of the
The achree stays in constant motion , hitting as many Water Breathing ritual and similar eIlCcts (though aquatic
targets as possible with its relentless attack. If forced into creatures can breathe within it). A creature within the
one-on-one me lee, it alternates bite and vicious rend Bloodstorm can hold its breath, but horrific heat and pres­
attacks, flanking with one of its achree spawn. sure force it to make Endurance checks after 3 rounds
The achree spawn focus bite attacks on lightly armored rather than 3 minutes (DunEeon Master's Guide, page 159).
foes, swarming a single target to maintain combat advantage. A creature within the Bloodstorm takes a -2 penalty to
its speed. This penalty applies to all the creature's move­
DEVELOPMENT ment modes, but it does not apply to teleportation or to a
If the kazrith sentinels are defeated, the adventurers can pull, a push, or a slide.
enter the Red Hold without alerting its residents to their Dispel maBic and similar effects have no effect on the
presence. A surviving kazrith does not pursue the adven­ Bloodstorm.
turers beyond the Bloodstorm and into the Red Hold, but Elemental Motes: Floating motes of elemental
it sounds a silent alert that gives the party an automatic energy fuel the bOiling heat of the Boodstorm. On its ini­
encounter the first time a random encounter is checked tiative count, Id4 + 1 motes float out of the thick ichor
for (see Adventure Book One, page 10). The achrees do not to randomly target one or two adventurers. They float
raise any alarm if they are left alive. up adjacent to the target and let loose a burst of energy.
Once the adventurers pass through the Bloodstorm, Close burst 1; +30 vs. Reflex; 2d 10 + 8 fire and lightning
they emerge in the Red Hold soaked and reeking from the damage, and the target slides 1d4 squares.
foul ichor of that horrid moat. Inner Gateways: Within the Red Hold, open door­
ways hold the bOiling Bloodstorm magicany suspended.
Each gateway can be seen by a creature within 4 squares
of it, and a gateway can be passed through freely.
Encounter Level 27 (58,000 XP) Vampire Lord (Human Figllter) (V) Level 18 Elite Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (und~ad) XP 26,000
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
SETUP HP 408; Bloodied 204
Regeneration 15 (regeneration does not function while the vampire
Birik, vampire lord (V)
lord is exposed to direct sunlight)
I slaughter wight overlord (W)
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 41, Will 40
3 bonecrusher skeleton hulks (S) Immune disease. poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerable 20 radiant
Saving Throws +2
Unless the adventure rs have light sources in hand, they Speed 8, climb 4 (spider climb)
can approach this area undetected. The doors have a Action Points 1
narrow gap between them that allows a character to see CD Broadsword (standard: al·wlll) ... Weapon
through into the chamber beyond. and the me mbrane that +35 vs. AC; 3d10 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the
separates the chamber from the Bloodstorm appears as a end of the vampire lord's next turn.
hazy glow. .J. Double Strike (standard; al·wlll) ... Weapon
The vampire lord makes two broadsword attacks .
As the adventurers approach the door, read: .J. Blood Drain (standard; requires combat advantage against the
target; recharges when an adjacent creature becomes bloodied )
\ Sl't Ilfslone double doors is dosrd ahead. bochIacrs can'cd
... Healing
with routlll wriCina in Abyssal. Tlu.' scrawl offt!rs lip benedicliortS +33 vs. Fortitude; 4d12 + 8 damage, the target is weakened
to o reus. amI 5talI'S that by his oru(!rs, allllCcess is {orbIJtl('n/o (save ends), and the vampire lord regains 102 hit points; see also
whatlil'5 beyond. combat advanta8e.
:r Dominating Gaze (minor; recharge l!I)... Charm
Perception Check Ranged 5; +33 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends, with
a -2 penalty to the saving throw). Aftereffect: The target is dazed
DC 26: The haulltinJJ music of a set of pipes can be heard
(save ends). The vampire lord can dominate only one creature at
Ihrouflh tilt! door~ (or oprnin,q) ahead. a time.
Combat Advantage
I f the adventurers enter this area through the Bloodstorm, The vampire lord deals 2d6 extra damage with its attacks against
their presence is noted and the guardians here attack at any target it has combat advantage against.
once . Vampire Lord's Mark
The vampire lord deals 2d10 extra damage with its attacks
When the adventurers can see into the forbidden against any target it has marked.
court, read: Mist Form (standard; encounter) ... Polymorph
The vampire lord becomes insubstantial and gains a fly speed
Beyond the dOOTS stands a dimb-lit hall. Illpcstrif!s lillt! the waiL
of 12, but cannot make attacks. The vampire lord can remain in
"",im' dl.'lnunil statues cun-ed ofjt'! and basnlt, all deplctill8 hor· mist form for up to 1 hour or end the effect as a minor action.
rijl, 5(cnl.'s. OI'Crsi2l"cisllk cushiolls ure seateere,i across rltr.nom'. Second Wind (standard; encounter) ... Healing
an,1 n pale ImfliunoidJ11Jure sill III the celller of tilt! room lI'ith The vampire lord spends a healing surge and regains 101 hit
his back tel the dLlor. Pipes inllell1u, thefinurr plnJ's a hauntinfl. points. The vampire lord gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until
IIIh!Clrthfy melody. the start of its next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Abyml, Common
Skills Acrobatics +18. Athletics +29, Intimidate +17
The Wight and the skeletons stand along the outside walls
Str 30 (+24) De x 28 (+23) Wis 20 (+19)
and cannot immediately be seen through the doors. Do
Con 12 (+20) Int 18 (+18) Cha 26 (+12)
not place the monsters until the doors are opened. Equipment chain armor, broadsword
This is the antechamber to Orcus's private sanctum,
and the rooms where the arcane moorings holding the
chaos ship can be found . The demon prince has forbidd e n
access to this wing of the Red Hold and stationed undead
guards here. The guardians here attack at the first sign of
any intrusion .
The door is set with a complex magiC lock (D C 31
Thievery check to open). If the adventurers unlock the
door without being noticed (DC 27 Stealth check), they
gain surprise on the guardians beyond . Uthe adventur·
ers' attempts to unlock the door are noticed , the skeletons
ning the doors ope n and attack immediately.
3 Bonecrusher Skeleton Hulks (S) Level 25 Soldier
Lar e natural animate (undead) XP 7,000 each
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +19; darkvision Birik hangs back, lIsing his dominatin8 8aze against the
HP 232; Bloodied 116 strongest·looking melee combatant. He then forces that
AC 41 ; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 36
Immune disease, poison; Resist 25 necrotic; Vulnerable 15 radiant
character to attack a lightly armored adventurer, moving z
into nanking position against the same target. ''''hen his
Speed 8
domination is broken. Birik faJis back to repeat the same
<D Crushing Blow (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d1 0 + 9 damage, and the target is knocked tactic .
prone. The slaughter Wight overlord wades into melee against
+ Swift Retribution (opportunity action; whenever an enemy moves lightly armored roes with claw attacks, stayillg close to the
into or out of a square within reach of the bonecru~her skeleton) skeletons to nank and maximi ze the e ffect ofits bloodied
+ Weapon burst and death wail.
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage, and the target is dazed
The skeletons make crushit18 blow attacks agajnst the
(save ends).
closest targets, watching ror chances to make swift retribu·
Threatening Reach
A bonecrusher skeleton can make opportunity attacks against all tion opportunity attacks.
enemies within its reach (2 squares). :J
Alignment Unaligned Languages ­ FEATURES OF THE: AREA o
Str28 (+21) Dex26 (t 20) Wls 24 (+19) U
Con 24(+19) Int3(t 8) Ch.1 8(+11) Illumination; Dim light rrom hazy everburnillB torches. Z
Equipment greatclub Ceiling; 40 reet high.
Bloodstorm Gateway: Magic holds the Bloodstorm
Slaughter Wight Overlord (W) Level 27 Brute within the bounds orthis gateway. Creatures can pass
Medium na lu ral humanoid (un dead) XP 11,000 through the gateway without restrictions.
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +13; darkvision Statues: Carved orjet and basalt. each statue stands 15
HP 304; Bloodied 152; see also death wail to 20 reet high and depicts demonic Creatures in horrific
AC 39; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 39 poses. A statue provides cover and can be climbed with a
Immune disease, poison; Resist 25 necrotic; Vulnerable 15 radiant
DC 20 Athletics check.
Speed 7
The statues are imbued with vile magic. All good and
(±J Claw (standard; at-will) + Healing, Necrotic
+30 vs. AC; 5d6 + 9 necrotic damage, the target loses a heal­ unaligned creatures take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill
ing surge and is weakened (save ends), and the slaughter Wight checks , and saving throws while adjacent to a statue.
regains 20 hit points. Cushions; Heavy silk cushions are set in piles across
<E- Bloodied Burst (when fi rst bloodied; encounter) + Necrotic the chamber. These areas are difficult terrain.
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 9 necrotic Treasure: A locked strongbox beneath a cushion in
damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and immobilized (save
the southwest corner of the chamber (DC 26 Perception
check to discover, DC 31 Thievery check to unlock) con ­
<. +
Death Willi (when reduced to 0 hit points) Necrotic
ceals Birik 's treasure ­ lO,700 pp and 35 astral diamonds,
Close burst 5: targets enemies: +28 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 9
necrotic damage. Undead allies in the burst can make a basic plus four mithral rings , an adamantine amulet set with
attack as a free action. diamonds, and a platinum torc studded with rubies and
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common emeralds. Each orthe jewelry items is worth 50,000 gpo
Str 29 (+22) Dex 26 (+21) W isll (+13)
Con 24(+20) Int 17 (+16) Cha 24 (+20)
Encounter Level 26 (47,156 XP) Marilith Ward Keeper (K) Level 27 Elite Controller
lar e elemental humanoid (demon) XP 11,000
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
SETUP Keeper's Aura (Charm) aura 5; each ally within the aura gains a +1
bonus to AC. While the marilith ward keeper is bloodied, the
Kaasneva, marilith ward keeper (K)
bonus is gained on all defenses.
12 Iich vestiges (V)
HP 494: Bloodied 147
1 gulari (G) AC 41: Fortitude 39, Reflex 37. Will 37
Resist 10 acid. 10 cold, 20 fire
Kaasneva is used to the sounds of battle coming from the Saving Throws +1
Forbidden Court, and she ignores any combat there. As Speed 8
long as the adventure rs arc not carrying light, they can Action Points 1
approach unseen along the open balcony overlooking the CD Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Reach 1: +31 vs. AC: 3d10 + 5 damage (crit 3d10 + 35).
wards chamber.
+ Kee per Strike (standard; usable only while wielding a scimitar;
at-will) + Weapon
Perception Check Reach 1: +31 vs. AC; 3d10 + 5 damage (crit 3d10 + 35). and the
DC 17: '1 la' soulld offlowllln wall'r mn be lJeard from beyond target is dazed until the end of the keeper's next turn.
,llc ed,lll' /1 rill' balcony. a/onll witlt nU1I1"rous mice.';. + Hacking Blades (free, when an adjacent enemy mis~es the marilith
with a melee attack; usable only while wielding a scimitar; at,wIII)
When the adventurers can see over the balcony, read: + Weapon
The marilith ward keeper makes a scimitar attack against the
\ IlI/11l11l1arlslr (OUrl.l'urJ 01'1.'115 up brlo\l', o"u1'11.'11 by a Il(Ircll:
triggering creature. If the triggering creatures is dazed. the mario
'~llidH.'s lIud d ~llIlari porinl' sl0ldn8 al01l8 Ihe wall. i\ mari/illt lith makes two scimitar attacks.
iilS urop a/all' throll{'. Sire I'PPCUr5 1'n!oC(ul'i£'d'l/GZilln into lite + Stunning Steel (standard; recharge ;:: ! II) + Weapon
bu/J/1lilliJfollt of ret/black idlOr spillj"B are"!' ill lite [ellCer of the The marilith makes six scimitar attacks. If two or more attacks
!o\\'cr chamher. l'our olowinn I1cms, set into the rillJ of Iltefoun · hit a single target. that target is knocked prone and stunned
rajll, send streams of ener8Y illto Ihe air that 'wist arulform a (save ends).
sin.q/e rope of arcane pawer rlUlt Jisllppe£ITsjust hejore reae/linl} -i:-Hypnotic Dance (standard; at-will) + Charm, Psychic
Area burst 5 within 10; targets enemies; +33 vS. Will; the target
Ihe erilill8 of 1/1(' chamber,
is pulled 6 squares and Immobilized (save ends).
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
This is where the first of the four arcane moorings holding Str 29 (+11) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 10 (+18)
the chaos ship is bound. The adventurers must defeat the Con 13 (+13) Int 18 (+17) Cha 16 (+11)
guardians and deactivate the gems to disconnect the first Equipment 6 scimitars
There are four such ward stations scattered throughout DEVELOPMENT
the Red Hold . The adventurers must deactivate all four
To disengage the first wards. the adventurers must engage
stations to release the chaos ship from its arcane moorings
in a minor skill challenge or simply smash the warding
so that they can dive deeper into the Abyss.
gems (although this is actually more dangerous than the
skill challenge).
TACTICS Level: 27 (XP 11.000).
Kaasneva uses her hypnotic dance to draw foes close, pull­ Complexity: 1. (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
ing them into the effluent channels if possible. She targets Primary SkilJs: Arcana. Religion, Thievery.
the most powerful·looking foes with keeper strike, reserving Arcana (DC 31. standard action): The character stud ies
stllnnin8 steel until she has at least two foes within reach. the wards and determines that there are four such stations
The gulari stays in the thick of combat, alternating bite in place throughout the Red Hold . All four must be disen·
and slam attacks against lightly armored targets, and using gaged to free the chaos ship.
shiftin8 assault to stay close to its foes. Arcana (DC 26, standard action): The character removes
Half Qfthe Hch vestiges Oank for combat advantage one of the gems from the ward matrix.
with their death's tOllch. The other half remain back to use Thievery (DC 31, standard action): The character removes
shadow ray or orb of obliteration. one of the gems from the ward matrix.
Success: The adventurers disengage this set of wards.
releasing one of the four mystic moorings binding the
chaos ship.
12 Lich Vestiges (V) Level 16 Minion
Medium na tur,ll humanoid (undead) XP 1.150 eac h
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
Necromantic Aura (Necrotic) aura 1; any living creature that enters
or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 40; Fortitude 36, Reflex 40. Will 38
Immune disease. poison; Resist 20 necrotic
Speed 6
CD Death's Touch (standard; at·will) + Necrotic
+30 vs. AC; 10 necrotic damage. and the target is weakened
(save ends).
@ Shadow Ray (standard; at·will) + Necrotic
Ranged 20; +30 vs. Reflex; 10 necrotic damage, or 15 necrotic
damage Ifthe target is an arcane power user (such as a wizard).
-i~ Orb of Obliteration (standard; encounter) + Fire, Necrotic
Two. three. or four Iich vestiges acting on the same initiative
count can use their standard actions to hurl a single orb of black
fire that detonates on impact. Make one attack roll: Area burst
5 within 10 of one ofthe lich vestiges; +30 vs. Reflex; 5 fire and
necrotic damage per Iich vestige making the attack, and ongoing
fire and necrotic damage equal to 5 per lich vestige making the
attack (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Arcana +24
Str11 (+13) Dex 12 (+14) Wls 13 (+14)
Con 14(+15) Int 22 (+19) Cha 18 (+17) FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: Dim light in the lower chamber. The
Gulari (G) Level 15 Soldier balcony is dark.
l ar e elemental bcast (demon) XP 7.000 Ceiling: The ceiling is 30 feet high along the walls,
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +24; truesight 6 arching to a height of 50 feet at the center of the chamber.
HP 236; Bloodied 118 Fountain: This fountain provides cover. It te.atures a
AC 41; Fortitude 38, Reflex 36. Will 36
wide base of obsidian and a central spire sculpted as a cha­
Speed 8. climb 8 (spider climb); see also shiftinB assault
CD Bite (standard; at-will) + Polson otic eruption of mottled red , green. and black stone. Each
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d6 + 6 poison damage, and the target is of its dozen steamingjets vents blood and black ichor into
dazed until the end of its next turn . the air.
CD Slam (standard; at-will) Any living creature that ends its turn adjacent to the
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage. and the target is knocked fountain or an emuent channel is weakened until the
prone. beginning of its next turn. Any living creature entering the
+ Shifting Assault (immediate reaction, when an enemy within 2
fountain or a channel (including the drains) is weakened
squares of the gulari shifts; at-will)
(save ends).
The gulari shifts to within 2 squares of the triggering creature
and makes a bite attad and a slam attack against the triggering Balcony: The balcony overlooking the lower chamber
creature. stands 20 feet above the floor and has no railing. A crea·
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal) ture falling from the balcony takes 2dlO damage.
Skills Athletics +2 3, Acrobatics +24 Secret Door: Only Orcus and his ward keeper use this
Str 22 (+18) Dex 25 (+19) Wls 2S (+19) concealed door (DC 31 Perception check to spot, DC 31
Con 28 (+21) Int 2 (+8) Cha 20(+17)
Thievery check to open).
Treasure: At the bottom of the throne is a secret com­
Failure; The ward matrix unleashes a burst of necrotic partment (DC 26 Perception check to spot) that contains
energy, and each character in the chamber loses one heal· Kaasneva's treasure, which consists of 500 pp and 50
ing surge. If this occurs, the gems must be smashed to astral diamonds.
break the wards.
Alternately, a gem can be smashed by any melee strike.
When a gem explodes, characters within two squares lose
one healing surge. All four gems must be destroyed to dis·
able this set ofwards.
Encounter Level 27 (61,000 XP) Iron Golem Juggernaut Level 26 Elite Soldier
Hu e natural animate (construct) XP 18.000
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +1 S; dark vision
S ETUP Noxious Fumes aura 3; while the iron golem juggernaut is bloodied,
any creature that enters the aura or starts its turn there takes 10
1 iron golem juggernaut
poison damage.
HP 488; Bloodied 244; see also toxic death
The adventurers discover Ihat they arc not the only agents AC 41; Fortitude 43, Reflex 38, Will 36
operating within the heart of Oreus's stronghold. Immune disease, poison, sleep
Saving Throws +1
As the adventurers enter this area, show the players Speed 6 (cannot shift)
"View of the Ghost Door" on page 27 of Adventure Action Points 1
Book One, then read: CD Iron Blade (standard: at·will)
Reach 3; +33 vs. AC: 3d10 + S damage, and the target is marked
I his lurHt' (llnlllllllll1n'H Is t'mpty hut lhe l'I'('r'pr('s(,l1t slench oj (save ends).
lhl.' Ret/flulJ sUtllknly dl"H'~ us II shilllttlt'rill!l I'cif oj sih'cr lialtl + Cleave (standard; at·wlll)
rills llat' ail'. 1\ IIll1ssil'c 20 ((lor·hi,'!" door appears within Ille veil. The iron golem juggernaut makes two iron blade attacks, each
~l'l /11 LI$lOlll:/rtlllU:. I hl' flhos/ly ,fooT Is translu(clll. bur on ils against a different target.
{i,1Cl' is srllll1a~ rdlt:r~!lhollrtll' of {I !'(Ivens hend wreathed in + Dazing Fist (immediate Interrupt, when a creature marked by the
1I'IJirI.'.jlnme. iron golem juggernaut and within Its reach moves or shifts; at·will)
Reach 3; targets the triggering creature; +31 vs. Fortitude; the
target is dazed (save ends).
The ghost door activates in the presence of the Raven
(+ Breath Weapon (standard: recharge ~~~ lUi) + Polson
Queen's most trusted servanls-a role the adventurers took Close blast S; +31 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 9 poison damage, and
on when they became her heralds in El: Dealh's Reach. (If ongOing 5 poison damage (save ends).
you are not using that backstory, the magic of the ghost (+ Toxic Death (when first bloodied and again when the Iron golem
door simply conceals il from demons and creatures loyal to juggernaut drops to 0 hit points) + Polson
Ore us.) After 2 rou nds, or as soon as any of the adventur· Close burst 5; +31 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 6 poison damage, and
ongoing 10 pOison damage (save ends).
ers enters the area of silver light, the door's wards ac tivate .
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 30 (+13) Dex 18 (+17) Wis 14 (+1 5)
TIl/' Ira:/! t~r!irh'L'r (IY'II smltlcnlyJ1aTes as u 11118(' fimn takes Con 18 (+12) Int 3 (+9) Cha 3 (+9)
~hape \\'ilhin ita weal Ilolrm rmcreill8Jrolll the Joor itself Equipment longs word
\IIOIIIl:r I/o/elll bl!Hins /0 ,uke slwpe withill rhe lit71lf el'en us Ihe
11rsl 'ur(ht'~JorwcmJ fa atlack.
The prolcctive wards ojthe 8host door attcmpt to destroy those
TACTICS who inadvertently discover it.
The iron golem juggernaut takes on the closest foes with
its cleave, falling back on iron blade attack if the adventurers The ghost door's magical wards blast the adventurers
spread out. It concentrates melee attacks on two targe ts at with arcane power and disgorge deadly constructs set on
a time, but uses its breath weapon whenever it can target destroying them. Some of the ski)) checks in the challenge
three or more foes . require the adventurers to be within the field of silver
A new iron golem juggernaut is conjured by the magic light, as indicated.
of the door every 5 rounds. Even if the adventurers leave Level: 26 (XP 18,000).
the area, the ghost door continues to conjure iron golems Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures).
until a total offive have been created. The golems pursue Primary Skills: Arcana, Heal. Religion .
the party into any a rea of the Red Hold. Arcana (DC 26, standard action): The character taps into
the field of silver light, disrupting its flow. The character
EXP ERI ENCE making this check must be within the field of silver light.
The XP allotted for this encounter assumes that the ghost Heal (DC 26, standard action): The power of the Raven
door conjures two iron golems before the adventurers dis· Queen threads the thin line between life and death. By
able it. Adjust the XP tOlal depending on how many iron making a Heal check , a character can manipulate the
golems the adve nturers face . subtle flow of protective energy within the ghost door. The
character making this check must be within the field of
silver light.
The Ghost Door Level 15 Blaster
Trap XP 7,000

The haze ofsilver li8hl surroundina Ihl' door suddenly erupts in a

blasl ofarcane power.
Hazard: The wards of the ghost door lash out at intruders.
No check is necessary to notice the ghost door,
Initiative + 19
The ghost door manifests in response to the approach of
those who serve the Raven Queen, However, unless the door
is opened within 2 rounds, the trap attacks.
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: All enemies in burst
Attack: +28 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2dl 0 radiant damage, and the target is pulled 3 squares z
and dazed (save ends). FEATURES OF THE AREA
Special: Any creature that ends its turn within the field of
Illumination: Darkness berore the ghost door mani·
silver light (whether pulled by the trap or not) is subject to an
attack as above. rests. Bright light arter the ghost door appears.
On its initiative, the door activates. Every 5 rounds Ceiling: 40 reet high.
thereafter, the door conjures an iron golem juggernaut. The The Ghost Door: This portal is the entrance to the
golem attacks the creature that activated the wards of the extradimensionallair orthe Order orWhite Fire (sec
ghost door and any of its allies. A total of five iron golem Encounter R8 on page 24). The portal shifts rro m place
juggernauts can be conjured by the ghost door. to place, appearing as a massive glowing door, transhl'
cent but solid, set within a rreestanding stone frame. Each
+ The wards of the ghost door are disabled by a skill
challenge (see text). side reatures bas·relier carvings or a black raven's head set
within a corona of white flame .
Reliaion (OC 31. standard action): The character draws A DC 26 Arcana check reveals that the raven's head
on knowledge orthe Raven Queen's most powerrul rituals relief is the magical seal that locks the door, and that it is
to manipulate the energy within the ghost door. opened by a magic key (one or the crystal rods wielded
Success: The adventurers disable the magical wards by mem bers orthe order). The door cannot be opened
on the ghost door. Though the door still cannot be opened or damaged by any power or magic available to lhe
(see Encounter R8 on page 24), the field or silver light dis· adventurers .
appears and no additional iron golems are conjured . Iron Silver Light: A zone or protectivc silver light surrounds
golems already conjured continue to fight until destroyed. the ghost door in the area indicated on the map. The ZOIlC
Failure: The adventurers overload the magical wards cannot be damaged or arrected by any power or magic
on the ghost door. A burst or silver light fi lis the chamber, available to the adventurers.
dealing 3d8 + 5 radiant damage to all creatures within it.
Additionally, one last iron golem is conjured by the railing
wards. It immediately attacks.

The adventurers should realize that the manirestation or
the ghost door is not a part orthe Red Hold . The bas·relier
s),lllhol is clearly a sign orthe Raven Quee n, but the mean·
ing of the aura or white flame is unknown . The Order or
White Fire arc operatives orthe Raven Queen working
within the' Red Hold (see Encounter R8 on page 24).
Encounter Level 28 (67,500 XP) 1 Retrievers (R) Level 27 Soldier
Hu e imlllorr.,1 ilnlm~tc XP 11.000 each
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +20; dark vision.
SETUP truesight 10
HP 248; Bloodied 124
1 immolith seeker (I)
AC 43; Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 38
2 retrievers (H)
Immune charm. fear; Resist 5 to all damage
10 canoloth trackers (C) Speed 8
<±:> Claws (standard; atwill)
The manifestation of the ghost door has been felt within Reach 3; +34 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage.
the Hcd Iiold. As the adventurers seek the wards hold ­ <±:> Retrieve (standard; usable only while the retriever does not have
ing the mystic bindings of Sh eva it hall, Orcus's servants a creature grabbed: at-will)
Reach 3; +30 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 8 damage. and the target is
stalk them .
grabbed. The retriever can move a creature it has grabbed with­
out making a Strength attack.
When the adventurers can see into this area , read: ~ Eye Rays (standard: one ray recharges each round- roll a d4 to
litis l'n(.lf ml'u" c Iwmbl'r lUIs l/t!' I1ppeOfl1l1CI' oJU undcrwouml determine which) + Acid, Cold, Fire, Thunder
IIMllt''', I"illtcel lc) tilt' ellertlles oj tltl' 1\11)'55. A foul rl.'l'k ri.~('!> The retriever fires all the rays as a single standard action , but
from 11 Irulf .(0:,'11 I'enls 10m in Ihe woulld Ukc BlIplniJ wounds. each must target a different creature: ranged 10; +32 vs. Reflex.
:")'~lcJllille bit",," Irc('s lIIl11811'irh blood redfrllil., lInin,,! paths 1-Acid Ray: 2d10 + 9 acid damage, and the target is blinded
(save ends).
rlrol/ca./lo another cntrallCc OPPOSilt!.
2-Cold Ray: 2d10 + 9 cold damage, and the target is immobi·
lized (save ends).
When the adventurers move into the garden, read : 3-Fire Ray: 2d10 + 9 fire damage , and ongoing 15 fire damage
Flrdinlu ~udlJCllh flarc} lit tlll'."Jr clltranre, and a horrid hOIl'I· (save ends).
ill8JIlIs thc air. Two r('/r/cwr~ lumber Illto the durk ljtlrden. t1 4-Thunder Ray: 2d10 + 9 thunder damage, and the target is
park "fllrmored (UUOIOlhs al tllefr sit/e./\s the rorrent off/ume stunned (save ends).
UUI'<lnce.., It ,akes IJrt' «Inn oj till flllmolith . UMarIa] wretches/" il Self-Repair (standard; recharges when first bloodied) + Healing
The retriever regains 20 hit pOints and gains a +4 bonus to AC
., hrieb. uYCTU rllllllllht to /It! unnoticed? In the nnnll' ofOrcus,.I'01l
until the start of its next turn .
wfll,1nyfor !'(lur/d" I Unerring Accuracy (standard; daily) + Teleportation
The retriever senses the general location of the target or nearest
Immolith Seel<er (I) Level 28 Controller creature of the type it was commanded to locate. The retriever
l al 'I' el"me nt al 111.1 ,i c.,1 be..!,t (de mon. fire. undead) XI' 13,000 teleports to a space that is within 10 squares of the target. The
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +19; darkvision target need not be on the same plane as the retriever when it
Flaming Aura (Fire) aura 1; each creature that enters or starts its uses this power.
turn in the aura takes 15 fire damage. Alignment Unaligned Languages -
HP 262; Bloodied 131 Str 26 (+21) Dex 29 (+22) Wis 25 (+20)
AC 42; Fortitude 40. Reflex 38, Will 38 Con 24 (+20) Int 2 (+9) Cha 10 (+13)
Immune disease. fire, poison; Resist 20 fire . 20 force; Vulnerable 15
10 Canoloth Trackers (C ) Level 28 Minion
Speed 6
Met/ium l'il'l1I l·nt.f l hea\t (del11on) XP J,l~O ";)( h
<±:> Claw (standard; at·will) + Fire
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +21 ; blindsight 10
Reach 4 ; +33 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
damage (save ends).
+ Fiery Grab (standard; at-will) + Fire
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 39. Will 38
Resist 25 poison
The immolith makes a claw attack (see above) against a Large or
Speed 7
smaller target. On a hit. the target slides into a square adjacent to
<±:> Tongue Lash (standard; at·will)
the immolith and is grabbed . While grabbed, the target loses any
Reach 4 ; +18 vs. AC; 11 damage, and the target is dazed (save
resistance it has to fire . An immolith can hold up to five grabbed
ends). If the target is already dazed. it takes an extra 5 damage
creatures using this power.
~ Deathfire Curse (minor; at-will) + Fire
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Ranged 10; + 32 vs . Will; the target is slowed (save ends). After·
Str 31 (+24) Dex 27 (+22) Wis 25 (+21)
effect: The target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Con 24 (+21) Int 10 (+14) Cha 12 (+15)
Vigor of the Grave (minor 1/round; at-will) + Healing
Close burst 5; undead in the burst (including the immolith) regain
15 hit points.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal. Common
Str 28 (+23) Dex 27 (+22) Wis 20 (+19)
Con 30 (+24) Int 18 (+18) Cha 27 (+22)
Illumination: Darkness initially. then bright light
when the immolith appears.
Ceiling: The domed ceiling stands 30 feet high along
the walls, rising to 60 feet at the center of the garden .
Crystal Trees: 1\-visted trees of black crystal arc spread
throughout the dark garden. their branches dripping black
ichor and hanging with glistening fruitlike orbs of con­
gealed blood.
Squares containing crystal trees are difficult terrain
and proVide concealment to anyone standing ill thel1l .
A crystal tree's trunk provides cover to anyone stand ­
ing adjacent to it. However, the trees' demonic taint is
toxic to mortal life. Any creature with the natural origin
that begins its turn in an area of crystal trees takes 2d8 z
damage plus ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Elemental Vents: These rough vents chmnel the raw
energy of the elemental chaos in random bursts. I f any
creature begins its turn adjacent to an elelllcntal vent.
the vent has a 50 percent chance of erupting in a burst 2:
+2S vs. Fortitude; 2dS + S cold , fire, or lightning damage
TACTICS (determine randomly), and the target takes 10 ongoing
damage (of the same type) and is dazed until the end ofits
The immolith seeker lashes out at range with deathfire curse
next ,t urn.
to harry targets engaging the retrievers and canoloths.
Sodden Ground: The ichor of the crystal trccs spreads
At the same time, it uses fiery arab to thwart adventur­
to create a foul muck. These areas are difficult terrain.
ers attempting to engage it in melee. Once it or one of the
Any creature that runs or makes a double move at a walk
retrievers is bloodied, it forgoes deatlifire curse and moves
through an area of sodden ground must make a DC 27
into the thick of battle to heal itself and the retrievers with
Acrobatics check or end its movement and fall prone.
viaor ofthe wave.
Treasure: Orcus's elite hunters flaunt their superiority
A retriever uses its eye rays against heavily armored
over lesser demons with displays of wealth . Each canoloth
targets, then attacks the closest adventurer with claw and
tracker has its armored hide studded with S astral dia­
retrieve attacks while its eye rays recharge.
monds that can be pried free with a few minutes' work .
The canoloth trackers swarm Single targets or adventur­
The immolith seeker wears an adamantine belt set with
ers fighting back to back, flanking for combat advantage.
astral diamonds (worth 250,000 gp) and a headband of
Once a target is dazed, they focus their tongue lash attacks
intellect. If this magic item cannot be used by the adventur­
on that foe to deal extra damage.
ers, replace it with another level 30 item from the players'
wish lists.
Orcus's servants are as self·serving as all demons. If the
adventurers break off the fight, the immolith and the
canoloths send the retrievers to finish the job, counting on
their unerrina accuracy to let them pursue and destroy the
intruders. Ifboth retrievers are slain before the adventur­
ers retreat . the immolithjudges the party as too powerful
to bce alone. and he retreats to send out other search
parties. Any subsequent checks for random encounters
are successful on a roll of lor 2 on IdS from this point
forward .
Whatever the outcome of this fight. the adventurers
know that the forces oCthe Red Hold have been alerted
to their presence. Orcus's servants will catch up to them
again in Encounter R8 (see page 24).
Encounter Level 30 (95,500 XP) 2 Beholder Eyes of Oespair (B) Level 27 Elite Artillery
lar e aberrant ma .ical beast XP 1) .oon eac h
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +17: all-around vision,
SrTllP darkvision
HP 388: Bloodied 194; see also ripple of chaos
2 beholder eyes of despair (R)
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 39, Will 40
10 rot harbinger reavers (n)
Saving Throws +1
Malfunctioning anarch sphere (hazard) 1M] Speed fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 1
USl~ the poster map when running this encounter. <D Bite (standard; at-will)
+34 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 damage.
As the adventurers approach this chamber, read: ~ Central Eye (minor l/round; at·will)
Ranged 10; +31 vs. Fortitude, and the target cannot use encoun·
Flrmmral cncrJtl· cmckb 100uill ahead. but a horrid shriek
ter attack powers or daily attack powers until the end of the
IfWlIlcn/a rily drowns our dl(~ $OUntl.
beholder eye of despair's next turn.
~ Eyes or the Beholder (free, w hen an enemy starts Its turn within
Two more orthe mystic wards binding the adventurers' 5 squares of the beholder eye of despair; at-will)
chaos ship ca n be found in th is area. Unfortunately, one The eye of despair uses eye ray against the triggering enemy.
of the slored anarch spheres has malfunctioned , and ~ Eye Rays (standardi at-will) • see text
it threatens to destroy t he chaos ship that is myst ically The beholder eye of despair uses one eye ray power chosen
from the list below. Using eye rays does not provoke opportunity
anchored to this chamber.
1-Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 10; +31 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 7 damage,
When the adventurers can see into this area, read: and the eye of despair slides the target 6 squares.
llJio; llll,qc c1'cJ1nbrr l~ lilh'tl with Ihe corpses ofenormous 2-Weakening Ray: Ranged 10: +31 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 7
tIl'1II01lS. tllcir d,arrcJ hodiL'~fUsctlln/o /lIe waIls. Sl'vcn (lIIorch damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
sphcrrs across/lit' d,omh,'r urr locked II'fdlir1 donora/t' cradlrs 3-Despair Ray (Psychic): Ranged 10; + 31 vs. Will ; 4d8 + 7
,!fIllOHlecl SIOllt'. Tcntlrib of arcan~ clters.." risefrolll IWO of the psychic damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all attack
rolls (save ends).
Jdr~rh('r6,forminEl mystic ropr~ (hal dL'-Ilppcar CIS Ihcy r!.'(lc"
4-Maddening Ray (Charm, Psychic): Ranged 10: +32 vs. Will;
toword the (Cflilln- just like th!.' si"'ery cords bil1tlill8 _"OUT vessel. 4d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is dominated until the
C)l1e l!f O'l.' splwri'~j1m:.~ with uncOIl/rollcd POII'l'r, Two behold end of the eye of despair's next turn.
crs rl'~ronn a rilunl ol'('r Ihe broken spllt'r!.', II'/III!' a horde (if rot S-Confusing Ray (Psychic): Ranged 10; + 32 vs. Will; 4d8 + 7
hdTh"I}JCTSl>ock oway{rom /ht' destrllCI/ve werB.I' The n~l'slic psychic damage , and the target uses a move action at the start of
rOl'6 sct'm [(l be tunnleti in 111£' storm C?f cller.CJY rell/in/l t,bMe lite each turn to move its speed in a random direction (save ends),
IIW!fUIICtiollh18 ~T'lIere,un" s/rutld('rs oj drslructive power spo 6-Teleporting Ray (Teleportation): Ranged 10; +32 vs. Reflex;
4d8 + 7 damage, and the eye of despair teleports the target 10
radicalll trawl up rhe (ords-perhaps even toward your ship.
~ Ripple of Despair (when first bloodied; encounter)
Since discovering the power surge, the beholder eyes of Each enemy within 5 squares of the beholder eye of despair is
despair has been attempting to control it. The creatures in targeted by a random eye ray power as a free action and takes
this chamber are distracted, and the adventurers gain sur· a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). The eye of despair then
prise if they attack at once. If they wait in the hope that the teleports 6 squares as a free action.
malfunctioning sphere will finish these defenders off, they Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Deep Speech
Str 18 (+17) Dex 26 (+21) Wls 18 (+17)
are noticed after 1 round . That 's when one of the be hold ·
Con 26 (+21) Int 21 (+18) Cha 28 (+22)
ers and the rot ha rbingers move in to attack.

Arcana Check 10 Rot Harbinger Reavers (R) Level 28 Minion Soldier

Medium e lem enta l humanoid (und ead I XP 3,150 eac h
DC 28: If,he mo!functiolllnB sphm: isn', disnblnl OT iflhl! Initiative +24 Senses Perception +22
nI)'stiL bintl/II8s anuc/lec/to your ship tlTen '1 CUI. tlu:n the build H P 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
lnll ~torlll of el1er8J' (ould srl'ere/y ,/om081' or tlestroy tile chaos AC 44; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 39
·hip you /ra\'c (ollllll(mdl.'t'red. Time isn't all your side ill rllis Immune disease , poison, necrotic
ptHticular ~i.lllation , Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
<D Rotting Claw (standard; at-will) • Necrotic
+35 vs. AC; 12 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
the rot harbinger's next turn.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 24 (+21) Dex 30 (+24) Wis 27 (+22)
Con 27 (+22) Int 21 (+19) Cha 19 (+18)
Malfunctioning Anarch Sphe re Leve l 30 Blaster
H a7a rd XP 1<),000

One of the anarch spheres within the chamber crupts with mil'
clemental power.
Hazard: The damaged anarch sphere attacks everything in the
No check is required to notice the malfunctioning sphere.
Initiative +8
The anarch sphere malfunctions when the adventurers enter
the chamber.
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: Three creatures within range (chosen randomly)
Attack: + 33 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 10 cold, fire, and lightning damage, and the target
takes ongoing 5 cold, fire, and lightning damage and is dazed
(save ends).
• The malfunctioning anarch sphere can be disabled by one
or more characters adjacent to it making three successful
DC 33 Arcana or Thievery checks (each check is a standard
action). A failed check deals 3d6 + 8 cold, fire, and lightning
damage to the character.

The eyes of despair break off trying to stop the anarch
sphere and use their eye rays against random adventur­
ers, moving into the thick of combat to gain extra attacks
from its eyes of the beholder aura. When their attacks create
forced movement, they move PCs into range of the mal­ Failure: The ward matrix unleashes a burst of necrotic
functioning anarch sphere's attack. energy, and each character in the chamber loses ont' heal­
The rot harbinger reavers swarm the closest adventur­ ing surge. rfthis occurs, the gems must be smashed to
ers, flanking to make rottin8 claw attacks. break the wards.
Alternately, a gem can be smashed by any melee strike.
DISENGAGING THE WARDS When a gem explodes, characters within two squares lose
one healing surge. All four gems must be destroyed to dis ­
To disengage the second and third wards, the adventurers
able this set of wards.
must engage in a minor skill challenge or simply smash
the warding gems (although this is actually more dan­
gerous than the skill chaJle nge). This challenge must be DEVELOPMENT
completed twice to disengage the wards. Give the adventurers time to take a short rest after they
Note that the wards are set into the frames of the two complete this encounter. Afterward, or if they attempt to
anarch spheres farthest from the entrance to this chamber. leave without taking a rest, go to the next encounter.
Level: 27 (XP 11,000).
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures). FEATURES OF THE AREA
Primary Skills: Arcana, Religion, Thievery.
Illumination: Bright light.
Arcana (DC 31, standard action): The character studies
Ceiling: 40 feet high.
the wards and determines that there are four such stations
Anarch Spheres: The massive anarch spheres in their
in place throughout the Red Hold. All four must be disen­
cradles provide cover to any Large or smaller creature.
gaged to free the chaos ship.
Bodies: A host of rot harbingers and demon minions
Arcana (DC 26, standard action): The character removes
have already fallen to the power of the malfunctioning
one of the gems from the ward matrix.
anarch sphere. Areas containing bodies are difficult terrain.
Thievery (DC 31, standard action): The character removes
Areas containing piled bodies are challenging terrain, and
one of the gems from the ward matrix.
can be crossed only with a DC 18 Acrobatics or Athletics
Success: The adventurers disengage this set of wards,
releasing one of the four mystic moorings binding the
chaos ship.
Encounter Level 30 (95,000 XP) Retriever Holocaust Level 30 Solo Soldier
Hu e imm orta l ~ n il11atc XP 95.000
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +24; darkvision, truesight 10
SFTUP Holocaust Aura (Fire) aura 5; each creature that starts its turn
1 retriever holocaust within the aura takes 15 fire damage. See also shield offire.
HP 1,104; Bloodied 552; see also self repair
When the filrces the adventurers fought in the Dark AC 46; Fortitude 44. Reflex 43, Will 42
Garden failed to report back to their posts, the most feared Immune charm. fear; Resist 10 all
Saving Throws +5
hunter in Orclls's arsenal was recaJled to the Red Hold-a
Speed 10; teleport 10
retriever holocaust. This ancient abomination once served Action Points 2
the primordials, but now it answers to Orcus and his top <D Claws (standard; at-will)
commanders. Reach 3; +37 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 damage.
Usc the poster map when running this encounter. + O aw Aurry (standard: at·wlll)
The retriever holocaust makes four claw attacks, less one claw
When the adventurers have taken a short rest, or for each creature it has grabbed.

if they attempt to leave the sphere nexus, show the

+ Great Retrieve (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; targets up to four creatures, less one for each creature
players "View of Holocaust" 011 page 27 of Adventure the retriever already has grabbed; +35 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10
Book One, then read: damage, and the target is grabbed. The retriever can move a
rill? pu/sll18 lillht oj the Llllardt sp/Jt~res suddenly flickers as if creature it has grabbed without making a Strength attack.
Ilisrupred by some lJnsernforel'. At the head oftIll! chnrnber, an CD Shield of Fire (Immediate Interrupt, when a creature within the
eXrlMioll ofblaekfire Ulilcashes a hU8L' spieler-like construd that retriever's holocaust aura makes an attack roll; at-will) + Fire,
hrlt'l~s tiS it attacks. Necrotic
+35 vs. Fortitude; 4d1 0 + 9 fire and necrotic damage, and the
triggering attack takes a -1 penalty to the attack roll.
Place the retriever holocaust 011 the poster map within the ::rHolocaust Rays <standard; recharge 1:·:1Tf) + Fire. Necrotic
entrance to the chamber. If the adventurers attempt to Dee Ranged 10; three attacks at three different targets; +35 vs.
from the retriever, it tcleports ahead of them into whatever Reflex; 3d1 0 + 9 fire and necrotic damage. and the target takes
corridor they move down, using its size to force them back ongOing 5 fire and necrotic damage and is dazed (save ends
into the open space of the chamber if it can. both). A creature already dazed is stunned (save ends).
Path of Flame
Each time the retriever holocaust teleports. it unleashes a storm
TACTICS of fire at its destination in a close burst 3: +35 vs. Reflex; 2d10 +
The retriever holocaust attacks in a mad fury, alternating 9 fire damage. and the target is blinded (save ends).
clawjlurry and holocaust rays attacks. It stays in the thick Self-Repair (standard; recharges when first bloodied) + Healing
The retriever regains 100 hit points and gains a +4 bonus to AC
ofcombat to maximize the effect of its hoLocaust aura and
until the start of its next turn.
shield offire, teleporting each round to unleash its path of Unerring Accuracy (standard; daily) + Teleportation
jlame. The retriever senses the general location of the target or nearest
creature of the type it was commanded to locate. The retriever
DEVELOPMENT teleports to within 10 squares ofthe target. The target need not
be on the same plane as the retriever.
After the retriever holocaust has been defeated, the Order Alignment Chaotic evil Languages -
of White Fire appears to offer aid to the adventurers. Go Str 32 (+26) Dex 30 (+15) Wis 18 (+24)
on to the Interlude on the faCing page for details and infor­ Con 28 (+24) Int 18 (+19) Cha 14(+17)
mation regarding the Order and what they can offer to the
adventurers. terrain. Areas containing piled bodies are challenging ter·
rain, and can be crossed only with a DC 18 Acrobatics or
FEATURES OF THE AREA Athletics check.
Any squares containing bodies or piled bodies that
Illumination: Bright light.
the retriever holocaust moves through are ignited by its
Ceiling: 40 feet high.
holocaust aura, and remain burning until the end of the
Anarch Spheres: The massive anarch spheres in their
encounter. Any creature that moves into or begins its
cradles provide cover to any Large or smaller creature.
turn adjacent to or within a burning square takes 15 fire
Bodies: A host of rot harbingers and demon minions
have already fallen to the power of the malfunction­
ing anarch sphere. Areas containing bodies are difficult
In the aftermath of the battle with the retriever, the adven­ Q: What is this place? How did you get here? 1:
turers find themselves in the company of unexpected "Tnfllberd is 1m t' tradirnensioncl! space whose I'ntrUrJCf opens to ~
allies-servants of the Raven Queen hidden within Orcus's rhose blessed by the Rllvell QUeen. M!IIenllfa 080. WI Ulty"'8uve
sanctum. her life la see a seed of the ,%adO\\1el/ secreted here. rrnm that o
seed. Taltlberelwas iJroWJT. Our force is d dozen stroll8 noll', bill
When the retriever holocaust is defeated, read: many more have died in sen'ice to Ollr calise. However, 115/01111 as
EI'en as the retrieVI'T holocaustfalls,footsteps echo from nearby. tlle Raven Queen's power endures. ollr sallctum is srife." ~
Eiyht!illures appear. IIII'll armed ami ready tofiyht- but Ihese arc o
liD JI'IIWrtS. }\ force of an8cl~ 5tl1 res ill amuzernent, their swortls Q: What do you do here?
bluzillt/ white, armor embossed \\lith the sl8il een on thi' 8'tost "We en8u8e in skirmisll llJ1d sllboLa8l' oprratiOI15 Iltjainslthe er
rloor-tile rLII'en's head crownl'd wldl I\I/rilcfil'i!. vants (ifLhe demoll prince, disruptin8lhrir plllns illla rorruplillJI
Olle ansel stel'~for\llord. "r am Ebantar.lord o{fhe \,vllile Iheir inrel1ilwn(e. We have been ullurtJe ill EverJost oflale, bUI U
Fire and servonl ofthe Haven Queen. You arc in wave peril. Ihe activalion of the tlh051 door's wards and t"~ disruptionll'itltin :J
Follow liS ifYOIl wish 10 live: tIle sphere IIC'XUS drew us back ro the Red Ifold ." ..J

If the adventurers balk at accompanying the angels, any Q: 'Vhat have you learned regarding Orcus's plots? f­
InSight check reveals that Ebantar's desire to help the "The .. email prillcl. hnSJlOlclll.ellcdll.itlJinlJis stlnctllmfor lalln
party is genuine. months, LIlld his custellan Hart/won is ahroad ill Everlosl. TIll'
/leI! hascoonllnuceJ Ihe luunch q{lwoweut chaos ship!> trwl
When the adventurers follow the angels, read: CVL'l1 now drop downward to the Fori'll' of Fou r "Varlds, butfar
Ebanrar leads thl' woup 10 on empI)' chamber Ilorth ofthe \VIla/ reason , we do 1101 know."

sphere Ilexus, where rite 8itosl door appears once lIlore. The
fie!el (if si/wr lit/ht}lares, bur Haluar rarries a cryslal roJ tllO/ Q: What is the Forge of Four Worlds?
he touches to tlte rm't n" IIl'aJ siJlil. With IJ pulse 0 shlH!m". the "/'Ile I-orne is lin (lnd1'1l1 is/allJ mole hunnhl}) hi lite tlbysstll
.loor Jfsllppeur to rev!.'ul tl 1'051 e.\ tmJimensional spOC!' beyond. dl'pl/is. 1/ ucts as u cOllduitJar elemental und urctlIll' encr8Y,
1\ counyartl I~fHolden-w(~ marble isIronreu. by tall archways focusl1l8IJnd slrellljtll£lIillf) the TtlII' cllIIOS 'if "II! ; \IIj55 to tW III!r
and ltan[fina 8ardt!lls. all biJthed in silver linhl. dte pOIVl'r bq"lJd irnu.<-/ination."
Ebantllr beckons \\Iilhin. "We/come to Tal(lb(Trd,"
The angels are no match for a direct confrontation with
Orcus's servants are scouring the Red Hold in the Orcus's forces, and they cannot fight alongSide the adven­
aftermath of the battles in the Sphere Nexus, but the turers. However, they can help the party escape.
adventurers are safe within Talaberel for as long as they
want to stay. At the very least, the party should take an "TIle last q.f the \Vards you nred 10 disable CdJl befound in rIll'
extended rest within the safe location. Grl'CIIl-111/1. From Ihere, the sufi-'St route back [0 tlte /lIoodstonll
The host of the Order of White Fire includes angels of and Ihen [0 the Deatll Gate is dOll'n Ihe pit offlr~ Imd tltrouflll
vengeance (Monster Manual, page 17), authority (Monster the kitchens C?frhc ned l/old . We will keep the serl'anls ofOrcus
Manual 2, page 8), and supremacy (Monster Manual 2, page occupied wilhill thelortress while you make your way. Good luck,
10). Ebantar is an angel of supremacy with the archangel chost!n ofDcllth undfriend ofEltc."
template (Monster Manual 2, page 10). The angels answer
any questions the adventurers have, even as they ask about If the adventurers take the route through the Great Hall
the party's purpose in coming to the Red Hold. Adjust the suggested by Ebantar, make no further checks for random
responses below if you are not playing this adventure as a encounters.
sequel to adventures E1 and E2. Ebantar has the means to send a one-way message to
the Raven Queen with any information the adventurers
Q: Who are you? share with him. The adventurers should feel confident
"We 111\' til(' Lellra- tlte Order ofWhil!.' /'Ire. We LIre tile Ral'ell that the Raven Queen will be warned of and well guarded
Queen's sen'ant , lholl8" our mis. ion has lon8 erarateLl us from against any imminent threat while they follow the other
her. 'Ve will 'ndurl' LInd Ilit' lu:rt' un/i1 Orcus's riots IlIJainsr (,ur chaos ships down to the Forge of Four Worlds. In addition
mistress art! muiane: to providing the adventurers with directions to the Forge,
the angels offer a level 29 magic item and two potions oflife
to aid them in their journey.
Encounter Level 29 (79,500 XP) High Aspect of Orcus (0) level 29 Elite Brute
Hli e elell1('nlal humanoid (d('mon) XP 30.000
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +13;
SETUP low-light vision. darkvision
lesser Aura of Death (Necrotic) aura 10; each enemy that enters or
1 high aspect of Orcus (0)
starts its turn in the aura takes 10 necrotic damage (20 necrotic
2 storm devil thralls (S)
damage while the high aspect of Drcus is bloodied).
10 mezzodemon throne guards (M) HP 664; Bloodied 332
AC 41 ; Fortitude 43. Reflex 39, Will 40
Ebantar and his angels escort the adventurers to the Immune disease. poison; Resist 20 necrotic, 10 fire, 10 force , 10
bronze doors of the Great I-Iall, site of the vile revels and radiant
loul banquets that entertain Orcus and his most loya l ser­ Saving Throws +2
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
vitors. The fourth sct of wards binding the chaos ship can
Action Points 1
also be lound here .
ill Skull Mace (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
Reach 3; +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 damage, and the target is weak­
As the adventurers approach the doors, read:
ened (save ends).
\r rlu lOp lifllw srair5. a sel '?fhalj opell hronze doors arc '" Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
II'rcuthcd 111 j1ll1lH'. "lirkcrill8 whitr liBht comesfrorn beyond, The high aspect of Orcus makes two skull mace attacks.
ucwllIl'unicd by shoutrd voic('~ Ilndlrem:il.'u shrieks. '" Tail lash (Immediate reaction, when an enemy moves or shifts
within 3 squares of the aspect of Drcus; at-will)
Unless they have a light source in hand , the adventurers Reach 3; +30 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 12 damage, and the target is
knocked prone.
can approach the open doors unseen .
Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Arcana +26. History +26, Intimidate +27, Religion +26
When the adventurers can see into the area , read:
Str 30 (+24) Dex18(+18) Wls19(+18)
Broad tables oj blulk onyx arc smttrrra across tl cavernous weal Con 32 (+25) Int 24 (+21) Cha 27 (+22)
halL fen rnt:'...::DIlcmons clumbl'T alonn the rvunh waUs of tlle Equipment skull mace
dlum",·r. shoutill9 Ilnd curo;/ns II'. rhey hal1Y rapesrries dcpicli1l8
foul Jrntollic r('""lrirs_ 1'11'0 storm devils arc shacklrtl ro appo­ 2 Storm Devil Thralls (S) level 27 Artillery
silt' \\'uJl5,lishrina dlllle/IIJ} al0118 rheir b/uckcned chaills as llrey
Mediull1lmmnrtal humanoid (d... vil) XP 11 .0UO each
hrkk in raili. Bdween them. a vaSTfire pit ruBE'S wirlr whitr '10' Initiative +21 Senses Perception +20; dark vision
nume. Tr1111riL~ of areal1/' powerform into a sin8'e rope ofeller.']yHP 195; Bloodied 97
thar ,lisllppenrs ru ir reaches toward the (eiIi1l8' AC 39; Fortitude 39. Reflex 39, Will 38
Resist 20 fire, 20 lightning. 20 thunder
mas~ive black tllTol1e rises tIlJClinsl the flTr wall. Atop hi
Speed 7, fly 7 (clumsy)
hi81t sear sits Orcus. piles of8'ealllirl8 Ireruure and bodies ~er al
ill Trident (standard; at-will) + lightning, Weapon
Ilisfeel. +32 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 damage. and the target takes ongoing 10
lightning damage and is dazed (save ends both).
The high aspect ofOrcus is larger than others of its kind. 6J lightning Fork (standard; usable only while wieldIng a trident;
though it is likely that the adventurers will see it for the at-will) + lightning, Weapon
shadow of the demon prince that it is. Ranged 20; +32 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 lightning damage.
i~ Infernal Thunderclap (standard; recharge l~ -i ]) + lightning,
Perception Check Thunder
DC 33: TTltlU1}1t rhe dCllllll1 .1101' Ihe Ihrone drpcar~ to be Orms, Area burst 2 within 20; +30 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 9 lightning and
thunder damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and dazed
ir carrics LIlt iron mace rmher chait the denwnlord's usual skull ­
until the end of its next turn.
IOl'ped wand. Cydone (free, when fi rst bloodied; encounter)
The storm devil shifts 3 squares, and any Medium or smaller
The sole task of the high aspect of Orcus is to sit on Orcus's enemy adjacent to the storm devil at the start of the move is
throne when th e demon lord is not in attendance, and to knocked prone.
defend the Great Hall against the occasional challenger. Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Supernal
Storm devils are universally reviled by the demons for Skills Stealth +26
Str 21 (+18) Dex 27 (+21) Wls 24(+20)
their use of elemental power. The two devils here were
Con 27 (+21) Int 16 (+16) Cha 15(+15)
captured and corrupted by Orcus, and serve him now as Equipment trident
deranged but faithful guards.
If the adventurers attack immediately, they gain sur­
prise. If they linge r, the mezzodemons notice them in the
following round .
10 Mezzodemon Level 21 Minion Soldier
Throne Guards (M)
Medium elemental huma noid (demon) XP 2.750 eac h
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +21; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 43; Fortitude 40, Reflex 39, Will 39
Resist 25 poison, 15 lightning, 15 thunder
Speed 6
(D Trident (sta ndard; at·will )
Reach 2; +34 vs. AC; 11 damage.
-<- Restraining Breath (stand,u d; encounter)
Close blast 3; targets enemies; +32 vs. Fortitude; 11 damage, and
the target is restrained (save ends).
Alignment Chaotic evil unguages Abyssal
Str 29 ( 22) Dex 26 (+21) Wls 26 (+21)
Con 23(+19) Int 14 (+15) Cha16 (+16)

The high aspect ofOrcus throws itself at the strongest­
looking melee combatant, counting on its tail lash and ing surge. If this occurs, the gems must be smashed to
lesser aura ofdeath to hold off other attackers . break the wards.
The storm devil thralls have their movement limited by Alternately, a gem can be smashed by any melee strike.
the chains that bind them to the walls (3 squares). They When a gem explodes , characters within two squares lose
try to push foes into contact with the throne. one healing surge. All four gems must be destroyed to dis­
The mezzodemons swarm the closest intruders and able this set ofwards.
attack with restrainin8 breath, then set flanks .
DEVELOPMENT Illumination: Bright light.
The angels show the adventurers where the Great Hall is, Ceiling: 50 feet high.
and then they depart to engage other demon hunting par­ Bronze Doors: Each flame -shrouded door is 3 feet
ties to give the adventurers time to deal with the wards thick and stands 30 feet high and 15 feet wide. A creature
and then make their escape. touching a door takes 20 fire damage.
Fire Pit: This elemental vent serves as the entrance to
DISENGAGING THE WARDS the kitchens 100 feet below (see Encounter R9). Charac­
To disengage the fourth set of wards , the adventurers mnst ters can descend by flying or levitating, or can climb the
engage in a minor skill challenge or simply smash the walls of the pit with a DC 26 Athle tics check. However,
warding gems (although this is actually more dangerous any character that enters or starts a turn in the white -hot
than the skill challenge). flames takes 20 fire damage. A creature that falls down
Note that the wards are set into the stone lip of the fire the pit also takes IOdIO falling damage.
pit. Throne of Oreus: The high seat of the demon lord is
Level: 27 (XP 11,000). carved of a Single slab of black onyx . Any creature that
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures) . starts its turn within 5 squares of the throne takes 10
Primary Skills: Arcana, Religion , Thievery. necrotic damage.
Arcana (DC 31 , standard action): The character studies Treasure: These offerings to Orcus consist ofeight
the wards and determines that there are four such stations onyx carvings set with adamantine and precious gems
in place throughout the Red Hold . All four must be disen­ (worth 50,000 gp each), 1,500 gems (worth 1.000 gp
gaged to free the chaos ship. each), 60 astral diamonds, and 13 ,000 pp of ancient vin­
Arcana (DC 26, standard action): The character removes tage. The treasure pile is difficult terrain.
one of the gems from the ward matrix.
Thievery (DC 31, standard action): The character removes
one of the gems from the ward matrix .
Success: The adventurers disengage this set of wards,
releaSing one of the four mystic moorings binding the
chaos ship.
Failure: The ward matrix unleashes a burst of necrotic
energy, and each character in the chamber loses one heal­
Encounter Level 28 (70,000 XP) Goristro Siavemaster (G) Level 27 Elite Brute
Hu c "'ernen l ~1 humilnoid (demon) XP 21 ,000
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +25; dark vision
SETUP HP 610; Bloodied 305; see also ra8in8frenzy
AC 39; Fortitude 41. Reflex 39, Will 38
1 goristro slavemaster (C)
Resist 25 variable (21encounter; see Monster Manual glossary)
2 me7.7.odemon watchguards (M)
Saving Throws +2
8 rot harbinger reavers (R) Speed 8
Action Points 1
To reach the slave kitchens beneath the Great HaU, the CD Flame Whip (standard; at·will) + Fire, Weapon
adventurers must descend through an open pit ofelemen­ Reach 3; +30 vs, AC; 3d10 + 9 fire damage.
tal fire and climb, fall. or ny 100 feet to the level below. + Double Attack (standard; at·will) + Fire, Weapon
The goristro makes two flame whip attacks.
See Encounter R8 on page 24 for details.
+ Goristro Stomp (immediate reaction, wilen an enemy moves adja·
cent to the goristro: at·will)
When the adventurers have descended into the The goristro makes an attack against the enemy: +30115. AC;
kitchen, read: 4d10 + 10 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
JIlt' Stl'l1fIJ oIfllth UJ1J rOt hil~ rikt· II hnnlll1er blow beyond tile + Goring Charge (standard; at·will)
hlll.:;n.IJ clt'mCl1tal venlthal Jl/l~ the tunnel ubove.\ lI1ultlll.'l·el The goristro makes a charge attack: +30 vs. AC; 3d10 + 10
CUI'fTII ~lIrrOIlIH1s tIJl" I'cnt. uiI'il/eJ b) what appear tll be hi/lit damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Willis <?(8/0I1'1n11 bludl st(me/rc>m which a keeninll wail rises cmd + Raging Frenzy (Immediate reaction, when attacked by an adjacent
enemy while bloodied; at·will)
{tI/lS. On Ihe til!r below, IlllorlslrQ wieldin8 u,tlaminy brand is
The goristro makes a frenzied gore attack against the enemy:
II'hlprfn8 a quartet '!f rOllrarhilllJcrs. who ill !Urn arr tl'ndin8 +30 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 damage, and the target is pushed 2
I.lrw mrs htlJlijillll OI't'f thejire. Sudd/ml.\'. a IIIe::zodL'Jnlltl rcars squares.
"I' 011 dlt' d[lfab.,w, $hrlckill8 oul un ,,/elml. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 30 (+23) Dex 26 (+21) Wis 25 (+20)
The goristro slavernaster. the closest mezzodemon watch· Con 25 (+20) Int 12 (+14) Cha 17 (+16)
guard, and the four rot harbinger reavers attack as soon as
the first adventurer appears at the bottom of the elemental 8 Rot l'larblnger Reavers (R) Level 28 Minion Soldier
M edium ,,1"nlt'n l ~1 humanoid (unLie'H I) XP 1,1~O e<lc h
vent. The second mezzodemon watchguard and the other
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +22
(our rot harbinger reavers (currently watching over slaves
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion,
in the pens to the south) move to enter combat in the AC 44; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 39
second round. Immune disease, poison, necrotic
Speed 6. fly 8 (clumsy)
2 Mezzodemon Watchguards (M) Level 27 Soldier CD Rotting Claw (standard; at·will) + Necrotic
Mt'dIUlCll'h·I1H'Clt.1i hUCIldlluid (dt'IIHH1 ) XP 11.000 l'Mh +35 vs. AC: 12 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +19; dark vision the rot harbinger's next turn.
HP 245; Bloodied 112 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
AC 43; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37. Will 37 Str24(+21) Dex30(+24) Wls27(+22)
Resist 25 poison, 15 fire, 15 force Con 27 (+22) Int 21 (+19) Cha 19 (+18)
Speed 6
CD Trident (standard; at·will) + Weapon
Reach 2; +34 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage.
+ Skewering Tines (standard: usable only while wielding a trident; The goristro slavemaster makes double attacks with its
at·will) + Weapon name whip against lightly armored targets, using its
Reach 2: +34 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target takes ongo· reach and its goristro stomp to keep adventurers from get­
ing 10 damage and is restrained (save ends both),
ting adjacent to it ifit can. Ifit needs to move to engage, it
~ Poison Breath (standard; recharge ~':. il) + Poison
makes a goring charge (against a striker or defender if pos ·
Close blast 3; targets enemies; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 9 poison
damage. and ongoing 15 poison damage (save ends). sible). knocking the target prone and leaving it to its allies.
Alignment-Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal The mezzodemon watchguards make poison breath and
Str 28 (+22) Dex 24 (+20) Wis 25 (+20) skewering tines attacks against the closest adventurers,
Con 21 (+18) Int 11 (+14) Cha 16 (+16) The rot harbinger reavers mob lightly armored targets,
Equipment trident making rotting claw attacks with combat advantage when­
ever they can.
All of these monsters try to force the intruders into the
fire pit in the center of the chamber (see "Features of the
Area"). They fight to the death .
Illumination: Bright light in the lower part ofthe
chamber. Dim light in the upper cavern .
Ceiling: The rough ceilings or the caverns are all aver·
age or 50 fcet above thl' uneven floor.
Vats: Three iron vats hang over the central fire vent.
The vats contain a foul liquid knowll as essence of del1lon.
The adventurers can use the liqUid to mask their mortal
natures. Once administered. the masking age nt lasts for
three days, rading after a third extended rest.
Elemental Vent: A jet of white fire hlasts upward to fill
the tunnel leading to the great hall ahove. The PCs start
the encounter in this area, and l1lust move out ofit il1llne ­
diately to avoid the vent's deadly heat. The fin' is hotter
here than above, and any creature that l'ntt~ rs the elemen·

tal vent or starts its turn within it tah~ s 30 firc damage. z
Cliffs: These steep slopes rise to a height orlO feet.
'When the guardians or this area have been destroyed, dividing the cavern into tiers. Scaling a crumbling slope
the adventurers can get an expanded look at the horror or requires a DC 26 Athletics check. A creaturc that drops
these caverns, Read: down rrom above takes 2dlO raIling damage.
Slave Pens: Rough 8·root·high rences hem in Ihe hun·
"VI/hin tire eXl'unse of lave corrals ca n be -een what uppear 10 dreds or slaves kept captive within this roul kitchen.
be mule ancl fe rTlIlles of all (he morlal races, IndutlinlJ humClIb. Slaves within the pens are malnourished and filthy,
UWIITI'es. dad rill . ell·es. 111111 dmflonhorn. UrII Orl8 ollrer , 'l1rc) all huddling together in a haze or babbling voices punctuated
apl'l?ur IJullcn.',I. hunWY. unci dirt)'. by terrified wailing.
Burning Vents: The smaller elemental vents are diffi ·
Although the adventurers might be inclined to inspire the cult terrain. A creature that enters a burning vent takes 10
slaves to derend themselves or escape their dark captivity, fire damage and is weakened (save e nds).
these wretches have been tortured and terrified beyond Treasure: The goristro slavemaster carries a belt pouch
the point or speech or understanding. They show no sign containing 45 astral diamonds.
orrecognition irthe adventurers attempt to communicate
with them , and are even beyond asking ror aid . However,
see the "None Left Behind" sidebar.
From here, the adventurers can reach a gateway into
the Bloodstorm without rurther incident.


Dep ndlng on th moral bent of pany and players, some Hav th angels show up In the ft rmath of this
of the adv nturers might want to r 'scue the slaves. A DC encount r, coming through lhe BloodsLorm to warn th
27 Arcana or H 'al check determln 5 that the slaves of adventurers that Harthoon is at th Soul ate (see the next
the Red Hold are not beyond th reach of powerful heal­ encount r), Roleplay att mpts to obtain the angels' aid, o~
Ing rltual!i such as Remove Affliction. Howl:ver. the sheer create a skill challenge. The e tradlm nsional realm ofTala
number of slaves makes it impossibl to undertake such berel has plenty of living space and the resoun; s to create
1 aUng here. food and water to keep th refugees allv . Additionally. til
Although the angels of the Order of White Fire are fully angels have enough ritual casters among them that they
aware of the sad fate of the Red Hold's slaves. the ser­ can restore the slaves to health one by one.
vants of rhe Raven Queen are Indifferent to th horrors If the adventurers convince the angels to help the slav s,
of this place. However. the adventurers can convince-or they can return to the Red Hold after the adventure. The
threaten Ebantar and the others to aid the slaves. former slaves can be transported by chaos ship to Sigil, and
from there to the natural world.
Encounter Level 31 (129,000 XP) Lich Castellan (Wizard) (L) Level 30 Elite Controller
Medium naLUral humanoid (homan , undead) XP 38,000
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +27; darkvision
SETUP Necrotic Aura (Necrotic) aura 5; each living creature that enters or
starts its turn in the aura takes 10 necrotic damage.
Harthooll, Heh eastellan of Everlost (L)
HP 556; Bloodied 278; see also indestructible, second wind
2 beholder eyes of death (I3) Regeneration 15 (if the lich takes radiant damage, regeneration
12 rot harbinger reavers (R) doesn't function on its next turn)
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 43, Will 41 ; see also second wind
The lich I-1arthoon is Orcus's right hand and the castellan Immune disease, polson; Resist 15 necrotic
of Everlost. The lich has been away from the bastion over­ Saving Throws +2
seeing the descent of the chaos ships to the Forge of Four Speed 8
Action Points 1
\Vorlds. However, word oft.he incursion into the Red Hold
CD Death Touch (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
has reached him, and he returns in time to face the adven­ +34 vs. ReA ex; 3d8 + 10 necrotic damage, and the target is
turers as they attempt to leave . immobilized (save ends).
® Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) + Lightning
When the adventurers emerge from the Bloodstorm, Ranged 20; +34 vs. ReAex; 3d8 + 10 lightning damage, and the
rcad: target slides 3 squares and is dazed (save ends).
flit, hofllnB nllloJstorlll parrs like a veil as till! Denth Gate ® Orb of Shadow (standard; at·will) + Necrotic
Ranged 20; +34 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 6 necrotic damage. and the
swin8s ",iue. nle portll! Ihal leads hack til Sltevailhall is aaive,
target slides 3 squares and is blinded (save ends).
),111 a horde: oj rol harhilli1crs swarms aroultd il.j1a"kI118 tl
">r Shadow Storm (standard; at-will) + lightning, Necrotic
hUlI1olloidfrnure In the midsr oj a ratual directed allht'portal Harthoon makes IiBhtninB bolt and orb ofshadow attacks against
itself: I'll" heholders slain here have hUll raised as IIlIdead. Jet · two different targets.
linn out a keen Inn wail oj alarm. ">r Gaze of Command (minor; recharge l:·:l fil l) + Gaze, Psychic
"fhe Jl8ure wheels. its rilllalJoryottcII. UTile de{llers ofrhe Red Ranged 5; +34 vs. Will; 5d10 + 9 psychic damage and the target
r'(1/,1 ~m'(' "'I' the: troub!r ojjlllclinlJ them, I see. Htlpill8Jor lIlerey is dominated (save ends).
per/lars? You "IIV(' callsed lIIudl wieJfi1r III)' lord.lllIt ronslIlII
">r Harthoon's Disdain (minor; at-will) + Psychic, Teleportation
Ranged 5; +34 vs. ReAex; 2d8 + 10 psychic damage. and the
hlJl your souls will sme his wrath. I am HartllOon . voice oJOrCiL
target is teleported 20 feet above any unoccupied space within
[mJ casrcllan q{Evcrlost. I am your doomr 20 squares. A creature that falls takes 2d1 0 damage.
-iZO light ning Storm (standard; sustain minor; recharge r:·:i Til) +
TACTICS Lightning. Necrotic, Zone
Area burst 2 within 20; +32 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 lightning
Harthoon moves within 5 squares of the closest melee and necrotic damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts until
combatant, using gaze ojcommand as he unleashes a light­ the end of the lich's next turn. The zone is considered difficult
ning storm against the other adventurers, then uses staffof terrain. Any creature that starts its turn within the zone takes 20
storms. Any adventurer that falls under his domination is lightning and necrotic damage. The lich can sustain or dismiss
directed to attack his or her closest ally, fOCUSing on PCs the zone as a minor action.
engaging the lich in combat.
When the lich is reduced to 0 hit points, its body and possessions
In subsequent rounds, Harthoon uses a minor action to crumble into dust, but the lich is not destroyed. It reappears
sllstain the lightning storm as long as PCs are in the area, (along with its possessions) in 1d10 days within 1 square of its
using shadow storm to make double attacks and shift foes phylactery, unless the phylactery is also found and destroyed.
into the lightning storm or his necrotic aura. If repeatedly (The Ikh's phylactery is hidden in a secret temple in Everlost.)
pressed, he allows the zone to end in order to teleport a foe Second Wind (standard; encounter) + Healing
with Harthoon's disdain . If not sustaining his lightning storm, The lich spends a healing surge and regains 139 hit points. The
lich gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next
Harthoon continues to make gaze ofcommand attacks.
When first bloodied, he spends his action point to use his Staff of Storms (free; encounter)
second wind. After making an attack that deals lightning damage, the lich deals
The beholder eyes of death stay in the thick of combat 3d8 + 10 lightning and thunder damage to every creature in a
to gain extra attacks from their eye of the beholder auras. close blast 3.
The rot harbinger reavers flank the adventurers, attack­ Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal. Common.
ing in pairs or trios with combat advantage and marking Draconic. Infernal
Skills Arcana +31. History +31. Insight +29
foes to hinder attacks against Harthoon.
Str 21 (+20) Dex 22 (+21) Wis 25 (+22)
Con 30 (+25) Int 33 (+26) Cha 28 (+24)
Equipment staffofstorms
2 Beholder Eyes of Death (B) Level 28 Elite Brute
Lar I' aberrant ma ica l beast (undead) XP 26,000 each
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +18;
all·around vision , darkvision
Eyes of the Beholder aura 5; the beholder eye of death uses one
random eye ray as a free action against any enemy that starts its
turn within the aura.
HP 632 ; Bloodied 316
AC 40; Fortitude 38, Reflex 38, Will 40
Immune disease, poison; Resist 25 necrotic; Vulnerable 25 radiant
Saving Throws +2
Speed fly 4 (hover)
Action Points 1
CD Bite (standard; at,will)
+ 31 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 damage.
:r Central Eye (minor; at·will)
Ranged 20; +29 vs. Will; the target is slowed and loses necrotic
resistance until the end of the beholder eye of death's next turn.
:r Eye Ray (standard; at·will) + see text
The beholder eye of death uses up to two different eye ray
powers (chosen from the list below). Each ray must target a dif·
fere nt creature, and using eye ray does not provoke opportunity
1, 2, 3, 4 - Withering Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 10; +29 vs.
Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 necrotic damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic
damage (save ends).
S, 6 - Grave Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 A DC 26 Arca na check mad e at the portal indicates that
necrotic damage. H a rthoon was attempting to shut down the connection to
7. 8 - Entombing Ray: Ranged 10; +29 vs . Fortitude; the target is Sh evaithan . With the lich interrupted in his efforts , and
slowed (save ends). First Failed Savin8 Throw : The target is immo' with the mystiC moorings severed, the adventurers can
bilized instead of slowed (save ends). Second Failed Savin8 Throw:
return to the chaos ship without incident and continlle on
The target is petrified (no save).
9, 10- Death Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d8
their travels.
+ 10 necrotic damage, and if the target is bloodied it is dazed
(save ends). First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is dazed and FEATURES OF THE AREA
weakened (save ends). Second Failed SavinB Throw: The target is
reduced to 0 hit points.
Illumination: Dim light.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages - (understands Abyssal, Teleportation Circles: Arcane energy surges within
Deep Speech) these powerful circles even when they are in active. A crea·
Str 18 (+17) Dex 26 (+21) Wls 20 (+18) ture that enters a portal or begins its turn w ithin one takes
Con 26 (+21) Int 5 (+10) Cha 30 (+23) 2d 10 damage .
The Death Gate: These great gates of bronze a re
12 Rot Harbinger Reavers (R) Level 28 Minion carved with Abyssal runes that offer up foul prayers to
Meliiul11l'Il'l1tenlill hum'lnuili (undead) XP 3,150 each Orcus. Any living creature that starts its turn adjacent to
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +22 the Death Gate takes 2d8 + 8 damage .
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Portal Tunnel: A portal passes through the stone con·
AC 44; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 39
Immune disease, poison, necrotic
duit of the Bloodstorm, leading to crumbling steps that
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy) descend to Everlost. This area is beyond th e scope of this
CD Rotting Claw (standard; at·will) + Necrotic adventure .
+35 vs. AC; 11 damage, and the target is marked until the end of Treasure: H a rthoon carries a staff of storm s (Adven·
the rot harbinger's next turn. turer's Vault, page 242) and a sma ll a mount of his total
Alignme n t Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal wealth on his person-t\-vo potions of life, 55 astral dia'
Str24 (+21) Dex30(+24) Wls2J(+U)
monds, and 1,250 pp. If you do not have access to
Con 27 (+22) Int 21 (+19) Cha 19 (+18)
Adventurer's Vault, or if this magiC item cannot be used
by the adventurers, replace it with another level 30 item
from the pl aye rs' wish lists .
Encounter Level 29 (75,000 XP) must deal with the eJementals while engaging with the
skill challenge.
SETUP Primary Skills: Arcana, Bluff. Diplomacy, History,
2 thunderblast cyclones (C)
Arcana (DC 28. standard action): The character recog­
nizes a spedfic magica l key phrase among the Oashing
Once the adventurers have dise ngaged the mystic moor­
symbols and can speak it aloud, beginning the process of
ings in the Red Hold of Everlost, they can take full control
aligning the adventurers with the ship.
ofSheva it han. Iloweve r. it isn't as simple as stepping up to
This skill can be used to gain 3 successes in this
the wheel and steering. Taking command of the chaos ship
involves a skiU challenge whose difficulty is exacerbated
Bluff(VC 33, standard action): The chaos ship, thanks to the
by the appearance ofelemcntals attracted by activity on
anarch spheres. is partially sentient, and the character man­
the vessel.
ages to fool it about why the adventurers seek to take control
When th e adventurers enter the bridge atop the stern ­
of it. The character might try to convince it that they seek to
castle and attempt to make the chaos ship fly, the Abyss
aid Orcus in some fashion, or some similar blufr.
around them seems to react in anticipation.
If the adventurers obtained and used the essence of
demon from Encounter R9 (see page 27), they receive a +4
Perception Check
bonus to this check.
DC 26: rIle willti lIIlil dislLlnt rumbles ilia! always cc/rollJrOlt9h
This skill ca n be used to gain 1 success in this
Ilrt· et'll I ral mid oftire J\b) ssfall silent.
Diplomacy (DC 33, sta ndard action): The character
When the adventurers try to activate the chaos ship,
points out to the ship that, regard less of everything else,
its ultimate purpose is to Oy through the Abyss, and the
TIll: ccntra/II'Iwe/ atop I~IC srcrncmtle is surmundeJ fly 11 panel
adventurers are here to Oy it.
orbluck stonl? in which three softll' nlowinl1 orbs that appear If the adventurers obtained and used the essence of
as small versions of the anarch spheres embedded ill Ihe tieck
demon from Encounter R9 (see page 27), they receive a +4
(?(Ihl' ship pulse. ,\ streak of!i8111ninn sudden IX plunaes out of
bonus to this check .
the void. slrikiniJ one of the wrne anarch spheres. llIaek OIH/ red This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in this
c/dUtl.'1 bcnill 10 bailout oj empty olr,formins a Cfllshin.':I rinl' of
churning c/UIOS aTOU/ul tilt.' slrlp. The tempera/llrt' p/un8es. and
Histor)' (DC 28, standard action): The character correctly
lI"ilw hr8im to shriek. Ribbons offire streak m'l?rhcad as snow
identifies the flashing images, which begins to align his or
01111 hlack du~t hellilllllfaTI. "rca III' flb'phs and symbols beflin w
her thought patterns with the ship.
J1a5h alld shimmer on the sur(nce of the black-stone panel. file), This skill can be used to gain 3 successes in this
seem 10 reqUire some sort of response.
cha llenge.
Intimidate (J)C 28. sta ndard action): The chaos ship is used
TAK1NG CONTROL to being bullied by its captain , so trying to cow the vessel
1matJes bl'1Jin lo.flash upon the swjace oJr1te blucR-slone pand. with threa ts actually works.
with motchin8 irna8es nppcarill8 in tIle larner {Illarch spheres. This skill can be used to gain 1 success in this challenge.
SorrH' are ar([1II(' symbols. hut tIthers depid lirTnOIlS, sIran81! Secondary Skills: InSight.
creatures.lllld slrall."Jer loeatiom;. The iJlcrellsin8'yImntic scroll 1nsi8ht (DC 19, standard action): The character deter­
!ifilllulle5 serllls to bt' roi/in8 up t"t' surrollndlrJ8 c/raos oJlhe mines that the chaos ship is semisentient and wants to
,\hJs~. be nown , even though its chaotic nature seems to work
against the effort of captain and crew. A successful InSight
The adventurers must decipher the images to link them­ check doesn't count as a success or failure in the challenge,
selves to Shevaithan. which in turns allows them to control but it does provide either a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to other
the ship and move it deeper into the Abyss. Successfully checks made in the challenge
identifying the images allows the adventurers to take the Success: The adventurers gain command of the chaos
steps indicated to finalize their connection to the vessel. ship, and Shevaithan is ready to Oy.
Level: 28 (XP 39.000). Failure: Three more thunde rblast cyclones appear and
Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3 failures). attack, and the ship is damaged . The adventurers finally
Special: As soon as the adventurers begin this skill gain limited control of the chaos ship. but the reluctant
challenge, the two thunderblast cyclones appear out of the vessel Oies at half speed and attempts to thwart the will of
building storm and move toward the ship. The adventurers the adventurers at every opportunity.
2 Thunderblast Cyclones (e) Level 26 Elite Artillery
Hu e elemental ma -ic')l beast (air. wdter) XP 18.000 eac h
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +16 The thund erblast cyclones emerge from the boiling clouds
HP 382; Bloodied 191 to make liBhtninB bolt attacks. One hangs back and con ­
AC 42; Fortitude 40, Reflex 42, Will 35 tinues to throw lightning; the other advances to use its
Immune disease. poison; Resist 30 lightning, 30 thunder
charBed mist. The first time it does so, it spends an action
Saving Throws +2
Speed fly 10 (hover) pOint to unleash liBhtninB storm .
Action Points 1 The thunderblast cyclones are most interested in
CD Lightning Arc (standard; at-will) + Lightning disrupting the adventurers trying to conduct the skill chal­
Reach 3; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 11 lightning damage. lenge to take control of the chaos ship.
@ Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) + Lightning
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 11 lightning damage.
(0 Thunderclap (~tandard; at-will) + Thunder FEATURES OF THE AREA
Close burst 2; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 9 thunder damage_ Illumination: Bright light.
<~ Charged Mist (standard; recharge ,:.; " f) + Lightning Anarch Spheres: Always temperamental , anarch
Close burst 3; automatic hit; 1d10 + 9 lightning damage. and the spheres resonate with nearby conOict. This tendency was
thunderblast cyclone becomes insubstantial until the end of its
harnessed to create a secondary defense for Shevaithan.
next turn.
i~ Lightning Storm (standard: begins unch arged: recharges when
Any creature without the elemental origin engaged in
the thunderblast cyclone uses charBed mist) + L1ghm1ng, Thunder combat within 3 squares of a mounted anarch sphere is
Area burst 3 within 20; +29 vs. Reflex: 6d8 + 9 lightning and subject to a ranged attack at the beginning of its turn: +32
thunder damage. Miss; Half damage. vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Str 2S (+20) Dex 32 (+24) W is 17 (+16) Magic Circles: These teleportation circles are keyed
Con 29(+22) InI8(+12) Cha lS (+15)
to speCific locations and only active when they get within
range. Currently, only the sterncastle circle glows with active
energy. See Adventure Book One, page 7 for additional details.
Crates: The crates on the deck are filled with black
rock and are difficult terrain.
Encounter Level 29 (77,000 XP) If negotiations go poorly, read:
TIle bumlllll black skull c).r'odesl Purplt·frreflarl.'s, tina oSlhe
SETUP frrejad.cs IlWIIY. demonic crt'alurt's uppear on IlLe ship.
1 glabrezu gatewarder (G)
Glabrezu Gatewarder (G) Level 26 Elite Brute
3 hezrou rippers (II) Hu "elemental humanoid (demon ) XP 18 ,000
2 immolith seekers (I) Initiative +17 Senses Perception +20; truesight 6
HP 580; Bloodied 290; see also arcane fury
NIany demon loros inhabit the Abyss. Orclls is jllst the AC 38; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 36
lIlost well known. possibly because orthe his almost un· Resist 20 fire, 20 lightning, 20 thunder
de mon·like amhitions ror ultimate power. But the Prince Saving Throws +2
Speed 8 , Ay8
of Undeath must deal with the vicious, fickle nature of the
Action Points 1
other demons that swarm and reed in the Abyss. CD Pincer ClilIw (standard; at·will)
OrCllS'S Oeet of chaos ships arc regularly accosted by Reach 3: +29 vs. AC: 3d8 + 9 damage.
enemy demonic forces that patrol the borders of their + Double Altack (standard; at·wlll)
own stagnant realms. Shevaithan's descent through the The glabrezu makes two pincer claw attacks. If both claws hit the
central Ahyssal void draws one sllch band who hail from same target, the target is grabbed if the glabrezu so chooses.
the Abyssal realm ofKharthon, ruled by the demon lord :rAbyssal Bolt (minor; at-Will)
Ranged 10; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d4 + 8 damage.
Tulumarth thc Torturer. Tulumarth is a newly arisen
demon lord, and no sage or lorekeeper has yet learned
<- Blasphemous Word (minor; l'nI;:ounter) + Psychic
Close burst 5; targets enemies: +28 vs. Will; 2d12 + 8 psychic
anything of this creature or his realm. other than it lies damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the glabrezu's
deep in the Abyss. next turn.
This encounter occurs somewhere bctween the adven· ~ Chaos Word (minor; recharge l! I)
turers' initial descent and their arrival in the portion or Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + 8
the void containing the Forgc orFour Worlds. The encoun· damage. This damage bypasses all resistances.
Arcane Fury (free. when firs t bloodied; encounter)
ter begins as a toll-gathering exercise on the part of the
The glabrezu teleports 8 squares, recharges its blasphemous word
demons ofKharthon. The demons expect a ship captained and chaos word powers, and makes an abyssal bolt, blasphemous
I)), Xur, servitor ofOrcus, not mortal adventurers. word. or chaos word attack,
Place the glabrezu first. The other demons appear only Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal. Common
irthe glabrezu summons them (see below). Skills Arcana +26. Bluff +21, Intimidate +21
Str 28 (+22) Dex 19 (+17) Wis 25 (+20)
As the chaos ship plunges deeper into the Abyss, Con 20(+18) Int26(+21) Cha16(+16)
demons swarm onto the deck. Read:
,\ Jolt slih'ers I"roull" the %evaithall. 1 he Cl't~ft nroal1s, ant! a 3 Hezrou Rippers (H) Level 27 Brute
Judml headed mOils/rosin' ritles 11 line 01110 JccR. II has two IIIUS­ Lar e elemental humanoid (demon) XP i I.OOU eath
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +18; dark vision
sll'e urlTls that cllll in 1'ill(I'I'<;, 1m,! two smllller humulI -si:;:., IlntlS,
Noxious Stench (Poison) aura 2; enemies in the aura take a -2 pen­
Unt' ,~rll'hich holds II bllrnilllJ lIlock skull. The creature screams,
alty to attack rolls. While the hezrou is bloodied, enemies within
MY/IU l'a~5Iht' realm oJKhfJrllHmJ PaJ IltL' lol/Jour lie.'le Orcus its aura are also weakened.
".']r<'f!J 10 t/c/h'l'r III TU/Ulllllrrl. Ihe TorlUrcrl" Tlte tleme," wal'l!s HP 305; Bloodied 152
lIlt' hurl/insl skull arnuncills 1{it poses soml' kind of Illrea!. AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 35, Will 35
Resist 20 force, 20 necrotic
The skull serves as the trigger for an already-cast ritual or Speed 6; see also demonic step below
summoning. Give the adventurers a chance to parley with
CD Slam (standard: at·will )
Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage.
the glabrezu . If the negotiations go badly, roll initiative. The + Bite (standard; at·will)
glahrezu crushes, drops, or dashes the skull to the deck, Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage.
instantly revealing the remainder orthe toll-gathering + Comblnilltlon Attillck (standard; at-will)
demonic force . The hezrou and immoliths appear in the The hezrou makes one slam attack and one bite attack.
spots marked on the map at this time. Demonic Ste p
The hezrou ignores difficult terrain, seeming to phase through it.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
The glabrezu speaks in Common. The toll required by
Skills Intimidate +21, Stealth +23
the demons is three living mortal creatures. If adventur­ Str 28 (+22) Dex20(+18) Wls 20(+18)
ers cannot or will not provide the toll, the glabrezu rejects Con 25 (+20) Int 8 (+12) Cha 16 (+16)
other diplomatic solutions .
2 Immolith Seekers (I) Level 28 Controller
Lar e elemental ma ical beast (demon, fire, undead)XP 13,000 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +19; darkvision The glabrezu breaks the skull, then unJeashes blasplu­
Flaming Aura (Fire) aura 1; each creature that enters or starts its mous word. Then it wades in to deal with the character that
turn in the aura takes 15 fire damage. refused to pay the toJI.
HP 161; Bloodied 131
The hezrou makes combination attacks against targets
AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 38, Will 38
not in direct combat with the glabrezu. They team up
Immune disease, fire, poison; Resist 10 fire, 10 force; Vulnerable 15
radiant against a Single target, if possible.
Speed 6 The immolith issues a deathfire curse each round, then :>
CD Claw (standard; at-will) + Fire fiery 8rab to drag an enemy into its flaming aura.
Reach 4; +33 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire
damage (save ends).
+ Fiery Grab (standard; at-will) + Fire
The immolith makes a claw attack (see above) against a Large or Illumination: Bright light. c:
smaller target. On a hit, the target slides into a square adjacent to Anarch Spheres: Always tempera mental, anarch
the immolith and is grabbed . While grabbed, the target loses any I­
spheres resonate with nearby conflict. This tendency was Z
resistance it has to fire. An immolith can hold up to five grabbed ::J
harnessed to create a secondary defens e for Shevaitllarl.
creatures using this power.
Any creature without the elemental origin engaged in a
::y Deathfire Curse (minor; at-will) + Fire
combat within 3 squares of a mounted anarch sphere is
Ranged 10; +31 vs. Will; the target Is slowed (save ends). After­
effect: The target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). subject to a ranged attack at the beginning of its turn: +32
Vigor of the Grave (minor l/round; at-will) + Healing vs. AC; 2 d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5
Close burst 5; undead in the burst (including the immolith) regain damage and is slowed (save ends both).
15 hit points. Magic Circles: These teleportation circles are keyed
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
to specific locations and only active when they get within
Str 18 (+13) Dex 17 ( 11) Wls 10 (+19)
range. Currently, only the sterncastk circle glows with active
Con 30 (+14) Int 18 (+18) eha 27 (+11)
energy. See Adventure Book One, page 7 for additiollal details.
Treasure: Each demon wears a rillg studded with 3
astral diamonds (for a total of 18 ad). The rings are each
inscribed in Abyssal with, "Sworn to the service ofTulum­
arth the Torturer."
Encounter Level 30 (96,500 XP) 1 Br;izen Devils (B) level 30 Soldier
Lar c immortal humanoid (devil) XP 19,000 each
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +27; dark vision
DESCENT TO THE FORGE Cloying Hellfire (Fire) aura 2; each creature that starts its turn
After fe nding off attacks by the tollsee ke rs of the abyssa l within the aura takes 10 fire damage. Nondevils cannot use
depths. the ad ve nture rs complet e the days-long voyage to powers with the teleport keyword within the aura.
the Forge of four Worlds. This ancient site strikes a dra­ HP 273; Bloodied 136
AC 46; Fortitude 45, Reflex 42. Will 42
matic appearance whe n first seen-mad e eve n 1110re so by
Resist 30 fire
the siege in progress.
Speed 7, ny 7 (clumsy)
As the chaos ship approaches the Forge of Four
CD Halberd (standard; at·will) + Weapon
Reach 2; +37 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 damage, and the target slides 1
\Vorlds. read: square.
,\ ~IIUJlkr s/ulII~ rhr(Iutih lite ship. which lurcht'S IH its dcscellt ~ Hellfire Gout (standard; recharge ::':1 I i~ ) + Fire
"I'llills IllSlvw. OIlL~ilk tlr,' tialtt wnjlnl'5 of lhe abyssal well ure Close blast 3: +33 vs. Reflex; 5d1 0 + 9 fire damage.
shTlluLk'd iJlllLlrkness. Ilut withill thaI Jarlmess. II star shlllfS­ + Furious Assault (standard: encounter) + Teleportation, Weapon
a Ir),\/tl 1Ii III'. orb ru"iel!}' incrc'l~illi1 in sce as lhe chaos ship +35 vs. Fortitude; 5d12 + 9 damage, and the target slides 3
squares. In addition, the brazen devil teleports into a space adja­
file Fur8e four Worltls han8s ~IJSpended in tire abyssal
cent to the target after the target slides.
Fiendish Opportunist (immediate reaction. when an enemy is
dnrlmC5s. A CrI'StaIlUlt.' sphere pulsing with rm~1 (·Iemelltal und pushed, pulled, or slid into a square adjacent to the brazen devil;
urcune I'nl'rll)'. il5 ,uriacl' rises up tiS splill/ered s/U1rtls ofred lHld at·will) + Weapon
"'nel... Bul ahol'c IIsJructuretlJace. a shadow mOl'es, ,omln8 illw +35 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 damage, and the target is knocked
\/hlrprrf(lclL~ tiS ~hel'altltall plttngeS closer. prone.
TIll' Forlll' is untler auack. Del'ils heyond numba are swarm Infernal Assault (move: encounter) + Teleportatlon
The brazen devil teleports 20 squares and gains a +2 bonus to
hW rIll' hltlZllllJ sphere, rhroll'inH themseh'e5 Illlaillst a demollic
attack rolls until the beginning of its next turn. The brazen devil
host c1.felldill8 the allci('t)( sire.
can tele port into occupied squares. sliding any creatures occupy­
ing those squares into the nearest unoccupied squares.
Show the players "View of Descent to the Forge" on
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
page 28 of Adventure Book One. Skills Intimidate +26
Str 28 (+24) Dex 18 (+19) Wls 25 (+22)
SETUP Con 25 (+22) Int 23 (+21) Cha 22 (+21)
Equipment hell forged plate armor (destroyed if the brazen devil is
2 brazen devils (H) slain). halberd
10 legion devil vanguards (L)
Black door hazard
10 legion Devil Vanguards (L) Level 18 Minion
Medium imnlortal humanoid (devi l) XP 3,250 each
As the ad ve nture rs take in the sce ne be fore them, Slte­
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +11; dark vision
vaithan crosses the proximity th res hold that activates the HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
porta l between the ship a nd the Forge. AC 44; Fortitude 40. Reflex 38, Will 38; see also squad defense
Resist 15 fire
' wlt/lmly, (h.. inacth'c surrboard portal c1rde j1ares. pulsilln III Speed 7, teleport 3
time to the Bentle ebb andj10w of rhe FOf8c·sliy/lt.. CD Longsword (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+35 vs. AC; 12 damage.
Squad Defense
A DC 19 Arca na c heck confirms that the portal has COI1 ­
The legion devil vanguard gains a +2 bonus to its defenses when
nec te d to the Forge of Four Worlds. Still fa r enough from adjacent to at least one other legion devil.
the fray to avoid de tec tion , the ship can be le ft in a holding Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
pOSition as the adventure rs c ross over. Str 28 (+23) Dex 25 (+21) Wis 18 (+18)
Con 22 (+20) Int 12 H 5) Cha 25 (+21)
When the adventurers step through, read: Equipment plate armor, heavy shield.longsword
:\ foul stench hCln[Js IWl1I:l' witllin a rouBr.-walled stone c!turI!'
ber, thCJlOOT around tIlt! (eLepor/illion rire/cslick lIIil1l reli black black eni'rm Ill/'Ou811 which you can see 81)'ph5 pulsin8 will1 pall'
blood. TIlt dismembere,1 bodies ofa dozen or 1Il0re Jemons cover li8ht. Tell (lrmor'c:d lenioll d!!l'ils hammcr away III the II'heel~ Cltlll
/loth sides ofu loll' slape Jh'idillH t'lI~ chumber. the ,loor. their hruz!.'11 dCI'i1ll!ade~ cursi1l8 tll!!lr mabilil)' to Opt'll
Below, two enormous war wheels j1mlk II wid!.' slOne tloor. Lhl' portal. As rhe 8'011' of the circle fades ..rour of the le8ioll Jedls
The surface of rhe cloor is sealed bchlnd a s/limml'ri"8 curtoill of turn back. shriekill8 ill alarm.
This force slaughtered the demons guarding the chamber,
and now seeks access to the Forge. Howe ve r, the damage
the devils have done to the door has created an instabil·
ity in its protective wards. At the end of the first round of
combat, the black door hazard activates.

The brazen devil uses infernal assault to teleport into the
midst of the adventurers, forcing some over the ledge if
possible, then attacking with hellfire Bout. It makes halberd
attacks while it waits for hellfire Bout to recharge, saving its
furious assault for a striker or defender.
The legion devil vanguards swarm the adventurers in
groups of three, nanking for combat advantage.
The black door targets random creatures with bolts of FEATURES OF THE AREA
black shadow. Illumination: Dim light from the glow oftht: black
Black Door Level 28 Elite Warder Ceiling: 30 feet high.
HMard XP 16.000 Bodies: Demons defending this area lell to the dt'vils
The haze ojblack enerm' shieldinB the door suddenly erupts into when the devils invaded. Squares containing bodies are
tendrils oJ psychicJorct'. difficult terrain.
Hazard: The devils' attempts to break through the door's Ledge: The uneven Ooor slopes down 5 Icet from the
protective field with brute force have caused the door's portal platform. It takes a move action to climb lip the
wards to flare up with deadly results. smooth slope. Jumping down can be done as part ora
Perception move action. Creatures more then 2 squares from opposite
No Perception check is necessary to see the black door sides of the ledge have cover against each other.
hazard activate.
Door: The door that exits the portal chamber is sealed
In the second round of combat, at the start of the round, the behind ancient and powerful wards. Once the wards art'
wards on the door attack. disabled, the gear wheels can be turned to open the door.
Attack Gear "Vheels: These great iron wheels are set into the
Standard Action Ranged 10 stone wall. Turning both wheels at once allows the black
Attack: +31 vs. Fortitude; two attacks against two different doors to be open (Simultaneous DC 28 Strength checks),
random targets. but they cannot be turned while the wards protecting the
Hit: 3d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
door are active.
ends). Aftereffect; Ongoing 10 psychic damage, and the target
is weakened (save ends both).
• The wards of the black door can be deactivated by one or
more characters adjacent to it making three successful DC
28 Arcana or DC 33 Thievery checks as standard actions.

The glyphs on the door are figures in an ancient dialect of
Supernal. Once the ward has been disabled , the adventur·
ers can be read the glyphs with a DC 28 History check.
The glyphs detail an overview of the Forge of Four Worlds,
paraphrasing the general information on page 12 ofAdven·
ture Book One.
Any adventurer investigating the teleportation circle
determines that it is inactive. A DC 28 Arcana check
confirms that a surge of energy from the black door's
protective wards has permanently disabled the portal,
requiring the adventurers to find another way to leave
the Forge .
Encounter Level 30 (106,000 XP) Forgeborn Stormstriker (5 ) Level 31 Controller (Leader)
l ar e immortal ma ical beasl XP 23 ,000
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +28;
S ETUP darkvision, blindsight 10
Defenders of the Forge (Cold, Fire, Healing, Lightning) aura 5;
1 forgeborn stormstriker (S)
each immortal ally that starts its turn within the aura regains 20
2 forgeborn darkslayers (D)
hit points. while each enemy that starts its turn within the aura
4 forge born chaos skulks (C) takes 15 cold, fire, and lightning damage.
HP 281; Bloodied 140; see also fury of the forBe
Beyond thc portal chamber, the adventurers get their first AC 45; Fortitude 43, Reflex 41 , Will 41
sense of the size of the Forge of Four Worlds. Immune charm. fear. sleep; Resist 15 cold, 15 fire. 15 lightning
Speed 8. teleport 8
When the adventurers enter this area, read: <D Touch of Chaos (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Reach 2; +35 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic damage. and the target is
\ hunt' chumbt'r (ll'C!"~ up bl'}olld tile dark prustllJl!woJfrom Ihe dazed until the end of the stormstriker's next turn.
p(lrhll drum",·r. j(~ \\'II/1s•./1oors. and ceil/1l8 a 'al/lcc.' ofltla::ln8. :r Arc LIghtning (standard; at·will) + LIghtning
JhllllOlhl hrilllll errslal The un('\'eI15I1rjaccs l!(t1le drrllnbc.'r Ranged 20; +35 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 lightning damage plus
;t'em III slim Illul slrimllla. rryst,JlIirw pal/eTlls jirdin8 ond ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends), the target is dazed until
./lurifllJ like fT(l~1 tIIl.'llllSs. AI rundom inlenorus, 8rl.'al "laSI~ of the end of its next turn. and the stormstriker makes a second·
lii/h/niHII anLJ whiterirr 111'151 lI'ith[n Ihr dl.'p1hs C!.fthe walls. flrr ary attack against two new targets within 5 squares of the initial
target. Secondary Attack: +35 vs. Fortitude: 2d8 + 10 lightning
power pu lsi 1111 lUll' elemelltal Mood throlllJh dear CTystal veins.
damage and ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends).
A hll!(do:cll passuws Il'ad qffilllo shadow, hUllhefJoor of Ihe <. Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire,
rltnml'rr is Slrewn willi sk('wIIII rl'lTluins. LIghtning
Close burst 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d1 0 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning
A DC 33 Arcana check recognizes that the Forge of Four damage. Miss: Half damage.
Worlds is composed or a lattice of raw elemental and -t%- Coldfire Orb (standard; recharge [gI IT ) + Cold, Fire
arcane ene rgy, congealed and crystallized to solid matter. Burst 5 within 10: +33 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 cold and fire
damage. and crystalline growths make the area of the burst dif­
The enormous chambers within it are not natural , how­
ficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
eve r, but were carved out by unknown hands eons ago.
Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
Give the adventurers time to look around, claim the trea­ Primordial, and Supernal)
sllre here, and take i.l short rest if necessary. Str 30 (+2 5) Dex 22 (+21) Wls 27 (+23)
Con 25 (+22) Int 27 (+23) Cha 23 (+21)
When the adventurers prepare to leave the area,
read: 2 Forgeborn Oarkslayers (0) Level 28 Brute
from the twistinn corridors o/l around. a Brea l mOL1ninB rises. lar e im mortal mol i(al he,," XP 13.000 e.1( 11
e(hol118 off tlte clTsIal. Poundil18foorfalls follolll tIS SCVCII Initiative +22 Senses Perception +22; darkvision
jor8chorn- tllf al1cient abominlllioll$ thaI Huardlllb placC!­ HP 315; Bloodied 157; see also fury oftheforBI!
AC 40; Fortitude 42, Reflex 40. Will 40
IIr8cJorward 10 Llrtadl.
Immune charm, fear. sleep
Speed 6
TACTICS CD Shadow Sword (standard; usable only while wielding a
greatsword; at·will) + Necrotic
The stormstriker uses coldfire orb as often as possible,
Reach 3; +31 vs. AC; 3d10 + 10 necrotic damage, plus ongoing
laying down patches of difficult terrain . It makes arc liaht­ 10 necrotic damage (save ends).
nina attacks while coldfire orb recharges, staying in close ~ Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Are,
combat to take advantage of its aura . LIghtning
The darkslayers targe t m elee combatants with shadow Close burst 3: +29 vs. Reflex; 4d1 0 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning
sword attacks, unleashing shadow fren zy whe never they can damage. Miss: Half damage.
target two or more foes. ~ Shadow Frenzy (standard; usable only while Wielding a great·
sword; recharge ::;:1[111) + Necrotic
The chaos skulks stay at the edge of the fray, target­
Close burst 3; +29 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 10 necrotic damage. and
ing groups with soul shroud or Single targets with soul slam the target is stunned (save ends).
attacks. The chaos skulks specifically target adventurers Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal.
attempting to deactivate the Forgesong. Primordial, and Supernal)
Str 30 (+24) Oex 27 (+22) Wls 27 (+22)
Con 25 (+21) Int 18 (+1 8) Cha 20(+19)
Equipment greatsword
4 Forgeborn Chaos Skulks (C) Level 27 Lurker
la r e il11morta l l11<l ieal beas t XP 11.000 I'aeh
Initiative +26 Senses Perception +22;
darkvision, blindsight 10
HP 193; Bloodied 96; see also fury ofthe forBe
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 41, Will 39
Immune charm, fear, sleep
Speed 8, climb 8
CD Soul Slam (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Reach 2; +30 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 9 psychic damage. and the
chaos skulk becomes invisible to the target until the end of the
chaos skulk's next turn; see also subtle strike.
<. Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold. Fire.
Close burst 3; +30 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning
damage. Miss; Half damage. a::
<. Soul Shroud (standard; recharge Iftl) + Psychic w

Close burst 2; +30 vs. Will; Sd10 + 9 psychic damage, the target
takes ongoing 5 psychic damage, and the chaos skulk becomes :>
invisible to the target (save ends both); see also subtle strike
Subtle Strike
The chaos skulk deals 3d8 extra damage on attacks when it is
invisible to its target. Illumination: Bright light, emanating from the crystal
Alignment Unaligned Languages - (understands Abyssal. wall s.
Primordial. and Supernal) Ceiling: 30 feet high .
Str 21 (+18) Dele 28 (+22) W1s 19 (+17)
Crystal Pillars: These enormous shards of crystal
Con 25 (+20) Int 19 (+17) Cha 25 (+20)
thrust up from the floor of the chamber. A crystal pillar
provid es cover but does not block line of Sight. It can be
Forgesong Level 28 Warder climbed with a DC 28 Athletics check, but it takes a DC
T r~ p XI' 13.000 19 Acrobatics check (a minor action) to remain standing
The 810win8 walls of the Forw o.fFour Worlds emit a sonorous on the uneven top of a pillar.
field that debilitates intruders. Skeletal Remains: Over untold centuries, a host of
Trap: The Forge of Four Worlds channels arcane power to aid intruders have been slain here by the guardians of the Forge.
its immortal guardians. T he remains include an incredible range ofcreatures­
Perception devils. demons, elementals, mortal s-but arc little more then
• DC 28: The character notices that the light within the walls
bones, shattered exoskeletons, and the oxidized remains of
pulses in time to the steady ebb and flow of the moaning
that preceded the arrival of the forgeborn. weapons and armor. Areas containing skeletal remains are
Trigger difficult terrain.
The trap is triggered when the forgeborn guardians first Treasure: Any search of the skeletal remains turns up
appear. When any creature except a forgeborn subsequently a few items untouched by the ravages of time with a DC
moves within 2 squares of any wall (the active area), the trap 28 Perception check-two potions of life, three potions of
attacks. Once a creature has entered the active area, it can recovery, fOtlr adamantine amulets (worth 50,000 gp each),
remain in the area without suffering further attacks. The trap
2 ,500 pp, and 40 astral diamonds.
attacks again when another creature enters the area, or if a
creature leaves and reenters the area.
Opportunity Action Close burst 5 around the triggering
Attack: + 31 vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + 8 psychic damage, and the target takes ongOing
5 psychic damage and is slowed and weakened (save ends
both). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
• One or more characters adjacent to the wall can disable
the trap with a successful DC 33 Thievery check and a
successful DC 28 Arcana check . The two checks must be
made within 1 round of each other.
Encounter Level 30 (110,000 XP) Immolith Seeker (I ) level 28 Controller
Lilf e elemental rna iral beasl ldernon . fire. undead) XP 13.000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
SrnlP Flaming Aura (Fire) aura 1; each creature that enters or starts its
turn in the aura takes 15 fire damage.
1 immolith seeker (I)
HP 262; Bloodied 131
1 shadow demon assassin (A)
AC 42; Fortitude 40, Reflex 38, Will 38
2 solamith hunters (S) Immune disease, fire, poison; Resist 20 fire. 20 force; Vulnerable 15
Lightning spire hazard radiant
Speed 6
A squad ofdemons charged with repelling the devil inva­ CD Claw (standard; at·will) • Fire
sion have withdrawn to this cavern_ Here, they make a Reach 4; +33 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire
damage (save ends).
stand against the incursion , determined to prevent intrud­
ers from advancing deeper into the Forge .
t Fiery Grab (standard; at-will) • Fire
The immolith makes a claw attack (see above) against a Large or
smaller target. On a hit, the target slides into a square adjacent to
When the adventurers can see into this area, read: the immolith and is grabbed. While grabbed, the target loses any
TIl!' pu"Stllwwll)' opens upon a misl) dlll/flb..,r ",hose uneven resistance it has to fire. An immolith can hold up to five grabbed
}lcl(.lr IrdS /1,'1.'11 CUn'I:U inCtl crY:ilal ~[f.~- \\ hi!" fOil Ita nils lIVer creatures using this power.
1111' area Ifkt~ a l'dl. obsCllrinfl t.he boJies oj a small aml} del'ils. ::rDeathfire Curse (minor; at-will) + Fire
Ranged 10: +32 vs. Will; the target is slowed (save ends). Afteref­
In tlte CI-'Tltcr of rhe cllambrr. II black spire cxtc,lIIs{roJll UlrJ1nor
fect: The target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
tlnd rhl! crilinn IIbove, arcs ofdarl.- lilJlrtnfnll roiUn8 around it. Vigor of the Grave (minor l/round; at·will) + Healing
'hadowcd l'ussal/rwll)'s "pt'll in tlwJar wlIl/S. Close burst 5; undead in the burst (including the immolith) regain
15 hit points.
The demons here are in hiding. Do not place their min­ Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal , Common
iatures until they are spotted or unless they attack. The Str 28 (+23) Dex 27 (+12) W is 20 (+19\
shadow demon assassin has total cover against the adven­ Con 30 (+24) Int 18 (+18) Cha 27 (+12)
turers when they enter, and counts on its larger allies to
draw thc attention of any intruders. Lightning Spire level 28 Blaster
H'l1.a,d XP13.000
Perception Check A spire of black onyx rises from the fraclured crystaljJoar of the
DC 28: fi,e mist IIround the blllck spire shimmers wilh a haze cawrn. elementallilJhtninlJ arcinlJ around il.
(~elemental enerBY. Hazard: This cavern is a conduit for elemental energy, which
DC 33: hI ure sha(low~ of Ihe Muff. rhree dcmo'LS hide. erupts periodically from the onyx spire.
The demons here have already taken out two squads No check is necessary to see the lightning arcing around the
of devils. They assume the adventurers are allies of the
invaders and attack at once.
When a creature moves within 5 squares of a lightning spire,
it attacks.
Opportunity Action Close burst 2, centered on
The immolith seeker uses deathfire curse against a different
the triggering creature
target each round, staying in the thick ofmelee to make Target: All creatures in burst
fiery arab attacks. When first bloodied , it uses viBor of the Attack: + 3 3 vs. Fortitude
wave to regain hit paints. Hit: 3d8 + 10 lightning damage , and the target is dazed (save
The shadow demon attempts to attack with surprise, ends).
then flanks with its allies to maintain combat advantage, Countermeasures
making claws attacks every round. It saves both uses of + A character adjacent to the spire can disable it with a DC
33 Arcana check. A failed check causes the spire to attack
its abyssal void until it can target three or more enemies in
the character trying to disable it.
each burst.
The solamith hu nters stay atop the cliffs to target
enemies with soulfire. Each makes burst 3 attacks for maxi­
mum damage as long as two or more foes can be targeted,
but uses only the burst 1 version of the power if the adven ­
turers spread out.
Shadow Demon Assassin (A) Level 31 Elite Lurker
Medium elell1e nl ,ll hum.m oiti (demon) XP 46.000
Initiative +29 Senses Perception +23; darkvision
HP 436; Bloodied 118
AC 45; Fortitude 41 , Reflex 43, Will 42
Resist 25 necrotic, 20 cold, 20 lightning, insubstantial; Vulnerable
radiant (if the shadow demon takes 25 or more radiant damage
in a single attack, it loses phasing and insubstantial until the end
of the attacker's next turn)
Saving Throws +2
Speed fly 8 (hover); phasing
Action Points 1
CD Claws (standard; at·will) • Necrotic
Two attacks; +34 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 necrotic damage; see also
combot advanta8e.
+ Void Rake (minor; requires combat advantage against the target;
at·will) • Necrotic
The shadow demon makes a single claw attack.
<~ Abyssal Void (standard; recharges when first bloodied) •
Necrotic, Zone
Close burst 3; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 10 necrotic damage. The
burst creates a zone of darkness that lasts until the end of the
shadow demon's next turn . The zone of darkness cannot be illu·
minated, and it blocks line of sight for all creatures that cannot
see in darkness. A creature that starts its turn within the zone
takes 2d8 + 10 necrotic damage.
When the shadow demon uses a claw attack to damage a target Illumination: Bright light.
it has combat advantage against, the target cannot spend healing
Ceiling: 50 feet high .
surges until the end of the shadow demon 's next turn.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Cliffs: These steep slopes rise to a height of20 feet ,
Skills Arcana + 26. Bluff +29. Stealth +30 dividing the cavern into tiers. Scaling a crumbling slope
Str18(+19) Dex30(+25) Wls17(+18) requires a DC 28 Athl etics check. A creature that drops
Con 26 (+23) Int 22 (+21) Cha 28 (+24) from the cliff takes 2dlO falling damage.
Lightning Spire: A 20·foot·high black onyx spire rises
1 Solamith Hunters (S) Level 30 Artillery from the center of the chamber. Lightning crackles con·
lM'e elenll'nl •.I hll lll.Uloid (d" l11 o n ) XP 19.000 (,.Jch stantly a round the spire, charging the surrounding area
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +23 with elemental energy.
HP 208; Bloodied 104 Bodies: A host of devils have fallen to the demons
Regeneration 20 (if the solamith takes cold damage, regeneration
making their stand here . Areas containing bodies are dif·
doesn't function on its next turn)
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 42, Will 41
ficult terrain .
Resist 20 fire, 20 force , 20 thunder Treasure: Any search of the devil remains turns up
Speed 8 a few items not yet claimed by the demons with a DC 28
CD Claw (standard; at·will) • Fire Perception check-a level 30 magiC item and 35 astral
Reach 2; +37 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 fire damage. diamonds.
-!:. Soulfire (standard; at·will) • Fire, Necrotic
The solamith chooses one of the following attacks, taking
damage as it hurls parts of itself at enemies. The solamith cannot
reduce itself to 0 hit points or fewer in this fashion.
• Area burst 1 within 20; + 33 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 fire and
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 8 damage.
• Area burst 2 within 20; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 10 fire and
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 16 damage.
• Area burst 3 within 20; + 33 vs. Reflex; 5d 10 + 9 fire and
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 32 damage.
<~ Soulfire Retort (immediate reaction. when the solamlth takes
damage from a melee attack; recharges when first bloodied) •
Fire, Necrotic
Close blast 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 10 fire and necrotic damage,
and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 26 (+23) Dex 29 (+24) Wis 26 (+23)
Con 22 (+21) Int 12 (+16) Cha 10 (+15)
Encounter Level 30 (100,500 XP) Balor Champion (B) level 27 Solo Brute
Hu '10' elementa l humanoid (demon) XP 55.0 00
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +21; truesight 6
TIMESUS RISING Flaming Body (Fire) aura 2 (aura 3 while the balor is bloodied);
Even as the adventurers make their way through the pas· enemies that start their turns in the aura takes 20 fire damage
sages of the Forge of Four Worlds. the demons that have (30 fire damage while the balor is bloodied).
seized the complex rush to complete the restoration of HP 1.248; Bloodied 624; see also death burst
AC 39: Fortitude 41, Reflex 38, Will 38
Tirnesus before the devils' assault overwhelms them.
Immune fear; Resist 40 fire. 20 acid, 20 cold, 20 thunder
Saving Throws +5
As the adventurers approach this chamber, read: Speed 8, Hy 12 (clumsy)
nlC' 1'1('r rre.~l'lIr lia!1I (ours/lit! r"roujIh the cry-sllIl walls of rhe Action Points 2
ra~~!le\\'aJ suclllcnlr,m(lIers and dillh. All unearthly. eerie <D Ughtning Sword (standard; at· will) + Lightning, Weapon
sil('ncc.!illls owr the urea. \r\'ithout warnino. Cl massive tretl10r Reach 3; +32 vs. AC; 3d10 + 10 lightning damage. or 3d10 + 40
lallls throu/JIl tire Forae ofr-our Worlds, Ihe ceilin8 and walls lightning damage on a critical hit.
-I- Flame Whip (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
slu.HtCTin8 III Ll hurst oIcryst<11 slwrds.
Reach 5; +30 vs. ReHex; 3d8 + 5 fire damage. and ongoing 10 fire
damage (save ends). Also, the target is pulled into an unoccupied
Each adventurer lIlust make a DC 28 Acrobatics check space adjacent to the balor.
or fall prone beneath the worst of the collapse. taking ~ Balor Fury (standard; at·will) + Fire. Lightning, Weapon
3dlO + 5 damage. Close burst 3; +31 vs. ReHex; 5d10 + 15 fire and lightning
damage. and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
J\S ql/ic/.:ly as it WillI'S . rhe trelllor passcs. but the H8hl emartalin8 Demonic Accu racy (free. when the balor misses with an attack;
rom thl! walls S(,l'lnS (limm!'r even as it rulses fastl'r rharl hI'JarC!.
The balor rerolls the attack and gains a +5 bonus to the roll.
~ Fireburst Step (move; recharge;:::' I! i:) + Fire. Teleportatlon
SETUP Close burst 1; +30 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 10 fire damage, and the
1 balor champion (8) target is dazed (save ends). The balor teleports 5 squares.
6 mezzodemon shocktroops (M)
<. Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Fire
The balor explodes in a burst of Hame: close burst 10; +29 vs.
8 evistro devastators (E) ReHex; 10d10 fire damage. Miss: Half damage. The balor and its
weapons are completely destroyed.
A balor champion led the forc e of lesser demons charged Alignment Chaotic evil Languages AbYS5aI, Common
with unloading Timesus's pieces from the chaos ships to Skills Bluff +22, Insight +26. Intimidate +22
the Soulfire Furnace at the heart of the Forge of Four Str30 (+23) Dex26(+21) Wis27(+21)
Con 32 (+24) Int 17 (il6 ) Cha 19 (+17)
Worlds. They abandoned the furnace to stand guard in
this chamber.
6 Mezzodemon Shocktroops (M) Level 28 Minion Soldier
As the adventurers enter this chamber, read: Med iu m elemen tal huma noid (demo n) XP 3.150 eac h
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
The translucent crystal (1,"is chumber is obscured by a dark
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also demon's IIf shadow. The S1I11'U oj ozone hllllflS heavy, the IVoUs,Jloor, curse.
and eellin8 charred black by some incrcdible hcat. The clemen AC 44; Fortitude 40, Reflex 39. Will 39
lal pawer pulsin8 wirllilllhe walls ofrhe "or8!! still bUTIls I,cre, Resist 20 poison. 10 necrotic, 10 thunder
Jorced rhrollB" hairline cracks that score the surface oJ rlre black­ Speed 6
eued crystallike spiclenvehs. CD Trident (standard; usable only wh ile wielding a trident; at·will)
+ Weapon
Reach 2; +35 vs. AC; 12 damage.
The demons hide on top of the eli IT. lying prone as they
~ Demon's Curse (when reduced to 0 hit points)
wait to spring. Close burst 1; enemies in the burst take 10 damage.
~ Restraining Breath (standard; encounter)
Perception Check Close blast 3; targets enemies; +33 vs. Fortitude; 15 damage and
DC 33: Onlhc hifjh cliff uhl'aJ. sl,yliny shnllllws belra) tllc the target is restrained (save ends).
presellcr (if creatures hill8 ill wait. Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal
Skills Stealth +27
Str 29 (+23) Dex 26 (+22) Wis 26 (+22)
Con 23 (+20) Int 19 (H8) Cha 13 (+15)
8 Evistro Devastators (El
Mediu m ele mental hllmanoid (demoll)
Level 28 Minion Brute
XP 3.250 eac h
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +22: darkvision Illumination: Dim light from the glow of the charred
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion. walls.
AC 40: Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 39 Ceiling: 50 feet high .
Resist 10 necrotic
Cliff: This steep slope rises to a height oflO feet. Scal­
Speed 6
CD Claws (standard: at-wil l) ing the slope requires a DC 19 Athletks check. A creature
+31 vs. AC: 13 damage. that drops from the c1ifI.,ide takes 2d 10 falling Jumuge.
CD Devastating Bhe (minor: against bloodied targets only; at-will ) Fractured Crystal: Patches of fractured crystai scat­
+31 vs. AC: 18 damage. tered across the chamber vent an excess of ekmental
Carnage power. These areas are difficult terrain . A creature enter­
The evistro devastator gains a +2 bonus to melee attacks if it has ing a sq uare containing fractureJ c rysta l takes 10 colJ and
one or more allies adjacent to its target. This bonus stacks with
fire damage.
combat advantage.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Crystal Pillars: These enormous shards of crystal w
Languages Abyssal
Skills Stealth +28 thrust up from the floor of the chamber. A crystal pillar
Str 22 (+20) Dell 29 (t23) WIs16 (+22) provides cover but does not block line of Sight. It CiIl1 he :J
Con 26 (+22) Int 19(+18) ChalG (+17) climbed with a DC 28 Athletics check. hut it tilkes a DC o
19 Acrobatics check (a minor action) to remain standing
When the demons attack, show the players "View of on the uneven top of a pillar. w
the Demon Defenders" on page 29 of Adventure Book Treasure: These demons looted the minor treasures of
One, then read: the Soul fire Furnace (see Encounter F7) before fleei ng
\ dozen demons arc.> spread across rite cliff. Bc.>hind rhem. a balor that area. Any search of the chamber reveals fifteen aJa­
raises it lI'eapons with a howl ofchallenge. mantine bracelets (worth 50,000 gp each) and 65 astral
The balor champion uses balorfury to attack as many
adventurers as it can reach. If pressed in melee, it uses
fireburst step to teleport to a more advantageous location.
As the balor champion's hit points drop toward 0, it moves
into position to catch as many enemies as possible in its
death burst.
The mezzodemon shock troops make trident attacks
against ranged combatants targeting the balor champion.
They flank whenever possible, using restraining breath
when surrounded .
The evistro devastators swarm targets in groups of two
or three to maintain combat advantage and to best utilize
their carnage power.
Encounter Level 30 (111,500 XP) 3 War Devil Spearfighters (W ) Level 28 Brute (Leader)
L.n e immortal humanoid Idevll) XP 13.000 each
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
S ETUP HP 316; Bloodied 158
AC 40; Fortitude 40. Reflex 38, Will 36
Utarla, pit fiend captain (P)
Immune fire
3 war devil spearfighters (W)
Speed 8, fly 8 (clumsy)
6 legion devil vanguards (L) (D Longspear (standard; at-will ) • Weapon
Reach 3; +31 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage.
vVhen the demons activated the Soulflrc Furnace. the ~ Savage Spear (standard; usable only while wielding a longspear;
devils' hopes of stopping OrcllS's plots were dashed. A pit recharge l:·:l, II). Weapon
fiend captain named Utarla survived the conflagration Reach 3; +31 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 damage. and the target is knocked
prone and takes ongoing 10 damage and is dazed (save ends
and now seeks revenge.
~ Besieged Foe (minor; at'will )
When the adventurers enter this chamber, read: Ranged Sight; automatic hit; the target is marked; allies of the
Pdldtl!s t~.f shutlt'fl!u (l)'sLul bum whirl! hOI within Otis blackened war devil gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made against the
cuwrn...\ ScjllOdrcJtlI!fdevils l}(cupies tlie ch am ba. led by a wear marked target until the end of the encounter or the war devil
piJJkrul whose ("\'('s butll wJ ,,,id. ruBe. ~Dcmon i1kr site shricks, marks a new target.
MTlt m11s oj"Orcus1 You shulllLiejust asyour masters hal'eJaUen ~ Devilish Transposition (move; at-will) • Teleportatlon

Ranged 20; the war devil and an allied devil within range swap
~ Fiendish Tactics (minor; recharge I:':' III)
Pit Fiend Captain (P) Level 30 Elite Soldier (Leader) Ranged 10; affects up to two allied devils of the war devil's level
lar e Immollal humanoid Idevil) XP 38.000 or lower; each target can take a move action or make a basic
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +26; darkvision attack.
Aura of Fear (Fear) aura 5; each enemy within the aura takes a -2 Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
penalty to attack rolls , Skills Intimidate +23
Aura of Fire (Fire) aura 5; each enemy that enters or starts its turns Str 29 (+23) Dex 25 (+21) Wis 21 (+19)
in the aura takes 15 fire damage, Con 26 (+22) Int 17 (+17) Cha 18 (+18)
HP 550; Bloodied 275 Equipment trident
AC 46; Fortitude 43 , Reflex 39. Will 41
Resist 30 fire, 15 poison
Saving Throws +2 6 Legion Devil Vanguards (L) Level 28 Minion
Speed 12, fly 12 (clumsy), teleport 10 Medium immortal humanoid (devil I XP 3.250 each
Action Points 1 Initiative +11 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion ,
CD Flametouched Mace (standard; at-will) • Fire. Weapon
Reach 2; +37 vs, AC; 3d8 + 10 fire damage. and ongoing 10 fire AC 44; Fortitude 40, Reflex 38. Will 38; see also squad defense
damage (save ends), Resist 15 fire
Speed 7, teleport 3
'" Tail Sting (standard; at-will) • Polson
Reach 2; +37 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage, and the pit fiend makes a CD Longsword (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+35 vs. AC; 12 damage,
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +35
Squad Defense
vs, Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 15 poison damage and is
weakened (save ends both), The legion devil vanguard gains a +2 bonus to its defenses when
adjacent to at least one other legion devil.
'" Pit Fiend Frenzy (standard; at·will)
The pit fiend makes a Jlametouched mace attack and a tail stinS Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
attack, Str 28 (+23) Dex 25 (+21) Wlsl S (+18)
Con 22 (+20) Int 12 (+15) Cha 25 (+21)
~ Point of Terror (minor; at-will) • Fear
Ranged 5; +35 vs, Will; the target takes a -5 penalty to all Equipment plate armor. heavy shield. longsword
defenses until the end of the pit fiend's next turn,
Tactical Teleport (standard; recharge :::- I":-;:!Tii) • Teleportatlon
The pit fiend can teleport up to 2 allies within 10 squares of it.
The targets appear in any unoccupied squares within 10 squares
of the pit fiend ,
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
Skills Bluff +29. Insight +26. Intimidate +29. Religion +26
Str 33 (+26) Dex 25 (+22) Wis 23 (+21)
Con 27 (+23) Int 22 (+21) Cha 29 (+24)
Equipment flame touched mace
This skill can be used to gain I success in the challenge.
HdilJioll (DC 28. standard action): The character dnws
on his or her knowledge of devilish traditions to inspire
Utarla to ,t rust the party.
This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in the
Special: All skill checks in this challenge become
minor actions if they are made in the same round that the
character makes a melee attack against Uta ria.
Utarla fights to the best of her abilities during the chal­
lenge, and the adventurers must do likewise.
Success: The adventurers convince Utarla to order her
forces to stand down . Award full XP lor the dev ils as if
they had been defeated in combat.
Failure: Uutarla rebufls the overtures at diplomacy c:
made by the adventurers. She orders her devils to fight to t­
the death and won't assist the adventurers in Encounter Z
F6: Forgestorm Bridge on page 44. :J

Hthe adventurers convince Utarla to stand down, the pit
fiend is interested to find out whatever the advcnturers
TACTICS can tell her about Orcus's plans, as the devils do not yet
have a full understanding of what Orcus is doing at the
Utarla, the pit fiend captain,lIses pitfiendfrenzy to make
Forge of Four Worlds. The pit fiend's master is Asmodcus.
double attacks while applying point of terror against
who fears that Orcus's plans have something to do with
nearby enemies. She stays in the thick of combat to maxi­
the Heart of the Abyss. Utarla knows that the demons have:
mize the erJixts of her auras.
transported tons of black rock to the Soulfire Furnace. and
The war devil spcarfighters attack lightly armored tar­
she provides an overview of that location (see Adventure
gets, lIsing besie8ed foe to mark targets. They use fiendish
Book One, page 12). Hthe adventurers have not already
tactics as orten as possible to grant additional attacks to
done so, they should be able to deduce that restoring Time­
legion devil allies.
SllS is Orcus's goal.
The legion devil vanguards split into groups of two,
Hthe adventurers tell Utarla that they mean to stop the
each fighting alongside a war devil. They Oank to main ­
demon prince, the pit fiend offers an alliance of sorts. Sh·
tain combat advantage and their squad defense.
will escort the party to the forgestorm bridge (see the ncxt
encounter), running interference against the forgcbofl1
IMPRESSING UTARLA guardians there while the adventurers make for the Soul­
UtarIa's opening rant should tell the adventurers that the fire Furnace.
devil has information they need . A savvy party can cut the
combat short by negotiating a truce with the devils. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Level: 29 (XP ] 5,000).
Illumination: Darkness.
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
Ceiling: 30 feet high.
Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Insight,
Fractured Crystal: Patches of fractured crystal scat­
tered across the chamber vent an excess of elemental
Diplomacy (DC 28, standard action): The character
power. These areas are dimcult terrain . A creature enter­
attempts to convince Utarla that the party is opposed to
ing a square containing fractured crystal takes 10 fire and
Orcus and his demonic horde.
lightning damage.
This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in the
Crystal Pillars: These enormOllS shards of crystal
thrust up from the Ooor of the chamber. A crystal pillar
Intimidate (DC 33, standard action): The character hum­
provides cover but does not block line of sight. It can be
bles Utarla with a display of sheer bravado.
climbed with a DC 28 Athletics check, but it takes a DC
This skill can be used to gain 1 success in the challenge.
19 Acrobatics check (a minor action) to remain standing
Insi8ht (DC 19, standard action): The character gleans
on the uneven top of a pillar.
inSight into Utarla's failure to prevent the demons from
activating the power of the Forge, inspiring the pit fiend to
find common cause with the party's goals .
Encounter Level 29 (77,000 XP) Forgeborn Stormstriker (S) Level 31 Controller (Leader)
lar c immortal mn kal hea~t XP 23.000
SETUP Initiative +21 Senses Perception +28;
dark vision, blindsight 10
1 forge born stormstriker (S) Defenders of the Forge (Cold, Fire, Healing. lightning) aura 5;
3 forgeborn firelashers (F) each immortal ally that starts Its turn within the aura regains 20
Forgestorm hazard hit points, while each enemy that starts its turn within the aura
takes 15 cold, fire, and lightning damage.
HP 281; Bloodied 140; see also fury of the forye
Deep in the heart of the Forge of Four Worlds, a great
AC 45; Fortitude 43, Reflex 41. Will 41
bridge stretches across a storm -chasm roiling with rawele­ Immune charm, fear, sleep; Resist 15 cold, 15 fire, 15 lightning
mental energy. This dangerous crossing provides the only Speed 8, teleport 8
access to the Soulfire furnace. CD Touch of Chaos (standard; at-will) + Psychk
Reach 2: +35 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is
When the adventurers can see into this area, read: dazed until the end of the stormstriker's next turn.
~ Arc Lightning (standard; at-will) + Lightning
\ {fuLf II r!!ll span (If fT)ttJI J1l!c~t'a 8T('Y stone twis!.) out inCo the
Ranged 20; +35 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 lightning damage plus
midSI o(u slartlt oj rtlW clemt:ntal chaas- a I'ortcx oflishlllhl8.
ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends), the target is dazed until
ir("l1nd bluewhilc.fln·rhar ./1 rich with the "Diu af a hundred the end of its next turn, and the stormstriker makes a second­
hurricallCS. Bar('~r helml ov.rr lite madslrom. IhcJoo~rails oj thc ary attack against two new targets within 5 squares of the initial
[orwborrt rise in tlw pasSOJll'wu., behulJ, even as 1II0re appfar target. Secondary Attack: +35 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 lightning
lIlIlh/? bricltlt' ahctlll. I lit' d.:jcndt'rs ofdle For8t' oJf-our Worlds damage and ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends).
IItlm: inJar a nnal a~$auh. ~ Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire,
Close burst 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d1 0 + 9 cold, fire, and lightning
The setup of this encounter assumes that the adventurers
damage. Miss: Half damage.
successfully completed the skill challenge in Encounter -i~ Coldfire Orb (standard; recharge ~;'-:l [fil) + Cold, Fire
F5: Deal with the Devils on page 42, and that Utarla Burst 5 within 10; +33 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 cold and fire
and her surviving devils are with them . Uta ria's forces damage, and crystalline growths make the area of the burst dif­
keep the forgeborn behind the adventurers occupied ficult terrain until the end ofthe encounter.
while the party advances on the defenders guarding Alignment UnalJgned Languages - (understands Abyssal,
the forgestorm bridge (as described in "Setup" above). Primordial, and Supernal)
Str 30 (+25) Dex 22 (+21) Wls 27 (+2 3)
"Do what you have come to accomplish, mortals," Uta ria
Con 25 (+22) Int 27 (+23 ) Cha 23 (+21 )
shouts, "we shall keep the rearguard occupied." The devils
stay behind to guard the adventurers' backs. Neither they
1 forgeborn stormstriker
nor the forge born rearguard play any further part in the
8 forgeborn furies
encounter, though you should periodically describe how
one of the forgeborn rearguard or one of Uta rIa's devils
Whether the adventurers fight alone or in conjunction
falls to the heavy fighting going on at the mouth of the
with Utarla and the devils, the forgestorm hazard acti­
forgestorm bridge.
vates when the first adventurer steps onto the bridge. It
lfthe adventurers failed the skill challenge and
attacks once per round , on its count in the initiative, tar­
defeated the devils, they must deal with the larger force of
geting one of the adventurers on the bridge.
forgeborn. This increases the level of the encounter and
the XP to Encounter Level 32 (138,000 XP). Place the fol ­
lowing creatures in the passageway behind the party:
3 Forgeborn Firelashers (F) Level 28 Artillery Forgestorm Level 29 Blaster
Medii,," im morta l md Kal beast XP 11.000 eac h HMdrd XI' I ', 1)1)t )
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +22; darkvision o
A ra8in8 storm oj elemental enerBY swirls around the bridne_ cz:
HP 200; Bloodied 100
AC 42; Fortitude 40. Reflex 41. Will 40; see also fury ofthe forse Hazard: As the adventurers advance across the bridge. the a3
Immune charm. fear. sleep; Resist 1S fire] forgestorm lashes out. :;
Speed 8. fly 6 (clumsy) Perception cz:
tV OOirkfire Sluh (standard; at-will) + FIre No check is required to note the threat of the forgestorm_ o
Reach 2; +33 vs_AC; 3d8 + 10 fire damage. and the target is Initiative + 22
dazed until the beginning of its next turn_ Trigger UJ

® Flame Pulse (standard; at-will) + Are The forgestorm rolls initiative when any creature (excluding
forgeborn) steps onto the bridge_
Ranged 10; +31 vs_ Reflex; 3d8 + 10 fire damage_
Defensive FIOIre (Immediate reaction, when the fire lasher Is hit by a Attack o
melee attack; at-will) + Charm Standard Action ..
Reach 2; +31 vs_ Reflex; the target is dazed until the end of its Targets: One creature on the bridge. excluding forgeborn
next turn. A target already dazed is also weakened until the end Attack: + 32 vs. Reflex
of Its next turn_ Hit: 3d' 0 + '0 cold, fire, and lightning damage, and the target
:r Lash of Fire (standard; recharge~.!! ' ;~;lliJl) + Fire, Psychic is knocked prone_
Secondary Attack: Close burst 2 centered on the initial target;
Ranged 10; +31 vs. Reflex; 4d8 +10 fire and psychic damage. and
the target takes ongOing 1S fire damage (save ends)_ targets all creatures in the burst except the initial target; +30
~ Fury of the Forge (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Fire, vs_ Fortitude
lightning Hit: 1 dl 0 cold, fire, and lightning damage. the target takes
Close burst 3; +31 vs_ Reflex; 4dl0 + 9 cold. fire. and lightning ongoing' 0 cold, fire, and lightning damage (save ends). and
damage_ Miss: Half damage_ the target is pushed' square.
Alignment Unaligned LanguOiges - (understands Abyssal. Countermeasures
Primordial, and Supernal) + A character can make a DC 28 Arcana check each round as
Str 21 (+19) Oex 29 (+23) Wls 26 (+22) a minor action to gain advance warning of the forgestorm's
Con 26(+22) Int 23 (+20) Cha 18 (+18) next attack. If a character making a successful check is
targeted by the storm's primary attack, he or she takes half
damage. and the storm does not make its secondary attack.
TACTICS + A character targeted by the forgestorm's secondary attack
can make a DC 28 Acrobatics check as an immediate
The forgehorn stormstriker attempts to remian behind interrupt to lessen its effects. With a successful check, the
the firelashcrs . making arc lifJhtnins and coldJire orb attacks character takes half damage if the secondary attack hits and
while its deJenders oJthrJorfJl' aura heals its allies and hin­ no damage if it misses.
ders any adventurers rushing into m e lee .
The forgeborn firelashers make lash oJJire attacks
against a ranged combatant each time that power
recharges. hitting closer foes with flame pulse_


Illumination: Bright light.
Bridge: This uneven span is built of vast chunks of
crystal-flecked stone held together with no visible mortar
or means of support. The bridge has no edge or railing_
Creatures knocked off the bridge are allowed a saving
throw to catch themselves, as normal. Those who fail their
saving throws are swept up into the forgestorm.
Forgestorm: The storm swirls in a cylinder whose
surface is 20 feet from the bridge in all directions, obscur­
ing the walls of the cavern 30 feet beyond. A creature that
falls into the rOiling storm is swept up, circling the bridge
at one revolution per round. A creature that starts its turn
in the forgestorm takes 3d10 + 10 cold, fire. and lightning
damage and is dazed (save ends)_
Creatures can fly or teleport to flee the forgestorm , but
the speed of their movement within makes it impossible to
grab a rope or any other item dropped from above. A crea­
ture attempting to fly or teleport to a creature trapped in
the forgestorm must make a successful DC 28 Acrobatics
check or miss the target.
Encounter Level 31 (124,250 XP) 2 Shards of Timesus (T) Level 30 Elite Brute
ldf e elemental imimate XP 38.000 each
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +11; darkvision, truesight 6
SFTlIP Blackstar Gravity aura 3; each enemy within the aura at the start of
the shard's turn is pulled 1 squares.
2 shards of Timesus ('I')
HP 670; Bloodied 335
3 blackstar decimators (D)
AC 41; Fortitude 44, Reflex 41, Will 41
9 blackstar battle pawns (8) Resist 10 fire
Saving Throws +1
[11 the heart of the Forge of Four Worlds, the adventur­ Speed 8, fly 8 (clumsy)
ers find that Timesus has already heen restored and has Action Points 1
departed for the Heart of the Abyss. However, the Black (!) Blackstar Slam (standard; at-will)
Reach 1; +B vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 damage.
Star has left behind two fragments of his restored form,
along with a eildre ofbbckstar host to help defend against
+ Amok Rage (standard; at·will)
The shard of Times us makes blackstar slam attacks against two
the ildventurcrs. different targets.
<. Meteor Slam (standard; recharge ':.;' If) .. Force
When the adventurers enter this area, read: Close blast 5; +31 vs. Reflex; 5d10 + 9 force damage, and the
\ lfIultiluyeTl'tl (rlVCnl wraps around thl.'core q,frhe j:or8e o.ffour target is pushed 4 squares and knocked prone.
\ \'orld~. \'ust poals of raw arcane and clemen/a I puwer seethe ill ::rFocused Gravity (minor; 1/round; at·will) .. Force
Ranged Sight; +31 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 force damage, and the
mkanirfun. Storms vficc andfire erupt ro consume each ot/wr,
target is knocked prone.
while tl COIlSlam flu;;r C!fli8JllninlJjltlshe..~ in their tlepths.A pIal· Starquake (when reduced to 0 hit points)
.r.,rm of sltlnt'jl111lfS I() j'o!ct allo\'l' Ih(' larlll' central pool. \top lltt' Close burst 3; targets enemies; +31 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 10 damage.
rlll!ftlrlll,11 pulsilW maBic drcll' Is surrounded by piles ofhlork Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
~ltJ~1 lIm1 the charml borli6 of do:cns of demons. Addllional Str 30 (+15) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 24 (+12)
chunks orblack mck un' st11'lwtI ncross tlte chamber. Con 1S (+11) Int 8 (+14) Cha 18 (+19)
On dTC I.oWt'T tit-rs stunt! empty racks thar OIlCI' must 11(1\'e
hcld (OImtless \l'eapon~ IInJ other itellls.l\ red crystal duls on rill' 9 Blackstar BattIepawns (8) Level 28 Minion
Ji.lrrlll'st 'wr seems unaffected by wllaft'I'cr transpired 'tl'rc. M~dlum clemcntill.lnimdle XP 3.150 cilch
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +18; dark vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
When a player character approaches the central
AC 41; Fortitude 41. Reflex 41 , Will 38
essence pool , show the players "View of the Soulfire Resist 10 fire
furnace" on page 29 of Adventure Book One, then Speed 7
read: (!) Claw (standard; at·will)
.\ I'u/~l' olb/orkfire spreads across ,Itt' SUrfllCf' of the (clllm[ pool, +31 vs. AC; 15 damage (crit 20 damage).
till' WOlllul shakilljl as tilt' pI//'$ ofblack s[a8 bCBill to coul/'>cf'. (!) Blackstar Ricochet (immediate reaction, when a blackstar battle­
n,·o lI'f'dl./'Vlurrs rhtJrom tht' rt'llImml.s of the stone. 1\ 1 thl:' pawn within 5 squares is reduced to 0 hit points; at-will)
The blackstar battle pawn shifts 3 squares and collides with an
srltnr fiflll', tht' smal/t'r chullks I!f rock rl$e Q$II'l'Il,j1clrin8 with
enemy; +19 vs. Fortitude; 10 damage.
"'lId..Irre. Alignment Evil Languages -
Str 16 (+11) Dex 14 (+11) Wis 18(+18)
TACTICS Con 18 (+18) Int 3 (+10) Cha 3 (+10)

A shard of Times us makes a focused aravity attack against

the closest adventurer each round, hoping to gain combat
advantage ror amok raae. It saves meteor slam until it can
force a target into an esse nce pool.
The blackstar battlepawns focus daw attacks on adven­
turers attempting to bypass combat to get to the teleport
circle. Whenever one of the battlepawns falls, others
within 5 squares utilize blackstar ricochet to attack nearby
The blackstar decimators avoid melee combat if they
can, targeting meteor bolt attacks against adventurers at the
edge of the fray and those attempting to get to the teleport
circle. The decimators save blackstar fall for use when they
can catch two or more adventurers in the burst.
3 Blackstar Oecimators (0) Level 30 Artillery
Med ium e1eml!nta l.lII imdle XP 19.000 eilch
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +27; darkvision
HP 210; Bloodied 105
AC 42; Fortitude 42, Reflex 44, Will 42
Resist 20 fire
Speed 5, fly 8 (clumsy)
CD Slam (standard; at-will)
+37 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save
@ Meteor Bolt (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10; +35 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 damage, and the target
takes a -2 penalty to saving throws and ongoing 10 damage (save
ends both).
Blackstar Fall (standard; encounter)
The blackstar decimator can fly 8 squares and enter an enemy's
space; + 35 vs. Fortitude; 4d1 0 + 9 damage, and the target is
pushed 2 squares and knocked prone. Miss: The target is pushed
1 square. If the target cannot be pushed, the blackstar decima­
tor ends its move in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target.
Secondary Attack: When it lands, the blackstar decimator attacks:
close burst 3; targets enemies; + 33 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 10 damage,
and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone. The burst
area becomes difficult terrain.
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
Str 18 (+19) Dex 28 (+24) Wis 24 (+22)
Con 24 (+22) Int 8 (+14) Cha 7 (+13) Illumination; Bright light from the essence pools.
Ceiling; The rocky roof of the chambe r is 20 feet above
the highest tier; 60 feet above the central pool.
fLEEING THE FORGE Cliffs: These steep slopes rise to a he ight of20 fee t.
With the other chaos ships already departed from the Scaling the cliffrequires a DC 20 Athletics chec k. A crea ­
Forge, the tdeportation circle on the floating platform has ture that drops from the cliffs takes 2d 10 falling damage.
established a link to the closest working portal - the star­ Essence Pools: Raw elemental and arcane energy
board magic circle aboard Shevaithan . 1t takes a DC :31 power the Soulfire Furnace. There are four small pools
Arcana check to activate the portal, but a rcane feedback and one large, central pool. A creature that begins its tum
deals 2dlO damage to the character making the check. adjacent to an esse nce pool or on the floating platform
However, that arcane feedback also bestows the knowl­ takes 2dlO + 5 cold, fire, and lightning damage. A crea­
edge ofTimes us's wbereabouts . ture that e nters a pool or begins its turn there takes 4d \0
+ 5 cold , fire, a nd lightning damage.
In ),ollr mimI. Ihe rUrpl) 'f! ojlire n: lored primordilll burns like Demon Bodies and Forgeborn Remains: The
black fire. The demon prine!"?' chaos ~h[ps I1rt.' already descend demons cha rged with transporting the remains of Times liS
inn with Til11csu into rhl? ,\byssa I I adir- Ihe deepe t part '!f lhis and the forgeborn who fought them all perished whenlhe
tlllrk realm, tlIld hOI1l!' to the c,}'stnl shard kll 0 11'11 ItS till' 1leart of Soulfire Furnace was activated . Areas contain ing bodies
'lIt' ,\b.l:. ' are dimcult terrain .
Weapon Racks: The armories on the lower tiers once
The adventurers can attempt to fight their way to the circle held magic items and treasures dating back to the Dawn
and cross over without defeating these final guardians. War. The energy that restored Timesus destroyed all items
However, if either of the shards ofTimesus survi ve, it fol­ on these racks.
lows the adve nturers through the portal to fight to the Red Dais: A raised platform of magically resonant red
dt'ath a board the chaos ship. crystal hold s and protects the most valuable treasures of
the Forge of Four Worlds.
Treasure: On the racks of the red dais, the adventur­
ers find the last relics of the war between the gods and the
primordia Is-five level 30 magic items, one potion oflife,
three potions ofrecovery, six amulets forged of crystallized
elemental essence (worth 50,000 gp each), «mr platinum
rings (2 ,500 gp each), and 60 astral diamonds.
Encounter Level 28 (74,250 XP) 5 Fathomal Blights (8) Level 28 Minion
Medium eleme nta l beaST(demon) XP 3.250 eac h
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +20; darkvision
SETUP Demonic Aura aura 1: each allied demon that starts its turn within
the aura gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls
S fathomal blights (8)
until the end of its turn.
I fathomal scream (S)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
I fathomal clasp (C) AC 42; Fortitude 38. Reflex 42. Will 40
I fathomal gnaw (G) Immune fear: Resist 25 cold, 25 fire. 25 thunder
Speed fly 8
Demonic monstrosities that few ever see prowl the Abys­ CD Abyssal Touch (standard; at-will) + Psychic
sal depths. Fathomals number among the most terrible +33 vs. AC; 10 psychic damage. and the target is stunned (save
of these horrors. Embodied annihilation, fathomals were
~ Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Psychic
born from the corrupted remains of defeated primordials.
The fathomal explodes in a scream of psychic annihilation. Close
The adventurers plunge to the bottom of the Illultiverse, burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Reflex; 16 psychic damage.
directly into a region where fathomals swarm. The size Miss: Half damage.
of the chaos ship attracts a hunting pack of fathomals just Alignment Evil Languages -
prior to arriving at the Abyssal Nadir. Str 10 (+14) Dex 13 (+16) Wls 12 (+15)
Con 14 (+16) Int 22 (+20) Cha 18 (+18)
As the chaos ship plunges deeper, read:
fI\(~ wnfls oft III' churning vortex hal'£' narrowed. Once miles dis· Fathomal Clasp (C) Level 29 Elite Brute
tant, t/te)' 1l0W press close. perhaps hundreds affect ml'a,v. Ine Hu e eleme nr al beast (demo n) XP 30.000
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +26; truesight 6
r~'JJL~h lin"t rhal slyJuses I'wr)'lhin8 has be,'lutl 10 slowly pulse.
Grip of Chaos (Psychic) aura 5; each enemy that starts its turn
nal unlike SOIll£' massive heurtbeat.
within the aura takes 20 psychic damage.
HP 660; Bloodied 330
When the fathomals appear, read: AC 41; Fortitude 43 . Reflex 37. Will 40
Horrors r!fllerj/efrom tl1l' dlUrnirW II'n115. Demonic strands of Immune fear; Resist 25 fire. 25 lightning. 25 thunder
.rant/l'd muscle reach lor the Sillp. Several arc hrlfllllll-sized Saving Throws +2
laI'II'l's 11 tecth. horns. alld scales. One appears insubslull­ Speed fly 10
Action Points 1
Ilal,llIIdJ1ic:kers hetween niyhtrnllrc irnaaesfrom 1I10llleill to
CD Slam (standard; at·wlll)
11It>IlIL'III, "notlll.'r appears to be a cascade oJtwiltilll1 huir shorn
Reach 3; +32 vs. AC; 4dlO + 9 damage. and the target is
from tl Iliont. lhe last is a serflem composed ofcorruption wilh grabbed. A target trying to escape the grab takes a -4 penalty to
(III I1p[1aIIi "/J hand-like head. the check. A fathomal clasp can grab only one creature at a time.
and only creatures that are Large or smaller.
Fathomal Gnaw (G) Level 28 Lurker .,. Grab and Hurl (standard; at-will)
l ar e el eme ntal beast (demon) XP 13.000 The fathomal clasp can make a slam attack . If the slam attack
Initiative +31 Senses Perception +26; truesight 6 hits, it makes an ally missile attack. If the slam attack misses. or if
Self-Inflicted Wounds (Psychic) aura 1; each enemy that starts its the ally missile attack would provoke an opportunity attack. the
turn within the aura takes 10 psychic damage and 10 poison fathomal's instead makes a second slam attack.
damage. .,. Filch Foe (Immedtate reaction, when an enemy moves adjacent to
HP 205; Bloodied 102 the fathoma l clasp while no creature is grabbed; recharge f:·: I IJ)
AC 42; Fortitude 38. Reflex 41. Will 38 The fathomal clasp makes a slam attack.
Immune fear: Resist insubstantial; 25 fire. 25 force, 25 lightning ~ Ally Missile (standard; at·will. while the fathomal clasp has a crea·
Speed teleport 12 ture grabbed)
Q) Lash (standard; at-will) + Polson, Psychic The fathomal clasp hurls the grabbed creature at another foe.
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 poison and psychic damage. and Ranged 20; +30 vs. Reflex: 3dlO + 9 damage to the target and
the target is slowed (save ends) the hurled foe. and the target is pushed 2 squares (the hurled foe
.,. Blink and Strike (standard; recharge ~ ~ (!]) + Polson, Psychic falls prone in the target's vacated square). The fathomal clasp can
The fathomal gnaw teleports up to 6 squares and makes an throw the grabbed creature at any open space in range if it has
attack. Reach 2; +31 vs. Reflex; 5d10 + 9 poison and psychic no other targets.
damage. and the target is immobilized (save ends). Then the <:.. Cry of Anarchy (standard: encounter) + Psychic
fathomal gnaw teleports up to 12 squares. Close burst 10; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic
Alignment Evil Languages ­ damage. ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). and the target
Skills Stealth +:n is dazed until the end of the fathomal c1asp's next turn.
Str 29 (+23) Dex 36 (+27) Wis 24(+21) Alignment Evil Languages -
Con 31 (+24) Int 24 (+21) Cha 30(+24) Str 41 (+29) Dex 20 (+19) Wis 35 (+26)
Con 30(+24) Int5(+11) Cha 16 (+17)
Fathomal Scream (S) Level 29 Controller T he fathomal scream's aura increases the amount of
l ar e element,li bedst (demon) XP 15.000
ongoing psychic damage the adventurers must dea l with.
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +18; truesight 6
Darkest Memory (Psychic) aura 1; each creature within the aura It uses its ni8htmare dred8e to slide foes around .
taking ongoing psychic damage takes 5 extra psychic damage. The fathomal gnaw appears suddenly before its foes.
HP 165; Bloodied 131 lashes. then teleports away, leaVing a potenti a lly slowed
AC 43; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 40 foe behind.
Immune fear; Resist insubstantial; 15 acid. 15 force, 15 necrotic The fathomal blights aid their demonic allies, granting
Speed fly 10, phasing them power bonuses to their attack rolls and damage rolls
CD Dreadful Touch (standard; at·will) + Psychic with thei r aura. (Since power bonuses don't stack, only one
Reach 1; +33 vs. Will; 1d10 + 10 damage (crit 6d10 + 30), and
ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
blight can affect a given demonic ally at a time.)
<. Nightmare Dredge (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; 1d8 + 10 psychic FEATURES OF THE AREA
damage. and the target slides 3 squares, takes ongoing 10 psy­
chic damage, and is immobilized (save ends both). When the
Illumination: Bright light.
target fails a saving throw, it slides 3 squares. Anarch Spheres: Always temperamental , anarch
;~ Mote of Dread (standard; encounter) + Psychic. Fear. Zone spheres resonate with nearby connict. This tendency was
Area burst 3 within 10; the fathomal scream fashions a phantas­ harnessed to create a secondary defense for Shevaithan,
mal mote of churning mist. Any creature that enters or begins its Any creature without the elemental origin engaged in
turn in the zone takes 15 psychic damage. The mote blocks line combat within 3 squares of a mounted anarch sphere is
of Sight. It remains in place until the end of the encounter.
subject to a ranged attack at the beginning of its turn: +32
Alignment Evil Languages -
Str 19 (+13) Dex 16 (+11) Wls 18 (+18)
vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5
Con 15 (+11) Int 5 (+11) Cha 16 (+22) damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Magic Circles: Currently, none of the circles glow.
Crates: The crates on the deck are filled with black
TACTICS rock and are difficult terrain .
The fathomal clasp begins its turn with a cry ofanarchy.
Its wide aura allows it to affect several adventurers while
using its reach to slam and grab foes at will.
Encounter Level 29 (82,000 XP) When adventurers arrive on the boarding level, read:
This wick chLlJ1lber rcscmhl", the\'d deck oj (J larnt! 511111n9
Srrup \'C$sel, colliplt'ce with port/loll!!;. Haw~ver. Ollf! oj the portlloles is
smashed, (mil ct111vlilsillfl Jt)1~!fU1!S oj raw lorruptioll 5Wl'e:'PS inct!
1 fathomal scream (F)
the chamhe:'r. \Vlrl'n'lll(' (om/plion touches. dIe:' wood hriefl),
1 fathomal gnaw (G)
fluctulIl('s. slrirel'!'. Ilml ~c~nrs 10 Inke Orlll random 1lUe:' beJore:'
1 corruption shard (C)
slowly rrtumill/l 10 ilsJimlll·r cOlIsiSlt'11C)"
1 corruption storm hazard lSI Grrul iroll r!nu!lle doors s!{lnd doscli opposite the maRie
The Extraction Tower is a temporary structure. It will soon
lose its battle agai nst the powe r of t he llea rt ami collapse
Perception Check
into the Abyss. On.: us left behind a skeleton crew of power·
DC 28: .'\ wide Iraldl In the uill1l8 is !lobe. I dosed from lire
fill servitors to tend the site, in case the greater portion of
the restored Timeslis manages to break ofl a second shard
from the Abyssal Heart before either it or the e ntire tower
is destroyed. Corruption Storm (S) Level 31 Blaster
H.J1il'cl XP 27.000
The hoarding level of the tower contains a penna·
nellt magic circle that is keyed as a portal to one of the Churnin8 tendrils of corruption lash across Ihe deck. chal181118
inscrihed magic circles on Shevailhan. It lights up when whatever they louch into somethil18fou/.
Shevailhan moves to within 1,000 feet of the tower's apex, Hazard: A swirling mass of multicolored energy fills a Single
indicating that a portal connection has been made. At the square but its tendrils reach into every square within 3
squares of the central mass.
same time, the circle aboard the chaos ship also glows.
Adventurers arrive on the hoarding level that is rap· No Perception check is necessary. The effects of a corruption
idly disintegrating around them . One of the portholes has storm are obvious.
recently shattered. allowing a churning corruption storm Initiative +20
illto the tower. The storm sweeps across the boarding level , Attack
creating a danger for demons, undead, and adventurers No Action Close burst 3
alike. The only thing apparently immune to the effects of Effect: Each round on its turn, the corruption storm sends out a
burst of elemental energy.
the corruption storm are fathomals, a few of which have
Target: All creatures in the burst. Fathomals are immune to the
taken lip residence in this level of the tower. storm's effects.
Orclls's servitors have closed off the level, a nd they Attack: +35 vs. Will
remain on the support level even if combat breaks out Hit: Roll 1 d6 . Target is randomly affected by the burst of
here. Unless the adventurers manage to give away thei r energy the storm releases.
presence, the demons and undead in the support level + 1: 2d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target teleports 3
he lieve the sOllnds of conflict above are merely the sounds squares.
of the cormption storm growing more fierce.
+ 2-3: 2d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is dazed
(save ends).
+ 4-5: 3d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is pulled 2
squares and is immobilized (save ends).
+ 6: 4d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is pushed 3
squares and stunned (save ends).

The creatures inhabiting the boarding level regard
anything that enters the area as food . They attack imme­
diately, hoping to gain a fresh meal. They won't fight to the
death, but if they are winning they will follow the adven­
turers to the next level of the tower. If severely injured. the
fathomals attempt to flee the tower.
Fathomal Gnaw (G) Level 28 Lurker Corruption Shard (C) Le ve l 3 2 Ar t illery
I a r '(' (' lcl1I(, III<11 beast (dernon) XI' 13,000 Mt'uiurn "'.. mental rn .. Iral l1 e,l \ 1 XP 17.nOO
Initiative +31 Senses Perception +26; truesight 6 Initiative +21 Senses Perception +17, darkvision
Self-Inflicted Wounds (Psychic) aura 1; each enemy that starts its Corruption Corona aura 2; each enemy that ends its turn within the
turn within the aura takes ongoing 10 psychic damage and ongo­ aura takes 20 damage and is slowed.
ing 10 pOison damage. HP 219; Bloodied 109
HP 205: Bloodied 102 AC 44; Fortitude 43, Reflex 43, Will 45 C
AC 42; Fortitude 38, Reflex 41, Will 38 Immune disease, poison, radiant: Resist 20 cold, 20 force, 20 light­ t::
Immune fear; Resist insubstantial; 25 fire, 25 force, 25 lightning ning, 20 thunder <:
Speed teleport 12 Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
CD lash (standard; at-will) + Polson, Psychic CD Corruption Flare (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 pOison and psychic damage, and +37 vs. Reflex; 2dl0 + 12 damage.
the target is slowed (save ends) ~ Corruption Bolt (standard; at-will)
+ Blink and Strike (standard; recharge '::, .:{ I! Ii) + Poison, Psychic Ranged 20; +37 vs. Will; 3dl0 + 12 damage, and the target is
The fathomal gnaw teleports up to 6 squares and makes an blinded until the end of the corruption shard's next turn.
attack. Reach 2; +31 vs. Reflex; 5dl0 + 9 poison and psychic <~ Nauseous Form (minor; recharge I:·: II )
damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Then the Close burst 3; targets enemies; +35 vs Fortitude; the target is
fathomal gnaw teleports up to 12 squares. dazed (save ends).
Alignment (vII languages ­ <~ Seed of Corruption (when the corruption shard drops to 0 hit
Skills St alth +32 points; encounter)
Str 29 (+23) Dex 36 (+27) Wls 24 (+21) Close burst 2; +35 vs. Will; 2dl 0 + 12 damage, and the target
Con 31 (+24) Int 24 (+21) Cha 30 (+24) takes ongoing 15 damage and is blinded (save ends both).
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 19 (+20) Dex 20 (+21) Wis 13 (+17)
Fathomal Scream (F) Level 29 Controller
lar .. 1,ll'l1Iental beil~t (dpmon) XI' 15.000 Con 21 (+21) Int 7 (+14) Cha 24(+23)
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +18; true sight 6
Darkest Memory (Psychic) aura 1; each creature within the aura FEATURES OF THE AREA
taking ongoing psychic damage takes 5 extra psychic damage.
HI' 265; Bloodied 132 Illumination; Bright light.
AC 43; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 40 Broken Porthole: The area visibly swirls with cha­
Immune fear; Resist insubstantial; 25 acid. 25 force, 25 necrotic otic energy, as the corruption storm rages in through the
Speed fly 10, phasing broken porthole. See the hazard for details on the effects
CD Dreadful Touch (standard; at-will) + Psychic of the corruption storm.
Reach 2; +33 vs. Will; 2dl0 + 10 damage (crit 6d10 + 30), and
Magic Circle: The permanent magiC circle inscribed
ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
<~ Nightmare Dredge (s tandard; at-will) + Psych ic
on the floor of this chamber forms a teleportation connec­
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; 2d8 + 10 psychic tion with the adventurers' chaos ship.
damage, and the target slides 3 squares, takes ongoing 10 psy­ Ceiling Hatch: A hatch in the ceiling opcns onto the
chic damage, and is immobilized (save ends both). When the roof of the tower. It is barred from the inside, but can
target fails a save, it slides 3 squares. eaSily be opened as a minor action .
-i~ Mote of Dread (standard; encounter) + Psychic, Fear, Zone Double Doors: These iron doors are locked (DC :n
Area burst 3 within 20; the fathomal scream fashions a phantas­
Thievery check to unlock the doors). They are also barred
mal mote of churning mist. Any creature that enters or begins its
turn in the zone takes 15 psychic damage. The mote blocks line
from the other side (DC 28 Strength check to break) open.
of Sight. It remains in place until the end of the encounter. A staircase beyond the doors leads down to the support
Alignment Evil languages - level of the tower (see Encounter H2: Support Level on
Str 29 (+-23) Dex 26 (+22) Wis 18 (+18) page 52),
Con 25 (+21) Int 5 (+-11) Cha 26 (+22)
Encounter Level 30 (99,000 XP) TACTICS
The death priest necromancer knows that Timesus has
SETUP already broken off a shard of the Heart and that Orcus has
2 solamith hunters (S) taken it. He recognizes the adventurers as a potent force.
1 deathpriest necromancer (D) perhaps Fate's soldiers intent on stopping Orcus's plans.
1 dread wraith assassin (W) He knows that he must stop the adventurers here. or die in
the trying.
The skeleton crew Orcus left behind to tend the extrac­ The deathpreist uses vision ofdeath to keep enemies off­
tion site resides on this level of the tower. The demons and balance while confronting other enemies. He invokes word
undead. under the command of the deathpriest necro­ ofOrcus as often as he can.
mancer, keep tabs on the portion of the restored Timesus The solamith hunters emerge through the doors,
that labors at the bottom of the tower's central shaft. If spending an extra move action to squeeze into the main
Timesus sllcceeds in breaking off another piece of the chamber. They prefer to keep their distance, using soulfire
Abyssal Heart, the deathpriest is under orders to take the against available targets.
shard to Everlost. using one of the two lifeboats on this The dread wraith assassin attempts to flank using
level of the tower. shadow alide or phaSing to maneuver into position. [fit
Irthe adventurers make it past the locked double doors takes radiant damage. it angrily attacks the source of that
in a stealthy manner, they find that the chamber initially damage above all other targets.
appears to be empty (note the placement ofOrcus's se r­
vitors in the side chambers a nd lifeboats). However, if 1 Solamith Hunters (S) level 30 Artillery
the adventurers make any noise while on the stairs, the lar e " Iementa l humanoid (dpmon) XP 19,000 each
creatures begin the encounter in the main chamber, each Initiative +14 Senses Perception +13
HP 108; Bloodied 104
adjacent to the door through which it came to investigate
Regeneration 10 (if the solamith takes cold damage, regeneration
the unexpected noise. doesn't function on Its neKt turn)
AC 41; Fortitude 41, Reflex 41, Will 41
When adventurers first see the chamber, read: Resist 10 fire, 10 force. 10 thunder
litis wide chamber SOIllCWlrot resembles the mid,Ill! ,Icck oja Speed 8
laral' slltlin8 vessel, complet£ wi/it pordlOles tltrou.qh wlridl Ihe C£> Claw (standard; at-will) + Fire
fury oI till' .\ byssa INl.ldir can he seen. ,\ square shaJI Opt'1IS in Reach 1; +37 vs. AC; ld8 + 10 fire damage.
-it- Soulfire (standard; at-will) + Fire, Necrotic
the cenrer oJ tIle floor. JroppillJI dowll illlo darkness. Sounds like
The solamith chooses one ofthe following attacks. taking
a "'acksmith in a JrcII:Y oJllamnwritlJj echo up JTOm below. Four damage as it hurls parts of itself at enemies. The solamith cannot
.Ioors lead out oj Ihe clwmbcr. Oil tlll! Jar side of til£! chamber. all reduce itself to 0 hit points in this fashion.
anarch SJlh('re is.fiued illto a cradle mO UlIr. + Area burst 1 within 10; +33 vs. RefleK; 3d8 + 10 fire and
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 8 damage.
When the adventurers first glimpse this area's + Area burst 1 within 10; +33 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 10 fire and
guardians, read: necrotic damage. The solamith takes 16 damage.
+ Area burst 3 within 10; +33 vs. Reflex; 5d10 + 9 fire and
Solamith Hunters: i\ corpulent demon lI'i,h (I bu l,qill8
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 31 damage.
111'11)' oJlI'ailllln, decompo~i1I8focl!5 tears (![f chunks of itselfand <~ Soul fire Retort (Immediate reaction, when the solamith takes
hurls them roward you. damage from a melee attack: recharges when first bloodied) +
Deathpriest Necromancer: A priest of Orals inconls Fire, Necrotic
Ioul prayers as he prepares to allack. Close blast 3; +33 vs. Reflex; ld8 + 10 fire and necrotic damage,
Dread Wraith Assassin: .\ larae wraith, enllu!fcd ill cor­ and the target is pushed 2 squares.
ruption attdIire. 81ides toward you. Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal
Str 26 (+23) Dex 19 (+14) Wls 26 (+13)
Con 22 (+21) Int 12 (+16) Cha 10(+15)
Deathpriest Necromancer (0) Level 30 Elite Controller
Medium nalurdl humanoid , human XP 38,000
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19
Aura of Decay (Necrotic) aura 5; living enemies within the aura take
a -2 penalty to all defenses,
HP 532; Bloodied 266
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 41, Will 44
Resist 25 necrotic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5
Action Points 1
<D Mace (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
+35 vs, AC; 2d8 + 10 damage, and ongoing 15 necrotic damage
(save ends).
<..Spirit Blast (standard; at-will) + Neaotlc
Spectral forms appear to batter the deathpriest's enemies. Close
blast 3; +32 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 damage, and the target is
pushed 2 squares and Immobilized (save ends).
~ Vision of Death (standard; recha rge ::~ iXl [fi1) + Psychic
Ranged 10; +34 vs. Will; 3d8 + 10 psychic damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends). FEATURES OF THE AREA
Word of Orcus (standard; recharge llil) + Healing, Necrotic Illumination: Bright light.
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +32 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 Anarch Sphere: Any creature without the elemental
necrotic damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). Undead
origin engaged in combat within 3 squares ofa mounted
In the burst regain 25 hit pOints.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal. Common
anarch sphere is subject to a ranged attack at the heginning
Skills Religion +24 of its turn: +32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage. and the target
Str 20 (+20) Dex 13 (+16) Wls 18 (+19) takes ongoing 5 damage and is dazed (save ends both).
Con 18 (+19) Int 18 (+19) Cha 24 (+22) If this anarch sphere is removed from its cradle or
Equipment plate armor, mace, censer destroyed, the entire Extraction Tower collapses twenty
rounds later, subjecting all creatures in the tower to the
Dread Wraith Assassin (W) Level 31 Lurker undiluted conditions of the Abyssal Nadir.
ldr e shadow humanoid (Undead) XP 13.000 Lifeboats: The two chambers opposite the anarch
Initiative +28 Senses Perception +21; darkvlsion sphere are actually detachable lifeboats. When one is acti­
Shroud of Night aura 5; bright light in the aura is reduced to dim
vated, it breaks away from the Extraction Tower and rises
light, and dim light becomes darkness.
HP 206; Bloodied 103; see also death strike
with ever increaSing velOCity up out of the whirling throat
Regeneration 20 (if the dread wraith lord takes radiant damage, of the Abyssal Nadir, higher and higher until it eventually
regeneration is negated until the end of the wraith's next turn) reaches Everlost. This journey takes 10 hours. About 8
AC 45; Fortitude 41, Reflex 43, Will 43 hours into this journey, the craft rises high enough out of
Immune disease, fear, pOison; Resist 30 necrotic, insubstantial; the Abyss's throat that long distance teleportation becomes
Vulnerable 20 radiant (see also re8eneration above) possible once again.
Speed fly 10 (hover); phasing; see also shadow 81ide
A lifeboat is activated in two steps. First, pull a lever
<D Dread Blade (standard; at-will) + Necrotic near the door that seals the pod away from the rest of the
Reach 2; +34 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 10 necrotic damage, and the
target is weakened (save ends). structure. Next, place a limb in the center of a miniature
~ Death Shriek (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Psychic magiC circle beneath the Single porthole and make a suc­
Close blast 3; targets enemies; +32 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic cessful DC 25 Arcana check. This launches the lifeboat.
damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Double Doors: These iron doors are locked (DC 33
Combat Advantage + Necrotic Thievery check to unlock the doors). A staircase beyond
The dread wraith assassin deals 4d6 extra necrotic damage
the doors leads up to the boarding level of the tower (see
against any target it has combat advantage against.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
Encounter HI: Boarding Level on page 50).
The dread wraith assassin shifts 6 squares. Shaft: The shaft is smooth wood and descends 210 feet
Spawn Wraith to the Extraction Level. The sound of constant hammering
Any humanoid killed by a dread wraith assassin rises as a rings up from the darkness below.
free-willed dread wraith at the start of its creator's next turn,
appearing in the space where it died (or in the nearest unoc­
cupied space). Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead
ritual) does not destroy the spawned wraith.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +29
Str 24 (+22) Dex 28 (+24) Wls 12 (+16)
Con 20(+20) Int 14 (+17) Cha 28 (+24)
Encounter Level 33 (154,500 XP) Timesus. the Blaclc Star (T) Level 32 Solo Brute
Hu e elemcntal animate (undead) XI' 13S,OOO
Initiative +25 Senses Perception +29; darkvision, truesight 10
SETUP Blackstar Gravity aura 5; each enemy that starts its turn within the
aura slides 2 squares.
Timesus ('1')
HP 1,432; Bloodied 716; see also storquoke novo
6 blackstar battlepawns (R)
AC 44; Fortitude 45, Reflex 44, Will 43
Resist 20 fire, 20 force, 20 lightning; Vulnerable 10 radiant
Orcus distracted the Raven Queen's attention through Saving Throws +5
various ploys. He recove red the primordial named Time­ Speed 8, fly 8 (clumsy)
sus from a region of the Shadowfdl called Death's Reach. Action Points 2
lie kept his direct involvement hidden by transferrillg the CD Blackstar Slam (standard; at-Will)
Reach 3; +35 vs. AC; 4d8 + 11 damage, and ongoing 10 damage
primordial in pieces (as its elemental nature made such
(save ends).
transfer feasihle) through Sigil and on to Doresain the
Ghoul King.l;inally. Timcsus was restored to full power in
+ Amok Rage (standard; at·will)
Timesus makes a b/oclcstor s/om attack against three different
the Forge of Four Worlds. From there, Timesus was trans­ targets.
ported down to the Ahyssal Nadir, to the very Heart of the <~ life Eclipse (immediate reaction, when Tlmesus Is damaged by an
Abyss itself Here. attack; recharges when first bloodied)
This is where Orcus's ultimate plan succeeded. Time­ Close burst 6; targets enemies; +32 vs. Fortitude; 7d8 + 11
damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
sus harvested a shard from the Heart , and presented it to
~ Meteoric Shockwave (standard; recharge : :1[!:=.J ~i) + Force
Orcus. Now the De mon Prince is on his way to the Raven
Close burst 3; + 32 vs. Fortitude; 5d12 + 12 force damage, and
Quee n's realm to use the shard against Death. the target is pushed 4 squares and knocked prone.
But '1'imesus remains, still subordinate to the will of the If the target hits a wall or other unmovable object as a result
Demon Prince, and still hammering at the Heart of the of the push, the target stops in the last unoccupied square and
Ahyss with its llJ1iquely resistant body. With each shard takes an additional 3d10 + 12 force damage from impacting
Timesus breaks ofT. another deity faces potential destruc­ against the wall or unmovable object.
-i~ Mlndquake (standard; recharge ~ [IT) + Psychic
tion at the hands ofOrcus.
Area burst 3 within 20; targets enemies; +32 vs. Will; 6d6 + 8
[rthe adventurers drop down from level 2 of the tower,
psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
they find Timesus situated as shown on the tactical map. Dust of Days
The blackstar battlepawns appear in the second round of At the end of each of Times us's turns, 1d4 + 2 bits of Times us
combat. violently break away and animate as blackstar battlepawns.
Each blackstar battlepawn begins in any empty square up to 10
When the adventurers enter this chamber, show the squares from Timesus.
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
players "View of Timesus" on page 30 of Adventure
StT 31 (+26) Dex 28 (+25) Wls 26 (+24)
Book One, and read:
Con 28(+25) Int9(+15) Cha22(+22)
A mass;vc creature hammers at a blazina rcd crystal in rhe.noor.
Fllrspliltill8 crashes result, each so loud rhe air in tlle chamber
6 Blackstar Battlepawns (B) Level 28 Minion
st'ems to ripple. M,'dlum elelllent.l l ,1nil1lollc XP 3.250 each
rhe crystal is 11 In ass oj searle! spikes Ihat pulse with hlood Initiative +21 Senses Perception +18; darkvision
like liJ)ht. lhe liallt 'OTl1Jpl.~ cI'crythil1H It .ouches HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
The (rcaturt' IUllnll1('rinR til Ihc crystal is a ni,qhtmtJrc '!f AC 42; Fortitude 42, Reflex 41, Will 38
ebony slime. Its hody ripplcs lI'ithJb-surc$ and crack!'. TI10uIIII Resist 20 fire
lIeadk~s, the crcature heJS Ihree anru, c.wlt'nclin8 in It ciendH'c1
Speed 7

!'pikc,J fist. I!:. IOIl'(!r boclX is It coil of cmshcd slone.

CD Claw (standard; at-will)
+31 vs. AC; 15 damage (crit 20 damage).
Every timr the (rea/urc STrikes thl' Cl'), shudc1('r~ as if Oil CD Blackstar Ricochet (Immediate reaction. when a blackstar battle·
the l'cr8l' of drIOlll1/illll' lIow(!l'Cr, the beasl holds onto lIS cohe­ pawn within 5 squares is reduced to 0 hit points; at-will)
sioll, and u moment liller, s/rih's a811111. The blackstar battlepawn shifts 3 squares and collides with an
enemy; +29 vs. Fortitude; 10 damage.
Perception Check Alignment Evil Languages -
DC 25: Dust und chunks o[blark stone cOllstand),JallJralll Str 26 (+22) Dex 24 (+21) Wis 18 (+18)
Con 18 (+18) Int 3 (+10) Cha 3 (+10)
/hl' erell/ure, Ihoul/h ill1(,I'(,T SCt'ms to Jos(' all)' sf::c. Some ofrhe
lurRl!r chunks rhat break awuy llpprar to spol1tUl1t'ously unimall'
fmo l'u8uclr wolflike shu pes composed OfJUSl'cJ dust and n'ck
Illumination: Bright light.
Heart of the Abyss: The Heart orthe Abyss is mani ­
fest Evil, likely the Single fossil remnant of a demolished
universe overcome by some unspeakable apocalypse. Its
mere existence spawned the AbJlss and all demons. Stand ­
ing next to it is not healthy.
A creature that begins its turn in a square adjacent to
the Heart is subject to an attack: +35 vs. Fortitude: 2d 12 +
6 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
A creature who ends its turn in a square adjacent to the
Heart makes a saving throw. 011 an unsuccessful saving
throw, it loses Id4 healing surges and is t10lllillated (save
TACTICS ends). vVhile dominated. the creature takes 011 demonic 2
Timesus continues to hammer away at the Heart of the features such as wings, horns. scales. burning eyes. claws. :::>
Abyss until attacked. Its first (automatic) response is life mandibles. or similar features. On its turn. it attacks its
eclipse. closest ally. It continues to do so each turn until it saves Z
Once attacked, Timesus ceases its attempt to violently against the domination.
extract another shard , and answers its new foes with mete­ Timesus and members of its blackstar host (such as the
oric shockwave. Anytime Timesus pushes or slides someone battlepawns) are immune to this effect.
with an attack, it pushes toward a wall or the Heart of the Walls: Literal chaos whirls around the Extraction
Abyss. whichever is closer. Both the Heart and the walls Tower's exterior, chaos infused with the corruption of the
are dangerous things to be adjacent to for those that are Heart of the Abyss. Under such extreme conditions. real­
not primordials of dissolution. ity is less than certain. This is most noticeable along the
Timesus uses life eclipse one more time (after being first boundaries of this level, which are no longe r four simple
bloodied), but mostly uses amok raBe on foes except when walls , but a scribbling, meandering line. I ndeed. closer
it can recharge meteoric shockwave or mindquake. It spends examination reveals that the walls shiver and pulse. in and
both action points, one alier the next, if it senses it has a out, revealing brief glimpses of the Abyssal Nadir beyond.
foe on the ropes and it can drop it with another couple of Large or smaller creatures who begin t b ir tum adja­
attacks. cent to a wall must succeed on a saving throw. or find
At the end ofeach of its turns of combat, Timesus sheds themselves suddenly standing outside the walls. in the
Id4 + 2 human-sized fragments of rock, which animate as Abyssal Nadir (see the "Conditions Outside th -' Tower"
blackstar battlepawns. sidebar on page] 5 of Adventure Book One). In addition
IfTimesus is red iced to 0 hit points, it says (in to any methods the player characters can come up with.
Primordial): standing adjacent to the outside wall at the beginning
· You haw prn'cnl d the liberation of a sccond IlIIrd; tliefirsl of a turn gives the same chance to transfer inside. Also.
i ' alrl.'ady on its \Va) to 1clhcma. It h dl!s tint'J to pierce FlIlt's adventurers who can teleport with line orsight can do so
hl.'a rt. The Ra\'en QU t.'t.'I1I11iL/ di e." through a porthole.
Newly spawned blackstar battlepawns take the ini­
tiative of blackstar battlepawns already present in the
combat. A MES AGE
following 1m! us' defeat. the Oldv ntur r r ceiv
message conv yed through an artifact Ihey arry (pre~ r­
bly one as!>o lat d with Vecna. though ilny artifact will
Clo). A grainy. distorted image of an old man with 0111 eye
appears projected from the artifact. II says only. "All thl
was a dlstractionl On:us al1arks Death in lelh rnar Til
figure is replaced by a sequence of sigils. A DC 28 Arcana
check recognizes them as sigHs associated with a perma ·
nent teleportaUon drde_ In this case. a cirde In the Raven
Queen's palace.
Encounter Level 31 (121,500 XP) 1 Blackstar Knight-Commanders (K) Level 27 Soldier
Medlulll elemental animate XP 11,000 each
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +21; darkvision
S ETU P HP 246; Bloodied 123
AC 43; Fortitude 39 Reflex 38, Will 39
1 solamith hunter (S)
Resist 15 fire; Vulnerable 10 radiant
2 blackstar knight-commanders (K)
Speed 7
1 nycademon repeller (N) ill Greatsworo (standard; at-will) + Weapon
1 goristo ripper (G) +34 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage. and the target is marked until the
10 abyssal madness ghouls (A) end of the blackstar knight-commander's next turn.
+ Deathsword (standard; recharge [:.: Illi) + Weapon
The seque nce of sigils provided by the image ofVecna Requires greatsword; +34 vs. AC; 4d1 0 + 9 damage. and if the
target is marked by the blackstar knight·commander it takes
or an avatar of the same allows a Planar Portal ritual to
ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
link to a perma ne nt tdeportation circle in the courtyard
<~ Soldier's Duty (when reduced to 0 hit points)
outside tht' Haven (Lueen's throne room . In addition , the The blackstar knight·commander explodes; dose burst 2; targets
sigils provide the adventurers with a one-time benefit­ enemies; +32 vs. ReAex; 2d10 + 9 damage; marked targets take
passing thrQugh the portal also provides the benefits of an an additional 2d10 + 9 damage.
extt'nded rest. No Escape (move: at'will) + Teleportatlon
The blackstar knight-commander can teleport 10 squares as long
as it ends in a square adjacent to an enemy marked by the black·
When the adventurers arrive in the courtyard, read:
star knight-commander.
,\ mudstront of soul~ ~lI'lrls above tilis wand courtyard, scream­ Alignment Evil Lilllguages Primordial
'"Il'lk(' a cye/olle. Twu rtiflt'rrin8110ol, lainted wilh blood sirelch Str 26 (+21 ) Dex 24 (+10) Wis 26 (+21)
Ie.! ei"u~r side. Ruhhlefmmlllarble stalues mars the courtyard Con 22 (+19) Int 12 (+14) Cha 11 (+13)
floor. MOrt, tJwn do::cn (Tcatmes, undead and dellloJl5. cavort Equipment greats word
about IIle wid!! space.feedillll on the corpses oImoro! und
~tlrruw5worn rJwt tllY umnovina everywhere. Goristro Ripper (G) Level 27 Elite Brute
Hu e elemental humal10id (demon) XP 22.000
Solamith Hunter (5) Level 30 Artillery Initiative +14 Senses Perception +21; darkvision
Lar e elemental humanoid (demon) XP 19,000 HP 610; Bloodied 305; see also ra8in8frenzy
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +23 AC 39; Fortitude 42, Reflex 38, Will 39
HP 208; Bloodied 104 Resist 20 variable (2/encounter)
Regeneration 20 (ifthe solamith takes cold damage, regeneration Saving Throws +2
doesn't function on its next turn) Speed 8
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 42, Will 41 Action Points 1
Resist 20 fire, 20 force. 20 thunder <D Slam (standard; at-will)
Speed 8 Reach 3; +31 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage.
<D Claw (standard; at-will) + Fire + Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +37 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 fire damage. The goristro makes two slam attacks.
;~ Soulfire ()tandard; at-will) + Fll"e, Necrotic + GOl"lstro Stomp (Immediate reaction, when a nonadjacent enemy
The solamith chooses one of the following attacks, taking moves adJacent to the gorlSlro; recharge ~:J :::111 ')
damage as it hurls parts of itself at enemies. The solamith cannot The goristro makes an attack against the enemy: +31 vs. AC;
reduce itself to 0 hit points in this fashion. 4d8 + 12 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
+ Area burst 1 within 20; +33 vs. ReAex; 3d8 + 10 fire and + Goring Charge (standard; at·wlll)
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 8 damage. The goristro makes a charge attack: +31 vs. AC; 3d10 + 12
+ Area burst 2 within 20; +33 vs. ReAex; 4d8 + 10 fire and damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 16 damage. + Raging Frenzy (Immediate reaction, when attacked by an adjacent
+ Area burst 3 within 20; +33 vs. ReAex; 5d10 + 9 fire and enemy while bloodied: at-will)
necrotic damage. The solamith takes 32 damage. The goristro makes a frenzied gore attack against the enemy:
<~ Soulfire Retort (Immediate reaction, when the solamlth takes +30 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage.
damage from a melee attack; recharges when first bloodied) + Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Fire, Necrotic Str 27 (+21) Dex 12 (+14) Wis 17 (+16)
Close blast 3; +33 vs. ReAex; 2d8 + 10 fire and necrotic damage, Con 25 (+20) Int 6 (+11) Cha 12 (+14)
and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Alignme nt Chaotic evil Languages Abyual
Str 26 (+23) Dex 29 (+24) Wis 26 (+23)
Con 22 (+21) Int 12 (+16) Cha 10 (+15)
10 Abyssal Madness Ghouls (A) Level 30 Minion Nycademon Repeller (N) Level 21 Skirmisher
Medium eleme nta l huma noid (undead) XP 4,750 each La r e c l ~m(' nta l hu manoid (demnn) XP 11,000
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +19; darkvision Initiative +13 Senses Perception +19
Unending Hunger aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the HP 250: Bloodied 125
aura takes 10 damage. AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 40, Will 37
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Resist 10 variable (2/encounter)
AC 44; Fortitude 41, Reflex 42, Will 39 Speed 6, Ay 6 (hover)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic CD W icked Axe (standard; at·wlll) UJ
Speed 8, climb 4 +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Z
CD Claws (standard; at·will) + Necrotic + Wicked Edges (standard; at-will) o
+35 vs. AC; 16 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized The nycademon makes two wicked axe attacks. ex:
(save ends). + Repelling Flight (sta ndard; recharge r:·~ I!J) J:
<~ Maddening Shriek (when the madness ghoul drops to 0 hit points) The nycademon Aies up to 6 squares. This Right does not provoke
+ Necrotic opportunity attacks. During the Right, the nycademon can make
Close burst 1; +33 vs. ReAex; 11 necrotic damage, and the target up to three attacks, each at a different target. +31 vs. AC; 1d8 +
is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal , Common
7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Com bat Advantage "
Skills Stealth +15 The nycademon deals an extra 2d8 damage against any target it Z
Str 11 (+20) Oex 14(+11) Wis 18 (+19) has combat advantage against. :J
Con 11 (+11) Int 14 (+17) Cha 16 (+18) Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common o
SkJlls lntimldate +23 , Perception +19 U
Str 25 (+20) Oex 26 (+21) Wls 13 (+14)
TACTICS Can 26 (+21 ) Int 8 (+12) Cha 21 (+18)

If any creature not pledged to Orclls enters the courtyard, Equipment greataxe
the demons and undead stop feasting on the corpses and
attack. They have been ordered to keep the adventurers Reflecting Pools: The pools are 3 feet deep and
from reaching the throne room beyond. stained with the blood. Creatures who start their turns in
a pool take 10 necrotic damage.
FEATURES OF THE AREA Double Doors, Northern: These doors lead to the Haven
Illumination: Dim light. Queen's throne room. They are not locked-characters could
Magic Circle: This serves as a permanent magiC circle burst into the next chamber and trigger the next encounter,
and can be used as the endpoint of Planar Portal rituals but the demons and undead in this chamber foUow and add
for those who know the sequence ofsigils. their strength to the battle if the adventurers do so.
Encounter Level 31 (116,500 XP) 3 Dread Wraith Assassins (W ) Level 31 Lurker
Lar e shadow hUlllanoid (u ndead ) XP 13.000 each
Initiative +28 Senses Perception +21; dark vision
SITUP Shmud of Night aura 5; bright light in the aura is reduced to dim
Orcus (0) light. and dim light becomes darkness.
The Raven Queen (R) HP 206; Bloodied 103; see also death strike
3 dread wraith assassins (W) Regeneration 20 (if the dread wraith lord takes radiant damage,
10 abyssal madness ghouls (A) regeneration is negated until the end of the wraith's next turn)
AC 45; Fortitude 41, Reflex 43, Will 43
Immune disease. fear, poison; Resist 30 necrotic, insubstantial;
From the courtyard, the adventurers can enter this cham­ Vulnerable 20 radiant (see also reBeneration above)
ber through the unlocked double doors (from inside, there Speed fly 10 (hover); phasing; see also shadow B'ide
appears to be no ceiling in the throne room, but from the <D Dread Blade (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
olltside a norma I stone roof prevents aerial access). Reach 2; +34 vs. Reflex; 2dlO + 10 necrotic damage, and the
Here, the adventurers finally face the ultimate author target is weakened (save ends).
of the plot against the Raven Queen. This encounter is <. Death Shriek (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Psychic
Close blast 3; targets enemies; +32 vs. Will; 4d8 + 10 psychic
divided into three parts. Each part provides a wave of
damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
monsters and other hazards as the adventurers fight their Combat Advantage + Necrotic
way to the throne and the Raven Queen's side. The dread wraith assassin deals 4d6 extra necrotic damage
Place all of the creatures in the chamber. In the first against any target it has combat advantage against.
battle, only these creatures partiCipate: 3 dread wraith Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
assassins and 10 abyssal madness ghouls. The dread wraith assassin shifts 6 squares.
Spawn Wraith
The throne room Jeatures three encounters that build
Any humanoid killed by a dread wraith assassin rises as a
toward the climax: a battle with Orcus's servants. two skill
free-willed dread wraith at the start of its creator's next turn,
challenges, and the final battle against Orcus. appearing in the space where it died (or in the nearest unoc­
cupied space). Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead
When the adventurers enter the chamber, show ritual) does not destroy the spawned wraith.
the players "View ofDeath's Throne" on page 31 of Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Adventure Book One, and read: Skills Stealth +29
Str 24 (+22) Dex 28 (+24) Wis 12 (+16)
lW)$$ Ihl~ I'ast'1Jt! bra;:iers hurn with bluewhirc
Con 20(+20) Int 14(+17) Cha 28 (+24)
jlre:. Relwcctl 1111.'01, allhr ((II' C!f a widr set ofstulrs. is CI smashed
rltronc. Beforl' Ihe Iltron,' slands Orcus. Del1lOl1 Princl.' oj lite
",'edd. When Orcus sees the adventurers, read:
.\ reaalwoman with TOI'(!I1 hair lies unmovina at Orcus·sJeet. The Demon Prillce oj the Undead roars with surprLsl'. lIe
f Icr cy('sllJld lips are black anelgloss)'. her skin pale. Aflashill8 5C'Tellnt.s (in Abyssal). ~How? Ncirhrr marCo I nor RoJ should
Ted shard oj aysLul pkrcesl1l'r chest anelfixes her tofloor. /\ lille "al'e been ablr to Icarn my plullS ull/if irwus much too lutc! No
of sih'ery rariiallce (oIInl.'cl5 the shard to Orcus. matter. Noll' that the trallSJer is llIosttv pose no
tllreal 10 mr. Indred.your souls shull he theJlr.or to beJmlYl'd by
The room IIppears 10 be orrll 10 tht' sky, in which swirls
a storm oIli/Jhl- tlll' soals oJthe dl'ad wait/ny their tum Jar Orms. GoJ oJDen/ltl"
.1n obelisk. abolll 20/eet Itlnh. srands intlte cfnler oJthe RUNNING THE BATTLE
chamber. Others Like it stalld in recesses in each oJlhe room's/our The moment the adventurers arrive, Orcus orders his ser­
rornt'Ts. Si8ils mrved on tlwfloor surround each oJlhe obc/ish. vants to attack. Note that Orcus doesn't enter the battle
bsen'ation platJonJ15, ~uprorted by pfllars. line Ihe walls. SC'I" until the adventurers get past the apathy obelisks (see
eral wraiths and nhouls stuncl 011 rhe plaiform5. watchilll] theIr Encounter L3: Throne Room Skill Challenge on page
l(lrd absorb Ihl' life LlI1J power o.fVeath. 60)_ The suggested way to approach this encounter and the
linked encounters that follow (Encounters L3 and L4) is
Religion Check as follows. Run Encounter L2 first. adding the alluring
DC 33: J hl' lilJl! oj radiance is rlH! l'islble 1111l1J!(estation oj rhe obelisks from Encounter L3 as the adventurers get close
shard suck i nfl the power oIthe Ral'en Q.ueen amI bequeutltirlH to them . Segue into the two skill challenges in Encounter
divinit)' and Dell lit 's P(lWl'T to Orcus. L3 as appropriate, adding the battle from Encounter L4
DC 35: In only millules. the process will be comple/e, and Orms as the adventurers work to save the Raven Queen.
wllIllUl'e 'subsulIJcd the pOIVa oJthe ROl'lm Queen.
10 Abyssal Madness Ghouls (A) Level 30 Minion The abyssalmadncss ghouls swarm the adventurers.
Medium el('mcnt~1 humanoid {undeadl xr 4.750 each
attempting to gain flanks and deal damage as the), fall to
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
the intruders.
Unending Hunger aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the
aura takes 10 damage. The dread wraith assassins glide Ollt of the shadows to
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. attack with dread blade strikes. They work to set up flanks
AC 44; Fortitude 41, Reflex 42, Will 39 with the abyssal madness ghouls to make the most of their
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic combat advantage benefit.
Speed 8, climb 4 The abyssal ghouls and the dread wraith assassins fight
CD Claws (standard; at·will) + Necrotic to the death for the greater glory ofOrcus. the Demon
+35 vs. AC: 16 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized
(save ends).
Prince of Undeath.
<~ Maddening Shriek (when the madness ghoul drops to 0 hit points)
Close burst 1; +33 vs. Reflex; 12 necrotic damage, and the target
is dazed (save ends).
Illumination: Bright light. The hraziers hurn eternally
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common with blue· black spirit fires that arc cold and harmless.
Skills Stealth +25 They, and the glowing souls in the sky above. fully illumi·
Str 21 (+20) Dex 24(+22) Wls 18 (+19) nate this area. Note that the dread wraith assassins reduce
Con 22 (+21) Int 14(+17) Cha 16 (+18) the light to dim light due to their shroud of night auras
when they draw near.
TACTICS Raven Queen: The senseless body of the Raven C~ue e n
Orcus, initially surprised that his secret has been discov· is staked to the floor by a shard of the Heart of the Abyss.
ered before he has finished draining the Raven Queen's Ceiling: To someone inside the chamher. there is no
life and divinit y, rallies quickly. He orders his servants to ceiling; however, once a creature fli es more than 40 fect
deal with the adventurers while he continues the process up, they discover that they have left the building and that a
of absorbing the Raven Queen's power. roof has appeared below them .
Dais and Throne: Stairs (difficult terrain) lead
to a throne of carved bone (DC 35 Religion check
to identify them as the dead god Nerull's bones).
Observation Platforms: These elevated areas
are 10 feet above the floor. Pillars hold the plat·
forms up. Creatures can move under the platforms
on the lower level. The stairs to each platform are
difficult terrain.
Obelisks: The five obelisks are 20 feet tall.
See Encounter L3: Throne Room Skill Chal­
lenge on page 60 .
Encounter Level 32 (152,000 XP) Alluring Obeli5ks level 30 lurker
Trap X1'1 9. 000
The adventurers have two skill challenges available to Five 20fool-lall obelisks arc positioned around rhe throne room.
them in the throne room of the Raven Queen . The first Glowir18 runes surround each one.
involves the obelisks that fill the chamber, as Orcus has Trap: Anytime a living creature enters a square within 4
turned them into a defense to protect him as he finishes squares of an obelisk, it is attacked by arcus's trap.
with the Raven Queen. In order to reach Orcl/S, the adven­ Perception
No check is required to see the obelisks.
turers must disable the magic of the obelisks so that they
Additional Skill: Arcana
can proceed deeper into the throne room .
• DC 35; The character recognizes the obelisks form some
The second skill challenge involves the shard of the sort of necrotic trap.
Heart of the Abyss that has pierced the Raven Queen and Trigger
is draining her life and divinity into Orcus. To remove the When a living creature moves into a square within 4 squares
shard and save the Raven Queen, the adventurers must of an obelisk, the obelisk attacks.
sllccessfully complete a skill challenge. Special: arcus is immune to this trap, but can use the obelisks
to teleport from one to another as part of his move action.
Each of these skill challenges are described, in turn, on
When he teleports. he is not immobilized.
this encounter spread.
Opportunity Action Ranged 4
ALLURING OBELISKS Target: One creature
Attack: +35 vs. Fortitude
SKILL CHALLENGE Hit: 5dl 0 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target is pulled to
The fIvc obelisks-one in the center of the chamber. and an open square adjacent to the obelisk. While the target is
adjacent to the obelisk, it is immobilized, and at the start of
one in each corner-have been commandeered by Orcus
the target's turn it takes 20 necrotic damage. The only way to
to create a defensive shield to protect the Demon Prince as
end the immobilization is by disabling the trap using the skill
he works to complete the destruction of the Raven Queen . challenge described on this page .
Necrotic energy now infuses the obelisks, energy keyed to Miss: Half damage and immobilized (save ends).
OrCllS and designed to hinder, trap, or even destroy any Countermeasure5
would-be rescuers come to save the Raven Queen. • See the skill challenge for details.
As soon as an adventurer moves within 4 squares of any
obelisk. read: Success: I f the character or characters adjacent to an
obelisk earn 4 successes before 3 failures, this necrotic
The obelisk sudden ly I'u/srs with dark (,lIer8Y. srriklntj out at you magiC flOWing through the obelisk is disrupted and this
wlrll Il'ndrils as cold as uudea /h. portion of the trap is disabled .
From this pOint on, this obelisk no longer functions as
Level: 30 (XP 19.000) a trap. Any characters that were immobilized by the ohe­
Complexity: 1 (reqUires 4 successes before 3 failures). Iisk are no longer affected by that condition. Further, the
Special: Each obelisk must be defeated using a sepa­ remaining obelisks in the necrotic web have the damage
rate skill challenge. The trap loses potency with each they deal on a hit reduced by 1d 10. For example, if one
obelisk that is disabled . obelisk trap is defeated, then the remaining four obe­
Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana, Athletics. lisks deal 4d 10 + 9 necrotic damage instead of 5dlO + 9
Religion, Thievery. necrotic damage.
Arcana (DC 30, standard action): The characters uses Failure: lfthe characters get 3 failures while attempt­
arcane knowledge to begin to disrupt the flow of magic ing to disable one of the obelisk traps, the necrotic energy
through the obelisk. flOWing through that obelisk is released in a Single rush of
Athletics (DC 21, standard action): The characters uses power. Close burst 3; +33 vs. Fortitude; 3dlO + 9 necrotic
strength and physical power to damage the obelisk. This damage. In addition , any characte rs that were adjacent
effort also resu Its in a backlash of necrotic energy; the char­ to the obelisk when it explodes is randomly teleported to
acter takes 10 necrotic damage. an empty square adjacent to any still-active obelisk traps.
ReliBion (DC 35, standard action): The character uses The obelisk that exploded is no longer considered to be an
knowledge of religious ceremonies and his or her personal active trap for the rest of this adventure.
faith to disrupt the necrotic energy flOWing through the
Thievery (DC 30, standard action): The character uses
skill and specialized tools to disable the magical trap
imbued within the obelisk.
REMOVlNG THE SHARD Secondary Skills: InSight. Perception.
Insi8/tr (DC 25. minor action): The Raven Queen m.jght 2
SKILL CHALLENGE seem senseless and on the verge ofdeath. hut her mind
/\ Sf,lmtcr of raw, solldifled evil punClurr Ihe Hnllell Quem's watches all that goes on. If one keeps ber name at the fore­
dust tlI1Ll pills her to tlrej100r oItlll! IlImn" room. TIll! Raven front of their mind while attempting to pull out the shard, J:
<l.ul!i!n is nol dead ),t'C, bill her Clll!r1J)' 15 "eirlll drullm'led by the her presence aids the effort. U
shard irllO OrmsJllIillBlrim willi Ihl.' power oj rhr God oIDl.'atlr. Succeeding on this check provides no success in this ..J
challenge. but grants the character a +2 bonus to subse­
The adventurers must remove the shard of the Heart of quent skill Athletics and Religion checks made during this
the Abyss without killing the Raven Queen. challenge.
Perception (DC 28, minor action): The shard stinks of cor­ o
Level: 30 (XP 57,000) ruption. but handling it just so will allow whoever tries to Q
Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3 failures). do so to keep the corruption at hay, aud he less likely to c:::
Primary Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Endurance, Heal, accidentally worsen the wound. z
Nature, Religion. Succeeding on this check provides no success in thb
Arcana (DC 28, standard action): The fabric of magic is challenge. but grants the character a +2 bonus to suh­ a::
altered in the presence of the shard in lethal and corrupt­ sequent Endurance and Heal checks made during this
ing ways . Incanting a basic magical formula helps calm challenge.
the roil of disrupted essence. Success: If the adventurers earn 8 successes, they
This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in this manage to remove the shard without killing the Raven
challenge. Queen. When the shard pulls free. Orcus takes 100
Heal (DC 33, standard action): The sha rd deals a severe damage. Unless Orcus gets his hand on thc shard again
shock to the divine physiology of the Raven Queen. To during this encounter. his plan for seizing neath's power
keep her alive as the characters work to free the shard, all fails. Once the shard is removed. the Raven Queen docsn't
possible healing lore must be brought to bear. revive until the encounter ends . See "Conclusion" on page
This skill can be used to gain 3 successes in this 63 for additional details.
challenge. Failure: lfthe adventurers get 3 failures, the Raven
Nature (DC 19, standard action): The shard is not part Queen dies. Her power is transferred to Orcus. It takes
of this reality, and its presence warps the Shadowfell. By time for him to digest his new divinity. but in the short
concentrating on the proper cycle oflife and death, the term he is fully healed and gains a +10 bonus to damage
influence of the shard is lessened that milch more. rolls. a +2 bonus to all defenses. and 400 additional hit
This skUI can be used to gain 1 success in this points. See "Conclusion" on page 63 for additional details.
Reli8ion (DC 28. standard action): The perquisites of god­
hood are being transferred in a slow but steady fashion
from Death to Orcus. Intoning special prayers sacred to
the Raven Queen helps nullify this connection and bolster
the failing God of Death.
This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in this
Endurance (DC 19, standard action): Touching the shard
is difficult to do without suffering searing pain. A success
allows the character to resist this effect long enough to
make an Athletics check (see below).
The use of this skill doesn't count as a success or fail­
ure toward the completion of the challenge. but a success
opens up the use of the Athletics skill.
Athletics (DC 28, standard action, after 8ainina a success
with an Endurance check): The shard doesn't want to be
removed. A success muscles the shard partially out of the
Raven Queen.
This skill can be used to gain 2 successes in this chal­
lenge. but can only be employed by a character that first
succeeds at an Endurance check.
Encounter Level 32 (152,000 XP) Orcus Empowered (0) Level 34 Solo Brute (Leader) ant uan eleml'ntal hUlllilnoid (dcmon) XP 195,000
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
SrnJP Aura of Death (Necrotic) aura 10; each enemy that enters the aura
or starts its turn there takes 10 necrotic damage (10 necrotic
Orcus (0)
damage while arcus is bloodied).
The Raven Queen (R)
The Dead Rise aura 6; enemies (including flying ones) treat the
10 demonic skeleton defilades area within the aura as difficult terrain, and any dead creature
within the aura at the start of arcus's turn (except those killed by
Orcus stays out of the fight until the adventurers manage the Wand of arcus) rises as an abyssal madness ghoul to fight at
to get past the obelisk traps or once they begin to try to arcus's command.
remove the shard from the Raven Q.ueen (see Encounter HP 1,515; Bloodied 761
AC 48; Fortitude 51, Reflex 46, Will 49
L3). Conversely, he joins the battle as soon as the adven·
Immune disease, poison, necrotic; Resist 10 acid, 10 cold, 10 radiant
hirers attack him. When Orcus prepares to enter the fray,
Saving Throws +5
read: Speed 6, fly 10 (clumsy), teleport 6
Action Points 1
lhl~ Dl'IIILJn PrineI' rr,lelte's In10 a pouch hiln8in.9Jrom Itis beir CD Wand of Orcus (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
tJrIIl pulls 1IIul/ll!rull~r slltllcthhlJlJrOtll it. \ Vith a wave oJ II is Reach 4; +38 vs. AC; 3dll + 11 damage plus 1dll necrotic
IImal, he ~Wrr4'rs the hondful before hl,", The small objects c1at damage, and the target is weakened (save ends); see also master
of undeath.
/c'r llcro~~ the stonl!jloor. lInd YOII see that Ihc), arc 5111all bones.
~ Sweeping Blow (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
l\~ lhi! /:10m's COIllt' to rcs!, a srrun8e mettlmoTphosls takes place.
Close blast 4; +36 vs. AC; ldll + 11 damage plus 1dll necrotic
Fadt bone immec/inlriy /Vows into a human·sized skeleton, damage, and the target is pushed 1 squares and knocked prone;
complcle with a sword and ~hjeld. nll~ skeletoJls Jlttl'/! (I demonic see also master ofundeath.
cas/(' to rhe ~tTU(turc {if their bones, aI/jaBBed and slll/l1tb + Touch of Death (standard; recharge ~i!j) + Necrotic
lI1i5s/IClpen. Reach 4; + 34 vs . Fortitude; the target is reduced to 0 hit points
(resistance or immunity to necrotic damage does not apply). Miss:
The target takes necrotic damage equal to its bloodied value.
Place the skeletons within 5 squares ofOrcus. These
demonic skeletons serve as defenders for the mighty
+ Tail Lash (immedIate reaction, when an enemy moves or shifts into
a square adjacent to arcus; at-will)
Orclls, wading forward to attack the adventurers. As the +37 vs. AC; ld8 + 11 damage, and the target is stunned until the
skeletons advance, Orcus personally enters the battl e. He end of arcus's next turn and is knocked prone.
starts out by advancing on the adventurers closest to the <~ Necrotic Burst (standard; recharge [I.~) + Healing, Necrotic
fallen Raven Queen. Read: Close burst 10; +38 vs. Fortitude; ld11 + 11 necrotic damage,
and all undead in the burst regain 10 hit points.
Master of Undeath
W I am dose to m)' 80al. and soc/hood is within my wasp, Orcus K
At the start of arcus's turn, any creature killed by the Wand
TOem. "I will nat be hindered by the likes of.vou. Not ever o8Qinl" of arcus that is still dead rises as a dread wraith under arcus's
10 Demonic Skeleton Defilades Level 30 Minion Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
M"diul1Il,It:II1CIlI,ll hlllll.Uloid (un de.,.!) XP ~ .750 cach Skills Arcana +19, History +19, Intimidate +31, Religion +19
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +11; darkvision Str 35 (+19) Dex 11 (+13) Wis 15 (+14)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Con 33 (+18) Int 15 (+14) Cha 30 (+17)
AC 46; Fortitude 41 , Reflex 43. Will 41 Equipment Wand of arcus
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Speed 6
CD Demon Blade (standard; at-will) + Poison, Necrotic TACTICS
+37 vs. AC; 15 poison and necrotic damage, and the target is Orcus readies an action to use his touch ojdeath attack (at
marked until the end of the skeleton's next turn and slowed reach 4) when a ny creature moves within 4 squares of
(save ends).
him . He uses touch ojdeath again as soon as it recharges .
Speed of the Dead
He doesn't have to remain beside the Raven Queen, but if
Whenever an adjacent enemy performs any action, the skeleton
makes an immediate demon blade attack and deals an extra 1 d8 the adventurers gain 4 or more successes in the RemOVing
damage on a hit. the Shard skill chaJlenge, he turns his attention to those
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal continuing to try to remove the shard.
Str 15 (+11) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 14 (+11) Orcus normally would not fight to the bitter end . How­
Con 13 (+11) lnt 13 (+16) Cha 13 (+16) ever, he has spent many centuries seeing this particular
plan to unseat the Raven Queen through to fruition. The
Demon Prince of Undeath takes more chances with his
own safety, and lingers to fight on if things still seem touch ] f the adventurers are interested. they might also daim
and go all the way to the end. He won't even reserve an the Shard ofEvil and the Wand ofOrcus. Of course. these are
action point for escape-he'll use both offensively, in hopes both items ofevil. Adventurers are best served destroying
of bringing down the pes. them (especially the \"'and.lest Orcus one day return), hut .....
However, ifit becomes clear that the adventurers will it might be that they can find a short llse for them as the
succeed in their task to thwart Orcus, the Demon Prince seek the immortality each of their epic destinies promise.
recognizes that discretion is the bettcr part of valor. He After the initial thrill of victory. the adventurers should
flies up out of the throne room, and then down into the relish their accomplishments. TheY"ve saved the world
courtyard beyond, trying to make for the magic circle from a dark age under Orcus.
inscribed there. Ifhe can reach it, he triggers a pre-cast The time has come ft)r the adventurers to wrap up o
ritual which opens a temporary portal between the circle their careers. to seek the immortality their epic destillies
and his fortress Everlost. promise. The achievement of their destinies could playoff
Other allies ofOrcus in the chamber are not concerned events that occurred during their play in the epic tier.
about pes attempting to remove the shard from the Raven For instance. gods might well invite characters who have
Queen. They focus their attention on adventurers who the demigod epic destiny to join their court. Archmagcs
threaten Orcus. might look back on all the incredible places they've advcn­
tured and decide to choose one as their sanctum sanctorul1l.
CONCLUSION The adventurers are. now among the Illost powerful
mortal creatures in existence. They will be counted as
Hthe adventurers are victorious, Orcus and his allies Z
heroes now and forever.
are slain or chased away, and the shard is successfully ::l
removed from the Raven Queen. When the Raven Queen
revives, she addresses the adventurers: FAILURE
Somewhere during the adventure, the player characters
· You·ve proven yourseh'es I:ate's true champIOns. I Iced Illy wards . were distracted, killed ofr. or corrupted . If the pes fail
TheJull rum oj lite future rested on your shoulders. And yOll did early enough, perhaps they can roll up new characters and
not ,Ii uppointl attempt the final few encounters to stop Orcus's ultimate
"TIle so1i1s o.{cvery lII(md l CYl'ut urc nnd nat afi·\\' immortal victory in the Raven Queen's throne room.
oneS c.lS well are in your dd". l IlItI Orcus r.J"lll'l'('d II I . no,ll. I'wn However, iffailure comes at the adventure's end. then
the W(/TSl depretidfi ons (if Nerull amI fh e r rimorrllal$ before /tim Orcus succeeds in his ghastly plan. The Haven Queen is
who col1slmled soulsJor enrr8Y would hal'l' pa.ll'd. Orcu$ pl.anncd killed, and in your campaign Orcus grabs control of the
a ll l10thilWlcss tha ll rccIIlinltltll18 "I'ery SOU/ lIS ' III line/end power and kingdom of Death.
solLlier. 1\11 dcuLl would bt!(oml' 1Indeud. llnd wirll an army of As promised, this ushers ill a terrible em. nathcr than
st'rdtoTS 1I'/I()St' size slI'!'IlPll by Il r/wusr.l I1(1 flmu and /!!Jch Jay. sending souls to their final fate. Orcus hoards them as
Orcu wauld !tIlV!' O ll ~ LlIl)' stan/led nil the aomutn.'i vI the 80 Is. animate undead in an army of ever-swelling numbers. I r
perhar>s be aminl/lhe soil' ,lil/ine bt'!Jll)' allowed to continue, the number of undead soon outnumber
"Perhups. Bur .1"-111 prc\'cl1ct'd thl~. Alltl Ja r Iltat. the rnu/th'crse the living, and Orcus moves forward with this vast force to
Is ('[cTnully wC1f~ful. ~ become the most powerful divine being in the l11ultiverse!
Opportunities for roleplaying within this new, darker
A HERO'S REWARD campaign are extensive, and potentials for redemption
would be abundant. should you wish it.
The Raven Queen can offer the adventurers a treasure of
incredible value, beginning with a level 30 magic item of
each character's choice, as well as a chest containing 160
astral diamonds.
If the adv ntUfer succeed. It Is possible that they kill d
Orcus 1n th process.
If Orcus Is slain, It is local to your Glmpalgn-the cos
1110logy of the D&D world does not change. The greater
:The Raven Que n Is d. Orcus is d' troyeel. and the I. story of the world or D&D a publish d In our b ok and
dyentur Is oncluded - unless th 'adventur rs are up for online articles will continue to assum thal Orcus remains
one final challenge as 30th·lev I heroes In full pass sslan an active threat.
of their epic dest ny powers. They can pledge to destroy However. in your own campaign. Orcu ...·s death creates an
th Wand {Orcus In order to make sure the Demon Prince Incr dlble p w r vacuum in the Abyss. Even gods are likely to
of the Undead can never return again. take note. especially Vema. who has desired to discover the
Destroying the Wand requires an eJCtraordinary effort, last few secrets the Demon Prince kept from him. For you.
and can take what ver form you desire. Check out www. Orcus's death offers many possibilities for your n D&D
dndlns for ome suggestions, campaign-who shall rise to claim th throne ofOrcu 7
Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath, craves the power of the
Raven Queen and mastery of death's domain. The key to his
ascension-and the secret to his destruction-lies buried in
the heart of the Abyss. As heroes chase Orcus into the abyssal
depths, evil opposes them at every turn, and each victory brings
them closer to their final fate .

Prince of Undeath " is an adventure that takes characters from

27th level to 30th level. It can be played as a stand·alone
adventure or as the final part of an epic series that concludes
the storyline begun in HI: Keep on the Shadowfell. This folder
includes two adventure books and a double·sided battle map
deSigned for use with D&D · Miniatures.



ISBN : 978-{)-7869-5247·2

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SU9. Relall: u .s. $24.95 CAN 529.95
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