COCA Curious Over Current Affairs 10 - 19 July

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Weekly Current affairs ( 10 July – 19 July 2022)

Curious Over Current Affairs

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Chandramouli Sir
An Open Letter
उ"यमेन (ह *स",यि.त काया23ण न मनोरथैः। न(ह स<ु त=य *संह=य मख
ु े @Aवशि.त मग
ृ ाः

UPSC Preparation is all about hard work, yet seeing the competition, it warrants Strategic and Smart Work too.

Let’s take the first step of becoming an Aspirant and then we can explore how wonderful this journey could be.

Albeit you require some Special Ingredient for the UPSC Journey, but to your surprise, that Special thing is “You”
Only. Just a realization is needed and then the whole strategy and schedule can be unfurled. You can feel
The happiness even today and set gear to your preparation. You can set happiness all around you, starting from
Your parents and friends. The only thing needed is realization.

Allow me to run along with you on the track to your dreams and spread positivity all around. Let’s make a strategy
Unique to you as per your time. Devote yourself on the strategy and you will be 70% there.

And You can start with a promise to me and Yourself , that you won’t stop.

Your Companion
Chandramouli Chandramouli Sir
News à US President said that ‘two state solution’ (2SS) remains the best way to achieve equal measure of
security, prosperity, freedom, and democracy for Palestinians and Israelis.

काम क% बात(

Chandramouli Sir
Fान कG बातI

Chandramouli Sir
News à CAATSA Exemption for India

The Power of Grouping

काम क% बात(
In the Name of QUAD à US House of Representatives
CAATSA is a law that came into effect in the US in passed a legislative amendment that exempts India
2017, and was meant to punish countries having from economic sanctions under the Countering
deep engagements with Russia, North Korea, and America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
Iran using economic sanctions (CAATSA) for purchasing the S-400 missile defence
system from Russia in 2018 to help deter aggressors
•The S-400 Triumf is a mobile, surface-to-air missile like China.
system (SAM) designed by Russia. It is the most
dangerous operationally deployed modern long-range
In October 2018, India signed a 5.43 billion
SAM (MLR SAM) in the world, considered much ahead of
USD deal with Russia for the S-400 Triumf
the US-developed Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
missile system despite objections from the US
system (THAAD).
and the threat of sanctions under Countering
•The system can engage all types of aerial targets
including aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
ballistic and cruise missiles within the range of 400km, at
an altitude of up to 30km.
•The system can track 100 airborne targets and engage
six of them simultaneously.
Chandramouli Sir

काम क% बात(
to explain the reasons of glaciers
in Karakoram Range are resisting
glacial melt due to global
Why ?
Revival of western disturbances
(WDs) has been instrumental in
triggering and sustaining
As per the Research à
Contribution of WDs in terms of
snowfall volume over core glacier
regions of Karakoram have
increased by about 27% in recent
decades, while precipitation
received from non-WD sources
have significantly decreased by
around 17%
Chandramouli Sir
Godwin-Austen or K2
Highest peak in India
8,611 m

Chandramouli Sir
News à Kala Azar or Black fever disease detected in West Bengal

काम क% बात( Black fever, or Visceral Leishmaniasis or dum dum fever it is a protozoan parasitic disease,
spread by sandfly bites. The flies are infected with the parasite called ‘leishmania donovani’
The vector sandfly is known to live in cracks and crevices of muddy houses, especially in dark and humid corners.
According to the WHO, there are 3 main forms of leishmaniases of which kala-azar is the most serious form.
The disease affects some of the poorest people and is linked to malnutrition, population displacement, poor housing, a
weak immune system and a lack of financial resources. Leishmaniasis is also linked to environmental changes such as
deforestation, and urbanisation, according to WHO.

The only drug available against leishmaniasis, miltefosine, is rapidly losing its effectiveness because
of emerging resistance to this drug due to a decrease in its accumulation inside the parasite.
The disease is endemic in Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. An estimated 165.4 million people are at risk,
according to data from the National Centre for Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NCVBDC).
In people with a light skin tone, greyish discolouration of the skin of hands, feet, abdomen and face may be seen, that is
why the disease is also called “Black fever”, as per the NCVBDC.

National Health Policy-2002 set the goal of Kala-azar elimination in India by the year 2010 which was revised to

Chandramouli Sir
News à Article 62(1) a vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of the President à shall be completed
before the expiration of the term (5 years).
काम क% बात(

The President is elected by an electoral college consisting of MPs of both Houses of Parliament and MLAs of the
states and Delhi and Puducherry.

Nominated members of Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and the Assemblies, and members of state Legislative Councils, are
not part of the Electoral College.

The election is held as per the system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote.

The winning candidate has to secure the required quota of votes to be declared elected, i.e., 50% of valid votes
polled +1.

Anti-defection law is not applicable in the presidential election; thus, electors are not bound to vote along party

Chandramouli Sir
•Article 54: Election of President nomination stage, where the candidate intending to stand
•Article 55: Manner of election of President. in the election, files the nomination along with a signed
•Article 56 :Term of office of President list of 50 proposers and 50 seconders.
•Article 57: Eligibility for re-election. An elector cannot propose or second the nomination of
•Article 58: Qualifications for election as President more than one candidate.

the value of the vote of a Member of Parliament is likely to go down to 700 from 708 due to
the absence of a legislative assembly in Jammu and Kashmir

value of each MLA’s vote is determined by dividing the population of the State by the number of MLAs in its
legislative Assembly, and the quotient achieved is further divided by 1000.Uttar Pradesh for instance, has the
highest vote value for each of its MLAs, at 208. The value of one MLA’s vote in Maharashtra is 175, while that
in Arunachal Pradesh is just 8.

President’s election is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the
single transferable vote and the voting is by secret ballot.

Chandramouli Sir
Chandramouli Sir
News à Ahead of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit to be held in September 2022,
Varanasi has been selected as the SCO region’s first “Tourism and Cultural Capital for 2022-23.
काम क% बात(
The SCO summit will be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan where Varanasi’ “Cultural and Tourism Capital” has been
Iran and Belarus are likely to be the two newest additions to decided under a new rotating initiative to promote people-
the SCO. Earlier, the Cabinet was apprised of the Agreement to-people contacts and tourism among the member
signed among the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, SCO, states.
member states on cooperation in the field of youth work Each year a city of the cultural heritage of a member
among the authorized bodies of the member states of SCO. country that will take over the rotating Presidency of the
India will host the SCO summit next year 2023. organisation will get the title to highlight its prominence.
The expansion of NATO is totally different from SCO--> as
the SCO is a cooperative organisation based on non-
alignment and not targeting a third party

NATO is based on staunch Cold War thinking. The logic of

NATO is creating new enemies and divide to sustain its own

Chandramouli Sir
• SCO is a permanent
intergovernmental international organization.
• It’s a Eurasian political, economic and military
organization aiming to maintain peace, security
and stability in the region.
• It was created in 2001.
• The SCO Charter was signed in 2002, and
entered into force in 2003.

Chandramouli Sir
News à Assam, Arunachal CMs sign pact to resolve border dispute

काम क% बात(
The two states signed an agreement (Namsai Declaration) to end border issues
between the two states and decided to “restrict” the number of disputed villages
to 86 instead of 123.
Chief Ministers of the two North-eastern neighbours met at Namsai in Arunachal
Pradesh and signed the agreement.

The Golden Pagoda Monastery at

Tengapani in Namsai district is a
major tourist destination. Known
as 'Kongmu Kham' in the local Tai-
Khamti language, Golden Pagoda
is one of the largest Buddhist
monasteries in North East India.

Chandramouli Sir
Chandramouli Sir
News à Mission Shakti'

'Mission Shakti', an integrated women empowerment programme, was launched as an umbrella scheme for the safety,
security and empowerment of women
The mission addresses issues affecting women on a life-cycle continuum basis and will be implemented during the 15th
Finance Commission period 2021-22 to 2025-26.

It seeks to reduce care burden on women and increase female labour force participation by promoting skill development,
capacity building, financial literacy, access to micro-credit etc.

Mission Shakti has two sub-schemes - 'Sambal' for safety and security
of women, and 'Samarthya' for empowerment of women.

Under Sambal 100% funding will be provided by Central


Samarthya will be implemented with 60:40 funding

between Centre and State Governments and UTs with
legislature except North East & Special Category States
where ratio is 90:10. For UTs without legislature, 100%
funding will be provided by central government.
Chandramouli Sir

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