Redox Reaction Answer Paper

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1. [6] CrO,C1, 10.

(c) The electronic configuration of

Let the oxidation state of chromium is x. Cr(24)’Arl4s'3d'
X-4-2 =0 Hence, chromium can show common oxidation sta.
Oxidation State = + 6 from +2 to +6.
2. [59] Let for +2 oxidation state. xbe the percentage. 11. (b) CrO;. Cr*, Change in oxidation number s1
While (0.83 -N) be the percentage of +3oxidation state. +7
2r + 3(0.83 -x) =2 MnO, Mn*, Change in oxidation number =&
CrO 2Cr, Change in oxidation numbr =
% M²= x100 = 59% +3 +4
0.83 ’2 C0,. Change in oxidation number-)
3. [6] Formula of a1monium phosphomolybdate 12. (c) Ox. no. of Kin K,0, [oxide]
(NH,), PO, 12Mo0,
Let X=oxidation state of Mo in MoO, 2r -2 =0
X+(-2) x3 =0
X=+6 Ox. no. of Kin K,0, [peroxide]
2r-2 = 0
4. (d) The reaction of KMnO4 with thiosulphate anion in
X =+1
basic medium is:
Ox. no. of Kin KO, [superoxide]
&MnO, +35,o; +H,0 8MnO,+ 6sO +20H X-l=0
Hence. Change = 7-4 =3 X=+1
13. (b) As in H,PO, phosphorus is present in it's maximum
. (0] Cro.Cr 0 Oxidation state hence it cannot act as reducing agent
Therefore., diference in oxidation state = 0
14. [6] In Br,0,, the number of atoms with zero oxidation
6. (3] In acidic solution, Mn0; disproportionates to MnO, state are zero as shown below:
and MnO,.
+4 o2) ) )
3Mn0? 4H2Mn0, +Mn0, +2H,0
Difference in oxidation state of Mn in product BrBr -2)
=7-4-3 (-2)
7. (4] The reaction of polassium permangate and hydrogen
peroxide in basic medium is given as, In F,0, the number of atom with oxidation state zer0
basic medium are zero and is shown below:
2KMnO, +3H,0, ’ 2MnO, +30,
+ 2H,0 + 2KOH
Mn0, = +4 o2)

8. [5] 10, +H,0,’ I0, +0,

In H,S,O, the number of atom with oxidation stalt
Oxidation number of I in,10,
zero are 2 and is shown below:
’x-8=-1,x = +7
2) 2)
Oxidation number oflin,|0,
X x = +5

9. [1] 2KMn0, + 5H,C, 0, +3H,S0,(dil)’ -2)


K,S0, +2MnSO, +10C0, +8H,0 In H,S,0,, the number of atoms with zero oxidat"
.:. Change in 0.S = 1(+4 to +3) state are 3 and is shownbelow:
There the change in oxidation state ofN from zero
reduction of
or native state of +2 oxidation state and
OXygen from 0 to -2state.
25. [19) In basic medium:
InC,0,, the number of atoms with zero oxidation
2Fe +H,0,’ 2Fe' +20H
state are one and is shown below: In acidic medium:
(0) 2MnO, +5H,0, +6H'’2Mn' +50, +8H,0
0=C=C=C=0 +5 +
So, sum of (x + y + x' + y' +z')=2 +2 +2
15. (d) 210, +10l +12H>61, +6H,0 8= 19
No. of lodine in product = 12 26. (c) 2CuBr’CuBr, +Cu is adisproportionation reaction
So, No. of lodine should be 12 in reactant then x Oxidation state of Cu is changing from +1 to +2 or o.
should be 10 0.02 x 100x5 2x 2x
’|= ’ 2x = y
0.05x 100× 2
X= 10
0 +2
27. (d) Both statement Iand statement Ilare incorrect because,
16. (0) 2Au(CN), +Zn(s) ’2 Au+ in redox titration, indicators are sensitive to oxidation
potential and in acid base titration, indicators are
It is a redox reaction in which Zn displaced Au' sensitive to change in pH of the solution.
Reduction and Oxidation both are taking place.
17. (a) Disproportionation reaction is given in option (a).
-6 -7 +4

3MnO; + 4H ’ 2MnO, + MnO, + 2H,0

18. (c) MnO, + 4H + 3e ’ Mn0, + 2H;O is reduction
process, while rest others are examples of
disproportionation reaction.
19. (d) FeCl, + 3H,0’ Fe(OH), + 3HCI (Hydrolysis)
2AuCl, ’ 2Au (Reduction)
As,0, +3H,S ’ As,S,+3H,0
(Double Decomposition)
SO, +2H,S ’ 3S + 2H,0 (Oxidation)
20. (d) Br has +7 0.S in Br0.therefore it only acts as a
oxidizing reagent and as a result, does not undergo
disproportionation reaction.
21. (*) CIO,, CI,, Mn can show dispropotionation reaction
while Mn0, cannot show disproportionation reaction
as Mn is in +7 oxidation state.
None of the given options is correct.
22. (16] The given equation can be balanced as:
2Mn0, + 5C,0, + 16H’2Mn² + 10CO, +
Hence, value of c= 16
23. (12] The complete balanced equation is:
S,(s) + 120H (aq) ’ 4S (aq) + 2S,0. (aq) +
According to the above reaction, a = 12
24. (c) Combination of dinitrogen with dioxygen at 2000 K
N,(g) +0,g)’ 2NO(g)

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